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File 152468260889.png - (657.31KB , 900x700 , title.png )
880649 No. 880649 ID: 13cc26

:yu_lan_surprised: (What the — ?)
14 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 880716 ID: cb585b

Maybe it's the start of some grand conspiracy Adventure. The ordeal walking will probably suck though.
No. 880862 ID: 86564f

Maybe because you are without a SHADOW of a DOUBT 100% Awesome. Lets start rolling the puns, before the train hits a wall of lockers.
No. 881610 ID: 395c02
File 152504810899.png - (395.52KB , 800x600 , 2.png )

:yu_lan_neutral: (Well, it'll take me a couple of minutes to walk across campus.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (Maybe I can figure it out myself on the way there.)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (Hmm ...)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (Is there something wrong with my paperwork ... ?)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (... No, that doesn't make sense.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (If it was that kind of problem, I'd be going to see someone in the admissions department.)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (Maybe it's a finance thing?)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (I don't know why there'd be a problem with that, though ...)
:yu_lan_annoyed: (And that still wouldn't be something I'd need to meet with the head administrator for.)
:yu_lan_sigh: (sighs)
:yu_lan_neutral: (... Campus sure is empty.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (I know it's because most of the students haven't moved in yet ... but it's still kind of strange to see it like this.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (Where was I ...)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (Oh, maybe it's something to do with me moving in early?)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (Did they assign me the wrong room?)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (They were pretty disorganized yesterday ...)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (But ...)
:yu_lan_neutral: (I met the housing administrator yesterday, didn't I?)
:yu_lan_neutral: (Her name was ...)
:yu_lan_neutral: (... um ... it was ...)
:yu_lan_sigh: (I really wish I was better with names.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (Anyway, that's who I'd be talking to to switch a room, I'm pretty sure.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (And surely there's no way I could have broken campus rules so badly they'd be kicking me out in just a day.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (And classes haven't started yet, so it obviously can't be an academic problem.)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (But then —)
:yu_lan_surprised: (Oh! I'm already here.)
No. 881612 ID: 7fad5d

Oh no, a time loop!
No. 881619 ID: 0c3c2c

Huh. Looks like this isn't 'real' per se. Something is screwy with the world. Find somewhere to sit, steady yourself and try to think. Are you dreaming? Are you on drugs? Are you hallucinating? Is there some important medication you take? Just focus and clear your mind.
No. 881620 ID: 33cbe7

I love the smell of time loops in the morning.
Stay here and watch the skies for signs of armageddon.
No. 881622 ID: 094652

What is WRONG with your campus?! It's so BARE and SPACED OUT! This is (subjectively) the worst possible structure of university; it's spaced out so all the students will hate walking miles just to get lectured on for five hours and then walk all the way back in time for homework! If you're going to buy an excess of campus space, you have to add all kinds of nonsensical circus entertainment to make the walk worthwhile and enriching, like salsa dip stands, gift shops that your parents order you to buy from to support your already-luxurious school pride, and a college-sponsored McDonalds with genuine student-loan employees!

Even summer semesters have more students and useless food stands than this. What's going on here?

At least the fountain is still working, so you're not stranded in a ghost town. Maybe. Head back inside, get some extra goodies (just a first aid kit and some snacks for the road), and head to the admin building to find out what's what.
No. 881639 ID: c0641d

What's wrong? (We don't know if the image goes before or after the text, so I can't say for sure it's a time loop.)

EDIT: Oh, whoop. Didn't notice how the text mirrored the beginning.
No. 881640 ID: 3abd97

>(... Campus sure is empty.)
>(I know it's because most of the students haven't moved in yet ... but it's still kind of strange to see it like this.)
No it's because there's huge expanses of open space between the buildings. More people around won't fix that.

>(What the — ?)
What the what?
No. 881648 ID: dbf422

I guess I'm pretty slow, because I still can't see it.
No. 881657 ID: a363ac

get a coffee
No. 881660 ID: c9f250

wrong buttons happen there is no time loop
No. 881682 ID: dbf422

Oh thank god, I thought it was weird everyone kept saying that.

