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File 161684868862.png - (23.78KB , 600x600 , CRASH_RECOVERY.png )
993309 No. 993309 ID: ead888

WARNING: Proximity to unknown PLANET is approaching negative values! WHEEE!

Initialise and eject REPTEKA cargo before their DAY becomes a BAD DAY.
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No. 1085575 ID: 5486c8

Szszsz. Prepare to move to the ruins! We need to craft a cart, using as much of our already gathered materials as possible so there’s less to move.
Dora: build wheels out of bricks like the macerator uses for a cart.
BLU: eat up to make more yolks to help out!
Rocks: build a cart out of ruins metal.
No. 1085577 ID: 5b2941


Earlier DORA's CHEM LASER was the only thing capable of cutting through RUIN METAL, so maybe switch ROCKS and DORA's tasks around?
No. 1085580 ID: 1effd3

No. 1085584 ID: 85c6ae

>ROCKS is feeling more HEALTHY and slightly less RADIOACTIVE already as your REPTEKAS cuddle together that NIGHT.
>BLU and DORA feel funny...
We might need to give Rocks another bath to get rid of that radioactivity that's affecting Blu and Dora.
No. 1085585 ID: 7c0da2

Use the CHEM LASER to turn some DIRT into TOXIC WASTE and put 1 EGG into it to see if it mutates.
Mutate Szszsz.
No. 1085587 ID: 85c6ae

Forgot to add this:

Rocks' Mutation Upgrade: szszsz

Rocks: build wheels out of bricks like the macerator uses for a cart.

Blu: lay eggs!

Dora: build a cart out of ruins metal.

Big Yolky: Assist Rocks.
No. 1085588 ID: 273c18

Okay, the roof is crumbly which means we need to reinforce it or move. I'd like to move immediately to the ruins, but is ROCKS healthy enough to travel? Would BLU need to lay eggs first in order to move well enough? We'd need to dig a burrow at the new site, too. Hmm, complications.
I think ROCKS being regular radioactive is fine, no need for another bath. Mutations are beneficial after all.

BLU: Lay eggs.
ROCKS: reinforce the burrow.
DORA: go to the ruins and start digging a burrow. Bring some of our stuff there on the way over.
No. 1085589 ID: 273c18

Oh and mutation: Szszsz.
No. 1085610 ID: a7a180

Dora: Use amber sap to upgrade(?) jelly tail. Or at least make it delicious.
Lay egg is BLU.
Rocks: make round rocks for cart. Wub!
No. 1085756 ID: 81cb75
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Szszsz! ROCKS has mutated! ROCKS has grown a CRACKLING TWIG TAIL. Eating TOXIC WASTE might recharge its ZAP. It has a chance of ZAPPING at random.

ROCKS thinks that Szszsz mutations are about containing and leaking RADIATION. BLU and DORA think ROCKS is amazing at LIZARD SCIENCE.


BLU eats TWO VINES and lays FOUR EGGS! A new record! BLU is very proud of their collection of EGGS and their rediscovered ability to fit through the WARREN ENTRANCE unaided. BLU spends some time with ROCKS.

Because BLU laid EGGS today, BLUE only produces ONE new EGG today.

DORA decides to try some LIZARD SCIENCE too. BIG YOLKY is very cool so what about other YOLKIES? DORA melts some DIRT into TOXIC WASTE and asks BLU if they can soak an EGG in it. BLU says yes. DORA is excited. BLU is excited! ROCKS is sleepy.

DORA thinks about the places they've explored.

Oops, DORA remembers that there aren't any VOLATILE VINES left at the RUIN! There's just the RUIN METAL RIGID FRAME the VINES were growing over. But maybe more will sprout there? Pouring TOXIC WASTE on VINES and zapping them with the TWIG WAND also helped them grow. And it might be fun to DIG there!

Something about VOLATILE VINES attracts RADMOEBAS but also makes them pop.

The TOXIC POOL has TOXIC WASTE and ANCIENT GLASS. But RADMOEBAS really like it there!

The AMBER BUBBLES are where your REPTEKAS find AMBER SAP. More BUBBLES have appeared there recently.

ROCKS works on building a CART. ROCKS' BUCKET HEAD starts malfunctioning but that's fine, they can work with other PARTS. ROCKS grinds up ONE BRICKS with the MACERATOR to make another WHEEL by adding some AMBER SAP, then dismantles the MACERATOR to use its WHEEL and GLASS AXLES. Next ROCKS uses their HANDY ARMS and AMBER SAP to make a frame out of the RUIN METAL. ROCKS can bend the metal a little with their ARMS, which DORA and BLU agree is very cool. Last ROCKS uses the VINE that was connecting the MACERATOR to the WINDMILL to make some REINS.

It's done! The CART is a MACHINE that can CARRY STUFF without being a REPTEKA, although it still needs a REPTEKA with it!

Your REPTEKAS and BIG YOLKY huddle in the WARREN that NIGHT. BLU and DORA feel funny... There seems to be more DIRT on the FLOOR too.


The WIND has brought more fluffy CLOUDS. Maybe it'll get RAINY again soon. Your REPTEKAS should start planning their move.


Each REPTEKA can take ONE ACTION today. BLU needs to eat TWO FOOD keep making EGGS, but you don't have that much FOOD! ROCKS is hungry.

EXPLORE: Look for STUFF with a specific useful TRAIT. It's easier to find STUFF if you don't mind a DOWNSIDE.
BUILD: Can you make anything out of BRICKS, VINES, or DIRT?
USE MACHINE: Is there anything you can do with an OVEN, a WINDMILL, or a CART?
DIG: It makes HOLES. You might find STUFF.
UPGRADE: Add a new BASIC PART or think of a way to upgrade an existing PART. You have ONE TECH SCRAPS and a JELLY TAIL.
LAY EGGS: BLU has ONE EGG ready to lay.
CHEM LASER (FREE): Is there anything DORA should turn into TOXIC WASTE?

THREE YOLKIES, BIG YOLKY and ??? can assist your REPTEKAS.

You can try other things too if you think it'd help!
No. 1085757 ID: 273c18

Ah, so in keeping with that theme, kerplew is for chemical stuff and wub is for... uh, well, I can't tell exactly what is making the tail squiggly. We'll have to test that next mutation.

Alright we need to move. We also need to do some vine duplication. Use the chem laser to convert all our dirt into toxic waste and pour all of it over the vine to grow it. ROCKS can eat one of the extras.

