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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
801 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1093832 ID: 8a1605
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“Um, hello?” Gabe calls warily, “Sorry if we’re interrupting you, but… you’re the creator, right? Big fan of your work.”

The peacock eyes the visitors with mild curiosity and waves, “Oh yes! Come in! Come in! I so rarely get guests!”

They file down the stairs in a careful line, feeling the prickling of mana intensify near the edge of the pool.

“Wowww, you really make everyone’s souls?” Allayane asks.

The bird chuckles and admits, “Not everyone’s. The vast number of elementals are formed from mana making its way into their realm. Most of the mortals and fey come from this room though.”

“So this is the Font of Souls, then?” Casey asks as she takes in the criss-crossing staircases and terraces. “What is this all made of?” The strange concentric rings in the rocky surface stare back at her, as if the many eyes of the peacock’s tail were living in the walls themselves.

The Creator nods and runs a hand along the pitted floor. “A bit of the primordial foundations from when the world was young. It’s very resistant to the affects of the sea, as you probably noticed. We brought it here when we first arrived. “
No. 1093837 ID: 2e3471

You know, we thought you would be taller given the size of your fellow gods.
No. 1093838 ID: fa3034

It's an honor to meet, you, though you probably get that a lot.
No. 1093841 ID: 273c18

If most mortals come from here, time must work differently in this realm. The birth rate for a populated planet would vastly outstrip the rate we just saw...
No. 1093843 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1093847 ID: 879d84

"First arrived?" From where, I wonder?
No. 1093850 ID: c7882b

Please start from the beginning oh creator (hey can we say your name?), asking questions based on THAT and what we got from Moon/Preserver will amount to that story but in a scrambled way anyway
No. 1093851 ID: c7882b

but also what do you do with the souls that die, seems VERY relevant here
No. 1093852 ID: 26801d

Try not to think about how sexy they are
No. 1093864 ID: d58817

There's a pressing mission here; as before, there's little time to indulge curiosity. We need to know how to punch a new well fast, and the owl didn't want to say.
No. 1093904 ID: f14228

>Most of the mortals and fey come from this room though.
Then... thanks for giving you a shot. It's been good.

>Resistant to the sea
Resistant. Does that mean...? Is there anything you can do to help in the long term?

>Came here
From whence? What came before? You don't *need* to know, obviously, so it's up to them if they're willing to share. Right now you are sort of in a hurry too, what with, uh, an undead uprising, so it's not like you have lots of time for story time.
No. 1093917 ID: c1b3f9

>hey can we say your name?
That should be an obvious "No". If one of them got pissed at us for almost saying their name >>1090710 , then this guy isn't going to let us say his name either.
No. 1093918 ID: 8a1605
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“‘First arrived’? You mean… you didn’t make all this?” Casey asks, jumping on the statement. “I thought you were the Creator?”

“Oh, yes. I created all of you. Not all this.” They wave a hand and then pause. “Well, okay I did make the room. Being near the Sea unprotected for too long would mean being absorbed back into it, for even someone like me.”

Casey continues to press for more, “Where did you come from, then?”

“The Elemental Plane.” The Creator states plainly.
No. 1093919 ID: 8a1605
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“So why did you three come here in the first place?” Casey continues, trying to hone in on the information Minerva revealed.

“Well…” The Fate begins. “In the far past, the first beings to come forth were the primordial titans.” They dip a hand into the pool and continue to draw out souls, watching them drift away as they speak.

“They were elemental forces of incredible power, and as they came into being, they instinctively fought with one another. The result was a conflict that split the Fae and Mortal realms from the Elemental. In the end only four of the great elemental titans remained: earth, air, fire and water.”

“Most elementals draw some of their power from those remaining titans, but myself and my partners had no patron titan to claim, so we sought out another source of power.”
No. 1093921 ID: fa3034

Utilizing mana directly?
No. 1093923 ID: 7c1f1c

The first beings to come forth? To come forth from what?

But we don't have time to ask that now. We've seen that the souls are plucked from the sea of mana, and it must be thence they are returned; Allayane may be nearing the end of her journey.

This news makes Miki and Raithe's union all the more interesting, as well. We know that Fey take their power from mana, and the Mortals channel it to work magic, as well, but Elementals are a different sort of being that take their power from a separate source. The Barghast, a Fae creation, runs on mana, but could it use Titanic power, as well?

