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File 170863018546.png - (235.76KB , 1295x1295 , 022124_FromNothingTitle.png )
1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3

From nothing, a new beginning.
586 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1097246 ID: 273c18

The six points of light in its face, we saw something like that above you.
Anyway, just put the marshlight between you and it, and stay defensive for now. Say hello? We didn't know anyone was living here.
No. 1097247 ID: 6f5529

But threat unconfirmed. Agreed, stay defensive, try to communicate.
No. 1097250 ID: bc7e88

Their face looks kind of like the plush-spider eyes, but they stand tall like a person.
Are they a spider pretending to be a person or a person pretending to be a spider? Maybe a spider-person?

Friend? But be careful for fabrics that might try to grapple you. They might be a magician that controls fabrics, and responsible for the plush-golems.
No. 1097251 ID: eb0a9c

Don't attack immediately. Remember, you're the invading adventurer here.
Offer a few runes.
No. 1097252 ID: 861ceb

...scan it, if you'd please.
No. 1097253 ID: 355e44

Oh right, scan it. And tell Fern to be ready to run and hide if a fight starts.
No. 1097254 ID: 0db8d3

If this thing isn't friendly we'll need those to load an offensive spell though!

Offensively, Marshlight is at best a handheld taser.
No. 1097256 ID: 2f41db

We were not messing with you.
The thing above had the same pattern of eyes.
Whatever it is, it is fast and it is quiet.
That means it wanted you to see it right now.
No ambush.
Keep your guard up though.
There's hope for communication,but not worth risking your and ferns safety.

Greet them.
Apologise for intruding.
Even if they dont understand you, the tone of your words will carry simplistic meaning.
No. 1097404 ID: 1effd3
File 172636100909.png - (137.04KB , 900x750 , 091424_FromNothing152_W3AV3R_2.png )

>The six points of light in its face, we saw something like that above you. Anyway, just put the marshlight between you and it, and stay defensive for now. Say hello? We didn't know anyone was living here.
>Spooookyyyyy. But threat unconfirmed. Agreed, stay defensive, try to communicate.
>Sylv. We were not messing with you. The thing above had the same pattern of eyes. Whatever it is, it is fast and it is quiet. That means it wanted you to see it right now. No ambush. Keep your guard up though. There's hope for communication,but not worth risking your and ferns safety. Greet them. Apologise for intruding. Even if they dont understand you, the tone of your words will carry simplistic meaning.
“H-hello? S-sorry, we didn’t realize anyone was living here-”

The mechanical whir speeds up slightly, and it’s posture changes slightly.
Its posture changes slightly again.
”[Apo-po-pologies, it is currently outside of visitation hours.]”
Fern hides behind Silvs dress.

>...scan it, if you'd please.
>Oh right, scan it. And tell Fern to be ready to run and hide if a fight starts.

W3AV3R model no.163
An automaton powered by clockwork and magic.It appears to be in a fair amount of disrepair..
Primary Runic Affinity: Unknown. Secondary: Unknown.
Abilities: [BLOCKED]
Service: 4/6 Priority
[BLOCKED]: 2/6 Priority

”Blocked? Identify can be blocked??”

”[This unit's d-d-designation is that of W3AV3R. An automaton design specifically for use in the t-t-textile industry, as well as security.]”
No. 1097405 ID: 1effd3
File 172636104035.gif - (94.78KB , 720x600 , 091424_FromNothing153_ERROR.gif )

>Don't attack immediately. Remember, you're the invading adventurer here. Offer a few runes.
>If this thing isn't friendly we'll need those to load an offensive spell though! Offensively, Marshlight is at best a handheld taser.
”I have two runes on me, and I don’t know if any of my normal spells will work on it, so keeping the runes ready is a good idea.”

>Be careful for fabrics that might try to grapple you. They might be a magician that controls fabrics, and responsible for the plush-golems.
“Did you make these cute doll things?”

One of W3AV3R’s eyes quickly flashes red, and goes back to blue.
”[Truth be told, the factory has been closed abnormally long. It has been quite …idling. My skills indeed made the fabric golems. They don’t do much besides assisting in sewing. I have also-]”
An eye goes red.
”[Repaired the holes and structural integrity of the factory.]”

“Do you think you can help us out?”

”[In what way?]”

“We came here looking for fabric-”

Another eye goes red. W3AV3R’s begins to jitter increasingly.

Silv slowly begins to back away.
”Tetsi, I think now would be a good time for one of your ideas…!”
No. 1097406 ID: 5b2941

"if you're not open then we'll just leave. when are your visitation hours?"
No. 1097408 ID: eb0a9c

"-and we would like to trade. Our fresh flax for your high-quality fabrics, our fruit-based powder-dyes for your runes."
Flax refers to threads made of plant fiber.
No. 1097414 ID: 113f76

The service mode seems to be struggling against a security mode. Who's in control is the number out of 6.