BLU, ROCKS, DORA, YOLKIES: carry supplies to the Ruins, using the cart. Dismantle our buildings to transport them. Once we're there, we can either use the ruins as shelter or use any remaining action power to dig a burrow.
No. 1085758 ID: a7a180

Transfer supplies from the burrow first to the cart. Amber, vines and glass are the priority, dirt is presumably easy enough to find everywhere. Have the Yolkies carry stuff.
BLU: pull the cart to the ruins!
Dora: Give Rocks another bath.
Rocks: Recharge the twig wand by eating toxic waste. If you need more, have Dora make it from the spare dirt.
No. 1085764 ID: 5ebd37

Dora: go check on the ruins to make sure it's safe to move there tomorrow.
Blu: clean Rocks some more, producing one toxic waste he can eat to recharge.
Rocks: zap the remaining vines
No. 1085769 ID: 031458

We have an infinite source of toxic waste if we need it, and dealing with radioactivity and toxic waste makes us more able to manipulate it. The radmeobas are basically made of the stuff... This world seems horribly polluted.

We could lean into this. We could adapt ourselves to processing toxic waste and radioactivity. Twould solve any fuel/food issues we have, we'd probably become immune to radmeobas fairly quickly, and we'd be cleaning up the world, making it safer for future reptekas.

Dora- Chem Lazer some dirt.
Rocks- Eat Toxic waste if your wand recharges then zap the bones again.
Dora and Rocks- Go to the ruins. Find a good spot and begin preparing the site. Take the bricks and what you can carry of the Amber.
Blu- Eat the tech scraps. With the help of all the yolkies and ???, begin loading the cart and disassembling the base.
No. 1085771 ID: 7c0da2

Wash ROCK again, their radioactivity is probably the reason why BLU and DORA were feeling funny. We need to keep contamination under control, sure it hasn't killed anyone yet but DORA's RAD DEPENDENCY is worrying. If everybody start needing regular doses of TOXIC WASTE to stay alive things will become complicated.
No. 1085772 ID: 124485

>THREE YOLKIES, BIG YOLKY and ??? can assist your REPTEKAS.
Huh? Did the other eggs hatch already? I suppose that'll help with moving our supplies around.

Although, I'm curious on what the ??? can do and what makes it different from the Yolkies.
No. 1085780 ID: 5b2941

If I'm getting this right from the last time this happened, ??? means something new's gonna be helping out so we should keep it in mind for orders but we don't get to know exactly what it is yet. In this case, probably whatever hatches from the rad egg.
No. 1085809 ID: 031458

But we can make it out of dirt for free and there's a giant lake of it nearby and sometimes blobs of it show up on their own.
No. 1085860 ID: 638726
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The YOLKY EGGS hatch. YOLKY A, YOLKY B and YOLKY C are here to help! BIG YOLKY says hi. The YOLKIES say hi. Your REPTEKAS say hi. EVERYONE is happy to see each other again.

The RADIOACTIVE EGG hatches! YOLKY.egg r[CHECKSUM CORRUPT] vibrates and then says hi. All the YOLKIES say hi. BLU is proud of them for trying something different. DORA likes their energy. ROCKS calls them RAD YOLKY.

There's not a lot of FOOD, so BLU doesn't make any new EGGS today. BLU washes ROCKS some more, and then they lie in the SUN. ROCKS is amazed at BLU's length.

Washing ROCKS has created ONE TOXIC WASTE. ROCKS is no longer RADIOACTIVE.

DORA leads all the YOLKIES in gathering up STUFF. They dismantle the WINDMILL and put it in the CART, and carry the AMBER SAP, TECH SCRAPS and JELLY TAIL PART over to the RUINS. The CART is amazing for carrying BIG STUFF.

DORA melts ONE DIRT into TOXIC WASTE when they get back, because they'll probably not bother carrying the DIRT over TOMORROW.

ROCKS eats some TOXIC WASTE and feels ANCIENT POWER stirring in their CRACKLING TWIG WAND TAIL. ROCKS zaps the VOLATILE VINES and the VINES sprout and double to TWO VOLATILE VINES.

Your REPTEKAS and the YOLKIES all cuddle in the WARREN that NIGHT. A cozy last NIGHT here. BIG YOLKY's runtime is up and they dissipate. Thanks for your help!


Looks like RAIN later.


Each REPTEKA can take ONE ACTION today. BLU needs to eat TWO FOOD to keep making EGGS. RAD YOLKY wants to eat ONE TOXIC WASTE. Strange, YOLKIES don't usually eat?

EXPLORE: Look for STUFF with a specific useful TRAIT. It's easier to find STUFF if you don't mind a DOWNSIDE.
BUILD: Can you make anything out of BRICKS, VINES, or DIRT?
USE MACHINE: Is there anything you can do with an OVEN, a WINDMILL, or a CART?
DIG: It makes HOLES. You might find STUFF.
UPGRADE: Add a new BASIC PART or think of a way to upgrade an existing PART. You have ONE TECH SCRAPS and a JELLY TAIL.
LAY EGGS: BLU has ONE EGG ready to lay.
ZAP WAND: Is there anything ROCKS can zap with a TWIG WAND?
CHEM LASER (FREE): Is there anything DORA should turn into TOXIC WASTE?


You can try other things too if you think it'd help!
No. 1085862 ID: 273c18

Sure, let's turn one dirt into toxic waste and let Rad Yolky eat it. Science!
DORA, YOLKIES: Put the OVEN in the cart today and move it over along with our bricks and water.
BLU, ROCKS: Carry the vines and the last toxic waste over. Then when we get there we can start digging!
No. 1085866 ID: 8f9bc4

Someone EXPLORE the Ruins to scout out where would be a good defensible location to build a home!
No. 1085868 ID: 5ebd37

Feed Yolky, maybe they'll stick around longer.
Everybody: gather as much as you can, including all the vines, and finish the move. Dig a new burrow at the ruins, at least big enough to protect the important loot, before the rain comes.
No. 1085875 ID: a7a180

It's moving day! Gather the vines to avoid attracting Radmoebas in your absence.
Eat more toxified dirt to recharge Rocks' wand, and feed the rad yolky too. Dora, scout the ruins for a good spot to build shelter!
No. 1085877 ID: a5f522

Don't feed Rocks too much Toxic Waste in such a short amount of time! He might end up getting an addiction just like Dora!
No. 1085879 ID: 273c18

ROCKS isn't even hungry... we don't have that much food right now, let's conserve it.
No. 1085884 ID: 03c669

Feed the rad Yolkies the toxic waste!

The rain is coming! We don't want the cart to get bogged down!
Collect what's left and let's all go to the ruins!
No. 1085886 ID: 7c0da2

Feed the toxic waste to the rad yolky.
Remember to take the glass spike with you. Last time there was rain there was a lot more amoebas, you need to dig a shelter at the ruins as soon as possible.
No. 1085979 ID: 638726
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BLU is going to lead the YOLKIES in gathering up the last of the STUFF.

There's still not much FOOD, so BLU doesn't make any EGGS today. That's TWO DAYS without making EGGS, that's a new record too.

