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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
1148 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1099276 ID: 86847c
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“Okay, let me try something…” Casey makes a fist and summons her mana tendrils. Her aura extends out in a fluid coil and her left forearm glows as her water-form brand emerges. “Ohhhh, okay. I guess they’re still there, but sort of covered up. Makes sense to me.”

“Well, what else do we have to do now?” Gabe asks.

“Let’s check in with the Guardians, I guess.” Kol suggests, scanning the crowd for his grand-uncle.
No. 1099277 ID: 86847c
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The trio, with Clio in tow, approach Sifr as he continues to organize the post-battle clean up.

“You take care of Opinel?“ The old mouse twists the end of his mustache and cocks an eyebrow at them.

“Mmhm. His soldiers carried him off to the other side.” Kol answers.

The elder Medium closes his eyes and nods, giving a deep, satisfied sigh. “Good lad. Glad you saw him off properly. We’ll mop up here and post sentries in case any undead managed to slip past us. Good work you three- er, I mean four.” He bows slightly for Clio, “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced, but it was an honor fighting alongside you. Sifr Bardo, at your service.”
No. 1099284 ID: 273c18

Ask if there's anything you can do to help. If not, it might be time to get back to the moon mission.
No. 1099289 ID: e13faa

I know you guys feel full of energy, but after going all the way to the afterlife and back, I think perhaps people wouldn't bedgrudge you taking a break to recuperate. You've made a pretty big contribution, here. Help if there's anything immediate with the cleanup that's urgent or dangerous, maybe with people who got displaced by the trouble? But you guys need to go relax for a bit. The moon can wait a while longer, now. Maybe visit some folks who would have been very worried about you on your very dangerous mission?
No. 1099327 ID: 86847c
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“Oh! Right! Um, My name’s Clio.” She fumbles for a response for a moment before returning the bow. “Nice to meet you! Um, I just joined the Senders a while ago, so I’m still new to all this.”

“Clio helped me catch Ometra, remember?” Casey puts an arm around the cat and pulls their hips together playfully.

The Guardian nods, “Yes, thank you for the roommate. They grumble a lot, but are doing well, all things considered. Couldn’t come to the battle out of worry they would draw attention from their old court, but I’m sure they’ll be eager to hear all about it when I get home.”

“Yeah, tell them we said ‘hi’.”

“I’m certain they’ll love to hear that.” The old mouse chuckles, imagining the explosion of fury from the fey undead.

Gabe leans in twiddles his fingers innocently, “Sooo, anything else you need us to do?”

Sifr looks out over the battlefield and grumbles to himself for a moment. “Nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow. We’ll have to coordinate removing these barricades and cleaning up: but for now all Guides and Guardians are to stand down, get some rest and wait for further instructions.”

“So, that’s it? We’re Guardians now?” Gabe continues. “Is there some kind if ceremony?”

“What?” Sifr looks up as if suddenly reminded of something important. “Not as such, but…” He waves a hand to his partners, calling them over. Mariana and Cervantes converge on the group and line up behind him.

The old mouse nods in approval at the new Guardians and grins. “Congratulations you three on passing your trial. You’ve followed in the footsteps of the Guardians who came before you, met the Fates, and learned of the balance we seek to preserve.”

“You did good. I’ll be looking forward to working more with you in the future.” Cervantes folds his arms and nods, “And I’d like to hear more about what you’ve found regarding Madam Moot and the first Guardians.”

“We’ll be expecting more from you in the future, and you’ll be called on for tougher assignments, but you’ve proven yourselves ready for any task.” Mariana opens a small gate and pulls out a folded cloak, which she hands to Gabe. “Here. Until we get you a set of your own, you can borrow one of mine. Try not to get it cut on any gates.” The bird grins at the mouse as she offers him a small challenge.
No. 1099328 ID: fa3034

Stand proud, Guardians.
No. 1099332 ID: ec86ec

Many things left to do, but all of it has to wait until later, while this is cleaned up. I suppose that makes it time for the mice to have a rest... and probably this Chapter, too
Congrats, ye mice, go have a celibratory spa day.
No. 1099335 ID: 273c18

Sweet, new gear!
No. 1099340 ID: 2a82d3

Give a toast to the elders, whether they be living or dead, former or first, flesh or stone. Respects given most of all to the saint of the city.