In which case, I guess examining the "what the" is correct.
No. 881686 ID: b1b4f3

Ok. Go in?
No. 881702 ID: caf1de

Siphon is this whole thing just a like a fanfic you're writing or something
No. 881706 ID: c9f250

Isn't that the whole site?
No. 881712 ID: dbf422

Argh. Yes, I'm changing to "go in".
No. 881715 ID: e1c8f7

Is there... anyone around?
No. 881764 ID: 33cbe7

Strut in there like you own the place.
No. 881790 ID: 992200

Cartwheel inside.
No. 881809 ID: 86564f

You might want to double check the time stamps on those paperwork.

Also, why did you arrive here early anyways?
No. 882291 ID: 13cc26
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:yu_lan_neutral: (The campus isn't that spaced out ...)
:yu_lan_neutral: (This is a pretty small school, though, so there aren't so many buildings.)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (It's not like land is expensive out here, either.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (The nearest real city is twenty minutes by car or train, after all.)
:yu_lan_sigh: (And I wish I could have moved in later, but ...)
:yu_lan_neutral: (With my dad getting reassigned to another part of the country, it made more sense to do it this way.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (... I should stop standing in front of the door.)
:yu_lan_neutral: Hello?
:yu_sec_friendly: Ms. Gaochao?
:yu_lan_neutral: (It's the same woman who called me.)
:yu_lan_neutral: Yes, that's me.
:yu_sec_thinking: Goodness, you got here so fast!
:yu_sec_friendly: Anyway, Dr. Linmo is waiting for you upstairs.
:yu_sec_friendly: It's room 238.
:yu_sec_friendly: The stairs are through the door just behind me to the right.
:yu_sec_friendly: If you head up and then turn left out of the stairwell, her office is at the end of the hall.
:yu_lan_neutral: I — thank you.
:yu_lan_puzzled: Do you have any idea why she called me here?
:yu_sec_friendly: I'm sorry, she didn't say!
:yu_sec_thinking: But it must be pretty important, since she got me to call you.
:yu_sec_thinking: That doesn't happen very often.
:yu_lan_annoyed: (... That's not really what I wanted to hear.)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (Does she even realize how that sounds?)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (I don't think she does ...)
:yu_lan_sigh: (I should probably hurry up, though.)
:yu_lan_neutral: I guess I'll go upstairs, then.
:yu_sec_friendly: Good luck, Ms. Gaochao!
:yu_lan_annoyed: ("Good luck"??)
No. 882292 ID: 13cc26
File 152533405439.png - (340.35KB , 596x447 , 4.png )