Barring that, we just keep listening, and when the Creator gets to the part where they make the mana wells, make notes.
No. 1093925 ID: 273c18

...did they plant those cross-dimensional trees? Are those the source of the sea of mana?
No. 1093928 ID: 254fb6

so... you inserted yourselfs into the cycle of life and death? Preservation becoming an elemental of Memories, Destruction of Death, Creation of Life?
No. 1093929 ID: 254fb6

wait, the conflic slit the Fae and Mortal realms of Elemental, that says nothing of this one
No. 1093930 ID: 9b9a5e

Sought another source of power? Death, reflection, creation… they created the mantles of the Fates, no? Set up a cycle of souls going from the sea to the mortal realm… and back. The process transfers something of what they all need for their portfolios, so to speak.

But if so, before the Guardians, how did- the Mana Wells! Were the Fates using them as portals to the Sea? But now they’re using the Guardians instead!

That’s why Guardians undertake this task, are given this honor, this responsibility and opportunity, to come here, isn’t it? You’ve literally spoken or been spoken to by the very foundational beings of the mortal realm, beings on par with great elementals… except you have their protection and forbearance and seem to be here to at least meet them all in some fashion or another as you make your way. Almost like they’re making an assessment of you while you’re passing by. Man, is this the final formal bit of a job interview? Or are you here to hear the details of the deal only those who have come here get to know?

As much as your expectations for this trip were both dire and high, it seems this goes beyond. The Guardians’ work is important, isn’t it? More than you thought.
No. 1093948 ID: 2a82d3

Let's not rush this. Especially since... well... These three bi mice are only going to get an intimate opportunity with a god just once. It'd be a shame to waste it.
No. 1094006 ID: fc8d61

Won't deny I love the image of this bird getting busy but like, they're your CREATOR. It's kind of an odd dynamic here, especially considering they were technically the third component to the trio being born.

Or they're just chill with it and it's no problem lol.
No. 1094008 ID: 17abec


Yeah but consider: this is the last time the trio will be here until they die, and there's no guarantee that they'll be together for that. We're all here, there's a god with a rockin' bod, let's keep our options open! At least a little offer
No. 1094012 ID: 0594ce

>get intimate
Unfortunately, we don't have time to do that. We're on a time limit and we need to hurry and find a way to get more mana to the living world so that the Bargast and a swarm of undead don't start attacking Moot Point!
No. 1094029 ID: 8a1605
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“The source of life itself…” Kol concludes.

“Yes.” The peacock sags and sighs a little as they admit, “We were bold and young, and because I am a life elemental, I thought I could travel anywhere I pleased. So I traced the flow of mana back to its source, hoping to beseech it for power.”

The Creator looks up at them and hisses in a whisper, “We had no idea the damage we would inflict. The chaos of the titan war was nothing compared to what we awoke. In the end, we took up our roles in order to keep the cycle of life flowing. It is why we, and you, do what we do.”

“So your trespassing here opened the mana wells?” Casey surmises.

“And broke the cycle of life and death, releasing spite into the world.” The peacock nods solemnly.

Gabe cocks his head and asks, “Wait, so you’re a life elemental? I’ve never heard of them.”

The creator turns their glowing gaze upon the mouse and replies, “Ah, I believe your people call them angels.”
No. 1094030 ID: 879d84

So there was a natural cycle of life and death that existed before the Fates?

But wait, simply opening the wells released Spite into the world? It wasn't just the wells being used, or overused, that did it, their mere existence was toxic to life?
No. 1094031 ID: 273c18

I'm not sure I understand. Spite was only released when the First Guardians tried and failed to seal their first mana well, and the mana wells existed long before that. Is the "chaos" referring to the war with the elves? Did that happen as a direct consequence of opening the wells?

Why did that break the cycle of life and death, anyway?
No. 1094032 ID: 254fb6

>"...nothing compared to what we awoke"
Please be being metaphorical
No. 1094033 ID: fa3034

Not to be confused with a fae court angels?
No. 1094035 ID: 2a82d3

Angels? I thought those were Fae? They were bound to Fae law, it seems. Does this mean the bindings on his race are a form of punishment or "precaution" against what the Creator did? Is his current position here one too?

