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File 170520257653.jpg - (463.18KB , 800x600 , cadvere 00.jpg )
1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1097428 ID: e6ebbf

I think we are on a timer, so cut for her, pick up what needs to be picked up and, move your position.
No. 1097449 ID: d58817

It is unwise to further tempt fate, especially with Lisel injured. Can we not attempt to take the bat with us, and butcher it later? We must move, and now, if we are to move at Lisel's reduced pace.
No. 1097479 ID: b07cdc

I think it is time to leave, as neither we nor Lisel should try to fight any of these monsters one vs one while the other harvests organs.
We should grab Lisel, the brain, and maybe the perforated piece of paper we ripped from the creature's back. Then make a break for it before whatever is in the cabinet spots us leaving and gives chase. We should maybe head back to the lounge, since it's nearby and relatively safe.
Prioritize our safety, we can get the heart another day if we survive this one.
No. 1097498 ID: 355e44
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Gently, you close your paw around hers, and push her blade aside. Drawing your long knife you stand over the cadaver. Butchering a fellow animal hews nauseatingly close to bestial cannibalism, but you steel yourself and strike. Lisel trembles yet doesn't look away as you quickly clear the decrepit flesh from the bat's ribs. Prying the bones apart reveals yet another metallic intrusion.

Where the bat's heart should be is a strange vessel, sprouting wires that burrow into the surrounding muscles. In its center a wheel ticks, half turning before resetting. You drive your knife into the thicket of wires and start cutting the horrid thing loose. As the connections are severed the body jolts and jerks. With one last spasm the last is cut, the device clicking to a halt. Glowing liquid oozes from a rent where you scraped the side, hissing when it meets flesh. Lisel hands you a thick cloth, and you hurriedly wrap it up, glad to get it out of your sight.
No. 1097499 ID: 355e44
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The scratching is getting louder in the cabinet, it's well time you were out of this room. Lisel gathers the little bundle in her arms and you hastily escort her to the door. Looking down the hallway towards the room you know the others are hunting in, its a long walk of at least twenty feet. The runner carpet bunches in few spots, but otherwise there is no cover from the guard patrol of three armed rats, which even now you can see are headed this way. A few inches from you is a hole in the floor, large enough to give you access to the underfloor.

Back in the bathroom you hear a thud as the box that was blocking the hole in the cabinet falls over.
No. 1097501 ID: 273c18

Guess we're gonna try escaping through the underfloor.
No. 1097515 ID: 3a75c4

Is it possible for us to return the way we came, the more we push forward the more monsters are there. We are not equipped for any more fights.
No. 1097553 ID: b07cdc

We could try going into the underfloor for cover while the guards patrol. If they don't notice us and walk by, climb back out. If they do notice us or if something else causes them to stay active in the hall, venture through the underfloor.
Also if we do go into the underfloor, make sure to have the lantern light as low as possible.
No. 1097752 ID: 355e44
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Lisel winds her lamp down to the barest hint of light. Under cover of darkness the two of you slip into the hole in the floor. Clinging to the wall, you peek out as the glowing eyes of the guards slowly make their way down the hall. Below you spiderfolk pass unseen, their skittering loud in the dusty underfloor. No doubt they are headed to the bathroom to catch you. The occasional bat screech echoes down the corridors.

"This is odd" Lisel murmurs beside you, "they haven't responded so... stridently in the past."

After a long, tense wait the three guards slink past. Their seem to take no notice of your presence, nor of the scurrying below. Once they are well past you ascend, pulling Lisel up behind you. The pair of you pad softly down the carpet to the door of the servant's quarters.
No. 1097753 ID: 355e44
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Slipping through a gap beside the door frame you find yourselves in a musty space. Distant glows of fungos pepper the dark hulks of unkempt beds, looming above you. One glow pops out from under a slumped bed sheet, revealing itself to be a lamp in Surrep's hands as she approaches you.

"What took you so long?" she hisses, then her gaze falls to Lisel's bandages. "Trouble?"
No. 1097765 ID: 273c18

Yep! Patrol, spider, bat, patrol.
No. 1097804 ID: 59c0fa

Trouble is always expected at this place. We managed to deal with it but we are not sure how long we will be able to get lucky with these missions.
No. 1098070 ID: 355e44
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You recount the near misses and escapes of the morning. Surrep shakes her head, "We nearly dodged some patrols ourselves. It has become more dangerous these past few days." She glances back at the bed and lowers her voice to a whisper. "We can't go on like this, the puppetmaster clearly knows he has folk hidden in his walls. It is only a matter of time before his thralls root us out. Afton is wrong, just keeping out of sight isn't going to be enough to keep us safe." She leans in conspiratorially "Would you two not agree?"
No. 1098075 ID: 273c18

Tell him you can't make an informed judgement, having just gotten here, but you would like to do more than hide.
No. 1098231 ID: b93ba2

It sounds like Surrep has a more ambitious plan than simply scavenging. So what is the plan, targeting the puppet master?
No. 1098429 ID: 355e44
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You've only been in this house for a day, and it has been more harrowing than your entire journey through the woods. So you agree, and ask the lanky rat what she has planned. She glances surreptitiously over her shoulder once more, as the sounds of rustling and squeaking creep from under the bed. "Not here. If the mice catch wind they'll tell Afton for sure. Ah, other than you, Lisel. You seem a fair dash more adaptable than your usual house mouse."

