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1078964 No. 1078964 ID: 0ba437

PART ONE: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1002454.html

Thousands of thousands of years ago, a Grand Slime was murdered by a mysterious entity known as the Void King.
Thousands of thousands of years later, Nemo reawakens with only a few fractured memories of her former life.
She quickly reunites with two of her broken pieces, and sets out to explore the world in search of the remaining fragments of her shattered core.
After accidentally uncovering and releasing a strange figure imprisoned in stone, Nemo meets another unfortunate end, and it's up to her other parts, Humphrey and Mirrow, to carry on the mission to reunite themselves.
Elsewhere, but not too far away, a runaway Elsekin named Sam is trapped in a dense forest filled with hostile vines.
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No. 1093563 ID: 3fd859
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He takes a step off the dark pillar and drops gently down towards you. Your arm feels close to shattering as he draws near, the pressure of darkness radiating off of him almost overwhelming.

What do you do or say?
No. 1093564 ID: c8380b

Where are the others? Where are we?
No. 1093567 ID: 273c18

Uh. Maybe you can avoid a fight here(because you have no chance of winning). Tell him you're just looking for some travelers that might have come this way? Sorry if you're disturbing whatever he's doing here.
No. 1093569 ID: c6c009

Concentrate the fire in your hand, gather it up, smaller and hotter, like a furnace, and hold it close to your chest. If need be you’ll sacrifice your outfit to empower it in a desperate burst to fend off whatever this is - or the giant eye-tree behind them.

Ask where the travellers are.
No. 1093570 ID: aa9537


NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, byebyebyebyebye
No. 1093573 ID: 8f9bc4

TAKE ME YOU HANDSOME no no don't listen to me don't listen to me
No. 1093580 ID: 5ebd37

Ask what he's doing hiding away in the dark when he's so cute. Might put him off guard.
No. 1093594 ID: 8ab08b

"Who tae fuck are you?"
No. 1093723 ID: 189ec9


Hey Wizzy, you did a great job today; like a real bang up job! Look at all this black bramble and shit, the land contractor who has to come around and fix this is going to fucking shit his pants and cry.

Now look I know what you're thinking, I AM LITERALLY YOUR THOUGHTS, and we could totally turn this dog and cat into Swiss Cheese but then, "WHO WOULD TELL OF OUR EXPLOITS???" Gotta have a few witnesses otherwise some idiot could come around and say they did it. Let's just scare them a bit and send them on their way, that way they can tell everyone just how cool and intimidating we really are.

Also, I'm tossing out this "Periodic Table" and "Collection of Romance novels" out of your mind space, it's too cramped.
No. 1093854 ID: a0c6c5
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>hold the fire close

You curl your fingers around the light in your hand and hold it close to your chest. Your heart beats faster, and your garments flutter as tho caught in a warm, sunlit wind, tho you only feel the warmth. You stare resolutely into the face of the approaching stranger.

>try reason; you don't want any trouble
No. 1093855 ID: a0c6c5
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"Who are you? What did you do with the travelers?"

The figure doffs his hat with a bow. "I suppose it's only fair to give you some sort of introduction, considering the bargain we're about to strike. My name is long gone, but you may know me as 'Trickster'. As for your friends, they're nearby, unharmed. Well, mostly unharmed."
No. 1093856 ID: a0c6c5
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He makes a face at you that one might assume is a wink, as much as someone with a large eye in the center of their face might be supposed to look like they're winking.

You've never heard of a figure calling themselves "Trickster". None of the scriptures nor the lessons your teacher drilled into your head remind you of anything like him. Perhaps it's an evolution of the wild void? You've never known those monsters to carry names or titles, let alone strike up any sort of conversation.

"Why did you kidnap those people?" you ask warily, "What bargain are you talking about?"

"What I want," he says with a chuckle, "you've brought for me on all but a silver platter. I need that light, and I need your arm to hold it. Give me both, and I'll give you back your friends."
No. 1093857 ID: 273c18

So he wants you to work for him?
Tell him if you're going to do that you'd need to know what his overall objectives are.

