Royal Singing Tart
I really feel like hiding right now and maintenence sounds like the job with the best perks, i can go do whatever if i wanted to as i work away from prying eyes
Looking up at Lord Zumeric i collect myself trying to regain my composure, "I'll take the first offer my lord"
"Then it is decided, now listen closely while i breif you on your mission:
I need you to find Lucas Blackfeather the quatermaster for resources you might need for repairs, the access hatches leads to the sewers among many things, and thus can be
dangerous if you stray too far so you might want to ask for a weapon, if you are not already versed in combat that is.
He motions to one of the warehouses over at the dock before his tablet makes a soft beeping noise.
"Ah, The power fluctuations has been reported in sector 3 and seems to be disruptive in nature, there might be a leak or something is actively draining it"
Sounds pretty simple to fix, unless something big and scary is leaching off the network..
"Once your task is complete, report back to me" He fiddles with his tablet furrowing his brow
"Wait, to you directly?"
"Yes, i have another task for you once you come back fit for you, but i have already assigned your task so i can't change my mind." His demeanor changes a little, there is something he is not telling me. Being the lord of this area he should be able to override any order at a whim. "Don't go wandering off once you finish, it is important"
"Yes my lord, to you directly"
"Good, now be on your way and don't take all week" He turns around and walks down the docks "The rest of you have your tasks, and if i have not given you any come back here tomorrow"