Regarding Augustine Moot's fate, the eight of us will have much to discuss. The eighth will be here on her own time, like she always does.
No. 1099350 ID: eb0a9c

Okay go be a surrogate
No. 1099392 ID: c8ca48

but she has to go to the mooooon (depending on the timing of things, I'd imagine that going to the moon would require a month or two of prep time)

unrelated but i'm curious about Graves, did that guy stick around?
No. 1099424 ID: 86847c
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Gabe takes the Guardian’s mantle, naked excitement shining in his eyes. He slips his old sash off of his shoulders and stashes it away in his storage dimension before donning the hand-me-down cloak and pinning it with the seal of the Sender Academy.

“I… I don’t think I ever expected to get this far.” He admits. The weight of the fabric pulls down Gabe’s shoulders, as though it were woven out responsibility. Moving about feels awkward and his hands have to clutch at the seams to keep from getting tangled, but nevertheless pride fills his skinny frame until he’s practically glowing.

“I figured you’d manage eventually, but certainly not so quickly.” Mariana pats him on the shoulder and winks.

“Well, what do we do now?” Casey asks. “Hit the spa?”

“After today, I don’t know if I could handle celebrating with Delilah. I feel like it might kill me.” Kol admits.

Gabe nods and blushes. “Yeahhhh. Also I think I’d like a little one-on-one time with Del: I wanna thank her for the healing last night, maybe take her on another date.” A grumble is heard from under his new cloak and he suggests, “Actually we haven’t eaten since we saw Miki earlier, what do say to getting dinner?”
No. 1099425 ID: c8ca48

I'm surprised he can even think about eating after all of that, but if you have to eat you have to eat! How about treating yourselves to a fancy dinner? I think you've earned it
No. 1099427 ID: fa3034

Lets get back to the place where our luck started turning around.
No. 1099429 ID: 64f49c

round we go again, back to the bakery, how often we return it's like it's a second home
No. 1099431 ID: 2a82d3

This is too big a promotion to not book a fancy restaurant for the whole party over. Treat yourselves!

Oh no, this time WE should taking them out.
No. 1099456 ID: 0c1983

Nooo, don’t leave already, I NEED more Cervantes in my life (and maybe you three do too 😉)
No. 1099468 ID: 86847c
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“Where should we eat? Someplace fancy?” Kol asks.

“Sure, why not?” Gabe shrugs, and points a finger, opening a gate. “Why don’t we hit up that place that catered for Miki and Raithe’s wedding? Been dying to try their food again.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Casey offers her arm to Clio, who accepts and is pulled close. “After today I could use some good food and the company of friends.”

"Way ahead of you, which is why Ipropose picking up some more friends..."

A couple of gates later, and the assembled party arrives at ”the Hole in the Cliff” which, despite its name, turns out to be a rather upscale establishment: having been carved into the stone in the early days of the city. The smiling maître de waves the Guardians inside and finds them a comfortable corner for the entire dining party. Table wine is brought around and bread is broken as plates are passed.

There’s no menu, only course after course of small, elegant dishes brought by an efficient rotation of waiters. Starting with salad to whet the appetite, they move on to a cup of gumbo, stewed from fresh caught seafood, to roasted skewers of meat, cooked in a clay oven and served over pasta: each flavor blending with the next to form an epicurean journey.

The whole restaurant is abuzz with the murmurs of fellow diners, having witnessed the march of the undead and the birth of the new world-tree. No shortage of glances are cast over at the three mice and their companions, as curiosity electrifies the air.

But for Gabe, Casey and Kol, the whole world slips away, leaving only each other and the company of their close friends. Chatter and stories work their way around the table, with the three mice occasionally sharing glances at one another: silently recalling their trip to the astral plane.

“-Raithe and I didn’t know what was happening, we just looked outside and there was this big tree!”

“-can’t say much, because of Guardians business. But, I think we have to go to the Moon.”

“-just and endless wave of them. You said the bargast had an army of fifty thousand?”

“That’s what Opinel said. Could be more.”

“I’m glad I didn’t have to fight them. I just had to hold the gate open…”

“For a whole hour? Spite me, I just got supercharged with mana and I think I could do ten minutes, maybe fifteen.”

“Wait, what do you mean ‘go to the moon’?!”