Stating intent to do business and asking for the visitation hours should hopefully tip things back in favor of service mode.

We don't really have the technical skills to help ease its malfunctions right now, beyond that. We should consider moving outside, but don't approach it, see if it will move aside and allow you to leave. Approaching may tip towards security.
No. 1097416 ID: 2f41db

We dont want to take, we wish to trade.
A factory without purchasers for its orders is not fulfilling its purpose!

They appear torn between higher intelligence and rudimentary protocols.
Need to phrase things in such a way that fit within the frame of the simplistic ruleset that holds influence.
A factory recieves materials.
A factory produces goods.
If these parameters are not met then it is nonfunctional.
We are now part of your supply chain.
No. 1097418 ID: 273c18

Ah, it's of two minds. The red lights seem to be how much it's leaning towards security/aggression. Currently you are breaking two laws: you are trespassing and you have given the indication you're a thief. Best to solve both those problems quickly.
Tell it you are not going to steal, and do not wish to break any of its laws. Perhaps you can talk outside if that's more comfortable? You are willing to purchase fabric. What does it accept as currency or trade?

Hey do you remember anything about robotics? Any chance you could repair this guy? Too bad we don't have a repair spell.
No. 1097422 ID: 861ceb

uh, ask how is planning to buy or trade theft?

Oh, maybe ask for a job so you have a reason to be here without them getting pissy and ask for a tour if they're not against the idea.
No. 1097444 ID: 0db8d3

Before us is a forgotten production and security drone. It is heavily damaged.

It's old directives still function, however, time has given birth to a unique personality beneath. Due to this it has a split personality.

The color of the eyes denote the level of control each personality currently has.
Red for the automaton, blue for the friendly personality.

The red personality is currently in a high state of alarm and control. We need to placate it. If we can avoid a fight, we'll have a new friend we can bring back. Choose your words carefully, Silv.

Raise your hands slowly so it can see you aren't a threat.
Tell it you surrender and would like to be escorted from the building. Once outside, feel free to talk normally to it. The red personality should be much less aggressive with you outside, which will make it safer and easier to talk with blue.

Due to it's nature, if a fight breaks out Marshlight will likely destroy it utterly- but it can probably rip Fern apart in seconds.
May we avoid such tragedies.
No. 1097461 ID: 355e44

Play the part of a prospective client. Apologize for entering uninvited, but there were no listed visiting hours. Ask if they will allow you to step outside so you can discuss business.

It might be a long shot, but see what they can tell you about the owner of this factory, and whether you might be able to purchase it.
No. 1097462 ID: 2a82d3

To trade! Trade! Patch your holes with whatever runes we got, and it'll look nicer than cloth. We swear!
No. 1097662 ID: 1effd3
File 172703742913.png - (210.13KB , 1200x571 , 091924_FromNothing154_.png )

>Ah, it's of two minds. The red lights seem to be how much it's leaning towards security/aggression. Currently you are breaking two laws: you are trespassing and you have given the indication you're a thief. Best to solve both those problems quickly.
Tell it you are not going to steal, and do not wish to break any of its laws. Perhaps you can talk outside if that's more comfortable? You are willing to purchase fabric. What does it accept as currency or trade? Hey do you remember anything about robotics? Any chance you could repair this guy? Too bad we don't have a repair spell.
”I don’t even know what robotics is!”

>"if you're not open then we'll just leave. when are your visitation hours?"
>The service mode seems to be struggling against a security mode. Who's in control is the number out of 6. Stating intent to do business and asking for the visitation hours should hopefully tip things back in favor of service mode.
>We dont want to take, we wish to trade. A factory without purchasers for its orders is not fulfilling its purpose!
>Play the part of a prospective client. Apologize for entering uninvited, but there were no listed visiting hours.
>Oh, maybe ask for a job so you have a reason to be here without them getting pissy and ask for a tour if they're not against the idea.
“We’re here as clients! Sorry for entering without permission, but we didn’t see any visiting hours, and the front door was open!”

Several of W3AV3R’s eyes click to blue,red, and blue again.
”[An honest mistake. Management has been meaning to replace the locks. As for visitation hours, they are from the factories opening hours to early afternoon.]”

“...And what time is it now?”

”[NOT THOSE HOURS.]”, the other personality quickly interjects, reclaiming an eye.

”[...If power were restored, we would consider those the opening hours.]”
”[Management is not present, and there are potential clients standing in the factory. It would look poorly for the c-company if we were to keep them waiting.]”

The mechanical whirring has slowed a bit.
No. 1097663 ID: 1effd3
File 172703746167.png - (296.80KB , 900x750 , 092124_FromNothing155_.png )

“So… how do we do business? Do we make a deal or…?”

