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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
984 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1097733 ID: 1bfc99

Bask in it, you've all earned it. Just be especially careful with that condom. Spillage could be dangerous.
No. 1097739 ID: 2a82d3

Looking more and more like Gabe wants Kol's babies. Shame there isn't a ring around for the purple mouse to take responsibility.

But seriously, they're great together. Really do hope they go the distance.
No. 1097767 ID: 86847c
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The ancient space, quiet for so long, echoes with the cries of pleasure and joy. The old iron walls ring like a bell across the blazing surface of the etherial sea, before falling quiet. Inside, only sounds are the tired sounds of exertion and post-coital giggles. The mortals collapse and lay against the pitted stone and share knowing looks, savoring this moment that they know they can never speak of.

“Ah- that- that was wonderful!” The Creator moans, tugging themselves free. The swollen condom pops loose , prompting a gasp from Casey, and hangs from their cock like some strange variety of fruit. They rest the glowing payload on the mouse’s belly for the moment and ask, “What should I do with all this?”

No. 1097773 ID: 273c18

Gonna tie that off and save it for a very mana-starved devil friend.
No. 1097774 ID: d59da9

Assuming we give the mana cum to Roderick, should we tell him what it is or let that fall under the "can't say" rules of this place?
No. 1097782 ID: fa3034

Save our town, of course
No. 1097791 ID: 2a82d3

I AM curious on what would happen if we poured it on the devil tree. I'd think we can get away with saying where we got it it from, if not how. Or exactly what. Better carry it in a more presentable bottle.
No. 1097797 ID: 273c18

Oh, did we ask permission to use their cum?
No. 1097827 ID: 86847c
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Casey opens her mouth to respond, just as something wet lands on her pussy. A single droplet of cum, having leaked from the seal around the Creator’s cock, slips between her still- spread folds and diffuses itself through her body.

No. 1097828 ID: 86847c
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In an instant, the mouse is lifted off the platform by an arcing current of mana, her muscles spasming as they try to cope with the raw energy flowing within. Her body starts to glow, first from deep inside, before pouring out into flickering mana-fire.

Casey slowly opens her eyes and looks at her arms, which blaze like an aurora as her entire aura catches alight. She looks down and realizes she’s hanging several feet above the floor, and that Gabe and Kol are shouting something dimly heard.

No. 1097831 ID: 71548a

oh god that's some POTENT god mana. But those new peacock patterns are lookin great!
No. 1097833 ID: fa3034

Get those tendrils out now! Burn off as much as you can!
No. 1097838 ID: 2a82d3

MILF mode, activate!

Gabe and Kol should help disspate the energy, but a spirit like Allayane should probably back off unless she's ready to be recycled for reincarnation.
No. 1097839 ID: 3df1ab

Expend as much of this mana as possible before it burns you!
No. 1097841 ID: 273c18

Spend it!
No. 1097842 ID: b20ae7

Now... what is a Binder to do with all this mana but Bind. Fold the mana in on itself, using itself. Mana the power source to bind the Mana
No. 1097843 ID: b20ae7

Also The God Condom needs to be put in a seperate container, no touchy by mortals
No. 1097844 ID: eb0a9c

I guess we stuff Allayane inside her and hope that cools her down?
No. 1097846 ID: 0ec7ef

Guess we're gonna have to start calling you Alexstrasza because yer a Lifebinder now, Casey

That or y'know, just impregnated with the offspring of literally God. No big deal.
No. 1097853 ID: 9e0740

Hoo boy. Time to get that burned off as quickly as possibly. What kind of binder magic uses the most mana the fastest?

Also, if just a single drop can do this, yeah, I think just one condom of Creator Cum will probably be more than enough for what Rodrick needs. And we got several.
No. 1097874 ID: 0040a7

Goodness, those wings, did she just fae-ify? Elementalize? Ooh, that’s probably not too good on the mortal frame.

Bind it! Spend it! Bear it! There’s at least one willing receptacle around who belongs around here and if you can just get yourself in a state where you can get back under control… well, it’s more mana for the topside needs.
No. 1097880 ID: 86847c
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“Casey! Holy shit, what happened?!”

“Spite me! She looks like a fucking angel or something! Kol do something!”