As the candles burn low and the plates are cleared, Kol raises a glass and calls for a toast.
No. 1099469 ID: eb0a9c

"To fucking our way through life!"
No. 1099471 ID: 273c18

To endings, beginnings, and all we can fit between!
No. 1099472 ID: 9ceaf6

To the places and people we've explored... In more ways than one, of course~!
No. 1099476 ID: fa3034

To the city, and all the souls in it. To our friends, who helped us along the way. To our partners, who remind us what we fight for.
No. 1099481 ID: 2a82d3

To a good night's sleep before a fresh adventure.

... Aw, who am I kidding it's you guys. There's going to be cuddling, at minimum, later. There's even an even number to pair, without Delilah here. Then again, if she is here, maybe a healer could help Kol in controlling his unexpected boost in power.
No. 1099516 ID: 86847c
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"To the city, and all the souls in it. To our friends, who helped us along the way. To our partners, who remind us what we fight for.”

Glasses ring together in a chorus of clinks, and the rest of the wine is polished off. Everyone’s brains fizzle with the happy buzz of good food and drinks as the night winds down. Its a moment of perfect contentment among friends following a long, turbulent day.
No. 1099517 ID: 86847c
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As the table is cleared, and the check settled, the satisfied diners shuffle outside and take in the night air.

Off in the distance, the leaves of Rowdin’s tree ripple in the coastal breeze, blocking out the stars as they creep out from under the horizon. The city bustles sleepily, having settled down for the night to relax after the march of the undead.

Gabe opens a gate for Miki and Raithe as they say their goodnights.

“Thank you for dinner! Congratulations on becoming Guardians!”

“And thank you for everything! Raithe, if it wasn’t for your mana, we wouldn’t have found that moon beacon!”

“Heheh, yeah that was a lot of fun. It was nice to join in on all the sexy stuff for once.”

“Well, I’d love to borrow a fire ward and have some more fun.” Gabe blushes as he recalls being in the salamander’s grip. “Just as long as you don’t give me any more piercings…”

Raithe bites his lip and nods, “I-I’d like that… I’ll try and be more careful, next time.”

“And we’ve gotta start thinking about having that baby.” Casey leans down to kiss Miki’s cheek.

The baker returns smooch and replies, “I think that might want to wait until you guys get back from the moon or whatever. But yes, definitely.”

The couple wave goodbye and depart through the gate, which closes with a clap of thunder and tingle of ozone.
No. 1099518 ID: 86847c
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“What about you?” Casey nudges Clio and winks, “Back to the dorm or do you wanna join us for the night?”

“Oh, I thought that was assumed.” The cat pulls her into a kiss, huffing for breath as their tongues entangle. “Come on, you better show me what you can do, miss Guardian.”

They step through Gabe’s gateway, returning home in an instant. Giggling and squirming eagerly with one another, their clothes are cast aside as they hurry to bed for a night of cuddling and fun after an unforgettable day.

End of chapter 16

I’d just like to take a moment to thank everyone who have been readers and suggesters for all these years. I plan on continuing with questing for as long as I can, and consider myself lucky to have reached the end of this arc. Moot Point has been such a wonderful story to share, and I couldn’t have come this far without your feedback and support, so thank you all again.

As for what happens next: we could have an epilogue scene or we could jump right into the next chapter. Either way, I’m excited to keep going.

No. 1099519 ID: 51b308

I may have joined the fray very recently, but Moot Point has been a blessing to me, so thank you for the years of the story!

And I think the monumental arc coming to a close is worthy of an epilogue!
No. 1099520 ID: 5e6c20

what a long adventure, and I don't... THINK I was here for all of it!
Epilogue sounds interesting no matter what it is, and for all I know it could be many things
No. 1099524 ID: 355e44

Here's to another fun adventure with the lovely mice and their adorable friends. Always a delight to read.
No. 1099525 ID: eb0a9c

I want you to know that anyone who decries this ongoing work of art is a maniac. Here's to another 16 chapters of Moot Point!

Let's get to Chapter 17.
No. 1099526 ID: cd9cd6

I like the thought of an epilogue. There's certainly a LOT to unpack after everything that's happened in this arc. Maybe Kol going to check up on Rodwin's spirit? Unless that's best left for the next chapter
No. 1099529 ID: 2a82d3

E-pi-logue! E-pi-logue! E-pi-logue!

Let's see how maleable Casey is now, and if Kol can do a dragon impression with his soul.
No. 1099530 ID: fa3034

Been posting since thread one, glad to witness Moot Point come this far.