Does he blame himself for all of it? That's a lot of guilt to carry, even for a primordial spirit. Enough to warrant a hug, or three.
No. 1094041 ID: 273c18

...I wonder if we're being lied to.
No. 1094043 ID: 273c18

Ask what kinds of elementals the other Fates are/were.
No. 1094075 ID: 17abec

Is litany some sort of false angel? Or did the court do something messed up to litany? And the gods of the world being elementals, that's a curveball and a half! if nothing else, that means there's more of a non-zero chance to have some fun but i suppose there's no time for that

If I had to guess, I'd say Muut is a Death Elemental and Minerva is some sort of Time Elemental?
No. 1094076 ID: 17abec

Oh yeah and it's nice to talk to a fate that isn't massive and talks to us in mysterious ways
No. 1094077 ID: a6a654

An angel! You freed one of those recently from its bonds, by sheer happenstance.

Maybe they know them?

Anyway, Spite is, what then, a symptom of the broken connection, or something else?
No. 1094090 ID: 8a1605
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Casey exchanges a confused look with Gabe. “Wait, I thought angels were fae? They’re subject to fae law, at least.”

“Not quite fae and not quite elemental: somewhere in between. Fey enough that the courts saw fit to bind most of the remaining angels with their codexes: out of fear of further… trespasses.”

“Then, is this some kind of punishment? Are you trapped here?” Kol asks, seeing the angel in a different light.

The creator shrugs, “Some might see it that way. There are certainly those among the fey courts that would gladly brand me and my partners as devils. But we have chosen to perform our roles out of a sense of duty, so that the cycles of life may continue.”

“So your partners, they’re time and death elementals, right?” Casey asks.

“Yes. Quite rarer than angels actually.”

“Huh, that’s cool!” Gabe nods and brightens up, “Oh, you know what? My friends and I actually released an angel from their codex not too long ago!”

The peacock smiles with a genuine warmth, “That’s wonderful to hear. I feel my greatest regret is that others were punished for our actions. I hope someday they might all be free once again.”

“Yeah, anyway… hey, you wanna bang?” Gabe asks, asking almost on reflex.

“Oh, Spite me…” Casey mutters.

“Fuckin Fates…” Kol adds.

“That’s the idea! We only get one trip here, right? I just thought I’d shoot my shot!” Gabe swivels between them, his hands held out to show it’s definitely not a big deal.

“Gabe, this is serious! We don’t have time! What about the city?” Casey sighs and taps his foot.

“Oh, so we’ve got time to learn all the secrets of the universe that we can’t tell anyone, but we don’t have time for a quickie?” Gabe points at her, knowing he has a point. His eyebrows do a little bounce as if to emphasize this. “Also, considering how they haven’t created any souls in a solid couple of minutes, I’m guessing time works pretty weird down here.”

He turns back to the creator and asks, “Well, you interested?”

The peacock giggles and looks beside themself with amusement. “You know, in all my time here no one has ever asked. Not even once…” They pause to consider the offer and asks, “Um, how should we start?”
No. 1094091 ID: 273c18

>no other Guardians have asked
Wow. Gabe's the horniest Guardian ever. Absolute legend.

Well, get comfortable. Get some kissing done, exploratory touches, that sort of thing.
No. 1094092 ID: 53dd1a

You know what? This bird looks like they could use some genuine appreciation after all this time. Headstrokes, tailstrokes, just get them in the loving mood. 'Worship' comes in many forms, right? They did good, they should get some appreciation.
No. 1094093 ID: 879d84

I'm sure it won't be for lack of trying, but I doubt Gabe will ever be able to top "fucking the Creator" as an achievement, lol. Horniest Guardian ever.

And he can't even tell anyone about it.
No. 1094094 ID: dd3fe0


No no, the greater achievement would be "Topping the Creator"!
No. 1094095 ID: 0677a6

more seriously, what sorta parts does the life elemental have?
No. 1094096 ID: 0677a6

>>1094093 technically the restriction is on telling what you have learned, or otherwise giving away info on the plane, not what you have done, and everyone already knows the creator is here
that being said, almost none would believe Gabe were he to tell the tale, but MAN the faces on other guides faces will be legendary
No. 1094097 ID: 879d84

On a side note, called it, lol
No. 1094098 ID: 17abec

Holy fuck I can't believe that worked

let's start by seeing what equipment the creator is packing. If there's a hole, every mouse gets a turn. If there's two holes, double up on the rear and Rock paper scissors to see who gets the beak. If there's a hole and a shaft, insert them into the classic rat sandwich. This is gonna rule
No. 1094099 ID: 879d84


