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1080778 No. 1080778 ID: 681cb5

[Blood, gore, death and perhaps nudity]

The world is ending. The gods are dead and their rotting corpses have crashed into the world, crushing beneath them what little peace this realm once had. What left of civilization is being torn apart by an endless stream of beasts and monsters pouring out from the decayed remains of what was once your idols of worship. Disease, starvation and death are well-known friends for those that still remain. This is the final generation before all life will be snuffed out…

Which means now is a great opportunity to make some gold!
179 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1085721 ID: 37587f

That green eye on the jar looks a lot like yours... Perhaps you could use it to fill the hole in your skull with some weird magic shit. Also, is it just me or these green eyes have been staring at us for a while? Staring us from dark corners, in hidden nooks and crannies... Are they an omen of danger? Perhaps we still are not safe yet.
No. 1085722 ID: 4ab383

She must have found some notes and shes writing them down for later.

Tell her you got attacked by a creature that was lurking in the shadows, so we should be careful about wandering around alone here.

……hey, is that another monster behind the bars in the back of the room?

>if it's something suspicious, so she can explain herself.
This is a secret lab in a cabin in the woods. Everything in here is suspicious! There's no reason to put a knife to one of our teammates.
No. 1085723 ID: 2aa5f0

how does a snake get down a latter?
No. 1085725 ID: eb0a9c

"Orma I need a new eye"
No. 1085730 ID: 5ebd37

Well isn't this convenient? A lab stocked with your choice of new eyes.

Ooh, you know what would be a fun prank? Sneak over to Orma, tap her on the shoulder, and hold up the head so when she turns around she gets a little spook! Then tell her you're running low on eyes and need a top up.

Oh, and watch where you're dripping that blood there. Don't want to activate any magic circles by accident, eh?
No. 1085744 ID: cd53c0

Be a little wary. Shit is wierd right now, and something might be effecting her. Is there someone in the cell behind you?
Does the symbol in her book (and potentially on the ground) look familiar?
No. 1085745 ID: 273c18

Hey, what's that behind the bars back there?
No. 1085786 ID: 7c0da2

Be careful. You're carrying your own doppelganger's head, it might not be Orma in front of you. Do not step on the ritual circle, keep your eye on Orma, and do not turn your back on those bars behind you. Do not announce your presence and carefully assess the room.

Even if it really is her you should be wary of her intentions. She was standing on this trapdoor, she must have found it first and decided to keep it a secret from the rest of you. Then she sent you to sleep despite the house being dangerous. She said she didn't sensed any wretched around, but she was obviously wrong. Maybe she was trying to get you out of the way and didn't care what would happen to you. Maybe she was trying to get you killed. Her test subjects are dead bodies after all.
Or maybe she simply overestimated her ability to sense wretched but that's just as bad, just in a different way.
No. 1086260 ID: 681cb5
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>Does the symbol in her book (and potentially on the ground) look familiar?
You can’t say you’ve ever seen it before, no…
>is it just me or these green eyes have been staring at us for a while? Staring us from dark corners, in hidden nooks and crannies...
Green eyes peeking through the walls… now you know how the others feel when you spy on them.

>Sneak up and take a look over her shoulder. Hold her at knifepoint if it's something suspicious, so she can explain herself.
Readying a dagger with your tail, you slowly make your way across the room without a sound. Making sure to not cross the obviously magical circle in the center, you keep to the walls as you approach the snake, who still haven’t notice your presence. Looking over her shoulder, knife at the ready, you try and make sense of what she’s writing down… but the only thing you understand is the drawing of the very same circle that’s on the floor as well as a badly drawn sketch of a… horse with a rider on its butt?