Let's see what loose threads we can peek at.
No. 1099545 ID: d59b26

An epilogue to show how much their skills have been upgraded certainly sounds useful.
No. 1099560 ID: e7e153

No. 1099563 ID: cfbe63

Definitely show the cat playing with the mice :>
No. 1099594 ID: 86847c
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Clio sits down hard as Casey pushes her onto the big, fluffy bed. The car flops back, letting her legs dangle off the edge and stretches into a fuzzy arc. “So this is how Guardians live, huh? If I had known about this, I would have given up on the whole thief thing earlier.” She feels Casey tugging at her belt and lifts her legs so the mouse can deftly slip her pants off.
No. 1099595 ID: 86847c
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“Well, most Guardians don’t all sleep in one big bed.” Kol tosses his sweater aside as Gabe bobs his head eagerly on his dick.

The Sender pulls his head back and gasps before admitting, “Honestly, we didn’t even get along that well at first!” He takes a breath as his partner grabs his head and jams his cock back in.

No. 1099597 ID: cd9cd6

“Honestly, we didn’t even get along that well at first!”

Okay now that's hard to believe, lol. We totally need details, Gabe, of this mythical time when the trio weren't a gleeful polycule.
No. 1099598 ID: cb76eb

Like anything, it was a learning process
No. 1099599 ID: 2a82d3

Didn't get along at first? Really? Was the sexual tension and awkwardness so bad, you needed a portal sword to cut through it?
No. 1099613 ID: cfbe63

I wouldn't mind an origin story for the next chapter at all, seeing how they met and everything.
No. 1099618 ID: 33ccb4

2nd this.
No. 1099619 ID: eb0a9c

Sounds good, we might see some important clues.
No. 1099629 ID: cd9cd6

No. 1099655 ID: 86847c
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“Its true.” Casey says from between Clio’s thighs. The mouse kisses her way along the Sender's leg and slips her fingers under Clio's panties. “We all had a lot of growing to do.” She pulls the drenched fabric away and nuzzles the soft cleft.

“Mmmn, I’d love to hear more about that sometime.” Clio murmurs. She closes her eyes, and covers her face with an arm, concentrating on the feeling of Casey’s tongue between her legs.

No. 1099656 ID: 86847c
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Kol sighs, thrusting gently into his partner, “Ah- We were such different people then: it's not worth lingering on too much." He chuckles as a memory of himself comes drifting up."I was distant and lost. I had spent most of my life training to be a Medium and having achieved that... I didn't know what to do next. I had just moved to the city for the first time and was living with two complete strangers."

Gabe grins as he pulls his head back, his hand still at work pumping Kol's shaft. "Heh you were so cute back then. I was arrogant, immature and horny. I had just graduated from the Academy and was one of the youngest to ever become a Sender. So naturally I thought I was the hottest shit around. Seriously, if you think I'm bad now, I was insufferable back then."

No. 1099657 ID: 86847c
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Clio sits up as she notices a light from between her thighs. Casey's head rises up from the edge of the bed, glowing from within and trailing a long, flexible tongue.

"As for me," She says, "I just came back from training in the feywilds and was used to constantly following rules in order to survive. Then, suddenly I had to deal with two uncontrollable dinguses, with no idea what any of us were doing. I was demanding and terse and always frustrated that I couldn't control my magic as well as Kol and Gabe. Of course, I think I've got the hang of it now."

No. 1099658 ID: 169492

Mmm delicious, Medium lore! Also whow Casey monster form with tf ability opens up so many possibilities! Multiple arms, pseudo-penis, size changes, shapeshifting; all the options!
No. 1099659 ID: 2a82d3

He raised in Death, had remembered, but to live.
He with strong Memory, had lived, but was humbled.
She blessed with Life, confronted chaos, but remembers fondly.

If only your past selves could look at you now... feels like cutting a portal back in time... Anyway, what convinced you that you could work as a team, and what was your first job? Haunted house?

Also, right now is barely at the level of power perversion potential you three are capable of. You should be looking borderline unrecognizable by the end.
No. 1099660 ID: 273c18

Speaking of which, time to show off your upgraded control!
No. 1099749 ID: 86847c
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“What the?” Clio stares as Casey dives back in between her thighs. The long tongue coils and pushes past the lips of her pussy, flexing inside and lashing against her G-spot.

The cat bucks her hips and claws at the quilted bedspread as she’s eaten out, struggling to keep her legs spread under the pressure.

No. 1099750 ID: 86847c
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“Oh yeah, Casey is basically made of aura in that form.” Kol explains, “Don’t ask about how it works, though.”

