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1057778 No. 1057778 ID: 08229c

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

And by my hand, this shall be a grand dungeon.
716 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1091289 ID: b613c5

I'd go with strange sounds in the graveyard at night. Go in, fight undead, find a tunnel to the ruins to meet the cult.
No. 1091298 ID: dc4bad

hmm, I think we should try to explore more of the hamlet for things, it's been mostly farm and ruins thus far.

>>1091289 graveyard sounds like it'd be a good call. have a bunch of skelly mooks for her to be baddass and smash up, then we can chaos up a couple of zombies as elites (or maybe have them meld into a flesh golem miniboss sorta deal? Chaotic Gravemass)
No. 1091300 ID: 1effd3

you mean... GATTAI?!
No. 1091322 ID: 08229c
File 171617354546.png - (235.78KB , 800x600 , 66t.png )

Let's go with the Graveyard. We currently have a few zombies and the ghost slime station there, but we can change things up and the direction we want the quest to go in. Right now it's set that the ghost slime will harass them until her orb is put to rest.


"Ah, well... There have been some issues in the local graveyard that we c-"

"A spooky graveyard! That sounds great, huh, Magifans! Gosh, I hope there's nothing spooky there! Hey, Alex, is it cool if I cling onto you if there's any creeeeeepy ghosts?"

"Uh... Yes?"

"Great! Well, let's go and have a Magical Time! #MagiTime!"


Alex leads the woman to the graveyard. Slimecrown is still a small place and the walk is short. Most of it is filled with Arcane doing live commentary on everything she sees and taking selfies.

When they arrive Alex opens the creaking gate

"This is where we buried the fallen after the great battle, many years ago. It's said that some still roam, trying to win a battle that has long since ended..."

Alex bows her head in solemn silence. It lasts a second.

"That's crazy! Check out this lore, Magifans! Oh, man, Alex, look! The chat loves you!"

"W-what? They do? Really?"

"Yeah! The views are spiking! Do a pose with me~"

Alex does a pose.

Alright, are we changing things up in here? It seems like she wants a scary experience.
No. 1091325 ID: 1effd3

Lets see what we got on call... we got lost warriors, lost wizard, zombies, ah ghost slime here typically. Watcher could be here, rousing the undead with Ghost Slimes Orb. with Watcher here, we could also have some chaos mobs here to GATTAI with each other, and the undead. If they win, could lead a secret path to the ruins that Watcher uses to escape.
No. 1091326 ID: a7a180

They say they want streamers to have the same experience any fan going through would, but... they lie, and numbers don't! Let's mix it up.
-Could we make D-Fens the gatekeeper?
-Put Fancy Mimic in a crypt, possibly holding the ghost slime's orb and running away after a jumpscare. No rust or dust - just an intimidatingly opulent treasure chest sitting in a perfectly normal crypt.
-Nesting doll shedding bits of layers all around the map to lay ambush objects for ghost slime to toss around.
-Music slime, play something spooky and non-copyrighted!
No. 1091327 ID: 8160fa

Definitely the lost warriors, lost wizard, and ghost slime for sure.

>It's said that some still roam, trying to win a battle that has long since ended..."

We could lean into that. Have them calling out things to each other, speaking as if they see this adventurer and Alex as chaos spawn. Or maybe even while clashing with our monsters to give her flashes of how they maybe still see this fight as the battle long ago to seal the primordial? Maybe during any time direct contact had made with the ghost slime? If such would be possible.
No. 1091328 ID: 5fee00

Huh. You know, I bet her weakness is getting poked in the left eye specifically.
No. 1091329 ID: dc4bad

wait wait wait, they're streaming, we can take advantage of this!

before any other undead appear, for sure have ghost slime do some background haunting that neither Arcane or Alex can see but naturally the viewers will comment on, it's perfect.

Build some tension before they actually catch sight of any ghoulies, ghosties or long-leggedy beasties.

can we place some some kind ouija board for or other appropriately spooky communication method (in-lore perhaps discarded by a townsperson trying to speak with ghost slime) for some haunting talk (perhaps even get some chaos interference in said communication)
No. 1091330 ID: dc4bad

ooh those are good, D-fens and fancy mimic especially.
Arcane is like the perfect mimic victim, since she probably not only falls for it but the act of getting got itself probably makes her sturdy enough to not immediately die to it
No. 1091464 ID: 08265b

Seconding ghost slime being spooky for the viewers.
No. 1091859 ID: 1667b2

Holy shit, Audit's back?!