Raskrev: ”Orma.” you state with a calm voice, “Care to explain?”
Orma: ”Oh!?” the snake visibly jumps a bit as she finally notice you standing right behind her, “Oh, it’s just you, Raskrev. Don’t scare me like that.” She throws you a glance over her shoulder before returning to her book, “Don’t tell the others about this place. At least, not until I’m done with it.”
Raskrev: ”…why don’t you want the others to know?” you ask while grabbing a bottle of homemade spirits from the nearby shelf, “Or me for that matter?”
Orma: ”Oh please.” with a dismissive wave, she continues, “Gokk would either eat all the samples or drink the alchemical material, while Kani would break all the tools.” She scribbles something in her book, “I’d rather collect all the information I can get before those two wrecks the place.”
Raskrev: You raise an eyebrow, ”And me?”
Orma: ”I didn’t know if I should trust you.” she says in a matter of fact way, “For all I knew, you might have been a fanatic that would put this place to the torch.”
Raskrev: ”I can say the same…” the liquid inside the flask seems in decent shape, at least, “You better not think about using me as a test subject, you hear?”
Orma: ”The ritual needs two who are willing.” Orma states, ”But if you’re volunteering…” before mumbling under her breath, “Maybe I can control a wretched or two? Hmm…”

Raskrev: ”Speaking of wretched, didn’t you say there weren’t any around?” you gesture towards the cage in the back, filled with mutated people, “Then what are those?”
Orma: ”They are Decrepit. Technically a Wretched, but harmless.” you watch as one of them is slowly trying to peel her own face off, while another is crawling on the floor with giant swords for legs. “Instead of either going mad or trying to spread the ROT, they just… stop.” the giant thing in the corner giggles and cry at the same time, it’s dozen months all making different expressions at once, “They generally stand around until they die… and then the ROT just keep them standing around.”
Raskrev: ”Really...” you raise the bottle of alcohol to your snout, sniffing it, “And there aren’t any other dangerous Wretched around?”
Orma: ”I cannot sense any other Wretched, no…” she waves around her pen again, “And I’m certain we would have found out if there was an Abomination hiding in here by now.”
No. 1086261 ID: 681cb5
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Without saying a word, you hold up the head of the Abomination you just beheaded in front of her.

Orma: ”Eh? Where did… you…” Orma tilts her head, “That’s you? Why do… how… what?”
Raskrev: ”That’s the head of an Abomination that just tried to kill me.” you voice is dripping with venom, “In my room. Five minutes ago.”
Orma: ”Interesting…” she leans closer, moving her head around to look at it from every angle possible, "This is new."
Raskrev: ”…you don’t know what this is?” you put the cork of the bottle in your mouth and pull it out with a loud pop, “Aren’t you the damn expert on the ROT!?”
Orma: ”Well, yes…” the snake pokes at it with her feather pen, “So the rumors are true then. This is a manifestation of your sin.” Orma rubs her chin, “I didn’t know it should grow as strong as to actually manifest in reality.”
Raskrev: ”Wait what?” you put down the head in front of her, “You’re telling me this thing was… created by me?”
Orma: ”In a sense…” she turns a few pages in her book and starts writing something down, “It’s your… let say… bad side. And it wants to take your place in the real world. By murdering you.”
Raskrev: ”…eh?” putting the flask to your mouth, you let some of the alcohol wash into your tongue. Ugh, it tastes vile.
Orma: ”The ROT corrupts, turning people into Abominations… though it usually try and do so mentally first.” She gesture towards the head, “But this… is the ROT really so strong here that it can manifest itself like this? Truly interesting. Now, I wonder… if this thing would have killed you… or if you died before killing it… would you… hmm… does it takes your place? Further study is needed…”
No. 1086262 ID: 681cb5
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>Though this place is certainly quite different from the expected. It’s not as worn or decrepit.
Orma: ”Most likely because its former owner put some protective spell over it or some such.” Orma sigh, “The Magician was quite a powerful mage, after all.”
Raskrev: ”The who?” you take several gulps from the bottle in your hand, letting the burning sensation in your throat wash over you.
Orma: ”No one you would know.” she shakes her head, “Just an old scholar, nothing more.”
Raskrev: ”Oh…” you take another swing from the bottle, letting the fire inside it calm your nerves…

Raskrev mind is no longer on the brink of madness.