Honestly, that might be the safest way to go about it. Considering what happened to Gabe when Raithe came inside him, letting the Creator himself pump a load into them could be... dangerous. Assuming there's more special and powerful properties inherent to him as one of the Fates, beyond just being an angel like Litany. At the very least, the gang's bodies are already saturated with mana to the point of overload just by being here.
No. 1094100 ID: dd3fe0


At least discuss this sort of potential safety issue and ways to mitigate risk!
No. 1094101 ID: 17abec

oooh but consider: Casey could get some baller magic by getting cummed in by the creator, like she did with Flashing Feathers. So many possibilities!
No. 1094102 ID: 2a82d3

>“Not quite fae and not quite elemental: somewhere in between.
So that's where new elementals come from. Possible good news Vivian and Cauldera, if they get serious. No doubt the Creator would be naturally happy to assist with Raithe and Miki's infertility issues, too.

>“You know, in all my time here no one has ever asked. Not even once…”
But everyone would ask for a boon or to unlock their latent potential, right? We'd like that too. Our methods are just saucier.

>“Um, how should we start?”
Slow for their sake. Some foreplay to shake the rust out.

If (or once) Casey and Kol warm up to the idea, it should be a trival matter for the near-primal life elemental to receive the love of three worshippers simultaneously. Even if they have to sprout two extra pairs of legs and arms to do it (think a different IRL religion).
No. 1094106 ID: fa3034

By the Fates.
Three instructors about to punch oldest v card in existence. Be mindful of time but do show the utmost care. Let's get comfortable.
No. 1094137 ID: 0ec7ef

In b4 Sex is in a state of Quantum Flux, is both every and none of the genders at the same time.
No. 1094144 ID: 8a1605
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“Why don’t we start by getting comfortable and showing you some appreciation for all you’ve done.” Gabe suggests, leading the angel over to a flight of stairs where they sit side by side. “You guys want to join us?” He asks the rest of the group.

Kol and Casey look to one another as they consider the offer. After a moment, Kol shrugs and sits down opposite Gabe, sandwiching the bird between the pair. Casey on the other hand, holds back, clearly torn on the idea. “You guys go ahead. I… might need a minute before I join you.”

The mice get to work running their fingers through the resplendent plumage and ruffling the angel’s feathers. The creator purr’s happily, returning the favor by rubbing the mice’s thighs and sides.

“Oohhh. Its been ages since I’ve been touched like that…” They gasp and shiver as Gabe lays a few smooches along their elegant neck. “Ah!”

“Do you like it?” Gabe whispers to them, “We’re here to serve you. To worship you…”

The bird squawks out a quiet “Ah~” as their fondled. Their beak is open and inviting, so Gabe goes in for a kiss: closing his eyes as their tongues intertwine. The creator comes up for air, and turns to Kol, “Yes… more, please…” they insist before exchanging a kiss with the Medium.

“Mmm, I thought you might like it.” Gabe chuckles, “All alone for thousands of years? I’d be pretty touch starved too.” His hands trace the inside of the angel’s leg and come to rest between their legs. His fingers rub around beneath the feathers, trying to find anything to stimulate and finding nothing.

“Oh, I haven’t bothered with genitalia for some time. But I can create some if that makes things easier.” They explain.

“Really? You can do that?” Gabe asks, scratching his cheek.

The angel shrugs, “Our bodies are fairly fluid, it’s just a matter of concentration. Er, what would you prefer?”

No. 1094145 ID: 8a1605
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Casey looks on, still uncertain about joining in: her mind still too focused on the mission to relax.

A tap on her shoulder catches her attention and she turns to see Allayane smiling bashfully. Her fingers lift at the edges of her robe, revealing a very familiar pair of underwear wrapped around her waist. “You know, I’ve been thinking about you a lot since we last met. I was kind of hoping… well… we might get a chance to fool around again.”

No. 1094146 ID: 2a82d3

Be both giver and receiver. Recieve from the one who handles death, and give to the one most full of life.