”[It would be best to-]”
”[You are finally accepting?]”

“Should we wait here?”


The whir has calmed down.

“Ok! Thank you very much Mr. Weaver. We’ll be right back with those forms!” Silv says, giving a quick bow and turning around to walk down the factory floor.
No. 1097664 ID: 1effd3
File 172703748319.png - (158.37KB , 900x750 , 092224_FromNothing156_.png )


“Yes Fern, we should be all good now, thanks to Tetsi. We just have to get the forms for Mr. Weaver and-”
No. 1097665 ID: 1effd3
File 172703750828.png - (165.90KB , 900x750 , 092224_FromNothing157_.png )

No. 1097666 ID: 1effd3
File 172703752599.png - (88.45KB , 900x750 , 092224_FromNothing158_TRANSGRESSION.png )

No. 1097668 ID: 273c18

Oh great, there's more than one. Tell them you were told by W3AV3R to get forms from building B.
No. 1097669 ID: 5a925d

I think the Security mod just tricked us and service mode
No. 1097671 ID: 0a03a6

"Quote: You must retrieve the forms. We are currently following the instructions of senior on-site security staff."
No. 1097676 ID: 355e44

apologies, we are having trouble parsing your commands and are unfamiliar with this facility. Where exactly are we required to go?
No. 1097684 ID: 2f41db

Im not sure we even got more than a step away...

Tell it "of course were not going to enter without permission. We shall contact security or a position of authority at office b before entering."
Ask it if office b is under their designated duty, and if not then why is it working outside its remit?
Also ask if implying that prospective clients are unprofessional is really the best thing they can do for the company? It could be taken as an insult and jeopardise future contracts...
No. 1097688 ID: eb0a9c

"Protocol C-23 states that any contract that is legally impossible to legally perform is considered nullified and voided! You ordered me to move into a restricted area that I did not have clearance for! If it is illegal for me to follow the orders you gave, you cannot hold me in contempt for breaking the law by following your orders, and you cannot accuse me of rejecting orders if those orders directly lead to illegal actions!"
No. 1097689 ID: 03c58a

Tell them weaver sent you her to gather forms to be able to be able to discuss the purchase or trade of goods and were told to go alone as they couldn’t leave there area and the forms are needed do to staffing issues. If you are unable to go further to retrieve the needed forms do to not being aloud in here you would gladly wait in a more suitable area if they or someone who is aloud to roam the area to retrieve the needed forms.
No. 1097718 ID: 1effd3

There isn't another W3AV3R, this is the same one.
No. 1097719 ID: 273c18

Ask how you are supposed to retrieve the forms, then.
No. 1097723 ID: 5b2941

I don't think Red W3AV3R is interested in doing things the right way; rather, it's using the rules as an excuse to pick a fight. So trying to be reasonable won't work, and making up rules to the workplace they know better than us most definitely won't either.
No. 1097724 ID: 0db8d3

Cast a Marshlight defining the location to be always just beyond Tetsi's leading edge. It should follow our movements precisely. This thing is fast, but a single hit from Marshlight should be lethal to mechanical entities such as this...

Enough of this charade!
You've been outside.
You know your company is no more.
Even if you're slaved to your old directives, you're clearly capable of deciding HOW they're carried out.
So what do you want?
We can help you.
I don't want to hurt you.
No. 1097725 ID: 2a82d3

Oh no, what happened to our friend?

... light?
No. 1097726 ID: 861ceb

...I'm starting to get the inkling we should just burn this place down and look somewhere else. I mean you can make fire, this place is nothing but cloth and dust. Probably go up real nice.
No. 1097822 ID: 2423a8

Waste of resources though. But a significant threat it can be. Or a distraction. But only in a pinch.

This thing’s logic is tricky, but perhaps it can still be unwound. The goal must be to give blue sufficient leverage to overrule red. It asked a question, so it seems it must justify itself, to itself, for each action it takes. Answer it with something that would dissuade it from attacking you while you make for the offices to win further leverage and also get out of its immediate reach, now that it’s blocked your way out.

Such as… "I did. I gave myself permission. Independent thinking people can do that. They can give themselves permission to do what they want. Especially if they’re with management, correct? It is possible. I have lost many of my memories, see. So I could be management. Or know management. Or have permission to be here already, and you are merely not up to date on that fact. Would you like for me to check the offices and find out? Maybe they’re still back there, waiting for someone to help them, and it’d an emergency, yet you are not allowed to enter - but I can. I want to help."