>"Orma I need a new eye"
Orma: ”Well, too bad.” she chuckles, “I can’t help you with that.”
Raskrev: ”Can’t you just plop a new one in?” you point towards the jar filled with eyes while taking another swing from the bottle, “Surely, one of those will fit.”
Orma: ”You can’t just heal a lost limb or eye like that, fool.” the snake sounds rather annoyed all the sudden, “You’d think I’d let Gokk walk around with one eye and only three fingers on one hand if it was that simple?”
Raskrev: ”Then… what can I do?” the liquor starts to make you a bit dozy…
Orma: ”Nothing.” the druid turns back a few pages in her book, “Unless you want to try this ritual I found here. It might be able to heal limbs.” She then seems to realize something she’s forgotten, and quickly fish up a strange, blue potion from her bag, “Though, it will not give your eye back, you should drink this.”
Raskrev: ”Will it make me feel better?”
Orma: She laugh. A genuine, from the stomach, laugh. ”Oh, by the corpse god, no!” she lifts her mask to wipe away a tear, “It will keep you alive. Now drink up, boy.”
No. 1086265 ID: a7a180

How do you know the abomination didn't win and present my severed head to you just now?
No. 1086268 ID: 031458

Drink it.

You need two eyes if you wanna continue throwing things accurately. Inquire further about the restorative ritual. Ask about "side effects" in particular.
No. 1086269 ID: 273c18

Hmm, maybe getting attacked by the Abomination got you infected. Take the vial and drink it. If it was a trap she would've said it would make you feel better, or something more alluring.

Ask her what the ritual does, the one she was looking at when you came in. Is that what the Vigilant Woodsmen did to become what they are? Also, ask for more information on the limb-healing ritual. Oh wait, are they the same ritual?
No. 1086271 ID: e9eb3d

Nah, I already drank. Tell me more about the Magician. He sounds like a swell guy.

Say, you weirdos in the cell, what do you know about the city? What else is in there, 'sides the giant god pushing up sunflowers?
No. 1086272 ID: dd3fe0

To keep me alive? Yea, you're gonna need to give me more than that.
No. 1086273 ID: 5ebd37

The woodsman, it had the same number of voices as the family portrait upstairs. It originated here, didn't it? Is this ritual you've found going to fuse people together?
No. 1086274 ID: a290b9

Usually the guy gets the lady a drink, though the stuff you've got wouldn't be to her taste. Gonna need a little more info though. If this blue stuff knocks you out or something, you want to make an informed medical decision, and your desire for company doesn't mean you can't feel a little paranoid after literally killing yourself. Does she KNOW the ritual won't make you like a certain bunch of rabbits? She might wind up in that mess too, and you're a little too unfamiliar for that sort of arrangement.
Unless she says something very off kilter, drink it regardless.
No. 1086279 ID: 624b08

>It will keep you alive. Now drink up, boy
… A little more information is needed I feel before I chug the mystery brew.
No. 1086281 ID: 19ea25

What about a ritual? Take a look, if nothing else.. All this is intriguing while under the drink.

Drink the blue. While she's up for studying I doubt she'd want you dead.
No. 1086312 ID: 3c9111

Not happening. Demand her to explain more about this substance, there's been enough weird happennings already. You're no stranger to survival at all costs but your blind faith resides in the Moon not in the... blue vial
No. 1086317 ID: eb0a9c

Damnit. Even if you could transplant an eye from the other you, I had you... stab...
Ask Orma if she can manipulate the head to grow an eye. Maybe the overwhelming magic that created it in the first place will make it possible. Then you just pluck the eye out and graft it in.

Alternatively, you could fight another Sin and keep the eyes intact this time.
No. 1086339 ID: a785dd

In all likelihood, the blue liquid is an antidote to whatever you just drank. Homemade spirits you find in the secret ritual cellar probably aren't safe to consume. You should probably do as she says and drink it.
No. 1086356 ID: 7c0da2