All I got is to add in eyebrow licking to the list of "Unwanted physical contact that we will take legal action against".
No. 1092648 ID: 08229c
File 171788624459.png - (233.63KB , 800x600 , 67.png )

Demonologist gives the orders.

"(Oh gosh. Oh gosh. This is my big moment, isn't it? I'm so nervous... I don't know if I can do this... What if they think it's lame..?)"

"Hey, you got this kid. You're the scariest ghost I've ever seen."

"(R-really? You really think I can do this.)"

"Damn straight. Let's give them a good show, yeah?"

"(R-right! Okay-!)"
No. 1092649 ID: 08229c
File 171788805796.png - (254.09KB , 800x600 , 68.png )

The pair go into the graveyard. A soft but haunting song plays in the background as step through the rusty threshold. Fog obscures the area save for just a few feet in front of them.

"Hahaha-! Y-you know, Magifans, y'girl Arcane doesn't do well with horror games! I'm already shaking in my boots!"

"Don't worry, Arcane," Alex has her blade in hand already, "I'll do my best to keep you safe. We have been dealing with some grave robbers lately. Purely mundane and not-supernatural things."

"O-oh yeah? That's great. S-so! Wanna tell us a bit more about this place for the viewers at home?"

"Well, this is the hamlet's graveyard. We put many heroes to rest here after the great war against Slimecrown many years ago. But we also buried our enemies here, for the kingdom was not so savage as to let them rot in a ditch. But, the Queen's kindness was her folly, for their spirits still rise up to battle against these heroes. At least, that is what the tales say. I for one have never seen anything supernatural here."

"That's good! You hear that Magifans, y'girl Arcane's safe an-"
No. 1092651 ID: 08229c
File 171788821295.png - (252.75KB , 800x600 , 69.png )

". . ."
No. 1092654 ID: 08229c
File 171788957558.png - (208.64KB , 800x600 , 70.png )

No. 1092655 ID: 08229c
File 171789022509.png - (186.99KB , 800x600 , 71.png )

Arcane grabs Alex and with a click of her heels she wheelies off with her in tow. Ghost Slime seems very pleased with her efforts.

"(That was fun-!)"

The scare was a success. Looks like they're heading to a crypt. What should we throw at them?
No. 1092656 ID: a7a180

Skulls! Then have their owners come looking for them.
No. 1092661 ID: cab992

great job, ghost slime!
No. 1092669 ID: f305a9

Arcane a cute, since she's YUM branded as well maybe we can run some sort of collaboration event with her.
No. 1092671 ID: dc4bad

Good job ghost slime!
Now we have the right mood going and can be spooky with more events.

I think for a while we can either lean into there being a plausible mundane explanation for the scares; creepy treasure chest opening on it's own with an attention-seeking creak was a mimic, the bones found all over the place are just there because of them grave robbers ect.
go full haunted grave rave; ghost slime is haunting many camera shots but is never there when looked at directly, zombie hands are clawing out of the soil of shallow graves and the implied horde of living dead hopefully making Arcane close the door behind them when they enter the crypt.
Which is naturally home to skeletons.
No. 1092672 ID: 1effd3

go ghost slime, go!
for the crypt: skelemans, and a single lagmite to drop on Arcanes head/shoulder
No. 1092759 ID: 4ad9bc

Lag is hell for streamers and their audience, might want to drop a pair of lagmites
No. 1092760 ID: 5b2941

we're trying to make this a good show, that'd be counter-productive. we want all those people watching to wanna come in too, this is free publicity
No. 1092761 ID: 1effd3

Thats why i suggested "1" lagmite, as it should hopefully only make Arcane scream in slowmo, and the audience doesnt get lagged
No. 1092768 ID: dac29c


Wait for them to go in the crypt and have the skeleton slam it shut behind them. They probably have a light source. So, let them look around with ghost slime peaking in and out until they and find the mimic. Mimic attacks and if possible, get their light source to start flickering (finally letting tech slime do something).
No. 1092899 ID: eb0a9c

Make the ground itself tear up and levitate so the resulting hole looks like a giant fanged mouth!
No. 1092900 ID: 273c18

I wonder if Tech Slime could put illusions into the stream itself... like, spooky shit that only the viewers can see.
No. 1093091 ID: 5b2941

since when do we have a Tech Slime?
No. 1093092 ID: a7a180

Since just now. If Dungeoneer can make monsters up, so can Demonologist!
No. 1093093 ID: 08229c
File 171876634862.png - (123.28KB , 800x600 , 72.png )

What? There IS no Tech Slime. What are you talking about?

