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File 169757551263.png - (204.94KB , 600x600 , Rococoa title.png )
1074913 No. 1074913 ID: 3ea497

An Asteroid Quest-inspired story, written by someone who never got around to reading the damn thing.

Content warning: contains crude language, crude drawings, off-color humor, inaccurate lore galore and is hosted on Questden, which is even worse.
27 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1075276 ID: 0b594e

Think you could fit his head in your mouth?
No. 1075309 ID: 3ea497
File 169802102498.png - (176.74KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 11.png )

>Tick human off your list

What? Why would you do that? You still haven’t-

>See if you can fit his head in your mouth

Ooooh, gotcha!

You quickly grab ahold of the anti-home intruder wonder with both hands and pin him against the wall.

“What are you, crazy?! Wha-?!”
No. 1075310 ID: 3ea497
File 169802108977.png - (186.74KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 12.png )

You have gained Dark CAI Points

Every time you do something good or bad you gain Light or Dark CAI Points, respectively.

Different degrees of Light or Dark CAI Points allow you to interact with more benign or malicious CAI.

CAI stands for Crazy Artificial Intelligence. They are to supercomputers what supercomputers are to people. They are just that crazy powerful!

Well, that was easy.

Now let’s see what else is on the menu/itinerary.
No. 1075311 ID: 3ea497
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You notice movement through a window, but instead of just looking out like a common dullard, you climb up to the second floor and open the window for a better and more discreet vantage point, and not because I drew the picture first then remembered that this was a ground floor apartment at the last minute, ba-baka.

Anyway, it seems an emergency medical team has arrived to pick up the dead and injured around the place. Next to the building you see one of those bird weirdo aliens, a Hiff, talking through a phone of some kind while looking after the wounded Breadcrumb Human from before, who is on stretcher.

Right next to them is a Burnt Toast Human medic with a hairnet and scrub, standing between the stretcher and the ambulance these guys came with.

Further away, you notice another ambulance with a couple figures getting a stretcher with a body on top inside. There is also another Breadcrumb Human and an adult Pomi trying to consoling the little Pomi boy from earlier.

Your culinary escapade left you covered in blood, which, as far as deserters go, doesn’t give a very convincing argument of wanting to turn a new leaf.

What now, genius?

-Wash blood (takes time, some will remain in your clothes)

-Keep looting (takes time AND makes some noise)

-Find a place to hide (sneaking out might be easier OR harder after hiding a while)

-Come out with your hands up (how do you explain the blood?)

-Go guns blazing (the guns being those tree trunk arms of yours, rawr!)

-Something else?
No. 1075314 ID: 0b594e

This war-torn city is bouncing back way too fast. better skedaddle before someone else finds you. Is there a window on the back of the building?
No. 1075315 ID: 273c18

Wash off the blood so you can go outside without immediate suspicion.
No. 1075397 ID: 407ea6

Question: do light and dark points cancel out, or do they count separately?
No. 1075637 ID: 3ea497
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>Do dark and light points cancel each other out or do they count separately?
To the first thing.

>Wash off blood

>Look for a back window.

You spend a good fifteen minutes washing the blood off your fur and clothes. Luckily, it seems the water distribution in this part of the city wasn’t affected by the bombardment nor the ground invasion. You wonder if Rokoa Prime wanted this planet over how well they manage their taxpayers’ money.

Unluckily, however, not all of the stains come off, as some have already soaked into your uniform. It is still way less than it would have been otherwise, so you are not too worried about it. You can probably just punch anyone rude enough to point it out anyway.

Once all that’s done, you look for a back exit from which you can leave inconspicuously. You walk down the main hallway and, sure enough, you find a door and a window leading to the inner space between buildings. The door is locked, but the window is not. You slide it open and deftly jump out of it.
No. 1075638 ID: 3ea497
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You suddenly remember you are pretty big and are carrying two bags.
No. 1075639 ID: 3ea497
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After some pushing and climbing down, you get out into the little alleyway and you notice a couple things.

The first is of course the freaking salikai parsing through a trashcan, apparently oblivious to both you and the large pile of other trash and random debris accumulated in the opposite wall.

Beside the trash pile there is what appears to be a pomni hobo, who seems pretty startled upon seeing a Rokoa clone climbing out the window.

Finally, you also notice two exits, one on each side of the alleyway, probably leading to opposite sides of the block.

Seems there is plenty fun to be had around this little part of town.

What do you wanna do?
No. 1075641 ID: fa6745

Your hands are clean but your clothes are still bloody and tattered
Switch them with the pomni, who doesn't want evidence-covered clothes?
also the freaking salikai must be hungry, offer food in exchange for goods and services
No. 1075642 ID: 273c18

There's no way that pomni has clothes big enough for you.
Prank the Salikai by yanking on its tail then run off through an alley.
No. 1075643 ID: 8f9bc4

this...isn't a war-torn city at all, is it.

it's just a city.
No. 1075662 ID: 3ad018

Drape an arm over the saikai companionably. "Hey there new friend, you look like someone who needs to get out of the city. Lucky you that I came by."
No. 1075767 ID: 3ea497
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>This….isn’t a war-torn city at all…. It’s just a city.

Not every part of a city gets hit the same way.

We haven’t even left this building block yet. You should see the outskirts.

Still, the fact that at least some of the plumbing systems are still working and the response teams came back after an hour or so of the Rokoas leaving means Shield Alliance did its money’s worth defending this place. Seems you and the other few neumonos that got caught and turned to clones were just unlucky.

Or pretty lucky, because now you get to do this.

>Switch clothes with the Pomni.

