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File 151898742121.png - (77.92KB , 750x750 , mozart quest.png )
868397 No. 868397 ID: 387f50

My name is Mozart, i don't have any idea what i am but i have a feeling that something big is going to happen
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No. 868409 ID: 56e50f

Grey is a good ascetic. So what's on the to-do list today?
No. 868416 ID: 3abd97

So you're grey and unusually short.

What color are all the tall people?
No. 868420 ID: 387f50
File 151899333076.png - (75.26KB , 689x689 , New mozart 3.png )

>So you're grey and unusually short. What color are all the tall people?
i have seen many colors, most of them were blue or orange, and few pink ones. also the matsec that are supposed to be short are still taller than me

>So what's on the to-do list today?
nothing, but i felt very attracted to this place for some reason
No. 868423 ID: b1b4f3

What is the place?
No. 868431 ID: d7936e

Open the door?
No. 868446 ID: 56e50f

Well don't be weird, go ahead and knock on the door.
No. 868569 ID: 387f50
File 151904230780.png - (52.99KB , 689x689 , New mozart 4.png )

>Well don't be weird, go ahead and knock on the door.
as soon as my hand gets close to the door, it opens by itself
No. 868570 ID: 387f50
File 151904237499.png - (119.93KB , 1102x689 , New mozart 5.png )

it seems to be empty and dark inside, what should i do guy?
No. 868572 ID: ad51b8

read the plaque.
No. 868575 ID: d7936e

Read plaque, gaze down dark staircase.
No. 868604 ID: 3abd97

"Hello, is anyone home?"
No. 868622 ID: 387f50
File 151906046481.png - (50.13KB , 689x689 , New mozart 6.png )

>gaze down dark staircase.
well.... i don't trust those red lights.
No. 868623 ID: 387f50
File 151906052965.png - (158.63KB , 689x551 , escritura.png )

>read the plaque.
it says.... ah....
No. 868624 ID: 387f50
File 151906093384.png - (69.29KB , 500x350 , new mozart 7.png )

No. 868629 ID: c06101

How do you choose?
No. 868630 ID: 3abd97

Look they obviously can't be trusted, just look at those grammatical errors! Uncapitalized "i"s, inconsistent capitalization at the start of sentences, "attracted" is missing a t, "lifes" instead of "lives", "people [are] suffering", etc.

How do they even know any of this about you?
No. 868631 ID: b1b4f3

Elemental of Terror? Interesting. Sounds like you're a Matsec only by choice. See if you can change your form.
No. 868632 ID: 984fd7

Honestly leaving at this point would probably be better. But hey, your life, your choice. We’re just here for the ride.
No. 868633 ID: 387f50

actually thats my fault, my english is not perfect, but im trying to do my best
No. 868634 ID: c0641d

Well, they sure do know a lot about you. More than even you knew. Strange, especially considering that despite being under siege by a Grey Terror, they were nice enough to set up a neat little plaque at a neat little entrance just for you.
No. 868644 ID: 387f50
File 151906682278.png - (73.93KB , 500x350 , new mozart 8.png )

>How do you choose?
i dont know

>Elemental of Terror? Interesting. Sounds like you're a Matsec only by choice. See if you can change your form.
how do i change?
No. 868656 ID: b1b4f3

Try focusing on another shape? Use your imagination and concentrate.
No. 868722 ID: c06101

Well, you said you had nothing else to do...
No. 868740 ID: 3abd97

>how do i change?
Do you know of any non-Matsec things? Maybe if you mentally decide to be one of them you'll be different!

Sorry, I couldn't resist poking fun at the mysterious note! Your English is good enough to tell a story with, and that's what's important here.
No. 868767 ID: 56e50f

Mentally realize that you've been a dinosaur all along.
No. 868772 ID: 78e663
File 151909742810.png - (80.75KB , 689x689 , New mozart 10.png )

>Try focusing on another shape? Use your imagination and concentrate.
very well, i will try. I just have to... concentrate...
No. 868774 ID: 78e663
File 151909756420.png - (86.80KB , 689x689 , New mozart 11.png )

i feel.... weird, like if i was physically and emotionally drained
No. 868783 ID: b1b4f3

Okay so you don't have the energy. I guess you have to make someone scared to charge up?