Or somesuch. Throw real spanners in the gear of straightforward logics while encouraging it to think for itself and accept your assistance. Whether it was a complete automaten to begin with, it has certainly deceloped a personality - or two! - in the time it’s spent here since.
No. 1097855 ID: 1effd3
File 172738129054.png - (133.14KB , 900x750 , 092624_FromNothing159_ITSY.png )

>I think the Security mod just tricked us and service mode
>I don't think Red W3AV3R is interested in doing things the right way; rather, it's using the rules as an excuse to pick a fight. So trying to be reasonable won't work, and making up rules to the workplace they know better than us most definitely won't either.
”I think you’re right Tetsi…”

"Quote: You must retrieve the forms. We are currently following the instructions of senior on-site security staff."

The mechanical whirring speeds up and slows down randomly.

>Also ask if implying that prospective clients are unprofessional is really the best thing they can do for the company? It could be taken as an insult and jeopardise future contracts…
“The way you had phrased it previously sounded like you were giving us permission. Are you implying that prospective clients are unprofessional is really the best thing you can do for the company?”

You can hear several small gears skipping against each other as one of W3AV3Rs eyes regains its blue color.
”[He r-refuses to listen. The c-company is no more, but he insists on the opposite.]”
No. 1097856 ID: 1effd3
File 172738131320.png - (158.21KB , 900x750 , 092624_FromNothing160_BITSY.png )

>...I'm starting to get the inkling we should just burn this place down and look somewhere else. I mean you can make fire, this place is nothing but cloth and dust. Probably go up real nice.
>Waste of resources though. But a significant threat it can be. Or a distraction. But only in a pinch.
”We are still inside the place you want to burn down…”

>This thing’s logic is tricky, but perhaps it can still be unwound. The goal must be to give blue sufficient leverage to overrule red. It asked a question, so it seems it must justify itself, to itself, for each action it takes. Answer it with something that would dissuade it from attacking you while you make for the offices to win further leverage and also get out of its immediate reach, now that it’s blocked your way out.
>Cast a Marshlight defining the location to be always just beyond Tetsi's leading edge. It should follow our movements precisely. This thing is fast, but a single hit from Marshlight should be lethal to mechanical entities such as this… Enough of this charade! You've been outside. You know your company is no more. Even if you're slaved to your old directives, you're clearly capable of deciding HOW they're carried out. So what do you want? We can help you. I don't want to hurt you.

The eyes return to all red.
No. 1097857 ID: 1effd3
File 172738132944.png - (210.71KB , 900x750 , 092624_FromNothing161_SPIDER.png )

W3AVER moves into Marshlights sphere of illumination.

Red W3AV3R cannot be reasoned with. Your options are:
-Run away into the rest of the factory and hide.
No. 1097858 ID: 5b2941

>-Run away into the rest of the factory and hide.
No, fuck that noise. Red knows the layout and you don't, that's how you get picked off and can't protect Fern.
I feel sorry for Blue since they share a body, but it's time to fuck Red up.
No. 1097864 ID: 77df9e

Oh this jerk. This fine piece of jerky. Chasing us away to protect this place is one thing, but toying with us? Who knows if he will stop at just pursuit? This sadist needs to be stopped pronto. Lets teach him a painful lesson on why his own personal opinions should not overwrite his duty.
No. 1097869 ID: 273c18

10 seconds? That's long enough to make a good spell. Lightning mortar is tempting, but against an agile target it might miss. So we'd need a different Interia...
Static as the core, stream as Inertia, and Primal to augment it? That'd be a kind of lightning hose with... whatever Primal does.
I wonder if Static core, Static inertia, Static augment makes sense. Lightning delivered as lightning, with MORE LIGHTNING.

Actually... can you just cast a bunch of Marshlights around you, so red weaver can't get past? I'm not sure how good the shock effect is on them, or how many you can make in 10 seconds.
No. 1097870 ID: a574cf

Doesnt silv only have 2 runes with her?
No. 1097871 ID: 5b2941

>Actually... can you just cast a bunch of Marshlights around you, so red weaver can't get past? I'm not sure how good the shock effect is on them, or how many you can make in 10 seconds.
just make sure you don't forget W3AV3R can come from above
No. 1097873 ID: 2f41db

You can do your damndest to avoid picking a fihht silv, but sometimes the fight picks you...

You did your best.
Get fern behind you.
Fleeing would be like running off into a spiders lair...
Wisdom here sylv.
Static and shock is the way to go.
I suspect electricity would be disruptive for weaver.
No. 1097876 ID: 4f24ee

Fleeing deeper into a spider's lair is definitely not a great idea.
Machines will be vulnerable to electricity. Whatever we do, it should use the element of surprise Weaver just gave us to give him a shock.

As a machine made out of minerals, Weaver's body may also be vulnerable to magic such as Tremor.
No. 1097878 ID: 0db8d3

It will have difficulty harming you through your exoskeleton, Silv...
But it can shred Fern with ease!

I'm confident you can defeat it with just the Marshlight on the end of us, but we need to alter our current spell...