I mean...

There -could- be one. If we chose to make one... But this isn't really related to immediately helping out the Dungeon Master.

But it would potentially help the dungeon, and therefore help her...


But, I'm not the best at making new demons. I mostly just have records of ones already made. What if I screw it up? I'll just be wasting runes. Not just any runes, the Dungeon Master's runes.

A screw up like that could get me fired.

I.. I don't know. Maybe I should just stick with what we have.
No. 1093094 ID: a7a180

Deemo. Deems. Dee. C'mon. It's a slime. Water, tech. Just stick a computer in some jelly. How hard could it be?
No. 1093095 ID: 1effd3

I don't think it's a good idea to quickly throw together a monster DURING an active dungeon run.

But we can totally craft a tech slime afterwards. Mary won't be mad with you, she's a very forgiving boss. Except when Dungeoneer is involved.
No. 1093096 ID: 5b2941

It's gonna be a single rune because of the discount, it'll be fine. We'll take full responsibility. I suppose we could help? Someone with artistic skills, provide a mockup
No. 1093099 ID: 9f8647

No. 1093103 ID: 1effd3
File 171877407422.png - (88.46KB , 956x397 , 061824_TechSlimes.png )

SOmehting like one of these?
No. 1093104 ID: dc4bad

Look we know from Oilivia that some runes don't fit neatly together and we don't wanna make a new slime without her supervision that will be in distress.

...That and if those runes DO combine, I feel like it won't be called tech slime, it'll be called Grey Goo
No. 1093105 ID: 273c18

Let's not risk it. We probably shouldn't mess with the stream anywho.
No. 1093107 ID: 53560f

As we are basically mary’s personal adviser and currently yours while she is resting, you can consider acting on our good ideas or us agreeing with your ideas as an automatic go-ahead without Mary around to greenlight it herself.
If you want to have a crack at it, go ahead, though we probably shouldn’t add it to the dungeon until after the current run ends so we can verify that it’s good to go. Also make sure to document it so Mary can learn what you did and that we greenlighted it for you, that’s usually the part she cares about most anyway.
Also it lets her correct the numbers later, she likes making the books look good.
No. 1093110 ID: 5fee00

Mary wouldn't fire a cutie like you!
No. 1093117 ID: 58dd24

>Grey Goo
There's more to creating a monster than combining runes and seeing what pops out. Remember, the ice elementals are just two water runes, same as OG Curi. Creator intent makes a big difference, and maybe creator skill too.

We don't NEED a tech slime for this run, and making a tech slime that doesn't short itself out might be a whole THING. I am happy for Demonologist to make a slime when we are not under a time crunch and when she has had some mentorship on it though.
No. 1093125 ID: f3e96f

It's at worst a single rune wasted, and it's such a perfect fit to improve the experience for this run. Mary has been running behind on making two rune slime varieties honestly, you'll be saving her work.

Just imagine a slime with big round glasses (glasses are tech), with a screen or a radar dish, or a cool robot hand.
No. 1093126 ID: eb0a9c

I'd recommend silicon gel and nanomachines.
No. 1093132 ID: 08229c
File 171884119719.png - (301.44KB , 970x1256 , 111723LarroBirthday.png )

Suggestion cut-off, please wait warmly
No. 1093133 ID: dc4bad

for sure, I more mean that the best compatibility I can think of for tech and slime conceptually is the grey goo.

but yeah, I agree it's not a thing we need to do right now.

speaking of the ice elementals they could be good miniboss material here. deathly cold made animate by the haunting of the area
No. 1093149 ID: 5e8c03

No. No no no. Don't make Tech Slime. At least, not during a dungeon run. Wait until Mary gets over her sickness.

Just get Psion Slime to project scary images into Arcane's and Alex's heads.
No. 1093170 ID: 08229c
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One rune can't hurt...

And I think Mary and Curi can benefit from this. With your permission, and as my role as Demonologist, let's do this!

Demonologist uses a single water rune to create... The Tech Slime! It hovers in the air and drips a greyish goo.

Wow! This is unlike any slime I've seen before.

"Welcome to the team, Tech Slime."


I won't throw him into this particular dungeon. I mean, not right now at least... But, still, a wonderful creation I think.
No. 1093171 ID: 5b2941

that's a cute square
No. 1093172 ID: 08229c
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Oh, the dungeon runner!

Demonologist turns her attention back to the stream. Arcane and Alex have already made their way into the crypt. It's dark and haunting sounds drone on in the background as they delve deeper within.