Go down the stairs.
No. 868786 ID: 7d2904

They did say you could leave. Maybe all this isn't worth it.
No. 868869 ID: e1c8f7

Is it getting dark in here? You know how to fight, my dude?
No. 868875 ID: be0b68

Seems you need to recharge whatever powers you might have.
No. 868963 ID: 78e663
File 151915985678.png - (46.85KB , 689x689 , New mozart 12.png )

>Go down the stairs.
well... i dont have nothing else to do
No. 868965 ID: 78e663
File 151916001833.png - (19.62KB , 689x689 , New mozart 13,5.png )

Guys, i'm getting closer to one of these weird lights, what should i do?
No. 868969 ID: e1c8f7

Steel yourself. Address it. "Show yourself"
No. 868970 ID: 8a947d

Always touch shiny red things. Go on and poke it red things are always good and never hurt you.
No. 869001 ID: 78e663
File 151916842891.png - (47.20KB , 689x689 , New mozart 14.png )

>Steel yourself. Address it. "Show yourself"


No. 869002 ID: 78e663
File 151916849477.png - (163.50KB , 689x689 , New mozart 13.png )

No. 869003 ID: 78e663
File 151916861169.png - (5.81KB , 689x689 , New mozart 15.png )

No. 869008 ID: b1b4f3

It's food. Eat the others.
No. 869009 ID: 91ee5f

Apparently, it recharged you a little.

Do you still feel physically and emotionally drained or do you feel a little more energized?

Grabbing more of these red lights might be helpful.
No. 869028 ID: 49e8ac

Well, it didn't seem to have harmed you, so proceed as you were.
No. 869043 ID: 90124d

It gives you power, apparently. Our readings are completely inaccurate.
No. 869279 ID: 78e663
File 151924770469.png - (46.86KB , 689x689 , New mozart 15.png )

>It's food. Eat the others.
very well

>Apparently, it recharged you a little.
Do you still feel physically and emotionally drained or do you feel a little more energized?
Grabbing more of these red lights might be helpful.

yes, i feel something growing inside me... maybe those are my powers?
No. 869280 ID: 78e663
File 151924794133.png - (197.72KB , 689x689 , New mozart 18.png )

wow, there is a city down here.
and it seems that they have been gathered for some reason, i wonder why, and who are those two?
No. 869287 ID: aa9193

Greet them and introduce yourself. It's the polite thing to do.
No. 869288 ID: 78e663
File 151924900497.png - (163.84KB , 827x689 , New Mozart 19.png )


"Look Alric, i believe that you are smart enough to know that you should not anger me, right?"

Yes, Lord Wawa

"Very well, and about the "grey beast" you must be incredibly stupid to believe i would fight that worm, that would be a suicide. YOU will have to deal with it, understood?"

Yes, Lord Wawa

"very well, i shall return to my castle, and about that brat who insulted me, he's coming with me"

Please Lord Wawa no, the kid is stupid, he doesnt know what he does.

"Unfortunately i dont care, he's coming with me, like it or not,unless you want to fight for it? do you want to fight me Alric?"

No, Lord Wawa.

"Very well, hey you!, the "kid" that doesnt looks like a kid, you will come with me, you will contract Draconism and-"

-everyone gasped-

"... and then you will be my loyal servant, now lets go"
No. 869290 ID: 78e663
File 151924918953.png - (197.83KB , 689x689 , New mozart 19,5.png )

it seems two of them are leaving, i wonder what happened
No. 869294 ID: 78e663
File 151925069343.png - (205.76KB , 689x689 , New mozart 21.png )

i have finally arrived at the city, what should i do now?
No. 869317 ID: 5f2b81


Investigate, I guess. What's that storefront?
No. 869363 ID: 78e663
File 151926706574.png - (33.89KB , 689x689 , New mozart 22.png )

>Investigate, I guess. What's that storefront?

its a cell phone store, they have some phones and tablets.
i dont have the money to even imagine myself buying one
No. 869386 ID: 3abd97

Well, no money means no shops. Look for someone to talk to instead.
No. 869454 ID: e1c8f7

Yeah, where is everyone? Still at the gathering?
No. 869736 ID: 970c53
File 151943046141.png - (278.85KB , 689x689 , New mozart 23.png )

>Yeah, where is everyone? Still at the gathering?
no, some of them are working already
No. 869740 ID: 3abd97

Go say hello!
No. 869745 ID: 56e50f

Do any of these phones have internet access? Maybe you can find out some info about this place.
No. 869762 ID: 970c53
File 151944277095.png - (59.66KB , 689x689 , New mozart 24.png )

>Do any of these phones have internet access? Maybe you can find out some info about this place.
i said before that i dont have any money

>Go say hello!
i will go into that shop, maybe i can get some answers to our questions.