Let's see... Let's try this:

Replace the Flare rune in Marshlight with a Static run. Have this new Static rune modify the core Static rune to increase frequency to two billion, four hundred and fifty million energy pulses per second.

Then cast the spell like Marshlight.

This will create an invisible Marshlight that emits something called microwaves. It's dangerous to stay near it for too long, but the speed of damage and range of effect will be Much greater on anything made of metal.

...You may also hear horrifying mind splitting things coming from metal surfaces, since the Eldritch rune is involved.
No. 1097883 ID: 355e44

If ten seconds is enough to weave a spell, then how about this?
Static core; Gale for a wide spread; and toxin for penetration

Also fern should sneak away while W3av3r is focused on you. maybe the little spiders will help if they like blue w3av3r more than red.

(This is a long shot, but if we can disable W3av3r that sould give us time to find documentation to make us an employee, or even owner)
No. 1097950 ID: 8b0948

We'll take your mechanical corpse with us when we're done with you, W3AVER. Perhaps in time you'll find yourself repaired and in a kinder place than this.
No. 1098193 ID: 1effd3
File 172800522722.png - (177.50KB , 900x750 , 100324_FromNothing162_Fern_is_not_brave.png )

>No, fuck that noise. Red knows the layout and you don't, that's how you get picked off and can't protect Fern. I feel sorry for Blue since they share a body, but it's time to fuck Red up.
>Oh this jerk. This fine piece of jerky. Chasing us away to protect this place is one thing, but toying with us? Who knows if he will stop at just pursuit? This sadist needs to be stopped pronto. Lets teach him a painful lesson on why his own personal opinions should not overwrite his duty.
>You can do your damndest to avoid picking a fight silv, but sometimes the fight picks you…You did your best. Get fern behind you. Fleeing would be like running off into a spiders lair...

>Tetsi has chosen violence!<
“Fern, get behind me-”
Fern is currently running to the other end of the factory.
Fern has disengaged from combat!
No. 1098194 ID: 1effd3
File 172800525634.png - (225.11KB , 900x750 , 100324_FromNothing163_Marshlight_Spam.png )

>10 seconds? That's long enough to make a good spell. Lightning mortar is tempting, but against an agile target it might miss. So we'd need a different Interia… Static as the core, stream as Inertia, and Primal to augment it? That'd be a kind of lightning hose with... whatever Primal does. I wonder if Static core, Static inertia, Static augment makes sense. Lightning delivered as lightning, with MORE LIGHTNING. Actually... can you just cast a bunch of Marshlights around you, so red weaver can't get past? I'm not sure how good the shock effect is on them, or how many you can make in 10 seconds.
>Wisdom here sylv. Static and shock is the way to go. I suspect electricity would be disruptive for weaver.
>Fleeing deeper into a spider's lair is definitely not a great idea.
Machines will be vulnerable to electricity. Whatever we do, it should use the element of surprise Weaver just gave us to give him a shock.
>If ten seconds is enough to weave a spell, then how about this? Static core; Gale for a wide spread; and toxin for penetration
>Doesnt silv only have 2 runes with her?
”Maybe it’s best if Fern gets some distance while I’m dealing with W3AV3R”, Silv thinks, looking back towards W3AV3R. They haven’t moved from their spot yet.
Silv doesn't have enough runes on her for a maxed spell, she doesn't know if she can modify an existing spell, and now does not seem like the best time to try that out. She decides the best plan is probably to cast Marshlight as much as she can with the time she has left.

>This is a long shot, but if we can disable W3av3r that should give us time to find documentation to make us an employee, or even owner
>We'll take your mechanical corpse with us when we're done with you, W3AVER. Perhaps in time you'll find yourself repaired and in a kinder place than this.
With the time remaining, Silv is able to surround herself with 9 Marshlights, in addition to the Marshlight anchored to Tetsi. The plan is to use Static to disable W3AV3R, and find a way to stop Security mode!
No. 1098195 ID: 1effd3
File 172800528799.png - (205.23KB , 900x750 , 100324_FromNothing164_Pounce.png )


The internal mechanical whir intensifies. W3AV3Rs body vibrates in anticipation.

Suddenly, W3AV3R lunges towards Silv, and Silv covers her face.
No. 1098196 ID: 1effd3
File 172800530608.png - (593.59KB , 900x750 , 100324_FromNothing165_CRITICAL_ERROR.png )

Upon contact with multiple instances of Marshlight, a horrific sound between that of screeching metal and a thunderclap reverberate through the building. W3AV3R staggers backwards urgently, bumping into the silent machinery and giant spools of thread.
”[␦C-C-RITICᗆL ER-R-RꓤOR␦ SHORTᗄ-AGE OC-C-C-CUꓤRENCE TO ᛗA-A-AGIC DRIVE␦ EᛗEꓤGEN-N-NCY SHUTDO-O-OWN␦]” W3AV3R stutters before finally collapsing to the ground.