Arcane comes across a chest and finally peels herself away from Alex.

"H-hey magifans! It's ya... Ya girl, Arcane! L-looks like we've come across a fancy looking chest! In a crypt! I'm gonna uh... O-open it and uh... Be sure to put #lootget! so we can know we got some SWEET loot!"

She opens the chest.
No. 1093173 ID: 08229c
File 171890737408.png - (285.08KB , 800x600 , 75.png )

It is a mimic.
No. 1093174 ID: 08229c
File 171890836734.png - (12.60KB , 800x600 , 76.png )

A single lagmite causes a streamers worst nightmare.... Lag.
No. 1093175 ID: 08229c
File 171890848265.png - (189.72KB , 800x600 , 77.png )

When the stream reconnects, a fight appears to have happened, with not so very good results for the team.. Alex is currently being chewed on by the Mimic while Arcane is in the corner and terrified.


I think we may have scared her too much?

I... I'm not certain what Mary would do in this situation...

Do we pull things back or let the battle continue?
No. 1093176 ID: 5b2941

see, this is why I said we didn't want any lag mites
No. 1093177 ID: 2f7f6e

Have the mimic run deeper into the crypt with Alex so Arcane has to keep going further into the spooky place to save her! A classic horror story-beat.
No. 1093178 ID: 12dc52

Mimic runs deeper into the crypt
New sub-quest unlocked: Go get the Slime knights to help rescue your cute companion
No. 1093179 ID: 1effd3

...Did our Mimics always look like that?

Probably have the mimic pull back for Arcane to go rescue Alex.
No. 1093181 ID: dc4bad


We can pull back a little.

Easiest way that's not obvious, I think, is simply having it where the lagmite is of no allegiance in this fight, have it now slow the mimic just as it starts closing in
No. 1093187 ID: f8e57d

The lagmite was a mistake, too much stream was lost. Cutting out completely shifted the tone too far, too fast. Cut the lagmite, and pull back by giving her time to run, or else a long, drawn-out closeup of her doom. We messed up, so now we gotta do her a solid.
No. 1093188 ID: 5b2941

this sounds good
No. 1093190 ID: a7a180

You mean an extended shot of the mimic slowly drawing closer to the screen, drool dripping off its lolling tongue and vicious teeth, with Alex's ass front and center?
Sounds great.

Nah mate, she's dead. Although... either she could drag her back to the cleric plant for healing or we bring her back as mimic Alex. See if she notices this time.
No. 1093201 ID: 5fee00

Not sure what to do just this moment, but maybe we can turn things around with Alex pretending to be an undead, later on.
No. 1093267 ID: d1e8da

Hah - in Soviet Russia loot loots you #lootersaredelicious! Seriously though she's got justification for grabbing reinforcements. She'll fight flight or freeze. She fights the mimic's food should hinder the mimic's fighting. She opts for flight we should have mercs ready to help. She freezes we let tech slime have a little fun by freezing small sections of the feed and randomly popping up "RUN" in the feed. Possibly have the word shake if she can manage to do so.
No. 1093325 ID: ebae20

I, uh... Don't think the streamer can handle this by themselves. Not unless they get a timely donation/hype train.
No. 1093432 ID: 8160fa

Not running deeper in, but rather calmly slinking further in after having secured a meal.
A way to ease up on the tension while still being a rather unsettling.
No. 1093435 ID: 486840

what is Alex's actual condition btw? if shes still conscious, maybe we can have her and the mimic cooperate to stage a dramatic victory with her busting out from inside?
No. 1093546 ID: b65fc5

Should we have Lagianna come in to help? She could be searching for the lagmite.
No. 1093554 ID: 1effd3

"On of my siblings has gone missing, and i detected them here last." -Lagianna

"How many siblings do you have?" -Arcane

"Several thousand." -Lagianna
No. 1094363 ID: 08229c
File 172125771664.gif - (852.05KB , 800x600 , 78.gif )

The mimic turns... Slowly... Ancient wood creaks, blood dribbles...

It lurches forward-!

No. 1094364 ID: 08229c
File 172125785452.png - (296.44KB , 800x600 , 81.png )

It then tilts its head back and swallows Alex whole. Arcane screams the whole time.

A small bug falls off of the Mimic and skitters off to places unknown.

No. 1094365 ID: 08229c
File 172125803655.png - (240.24KB , 800x600 , 82.png )

It then lumbers off, seemingly ignoring Arcane now that it has fed.

A small cry for help comes from within the box..