F* it. F* her.
No. 1094154 ID: fa3034

Let's start with how mortals create life. The embrace of two different sets of bits. Perhaps after we'll see how three matching sets can work. Either way, there will be some worship going on.
No. 1094156 ID: 8aebb0

This is a real milestone for this story both in and out of character. We've achieved the rpg escalation feat of going from tavern rats to wrestling with a god. The scene warrants the protracted effort that fucking god deserves.

No need to be all shy about our bits and bobs with this one seeing as they're our capital m Maker, they've assuredly imagineered up every kind of dick and breast, every curvy buttocks and pussy in the world, there's nothing anyone is packing that this one isn't intimately familiar with... What they're *not* intimately familiar with is the moves and customs we put each other through along to way. We let Casey give the creator a lapdance and they'll pretty damn soon pop a stiffy as Kol and Gabe give this socially starved angel a big ol cavalcade of sweet nothings in their ears...Ideally not 'worshipful' sweet nothings mind you, I wouldn't want to poison what is by all signs a rather chill fellow with their first mindblowing sex-session/social interaction in an eternity being one where he gets worshipped as something 'better' then mortals.

Give out more generic compliments. "your rainobw sheenes are so pretty, I wish I could nestle into your plumage forever, he's soo tall!" and other things in that sort of vibe

We'll know we're doing something right if and when we get em making a goofy little smile and that tail plumage lighting up again.
No. 1094161 ID: 7c1f1c

I'm moved by this opinion. This will be as much of a climactic encounter as any boss fight. For all we know, it will operate in phases, too, where we get a turn with each of the Fates.

Let's take stock of our party composition:

Equipment: V
Temperment: Dom lean
Special ability: Members Multifarious

Equipment: D
Temperment: Sub
Special ability: Spectral Stamina

Equipment: D
Temperment: Dom lean
Special Ability: Portal Positions

Equipment: V
Temperament: ? Sub lean ?
Special Ability: Deathless Devotion

We currently have a 2/2 split on equipment in the party (including Allayane), which means that we might want to preserve the even ratio with the new Fated Equipment. If the read on Allayane is right, then we also have an even Temperment split, which should give us valuable flexibility in approach.

I think it makes particular sense to preserve Equipment parity in the context of how Temperments split with the party; we know how much Kol likes to take it, and Gabe seems to excel in dishing it out. Request a D/V configuration from the Fate; once the Fate is warm, then Gabe can the Fate into Kol from inside. The Fate's Temperment is currently a bit unclear, but if we're using the Worship strategy, that might help tip the Fate into Dom state while claiming Kol's offering. That should proc Kol's Temperment status. Failing that, we know that Casey can proc his Temperment easily, and we can rely on her as backup when she enters in phase one part two.

On the other side, I think that Casey and Allayane are well positioned to buff up the party for phase one part two, when the party reconvenes. This is actually sort of a callback to the first Allayane encounter, which paired her with Casey, separating them from Kol and Gabe and a bird. This time, the bird is on another level, and directly involved, but Casey and Allayane can still use a similar Dual Tech to the one they practiced in their first encounter, providing an AOE arousal buff like the one Gabe and Kol experienced then. This might be super effective on the bird, given that the bird is out of practice (unlike the bird in the first encounter) and so will probably need a longer warm-up, and would benefit more from a model.

I know it's a lot of theorycraft, but during an encounter like this, I think it's important to consider carefully how to get all the Deity Pleasure Stimulation we can from the party we have.
No. 1094162 ID: 81c963

Hey, as long as you're setting your sights as high as screwing a deity, why not ask for both at the same time? As far as I know you'll never get the opportunity again.
No. 1094169 ID: 8aebb0


Go play a tabletop rpg before nutting.
No. 1094171 ID: a26543

Bring on that most divine of dicks, the most perfect of penises, the most special of shafts: the creator's cock.
No. 1094172 ID: b5fe30

No. 1094177 ID: a649ab

Does the creator have a butt?
No. 1094183 ID: 17abec

Yeah maybe you don't need to say what you want at all, maybe you can tease it out of them and let them pick what feels right!
No. 1094190 ID: 8a1605
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Casey sighs and extends a hand to the ghost, who takes it. The translucent fingers feel tingly and chilly, but much more solid than the encounter in Mr. Ochre’s collection. The spirit tugs at her grip, and the mouse allows her to set her down on a nearby stair.

The binder leans against the staircase and watches as the ghost slips out of her robe. “Were you really just waiting to have sex with me again?”