The chemist grins "Ah ha, well I do try. My family traveled far, and we had to stray from the typical house raider's precepts or we would not have survived. The other mice, hiding is all they know, and its an easy life, when it works." She catches herself before she can ramble too long, "But yes, this is not the place to discuss these things."

Surrep leans in closer, "Tonight, come have supper with my family. We are roosting on the first shelf, so we'll have privacy. In the meantime, better get to hunting. We can't be sure how many days we will have access to this room, let's make it count."

You nod, and head towards the bed. As you walk away you hear Lisel whispering to Surrep. "One thing more, I have something I need to examine. I don't think Afton would like knowing about it, so I would keep it up on your shelf, if that is acceptable."
No. 1098430 ID: 355e44
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Time to earn your keep. Looks as though you have your pick of hunting grounds. Rats and mice can be observed combing over the slumping covers, stalking the dusty under-bed, and even burrowing into the fungo tunnels that infest the mattress. Now where would you feel most at home?
No. 1098435 ID: ee5b31

I would feel most at home where the home doesn't want to kill you.
No. 1098527 ID: b07cdc

Ever since the permafrost set in the ground has been solid. It has been too long since your last good burrowing Tem'rty, so go to the fungo tunnels.
No. 1098591 ID: 7c1f1c

Yes, a mouse of the Gravel Pit would be at home where things are most pit-like. Tunnel into the mattress.
No. 1098838 ID: 355e44
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You wriggle into the crumbling mattress, and immediately feel at ease. Finding a small chamber in the moldering fluff, you curl up and take the opportunity to just rest, safely insulated from the threats of the open world. You indulge in some wistful dreams of settling here, digging a cozy den in the soft, warm slab. If only the circumstances were different.
No. 1098839 ID: 355e44
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The first gnawings of hunger bring you back to the task at hand. Venturing deeper, you follow the faint scent trails of fungos til you pop your head into a larger hollow. Several small fungos are placidly chewing at the fibers of the mattress.

Fungal beasts are an odd breed, prone to strange mutations. Even such mild seeming specimens could harbor some defense. How best to play this?
No. 1098843 ID: 273c18

Hmm. I guess once you're within the hollow, they will react... any fungal beasts that react with fear will likely be the easiest targets. Those that react by ignoring you probably have some manner of passive defense, and those that show aggression probably have nasty pincers.
No. 1098866 ID: d58817

It's good not to get complacent. This is still deep in unsafe territory.

Agreed, the fearless fungos are potentially the most dangerous. It may be prudent especially to avoid those that have prominent pincers. These seem to be feasting on the fibers of the mattress; would that diet lend itself particularly to some particular defense? No matter the form, I imagine that the best strategy generally would be to try to approach from behind and strike before being discovered.
No. 1098976 ID: 2fa295

Let your animalistic instincts guide your rezoning.
No. 1099206 ID: 355e44
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Surging out of the tunnel, you sink your blade into the big fungo's head. It lets out a thin screech as it writhes under you, clacking its mandibles uselessly. Lisel's tincture that still coats your knife quickly takes effect, and the fungo shudders to stillness. The smaller beasts behind you squeak and scuttle away.

A hissing alerts you to the remaining beast beside you. It fixes you with its three eyed stare and puffs up.
No. 1099212 ID: 273c18

Back away. Drag the dead fungo with you.
No. 1099215 ID: d58817

A true warrior always appreciates the avoided battle. Knife at the ready, but retreat to secure the kill before attempting any further sallies.
No. 1099216 ID: 0d2772

So this thing wants to bite you, you bite it back!
No. 1099434 ID: 355e44
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Fighting down the instinct to sink your teeth into the bloated fungus, you work to secure your first kill. Dragging the corpse along with you, you would wave your blade threateningly, but its coating has it a bit stuck. Just as you yank it free the three-eyed fungo contracts and ejects a crimson cloud from the vents on its back.
No. 1099435 ID: 355e44
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Retreating into the tunnel, you avoid the brunt of the spores. Nonetheless your vision tinges red. Rustling and scratching surround you, the fibers of the matress grasping for you. Bats screech, their cry's hunting you in this twisted maze.
No. 1099436 ID: 355e44
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Your pincered quarry rears up, looming over you on its hundreds of legs. Its eyes burn with blood. The gash you left in its head splits wider and wider until you face a rending and tooth-filled void.
No. 1099437 ID: 273c18