Your clothes or your spleen, clownface.
No. 1075768 ID: 3ea497
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The pomi quickly takes off his garb, tosses it at you and runs past the salikai guy and towards the streets before you get a change to hand him your bloodstained shirt.

The garb is pretty small for you, but you put it over your head anyway, wearing it around your upper torso the galaxy’s tiniest poncho.

>Prank the salikai by yanking his tail

You do exactly this, making the serpentine weirdo turn around to look at you.
No. 1075769 ID: 3ea497
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>Drape an arm over the saikai companionably and say:

"Hey there new friend, you look like someone who needs to get out of the city. Lucky you that I came by."
No. 1075770 ID: 3ea497
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No. 1075771 ID: 3ea497
File 169850872621.png - (128.31KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 19.png )

No. 1075772 ID: 3ea497
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“Hi, hi! So great to see someone so eager to lend their services! Especially in these troubled times!”

“I’m actually sifting through the trash for parts in my newest project. You interested in taking part on creating a new lifeform?”
No. 1075773 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh no it's talking to you.
No. 1075774 ID: 19ea25

So long as it isn't another Rokoa. It'd be great. Talk shop and see what this one can offer.
No. 1075775 ID: d7dae2

A new lifeform? oh no is he going to create competition for you?
But i say hear him out first atleast, you wouldnt punch a guy with glasses right?
No. 1075777 ID: 3ea497
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“It’s not a Rokoa clone, is it?”, you ask.

“Oh, goodness, no!” the jolly green serpentine exclaims, “Nothing so dangerous, and especially not so unoriginal. Uh, no offense.”

“Whatever,” you shrug.

“Anyway, what I’m looking to create is, as you can probably guess, the ultimate trash mammal. A creature that is made of selected trash elements that can subsist and thrive in among trash matter.”

“If I can create such a creature, I will be able to use it as a basis for a self-sufficient ecosystem that only requires trash as its base food source. I could even go further and apply it as means of safe natural recycling system-wide!”

“I had already being collecting prime matter when you guys began attackin, I know it’s a bit soon for most to return to their lives, but that gives me a great opportunity to search for more materials unmolested, and there is so much more of it now! I’m mostly looking for organic and mineral items that are both large and distinctive enough to trash. A bodyguard like you would be excellent for the job, and there is a nice amount of Zeny in it, too, what do you say?”

Oh, good. He stopped talking.

“How much Zeny?” you ask.

“Oh, silly me. I forgot to give the price!" he rubs the back of his head with one of his pincers, "2,000 per day of work, plus 2,000 more per decent material found. Might even give you a bonus if you help find something extraordinary. You in?”

You in?

>Refuse (look through trash heap/leave alley/ climb different window instead)


>Accept (suggest iconic trash item/common city district to go searching in)

No. 1075788 ID: 19ea25

Accept: Given the types of trash and given how things are broken down.. All these broken down buildings are considered trash, mineral waste, piping, all such things are worthwhile! Not to mention the stuff within like wood and all that construction material. Lets find the most bombed out area and scavenge.
No. 1075789 ID: 0b594e

accept, at least until he leads you back to his hideout.
No. 1075819 ID: 6e8599

He wants trash? Repeat that idea of his back to him.
No. 1088878 ID: a8545d
File 171323131715.png - (199.68KB , 888x681 , Rococoa 23.png )

>Repeat that back to him.

“Let me get this straight, you want trash?”

“Yes.” He says all cheery-like.



“….To create mammals.”

“I know! I know! It’s far-fetched, but that’s the point! We salikai dedicate ourselves to new avenues of research and the research of new avenues. What kind of scientist would I be if I didn’t thread uncharted territory?”

“And you’ll pay 2,000 zeny a day for an assistant?”

“And 2,000 more for each scavenged material that stands out, let’s not forget that additional deal-sweetener!”

“Damn, you must have deep pockets! Alright, I’m in!”

“Great! We can get started right away! The city outskirts are not far and would make an idyllic place to begin our search!”

“Sure, if you say so, but uhh, I just broke off from the Rokoa army and the folk outside the alley may not like me much.”

“A small setback, I’ll admit, but no worries! I’ve got a means to deal with such an issue!”
No. 1088879 ID: a8545d
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“-I threw my coat at her and ran off. There was also another guy in there, one of those long green aliens with lots of pincers, but he was rummaging through to trash, so he didn’t see her. That was like five minutes ago. Please go there, I don’t know if the poor fella’s still alive!”
No. 1088880 ID: a8545d
File 171323145273.png - (231.41KB , 788x600 , Rococoa 25.png )

“WHAM! Eat knuckle-sandwich, knuckle-brain!”
No. 1088881 ID: a8545d
File 171323161785.png - (108.49KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 26.png )

You swoop past the flabbergasted PMCs on Suss Suss the ssalikai sscientisst’ss ssuper duper sssssCAI rocket and make for the city outskirts like comet that’s having the runs. In a few minutes, you reach your destination.

And here we are: the outskirts, the outer layer of buildings and neighborhoods that divide the city from the greater countryside!

Or what’s left of it anyway. Man, what a mess.

The small apartment block you were before looked largely fine, but that’s because you broke free from the Rokoa hivemind like an hour prior and wandered as far away from the retreating army as you could, right into the limit of where the Rokoa army got before they were pushed back. This is where the real action happened.

The clone army bombarded the city prior to the ground assault and the missile interceptors prioritized protecting the bulk of the infrastructure downtown, leaving the edge of town to be thoroughly totaled. In other words:

“A treasure trove of trash, if there ever was one! Come assistant, let us pick a pile and start digging.”