Allayane sits next to her and hugs her close, “Well, not just that. I wanted to hear about your life, and all the stuff you’ve done since we met!”

No. 1094191 ID: 8a1605
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Kol and Gabe share a look from opposite sides of the creator. “What’da think?” Gabe asks.

“I dunno, man. This was all your idea.” Kol shrugs. “Your call.”

“Hmmm.” Gabe scratches his chin as he contemplates positions and mechanics for fucking. “I’m cool with either, but right now I could go for some dick, er… if that’s okay with you?” He asks the angel.

“Oh, absolutely!” The peacock closes their eyes as their bare feathers start to glow and stretch. The light fills the space between their thighs before fading, revealing a shaft of brilliant blue and a feathery pair of balls. “How’s that?”

“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cock as beautiful… “ Gabe says, eyeing it with a wistful hunger.

No. 1094194 ID: eb0a9c

Fill it up with soul energy from the pool, then fill the three up.
No. 1094195 ID: fa3034

Get your touch on
No. 1094196 ID: 273c18

Worship that cock.
No. 1094197 ID: 17abec

Show that bird a good time!
No. 1094214 ID: fc85bd

w- why is the Creator of all souls' cock circumcised...
No. 1094249 ID: 8a1605
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“Didn’t get enough dick this morning?” Kol jokes.

Gabe slides off the step and kneels in front of his creator. “Come on, this isn’t about me. Its about doing something no one else ever bothered to do: show our thanks.”

Gabe beams up at the bird, who shivers and moans as the mouse gently takes hold of the shaft and starts pumping it.

“Hey, one sec. Are you sure-?“ Kol stammers, just realizing something.

Gabe turns towards Kol, his mouth and tongue open to start sucking. The creator suddenly bucks his hips and cries out, driven to orgasm from a feather touch. A shower of glowing cum splatters across Gabe’s face, missing his mouth as the peacock's shaft pulses warmly in his hand.

“I was just going to say: we should probably be careful. We’re already saturated with mana, any more elemental cum might be dangerous.” Kol finishes, sighing at the bukakked rodent.

“Ohhhh~ Sorry about that. I didn’t realize I was so pent up!” The creator sighs, coming down from their blissful high. Their cock throbs, still rock hard and eager for more.

No. 1094250 ID: daf3a4

Can Life Elemental cum get boys pregnant?
No. 1094251 ID: 26801d

this is a once in lifetime opportunity to get oversaturated in mana-cum from the creator themself, and what safer place to do it than their own domain? might as well go all in
No. 1094252 ID: eb0a9c

I think this ends with one of you getting mega-pregnant with super-keidran
So go for it
No. 1094253 ID: 350d20

I think he'd have enough control over that life essence that that wouldn't happen without intending it... still, there might be some sort of fertility or health blessing? Well, you should all take a turn with him, if only so no one person gets too much, so all three of you will get a helping. Or all four. Don't take too much time but do share the love!
No. 1094254 ID: 273c18

Well, Gabe can just not swallow.
No. 1094256 ID: 2a82d3

Meanwhile, Casey is speedrunning with Allayane through every lewd encounter she's had in the quest. Demonstration is much more expedient than talk. She's at Flashing Feathers (the first time, with Mr. Ochre at the temple) now.
No. 1094262 ID: 0ec7ef

Actually just how malleable are YOU all in this realm? Wonder if the Creator being, well, the *Creator* could (temporarily) turn your outie into an innie for a truly unique experience.
No. 1094274 ID: 8a1605
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Casey leans in, letting Allayane’s ghostly fingers explore her curves: cupping her breasts and curling around her hips. The spirit presses up against her, savoring her living warmth and pulling her into a kiss.

The sensation is strange, there’s no hot breath or wetness, only the semi-solid feeling of a body: as though with enough force, Casey could pass right through her. She chuckles, the experience reminding her of the “wrestling” match with Opinel.

“Well, actually quite a lot went down after we met.” Casey begins, shimmying out of her top and slipping her skirt off. “Right after we met you, we had to stop a kelpie from harassing a bathhouse but she tricked us into becoming our roommate.”

“Oh woah!”

“It’s alright, she’s actually very sweet. Now she’s a firefighter and has a girlfriend who’s an undine.”

“What?” The ghost gawks, slipping her hand into the mouse’s underwear.