"Hello, how can i help you?"
No. 869819 ID: 6beac1

A wonderfull evening, miss. I was on my way to a friend, but now I appear to have found myself lost and was hopefull a lovely lady such as yourself could help me solve this dilemma. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find Alrik?
ask for directions, basically.
No. 869856 ID: adbeaa

Oh man, everyone here is screwed. :/
No. 870146 ID: 4186f1
File 151961181233.png - (59.48KB , 689x689 , New mozart 24,5.png )

>...ask for directions, basically.

Hello, where could i find a man named Alric?

"Let me guess, you are mozart right? yeah sure, Alric will be happy to see you and the other 200 mozarts that have been appearing this month, what are you looking form? money? fame? power?. Let me tell you, the Grey Beast is not something that can be defeated with the power of friendship or by some weird blessing of a old spirit.
sigh, I'm tired of fake heroes coming here to say "My name is Mozart and im here in the name of justice!", the Great beast has a ability that triggers the fight respone that every living being has, you know, Fight or Flight?.
I have seen so many "heroes" that fell against the beast, it doesnt matter if you have the best sword or the most powerful gun, once the beast sees you, you will toss your weapon in order to fight the beast with your bare fist.

Why does that happen?

"The Grey Beast is a worm that in some way came in contact with the "Beast's Rune", it made it grow to a huge size and gave it that damned ability. The oracle said that only mozart can stop the beast, because he is not only a elemental of terror but is also the polar opposite of the beast, the Flight response, he also said that mozart would be a mutant matsec, and you look very normal to me, despite your short height"

Whats the difference between a normal and a mutant Matsec?...

"The mutants are taller, stronger, faster, more intelligent and live longer that their normal counterparts"

Anything else?...

"...Oh yeah!, they have double iris, something that you dont have. They also have 4 hearts instead of one, eat two times more than a normal one, and their feets have three fingers"

Guys, she's a expert, what should i do?
No. 870153 ID: 3550db

"I could match my appearance to that description, if you think that would help?"

Apperantly we should if possible stay out of this beasts sight. Inquire further about Alric and the Oracle.
No. 870154 ID: e1c8f7

"Are you sure you're not just messing with me?"
No. 870160 ID: 91ee5f

>Fight in the name of Justice!
Uhhh, why don’t you explain what you saw upstairs to her?

>mutants are tall
Mutants can be short too!

>strange body descriptions
You mean shapeshifting?
No. 870162 ID: 3abd97

>The mutants are taller
I'm pretty sure I'm the smallest Matsec I've ever seen. Maybe there are super-tall mutants, but by the standard of not fitting the average height, I'm a mutant.

>200 mozarts that have been appearing this month
Huh you'd think if 200 people left town to head underground I would have heard about it.
No. 870444 ID: f952d1
File 151970961961.png - (61.47KB , 689x689 , New mozart 25.png )

>"I could match my appearance to that description, if you think that would help?"

I could match my appearance to that description, if you think that would help?

"dont you think that would be like cheating?"



well..., if 200 people left town to head underground I would have heard about it.

"Says the guy that didnt knew about the existence of the Mutants. also most of them said that they came from a distant place with the only purpose of helping us.
sigh, i remember the first mozart, we had the biggest party ever, everyone was happy, we finally felt safe. Then the beast appeared, this mozart said that we should fall back and wait until he had a better strategy, he dissapeared that night taking lots of gold and jewelry with him... fucking thief.
look, i dont know if you are the real mozart or not, but is makes me so angry seeing how many scavengers and thiefs arrive with the sole intention of making profit out of our desperation. After all, this city is everything that is left of the great empire King Alric had

what happened?