See if you can move around a little. If the travelers are nearby, maybe you can find them?
No. 1093858 ID: cd48aa

Ask if your arm stays on you and clarify that those travelers aren't technically your friends, you just met.
No. 1093860 ID: 1effd3

Sounds like he want to use you for something. Emphasis on "use". "Trickster" is kind of on the nose. Make sure you get this all in writing, and that he isn't about to possess you or something. Gotta have that magical binding contract.
No. 1093871 ID: 8f9bc4

Uh, they're not your friends. You just have a disinclination to let random strangers get poked by thorns. Unless he can bring your goddess back from the dead, he really doesn't have much to offer you. Why didn't he just ask for your help? Not like you have anything better to do. Why all this?
No. 1093872 ID: 7e1c5d

>I need that light, and I need your arm to hold it. Give me both, and I'll give you back your friends.
He worded that in a way where, if you agree, he's going to rip off your arm to use it to hold the light!
No. 1093884 ID: 189ec9

What's wrong with your arms? Also, I sort of need my arms to do stuff like... holding, grabbing, pointing, lifting, juggling, and shoveling food into my mouth hole... you don't even look like a qualified doctor to perform an amputation like that.
No. 1094199 ID: a0c6c5
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You're definitely not about to just give him what he wants, not at least without getting more information. At any rate if you stall for time you might be able to study the situation and locate the travelers from the inn.

"Ok, I'll bite, 'Trickster'. What do you want with my arm? I can't just pop it off and hand it to you."

"Details, details," he says evasively, "I have a small project that requires the power you carry, and regretably I'm not able to wield it myself directly. I don't need to physically posess your arm. Just help me do my thing and I'll let your friends go unharmed."

"And what if i refuse? Those people aren't my friends. It's sad if they die but it won't hurt me personally." That isn't really true, you do care about the loss of innocent lives. Tho if it comes down to it, between your own life or the lives of strangers...
No. 1094200 ID: a0c6c5
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His gaze narrows, grin stretching wider. "Is that so? If they really don't matter maybe I'll just go ahead and get rid of them then." He waves a hand and several thick tendrils from the tower unfurl, revealing the travelers coiled in their grasp. They seem to be unconscious, but still alive, thick trails of void slime dripping off of them.

Chester lets out a tiny squeak of a sob, her grip on your other arm tightening painfully. You might be at risk of losing both arms if she squeezes any harder.

"L-let's not get too hasty," you say quickly, "I just want to make sure I understand what's going on. What exactly is it you want me to do for you?"
No. 1094201 ID: a0c6c5
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"It's..." he hesitates, thinking. "It's not that I'm trying to obscure my intentions, it's just that, it's a very delicate and complicated thing to explain."

He glances behind him at the tower, eye narrowed. "There's not a lot I can say about it in present company, but should you agree to help me, I promise to explain everything to you."

He looks back at you, smiling smugly again. "But if you're looking for more of a carrot than a vague promise of information, then I can promise to teach you more about that light in you, where it comes from, and more importantly how to use it."
No. 1094203 ID: 5ebd37

How about he lets these folks go back to the inn and then you two can have a nice long discussion?
No. 1094204 ID: 273c18

The alternative is to try and fight this guy and you will lose.
Plus, if it's something he can't explain in front of the darkness monster thing then it might be something not quite in line with the void's agenda?
(also you have no idea that this guy killed the Goddess so you don't have a biiiig reason to distrust him)

...well, one last question. Will helping him with the delicate thing hurt a lot of people? Will it benefit a lot of people? If it's something horrible for only his benefit and he can't force you to do it, then... I guess you would have to ask those present to sacrifice their lives to prevent him from getting his way. You might have to sacrifice your own life, though... maybe your light will be enough to keep him from directly attacking you at least.