Silv and Tetsi stand there silently for a few moments watching W3AV3Rs body. It’s silent.
“...Sorry Mr. W3AV3R.” Silv says, quickly turning and running down the factory floor.

Reaching the end of the building, Silv calls and looks for Fern, but they’re nowhere to be found.
“Do you think Fern ran into the other building Tetsi? The office one?” she asks, looking through the hole in the wall towards the structure across the tented in area.
No. 1098197 ID: 1effd3
File 172800533953.png - (199.24KB , 900x750 , 100324_FromNothing166_Uh_Oh.png )


The ominous sound echoes through the building, making Silv turn back.
...Oh those are big needles.


”...Tetsi I’m going to start running now.”
No. 1098198 ID: 861ceb

...I know we're in mortal peril right now but I can't help but wonder how and why a simple clothing factory had a security system this lethal? This couldn't have been legal.

Oh and if you can get into a hallway think a use of the tremor spell might be able to collapse it to stop the security golem from the "totally legal and not at all a front" company from following you?
No. 1098200 ID: 5b2941

>”...Tetsi I’m going to start running now.”
And how will that help you? W3AV3R has repeatedly demonstrated being faster than you. If you let your fear cloud your judgement, you're just prey. You'll have to fight again, and how about next time you don't turn your back on an enemy without making sure they're down for the count first?
No. 1098210 ID: 273c18

We can't see where you are now, do you have an escape route? You can at least use Marshlights behind you as you flee to block pursuit...

I kindof want to set a trap. Put a puddle of water down with a trail leading to you and hit it with Static. Except, Static might just go into the ground...
Lighting something on fire might serve as a decent distraction, force Weaver to prioritize putting out the fire?
No. 1098215 ID: 355e44

Looks like too tough to fight head on. Lets hide for a bit and look around for some machinery that might be rigged to trap. Something that could cut or crush his limbs. Bet you if you slap a machine with static it will operate for a second.
No. 1098220 ID: 2f41db

Running looks good.

How big a marshlight can you make? One big light or enough to block an exit?
Float a few as you run just to slow the pursuit.
No. 1098241 ID: 0db8d3

I got it!
So Marshlight is designed to exist in whatever arbitrary space you defined, and as we've seen it can move and be anchored.

So, Visualize in 3D space overlayed upon your vision a sphere. Define the Marshlights to anchor to whatever location that imaginary sphere appears to be to you.
Now you can shoot Marshlights!
I can do you one better though!
Cast many Marshlights like this, but only imagine the sphere at the moment of casting, then stop. Once you have at least a dozen or so Imagine the sphere overlaying W3AV3R, and watch as he gets absolutely BOMBARDED.

Alternatively you can make a Marshlight (say, an anchored one) much more dangerous by throwing both an Eldritch and a Static in at the same time. Due to how Eldritch is programmed, throwing either in by themselves could cause the Marshlight to explode! So be careful if you do so.
That said, I'm sure you can think of some uses for an explosion right now!
No. 1098295 ID: 7ac383

Could also just find a chokepoint like a doorway and put marshlights in it so W3 has a hard time moving through.

And then even if they try wriggling past you bonk ‘em with us into ‘em. Mind you watch out they just stab for ya. Use well the cover provided by such an action.
No. 1098296 ID: 7ac383

Ah, and option of last-ish resort. If you get stung, grabbed or can touch, ‘em, grab a marshlight while you’re connected to them. A jolt to W3 seems to induce a far worse reaction than a jolt to you.

And if you do get them disabled again, try to see if you can’t detach the head. Maybe put up a marshlight as backup so you can keep jolting it.
No. 1098298 ID: 273c18

Forming a conduit seems like a really bad idea. Better to use Static directly on the robot.
No. 1098312 ID: 273c18

Maybe it's time to combine two Static runes to try to get a stronger electricity spell. Surely the result won't explode instantly.
No. 1098329 ID: 2931b7

I bet it will of she throws that result into a Marshlight!
No. 1098531 ID: 1effd3
File 172876360956.png - (157.53KB , 900x750 , 101224_FromNothing167_.png )

>We can't see where you are now, do you have an escape route? You can at least use Marshlights behind you as you flee to block pursuit...
The area ahead is a courtyard between the main factory building and the building with the offices. It’s enclosed by a huge canopy of fabric stitched to the walls and ground, letting a small amount of light into the area.
...Wait, how did they stitch fabric to stone???

You know, now might not be the optimal time to fry the child's brain?

