Baby High Circles
>you, animals...
Wow. That is astoundingly racist. Do you actually hear yourself talk? You abduct people, modify their bodies against their will, threaten their children, credibly, and to top it all off you apparently include some mind-altering stimulant to undermine their normally calm demeanour, and then get surprised when they reasonably deduce that putting you down hard and fast is the only practical means of dealing with your disturbing wealth of resources and ludicrously blatant evil. You call us animals because you think that we can't control ourselves. I call you monster because you hurt and harm and destroy when you clearly have no comprehension of impartial analysis and probably haven't even bothered make-believing some arbitrary pseudo-science to blindly reinforce your pre-established delusions of laughably unsubstantiated superiority. Just because your instincts tell your to control doesn't make them any less instincts, or you any less of an unthinking feral beast.