“Case? Can you hear me!? You’ve gotta burn it off! Use your magic!”

“Is that gonna work? Kol, what do we do?”

“I- I dunno! We’re already saturated with mana: I don’t know if she can use it up fast enough.” The Medium shrugs helplessly, his eyes wide with panic. “She has her wings out, at least: I remember her saying those use a lot of mana.”

“What happened?” Gabe half-yelps at the Creator.

They shake their head and hold up the now tied-off condom. “I- I must have spilled some! I had no idea this would happen!”

No. 1097882 ID: 86847c
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As the three scramble to think of something, a translucent flash leaps over them and catches the stunned Binder by the wrist. Allayane grabs her by the side of the head and pulls her into a kiss.

Casey's head swims, filled with a light so bright that it burns away at the edges of her vision. Suddenly there’s a shape in front of her, which pushes past her lips and entangles with her tongue. Her mind awakens with a shock, the warmth drained out of her as if she was just plunged into a frozen ocean. The undead draws the mana out of her in a vampiric embrace, quenching the blazing fires of life until her aura is stable.

No. 1097884 ID: 4a1249

ay good absorb call! but also Casey's gonna have a wicked ache after that. Cool new install though!
No. 1097888 ID: c8380b

So is Spite just souls fuel dumping all their remaining lifeforce so they can pass on? Why can't the lifeforce be captured and repurposed instead?
No. 1097889 ID: fa3034

Please don't overload yourself, Allayane
No. 1097892 ID: 2a82d3

Take stock of yourself now, Casey. How do you feel?
You're currently more Fae than mortal. Do you think they were like you once: mortals who survived mana overload?
No. 1097893 ID: 273c18

Nice save. Casey, examine yourself.
No. 1097931 ID: 86847c
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Allayane pulls herself back and licks her lips, her body now flickering with lichfire. “Ahhhh that felt good!”

Casey looks back at the ghost and then back at her still-radiant body. “A-Allayane! That was incredible! You saved me!”

“Of course! I couldn’t absorb all of it though.” She giggles. “That was a lot of energy.”

“I bet! Uh, is this… permanent?” Casey asks, looking down at herself. The pale, white light of her fur glows like a banked furnace: quiet but capable of roaring back to life.

The ghost shrugs, “You tell me? What even happened?”

“Its- its like all of my aura was unleashed at once. Its like it came alive!” She flexes her hand experimentally and her binding spell extends itself. The tendril, normally fluid and temperamental to control, seems to follow her mental command with ease: snapping into shapes and forms she never thought possible. “What the fuck…?”

No. 1097934 ID: fa3034

Oohhhh try to bind something!
No. 1097937 ID: f2b215

Personally, sounds like you became your aura, or your aura became you, like a fae or elemental, wether that is temperary or not, you'd have to ask Mr. Life there
No. 1097938 ID: 4a1249

If you're an elemental now or if this is permanent, I'd assume that complicates being Miki's surrogate.

As for Allayane, I think lichfire in the pool of creation where everything gets created is going to have a few issues, but it'll probably be fine as long as you don't burn anyone/taint anything
No. 1097947 ID: 2a82d3

Her body, mortal or not, is containing itself for now. It'd make sense that she'd have a violent reaction to Life energy if her mortality in itself was like a cocoon or egg for an incubating fae or elemental. Hopefully, she has a few more decades left of it to enjoy.

Lichfire shouldn't be too much of a concern, for the chamber if not Ally, if it's like actual wildfire. The burning or decomposition of old wood is essential to provide nutrients for new life. Not that it's a good idea to lose control of it, of course.

Are the boys holding up? They did expose themselves to radiant energy too, albeit to a lesser extent.
No. 1098021 ID: 86847c
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The pair float back down to the surface. Gabe and Kol rush over and nearly tackle Casey in their effort to hug her. The three mice exchange quick, reassuring kisses and chatter nervously as they all process their shock.

“Blazing lichfire! You okay, Case?”

“I think so. It feels… weird and tingly.”

“What happened to you? What’s this… form? You look like an elemental!”