:yu_lan_neutral: (Upstairs ... and ... end of the hallway ...)
:yu_lan_neutral: (This must be it.)
:yu_linmo_friendly: Ms. Gaochao!
:yu_linmo_friendly: Please come in and have a seat!
:yu_lan_puzzled: (Somehow I expected a fancier office.)
:yu_lan_neutral: Hello ... um ... ?
:yu_linmo_friendly: Dee Linmo. Dr. Linmo, please, if that's alright with you.
:yu_lan_neutral: I — yes, that's fine.
:yu_linmo_friendly: I'm the head administrator here.
:yu_linmo_charming: I'm sure you knew that already, of course.
:yu_linmo_friendly: But I won't do my formal introduction to the students until orientation, so I thought I should mention it just in case.
:yu_linmo_friendly: Anyway, let's get down to business, Ms. Gaochao.
:yu_linmo_faltering: I'm sorry I had to call you in here on such short notice, but there's a certain ... time pressure, here.
:yu_lan_puzzled: ("Time pressure" ... ?)
:yu_linmo_faltering: And because of — the nature of the situation ...
:yu_linmo_friendly: ... well, it's important that we have this conversation in person.
:yu_lan_worried: Am I — in trouble for something?
:yu_linmo_faltering: What?
:yu_lan_worried: I was trying to think of why I'd need to come here, and —
:yu_linmo_friendly: Oh, no, no, no. Nothing like that!
:yu_linmo_friendly: What would you even be in trouble for, Ms. Gaochao?
:yu_linmo_charming: You've only been here a day, after all.
:yu_lan_puzzled: That's what I thought, too, but ...
:yu_linmo_friendly: Don't worry about it! You're fine.
:yu_linmo_friendly: No, the reason you're here is that I need to ask if you can ...
:yu_linmo_faltering: Let's call it a favor.
:yu_lan_puzzled: (That sounds ...)
:yu_lan_puzzled: A favor?
:yu_linmo_faltering: ... Oh, that came out a little strange, didn't it.
:yu_linmo_friendly: No, just ... helping out another student.
:yu_lan_neutral: Oh.
:yu_linmo_friendly: I shouldn't go into —
:yu_linmo_faltering: — in fact, I can't go into all of the details, for multiple reasons, but —
:yu_linmo_friendly: One of the students this year, a late applicant, is coming from an ...
:yu_linmo_faltering: ... a bit of an ... unusual background.
:yu_linmo_friendly: She was educated entirely outside of the normal school systems.
:yu_lan_puzzled: (Does she mean ...)
:yu_linmo_friendly: You're probably thinking I want you to tutor her, from that look?
:yu_lan_sheepish: It was the first thing that came to mind.
:yu_linmo_charming: Don't worry about that, Ms. Gaochao!
:yu_linmo_friendly: Her performance on the entrance examinations was excellent.
:yu_linmo_friendly: It's not her academics that are the issue.
:yu_linmo_faltering: Again, there's a lot I'm just not allowed to say, but ...
:yu_lan_puzzled: (She's said that twice now ... ?)
:yu_linmo_faltering: ... what you would need to know is, this girl ...
:yu_linmo_faltering: Well, I'm not sure how best to put it.
:yu_linmo_neutral: She's been living under the care of the state for her entire life, it seems.
:yu_linmo_neutral: No family that I'm aware of.
:yu_linmo_neutral: My understanding is that it's been just her and various appointed caretakers.
:yu_lan_puzzled: (... They can do that?)
:yu_lan_puzzled: That's ... weird ... ?
:yu_lan_puzzled: Shouldn't she have been adopted, or ... something?
:yu_linmo_neutral: As I said, it's an unusual situation.
:yu_linmo_neutral: I was told that there were very good reasons for things being this way.
:yu_linmo_neutral: But, to be completely honest with you, I don't even know more than that.
:yu_lan_worried: (I have a strange feeling about this ...)
:yu_lan_worried: So ..
:yu_lan_puzzled: What do you want me to do, exactly?
:yu_linmo_faltering: I'm getting to that, Ms. Gaochao.
:yu_linmo_friendly: This morning I received a request from her current caretakers.
:yu_linmo_faltering: There's a bit of a worry that, because of the circumstances of her life up to this point, she might not ...
:yu_linmo_friendly: That is, she might struggle to thrive in this environment, if she's left alone.
:yu_lan_puzzled: So you want me to be her —
:yu_lan_puzzled: — her friend, or something?
:yu_linmo_charming: Not exactly like that!
:yu_linmo_friendly: But something along those lines, perhaps.
:yu_linmo_friendly: Maybe think of yourself as her "buddy."
:yu_linmo_friendly: Someone she can feel comfortable being around, and who can help ease her into the lifestyle here.
:yu_linmo_friendly: This could be a very big shock for her, after all.
:yu_linmo_faltering: And they were very insistent that she not be allowed to completely isolate herself.
:yu_lan_neutral: Okay ...
:yu_lan_puzzled: Wait. Dr. Linmo, why me?
:yu_lan_puzzled: I'm not sure I — I don't want to sound like I'm down on myself ...
:yu_lan_puzzled: Am I really the best person at the school for this, though?
:yu_lan_puzzled: I'm not sure I'd call myself that friendly.
:yu_linmo_charming: I'm sure you'll do fine!
:yu_linmo_faltering: It's true that I can't unequivocally say you're the best student for this in the entire school.
:yu_lan_annoyed: (That's a little ...)
:yu_linmo_friendly: But you are available, and as I said, there's a bit of a time pressure with this situation.
:yu_linmo_faltering: Her caretakers want to have her moved in here as soon as possible.
:yu_linmo_faltering: As soon as I find someone to match her with, essentially.
:yu_lan_annoyed: So you picked me just because — I'm here?
:yu_linmo_faltering: It's not just that, Ms. Gaochao.
:yu_linmo_friendly: Back when I was a lecturer here, your aunt was one of the best students I ever had.
:yu_linmo_charming: But more than that, she was one of the best people I ever met.
:yu_lan_puzzled: (My aunt ...)
:yu_lan_surprised: (Aunt Mei? She knew Aunt Mei?)
:yu_lan_neutral: (I guess she did go here ...)
:yu_linmo_friendly: So, naturally, when I looked at the list of students who were already on campus, and saw your name —
:yu_linmo_charming: Well, obviously, I had to ask you first.
:yu_lan_neutral: Okay ...
:yu_lan_neutral: (I'm really not sure how to feel about all this.)
:yu_linmo_faltering: But —
:yu_linmo_neutral: I hope I'm not coming across the wrong way.
:yu_linmo_neutral: I'm very sorry to be dumping something like this on you with no warning.
:yu_linmo_neutral: You're not going to get in any trouble or anything if you say no.
:yu_linmo_defeated: ... I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be disappointed ...
:yu_linmo_neutral: But it would be irresponsible of me as an administrator to coerce a student into something like this.
:yu_linmo_defeated: It makes my life a little harder, but I'm sure I can find someone else if I have to.
:yu_linmo_neutral: Alright?
:yu_lan_neutral: I understand.
:yu_linmo_neutral: Thank you.
:yu_linmo_friendly: So, just so we're on the same page!
:yu_linmo_friendly: All I need to you to is to be willing to at least try rooming with this girl, and helping her adjust.
:yu_linmo_friendly: If you're okay with that, I'll make the call and she should be here by this evening.
:yu_linmo_faltering: If you're not, I ... well, I'm sure I can figure something else out.
:yu_linmo_friendly: And if you have some questions for me, go right ahead.
:yu_linmo_faltering: I know I haven't been very detailed about this ...
:yu_linmo_neutral: ... but there's some things I just can't say or don't know.
:yu_linmo_faltering: I can tell you a little more if you say yes, but I understand that's not very helpful right now.
:yu_linmo_faltering: I would offer to let you sleep on it, but ... I really do have to find someone today.
:yu_linmo_friendly: If you'd like to call your parents or think about it, I can give you some time, though!
:yu_lan_neutral: Okay ...
:yu_lan_worried: (What should I do ... ?)
No. 882293 ID: 0c3c2c

