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File 170734751190.jpg - (1.13MB , 1534x1228 , Monster queen76.jpg )
1082765 No. 1082765 ID: dc13c4

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Discussion Thread

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No. 1094083 ID: c5529d

If your comfortable enough, i recommend you tell him, he is your partner after all, and it might be good to talk about your concerns to someone you are a little more comfortable with for some peace of mind
No. 1094084 ID: ddc903

Tell about the crown on the pice of paper. If something is bothering you it would be for the best to share it with your partner.
No. 1094126 ID: 4c885b

Can't hide things from Abdle, that's no way to treat a friend.
No. 1094136 ID: da4acd
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) That is a silly thing to do.

B) I understand where your are coming from.

C) You should stop doing that.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1094176 ID: ab47f3

Remember the past to avoid repeating it. However you do so is right.
No. 1094180 ID: ddc903

That is silly and you should stop doing it, no more looking in your past and start looking for your future. The king was a flawed human and you are not that, well you are not that any longer.
No. 1094181 ID: a614df

I agree with this. Basically, i think its important that we should look into your father's history as king, learn from his mistakes, and success and become a better leader he was to continue the legacy
No. 1094213 ID: 1594a5
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Talk with the god of Dreams.

B) Ignore the god of Dreams.
No. 1094215 ID: ddc903

Go with it, talking with that god can be beneficial even if that god doesn't help us. At least then we will be able to know how that deity works, so if we ever get a chance to meet the worshipers of that god we will know how to exploit them.
No. 1094233 ID: 5ebd37

May as well, get a feel for the guy
No. 1094234 ID: c5529d

Eh, i feel we shouldnt disturb him until we really need to speak with him. Gods can be kinda holier than thou after all, and see us as insignificant.
No. 1094266 ID: c51648

We know nothing about this guy at all. So no idea if this is good or bad. Give us a dossier from the intelligence division so- *ahem* Do we have info? Or somebody who has info?
No. 1094267 ID: c5529d

Orbital probably can scan that symbol at least

that also gives me an idea: we can tomorrow probably have Orbital scan that thing scarecrow kid gave us too
No. 1094321 ID: 0f6e7c
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Spit in the eye of the god.

B) Introduce yourself.

C) Cry...just cry.

D) Beg for forgiveness.

E) Other suggestions.
No. 1094333 ID: 4b21e5

Ha you eldritch abominations really have to learn I'm far scarier than you are. (Go big or go home - let's play hardball.) Spare the threats. We're here to make a mutually beneficial deal. We have subjects. Surely more worshippers is worthwhile. Perhaps if this goes well mutual patronage could be arranged. Of course if we can't do business perhaps other gods will instead...
No. 1094334 ID: 40ec1a

Morpheus the Dreamwalker, hello. How's Laura? Or Absolution?

Anyways, Mossy sent us.

We be humble Lesser demons advising these two.

Go ahead and introduce yourself, Bobbie and Abdle.
No. 1094335 ID: 862e0e

We were given your card and just wanted to see if you were interested in a deal. If not then we will simply leave you be.

And we're not just anybody. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of a growing regional power.
No. 1094339 ID: 27fceb

Tell them that the interruption will rise and that there will no loger be any needs for dreams or sleep ony waking nightmares.
No. 1094362 ID: b000d2
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Possible answers to the first question that was asked:

A) I saw it.

B) I didn't see it.

C) To me that symbol looked like two bears high fiving.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the second question that was asked:

A) I get that it is a good thing for your god.

B) Does your god want to give me something?

C) I am willing to pelage my allegiance to him.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1094375 ID: 44c167

Are the two lions holding up the sheep? I don't see it.

