Purple Star Cloud
>If we need to thin the herd, have them do a competition to prove their worth.
Sims can barely find their way through their own homes, never mind trying to actually COMPETE.
>Sadie deathmatch. All the Sadies enter, only one leaves.
Sim fights mostly involve slapping each other like children. To be more accurate, sim fights first involve insulting each other, crying about it, poking each other, crying about it, shoving each other, crying about it, and then finally actually fighting. Like they were 10.
We're not about to throw away some perfectly good Sadies just because there's so many on a single lot that the game is forcing me to have the sims network with each other and the use cheats in order to add them to the household.
If you can't pick a True Sadie we'll just send all the actual teen Sadies with at least 1 point of chemistry with Baby to University and let the cards fall where they may.