Say yes, of course! Maybe the government will reward you. Maybe your new MANDATORY FRIEND will be a space alien! This is an opportunity. Take it!
No. 882294 ID: a363ac

"oh just to check there shouldn't be any issues with me being bisexual right?"
No. 882296 ID: b3b5d8

It might be a little awkward, but worse case scenario it doesn't work out and you end up needing to ask to change rooms.
I'm sure with how much of a favor Dr. Linmo considers you doing this to be, if it doesn't work out she'd be glad to move you or this girl.
But if it does work out, a new friend! It's good to have a friend at a new school.
No. 882298 ID: 992200

Ask her if this request is accompanied by an incentive. In other words, if she wants a favor from you, it would be normal to offer a favor in return.
No. 882299 ID: 56fca5

I mean, you're going to end up with a roommate anyway, right? She's just asking you to be this person's acquaintance more or less. You could have a million and one problems with whomever else they end up sticking you with, why not this new girl?
No. 882302 ID: e1c8f7

Let destiny happen. Let's go with the new roommate.
No. 882310 ID: dbf422

You need conditions. First, the ability to back out whenever you think you need to. If you can't get along with her, it's better for you both to separate, as relying on someone you dislike is stressful. Second, the freedom to talk with Dr. Linmo at a moment's notice. If there are problems or situations you need advice on, you need to be sure you won't be told "you can just handle it on your own".
Other than that? It couldn't hurt to try. A ward of the state is unusual and she might be more responsibility than you wanted, but she's still as much of a person as any other roommate. You could make a cool friend.
No. 882315 ID: 5f3f48

>giving you the job because she likes your aunt
Um. We aren't going to get in trouble for nepotism or anything are we?

>what do
Normally this kind of role seems like it would go to students who had volunteered for it, and it really feels like an offer in bad faith to ask someone to take this on with so little information (what if she's been so isolated because of abuse, and that's beyond the kind of support you can give her? That's just the first example of a possible disqualifying condition, there could be lots).

That said, this seems interesting and it doesn't really hurt you to try and help her (unless it ends up hurting your grades) and you would have ended up with some roommate anyways. Accept.