He offers Gabe his hand and easily lifts the Sender off the floor. The boys exchange a kiss, which is salty from the precum on Gabe’s lips. “I got a bit of a power boost too. You wanna help me try it out?”

No. 1099758 ID: cb76eb

Do be mindful not to turn your partners into mush
No. 1099762 ID: 273c18

Stand and carry?
No. 1099764 ID: 4e436a

be sure to turn your partners into mush
No. 1099767 ID: 2a82d3

When you already know the answer, but you want to hear him say it...

If Kol really does have the strength for it, let's see him send half his spirit out and split himself up. For double the pleasure.
No. 1099768 ID: 273c18

IIRC his spirit can only touch spirits so it won't be useful here.
No. 1099826 ID: 86847c
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Gabe nods and admits, “Just take it easy. My butt has already taken a lot of pounding today.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll start slow.” Kol steps behind him and picks him up by the waist. He grunts slightly and shifts his grip until Gabe’s back is pressed against his chest, while his legs are spread above his head.

Gabe blushes as his partner’s tip nudges at the entrance to his tail-hole. Kol slowly lets him sink down, spearing him on his rigid cock as the mouse moans and pants in his arms.

No. 1099827 ID: 86847c
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Casey drags her tongue out of the cat’s pussy in a long, exaggerated slurp before retracting it back into her mouth. “Mmm, that was a fun warm up. How would you feel about trying out some new ‘equipment’?”

Clio nods her assent and watches as Casey clambers up on top of her. The Binder reaches down, her fingers tracing the edge of a strange new symbol on her hips, before kneading her aura like putty.

“Mmmh, come on… how should this work?” She closes her eyes, trying to visualize the form her body should take. Slowly a bulge forms and extends: morphing until its roughly the size and shape of a dick, although lacking in any details, like glans or foreskin.

The mouse assesses her work critically, shifting her hips so that the phallus wobbles. “Hmm… I guess it’ll do, considering I’m new at this. I think I see why elementals tend to stick with one preferred set of junk. What do you think?”

No. 1099828 ID: bacdf0

Can you do balls, too?
No. 1099832 ID: eb0a9c

Later, I wanna see her make balls the size of her body for the hell of it.
No. 1099836 ID: f71507

Let's test it! Just be mindful of maintaining a manageable since on that
No. 1099897 ID: 0ec7ef

Time to start studying the anatomy texts to get a better understanding on how the opposite sides plumbing works. Understand the blueprints, then replicate 'em!
No. 1099899 ID: 254fb6

o h, can all elementals just, change their body?
Certainly something that needs to be experimented with, such as on our test subject right here!
No. 1099902 ID: 2a82d3

Good thing you volunteered to "take the bullet" for Raithe back then, Casey. That would've been uncomfortable for him.

... right?
No. 1099956 ID: 86847c
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Clio looks up at her in awe, still amazed at the transformation. “I- it looks pretty good to me!” She reaches out and asks, “Uh, can I?”

“Go for it.”

The cat cautiously wraps her fingers around Casey’s new dick and starts pumping back and forth. The mouse closes her eyes and sighs, nodding along with each movement. “Ah~ that’s good. Feels pretty sensitive, at least. Keep going.”

“You’re going to have to study dicks more, so you can give it more detail.” Clio suggests.

Casey nods, looking over at the boys and watching Gabe’s cock bob up and down as he’s stuffed. “‘Mmmm, I definitely intend to.”

Clio’s hand goes to caress the smooth void where her pussy was and comments, “Would be nice to have some balls too.”

“Let me see..” Casey closes her eyes and concentrates. A bulge forms at the base of her hips and sags underneath her new cock. The shape is fairly uniform and unnatural, but has enough weight to swing when she shifts her hips. “Hmm, its a start, but needs more practice.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Clio insists, “Clearly this calls for closer inspection.”

No. 1099957 ID: 86847c
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Gabe leans back against his partner’s chest, feeling himself stretched around the blunt tip of Kol’s cock. A warbling moan slips out of him as each inch slips in and slowly, achingly fills his ass.

“Mmm, how’s that feel?” Kol’s voice is husky and soft in the Sender’s ear. His shaft flexes slightly inside Gabe, testing the tightness of the mouse’s hole.