“Name’s Roko, buddy. If you keep calling me assistant, it’s gonna get old pretty fast!”

“My apologies, Miss Roko. I’m just giddy looking all this huge mounds of debris for us to lay our hands on.”

“Rrright… Hey, shouldn’t you turn that rocket back into a tiny orb or whatever?”

“It’s quite fine. If someone gets the password wrong three times in the control panel, it blows up.”

No. 1088882 ID: a8545d
File 171323171515.png - (237.54KB , 889x600 , Rococoa 27.png )

“Ah, the fresh smell of carbonized concrete! I think this only-half-leveled block is a good place to start. Hmm, though the one in front of it has more smoldering corpses. We could on one block of buildings at a time, and hopefully dig something up faster, or try to cover more ground by working separately. The virtues of cooperation! What say you, Miss Roko?”

What say you, Miss Roko?

>Search through the half-leveled buildings.

>Search the block with extra smoldering corpses.

And should you…?

>Search with Ssus Ssus.

>Search on your own.

Current inventory: (1) List of aliens for you to eat; (2) pens; (1) sheaf of boring documents; a pack with (10) remaining cigarettes; a snack bag with (1) remaining yich; (2) kilos of meat and fruit; (1) set of silverware cutlery.
No. 1088894 ID: 8f9bc4

Can you tell what any of the corpses are? Might tick a few items off your list.
No. 1088895 ID: 5ebd37

Do corpses count as trash? Check the no corpse building.
How is a rocket going to help you rummage through trash? Does it have fancy scanners or something? I guess carry it around and see what it can do.
No. 1088907 ID: 80c73b

Is "half burnt" and/or "owners are dead" sufficient to count as trash? Otherwise we're probably still going to need to look for dumpsters and trashcans - though at least we'll have easier access to inside trashcans here.

I think they just rode the rocket here, and they've "parked" it.
No. 1089088 ID: b2fb15
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>Check the no corpses building.

Eh, it was a big building. It’s likely got bodies buried underneath.

Speaking of which, you tell Suss Suss you’ll be checking out that block and start digging through the rubble. You don’t tell him whether you want to do it alone so he quickly joins you, tossing up chunks of debris in a nearby corner.

Your powerful Rokoa physique helps you dig quite fast, but it is quite a large set of structures you are rummaging through, so you dig and dig until nightfall, stopping only for a short snack, and to occasionally ask Ssus Ssus to asses one of your finds, most of which turn out, says him, unremarkable.
No. 1089089 ID: b2fb15
File 171341824729.png - (183.70KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 29.png )

At the end of the day, you gather up the few items that seem to be of any real worth, at least by deranged green noodle scientist standards: a largely intact chuck of kitchen piping; an undetonated Rokoa Conversion Payload, A.K.A. a bomb meant to release a swarm of nanites to turn nearby neumonos into Rokoa clones; and lastly, a dead patatoos, a small alien mammal largely seen as pests, yet occasionally bred and raised as pets (accent on the “oos”).
No. 1089090 ID: b2fb15
File 171341829544.png - (198.86KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 30.png )

Holy Neumolly! The little critter wasn’t dead!

You remember now that patatooses have the capacity to enter a death-like state as a defense mechanism when facing highly stressing life-threatening situations. The miraculously intact house pet opens its mouth contentedly and waves at you with its tail-hand, which is perfect for climbing, hanging, and friendly waving.

-“I think I’ve got all I could from this patch of junk,” you say, admiring your finds for a moment, “What about you, science-boy?”
No. 1089091 ID: b2fb15
File 171341844996.png - (127.60KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 31.png )

-“I found the basis for the reproductory system!”

-“Man, that shit’s nasty!

-“Quite. Just the kind of find of I was looking for!”

-“Just… If you want me to carry in my bag, put it there yourself. I’m not touching it.”

-“Fair enough. I also found some scotch tape. Lots and lots of scotch tape. Like, a whole crate. It should do in a pinch once the duct tape runs out.”

-“Sure. Say, is your lab/base/mom’s basement far from here? I don’t think this bomb’s gonna fit on your rocket.”

-“Certainly not. Which leaves us we a bit of a conundrum. A crossroads, if you will.”

-“What kinda crossroads?”

-“Well, we can either return to my laboratory now and gather our strength for tomorrow, which would be ideal if it weren’t for the fact this place will likely be swarming with rescue services and volunteers, not to mention Shield Alliance security patrols, or we could drag the confounded thing all the way to my base right now, which presents its own kind of problem.”

-“I’m a bit tired, but I can still haul this thing outta here right now if I have to. No biggie.”

-“It’s not just tiredness I’m talking about. This city was dangerous, even before the clone army was put into the equation. If we spend the night moving this piece of ordinance, we may run into some nasty customers. Bands of robbers, looters and the like. And who knows whether the Rokoa army isn’t planning a renewed surprise assault at this very moment?”

After unclenching your teeth from having to listen to Suss Suss’ annoying nerdy voice so long, you ponder the situation and the options presented. A moment later, you make your choice.

You decide to:

>Go back to Suss Suss’ lab right away and brave the city outskirts again in the morning.

>Drag all the junk back to the lab during nighttime, to whatever consequence that might bring.
No. 1089095 ID: 5ebd37

Why not leave the bomb, do you even want it? It won't work on Ssus Ssus to make him less nerdy so toss it and take the small stuff back.
No. 1089096 ID: 80c73b

Assuming you do care about the bomb, then yeah, drag it back. I don't feel like we're the kind of person to go home because it might get dangerous.
No. 1090116 ID: b2fb15
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>Quitting or gritting
You momentarily consider ditching the bomb and just making your way back to your pointdexter pal’s place without it, but then remember that A) you get 2 extra grand for every cool piece of loot you bring back, and B) you are fricking Roko Rockatansky; you pull jobs like this for breakfast, you can damn well pull one for dinner.