If what he's asking will, overall, not be too bad for the people of this world, then you can agree. Then once you know how to use your power better, you could help with whatever the consequences are.
No. 1094205 ID: 273c18

...tempting to make him reach past the light to shake your hand to seal the deal. At the least it'll give you a good idea of his power level. Fighting him seems like it would result in the hostages' deaths no matter what though.
No. 1094206 ID: 5fd272

It seems pretty obvious you can't fight this guy and win- you could barely blaze your way through the undergrowth to get here in the first place. At this rate, agreeing to work with him looks like the only way out of this situation that doesn't get a bunch of people hurt immediately. And learning more about your light IS tempting...
No. 1094207 ID: cd48aa

Well that hesitation was unexpected.
No. 1094210 ID: 273c18

Wait, he didn't promise anything about the hostages. He has to let everyone go, including Chester, and swear never to intentionally allow them to come to harm, either directly or indirectly. Or if not never, at least for a significant amount of time. A year, maybe. After that point he'd have no reason to hurt them anyway.
No. 1094211 ID: 273c18

(also he totally wants you to kill the Void King but I have no idea how to let that slip without him then immediately killing everyone here)
How bad would it be if you killed the Void King, by the way? Is that worth the death of everyone here?
No. 1094230 ID: daf3a4

If he promises not to hurt anyone if he can avoid it, this might be the only way to get everyone out alive.
No. 1094282 ID: 2c1245

Damn why do the bad guys have to be so cute.
No. 1094284 ID: eb0a9c

"Prove you have the right to control my Will. Fight me."
No. 1094353 ID: 4db549

Hm, maybe ask him to let go of half the people before we agree, and then the other half after we agree.
No. 1094546 ID: a0c6c5
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Your mind races over thoughts and ideas, ways to talk yourself out of this situation without hurting anyone. You consider taking his offer, presuming he agrees not to harm anyone else. Maybe he's telling the truth, and you'll be able to learn more about this strange power glowing in you.


What does he know about you, really? What on earth does he know about this power? You can't even be sure it IS a power. For all you know it's just the voice inside your head helping you rationalize your own inner strength. What the hell does this clown know about that?

The more and more you mull it over the angrier and angrier it makes you. You spent your entire life wrestling with faith in a god that doesn't exist. As soon as you start to think for yourself he just happens to show up with all the answers? You feel like your blood is beginning to boil as you get more and more worked up.

Isn't it time you started thinking for yourself?

"I don't know who you think you are," you say softly. There's a quaver in your voice that belies the anger behind it. "Coming here to tell me what to think?" you can feel your hackles raising, "Think you've got all the answers about me? I don't even know you!" you're shouting, "I won't let some asshole tell me what to do with my life! If you want whatever is inside me, then fight me for it, you bastard!!!"
No. 1094547 ID: a0c6c5
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The whole world seems to turn red. You're only half aware of your surroundings you as you lunge towards Trickster. You don't even really know what you're doing, just that you want very much to put his stupid grinning face into the dirt and leave it there.

He staggers backwards, caught completely off guard by your sudden assault, dodging and blocking a few of your swipes. You manage to catch him in the chest a couple of times. Every strike with your burning hand seems to sting the hardest, sending him reeling back, acrid smoke issuing from the impacts.
No. 1094548 ID: a0c6c5
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He manages to kick you back and shouts "ENOUGH!!" and with a mighty upwards gesture he raises several tendrils around you. They quickly wrap themselves tightly around you, stretching and twisting your glowing hand uncomfortably out in front of you.

"I wanted to play nice," he pants, "I've waited too many damned years to throw this chance away."
No. 1094549 ID: a0c6c5
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He slumps against the tower, chest heaving. "I'll be plain. You reek of the goddess. I don't know how she manifested in you exactly, but I know who she was and what her power can do." he takes a deep breath and lets it out shakily, his breathing finally settling somewhat. "That's how I claim to know what's inside you. What I want is revenge against her for what she did to me specifically and to her people. I need her power to right her wrongs, and if I can't have it willingly, then I will take it forcibly."