DORA melts ONE DIRT into TOXIC WASTE. RAD YOLKIE scarfs it down and gets bigger. Wow, that's as big as BIG YOLKY, RAD YOLKIE! RAD YOLKIE jitters with excess energy.

BLU and the YOLKIES move the OVEN, GLASS PANES and GLASS SPIKE into the CART. The CART can't fit both the OVEN and the MACERATOR BASE, and ROCKS' BUCKET HEAD is still malfunctioning but RAD YOLKY can pick it up. Good job, RAD YOLKY.

They leave the WATER and the DIRT behind. They can make a new WATER CATCHER at their NEW HOME.

BLU's heavy BODY and BASIC LEGS struggle with the journey but they get the CART and the YOLKIES there safe.
No. 1085980 ID: 638726
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DORA looks if there's a better place for a NEW HOME near the RUIN METAL RIGID FRAME. They almost miss it, but there's a RUIN METAL OBJECT half buried in the DIRT. Did it fall here a long time ago? There's a HOLE in the END but it's clogged with DIRT. DORA isn't sure if it's actually a DOORWAY.

DORA's very excited about it!

ROCKS is excited too. ROCKS digs a HOLE to keep the STUFF in. ROCKS' BUCKET HEAD is malfunctioning, but they still have fun digging. ROCKS finds TWO RUIN METAL as they dig up the DIRT.

Your REPTEKAS and the YOLKIES curl up to sleep outside that NIGHT. It's a bit WET but they're excited to turn this place into a NEW HOME.

The TWO POTS left out overnight fill with WATER. ROCKS' BUCKET HEAD is no longer malfunctioning, they're fully functional!


It's getting wetter today. It might storm soon.


Each REPTEKA can take ONE ACTION today. BLU needs to eat TWO FOOD to keep making EGGS. BLU would like to rest today. DORA wouldn't mind some FOOD today. RAD YOLKY wants to eat TWO TOXIC WASTE.

EXPLORE: Look for STUFF with a specific useful TRAIT. It's easier to find STUFF if you don't mind a DOWNSIDE.
BUILD: Can you make anything out of BRICKS, VINES, or DIRT?
USE MACHINE: Is there anything you can do with an OVEN, a WINDMILL, or a CART?
DIG: It makes HOLES. You might find STUFF.
UPGRADE: Add a new BASIC PART or think of a way to upgrade an existing PART. You have ONE TECH SCRAPS and a JELLY TAIL.
LAY EGGS: BLU has ONE EGG ready to lay.
ZAP WAND: Is there anything ROCKS can zap with a TWIG WAND?
CHEM LASER (1x FREE): Is there anything DORA should turn into TOXIC WASTE?


You can try other things too if you think it'd help!
No. 1085981 ID: a7a180

Dora: Clear the dirt from the hole. It should provide some shallow shelter even if it's not a door.
Rocks: Zap a vine to grow more food.
Rest up after pulling that cart, BLU!
Feed the yolky more toxic goo. Feed him! Start cutting into the side of the object to make a side door and an extra waste.
No. 1085987 ID: 58dd24

use that free zap to turn some dirt into toxic waste, and feed rad yolkie. We know it's addictive, but will a yolkie's runtime expire before it becomes a problem? Science!
Focus on digging out some shelter in case the weather gets worse, but yeah, zap some vines with that wand. Farming is fun!
No. 1085990 ID: 273c18

BLU: rest.
DORA: dig some more to put a drain in front of the sleeping area, like we did before. The YOLKIES can help with this.
ROCKS: zap the vines. Then DORA can eat a vine.
Chem Laser a dirt to produce another toxic waste, and feed both waste to the rad yolkie. Surely nothing bad can happen.
No. 1085994 ID: 5ebd37

Blu: slep
Rocks: zap vines, we really need to better farm these
Dora: melt some dirt from the ruin opening, then feed two wastes to rad yolky. for the science!
No. 1085997 ID: 273c18

Hey, can we give BLU arms that double as legs?
No. 1086005 ID: 5b2941

So RAD YOLKY grows bigger each day but their RAD DEPENDENCY keeps escalating, huh? This looks like it's useful but would probably need us to make a stockpile beforehand to take advantage of properly, we almost certainly won't be able to meet the quota tomorrow. Would it escalate to 3 (+1 each day) or 4 (double each day)? Only one way to find out. Also, we don't know if RAD YOLKY will expire while we're still feeding them or whether they may turn hostile once we stop
No. 1086023 ID: b95b93

>Rad Yolky got bigger
>Rad Yolky wants to eat more Toxic Waste
I'm worried that continuing to feed it Toxic Waste will make stick around longer and make it radioactive! That would definitely cause problems if our Reptekas are exposed to the Rad Yolky for a long period of time!
No. 1086091 ID: f9dd53
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BLU rests today. It's nice napping in the RAIN sometimes. BLU wonders about whether ARMS can be LEGS? That seems like an UPGRADE that would work, or they could just get TWO PAIRS of BASIC LEGS.

DORA melts ONE DIRT into TOXIC WASTE. RAD YOLKIE scarfs it down and drinks the TOXIC WASTE that's with the other STUFF too. RAD YOLKIE gets bigger again. ROCKS thinks that's really cool! ROCKS wonders if they should have some TOXIC WASTE.

DORA clears out the end of the RUIN METAL OBJECT with the YOLKIES helping. They clear out everything they can and pile up the DIRT ouside. There's a BIG CONE inside with a STRANGE WALL surrounding it.

ROCKS zaps the VOLATILE VINES they've planted in the DIRT. The TWO VINES sprout into FOUR. ROCKS loves playing in the DIRT.

The YOKIES dissipate at the end of the day. Thanks for helping, YOlKIES! Wait, RAD YOLKY's still going? ROCKS wonders if the extra runtime is from NUCLEAR REACTIONS.

Your REPTEKAS and RAD YOLKIES curl up to sleep inside the RUIN METAL OBJECT that NIGHT. It's not big enough to keep all the RAIN off but it's a nice change. RAD YOLKY gets up to run around and burn off excess energy.


That's FOUR WEEKS! A storm is rolling in. The spare CONTAINER filled with some WATER. The HOLE that ROCKS dug is trapping some WATER.


Each REPTEKA can take ONE ACTION today. BLU needs to eat TWO FOOD to keep making EGGS. DORA is hungry. ROCKS is a little peckish. RAD YOLKY really wants to eat THREE TOXIC WASTE.