-“Yeah, let’s go now. Dealing with the morning crowd’s a hassle.”

-“Too right!” Suss Suss laughs, “Let’s go then, I’ll carry some of the smaller items.”

A bunch of scotch tape and half an hour later, you walk the long way back to Suss Suss’ hideout, your arm joints and shoulder blades aching from the strain.

Your nerdy employer scuttles in front of you, carrying some of the burden on his back, his now miniaturized rocket ship hovering over one of his foreclaws.

-“Hey, how far away was this lab of yours anyway?”

-“Oh, not too far! It should be about, say, five hours from here at a brisk pace.”

-“Oomph! Did you have to set shop that frickin far?”

-“Well, there was a reason why I was offering 2,000 zeny a day, in spite of this being a purely scientific undertaking.”

-“How do you even afford stunts like this?”

-“Oh, I generally resort to the crude method of selling practical gizmos and various drugs that I know how to make.”

-“Illegal drugs?

-“Only in some star systems.”

-“In this star system?

-“….Yeah……..Anyway, if we continue walking at this pace, we should be arriving before sunrise. We can then have nice meal and a shower, my treat of course, before hitting the sack for a few hours, and then the true work will-“
No. 1090117 ID: b2fb15
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You hear two shots ring out as Suss Suss’ right side erupts with dual pinpricks of blood.
His scream is a mix of wounded beast and shocked scientist. It is annoying yet cathartic all at once.
No. 1090118 ID: b2fb15
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You swiftly lay down the bomb and turn towards the direction of the shots, and see quartet of strolling forward and posing dramatically. You shake your fist at them so angrily you can almost see the onomatopoeia hovering over it.

Aside from the cowgirl with the gun, the others seem to be barely armed and wearing ramshackle armor. Makes sense a bunch of looters wouldn’t have much money to buy proper… wait, is that-?

Shit! That little Pomi guy’s got an energy rifle! He’s probably the damn leader of these chucklefucks. You can’t be sure if it’s the kind of weapon that burns your flesh or disintegrates you altogether, but judging by the way it crackles with energy, it’s bad news either way.

The smug-faced bozo takes a few steps forward as he takes a better look at you.

-“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

-“Why are there three wells here, boss?” the belenosian with the pipe asks.

-“Eh, this was probably the shanty town. Corpo never invested enough to add indoor plumbing around, the cheapskates.”

-“Hey, you shmucks owe me a new client!” you say.

-“And you owe us a city, you giant clone bitch!”

-“Compared to you, everything is giant!” you smirk. You are almost disappointed when no one reacts to that sick burn.

-“Do I kill her now, boss?” Said the belenosian with the still-smoking gun.

-“Naw, save the bullets. Let’s let a pro deal with this copypaste fatass. Get her, Skitters!”
No. 1090119 ID: b2fb15
File 171461632604.png - (312.35KB , 728x600 , Rococoa 35.png )


Okay, some ground rules about the combat in Red-Eyed Blues:

Each combat encounter is divided by turns.

Each turn, the suggestors write things that Roko should do in order to gain an edge/defeat an enemy/win the fight.

And then I write her doing it.

Got that? Good.


No. 1090121 ID: 19ea25

Given his momentum it means that he needs to ensure a proper hit to do damage. The best way to deal with that is to grab him by one of his limbs and fling him like a toy.
No. 1090122 ID: 8f9bc4

Nerd is down. He better not keep his brain meats in his head.


Tell Skitters that his snout is too short. The sense of crippling inadequacy should take him out of the fight.
No. 1090130 ID: 5ebd37

yeah, grab him, swing him around you and launch him at the pomi
No. 1090132 ID: fc100b

No. 1090282 ID: 47c854

One fork three knives? He must like eating species too! Offer an ear and half the aliens you plan to eat to get him to swap sides.
No. 1090733 ID: b2fb15
File 171545600904.png - (247.26KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 36.png )

>One fork three knives? He must like eating species too! Offer an ear and half the aliens you plan to eat to get him to swap sides.

You consider doing this but then realize he can just have [i]both[/s] your ears and the rest of you too, if he stays fighting 5 against 1.
Well, it might be 5 against 2, but that pet you picked earlier is likely playing dead again.

You put your arm in front of you defensively and the little gremlin land squarely on it as he begins to slice and stab madly at you with all four arms. In just two seconds flat, the damn bug guy has sunk his blades and cutlery around 12 times into your body.

Your uniform and the coat you politely borrowed earlier absorb some of the damage, but most of them stabs draw at least some blood. The kicker being when the guy’s cleaver pierces deep into the top of your head, sending crimson flying forwards and running down your brow. Fortunately, he doesn’t manage to pull it back out instantly, giving precious moments to retaliate before he screws your skull any worse.

>Nerd is down. He better not keep his brain meats in his head.

He very well better do! You did not spend the better part a day rummaging rubble and carrying live ordinance for no pay!

Also, crossing aliens off the list isn’t as fun if you didn’t croak them yourself.

>Grab him, swing him around you and launch him at the pomi.


Done and Done.
No. 1090734 ID: b2fb15
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You lift your free hand and full grab him by his lower half, after which you spin full circle and fling right back at his lizardly boss.

“Your nose is shooort!” you yell as you let him fly.