No. 1099962 ID: c8380b

How do Casey's spirit balls smell and taste?
No. 1099966 ID: eb0a9c

Mice make more mice, not cheese.
...Wait do you know of any mice who make cheese?
No. 1100027 ID: 86847c
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Gabe looks down at the horizon framed by his own legs and his cock hanging rigid and untouched. His body is sore from having been taken several times today but still, as ever, hungry for more pleasure. His head rubs drunkenly against his partner’s chest as he wraps his arms back around Kol’s neck. “Ah~ I love it… Kol, your cock feels so good~“ he mewls.

Kol chuckles, letting his hips slowly swing back and forth, easing Gabe up and down on his shaft. “You love this?”

“Mmmm I love you~” the Sender warbles, “I love your cock. I love the way you fuck. I love the way you make me feel.” Kol’s sack taps gently against his well-stretched tail-hole and he cries out in pleasure. “Ah~ I love youuu!”

No. 1100028 ID: 86847c
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“Sounds like the boys are having fun.” Casey giggles, glancing over at them.

Clio opens one eye as she looks up from sucking on Casey’s dick and grins, “Hot. I’ll have to get Kol to fold me in half like that sometime.” She dives back to work: her rough tongue lapping at the smooth, glowing shaft and eliciting satisfied moans from her partner.

“I bet I could do that with binding spells.” Casey reminds her.

Clio tilts her head to look up at her and gives her a wink, taking the shaft extra deep as if to say I bet you could, too.

No. 1100029 ID: 51b308

Oooh, sounds like Gabe is vulnerable for some good dirty talk! Call him good boy/slut/etc.!
No. 1100038 ID: cb76eb

Kol, be aware that you have an audience in the girls and they like what they see. Keep up the good show. Casey, consider in the future putting Gabe in the tentacle grip while Cleo gets hoisted up by Kol.
No. 1100102 ID: 86847c
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Gabe feels Kol pull out and whines as his body clutches around emptiness. He’s suddenly spun around and pushed against the wall before Kol thrusts back inside. Now face to face, his partner’s body fills his vision; rocking back and forth as the mouse is gently fucked.

“Ah~ fuck! I love you too, Gabe.” Kol growls in his ear. “You’re such a cute little slut…”

Gabe’s eyes flutter and he sags back against the wall with a moan. “Ohhhhh~ fuck, duude.”

Kol works his shaft in and out with the slow, deliberate strokes of someone holding back their strength. The Sender’s tail-hole clenches around him in a hot, tight embrace that's eager to be filled. His eyes glance over at Casey and Clio, who smirk back at him as they enjoy the show. “Is it okay if I call you that? A slut?” He whispers.

“Ah! Fates, yes!” Gabe shivers as the word hits him and he moans, “Keep going, I wanna hear it again~”

“What? That you’re a little mousy slut, who loves to get fucked?” Kol continues, his voice still low and deep, “That you’re a good boy that loves riding my cock?”

The Medium’s dirty talk washes over Gabe’s blushing ears and drills into his skull: triggering a button inside his brain that blossoms with pleasure. His mind fills with moments of intimacy: the trust and love of his friends and partners, and all they’ve shared. A moment of surrender rises in him; taking away all the stress and responsibility of becoming a Guardian and leaving behind a deeply horny little mouse who just needs to get fucked senseless.

The mouse’s voice hits a high, desperate note and his hand reaches for his dick, only to have it batted away.

“Shhh, no you don’t. I’m not done with you yet.” Kol growls, thrusting balls deep and grinding Gabe against the wall.

No. 1100104 ID: cb76eb

I want that twink obliterated. Lovingly.
No. 1100108 ID: 2a82d3

Didn't the cat ask for a binding, Casey? Stop gawking at the boys, and get to wrapping each other up like Christmas presents already.

What would extended angel wings feel like, anyway? Soft or rubbery?
No. 1100164 ID: 86847c
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Casey pulls back and un-straddles Clio, “Okay, kitten, that’s enough of a warm up. How about we get started?”

“Kitten?” Clio rolls her eyes and sits up. “We gotta work on that pet name.” Her tail flicks in anticipation and she asks, “How are we doing this?”

“Hmmm, there’s all kinds of positions I’ve never been able to try, until now. How about this?” She makes the cat stand and fold her arms behind her back. “Let me know if it’s uncomfortable, okay?”

The Binder extends her aura and it snakes towards Clio. Unlike it’s usual fluid, amorphous tendrils, it forms thin, rope-like strands that wrap around the Cat’s limbs and torso in a complex net.