You struggle against the thorny vines wrapped around you. Your hand still cradles the light. Glancing up as best you can, it seems as tho the travelers are still unharmed. Will you accept Trickster's offer or continue to resist?
No. 1094550 ID: 5fd272

Well, you beat part of an answer out of him, AND knocked the smile off his face to boot. He's sounding more reasonable now, but what wrongs are he talking about? The Goddess wronged her own people? If it's as important to him as it sounds, you might be able to get him to tell you more.
No. 1094551 ID: 36ae2a

He was lying before, he's lying now. You know the language of manipulators, you were raised by it.
No. 1094552 ID: 36ae2a

Plus, if he had noble intentions, he wouldn't have had tried to coerce you with hostages to begin with.
No. 1094553 ID: c8380b

Your solution to righting her wrongs is to make more wrongs? What's your plan when someone else shows up to clean up your mess? Are you ready to hurt everyone you cross paths with just to settle the score with someone already gone?
No. 1094554 ID: cd48aa

> Ask him if whatever he has planned will hurt people. He doesn't have any reason to tell the truth and you don't have any reason to believe him, but it's worth a shot.


> Seriously? Now this asshole is going on about the Goddess? The Goddess is fucking dead! She's not "manifesting" anything anywhere! There's nobody to take revenge on! She's gone! This guy's shit is just more lies, just like the ones you were told all your life! The nerve of him! This is your strength, your power! Give him a piece of your mind!
No. 1094555 ID: 273c18

Tell him whatever happened to him and his people, hurting innocents isn't going to right those wrongs. Revenge isn't even likely to make him feel better. If he wants your help, you're totally willing to expose the Goddess's crimes to the public, extract recompense for her sins... and then help him recover from what happened to him. But you're not going to help him lash out at people who don't deserve it.
No. 1094562 ID: 8f9bc4

He's... not lying. He needs this light, and you do not. You don't have any reason not to give him whatever this is. But it's not the Goddess. She's dead. You should at least tell him that, if even someone as powerful as this fellow has been deceived into thinking she lives.

Please don't get all righteous about what he should do though. He's been through too much shit to get lectured by a child who doesn't even know what she's holding. When you know what wrongs he's trying to right, then you can lecture him on it. It's fair to tell him that wrapping people up in thorny vines is a really mean thing to do.
No. 1094563 ID: e0d24b

Yeah I suppose it might be best to try and reason with him. Try to get him to see that if he needs help, these acts of violence against innocents are completely counterproductive.

But also let's be careful not to make assumptions. We don't know who the goddess' people are. If he feels the need to, say, eradicate all of the world for the good of the voidkin because someone built a world on top of their precious void, that's probably still very bad. In general, vengeance is not a cause we should hitch ourself to, even if it's against Cneph. I mean the goddess.

But also maybe we can play along for now to keep the hostages safe? How good a liar are you?
No. 1094566 ID: 90fc2a

well, perhaps in his perspective he is right, but even so you already know he is willing to take hostages and do... whatever this is so a grain of salt... the right perspective can believe anything, after all.
WELL, you said the light felt resonant? well even with one hand you can snap fingers and flare the light bigger, and hey the dark around your hand is point blank, so fight or peace you should try to rip your hand out of it
No. 1094573 ID: ec398b

Seriously revenge? Don't you have goals? Pursing revenge is a waste.
No. 1095559 ID: 4db549

I mean, what's the alternative? He rips our arm off? Maybe we should just let him talk for now. Besides, what does he mean 'did to her people'?
No. 1097496 ID: c83e36

Hate to be the optimist here, but it sounds like he genuinely believes what he's saying. If it's true, or at least half-true, what could it mean for you? The Goddess is dead, yes, but could it be possible that some shard of herself lives on inside of you?
No. 1097602 ID: 543ea5

I would say to break the news to him that the revenge will ring hollow because shes dead/vacant. And it seems to have rung hollow because this "chance" just walked up to him, how was attacking a local inn going to help him if he wasn't lucky?
(Also, if that waystone is like, a stone you have on you, I would say to try to cast mend on it under the branches to get out if "right[ing] her wrongs" is just kidnapping people from local establishments.)
No. 1097710 ID: 8f9bc4


Well, revenge and the fact that literally everyone is trying to kill him and his children right now. Completely deserved and self-earned, but y'know still something he's going to be concerned about.

Just tell him this isn't the Goddess's power. You made it yourself, because she's dead and gone. Whatever wrongs she committed, you'd love to help right. You just don't want to give this light away. You've been stripped of everything and left helpless and alone by liars with righteous conviction and noble intentions. He wants to take this from you too?
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