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869970 No. 869970 ID: e4abe1

Suddenly your collective consciousness it's dragged to a room with no idea of what you are, a hooded figure is laying on the ground in a very uncomfortable position.
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No. 869977 ID: e4abe1
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something is preventing you to proceed further from the hooded figure... yes you tried other directions and faceplanted everytime >;
No. 869978 ID: 006e5c

>Examine the hooded figure.
No. 869979 ID: 13fded

Maybe you are connected to the guy. move his body and see if your movement range follow.
No. 869980 ID: e4abe1
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I should have done that...
You float next to his face and bump into it a couple of times, when you are about to give up he opens a bloodshot eye.
You are slightly taken by surprise but manage to stutter an hello, he answer with an eerie voice
also pics resized
No. 869982 ID: 006e5c

Tell him to move his lazy ass because you're getting bored being stuck to him here.
No. 869984 ID: 499d93

Yo, i wanna go explore but i’m stuck to you so do me a favor and just walk around the room or something.
No. 869987 ID: e4abe1
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M-maybe I should ask p-politely...yes I will do so...
you plitely ak the hooded figure if he can move, since apparently you can't move far from him.
-sure, no pr-
as he tries to move a terrifying sound of creaking joints can be heard
No. 869988 ID: 094652

Just a little more so you can get off him and find some splints for his broken everything.
No. 869989 ID: 006e5c

Encourage him.

You're the best. You can take it. This is nothing to you.
No. 869990 ID: ad51b8

soooo was that your leg, arm, everything? I mean I could look at it if you want but right now without knowing what made that noise all I can tell you is that sounded like it hurt.
No. 869992 ID: e4abe1
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after a few minutes of incoherent screaming the figure is finally on his feet
A-are You OK?
-I wish I was still unconscious...-
w-want to try and move to the table?
he look esitant, probably remembering the pain he went trough just seconds after.
No. 869993 ID: 006e5c

Move to the table with him then.

Ask him why he's in such pain?
No. 869994 ID: ad51b8

so who the hell is this guy?
No. 869998 ID: e4abe1
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He creaks his way to the table
while grinding his teeth he answer
-might have been in a very position for a while-
-...I...An explorer?-
you look at him sideway
-An hobo, I have no idea how I got here...I was sleeping in a small ruin away from the rain and I woke up here-
you reach the table, it seems to have broke in two after the green stuff melted trough it, or maybe it just splashed on it after falling and it's harmless luminescent liquid
No. 870000 ID: ad51b8

so does he have any idea why you're tethered to him and can't go further then a few feet before hitting an invisible wall?
No. 870001 ID: e4abe1
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He looks at you
-ain't touching that green stuff-
F-fair enough...
-I was actually going to ask you what you are, actually...-
you conversation is interrupted by a very coarse growl and the sound of something hard clacking on the ground.
No. 870002 ID: 830fb7

The glowy stuff looks like it was in a flask (and partially still is) that broke when the table fell.
No. 870003 ID: 006e5c

Turn to the sound and check if you can see anything.

Btw, ask him if he's carrying any items with him. A light or something.
No. 870006 ID: e4abe1
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-I have only my rags-
He inches closer to the broken table leg
-and now this clu-
he is cut short by the creature entering the room.
The hooded man jump back and shouts
-that's no fucking dog!-
A horribly mangled humanoid enters the room, his fingers chopped off and replaced with sharp nail, the front of his face pierced by a mask made of metal spikes roughly wielded together going through his skull.
-That can't be alive!-
No. 870008 ID: 499d93

>That can't be alive!
An astute point my friend, care to further prove your argument by bashing it’s head in?
No. 870009 ID: 094652

>That can't be alive
Then MAKE it 'not alive'!
No. 870011 ID: 006e5c

We should ask what this place is, who this creature is and what does it want.
No. 870012 ID: e4abe1
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getting food
No. 870014 ID: ad51b8

>What the fuck is that
something with teeth, I advise we avoid it if we can, beat the fuck out of it if we can't and hope for the best.
No. 870018 ID: e4abe1
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The thing turns towards you and start to growl menacingly, then jumps
No. 870019 ID: e4abe1
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the hooded figure takes advantage of your distraction to land a solind hit on the creature's skull.
With a loud crack it get slammed on the floor
No. 870020 ID: 006e5c

Is it dead? If not, finish the job. If yes, check if it had anything useful on it.