"Lord Wawa and the Last Tear happened, Lord Wawa is a small dog that seems to be master of the 4 basic elements, we have seen him freezing one citizen turning him into a ice statue in a few seconds just to break him with a fist made of stone. Also he haves an army that follows his every order, if he finds someone strong, Lord Wawa will kidnap him, why? i dont know. But if that someone is weak he will make it contract Draconism and then... ,
Anyways, The Last Tear is way worse than Lord Wawa, is a kid that resembles a white rabbit, that always seems to be on the verge of crying, he's a good kid. however we are forced to make him happy if we dont want to die. Every time he cries, he explodes. A explosion of the Last Tear was powerful enough to destroy 85% of Alric's Kingdom, the buildings that survived the explosion like the castle were stolen by Lord Wawa, we were forced to flee and build this new city in a attemp to hide from Lord Wawa, Last Tear and The Grey Beast. Unfortunately all three of them found us.
And even so... we were lucky, Alric was the one who suffered most, his father was killed by the Grey Beast, one month later his mother that was pregnant at the time wanted revenge so she went to fight the beast by herself, she was killed too. Alric was devastated, the depression hit him really hard, but the worst was yet to come, one week later Alric was informed of three zombies resurrected by the beast and that no one was able to hurt them, those were the old king, the queen and... what was meant to be the princess. Everyone was frozen in fear and disgust, seeing their old king walking among the living once again now as a wretched monster. But... Alric had to be brave for his people, he killed the zombies that were his family, this however took a toll on his mind, then the fake mozarts appeared that worsened his state even further. That also became his most prominent feature, Alric has the eyes of someone who is slowly going mad..."

oh... im sorry to hear that, but can you tell me why i absorbed the red lights upstairs?

"you what?"

i absorbed them, also i think i am a mutant, im very short and i dont fit the average height, so, i guess i'm a mutant?

"The Mutants are also called Giants but... how did you absorb the red lights?"

i dont know, it just happened
No. 870445 ID: f952d1
File 151970974780.png - (58.90KB , 689x689 , New mozart 26.png )




"i have to go, see you later whatever your name is"
No. 870446 ID: 91ee5f

Wait, don’t go! I still have more questions! What’s Draconism?! What’s your name?! Will I see you again?! Why do you suddenly look very scared of me?!

Also, my name is Mozart and I only came down here because I saw a sign upstairs that was addressed to me and told me to come down here!
No. 870450 ID: 830fb7

If she still leaves after this follow her, she may lead you to somewhere important.
No. 870459 ID: 457572

Well, that was informative, so thank you for that, but we still don't know where to find Alric. If you could kindly point the way before you leave, we'd greatly appreciate that.
No. 870474 ID: e1c8f7

Say thank you.
No. 870604 ID: 3abd97

>"i have to go, see you later whatever your name is"
Okay. I don't know if I will be able to help, but I just want to say I'm sorry for all the trouble it sounds like you all have suffered. It doesn't sounds like you've had much luck lately.

Thank you for sharing as much information as you did with me.
No. 870820 ID: f952d1
File 151987280525.png - (126.28KB , 1378x1378 , New mozart 27.png )

>Say thank you.

thank-... she turned off the lights and left running, maybe she is going to check those red lights?

well, i still need to know where to find Alric or the Oracle, the only clue that we have about Alric is that his eyes are the eyes of someone who is slowly going mad. Right now my problem is asking, if there have been countless Mozarts before me, then everyone is going to be hostile to strangers and anyone who claims to be Mozart, i just got lucky the first time.
No. 870825 ID: 830fb7

Lets wander towards where we saw that giant gathering, maybe he is around there.
No. 870841 ID: f952d1
File 151987635575.png - (126.38KB , 1378x1378 , New mozart 28.png )

>Lets wander towards where we saw that giant gathering, maybe he is around there.

i dont know, as i said before, i dont think people will be happy seeing me, maybe i should change? do you think a screw on my head will work? or my disguise would be too obvious?
No. 870866 ID: 194d04

Nah, while they might be unhelpful, I don't think people would outright attack us if they heard your name. Try to keep the topic of names at a minimum and you should be alright.
No. 870871 ID: e1c8f7

Some new clothes would make you seem like you've been here for a while. Make you go under the radar.
No. 870875 ID: 830fb7