Grokk and Kani would probably love that ritual, maybe less so the result.
Ask Orma if there is a way you could summon (create ?) another bad side abomination and do the ritual with it. That sound like a great idea, especially now that you're a bit drunk.
Speaking of drinking, drink the blue vial. Orma's hiding things from you, but she is still your group's healer, and you would be able to tell if it was poison. It's your area of expertise after all.
No. 1086514 ID: 681cb5
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>How do you know the abomination didn't win and present my severed head to you just now?
Orma: ”Not even you would be that boring, dear.” she chuckles, “Or is your deepest, darkness desire truly to show off to an old lady like myself, hmm?”
>Ask her what the ritual does, the one she was looking at when you came in.
Orma: ”It’s a ritual of binding two individuals together in love.” you feel her eyes on you, as if she’s trying to read you, “Both body, mind and soul.”
Raskrev: ”Is that what the Vigilant Woodsmen did to become what they are?”
Orma: ”Oh?” the snake tilts her head to the side, “Why do you say that?”
Raskrev: ” The woodsman, it had the same number of voices as the family portrait upstairs. It originated here, didn't it?” taking a moment to empty the bottle of alcohol, you continue, “Is this ritual you've found going to fuse people together?”
Orma: ”As I said…” she chuckle, “It will bind you together with someone else in the ultimate expression in love, both body, mind and soul.”
Raskrev: ”…and I’ll get a new eye because I’ve have the other persons eyes as well?”
Orma: ”Possibly.” the druid shrugs, “One, two, three… a dozen eyes… who knows? That’s why I want to observe it being performed, so I can catalog the effects of it.”
Raskrev: ”…I’ll think I’ll pass.” you steady yourself on the shelf next to you, “I think… I rather… not… no.”
Orma: She laugh quietly under her mask, ”I wasn’t expecting you to, dear. No, this is for… ah… more desperate people.”

>A little more information is needed I feel before I chug the mystery brew.
Orma: ”It’s an arcane herbal elixir that increases the biological vivacity of your natural restorative rejuvenation for a short while.” the pride in the snake’s voice cannot be ignored, “Allowing your sinew to mend within minutes instead of months.”
Raskrev: ”…eh?”
Orma: ”…it’s a healing potion.”
Raskrev: ”Oh!” you grab the small light blue vial from her hand, “So it will give me my eye back!?”
Orma: ”No.” she says flatly, “It will ensure you don’t die from internal hemorrhage.”

>Drink it.
After hesitating for a moment, you uncork the small bottle and chug it. Ugh, it’s all bitter tasting…

Orma: ”See, that wasn’t so bad.”
No. 1086515 ID: 681cb5
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>Tell me more about the Magician.
Orma: ”What is there to say?” she shrugs, “They were a powerful magic user before the world ended, and has spent a lot time researching the ROT and the old gods.” While you try your best to keep yourself on your feet, she produces a small book bound in odd looking leather from her robe, “They ventured here a decade ago, to the point of calamity, to research. Since then, only a few of their notes and research journals has made it out. I’m inclined to try and find more of them here.”
Raskrev: ”He sounds swell… hehe… heh… I sshhhould buy him a drink.”
Orma: ”Good luck finding them, dear.”

>Say, you weirdos in the cell, what do you know about the city?
Orma: “They will not answer.” the snake shakes her head, ”What part of ’Standing around doing nothing’ did you not understand?”
Raskrev: ”So they can’t tell me… me about the... um… goings onsss? ‘sides of the giant god pushing up sunflowers?”
Orma: ”No.”

>Ask Orma if she can manipulate the head to grow an eye. Then you just pluck the eye out and graft it in.
Orma: ”Even if we had a perfect eye, we can’t just put it back inside, Raskrev.”
Raskrev: ”So ah… won’t… get my eye back?”
Orma: ”No. No one has that kind of magic.” the snake rubs her chin, “And even if you found such magic, it would definitely have a steep price. A price you wouldn’t want to pay, dear.”

Your feet fail you, forcing you to catch yourself on the ladder as you almost fall over. It’s clear that something is very wrong, as the whole world starts to sway back and forth, making you lose your balance. In fact, you can barely keep your eyes open anymore…

Raskrev: ”You…” you meekly say, “You poisoned me…”
Orma: ”…and why would I do that?” she cross her arms across her chest “If I wanted you dead I wouldn’t waste a perfectly good poison, would I dear?”
Raskrev: ”Then why…” you have to stop yourself from puking, “Do ah… ah…”
Orma: ”Because you just drank a whole bottle of moonshine before mixing it with medicine, you twat.”
Raskrev: ”Oh…” you nod, “That makes… sense…”
No. 1086516 ID: 681cb5
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And then you collapse on the floor, letting sleep wash over you…

Orma: “Fool.” Orma sighs, “But an useful fool…”
No. 1086517 ID: 681cb5
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Your sleep is dark, cold and without dreams….
No. 1086519 ID: 681cb5
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Kani: ”Hey, sleepyheads!” an angry voice jolts you awake, “Get up!”