Clio gasps as she feels herself lifted slowly, until she’s suspended several inches off the ground. “W-woah! Oh-okay!”

“Mmm, yeah. One more touch.” Casey wraps a couple of bindings around her partner’s ankles and reels them in, until Clio’s legs are spread and displayed. She steps back to admire her handy-work, enjoying every angle of the trussed up cat. “Hmm yeah, that’ll do nicely. How’s that feel?”

No. 1100165 ID: 86847c
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Clio looks at her over her shoulder, blushing as she spins slowly in the air and put on full display. “Ah! Feels revealing! I’m, heh, not used to being tied up, honestly.”

“I’ll bet.” Casey says, stepping up behind her. Her hand grabs the Sender’s arms and pulls until she’s lined up properly. “Remember when we first met and I tried binding you with my shackle?”

“No one had ever managed to catch me before.” Clio lets her gaze wander, feeling the blunt tip of Casey’s shaft rub against her thigh. “I was so used to feeling untouchable, it really gave me a shock.”

Casey bumps her shaft against Clio’s folds a few times, trying to slip inside, before taking hold and guiding it in herself. “Well, to be fair, I wasn’t used to having someone be able to break through my bindings. I knew you were someone really special, right then.” Her hips bump flush with the Sender’s backside as she feels the warmth of pussy completely envelop her shaft. “Fu-ck, that feels good.”

No. 1100171 ID: cb76eb

That's pussy control, baby
Rock that cat's cradle until she's put to sleep
No. 1100172 ID: 2a82d3

>“We gotta work on that pet name.”
Cutie? Cupid? Angel?
No. 1100221 ID: 86847c
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Kol continues to pin Gabe against the wall, leaning close so that he can fill the Sender’s ear with filthy words. “You really like that, don’t you?”

“Yesss. From you and Casey, at least. And probably Del.” Gabe drapes his arms around his partner and lets himself get hang in the tight space between them. “I love you guys, and I want be your little slut~”

“Oh yeah?” Kol chuckles and plants himself squarely so that he has better leverage. “You’re a good little slut who wants my cock?”

“Ah~ yeah! Do it! Fuck me, Kol!”

The Medium pulls back for a moment before whispering, “Good, because I’m going to absolutely wreck your ass.” He then proceeds to bite down on the edge of Gabe’s ear; gently enough to not piece it, but hard enough to make him gasp.

Gabe erupts into a wailing gasp, right as Kol’s hips drive forward and slam balls deep inside him. The Sender’s cock, sandwiched between their bodies, twitches and strains before emptying a load of cum all over his chest.

The mouse shivers and gasps in Kol’s embrace, his orgasm rendering him mute as it tapers off.

But his partner isn’t finished, and won’t be for some time yet.

Kols balls slap against Gabe’s thighs as the larger mouse rails him as though trying to hammer him through the plaster. The windows rattle as Kol’s cock pistons in and out, fucking the overstimulated with everything he’s got.

No. 1100228 ID: cb76eb

Let the neighbors hear
No. 1100229 ID: 2a82d3

So is "GET PREGNANT" still in vogue, or...
No. 1100232 ID: eb0a9c

"I'm going to plow you so hard your reincarnations will undergo parthenogenesis!"
No. 1100375 ID: 86847c
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Clio rocks in the suspended web of binding spells as Casey thrusts in and out. The mouse’s shaft reaches deep inside of her: feeling much more solid and alive than an aura tendril, although lacking in any frills. “Ah! Aww, you really think I’m special?”

“Oh, definitely. You’re my special, little kitty toy.” Casey teases, leaning over so that she can better fondle the bound cat.

“Hah! Don’t make me break loose again.” Clio replies, purring despite the mocking tone.

“Aww, kitty doesn’t like getting tied up and teased?” Casey giggles, reaching between her partner’s spread legs and rubbing at her clit. “Your pussy certainly likes it~”

Clio moans and writhes in her bindings, feeling wetness stain her thighs as Casey’s fingers work their magic.

No. 1100384 ID: b14ada

Wonder if Casey could form a knot.. that'd be a hell of a surprise mid-stroke
No. 1100398 ID: 273c18

No knots please and thank you. I'd be more interested in seeing Casey overwhelmed by the totally original sensations.
No. 1100415 ID: eb0a9c

Is this where Casey gets Clio pregnant
No. 1100473 ID: 86847c
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“Oooh I felt that!” Kol seethes, “Cumming on my dick like a good boy? Come on, tell me what you are…”

He shifts his hands, spreading Gabe’s ass with two powerfully grasping hands. Kol’s cock pumps back and forth through the mouse’s well-used tail-hole, hammering his prostate with each thrust.