As he soars through the air, you see him using his upper arms to covering his snout self-consciously. Guess it really was that important to him.
No. 1090735 ID: b2fb15
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Well, not quite. But the little pomi guy gets hit square in the chest by your impromptu projectile, sending them both falling backwards onto ground, to the shock of his two belenosian gorillas. Cutlery flies everywhere. Hopefully one of them left a nasty mark on the bandit boss before he gets back up and decides you are literally worth a shot of his energy gun.
No. 1090737 ID: b2fb15
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“Right, my turn,” The belenosian with the pipe says.

“Let me just shoot her already!” says the one with the gun.

“Naw, I can do better than just put a hole in her skull. ‘sides, I wanna test this baby out.”

Man, these guys are really cocky. They actually keep sending one guy at a time. And with a fricking lead pipe, of all things. Hurt and losing eyesight as you are, you still can believe they are that dumb.
No. 1090738 ID: b2fb15
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Curse this dastardly space future we live in.

I mean present.

What now?
No. 1090739 ID: 5ebd37

Being a neumono, this weapon is less of a threat to you than he might think. Just punt it right out of his hands. A little pain will be worth seeing the look on his face.
No. 1090745 ID: 80c73b

"Curse this dastardly space future we live in." Heheueuhehoohoo

Got anything that could tangle up the blades? Anything especially fibrous; any e.g. dead bodies with long hair around, or cables (structural or data) lying discarded? If not, I guess the main goal is to get control of the weapon, ideally without getting the cutty bits applied to us.
No. 1090822 ID: dd3fe0

Wow. This moron has forgotten several important facts. Namely:

-Circular saws are horrible melee weapons. They are made for cutting *wood*. They jam easily, they get dislodged easily, they require a slow press motion to saw things, most motors people use for making them run have inherent safety features that are designed to minimize injury, especially if cloth gets tangled in them, or something jams the belt, or etc. etc. Now, there ARE designs for robust circular saw weapons useful in melee fights (mostly in rules heavy robot vs robot sports which ban cloth armor), but this design, blatantly, is NOT one of those!

-You don't bring overly complex, gimmicky weapons to a real fight. They don't work well, they break easily, they're unwieldy as fuck.

-You ESPECIALLY don't bring poorly designed motorized fake melee 'weapons' to a fight with a NEUMONO! The correct way to fight a Neumono in melee if one MUST do so, is to bring a BUNCH of people with some sort of traditional, robust, HEFTY POLEARMS, and to attack the Neumono all at once!

Show them the error of their ways!
No. 1091821 ID: 3e5b92
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>Being a neumono, this weapon is less of a threat to you than he might think. Just punt it right out of his hands. A little pain will be worth seeing the look on his face.

No. 1091824 ID: 3e5b92
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>Got anything that could tangle up the blades? Anything especially fibrous; any e.g. dead bodies with long hair around, or cables (structural or data) lying discarded?

Shit, you could have asked that earlier.

You grab a piece of detritus and hit the cowboy hard on the head.

You swing the block of concrete rock to knock the fuck until he’s clocked. As he lies on the ground in a dazed you quickly make for his swiss army pipe thingy.
No. 1091825 ID: 3e5b92
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>One shouldn’t waste time on gimmicky weapons.

Ahahahaha! Yes! Your right foot is ruined, you are half-blind and you probably have a concussion, but you finally got a weapon! Even if one of the blades doesn’t seem to be spinning so much as twitching anymore.

Three of your assailants are now bruised or worse and on the ground, and sure one of them still has a handgun, but you are neumono, and a soldier one at that. A couple lead stings shouldn’t be that much of a problem for you.

>Show them the error of their ways!

Hell yeah, ‘bout time my neurosis spoke some sense!
No. 1091826 ID: 3e5b92
File 171675009020.png - (259.92KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 44.png )

Suddenly a very long lasso falls on you from behind and wraps you tightly in its coils.

No, not a lasso. A tail! So that’s where that little twerp went, the sneaky bastard!

“Hold her still, I wanna get a clear shot,” the belenosian with the handgun says.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You were prepared to take a couple potshots while sprinting at her (by jumping on one foot if necessary. You were pretty good at three-legged and potato sack races back in the Rokoa Army barracks), you were not expecting her to get the chance to aim, and there is only so much trauma your noggin can take before it’s lights out.

You are still holding the gimmicky power tool on your left novelty glove of a hand, but it is hard to maneuver, and you can’t reach the stuff on your satchel, not as you are anyway.

You’ve only got seconds to react. What do you do?
No. 1091839 ID: 273c18

Cut the tail.
No. 1091852 ID: 80c73b

He may have restricted your arms, but I doubt he can prevent you running, not at that distance. You could run towards someone, or tackle the tail owner, or fall on the blade to cut the tail.
No. 1091854 ID: 5ebd37

Fall down on the guy you disarmed, teeth to his throat. If she starts shooting her sibling is gonna be down a neck.
No. 1091860 ID: 4399ef

Should still be close enough to saw the tail. Plus unlike a rope tails feel pain so...
No. 1092053 ID: 2c1245

Ah man, I hope our noodle doodle is okay.
No. 1093524 ID: ef62c1
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>Cut the tail!

With your arm bound, but your hand being otherwise free, you quickly maneuver the part of the buzzaw pipe that still works properly so that it touches the tail and feel with your fingers for the “ON” button.
No. 1093525 ID: ef62c1
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No. 1093526 ID: ef62c1
File 171954371703.png - (627.68KB , 945x861 , Rococoa 47.png )



As a piece of the miklik’s tail falls to the ground and the rest of it pulls away, you rush to the side of the stunned belenosian, lifting his face towards his twin/girlfriend/whatever as you put his own weapon to his neck.