Your head is pounding… your right eye is burning… and your whole body feels sore and tired…

Kani: ”It’s sunrise! Get up and stop wasting time!” the hare stops for a second and thinks for a bit, “Well, not technically sunrise, as the sun is just a black orb in the sky that doesn’t move anymore, but you get my point.” With a light kick to your side, she continues screaming, “We’re burning daylight either way, you cretins! So get up and get ready already! Gokk is removing the barricade as we speak… though HE SHOULD BE DONE BY NOW!”
Gokk:I’m trying! My arm is still sore from yesterday, you little ball of anger!
Kani: ”Of course it is…”
Orma: ”Just…” Orma snores loudly, “Five more minutes, child…”

…why are you lying on the old hag?
No. 1086520 ID: 273c18

Ah, mixing medication. Happens to the best of us. Well, I think we've solidly confirmed she's trustworthy. Though, she might still have her own demons to battle.

>why are you lying on the old hag?
Maybe she appreciated your warmth. And be nice, she's a cool old lady.

Up and at em. Go help with the barricade. See if anyone's got an eyepatch. If they ask about your eye, tell them there was an abomination born from your guilt that attacked you, but you killed it. If any of them have anything they feel intensely guilty about then it'll happen to them too.
No. 1086521 ID: a290b9

You passed out under her care, she was obligated to watch over you. As a reptile, she needed bodyheat. As a 'youthful' male, is that really such a terrible position to wake up in? Be nicer to old ladies.
She probably wanted to see if you would use your brain, or trust in her, but she wouldn't give you a potion you didn't need, AND you were drunk. Bet she scared you away from alcoholism.
Get up carefully and help with the barricade, if Orma let's you.
No. 1086522 ID: 19ea25

Honestly you seem more comfortable.. I'd say five more minutes but you know that if you lay down for a minute longer the ball of anger is going to stab you in the ass.

Anyways. Get up, do your usual inventory check to make sure everythings alright, see if you still got your own guilt head with you or if anything got added and start preparing to head out. Get those last minute jitters gone.
No. 1086527 ID: 7c0da2

Well, lucky you, nobody woke you up to stand watch after all. Check that you still have your doppleganger's head, that's a neat trophy and it could help you fake your death one of those days. Then find something to eat while Grokk removes the barricade.
No. 1086528 ID: 031458

She's a reptile and you're warm. Unlike the floor. That's why.
No. 1086539 ID: 5ebd37

>why are you lying on the old hag?
Because you're a horny perv who got high off mixed meds? Don't piss her off, she's the only party member that seems to like you at all.

Did you remember to pick up all your knives after the fight?
No. 1086787 ID: 681cb5
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>She's a reptile and you're warm. Unlike the floor. That's why.
That doesn’t explain why you’re the one on top! She’s not even that soft…
>Because you're a horny perv who got high off mixed meds?
…you’re not that kind of perv. You’re the… secretly peeking kind.

>Up and at em. Go help with the barricade.
After quickly escaping the grasp of the old snake, you head for the front door before she can try and grab you again. Gokk is already there; slowly pulling away one of the shelves blocking the door… and to his side, the headless body of the Hanged Man is nailed to the wall with big metal spikes.