No need to change, get cloths at the most.
No. 870897 ID: 194d04

We don't have any money and given the situation requesting freebees is not recommendet.
No. 870982 ID: f952d1
File 151994430182.png - (77.73KB , 689x658 , New mozart 29.png )

> We don't have any money and given the situation requesting freebees is not recommendet.

should i change clothes? im not sure it will help, i will still look like a matsec.
No. 870983 ID: f952d1
File 151994483896.png - (72.66KB , 689x658 , New mozart 30.png )

i have to focus and....
No. 870984 ID: f952d1
File 151994502828.jpg - (16.80KB , 650x550 , Old Mozart.jpg )

wait, i didn't think this through.......-

No. 870986 ID: 9aca35

Sticking as you are isn't ideal, but maybe the best option for now. Much like the lady before, people will likely be grumpy but shouldn't be hostile if you're careful.
No. 870989 ID: f952d1
File 151994593443.jpg - (16.80KB , 650x550 , Old Mozart 2.jpg )







"I... I cant.... I cant move!"






"calm down"

"Sir Daniel? that thing is devouring the guardian rune! we cant let it get away with it!!"

"calm down, he is mozart, that is his "terror form""

"Another one!?"

"Is different, this is the real one, look on his chest, he haves the rune of terror, he must consume the guardian rune in order to produce his own energy, so far he has relied on external sources of energy to recharge his powers, with the guardian rune he will no longer need them"




ugh... my head...
No. 870990 ID: 194d04

Total accident, I swear!
No. 870998 ID: f952d1
File 151994744853.png - (48.48KB , 689x689 , New Mozart 31.png )

my head hurts...., this is the last time i have an idea.
i thought "why not shapeshift into one of them?"

No. 871011 ID: 194d04

Let's see what your "terror form" looks like.
No. 871017 ID: 91ee5f

No you’re not! We’re here too!

Also, your hand looks different.
No. 871021 ID: 9aca35

hey who knows, maybe you have changed form
No. 871037 ID: 56e50f

How was your nap?
No. 871038 ID: 3abd97

Look blacking out and consuming runes for super powers was totally the right choice don't beat yourself up over it.
No. 871063 ID: f952d1
File 151996414223.png - (56.85KB , 689x689 , New Mozart 32.png )

>your hand looks different

nah, they are fine.

>How was your nap?

i need another one

"Sir Mozart?"

oh shit

"Sir Mozart, we require your powers to protect this place"


"of course you are not forced to help us, but if you refuse, i will kindly have to ask you to vomit the rune you ate"

im already here, i guess i have to help you all

"im glad to hear that, you can rest now, King Alric will see you tomorrow, and remember if you need food or something else, ask one of the guards outside and they will provide you with whatever you need"

Ok, thank you.
No. 871064 ID: f952d1
File 151996427268.png - (22.03KB , 689x689 , New Mozart 33.png )

This darkness is making me feel sleepy. Guys, do you wanna talk about what are we going to do tomorrow?
No. 871065 ID: 830fb7

One idea is to ask the king how he knows about you and your powers because to my knowledge even you didn't know about them till recently.
No. 871067 ID: 830fb7

Second question: Is he expecting you to kill of the worm or just eat the rune out of it, changing it back to normal.
No. 871177 ID: 0cd535

Find Alric and Oracle, just to figure out what they plan for us to do.
No. 871200 ID: 56e50f

"Will I get answers?"
No. 871442 ID: 3abd97

I guess we're going to eat the King's problems like they were tasty runes.
No. 872046 ID: 324b0a
File 152038326553.png - (26.19KB , 689x689 , New Mozart 34.png )

>"Will I get answers?"

why me? am i the only elemental of terror on this world?

>One idea is to ask the king how he knows about you and your powers because to my knowledge even you didn't know about them till recently.

i don't know what i am anymore.

>Second question: Is he expecting you to kill of the worm or just eat the rune out of it, changing it back to normal.

it must be a huge worm, i dont know if i would be able to eat a rune that big, so i might have to kill it, i dont know how.

im tired... good night....
No. 872047 ID: 324b0a
File 152038332078.png - (32.41KB , 689x689 , New Mozart 35.png )

No. 872048 ID: 324b0a
File 152038337567.png - (26.19KB , 689x689 , New Mozart 36.png )

No. 872222 ID: e1c8f7

Are you the next monarch, or merely a pawn of fate?
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