“We also helped a Selkie say goodbye to his lich husband, but in the process attracted the attention of a bargast and a devil who controls it.” Casey continues, spreading her legs so the otter can reach further. "Then Cecil, the guy you were haunting, and I explored an old pyramid and helped release a coatl that had been imprisoned there."

Allayane twists her head and squints with a suspicious eye. “No waaay. Are you fucking with me?”

No. 1094276 ID: 16d082

"...Yes, Allayane. Yes, I am."
No. 1094277 ID: d6ba6b

"No, but I'm about to."
No. 1094278 ID: fa3034

Whole truth, you have the tattoo to prove it.
No. 1094297 ID: 2a82d3

Oh, she can show her more than the tattoo. Let's see her power matches against the Creator
No. 1094302 ID: 8a1605
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“Gabe… are you sure this is a good idea?” Kol asks as his partner cleans the mess from his face.

The mouse wipes his hands off on his shorts and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small square of foil, sealed around a round, flat object.

“Huh, since when do you carry those?” Kol remarks, watching Gabe tear open the wrapper.

The Sender shrugs as he unrolls the condom down the length of the creator’s cock. “I usually don’t bother with them because of hygiene wards and all: but I figured that if I’m always carrying lube, I might as well have a few of these too.” He gives the wrapped dick a few experimental pumps of his fingers, “How’s that feel?”

The angel looks down at the mortal’s handy-work and beams, “A little tight, but not quite so sensitive. I think I can manage myself better like this.”

“Good. I want you to last, but I want you to enjoy yourself.” Gabe says, running his tongue under the peacock’s cock.


No. 1094312 ID: fa3034

A little bit of modern technology to wow the fates~
No. 1094313 ID: eb0a9c

Oh goody we get to collect pure spirit essence for designer babies
No. 1094324 ID: 8a1605
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“No, but I’m about to... Besides, I have the tattoos to prove it.” Casey shoots back with a wry smile. She holds out her hand and lets her aura form into a glowing shackle. “I’ve learned a few new tricks since we last met.”

“Oh really? Why don’t you show me something?” Allayane trails her fingers between Casey’s lower lips before applying them to her clit. The mouse’s hips buck in response as she drills down on the sensitive nub.

“How’s this?” The binder twirls a finger in a circle, and a ring of light forms around the otter’s wrists. A gentle twist of her fingers later and the ghost finds herself on her knees, with her arms held behind her back.

“Ooh, you’re cute like that. Stay put for me, will you?” Casey says, standing up. She shimmies out of her panties and kicks them aside as she brings herself within easy reach of the bound spirit.

No. 1094336 ID: 2a82d3

I guess a little condom play won't hurt. Good thing mice are herbivores, or those teeth'd be tearing.

She is indeed well lined up to clean your pool house, Case. Your floor tendrils will help her undress.
No. 1094337 ID: fa3034

Going to let her keep this pair too?
No. 1094392 ID: 8a1605
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Gabe rolls and bobs his head, slowly taking the Creator’s dick deeper and deeper. He takes his time, trying to slowly build up pleasure so they don’t blow their load all at once. The little thrusts of their hips tell the mouse how much they’re enjoying his work, and he smiles as he takes the shaft down to the base.

“Ah! Th-that’s it… Oh that’s- that’s good.” The Creator sighs, placing a hand on Gabe’s head to guide him.

Something flops against their shoulder and they turn to see Kol, having shed his pants and kneeling on a higher step. “Want to have a taste?” He says, flicking his erection against the immaculate feathers again.

No. 1094403 ID: fa3034

How many beak jobs have you gotten? How much you want to bet this might be your best?
No. 1094416 ID: c8380b

I want to see the boys rub themselves on their feathery chest.
No. 1094522 ID: 8a1605
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The otter beams at Casey hungrily as she steps forward and places a hand behind her head. The ghost is pushed snout first between her legs and goes to work nuzzling and licking at her pussy.

“Ah~ yeah! Like that!” Casey gasps, grinding in place. The Allayane’s tongue is oddly rough, like Clio’s, but lacks the warmth of a living mortal. The otter’s broad nose bumps lightly against her hips with each pass of her tongue, leaving her legs shivering from the tingling touch.

Allayane is so absorbed in eating Casey out, that she hardly notices as something snakes down between her legs and into her panties. The ghost’s eyes shoot open as the tendril slides across her folds and curls itself around, ready to slip inside.