Raskrev: ”Err…” you gesture towards the flayed corpse, “So you found them…?”
Gokk: ”Orma told us what happen, Tiny.” the crocodile mumbles, clearly annoyed with your presence, “That you took down that beast after it took your eye.”
Raskrev: ”And you nailed it to the wall?”
Gokk: ”Just in case it tried to get up again. You never know.”
Raskrev: ”Right…”
Gokk: ”Now make yourself useful, small fox,” he snarls, “and grab something from the barricade and move!”
Raskrev: ”On it!” you walk past him, grabbing a large sack of old, petrified potatoes, “Say, you wouldn’t have a spare eye patch, would you?”
Gokk: ”Bah…” he grits his teeth, “I do have a spare you can take.” Before he continues, he gives you a glare that would kill, “But I will take it back when you die, weakling.”
Raskrev: ”Geez, why are so angry today?”
Gokk: ”Because you little man get to fight a glorious battle while I only get a weak wretched to slay!”
Kani: ”Don’t mind him, pipsqueak.” Kani’s head appear around the corner, smiling a wicked smile, “He’s just cranky because he got a booboo on his arm.”
Gokk: ”Go fuck yourself.”
Kani: ”Heh.”
No. 1086788 ID: 681cb5
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Beyond the barricaded door you find a silent forest, thick with mist and an uneasy stillness. It’s too quiet out there… it is making the fur on your neck stand on edge…

Kani: ”We head for the city as fast as we can.” her voice is tense, “We need to reach the wall before the abomination patrolling these woods finds us again.”
Orma: ”If there anything we need to do before leaving, now is the time.”

>Find something to eat.
Orma: ”Breakfast might be prudent. We need all the energy we can get.”
Gokk: ”Ugh, I should eat a horse…” the crocodile rubs his arm, gritting his teeth as he shivers, “And drink a whole brewery.”

>Do your usual inventory check to make sure everything is alright.
Everything seems to be in order…

Your equipment:
Daggers x 4
Dart gun
Darts x 4
Big bottle of Bleeding venom.
Small bottle of paralyzing venom.
Tiny bottle of… “Last Freedom” (For self-use only)
Some Food
Starlight lantern
Your own head

Skills: Daggers, venom, stealth, avoiding danger and suicide.

Kani: ”I know what you did yesterday, pipsqueak.”
Raskrev: ”Huh?” you feel her knife slide up between your legs, ”Err…”
Kani: ”If I find you trying to spy on us again I’ll cut your balls off.”
Raskrev: ”N-noted.”
Kani: ”Next time, just ask if you want to watch.” the hare pulls away her blade and turn around to leave, “Or join for that matter. I’m sure Gokk wouldn’t mind.”
Raskrev: ”Oh… um… r-right…”
No. 1086791 ID: 273c18

Where's the corpse that got rehanged?
No. 1086796 ID: 5ebd37

Check the kitchen for anything that can be whipped up into a quick breakfast.
No. 1086799 ID: 031458

I would cut open three hanged man's corpse. Disgusting ass it is, I'm sure you'll find something useful within. It used it's own innards quite aptly, afterall.
No. 1086806 ID: eb0a9c

Give the house one last search. Then go outside and have a disposable undead throw the gold coin in the pit to you.
... Say, what happened to your lucky coin?
No. 1086824 ID: 19ea25

Well we can fulfill the brewery at least. There's still about two to three full bottles of white lightning down there.

It's also prudent to make sure to grab some of those supplies from downstairs. I imagine Orma might find it handy to have some fancy materials to keep on hand for her research and abilities.
No. 1088696 ID: 681cb5
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>Say, what happened to your lucky coin?
…huh. You must have dropped it when fighting THE HANGED MAN.
>Where's the corpse that got rehanged?
Did it even get hanged? All you saw was the WOODSMEN snapping its neck with a noose.

>I would cut open three hanged man's corpse. Disgusting ass it is, I'm sure you'll find something useful within. It used its own innards quite aptly, afterall.
Gokk: ”We already tried that, tiny.” the crocodile says as he slaps the crucified corpse, “While its skin is as thick as leather and its guts like rope, there isn’t anything else in there.” He punches the body hard enough to make more of its intestines fall out, “Not even a heart to rip out! BAH!”
>Check the kitchen for anything that can be whipped up into a quick breakfast.
Orma: ”Didn’t we pack rations just so we don’t have to scavenge for food?” she gives you a questioning look, “Besides, anything in here is probably two decades old and carrying who knows what kind of diseases.”
Gokk: ”Guys, look!” Gokk suddenly shouts, showing off a big bag of potatoes, “I found ‘taters! A whole bag of them!”
>Well we can fulfill the brewery at least. There's still about two to three full bottles of white lightning down there.
Gokk: ”BOOZE!?”