Gabe barks out an “Aah!”, he claws at Kol’s toned shoulders as he struggles to hold on and gasps out, “I’m a slut! Ah~ fuck!”

The Medium gives his ass a squeeze and grins, “Good boy! Louder!” Kol feels his rock-hard erection twitching at the thought of being heard and demands. “Let everyone know what a thirsty slut you are!”

Gabe drags air into his skinny lungs and shouts, “Ah~ I’m a good little slut, who loves riding your cock!” He feels the shaft inside him getting slicker as pre-cum leaks from around his tight ring. His own cock bounces against his stomach, having been fucked right through his refractory period and ready for another orgasm . “Ahhhhh! Don’t stop! Pound me like a dirty little fuck-toy!

No. 1100483 ID: 0bb244

two very fun things to be happening in the other's earshot
Does Casey cum mana in this form? either way, probably not inside
No. 1100485 ID: cb76eb

Paint some cheeks, everyone
No. 1100601 ID: 86847c
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“Spite me, listen to them!” Casey humps faster, feeling more turned on by the sounds of her partners fucking. “You know, I think I‘m getting why Gabe is so horny all the time. This feels incredible…”

She closes her eyes and moans, her hand massaging her own breast as Clio clenches around her shaft.

“Ah! That good, eh?” The cat asks, “Though isn’t Gabe usually the one bottoming?” She feels the glowing mouse speeding up, and rocks harder in her bindings as she’s pounded.

Casey nods and bites her lip. “Mmmh, good point. Remind me to try out anal in this form, when I get a chance.”

No. 1100604 ID: c99873

Something about a Mana Strap-on comes to mind, maybe via some cool magic Clio could feel a bit of it too?
No. 1100609 ID: cb76eb

Match the energy of the room. Get the moaning going.
No. 1100624 ID: 86847c
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“Ah~ fuck, I’m close…” Kol moans, straining to hold himself on the edge.

“Ye-ah! Do it! Cum in me!” Gabe pants. The Medium’s cock tugs at his passage, the tip flaring inside him as he prepares to finish. “I want it so bad! Fill me up!”

The mouse feels himself lifted away from the wall, and the world tumble around him. His shoulders land on the floor and he braces himself with splayed hands as Kol towers above him.

“You want it? Let me hear you beg for it~”
The Medium readjusts his grip on Gabe’s thighs and swings his hips forward, piledriving the bottom into the floor. His balls slap against Gabe’s ass with a single, loud clap in the tiny room.

“Ah~! Fuck me! Fates, I want it! I wanna feel you cum inside me!” Gabe moans.

Kol starts thrusting, the claps growing more frequent as he builds up speed. Through gritted teeth he growls, “That’s it! Keep going!”

Gabe whines as his own cock starts to leak: dribbling pre over him with every anvil blow from above. “Hhnnnn~ Kolll! Do it! Cum in me! Cum in your little slut! Fucking give it to me!”

No. 1100632 ID: d15d56

I just got here, I finally get to do some suggesting now! For now I'm happy to just sit back and watch.
No. 1100652 ID: e40c3a

Speaking of trying out anal, of the three mice, Gabe is the only one who hasn't yet taken Clio in the ass. Once Kol blows his load and Gabe has taken a moment to catch his breath, he should get up behind Clio (tied up or not) and make sweet love to that tight kitty butt. He may have just orgasmed, but that will only make the sodomy last longer... <3
No. 1100695 ID: 86847c
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“Ahhh! Hah- Why wait? I’ve seen what those tentacles can do!” Clio suggests. The cat feels her body tensing up and wriggles in place as she starts to get close.

Casey chuckles and pauses to wave a hand, forming a long shape with a slight upwards arc, “Well, if you insist.” She adjusts it until its under her tail and slowly backs into it, feeling it slip inside.

“Ah~ that’s… mmm okay.” She moans, slipping it deeper. Her hips buck as the spell touches something inside her, and she throws her head back. “Ah! Fuck!”

“Hah, sounds like you found the sweet spot.” Clio purrs.

No. 1100701 ID: cb76eb

Time for some Newton's cradle fun!
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