>...I know we're in mortal peril right now but I can't help but wonder how and why a simple clothing factory had a security system this lethal? This couldn't have been legal. Oh and if you can get into a hallway think a use of the tremor spell might be able to collapse it to stop the security golem from the "totally legal and not at all a front" company from following you?
>Looks like too tough to fight head on. Lets hide for a bit and look around for some machinery that might be rigged to trap. Something that could cut or crush his limbs. Bet you if you slap a machine with static it will operate for a second.
>Could also just find a chokepoint like a doorway and put marshlights in it so W3 has a hard time moving through. And then even if they try wriggling past you bonk ‘em with us into ‘em. Mind you watch out they just stab for ya. Use well the cover provided by such an action.
”From the windows, the offices seem a lot more cramped than the factory building. That should make it harder to follow me, right?”
Quickly running over, Silv finds a door that's ajar. This might be where Fern ran off to!
No. 1098532 ID: 1effd3
File 172876363280.png - (131.08KB , 900x750 , 101224_FromNothing168_WittyFileNamesArentEasyOK.png )

>And how will that help you? W3AV3R has repeatedly demonstrated being faster than you.
>Ah, and option of last-ish resort. If you get stung, grabbed or can touch, ‘em, grab a marshlight while you’re connected to them. A jolt to W3 seems to induce a far worse reaction than a jolt to you
>Forming a conduit seems like a really bad idea. Better to use Static directly on the robot.
“Where is W3AV3R?”, Silv asks as she peers through one of the dusty windows.

W3AV3R is only just exiting the main factory building, still equipped with its giant needles, but visibly unsteady and slow. Seems it running into several Marshlights did actually do something to hinder it. But leaving a few Marshlights strewn about is still a good idea.

>How big a marshlight can you make? One big light or enough to block an exit?
”I think I can only make one size right now. But we need to hurry and find Fern and those papers! Where should we go? And should I get rid of the Marshlight stuck to you?”

Options are limited:
Keep the Marshlight stuck to Tetsi for defense, but risk being tracked easier.
Search the downstairs offices, allowing W3AV3R to get closer.
Search upstairs, giving you some more time to search and hide.
No. 1098537 ID: 273c18

Oh thank god it's slow now.

Search upstairs, I think. Can you do the marshlight-attachment thing but with the marshlight further away from the attachment point? If so, you could use it as a long range attack and actually fight effectively. Especially if you can put like five of them in a line.
No. 1098539 ID: 355e44

Leave this marshlight here and get upstairs quick.
No. 1098540 ID: 0db8d3

She should be able to, but it appears she has to be very near the initial cast point. Silv would need to put us down, at least briefly, to do so.

I worry this could make us unwieldy, though. Even if Marshlights are weightless, Silv hasn't ever wielded anything that large. In a place so filled with flammable things, I worry that might accidentally start a fire..
No. 1098541 ID: 0db8d3

I think we can end this with an ambush.

Leave the Marshlight on and go downstairs, knowing we'll be followed. Find a good corner or other ambush hiding spot, and Then turn off the Marshlight.

Prepare a static rune, wait for W3AV3R, and hit him with it directly when he appears!
While he's suffering it's effects, cast one more Marshlight very near him, and throw a static rune into it to finish him off!
No. 1098543 ID: 273c18

Static basically requires Silv to touch the target to transmit the electric shock, and it's a mild shock as well. I don't think it would do very much.
No. 1098544 ID: 2f41db

Weaver has seen us wth the light.
It does present an opportunity to have a diversion if pursued.
You can send the light one way while you hide or go another direction.

Keep that in reserve.
For now, dim it and search upstairs.
Fern will have gone to ground somewhere im sure.
Somewhere cramped and safe like her other hideyholes she usedbin the past.
No. 1098555 ID: c8bbff

Marshlight flail whip seems like a good combat option. Marshlights attached to each other at the end of the staff.

Keep the light for now. We know it works to stun Weaver, and Weaver probably has night vision anyways. Better we even the odds of being able to see.

Go upstairs to search.
No. 1098557 ID: 273c18

Oh I was thinking of more like an extended line making a staff or spear. One long enough to beat Weaver's needle range advantage might be difficult to carry through indoors areas though.
No. 1098561 ID: 0db8d3

Good point...
What if we have her open up with a blast grenade instead?
Silv'll need to be fast with the follow up, but W3AVER certainly won't be expecting it. He'll be caught well off guard.
No. 1098601 ID: 1effd3
File 172895362111.png - (185.50KB , 900x551 , 101424_FromNothing169_.png )

>Snuff the light, and go upstairs.
Leaving a few Marshlights in the hallways while snuffing hers out, Silv quietly crawls up the stairs onto the 2nd floor.

>Static? Grenade?
”Static I have to touch with, and I don't think throwing blast runes in here is a good idea…”, she thinks, almost tripping on a pile of papers in the hallway.
Downstairs, you can hear the door Silv entered from squeak open. W3AV3R is now in the building.