'dream creator' as in, she's inspiring? Someone with a lot of influence over others? Encourages them to dream big, of a better future
No. 1094427 ID: 7e654e

Wasn't paying attention to the shape. Didn't design it just inscribed the shape. So dream creator huh? Sounds like we're building a dream for ourselves plus whoever joins our group. We're hoping unlike a dream it's no illusion but a shining beacon to all.
No. 1094430 ID: 5de8cd

I didn't notice the symbol being the sheep. As for your god, if we impressed the god can we get some dream magic from him?
No. 1094533 ID: 27fceb
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For this question it is a simple game of word association, so I wouldn't spoil the fun by giving answers.
No. 1094536 ID: c5529d

No. 1094543 ID: 44c167

No. 1094558 ID: 27fceb

No. 1094574 ID: ec398b

Hmm well if we're talking dreams that can be created, going with "clashing." Since dreams can conflict often one or more has to die for one to be achieved.
No. 1094578 ID: 5d0739
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Make more of the glory dreams.

B) Make more of the fear dreams.

C) Make more of the devotion dreams.

D) Make more of the alluring dreams.

E) Other suggestions.
No. 1094615 ID: 27fceb

Go with B) they need to fear us and that is our strongest weapon.
No. 1094620 ID: c5529d

Is bet that the alluring dream is inspired by the archer

Im torn between A or C.
A is good to help keep the villagers on our side while C can be a bit of a more fun way to be a false prophet to others, and still give people hope. This feels like the most subtle option too

I'll lean towards C. But might switch to A
No. 1094621 ID: 3091c7

Fun as 3 is it's a standard that we will fail to achieve. Should the image shatter what will we have? 2 will be bad for allies, so it's begging for a coup. Of the last ones both would help gain allies but 4 may jilt a lot of them so 1 it is.
No. 1094625 ID: c5529d

Thinking it through, I think I'll do C all the way. A I think will put too much of an unrealistic expectation on people, especially since we can't really fight and have to rely on manipulation. C while seems a bit too holier for my taste and culty, does at least still inspire people like A would. Plus, these are dreams, used to subtly influence towards a direction, not totally mind control into totally worshiping us
No. 1094632 ID: 44c167

A would push us to a militant bent we could not sustain.
B has a high chance of backfiring and just netting us more enemies.
D is just archer, hopefully. Not that he seems to need encouragement.

So C seems the best use, just don't actually start a cult in the waking world.
No. 1094637 ID: f38324
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Accept the gift.

B) Refuse the gift.
No. 1094639 ID: 27fceb

Might as well do this, at least one try can let us see how this might work.
No. 1094640 ID: 44c167

A) see where this goes
No. 1094641 ID: 3c2abf

Got two options. First is the cat however the second is our potential enemy within our side. Wormworks. Would like to see how he really feels.
No. 1094642 ID: 3ef18f
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Conjoined heart, the kids fans

B) Oozing heart, Maya Din

C) Misaligned heart, the Executioner

D) Companion heart, Worm Works
No. 1094649 ID: 44c167

D) we are in dire need of insight on that sneak
No. 1094650 ID: 27fceb

We definitely need to enter the dream of Worm Work.
No. 1094659 ID: 41ad70

Wormworks. Hes either in trouble, or is trouble.
No. 1094677 ID: 3a0b21
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) It doesn't matter.

B) He sees you as not important.

C) He sees you as a weakling.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1094678 ID: 9f5639

D. In this role reversal, He sees Abdle as the one in control of actions in their relationship, not Bobbie. Keep in mind this is just his perspective, you both keep each other in control, and we help manage that. He just hasnt seem Bobbie's strengths yet.

Also, wow, never seen bobbie act this way. Calm down, its a dream.
No. 1094681 ID: 27fceb

He sees you two interchangeable, that or he sees you Bobbie as an alcoholic.
No. 1094683 ID: 65968d

So he believes Bobbie to be trapped as a demon's pawn instead of how it is. Possibly due to her curse. Feels like there's implications. Still it's just one piece of the puzzle.
No. 1094685 ID: 44c167

It does seem to suggest that ww views Abdle as the one in charge
No. 1094784 ID: 123df0
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It up to you to choose what question you should make Worm Works answer.
No. 1094789 ID: bb45d0

What are you truly planning? Where do we wind up once your plan is finished?
No. 1094790 ID: 44c167

You sold us a hot castle, you shitty fence. Then you come skulking around and act cartoonishly shifty. And invite your weird friends over without so much as a by-your-leave. So why should we tolerate or trust you any longer?
No. 1094791 ID: 27fceb

What did you do with Mandy?
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