EXPLORE: Look for STUFF with a specific useful TRAIT. It's easier to find STUFF if you don't mind a DOWNSIDE.
BUILD: Can you make anything out of BRICKS, VINES, or DIRT?
USE MACHINE: Is there anything you can do with an OVEN, a WINDMILL, or a CART?
DIG: It makes HOLES. You might find STUFF.
UPGRADE: Add a new BASIC PART or think of a way to upgrade an existing PART. You have ONE TECH SCRAPS and a JELLY TAIL.
LAY EGGS: BLU has ONE EGG ready to lay.
ZAP WAND: Is there anything ROCKS can zap with a TWIG WAND?
CHEM LASER (1x FREE): Is there anything DORA should turn into TOXIC WASTE?

RAD YOLKY can assist your REPTEKAS.

You can try other things too if you think it'd help!
No. 1086094 ID: 58dd24

have Rocks zap those vines again, then Dora and Blu can eat some.
Have Dora laser some dirt, and Rad Yolkie can have 1 toxic waste today.

Then start building a roof to extend the shelter. Or can the big cone be pulled outside to make more room?
No. 1086096 ID: a7a180

Well, that's all the toxic waste science we can afford for now. Hey, can we send Rad Yolky to the toxic pools to eat as much toxic waste as he likes? I'm sure that won't have drastic consequences!
Dora: Time to build a new hatch for the stuff hole so we can stuff ourselves in it!
Rocks: Dig the hole deeper, we're going to put everyone in it for the storm! Remember to have a separate chamber to catch water like last time.
BLU: Pry some ruin metal off the object to reinforce the door.
No. 1086097 ID: dbabb8

I'm a little concerned about what happens if the rad yolky has too much, or when we can't supply it with enough toxic waste. For now though... I think we should try to get into the ruin structure to use it as shelter. Is it me or does it look a bit like a thruster or an intake to an engine? I doubt it's salvageable so it's better of being used as shelter.

Rocks, plant some of the vines so we can get a bit of a farm going, since your big bucket head is good for digging. We need a food source going sooner rather than later.

Dora... have one of the vines since you're hungry and... possibly chem laser the weird metal door? Or some dirt? I'm not sure how valuable the ruins metal is and disintegrating a bunch could provide a head start on getting into the ruins. Either way, rad yolky's addiction needs feeding, since going cold turkey is probably a bad idea for it.

Blu, rad yolky, work on getting into the ruins.
No. 1086098 ID: 58dd24

Oh, and I like using the tech scraps to improve Blu's mobility, yeah
No. 1086099 ID: 1effd3

The RAD YOLKY must grow! We should have everyone focus on GATHER FOOD
No. 1086101 ID: 5ebd37

Rocks: grow more vines for everyone's brekky.
Dora: pry metal plates from the other end of the ruin to extend the cover of the shelter.
Blu: move the sap from the pit to the metal shelter before it all gets mixed with the water.
Sorry Rad Yolky, we can't get you more waste until later.
No. 1086102 ID: 273c18

Ah good science, good science. Let's see what happens if we underfeed the Rad Yolky. Give it ONE toxic waste today via Chem Lasering some dirt.
Oh zapping vines doubles the entire stack?! I wonder if there's an upper limit on that.
...this Ruin looks like the rear end of an engine. Wait, is this debris from the ship that brought us here? No, can't be, it was covered in vines and buried in dirt instead of being in a crater. I wonder if we can find any of our ship's debris though.

Use the TECH PARTS to give BLU some arms. We can upgrade the basic limbs later to make them multipurpose.
ROCKS: Zap the vines again.
DORA: eat a vine, go gather Toxic Waste, and bring two vines there to see if they will grow unattended.
BLU: Dig more of the burrow, make sure there's a basin to keep water out of the sleeping area. Rad Yolky can help.
alternatively, if the Reptekas approve of the idea, we can try extending the Ruins with bricks and sap to make an aboveground shelter?
No. 1086114 ID: b95b93

>RAD YOLKY really wants to eat THREE TOXIC WASTE.
Ok, that's enough, they're starting to sound desperate. We don't need them turning radioactive and negatively affecting the others.
No. 1086196 ID: 99429d
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THUNDER and LIGHTNING TODAY! It's a bit scary but your REPTEKAS are brave.

DORA melts some DIRT and your REPTEKAS tell RAD YOLKY they can only have ONE TOXIC WASTE. RAD YOLKY throws a tantrum! Calm down, RAD YOLKY! RAD YOLKY eats the TOXIC WASTE. RAD YOLKY eats ONE DIRT. RAD YOLKY eats ONE RUIN METAL. RAD YOLKY gets bigger again. Your REPTEKAS are getting a little worried.

RAD YOLKY is now RADIOACTIVE. RAD YOLKY has calmed down.

BLU thinks about trying to open up more of the RUIN METAL OBJECT but BLU's SNIPPER HEAD isn't strong enough to cut through RUIN METAL.

DORA starts cutting instead. DORA's SURGING SQUIGGLE TAIL pulses. DORA's CHEM LASER feels extra powerful TODAY. DORA cuts off the tip of the CONE and saws up the STRANGE WALL. That's SIX RUIN METAL. There's another one behind it? DORA starts thinking about the SHAPE of the RUIN METAL OBJECT. Is this a BROKEN THRUSTER? Did it fall off an ANCIENT FLYING MACHINE?

RAD YOLKY helps move the CONE OUTSIDE. Your REPTEKAS don't know how to melt RUIN METAL, maybe there's a use for a bigger PIECE?

BLU builds a small FENCE out of TWO RUIN METAL to help keep WATER and other STUFF out of the THRUSTER WARREN.

ROCKS wriggles up close to the VOLATILE VINES that have been planted in the DIRT and zaps them. The FOUR VINES sprout into EIGHT. That's a lot of VINES! BLUE eats TWO VINES and starts making EGGS. DORA and ROCKS have ONE VINE each. DORA says ROCKS is amazing with DIRT

RAD YOLKY doesn't dissipate TONIGHT either. RAD YOLKY can't settle down and walks around OUTSIDE in the STORM while your REPTEKAS cuddle together. Some RAIN is blowing in but that's OK.

No. 1086197 ID: 99429d
File 171025206079.png - (65.74KB , 900x500 , CR_038.png )

RAD YOLKY roars a warning. TWO RADMOEBAS are coming!

BLU snaps at a approaching RADMOEBA. It starts leaking. It's not distracted by BLU's LURE TAIL. DORA and ROCKS aren't able to pop it.

It flails at ROCKS but has trouble getting over the FENCE

RAD YOLKY charges the other RADMOEBA but slips on the DIRT.

The RADMOEBA eats some of the VOLATILE VINES!

ROCKS headbutt the first RADMOEBA and it bursts. ONE TOXIC WASTE is left behind.

RAD YOLKY can't get the RADMOEBA off the VINES.

THE RADMOEBA eats another VOLATILE VINE. It shakes and then explodes. Another VINE burns up from the explosion. ONE TOXIC WASTE is left behind.