-“Too slow, missy!”- you say with a broad, wry smile,-“You better put the gun down or Tweedle-Dumb here gets it!”


-“Karl!”- the other belenosian yells out, her gun pointed straight at your forehead for a few tense moments before finally relenting,- “Fuck! Fuck! Fine, I’m lowering it down! You let him go and we leave, but don’t you try anything or I’ll blow your gourd off!”

No. 1093527 ID: ef62c1
File 171954378517.png - (293.74KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 48.png )

Your grin widens for a second as the gun belebitch takes a few steps back, before you notice a glow rising up behind her as a small figure steps forward.


-“Right. ‘nough fooling around. I’m finishing this.”
No. 1093528 ID: ef62c1
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No. 1093529 ID: ef62c1
File 171954397583.png - (270.02KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 50.png )

-*Pant* *Pant* “Give them what for, Miss Roco.”

Your boss’ still conscious! And he crushed that tiny pomi with his portable rocket! The damn snake-crab can actually do something!
Even your new patatooz pet is trying to help by making threatening gestures and stuff. Go team!


Seems this fight is pretty much done. Now what should we do with these scavenger thugs?

>Accept their surrender and let them leave.

>Dupe into getting closer to eat them.

>Make further demands in exchange for your hostage.

>Apologize profusely for harming them and killing their leader (yeah, right).

>Other (write in)
No. 1093534 ID: 273c18

>further demands
Well, first they all have to ditch their weapons, and drop any objects of value. THEN you'll release the hostage and let them leave.
No. 1093536 ID: 5ebd37

Yes yes, off they go. Once they're a ways away he can go too, and you'll be taking her gun so they don't follow.
No. 1093548 ID: 8f9bc4

Accept their surrender and then eat them!
No. 1093551 ID: 19ea25

They threatened your potential future profits! Lure them in and eat them. You can keep their gear afterwords too!
No. 1094935 ID: a7c2ff
File 172229276798.png - (256.05KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 51.png )

>Make further demands

“Alright, I’m letting him go, but holster that gun. I ain’t dropping the saw until you holster it!

The belenosian doesn’t move, glaring daggers and threatening bullets at you, her pistol still leveled at your head.

“I ain’t kidding!”- You say, lifting your captive’s head further between you and your opponent and drawing the pipe closer, enough for its blades to touch the bovine’s neck fur.

“Just do it, Jeryl,” He helpfully grumbles, defeated.

“Tch, damn it!” The one with the gun says a second later, grimacing as she finally puts the gun back in its holster.

You put the pipe-buzzaw away and release your grip on your hostage, shoving him forward.

“´Kay, come get him.” You say, taking a small step back and then sitting on your back, repressing a yelp from laying your weight on your now bifurcated foot. The pain is making you dizzy, but you manage to push through it a moment and focus on the last scavenger. That green sonuvabitch.

“Oi! Skitters! Got some bandages in my bag. Help me clean and tie this thing up, will ya?” you yell, pointing at your foot.

The stab-happy arkot looks at the shredded mess like he just swallowed a sect queen, hesitating for a moment before turning his head towards “Jeryl”.

“..Yeah, do it.” The belenosian chick motions with her head as she reaches her downed companion.

As Skitters makes good on his name towards you, you scuttle forward until you are side by side with the wounded belenosian.

>Lure them closer, and then

-“Come on, Karl. Up,” Jeryl says once she reaches the two of you.

-“Yeah. Sorry, sis,” her male counterpart says, his tone a mix of annoyance and embarrassment.

-“We.. we’ll worry about it later. Let’s pick our shit and get outta here.”
No. 1094936 ID: a7c2ff
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No. 1094938 ID: a7c2ff
File 172229298135.gif - (91.20KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 53.gif )

(No! Don’t let her-!)

(*Thump* *Thump* Crack*)

-*Sniffle* *Sniffle*

(Fuck! Get her off-! *Thump*)

(*Crack* *Crunch*)

-*Sob* Hee.. *Sniffle* Hu..*Sob*

(Jeryl! No! No! )

(*Blam* *Blam* *Clack* *WHAM*)

-*Sniffle* Hu… hu… *Sob*

(EEEEEEE-! *Crunch*)

(*Crunch* *Crack* *Crunch* *Crack* *Munch* *Munch* *Crunch*)

-*Sniffle* Hubba..Hubba *Sniffle*

(*Burp* *Munch* *Crunch* *Munch*)

(*Step* *Squish* *Step* *Squish* *Step*)

-Hubba, Hubba.. *Sob*


No. 1094940 ID: a7c2ff
File 172229319433.gif - (300.82KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 54.gif )

No. 1094941 ID: a7c2ff
File 172229321552.png - (154.09KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 55.png )

You have gained 20 Dark CAI Points.

Adding the 5 from that one bozo you snacked on earlier, you are well on your way to become the most wicked asshole this side of the galactic core. Or, well, the neighbourhood. Even before the war, this wasn’t the nicest planet.

The good news is, you made some nice progress on your list, and you are probably a bad enough dudette that to unlock a CAI that throws poisoned darts or something. Not half bad for day one of your journey!
Now, where were we?

Oh, yeah, the nerd!
No. 1094942 ID: a7c2ff
File 172229344567.png - (678.14KB , 1000x1000 , Rococoa 56.png )

-“Hey, Boss! Boss! Are you alright? Can you stand? Does your CAI rocket have a medkit? Does it have my paycheck?”

-“*Wheeze* Assistant Roco.. *gasp* Take me to a hospital.”

-“We can’t go to the hospital, I’m covered in blood!”