“You haven’t forgotten about these, have you?” Casey says with a smirk, “I’ve gotten much better at controlling them since I used them on you.” Her finger twitches and the tentacle flicks upwards, precisely against Allayane’s clit. She looks on with satisfaction as the otter’s legs clench together in pleasure.

No. 1094527 ID: 715ea1

Gotta see this otter folding on herself before we finish here
No. 1094630 ID: 8a1605
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Kol thrusts gently into the Creator’s mouth, biting his lip as he enjoys the sensation. “That’s it, you’re getting the hang of it…” Thankfully, the angel’s beak morphs easily to adapt to the task, forming a tight seal around his shaft. His hand rests on the back of their neck, slowly easing them deeper with each pump of his hips.

He lets the bird come up for air, and they beam back at him with a little pre-cum already dripping off their beak. “I’m enjoying this immensely! You taste so different from an elemental!”

“Oh? So you have done this before?” Kol asks, having been wondering as much for the last several minutes. Even Gabe opens an eye and cocks his ear to listen.

The Creator giggles and admits, “Please. When I was your age, there wasn’t much to do besides fight and fuck; and I really never was much of a fighter.”

No. 1094634 ID: fa3034

Oh wow, bet they've seen all sorts of elemental bits and bobs. Got a story of any past lovers?
No. 1094635 ID: 2a82d3

So you and the other Fates were actually a thing, for a bit?
No. 1094736 ID: 8a1605
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Casey closes her eyes and rocks on her heels, letting Allayane’s tongue play across her folds. Her breath hitches and she feels herself cum a little bit as the otter nuzzles into her pussy hard enough to raise her off her heels. “Auuuh! Tha-ts it! Don’t stop~”

The mouse flexes her aura and guides it forward, feeling the ghost spreading around the tentacle. She lets the spell curl itself up into her like a finger, searching for her g-spot. Allayane purrs happily into Casey’s pussy as the spell thrusts in and out.

Allayane’s eyes go wide and she moans, her mouth still hard at work between Casey’s legs.

“There we go!” The Binder grins and stiffens her fingers, jabbing them forward. The spell thickens in response: growing more rigid and changing from a gentle sine wave, to a piston.

No. 1094738 ID: fa3034

Give that ott butt a good squeeze with the aura and start grinding
No. 1094792 ID: 8a1605
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“Yeaaaah!” Gabe exclaims, “I knew it! You’re just as horny as the rest of us! Wait, does that mean you and the other Fates were ever… you know, a thing?”

The Creator’s smile betrays a hint of nostalgia as they reply, “A long, long time ago… we might have been what you mortals call ‘a thing’. But with lives as long as ours, its rare for our kind to commit to relationships the way you understand them.”

“Would you… ever consider getting together with them again?” Gabe asks, suddenly looking oddly serious.

They laugh with a discordant honk. “Possibly, but all of us are far too busy keeping the flow of life functioning.”

“Can we help?” The Sender asks beaming up at the Creator with eager zeal.

The angel’s eyes flicker with little blinks of astonishment. “Wh- how?”

“Well, I could take your place! You, know… for a little bit!”

“Gabe, come on.” Kol sags, his shoulders drooping in a defeated slump. “We’re already pushing things as it is!”

The mouse smiles back at him: its not his usual horny- gremlin grin, rather its genuine and reassuring. “No! No! I know! I mean… someday! Like, when I die and come here as a ghost? Maybe, I could give you enough time to go see them again?”

“I appreciate the sentiment, but I have no idea if that would even be feasible.” The Creator admits, though clearly interested in the offer. “It would be an enormous responsibility.”

Kol raises an eyebrow and asks, “What brought this on?”

“I guess after what happened yesterday: I got scared about what could have happened to you and Casey.” Gabe looks up at his Creator with a tinge of sadness and says, “And the thought of spending all of eternity without being able to see my partners again? That just sucks, right?”

“Awww, Gabe…"

“In the meantime, Kol and I aren’t done with you yet.” Gabe says, crawling up and straddling the Creator’s lap. “We’re gonna make sure you cum your beautiful, angelic brains out.” He murmurs in their ear.

No. 1094793 ID: 17abec

There goes Gabe again, love so boundless it touches the creator. He's such a sweetheart
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