Ah, Alex is perfectly fine by the way. That's a lot of blood, though... Even so, she's basically at full HP. I think she's just playing along for the Adventurer's benefit...

Let's see if she takes the bait and follows to try and save her ally.
No. 1094366 ID: 08229c
File 172125820999.png - (260.52KB , 800x600 , 79.png )

Oh, she's still just screaming.

Hmm. She did say she doesn't like scares too much.. Maybe w-
No. 1094368 ID: 08229c
File 172125862980.png - (144.64KB , 800x600 , 80.png )

Arcane hijacks the feed.

Alright, Magifans, it's your favorite time! One of YOU lucky viewers will help me scout out this scaaaaary dungeon and rescue my friend!

Remember, only the top donation gets considered so get those bits in!

[Submit a character]
No. 1094370 ID: eb0a9c

Serpentina Hebbi
Species: Giant Snake
* Professional V-Streamer Assassin
* Uses prosthetics and holograms to project as a lamia
* Wants to be a real girl
* Has no idea what she's doing
No. 1094371 ID: 08229c
File 172125903192.png - (9.12KB , 229x229 , frogge.png )

For srs post a character or describe one, I'll pick one at random. Only post one (1) and they have to be roughly humanoid. The characters need a basic description and class.

Keep it as sfw as possible, she ain't hosting a lewd stream.

No. 1094372 ID: a7a180
File 172125973894.png - (121.91KB , 550x750 , Hammershy.png )

Name: Hammershy25423 (Maginet username)
Class: Draconic cleric. Casts dragon buffs like scale armor & other partial transformations.
Bit of a dragon nerd, if theming her entire kit around dragons didn't give that away.
Has stage fright, forgot this in her rush to save her favorite streamer.
No. 1094382 ID: d3d769

Username: Salamitactics
Name: Terr Bluemaw
Race: Gnoll
Class: Druid (Mycelium/Spores)
Uses Fungus to improve Meat and to make Salami. Walks around in a butcher's apron, has white patches out of fungus on the fur, and smells like Spores. Makes squeaky hyena noises if nervous.
No. 1094390 ID: 53560f

Name: Nigel(but to his dismay everyone calls him Remy)
Race: ratfolk
Class: lunatic
Nigel works as a chef during the day and is a pack-a-day smoker. He funnels all his stress and frustration from work into a hectic dual-knives berserker build. Smells of cigarettes, dish soap and whatever meal he made last.
No. 1094398 ID: 219e33
File 172127104804.png - (1.16MB , 2323x2000 , Nephathys.png )

My Lich, Nephathys, would probably have a good time doing some adventuring
No. 1094400 ID: 421554

I have to wonder... what exactly does AFK mean in this context? Aether-Fueled Knowledge? Awkward Freeter Kids?
No. 1094401 ID: bcc13c
File 172127393922.png - (198.60KB , 1546x1213 , Takti.png )

Nick: Tacti
Name: Takti
Class: Nyalchemist (Alchemist)
Weapons: Potion slingshot (doubles as a normal slingshot)
Special moves:
A: Headbutt, her horn is brittle and will probably break from this.
B: Panic and invert her bag of holding in the enemy's direction, she hasn't cleaned it in out in years.
Notes: All of her potions have the side effect of temporarily adding (another set of) cat ears and a cat tail to the target.
Zoned out and doesn't really know what's going on and only really paid attention and Arcane hijacked the feed when she heard there was something to win, and money to spend.
No. 1094402 ID: 5b2941

I think she means the regular "away from keyboard". You know, saying that the people she pulls in are supposed to stay engaged with the dungeon and the stream.
No. 1094405 ID: 1effd3
File 172127526172.png - (199.61KB , 861x558 , 071724_AuditDM_OC.png )

Username: x_HYDRA_Core_x
Species: Dragonkin
Class: Mech Caster: Summons drone units of multiple types (max of 3), or can use all summon slots to summon a powerful robot! (Has a small chance to summon Sweepy as a normal summon). Also cats magic normally.

Wears a bodysuit, armor, and a visor.

Is the DM a a dungeon Arcane ran previously, and know each other outside of dungeoneering.
No. 1094409 ID: 07a5ab

I bet chat is laughing their ass off
No. 1094413 ID: db3a5d
File 172127761206.jpg - (237.49KB , 602x800 , hallowedmindavarettesillydoodle.jpg )

Avarette Vanmare
Species: Eerie Halfling
Class: Horror Mage. Spells are spooky and themed around being scary, will wander up walls and ceilings if allowed.