These conditions are entirely reasonable. You want support with this, not to be stuck on your own.
No. 882318 ID: ecf44d

Okay, so...real talk, there's a lot of red flags going off here, but at the same time...might be interesting. A ward of the state? It seems like you might have some sort of wild child or otherwise to deal with. Who knows?

That said, if you don't have Dr. Linmo on speed dial immediately after this conversation you reserve every right to be a grump. Like >>882315 said, this offer is honestly technically in bad faith; beyond asking you so abruptly, she's looking at you due to your *heritage*, not anything about you specifically. Which is concerning. But yeah, can give it the ol' college try...

...But DEFINITELY go with these conditions. You're getting tossed in with like, maybe an hour's notice. You're doing her a massive favor and she needs to be able to reciprocate.
No. 882363 ID: 2fe26a

Obviously you're best suited to the job because she's your clone. You (or your parents) must have been involved in some sort of l'enfants terrible scheme to create the perfect student!
No. 882902 ID: 9d4af9

Sounds like an interesting opportunity to me. I say do it.
No. 882904 ID: b1b4f3

Ask what she looks like. And how she acts. Is she nice?
No. 882918 ID: d887c0

So basically they want you to be the handler for this socially inept kid. The only reason they chose you is that they expect you to be as good as your aunt. If you refuse, then you automatically go into the "disappointment" category, and if you accept you have to glue yourself to some weird stranger. You may want to think about this first. Discuss it with your parents and such. If the doctor will forgive you for sounding a bit selfish, you might also ask what's in it for you? You have your own life and well being to think about after all.
No. 882960 ID: cc5ab4

Volunteering looks good on your resume.
No. 883599 ID: 13cc26
File 152593295144.png - (516.60KB , 800x600 , 5.png )

:yu_lan_neutral: (... Maybe it would be good for me to do this.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (I would probably end up being friends with my roommate anyway, right ... ?)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (But ...)
:yu_lan_neutral: Okay.
:yu_linmo_faltering: What?
:yu_lan_neutral: I'll do it.
:yu_linmo_faltering: Really? I would have thought —
:yu_linmo_charming: Well, it doesn't matter! Thank you, Ms. Gaochao!
:yu_lan_neutral: ... But I want to set a couple of conditions.
:yu_linmo_faltering: ... I should have known there was a reason you said yes so quickly.
:yu_linmo_friendly: Go ahead, I suppose!
:yu_lan_neutral: I want to be able to talk to you any time I need to.
:yu_linmo_friendly: You could do that anyway!
:yu_linmo_charming: My door is always open!
:yu_linmo_friendly: Not literally, of course, but I'm always willing to talk with students.
:yu_linmo_faltering: Not that that many students take me up on it ...
:yu_linmo_friendly: Is there anything else?
:yu_lan_neutral: If, for some reason, I don't get along with this girl at all, I'll be able to back out of this, right?
:yu_linmo_faltering: I — it would be inconvenient ... but it's only fair.
:yu_linmo_friendly: I know I'm not giving you much to go on here.
:yu_linmo_friendly: I'd expect you to try to work things out first, like we'd do with roommate disputes, of course.
:yu_linmo_friendly: But, yes, if you can't stand her, I can't ask you to keep going anyway.
:yu_lan_neutral: And ... can I ask you for a favor in return?
:yu_linmo_faltering: ... Sure, I suppose!
:yu_linmo_friendly: What is it that you want?
:yu_lan_puzzled: (... I can't actually think of anything right now.)
:yu_lan_sheepish: ... um ... in the future.
:yu_linmo_friendly: Okay ... sure!
:yu_linmo_friendly: Just ... let me know what that is, when it comes up!
:yu_lan_sheepish: I ... um ... I will.
:yu_linmo_friendly: Is that everything?
:yu_lan_neutral: Yes.
:yu_lan_neutral: (Right now, anyway.)
:yu_linmo_charming: It's a deal, then!
:yu_linmo_friendly: Now, I imagine you want to know more about this girl, right?
:yu_lan_neutral: It'd be nice to have a little more to go on ...
:yu_linmo_faltering: Well, as I said, I only know so much myself.
:yu_lan_neutral: (She reaches into a desk drawer and pulls out a thin folder.)
:yu_linmo_friendly: To start with, her name is Yü Bafai.
:yu_lan_neutral: (Yü ...)
:yu_linmo_friendly: Obviously she's just about the same age you are, since she's a new student too.
:yu_linmo_neutral: As I said, no known family.
:yu_linmo_neutral: I don't really know what the story is, there.
:yu_linmo_neutral: I imagine it could be a bit of a sensitive subject, though.
:yu_lan_neutral: (Hmm ...)
:yu_linmo_friendly: She's been living out in a village near Saigan, for the last five years at least.
:yu_linmo_charming: For her even Düsan might feel like a city!
:yu_linmo_friendly: And, again, excellent academics.
:yu_linmo_friendly: Well, not much to report from the transcript, but she very nearly aced the entrance exams.
:yu_linmo_faltering: And then we get into — well ...
:yu_linmo_neutral: So, being outside of the school system, she didn't really have the opportunity for clubs or anything like that, of course.
:yu_linmo_defeated: But she didn't even list any hobbies ...
:yu_lan_neutral: (... That's strange ...)
:yu_linmo_neutral: And, similarly, when it came to the essays ...
:yu_linmo_neutral: I can't let you read what she actually wrote, of course.
:yu_linmo_neutral: But the answers she gave — naturally, for essays like those, there's not really a wrong answer ...
:yu_linmo_defeated: But reading them, I didn't learn much of anything about her.
:yu_linmo_neutral: If it weren't for the circumstances, the admissions department probably would have asked for clarifications.
:yu_linmo_defeated: Even on the roommate request form, she only wrote her name and the word "quiet" in very small letters.
:yu_linmo_neutral: To be honest with you, I'm not exactly sure what to make of her.
:yu_linmo_faltering: Maybe she's a serious or literal-minded person ... ?
:yu_lan_neutral: (... That wouldn't be so bad, probably.)
:yu_linmo_neutral: Um ...
:yu_lan_neutral: (Dr. Linmo flips through the folder, like she's looking for something.)
:yu_lan_annoyed: (... I don't think there are even ten pages in there.)
:yu_linmo_neutral: ... I think I misplaced something.
:yu_linmo_faltering: This is a bit awkward ...
:yu_lan_neutral: (She flips through the folder again, then closes it and sets it on the desk.)
:yu_linmo_faltering: ... Do you have any other questions?
No. 883601 ID: b1b4f3