And then I would suggest going through the passage it came from. Maybe you could take the bottle with that liquid as a light source.
No. 870021 ID: ad51b8

Whoo! Kick it's ass!
No. 870023 ID: e4abe1
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he then keep on hitting the skull until it caves in, black goo ooze out of the broken skull
-I...I think it's dead...that was dangerous...-
it is naked as a worm but maybe we can use the nails to make a better weapon?
Y-you think we can use it's nail to improve the club?
-uh...I guess, but we should leave fast, I think that thing was attracted by noises we made-
No. 870024 ID: 006e5c

I don't think tinkering with the nails is gonna be necessary if these kinds of monsters are around here.

Let's leave. I would still take the bottle tho.
No. 870025 ID: e4abe1
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it takes a bit but you manage to upgrade your club and proceed to leave the room
No. 870026 ID: e4abe1
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you nudge a piece of rotten wood towards the puddle of liquid...it does not melt..i guess the table did broke for some other reason, maybe the abomination form before...maybe something stronger...
The hooded figure places the bottle on your head
No. 870027 ID: e4abe1
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you leave the room and a long corridor opens in front of you, a pale light shines at the end of i, some rubble lays on the ground, it looks like the door fell of the hinges...
What now?
-I have no idea...-
done for the day
No. 870033 ID: 006e5c

Follow the man down the corridor. He should be careful not to step on any dead bodies.

Ask him for his name. What should we call him? So what race / profession is he?
No. 870040 ID: c88e6d

Head in through the fallen door.
No. 870085 ID: ad51b8

No. 872749 ID: e4abe1
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you follows him as he moves into the corridor
Sooo...what should i call you? Are you even human?
-Uh...I...Of course I'm human! I look this way because of a magical explosion in the war a long time ago..I did not aged a day since then though...I would prefer to have a normal face...-
No. 872751 ID: e4abe1
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You poke your heads into the room and realize that whoever was in charge of this place was messed up in the head.
No. 872755 ID: e4abe1
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In the dim light cast by your green hat you can identify what looks like a dog strapped to the table, rough metallic appendages and a humanoid mask replace it's limbs and muzzle, tubes dangling from the ceiling seems to connect the 2 tables.
W-what should we do?
No. 872985 ID: 3abd97

Can you just sneak past the dogs on the tables? No need to mess with them.
No. 873092 ID: 006e5c

Examine what happened to it.
No. 874674 ID: e4abe1
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C-can we slip past the spooky corpse?
-...I have a better idea-
He ready his club very sneakily move to the side of the thing and bam! he slams the club on the thing's head.
It crumbles with a single strike and you acquire a spooky mask.
No. 874675 ID: c88e6d

Attempt to wear the mask.
No. 874676 ID: e4abe1
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S-sooo...are you gonna put that on?
He looks at the mask.
-It does have better teeth then mine...but Fuck no!-
Hmmm, makes sense, let's examine the room, then!
No. 874678 ID: 830fb7

Did we just combine with the flask of green glowy? If so, cool we now have a body and learned about an ability.
No. 874681 ID: e4abe1
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you examine the room, there is a dark window looking inside the room, but the glass seems reinforced, it does not even flinch despite a few club swings, so you point your friend to the book on the table
Can you read it?
He picks up the book and skims through it, then puts it back
-Ok, this seems to be the instruction to operate this machine, something about siphoning a soul from a body to another...-
We need to fuck of...
No. 874682 ID: e4abe1
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I have no idea what you are talking about~
No. 874684 ID: ad51b8

should we wreck the book before we leave?
No. 874714 ID: c88e6d

We need the book. Steal it.
No. 874716 ID: 006e5c

This makes me wonder, who are we?

Are we just a soul floating around? Wouldn't that mean that we need a body, and this table/book here might hold important clues on how to transfer into one?

Oh well. Let's get out of here.
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