Thank goodness NO-ONE was hurt! Are RADMOEBAS attracted to VOLATILE VINES? Your REPTEKAS and RAD YOLKY play some cuddle TAG to calm down.


It's still RAINY. What's fun to do in the RAIN?


Each REPTEKA can take ONE ACTION today. BLU needs to eat TWO FOOD to keep making EGGS. RAD YOLKY demands FOUR TOXIC WASTE.

EXPLORE: Look for STUFF with a specific useful TRAIT. It's easier to find STUFF if you don't mind a DOWNSIDE.
BUILD: Can you make anything out of BRICKS, VINES, or DIRT?
USE MACHINE: Is there anything you can do with an OVEN, a WINDMILL, or a CART?
DIG: It makes HOLES. You might find STUFF.
GATHER: There's some RUINS METAL, TOXIC WASTE, ANCIENT GLASS and AMBER SAP a way away. You haven't found a new PLACE for VOLATILE VINES.
UPGRADE: Add a new BASIC PART or think of a way to upgrade an existing PART. You have ONE TECH SCRAPS and a JELLY TAIL.
LAY EGGS: BLU has THREE EGGS ready to lay.
ZAP WAND: Is there anything ROCKS can zap with a TWIG WAND?
CHEM LASER (1x FREE): Is there anything DORA should turn into TOXIC WASTE?

RAD YOLKY might assist your REPTEKAS.

You can try other things too if you think it'd help!
No. 1086198 ID: 453cb9

I'm concerned about RAD YOLKY. It seems they're addicted to TOXIC WASTE. I'm notnsure how to help them though! Maybe helping DORA look for food that isn't VOLATILE VINES will keep them distracted?

BLU should lay some eggs.

ROCKS should probably dig out more TECH SCRAPS.
No. 1086199 ID: 4b82e6

Let rad yolky live his best life. Feed him the waste!
No. 1086200 ID: dbabb8

...hm, we're not going to be able to keep up with rad yolky's insatiable appetite for waste, and I worry what will happen when we can't give them enough. While it has a high chance of backfiring, I wonder if we should just show the rad yolky where the toxic waste pool is and let them be free? That would at least get them far away from us when whatever consequences of consuming all the toxic waste happens.
No. 1086201 ID: a3931e

>Rad Yolky's tantrum
Ok, so if we don't give Rad Yolky what it wants, it'll randomly eat our other things. Good to know.

>Rad Yolky is now Radioactive
And now it's dangerous to be near it. That's not good.

>no one was hurt
That's good. Glad everyone was able to fight off the enemies.

>Rad Yolky demands 4 Toxic Waste
>Rad Yolky might assist your Reptekas
Uh oh, looks like we now have to randomly worry about Rad Yolky not helping us if we don't give it what it wants!

This seems like a good idea, let's do it.
No. 1086202 ID: 5b2941

Yeah, I was thinking that. We're not gonna be able to deal with RAD YOLKY when the inevitable happens, so let's just make him the RADMOEBAS's problem. I'm sure this decision won't come back to bite us.
No. 1086203 ID: e19ae0

Radiation isn’t dangerous, it’s mutagenic!

Send Rad Yolky off to the waste pools with a necklace of volatile vines. Godspeed, brave warrior!
No. 1086204 ID: df45e0

Rad Yolky is resembling a RADMOEBA more and more! We don't have the resources to keep them fed so might be good idea to point in direction of all the waste they can eat?

Worst case we have to deal with a giant monster Yolky later but maybe it will work out?

Gotta test out stuff somehow?
No. 1086206 ID: 58dd24

Build a fence around the volatile vine garden. Maybe a dirt embankment with scrap fence on top will keep radmoebas out. Keep the last vine safe, it'll be a pain in the butt if we have to go gather more from scratch.
No. 1086210 ID: 5ebd37

Rocks: zap that vine before we loose it too
Blu: build a fence of glass spikes around the vines
Dora: take rad yolky to the toxic pond to gather more glass. Let him stay there to guard and have as much toxic waste as he wants.
No. 1086212 ID: a3931e

>Radiation isn’t dangerous, it’s mutagenic!
For now. There's no guarantee that will remain true forever.
No. 1086213 ID: 7c0da2

Assuming the cone is hollow we could use it as a pot to boil things. Or at least put it upside down so it fills with water while it's raining.
BLU : Try rebuilding the oven and adding the cone to it.

DORA : Keep cutting into the ruin metal structure.

RAD YOLKY is getting a bit too dangerous. But it is interesting how the TOXIC WASTE seems to sustain it, it should have dissolved by now but instead it keeps growing.
ROCKS : Use TOXIC WASTE to convince RAD YOLKY to follow you to the toxic waste pond. Once there try digging around for unusual things to bring back. Don't bring back RAD YOLKY, he lives at the pond now. Surely nothing bad will come out of this.
No. 1086215 ID: 031458

So for the price of four TOXIC WASTE, a RAD YOLKIE can last three days. Useful!
However, he's almost as big as a RADMOEBA now, and his personality is volatile.
I think we should PUT HIM DOWN before he becomes DANGEROUS.

We should also pour some toxic waste on our volatile Vines and then zap them to quadrupedal them. We really don't wanna run out.
No. 1086216 ID: 273c18

Dammit, we lost (or ate) almost all our vines... Also I just realized the idea of a vine farm at the toxic waste pools won't work very well because the radmoebas will just eat the vines. We'd have to fortify the location. Still, worth a shot at some point.

DORA: EXPLORE, see if we can find more vines anywhere.
ROCKS: go with Rad Yolky to the toxic waste pools. Gather some toxic waste, but leave Rad Yolky there. They're going to turn into a radmoeba most likely, but we can't really do anything to prevent that except kill it at this point. Are our reptekas capable of that? ...if the Rad Yolky won't stay there, then well, at least it'll eat the demanded waste today. Maybe it stays obedient so long as it's fed properly?
BLU: Eat two toxic waste. UPGRADE, gain basic arms.
No. 1086220 ID: a7a180

Bad yolky!
Blu: Pop the rad yolky to dispose of the little troublemaker.
Dora: Use tech scraps to improve the range on that laser.
Rocks: a new macerator can use the cone to crush things extra good.
No. 1086318 ID: 080ab3
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Your REPTEKAS wonder if they should just give RAD YOLKY whatever they want to avoid another tantrum.

BLU thinks about popping YOLKIES. BLU's horrified by the thought of hurting one of their precious YOLKIES.

BLUE eats TWO TOXIC WASTE to get those thoughts out of their SNIPPER HEAD. BLU is full of vim and EGGS. BLU asks DORA to melt ONE DIRT and pours the TOXIC WASTE on the last VOLATILE VINES. It heats up and sprouts into THREE.

ROCKS leads RAD YOLKY to the TOXIC POND, saying there's lots of TOXIC WASTE there.