How about a picture of her?
No. 883614 ID: 91ee5f

>Maybe she's a serious or literal-minded person...?
From the way Yü‘s been described, she sounds more shy than anything else.

>...Do you have any other questions?
This: >>883601 .
No. 883615 ID: dbf422

Yeah, a picture would be useful. And is she saying that the essay answers seemed like they were written in a way that were both perfectly accurate and also lacking any personality? Essay questions are at least partially designed to test for HOW they're answered, right? That's worrying. Less about Yü, more about whoever was her guardian.

Anyway, you'll do your best. Quiet and careful shouldn't be too difficult.
No. 883618 ID: 0c3c2c

What did you misplace? Also, please clarify, do you need to learn sign-language? Is she prone to migraines?
No. 883620 ID: 8df643

Where do the students usually go to have fun around here?
No. 883637 ID: a363ac

what do you think you misplaced just from memory.
No. 883677 ID: a274e4

A picture would be useful and a clarification on what was possibly missing from the folder. If it's not immediately important, she can call you back when she finds it and let you know over the phone.
No. 883717 ID: 3abd97

I'm not seeing the reason Yu would need special accommodations yet, honestly. You sure that's all you can tell me?

Does she have some kind of disability or medical condition I should be aware of?
No. 883719 ID: de6d84

I wonder if Yu does something by herself that she's so interested in that's making her distant.

How was the village she was living at, anything noteworthy there?
No. 883734 ID: d887c0

She doesn't show signs of being unstable or violent or anything, right? They wouldn't pawn a psycho off on you, would they?
No. 883741 ID: dbf422

Shy people have hobbies and noticable personality traits, things Yü seems to lack.
No. 883778 ID: a6c84a

> To start with, her name is Yü Bafai.
Roll credits :3

Well, I think that's all we need for now. Let's head home for now.
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