Hallucination! Don't panic. Keep moving back. Get back to the surface and do not use your blade on ANYTHING. After you've recovered you can come back and retrieve the corpse.
No. 1099438 ID: 65be43

Oh shit, oh shit that is a big bug! Retreat retreat! I don't think you can fight this alone!
No. 1099452 ID: 7c1f1c

Keep your calm; panic serves no one, especially when stealth is of the essence. You know what the fungos can do, and that this is just one of their tricks. Close your eyes, keep your grip, and retreat whence you came.
No. 1099893 ID: 6c233e
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It's not real. You tell yourself it's not real, but a thousand roars and screams assail your ears and the clinging fibers scratch like thorns. Abandoning the corpse you scramble away, its whirling teeth screeching like an winter storm. A death grip on your blade is the only surety you have left as you claw through a world gone mad.

You burst up from the tunnels into a sea of blood. Great shadows of wolves loom over head. The nearest fixes you with the stare of the moon on a frigid night. Standing in the rushing surf, frozen by its gaze , you almost don't notice the pair of shambling guard rats.
No. 1099894 ID: 6c233e
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Silently glaring, they stalk towards you, spray whipping from shaggy fur. The closer one staggers forward and thrusts a rusty polearm at you.
No. 1099896 ID: 273c18

Dodge! Tell them to stay back, you're hallucinating!

Put your sword away.
No. 1099907 ID: 207b18

Maybe even the guard is a hallucination but still try to avoid it's attack if you can. All of this is fucking weird, like some apocalyptic premonition. Is this how the world is outside? Does the giant thing seem familiar to you? I have a feeling, that all of this has a more significant meaning to you personally.
No. 1100033 ID: d58817

Your mind cannot be trusted right now. This is as likely a vision of friend as of foe; but if you announce your condition, a foe will not retaliate, and a friend might show mercy. Let it be known that you're not in your right mind, and take care to avoid harm without harming anyone else, or yourself, to the degree that you can.
No. 1100287 ID: 6c233e
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Illusory as it may be, you don't want to get a pike in the shoulder. Flinging yourself down out of the path of the blade, you dig your nails into the rough fabric of the sea. Hissing through clenched teeth, you warn any nearby to keep away. Surprisingly, the wretched rat heeds your words and backs off, though its demeanor still appears hostile. And melting.

Eyes wrenched shut, you try to block out the hallucinations. You clutch your head and try to think of something, anything, to focus on.
No. 1100307 ID: 273c18

Focus on your breathing. Think about your home.
No. 1100324 ID: d58817

Yes, remember your origins. Think back to the Gravel Pit Nest, and what brought you here; the long winter, the fallow harvest, and venturing out into the world, to have arrived where you are now.
No. 1100405 ID: 01d95d

Start chanting this over and over "Heart Lungs Liver Nerves". It might help
No. 1100599 ID: 6c233e
File 173302052541.jpg - (743.69KB , 800x600 , cadvere 77 thoughts of home.jpg )

Home. You think of home. The gravel pit, the nest, the tunnels. The smell of dried oats and blackcurrants in the store room. The sound of walnut-fungcakes sizzling on the hearth. The view of the setting sun from the pine stump.

You think of old Forti, telling yet another parable on the virtues of being a good steadfast rat. You think of little Trep, sorting her collection of striped stones, arranging them around the big one with the hole through it. You think of Joc'lar, gathering herbs while chanting that horrible song she learned from the crows. You think of your sister Aud'ity, taking up the second of the only wolf-hair cloak and iron long-knife that the nest has. Her patting you on the back before you both went your separate ways, searching for an ember of hope in the frozen wood.

They're still out there, waiting for you. There's still time to save them.
No. 1100600 ID: 6c233e
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You slowly open your eyes to a dark room. The meager light that filtered through the dingy curtains when you entered has faded to near imperceptibility. With a stiff groan you roll over, staring up at the distant ceiling.

With a snap, soft blue light washes over you. The lantern hovers in your face, blinding you for a moment, before Surrep sets it aside. The haggard rat looks down at you with a frown.

"I thought you had the looking of a capable hunter, not like these soft house mice." she hisses "What happened down there?"
No. 1100602 ID: 273c18

Tell him a fungo had hallucinogenic spores and you tried to back off but still got too much exposure. That mutation's not easy to deal with in close quarters. Guess you'll go back to collect the one you managed to kill.
No. 1100620 ID: 8f9bc4

A soft house mouse wouldn't be alive to tell you.

At any rate you haven't hunted fungos before. You won't fall for that trick again.
No. 1100622 ID: 7c1f1c

What happened is that you successfully defended your mind from panic, and shielded your fellow hunters from retaliation against an imagined foe that lesser hunters would have attacked without hesitation.

But there's merit in the criticism; your guard was down, and you weren't expecting the beast to attack your mind. This is something you'll have to be more careful of in the future.
No. 1100623 ID: e380c4

Tell that you saw some crazy shit and ask if the hallucinogenic fungos can be poisonous.
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