There's some RADMOEBAS on the way to the TOXIC POND but RAD YOLKY makes them go splat. RAD YOLKY gets stung but ROCKS is OK. ROCKS asks if RAD YOLKY is OK. RAD YOLKY say they'll be fine with some more TOXIC WASTE.

At the POND, RAD YOLKY starts gorging on TOXIC WASTE. ROCKS thinks about leaving RAD YOLKY behind...

Your REPTEKAS can't abandon a YOLKY! What if something happens to them?!

RAD YOLKY's full of TOXIC WASTE. RAD YOLKY grows and then grows again. Your YOLKY is enormous!

ROCKS wants to be enormous too. ROCKS eats some TOXIC WASTE. ROCKS is hyperactive! RAD YOLKY is hyperactive! They start digging to find more STUFF.

They dig up LOTS of ANCIENT GLASS and find ANCIENT TECH: BUBBLE WAND TAIL. It channels ANCIENT POWER to do something bubbly. This PART can't be upgraded with TECH SCRAPS.


Back at NEW HOME, ROCKS' CRACKLING TWIG WAND splutters and zaps the VOLATILE VINES. They sprout into SIX.

DORA uses some ANCIENT GLASS and a VOLATILE VINES to start on a SPIKY FENCE surround the VOLATILE VINES.

RAD YOLKY keeps glitching as the AFTERNOON passes. ROCKS wonders if they're becoming more unstable. BLU and ROCKS have a lot of excess energy. Your REPTEKAS have trouble sleeping that NIGHT as RAD YOLKY stomps around OUTSIDE.

A RADMOEBA appears but RAD YOLKY splats it before your REPTEKAS have to do anything. ONE TOXIC WASTE is left behind.


The RAIN is holding on a bit longer.


Each REPTEKA can take ONE ACTION today. BLU needs to eat TWO FOOD to keep making EGGS. DORA's SPOTTER HEAD is on the fritz, they would like some TOXIC WASTE. RAD YOLKY wants SIX TOXIC WASTE.

EXPLORE: Look for STUFF with a specific useful TRAIT. It's easier to find STUFF if you don't mind a DOWNSIDE.
BUILD: Can you make anything out of BRICKS, VINES, or DIRT?
USE MACHINE: Is there anything you can do with an OVEN, a WINDMILL, or a CART?
DIG: It makes HOLES. You might find STUFF.
GATHER: There's some RUINS METAL, TOXIC WASTE, ANCIENT GLASS and AMBER SAP a way away. You haven't found a new PLACE for VOLATILE VINES.
UPGRADE: Add a new BASIC PART or think of a way to upgrade an existing PART. You have ONE TECH SCRAPS, a JELLY TAIL and a BUBBLE WAND TAIL.
LAY EGGS: BLU has FIVE EGGS ready to lay.
ZAP WAND: Is there anything ROCKS can zap with a TWIG WAND?
CHEM LASER (1x FREE): Is there anything DORA should turn into TOXIC WASTE?

RAD YOLKY thinks they should be in charge of ACTIONS because they're the biggest and strongest. ONE REPTEKA should take them to the TOXIC POND again. Your OTHER REPTEKAS can do whatever.

BLU is mutating! ROCKS is mutating! Choose one each: Kerplew, Szszsz, Wub.

You can try other things too if you think it'd help!
No. 1086319 ID: a3931e

>RAD YOLKY thinks they should be in charge of ACTIONS because they're the biggest and strongest. ONE REPTEKA should take them to the TOXIC POND again. Your OTHER REPTEKAS can do whatever.
Pretty sure this could've been avoided if everyone stopped feeding them toxic waste! But nooo, everyone just had keep voting for feeding them to see what would happen, when we could've stopped this several updates ago!

Now we've gotta figure out how to not let them bully us around.

Blu: Wub
Rocks: Kerplew
No. 1086320 ID: 273c18

Huh, Rad Yolky's belly glowing things are different from a Radmoeba. Radmoebas have a disorderly set of glowing dots, but Rad Yolky's dots are ordered. Looks like it's nearing completion too. I'm guessing something will happen.

Chem laser dirt.
DORA: Bring Rad Yolky to the toxic waste, suggest that it eat the very radioactive thing ROCKS down there. Dig a pit or something to shelter yourself in, in case a very large explosion happens. Do this even before it eats regular toxic waste. Eat exactly one toxic waste while you're there; it has been a few days after all.
BLU: lay eggs.
ROCKS: Continue DORA's work on the vine farm's fence.

Mutations: BLU Wub, ROCKS Kerplew.

Hmm, I forget if lizard science is a free action or not, but... can we replace one part with another? Someone could swap out their tail? I can't imagine it's possible to have two tails.
No. 1086321 ID: 124485

>Rad Yolky is being bossy
That doesn't seem good.

>Blu and Rocks are mutating!
Give Blu the Szszsz and Rocks the Kerplew.

Calm down, there's no need to be so upset.
No. 1086322 ID: 7e787f

We've clearly let rad yolky go too far.

Too far to go back, I mean. Take rad yolky to the toxic waste, they know what's best.
No. 1086325 ID: 5ebd37

Rad yolky is now big enough to eat a repteka. This could be bad.
Dora: take rad yolky to the pond, tell him about the radioactive thing, maybe he'll eat it. Have one toxic waste, as a treat.
Blu: kerplew. Swap out the lure tail for the bubble tail and see what it does.
Rocks: wub. Finish the fence
No. 1086330 ID: ab098e

Hmmm. It's unfortunate but I feel RAD YOLKY is dangerous and maybe should... go elsewhere. Permanently. Maybe they can love at the toxic waste pond? Or maybe they can strike out on their own.
No. 1086331 ID: 576df4

Kerplew! Also replace the lure tail with the new ancient tail as it has proved useless.
No. 1086333 ID: 5b2941

That's what we wanted to do, but the reptekas aren't seeing reason.
>Your REPTEKAS can't abandon a YOLKY! What if something happens to them?!
they say, as if RAD YOLKY wasn't bigger and stronger than them
No. 1086334 ID: 72b51b

Giant Rad Yolkie has more rad spots than a radmeoba now! It looks like if he eats his fill of toxic waste again he'll TRANSFORM.
take him back to the lake!
No. 1086335 ID: dbabb8

Repetkas, you have to know when you let a yolky go! Yolkies are ephemeral, you should know that! You had to leave them at the lake.
No. 1086336 ID: 5b2941

Agreed, RAD YOLKY can only survive and thrive in the toxic waste pool, not with you. Insisting on keeping RAD YOLKY with you will only hurt you all.
No. 1086341 ID: 8f9bc4

RAD YOLKY gets to decide whether to stay with you or not because they're the biggest and strongest.
No. 1086353 ID: 7c0da2

RAD YOLKY is becoming a big problem. You need to get rid of it one way or another, and quick, before it becomes YOLKZILLA. If you don't feed it it will eat something or someone you care about. If you feed it you'll make it way worse. You need to act before it's too late.
Best option would be just attacking it by surprise, three against one. Second best would be abandoning it somewhere far away. DORA could take it to your old warren, pretend you need to take something there before going to the toxic pond, and then flee while it retrieves something in the tunnel.
Whatever you do, do not feed it, and do not take it to the toxic pond.