-“Please.. *wheeze* They’ll understand…. Self-defense…”

-“I.. don’t know how to fly your rocket.”

-“Voice commands.. *wheeze* It can follow voice commands.”

-“…Can it take us to your lab instead.”

-“Not.. good equipment.. *wheeze* there… *wheeze* hospital better… *wheeze* Miss Roco, please.”

Crap, crap. This isn’t fair. You were just about to make some dosh tonight! What do you do now?

On the one hand, people are not going to appreciate a neumono covered in other people’s blood, and especially not a Rokoa soldier clone covered in other people’s blood. Even walking up to a hospital I good faith, with a wounded citizen in your arms, there’s no way the receptionist won’t call law enforcement as soon as walk in, not to mention you are still wearing the coat you firmly asked from that hobo earlier. It will take all your wit and communication skills to convince the PMCs you are actually a deserter (you are) and you mean the people here no harm (if they pay and aren’t on the culinary list).

On the other hand, you just take Sassy (that was his name right?) back to his lab and try healing him there, but he won’t appreciate you disobeying him and there is a chance he may not pull through without an actual doctor’s care.

On the other other hand, both those choices mean leaving some of the junk you scavenged behind, which means way less pay. Sussy only has to bullet wounds with no exit point, and you were the one carryng most of the stuff anyway. Surely he can bear to walk to walk for a few more hours, right? Surely your foot can take it, right?

What do you do?

>Go to a hospital (lose some scavenged items; face social interactions with angry police force)

>Go to Suss Suss’ lab. (Lose some scavenged items; Small chance of Suss Suss dying and sidequest failure)

>Make Suss Suss walk to the lab. (Retain all scavenged items; High chance of Suss Suss dying and sidequest failure)

>Mercy eat Suss Suss. (You will fail his sidequest; Gain Light CAI Points?)

>Mercilessly eat Suss Suss. (You will fail his quest and gain Dark CAI Points)

>Other. (Write in)

...Oh, and Would eating the pomi count off the list, if someone else already killed it?
No. 1094947 ID: b2ac44

Hmm. Can we strap him to the rocket and tell it to take him to a hospital?
No. 1094951 ID: 44c167

Eh, wasn't great junk anyway. Take him to the hospital using your little pato as a distraction. What bloodthirsty soldier would be carrying around a cute pet?
No. 1095829 ID: 171efe
File 172363505198.png - (362.71KB , 1008x771 , Rococoa 57.png )

>Send Suss Suss alone.

>Bring your little pato along.

With some effort and a lot of pedal pain you pull up your wormy employer up and on top of his nifty, if simple-looking rocket. After lifting such bulk, grabbing the tiny green patatooz and placing it on top of the rocket is a mere afterthought.
As you do so, Suss Suss scuttles forward near the tip of the rocket and taps it a couple times with his foreclaw. A computer-like panel, complete with keypad; speaker; and even a small screen, opens up from under the rocket’s shell. The salikai scientist promptly presses a little button next to the speaker, his forelimb at ease and unshaking for a moment.

-“Error. The phrase [wheeeeeze] is not a recognized voice command,” the speaker says in a calm, feminine voice, “Please try again.”

-“Come on wheeze up, Miss Roko,” Suss Suss says, a couple of his claws jerkng in an urging motion.

-“Sorry boss, I’m staying.”


-“The doctors will probably just panic and call the police or something if they see me all bloody and Rokoa-like. I’d just get in the way.”

-“No! Please!”

-“Ah, it’ll be fine! I’ll saty here and guard the loot. Don’t worry about me disappearing, you still owe me cash for all this junk, remember?”

-“I gasp I still need you.”

-“You’ve a pet for company on board and the rocket’s o autopilot. You’ll make it just fine. Go.”

-“But t-“

-“Up up up! No buts! You lay, I stay, and later, you pay. Go!”

After a moment’s hesitation, Suss Suss closes his eyes and inhales deeply, taking a good lungful of air as he speaks to the panel.
-“Decent Demesne Hospital, gasp Oktavia Street 2476, please.”
-“Transport command recognized. Do you wish to go to [Decent Demesne Hospital] at [Oktavia Street 2476]? Please confirm.”



And with that, the rocket’s tail fire a burst of flame and sails away towards the (unruined) city, the Salikai laying forlornly on top of it while the little patatooz latches on to him with his tail and holds on for dear life.
You wonder for an instant at the ingenuity of the device and how it might manage to keep its passengers firm and safe on its surface. Must be magnets or something.
No. 1095830 ID: 171efe
File 172363509850.png - (182.48KB , 800x748 , Rococoa 58.png )

As the contraption blast off into the horizon, you grab your backpack and find a nice piece of rubble to sit on.

In contrast with the shattered hellscape on the ground around, the outskirts’ skyline, largely untouched by light pollution for change, looks rather lovely.
The stars, the planets, the Rokoa flotilla ships, they all shine and float above you in a calm, somewhat soothing arrangement. The cosmic ballet dances ever on.

Watching this tranquil show, you feel tempted to eat a banana from your backpack to replenish strength. Just one though; you are already full, after all.
No. 1095831 ID: 171efe
File 172363522852.gif - (6.19MB , 600x600 , Rococoa 59.gif )

Slowly munching on the fruit, your nerves begin to calm, and your mind begins to wander, first to the beauty of the night sky, then to the issue of how to make your way back to Suss Suss.
You realize you don’t really know the hospital he went to. You vaguely recall Oktavia Street, back from before the Rokoa Army, but you don’t remember visiting that part of the city in particular.

