Mystic Mystery Basket
asey points to Allayane, still blazing with lichfire, and asks, “How about you, are you okay?”
“Oh I feel amazing! I think I understand why this can get to be problem though: all this life energy is hard to want to let go of.” She twirls, leaving little ghostly trails of flame.
“Is it okay if she enters the etherial sea like this?” Kol asks, checking with the Creator.
“It should be fine. I mean, as long as she’s ready to become a part of the collective consciousness of mana.” They nod serenely and extend a hand to beckon her forward.
“Well? What do you think?” Casey asks.
The otter hesitates, biting her lip with tiny, sharp teeth and nods. “I think I’m ready. I always knew this was a one way trip.”
Casey takes her hands and holds her for a moment before saying goodbye. “Thank you again, for saving me…”
“Thank you for helping me move forward: twice now! I hope one day we can meet again, either in the sea or in another life…” Allayane kisses Casey one last time before stepping away.