BLU : wub
ROCKS : kerplew
No. 1086376 ID: 273c18

Oh, here's a way to leave Rad Yolkie at the toxic waste pools without feeling bad about it: come back every now and then to check up on it.
No. 1086386 ID: 4c9f19
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Wub! BLU has mutated LEAKY LEGS. They can suck up FLUIDS! Sometimes they leak TOXIC WASTE. BLU's LEGS have been having trouble keeping up with their BODY, how lucky!

Kerplow! ROCKS has mutated an extra PAIR of STINGY ARMS. Full of stingy ENERGY! They can carry STUFF but might melt it. ROCKS thinks their pretty but hope this doesn't cause any stingy HUGS.

BLUE eats some VINES. So many EGGS, BLU! BLU thinks about changing their TAIL. Using a MACHINE for REPTEKA MAINTENANCE would be better, but if BLU's careful they might snip off their LURE TAIL. It's a struggle, but BLU's as cool as an error: UNDISCOVERED VEGETABLE, and manages to disconnect it without snipping anything important. BLU plugs in the BUBBLE WAND TAIL.

The LURE TAIL is decaying.

DORA's not sure how they feel about RAD YOLKY being so bossy, but leads RAD YOLKY to the TOXIC POND. DORA sips some TOXIC WASTE and then points out the HOLE that ROCKS fell in. There's IRRADIUM in there, maybe it's delicious?

RAD YOLKY starts snuffling around for it and DORA starts digging. They're not sure why, but it seems playing in a HOLE might be a good idea?

RAD YOLKY chomps down on the IRRADIUM and -


ROCKS uses one of the VOLATILE VINES to fuel the OVEN, and finishes the GLASS SPIKES needed for a FENCE around the VINES. ROCKS happily starts sticking them in the DIRT.

ROCKS' CRACKLING TWING WAND TAIL fires off by itself and hits the TOXIC WASTE left behind by LAST NIGHT's RADMOEBA. It multiplies furiously, ROCKS worries it'll going to turn back into a RADMOEBA for a moment, but all that happens is it turns into FOUR TOXIC WASTE. TOXIC WASTE sure is good at spreading ROCKS thinks.

It's coming on to NIGHT, but there's no sign of DORA or the RAD YOLKY? Should BLU and ROCKS go looking for them? It might be dangerous, LOTS of RADMOEBAS come out at NIGHT!
No. 1086387 ID: 267e39

We should probably investigate to see if DORA is injured or otherwise needs our help!
No. 1086388 ID: df45e0

DORA could be knocked out at the pool! We gotta save them but if we all leave the base would be undefended and all of our vines and nice stuff could get trashed!

Lets hope being good to RAD YOLKY means it will guard Dora? Or maybe with the glass fence one core can stay behind?
No. 1086389 ID: bc24cb

I think we may have replaced our radmoeba problem with another one. We should go check out what happened.
BLU isn't very good at moving anymore, so ROCKS will have to do it.
No. 1086392 ID: 8f9bc4

Always use the CRACKLING TWIG WAND TAIL once every day, or it might go off on its own!

Also discover that snippy vegetable!
No. 1086393 ID: 273c18

That takes an action though. So far the zapping has been beneficial, even the toxic waste multiplication. We just need to make sure to use up the toxic waste on the vines or eat it, so that we don't have too much laying around. We could also store toxic waste underground so the wand can't zap it?

ROCKS and BLU can go together, should be safe enough. Maybe they'll take some damage but it won't be as bad as ROCKS's solo rescue. Maybe we can take the cart as well in case DORA can't move?
No. 1086396 ID: a7a180

Both of you refused to deal with Rad Yolky before, so you owe it to Dora to go now. Be sure to give any radmoebas you see stingy hugs, Rocks!
No. 1086406 ID: 031458

If lots of radmeobas come out, then that means Dora and Rad Yolkie are stuck fighting them by themselves! We know where they went, the toxic waste pool! There's even more radmeobas there!
We gotta help them!
We need to go
No. 1086421 ID: 5ebd37

Oh no, oh dear, they shouldn't split up, but Blu is so full of egg. Blu, use the cart to push yourself along.
Hurry to the pond and make sure Dora is okay you two.
No. 1086483 ID: 727dc8
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Your REPTEKAS can't leave DORA and RAD YOLKY stuck somewhere! BLU and ROCKS set off. BLU's LEAKY LEGS are stronger, but they use the CART too just in case it's needed.

RADMOEBAS are everywhere TONIGHT. Your REPTEKAS have to circle around BIG PUDDLES too. They think they see a SCARY THING in the DISTANCE too. Why is it so tall?!

BLU blows BUBBLES at the RADMOEBAS. The RADMOEBAS try to grab BUBBLES with their stinging CILIA. ROCKS' LONG BODY helps wiggle out of the way but your REPTEKAS both get stung.

BLU's SNIPPER HEAD pops RADMOEBAS with just TWO CHOMPS. ROCKS' STINGY ARMS just take TWO POKES as well. ROCKS doesn't stingy HUG RADMOEBAS, HUGS are supposed to be nice.

A RADMOBEA melts one of the CART'S WHEELS. Your REPTEKAS have to abandon the CART.

Phew, the RADDY LONG-LEGS doesn't come any closer.
No. 1086484 ID: 727dc8
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At the OUTSKIRTS of the TOXIC POND, your REPTEKAS find each other!

There's lots of popped RADMOEBAS about. Was something drawing them back to the POND?

DORA is in bad shape.

RAD YOLKY got bigger! RAD YOLKY's BODY has regressed. RAD YOLKY has been stung a LOT. RAD YOLKY is very shakey.

RAD YOLKY is drooling something.

You discovered CORRUPT DINODATA. Important STUFF for DINOSAUR TECHNOLOGY, including REPTEKA CORES. These DINODATUMS are buggy?


DORA explains that RAD YOLKY ate the IRRADIUM and almost blew up. Then they got fat and are full of this WEIRD STUFF.

BLU tells DORA it's DINODATA. For YOLKIES and other COOL STUFF. DORA says BLU is so smart.

RAD YOLKY is sorry they were so BIG HEADED! They got too carried away with being BIG!

DORA is sorry they told RAD YOLKY to eat something that might blow them up!