Your thoughts on how best to approach your employer again so drift into the matter of when. You consider that would be best to wait for the medics to stabilize him. At least enough for him to identify and vouch for you if you decide to walk up to them directly, which would take a couple hours. At least until sunrise. With that and your busted foot, it’s clear waiting would be the best option.

You decide to sit still for the moment, and enjoy the quiet, the no-longer-smouldering skeletons and the display of a Shield Alliance battle group engaging a Rokoa Ravager-Class ship taking over your attention.

All in all, not the worst company or show you’ve had. Hopefully keep you entertain for the next few hours while you wait for the sawbones to do their thing with Suss Suss. Hopefully you’ll foot will reknit itself by then, what with all that meat you ate.

Yeah, it’ll probably be fine. You just have to hold tight for a few hours.

Just a few hours…

No. 1095832 ID: 171efe
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Aw, shit.

Who is it that’s waking you up?

>The authorities, come to detain you.

>Neumono hivers, come to annoy you.

>The barbarians from the mountains, come to plunder.
No. 1095839 ID: eb0a9c

Batarian slavers, who have no idea where they are.
No. 1095860 ID: 19ea25

Barbarians. So much destruction and chaos is surely to bring more chaos and loot. And it's time o deal with proper raiders.
No. 1095864 ID: 355e44

Barbarians after your loot! (not really, they won't want junk, but its the principle of the thing)
No. 1095871 ID: 347825

The blinking animation is better done than many I've seen; I think the blurring sells it, somehow.
No. 1095971 ID: 2c1245

Contemplate life and nialism.
No. 1097975 ID: 578f3f
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>Batarian slavers, who have no idea where they are.

Those are aliens from Mass Effect Large Magellan Cloud (now available on Playstation 25!), THIS IS REALITY!

>Contemplate life and nialism.

Why, why, WHY did this have to happen to you? Who the fuck decided to plunge you into misery after misery, where you have to LITERALLY fight tooth and nail to buy just another hour of life?
No one, clearly. Only a mindless clown world could allow you to be in such a situation as the one right now.

You find yourself confronted by a force so overwhelming, you can’t help but feel like a pipsqueak by comparison. Your eyes go wide, your mouth turns agape, your back jerks completely straight, and your arms and even ears involuntarily move over the top of your head, with you being powerless to change it.
No. 1097976 ID: 578f3f
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Mostly because lifting them back up would be very difficult.

-“Fee Fi Fo Fee, I found me a nice chunk of meat,” the verdant behemot lifting you by the foot booms.

-“Hey, who you calling meat? Put me down, you lunk!” you yell, flailing your other limbs as you uselessly try to wriggle yourself free.

-“Fee Fi Fo Fool, I want to carry it but my belt is full,” the saurian barbarian continues.

-“Fee Fi Fo Foom, put it in mine, there’s still some room!” another voice rumbles enthusiastically behind you. God, the only thing that hurts more that your mangled foot right now is that stupid accent of theirs.
No. 1097977 ID: 578f3f
File 172757509611.png - (193.31KB , 600x600 , Rococoa 63.png )

The amstvane squeezing your foot hands you over to his buddy, who promptly hangs you by your feet with one of the lengthy, sturdy ropes that pass for a belt around his belt with a practiced and surprisingly gentle motion, wedging you in between a yich-eater that desperately trying to pull her clothes back upwards and a shabby old human.

-“Damn, man, you smell like hell,” you friendlily greet the hooman.

-“Why hello yourself, bloody nightmare dog,” the old man replies with blushed cheeks, likely due to a jolly disposition and not anger or blood rushing downwards.

-“What the fuck’s a dog?” you ask irritatedly.

-“I’ll have you know I haven’t had a chance to take a bath because I’ve been buried in what the used to be my neighbour’s building for the last two days. Luckily these fellows dug me and Miss Pitching over there out before we ran out of air. If they weren’t going to eat us, I’d say they are being a terrific rescue service.”

-“Yeah? And how do we go about avoiding the whole ‘getting eaten’ part?”

-“See, I’m not rightly sure. I’ve only been here for an hour or two, and between everyone else screaming themselves hoarse to be let go and trying to lift my torso to avoid fainting, I haven’t been able to come with a plan.”

-“How many of these giant guys are there anyway? I’m hearing a lot of stomping.”

-“I think they are five, all told. They are all easy to recognize from the markings and I haven’t any stomping or rumbling further away,” the old man says.

-“Thanks, you’ve been a lot of help,” you reply without irony, though pissed off face and voice don’t help convey it.

-“Anytime. Name’s Riley, by the way.”

-“Boy named Sue much?” you say.

-“Aaand we are back to nightmare she-dog mode. Wonderful!”

Okay, enough of this guy, how do you get out this situation before you get sick or thrown into a comically large pot?

>Gnaw the rope.

>Coordinate an escape with the other captives (how?)

>Sweet-talk the amstvane holding you (what do you say?)

>Use an item to get solve the issue somehow (pens, documents, yich, stolen food?)

>Try something else. (What? WHAT?!)
No. 1097979 ID: a7a180

Talk to the amtsvane. You guys are vegetarians, right? It's a good thing we're not a miklik.
No. 1097981 ID: 355e44

There's a reason only yich eaters eat yichs, right? If you can just sneak it into their pot, it'll put them off their meal. Should probably try not to get to that point though.

These barbarians can't be that smart. Bluff that Rokoas have a super buffed version of neumono regen. If they eat you, you'll regenerate in them and tear shit up.
No. 1098111 ID: 2c1245

Why are you even fighting? Fuck it, maybe find a place to hide away from society, grab a husband or something and settle down.
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