>It's also prudent to make sure to grab some of those supplies from downstairs.
Orma: ”I’ve already procured everything I deemed to have worth.” the snake chuckles, “After all, we still haven’t even reached the city, so there is more to find. No need to get our bags full just yet.”
Kani: ”And we need to be light on our feet out there.” the hare suddenly speaks up, “So make sure none of you are carrying anything unnecessary to our survival, get it!?” Before anyone can say anything else, she pulls out her knife and scowls, “Or do I have to start cutting off useless parts from you?”
>Go outside and have a disposable undead throw the gold coin in the pit to you.
Kani: ”A gold coin?” the glare she gives you would kill a lesser man, ”Wasting time is not worth a gold coin!”
Raskrev: ”Come on, it won’t…” you suddenly notice something… the hole the crow fell down into is gone. ”Wait, the trap has been hidden again.” holding up a hand to the others, you continue, ”Be careful, someone has been here and reset all the traps.”
Kani: ”And?” Kani doesn’t even look at you as she leaves, ”It was probably the WOODSMEN. So we better just hurry up and leave right now, before they return.”

Kani: ”That’s it. We have no more time to waste.” the hare snarls, “We’re leaving immediately, and we won’t stop until we reach the city.” she looks over at Gokk,“So stop your whining and get ready to move!”
Gokk: ”I’m not whining!” the crocodile says as he sheepishly rubs his arm, “My arm is just a bit itchy, that’s all…”
Kani: ”And you can itch it later! Let’s go!” she starts moving towards the woods, not even waiting for the rest of you, “If we keep a steady pace, we should reach the walls before midday, as long as there aren’t any surpris-”
No. 1088697 ID: 681cb5
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Kani: ”Wha-”


No. 1088698 ID: 681cb5
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A wooden monster suddenly burst out from one of the traps, swinging a massive, pulsating arm towards Kani with enough force to break bones. Barely having time to react, the hare throws herself backwards, narrowly dodging to giant fist of the abomination.

THE FOOL: ”CAWAHAHA!” the abomination laugh sound unnatural and fake, echoing through its wooden body, “Let’s have some fun!”
No. 1088699 ID: 681cb5
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With unnatural grace, the creature climbs out of the pit, revealing its full form. A headless scarecrow, whose one arm is a mutated mess of flesh and bone, while the other has a lantern made from a crows head hanging from it. But what disturbs you the most is how it moves. It floats through the air, as if each step it takes with its long legs has been rehearsed for years and now it’s expertly performing an impossible dance, just for you. This elegance is in stark contrast to its disgusting, oscillating arm which it drags behind it without a care…

THE FOOL: “You will die here…” the scarecrow does a pirouette as it walks towards you, seemingly showing off its new body, “Just like all the other gullible fools! CAWAHAHA!”

Gokk grunts behind you as he ready his axe, while Orma starts chanting something under her breath… you try and pull your knife, but find it already in your hand

THE FOOL dances closer, right on the edge of a pit…
A consequence of the reckless and naïve.
No. 1088701 ID: 19ea25

Good to know we've found the crow. Whether what was a true form or just her remains after running ahead. Given how the head glows it may be prudent to remove the headed arm for any potential magical danger, but the legs.. It is tempting to cut them to stop the dance.
No. 1088704 ID: 5ebd37

The lack of anatomy on this thing is bad news for you. The only target for a knife throw is the arm where it's held on by sinews, but that will tack more than one throw.
Unfortunately I'd say you are most useful in this fight as a distraction. Try to set it up so Gokk can chop its legs off.
No. 1088705 ID: 273c18

Be careful. Don't charge in, it's staying near the pits because it wants to knock people into them.
No. 1088756 ID: 7c0da2

Approach The Fool from the right so it can't get into your blind side. Let Gokk attack first and try to trip the thing if it tries do dodge him. Try not to look the severed head in the eyes, just in case.
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