“I… I’m not sure. I’ve never heard of anything like this! Binding magic comes from understanding the “form” of the spell. I… I think that… last time this happened, I got my wing spell, which was from the form of Flashing Feathers’ wind magic.” Casey speaks haltingly, as if putting together a puzzle in the dark from touch alone. “This… transformation looks angelic, right? Maybe it has to do with the “form” of life magic? It's like I’ve become my aura!” She posits, looking for some kind of understanding from her partners: both of which stare dumbfounded.

They all look to the Creator, who shrugs. “Don’t look at me! I have no idea how that happened! Normally a mortal’s body gets torn apart with that much mana!”

“Well, I do have some practice when it comes to handling big loads of mana.” Casey says, remembering her various elemental escapades.
No. 1098023 ID: 9e0740

So, is this permanent, or is this a new form that Casey can turn "on" and "off" at will?
No. 1098027 ID: 273c18

Perhaps your new marking means something specific?
No. 1098028 ID: aa1dc5

hmmm... turning this off would be extremely difficult if it's a change to the nature of her and her magic... maybe exhaustion of her and her magic, or perhaps some way of using this magic. or maybe you just Don't
No. 1098029 ID: dfa291

I'd say leave it on if it can be for now - you guys need to be burning off as much mana as you can, still. You might find when you get back that it's harder to maintain. Now, is Allayane all right? I know she feels great, but is it healthy?
No. 1098030 ID: 2a82d3

It's a magical girl transformation, guys. Just roll with it. Y'all are sure to be the talk of the town when you get back.
Oh right, the town's still in danger. From a kaiju, no less. This really is anime.

Creator, if you got more blessings for the other two, now's the time.
No. 1098031 ID: dc4bad

it's a very cool look, health concerns notwithstanding.
wait if it's like you've become your mana, does this technically mean you could shapeshift now?
No. 1098092 ID: c572e3

fine to leave it on for now i think

also probably fine our party to just do without clothes for awhile too while they're still on the other side too. :>
No. 1098113 ID: e40c3a

Agreed. They should do the rest of their adventures in the Spirit Realm butt-nekkid! After all, they'll probably be more in touch with the energies of the place that way :)
No. 1098123 ID: 86847c
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asey points to Allayane, still blazing with lichfire, and asks, “How about you, are you okay?”

“Oh I feel amazing! I think I understand why this can get to be problem though: all this life energy is hard to want to let go of.” She twirls, leaving little ghostly trails of flame.

“Is it okay if she enters the etherial sea like this?” Kol asks, checking with the Creator.

“It should be fine. I mean, as long as she’s ready to become a part of the collective consciousness of mana.” They nod serenely and extend a hand to beckon her forward.

“Well? What do you think?” Casey asks.

The otter hesitates, biting her lip with tiny, sharp teeth and nods. “I think I’m ready. I always knew this was a one way trip.”

Casey takes her hands and holds her for a moment before saying goodbye. “Thank you again, for saving me…”

“Thank you for helping me move forward: twice now! I hope one day we can meet again, either in the sea or in another life…” Allayane kisses Casey one last time before stepping away.
No. 1098124 ID: 86847c
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The mice watch as she takes the Creator’s hand and steps down into the glowing pool.

Immediately, mana courses up through her, filling her with glowing fire. She closes her eyes, letting the memories of the sea crash through her like a wave, before turning back to her guides.

”Thank you…” the voice that reaches their ears seems to come from everywhere. Its a susurrus of countless voices that, although quiet, somehow manages to be deafening.

The otter turns back and dives in, her sleek form parting the luminous waters with barely a splash.
No. 1098131 ID: fa3034

We should all hope to go as gracefully as her.
No. 1098132 ID: 1cd8e2

well, that's that. can't say it's a bad afterlife.
I suppose now we oughta say... hmm not goodbye to the Creator but, Till we meet again. we WILL, after all, meet again
No. 1098133 ID: 2a82d3

It's ok to grieve a bit for her here. Melancholy is necessary to moving on properly.

In fact, letting go is ultimately what you need help Rodwin do.
No. 1098140 ID: 4e93a8

Wow. When you first met her, you saved her, and now the last thing she does is save you. Truly, the life of a spirit guide is a blessing, even in death.
No. 1098155 ID: 374f12

Safe travels Allayane, may the stars light your path.
No. 1098156 ID: fe6e8b

Not so fast. We still have a purpose here, to complete the ritual to become guardians. We need to figure out what we need to do for that.
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