ROCKS is shocked that DORA said to eat something that might make SOMEONE blow up!

After that happened, LOTS of RADMOEBAS turned up. DORA had to stay to keep RAD YOLKY safe.
No. 1086485 ID: 727dc8
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What can your REPTEKAS do now? RAD YOLKY and DORA can barely move.

What if they leave RAD YOLKY, RAD YOLKY suggests. But then RAD YOLKY would probably get popped by RADMOEBAS.

BLU refuses, they can't SAVE a YOLKY with no REPTEKAS around!

They could make RAD YOLKY lie on their side and roll them HOME, DORA says. ROCKS likes this idea, but it might take a WEEK!

ROCKS says BLU is the biggest REPTEKA so what if they make BLU even bigger to drag RAD YOLKY back?

BLU says they don't have LOTS of TECH SCRAPS for that.

Oh, oh what if BLU makes a lot of YOLKIES, DORA suggests.

That needs LOTS too, ROCKS thinks. What if they make RAD YOLKY smaller too?

DORA asks how to do that. ROCKS doesn't know!


You have YOUR WITS. There's DIRT and TOXIC WASTE scattered about. There is ONE CORRUPT DINODATA.

Each REPTEKA can take ONE ACTION today. BLUE and ROCKS are tired. BLU's SNIPPER HEAD is malfunctioning. BLU needs to eat to make EGGS. ROCKS' HANDY ARMS and CRACKLING TWIG WAND TAIL are malfunctioning. DORA's BASIC BODY and HOVER LEGS are severely malfunctioning. RAD YOLKY has been stung a LOT.

EXPLORE: Look for STUFF with a specific useful TRAIT. It's easier to find STUFF if you don't mind a DOWNSIDE.
BUILD: Can you make anything out of DIRT, TOXIC WASTE or CORRUPT DINODATA?
DIG: It makes HOLES. You might find STUFF.
GATHER: There's some RUINS METAL, TOXIC WASTE, ANCIENT GLASS, AMBER SAP and your STUFF a way away. You might have to fight RADMOEBAS.
LAY EGGS: BLU has SEVEN EGGS ready to lay.
ZAP WAND: Is there anything to zap with a TWIG WAND or a BUBBLE WAND?
CHEM LASER (1x FREE): Is there anything DORA should turn into TOXIC WASTE?

RAD YOLKY wants to help... but can't do much.

You can try other things too if you think it'd help!
No. 1086486 ID: dbabb8

Rad yolky is real big, Blu is also big but can't move much. But what we do know is Blu can make a big yolky, but rad yolky is big enough that we probably need a real big yolky to help move them, or multiple big yolkies!

So, we need to feed blu, make more eggs, make the biggest yolky to move rad yolky! But where can we get food here?
No. 1086487 ID: 273c18

BLU, ROCKS, DORA: Everyone start digging. We need to make a hole big enough for a shelter, AND we need to get enough dirt to cover Rad Yolky to hide them from the Radmoebas at night.
No. 1086488 ID: 273c18

TOXIC WASTE is food. However, it is ADDICTIVE and it gives a lot of energy so it might wind up preventing sleep.

I guess if our tired Reptekas ate some then it would counteract the tiredness during the workday?
No. 1086489 ID: dbabb8

As far as food goes... I wonder what happens if you zap amber sap with a twig wand, or mix it with something energetic? Sap or syrup can be edible.
No. 1086498 ID: 8f9bc4

You could hatch a second YOLKY in TOXIC WASTE! If there's enough TOXIC WASTE, it could grow big enough to roll RAD YOLKY ALPHA back to base. It might grow too big though, and there might not be enough TOXIC WASTE for both of them!

BLU already has seven EGGS, perhaps she can combine them into one big giant egg?

The idea of burying RAD YOLKY in DIRT so the RAD AMOEBAS cannot find them is a good one. Where is RAD YOLKY going to get more TOXIC WASTE though? Will they be able to dissipate, if they stop eating TOXIC WASTE?
No. 1086507 ID: 5ebd37

You are at the toxic waste pond, are there any glass shards left?
Blu and Rocks: make a rough dirt wall, lined with glass. That way you'll only need to defend in less directions come the night.
Dora and Yolky: rest up, you'll need your strength. Dora can poke at the Dinodata a bit, see if she can learn anything of it.
No. 1086510 ID: 273c18

Hmm I wonder if Rad Yolky could get smaller if it puked up more of that dinodata?
Or we could do the same thing we got Big Yolkies from, and have everyone squeeze Rad Yolky to compress whatever's in its belly?
No. 1086525 ID: 58e2d5

>we probably need a real big yolky to help move them, or multiple big yolkies!
Even though we were told it would probably take a week to roll Rad Yolky back home, having other Yolkies assist us could definitely speed things up!

The only problem is that it takes one full day for the eggs to hatch after Blu lays them. Would we be able to protect everyone for that long?
No. 1086557 ID: 031458

Hmm... We could try reconfiguring into a composite of sorts...

Attach Spotter Head to Long Body neck.
Attach Pod Body neck to Long Body rear.
Attach Basic Body neck to Pod Body rear.
Attach Bubble Tail to Basic Body rear.
Attach Stinger Arms to Basic Body rear.
Attach All Leg components to Pod Body.
Attach Chem Lazer to Long Body.
Attach Handy Arms to Long Body.
Attach Crackling Wand to top of Spotter Head.
Attach Snipper Head to Handy Arm wrist.
Attach Bucket Head to Handy Arm wrist.
Attach Jelly Tail to Pod Body spine.

With a singular massive body, roll Rad Yolkie home. Have him eat a little toxic waste first though, not alot.

It maybe be a good idea to hug blue first and have them lay the really big egg just so y'all have more mobility. Bury it so it has a chance to survive. So you might be able to come back for it.
No. 1087127 ID: a7a180

Use the chem laser on Rad Yolky to convert some mass back into toxic waste?
Definitely lay all the yolkys and use them to roll Rad Yolky home.
Rocks, if you have to stop before you're back at the ruins you can dig a temporary hole to shelter Rad Yolky in.
No. 1087135 ID: dba62b

Lure the HUG RADMOEBAS to RAD YOLKY with toxic waste or a similar food item. Have them congregate around and under RAD YOLKY, and use vines to bind them all together in a kind of harness rig. The bound HUG RADMOEBAS will form a kind of self-mobile bed/sled that can be directed around by taking advantage of their rudimentary instincts. Assisting RAD YOLKY'S mobility, RAD YOLKY will ride/ambulate upon this sled of HUG RADMOEBAS back to home.
No. 1087331 ID: 8f9bc4

Hold hands. You are now a REPTEKA three times bigger than any one of you. Move RAD YOLKY with ease, REPTEKAZORD!
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