Never loses the 1000-yard stare or visibly blinks.
No. 1094415 ID: 4ad9bc

Username: Knightmare
Class: Death Knight
Description: A really edgy teenager trying to pass themself off as being older than they are. Very edge, much vantablack. Wears heavy armor, for protection and to disguise their age, and uses a BIG SWORD! Insists that shields are for losers.
No. 1094419 ID: dc4bad


Dame Fairweather, (goes by Holly)

Class: Holy Blade - works similar to the paladin variant of a similar name that smites evil and the unholy while protecting the needy, but Daisy's secret is that she's actually a sentient magic sword and is just possessing some platemail to serve as her 'wielder'.

Wants nothing more than to be a hero in her own right rather than just the tool of one.

Has managed to be keep up the ruse and be legally considered a knight for the last 7 years. Nobody must know. Chat probably knows.
No. 1094421 ID: 0fa8a7
File 172128817099.jpg - (156.64KB , 537x743 , Morgan by fizzen.jpg )

Morgan, terrifyingly enthusiastic 'monk', absorbs lifeforce with unarmed attacks
No. 1094422 ID: dc4bad

woops, name should have been Holly both times.
(came up with better name towards the end and forgot to edit second instance)
No. 1094423 ID: 4beab8
File 172129713105.png - (314.03KB , 590x787 , Swordsman.png )


Class: Swordsman
Tag: firstTim3r

A mysterious, low level adventurer who couldn't quite make it in on a previous run. Very popular in certain circles.
No. 1094431 ID: 5b2941

I mean, judging by every (non-dragon) adventurer so far the name's gonna get censored and get referred to by class anyways, so
No. 1094432 ID: dc4bad

oh true, it was just a play on 'Holy' anyway.
in hindsight I should have committed properly to the bit and have done something like
Name: Holly Blayd
Class: Holy Blade
Race: Holy Blade
No. 1094497 ID: 8160fa

A witch clad in a purple cloak which obscures her appearance wielding a small selection of magic wands she uses to cast potentially dubious spells.

No. 1094510 ID: fd70f4

I've been thinking a bit on how we could use the tech slime. Maybe if we use the lagmites and Lagianna.

They've been using the graveyard as a place to practice their time powers as the dimensional walls are thinner there, and summoned echoes of the past and one special rare boss monster.

What I'm thinking of is similar to Skulker of Danny Phantom. A humanoid exoskeleton controlled by the Tech Slime called Echo of the Future. Maybe even we could put it other areas if needed.
No. 1094511 ID: 5b2941

you're forgetting something important: unless it's a raid, we can't deploy non-wandering monsters once an adventurer's in the dungeon. So Tech Slime's gonna have to work its magic from backstage (it should be able to affect tech stuff like the stream, right?)
No. 1094526 ID: 045003
File 172142859293.png - (68.25KB , 1600x800 , bombcat.png )

Username: Its!!Nya!!Bomb!!
Species: Bombcat
Class: Explorer
Notes: Uses mobility, bombs, a hookshot, a magic compass, and has a handful of other utility spells and items to do things like supercharge a bomb and create a protective shield.
No. 1094537 ID: 5b2941

User name: flameon99
Species: Aelor
Class: Fire mage
When startled or panicked, she tends to reflexively punch things instead of using her magic. To her chagrin, it often works just as well or even better.
No. 1094538 ID: 16b171
File 172144108836.jpg - (165.01KB , 624x796 , nana.jpg )

Name: Nana Nanako
Race: Lalafell
Class: Black Mage

Lalafell Black Mage, pretty much typical Black Mage. Concerned with MAX DPS and Rotation. Chuuni, but everything she does ends up Cute. Likes Headpats.
Will not move out of her DPS Buff Marker for anything. Cannot be killed, anything that would cause death KOs instead. Will ask for a Raise and if doesn't get one, will recall back to home point. Is pretty confused as to how she got here, because she queued for Roulette, but will take it in stride for new dungeon loot.
No. 1094545 ID: 08229c
File 172145039370.png - (185.36KB , 800x600 , 79a.png )

Submissions Closed! Please wait warmly for the results!
No. 1094556 ID: 861ceb

now watch as we find out that the mimic that just ran away is a stream watcher in their free time and is actually a super fan/magifan of this streamer and wins draw traumatizing the streamer more when they show back up while geeking out that they won.
No. 1094569 ID: 08229c
File 172151419818.png - (81.14KB , 364x600 , Rolla.png )

rolled 10 = 10

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