No. 1098602 ID: 1effd3
File 172895364765.png - (191.02KB , 900x750 , 101424_FromNothing170_IsYourPrizeBehindDoorNumber1.png )

”Seems like W3AV3R’s never been here before. That should help us hide from it while we look for the papers.”
Silv checks the doors, seeing which rooms are open. So far you’ve found a closet, a room with FAR too much paper in lots of boxes, and several other locked doors. Near the end is a room with a desk and some shelving. Still no sign of Fern however.

Which room would you like to check?
No. 1098603 ID: 5b2941

>Seems like W3AV3R’s never been here before
Hasn't it? I mean, W3AV3R is the only one around and there doesn't seem to be any dust in here, it could've said it out loud just to throw us off.

>Which room would you like to check?
Office. Let's find out a bit more about this place.
No. 1098604 ID: 273c18

Office is where the forms should be.
No. 1098605 ID: 355e44

Office is best bet.
No. 1098606 ID: a02a72

Office is where we would find forms, yeah. Either an employment form or a maintenance form for the robot. Can you even read?
No. 1098613 ID: bfb6f3

Paperwork is usually kept in the office… unless they were an alcoholic, then that’s where you keep the booze.
No. 1098615 ID: bf9b61

W3AV3R may not have been here before, but he'll be looking for the office too since he knows what you're looking for. Meanwhile, hiding in the closet is a cliche, he'll definitely check...
But perhaps the storeroom could offer enough cover to evade and double back to the office...
No. 1098620 ID: deb35c

What makes you think W3AV3R is the only one around? There could be another thing assigned to this building. Maybe they are territorial.
No. 1098622 ID: 2f41db

More chance of forms and unexpected boons.
Could even be lucky enough to find an authorised visitor badge.
No. 1098800 ID: 1effd3
File 172945289338.png - (380.37KB , 900x750 , 102024_FromNothing171_SoonAPlotTwist.png )

>Overwhelming Office
Dust kicks up as Silv slowly closes the door behind her. Books and papers line the shelves, while a single window dimly lights the desk in the room. Several books and piles of papers have fallen over, edges falling apart.
”Fern? Feeeern?”
No sign of Fern.
You hear W3AV3R bumping into things downstairs.

>What makes you think W3AV3R is the only one around? There could be another thing assigned to this building. Maybe they are territorial.
>Seems like W3AV3R’s never been here before hasn't it? I mean, W3AV3R is the only one around and there doesn't seem to be any dust in here, it could've said it out loud just to throw us off.
“W3AV3R said it was made specifically for cloth stuff right? So wouldn’t it be where all the cloth for security make sense instead of here?”
Silv stifles a cough from the airborne dust, trying to be quiet.
No. 1098801 ID: 1effd3
File 172945291047.png - (217.18KB , 900x750 , 102024_FromNothing172_SilvCannotRead.png )

>Can you even read?
Silv heads over to the desk, where you see some old order forms, a newspaper article about a war, a manual for something, and an employee manifest. Silv picks up a random paper to her face.
”...Tetsi, I don’t think I know how to read.”
Well that’s unfortunate-

...Wait, how did you know what was on the table?
No. 1098802 ID: 5beadc

you're asking us? I mean we clearly have an ability to take in information about our environment, if nothing else.
No. 1098803 ID: 1f1547

Uhhh, look for "registration paperwork". Also possibly inspect "employee manifest".
No. 1098804 ID: 1f1547

Uhhh, look for "registration paperwork". Also possibly inspect "employee manifest".
No. 1098806 ID: 861ceb

uh, shove the paper in my face and I'll give it a try.
No. 1098807 ID: 273c18

We can read! Point us at things.
Let's... examine all the papers scattered around. Also read the newspaper. Can we do that? I hope our vision isn't limited to general descriptions.
No. 1098808 ID: 0db8d3

We're a multitudinous multidimensional intellect. It would be weird if we *couldn't* read.

*Points out the employee manifest*
Get me closer to that.
No. 1098809 ID: 6eb83c

It seems we can read.

Direct Silv in adding her name to the employee manifest, then stow it. W3AV3R still might not listen, but it's something in our pocket to give blue more leverage for control in an emergency.
No. 1098810 ID: 63709c

See if there is a nameplate on the desk so we can name drop the boss when we confront weaver.
No. 1098842 ID: 2f41db

Agreed entirely.
Even if its a form for bring your pet to work day, it serves its purpose.
A prop for a distraction and a mental purchase for blue to grab onto.

Keep an eye out for a little card with a face and words on it covered in a transparent membraine.
Even an incorrect id has to be checked first.
Itd buy seconds at most, but that can be what you need sometimes.
No. 1098854 ID: 9bbb0e

Oh, and we should look for anything like a security override password.
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