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File 151045831052.png - (578.02KB , 2048x1536 , Title Card.png )
844412 No. 844412 ID: c0641d

13 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 844960 ID: c0641d
File 151063804297.png - (1.06MB , 2048x1536 , Mom Intro 2.png )

MARIA: “… And that is…”

EUGENE: “A Grey Magic passive spell. During all waking hours, I receive inspiration and advice from the great council of Kadath. I’m… sure you’re aware of its reputation.”

MARIA: “Ah…”

How helpful their guidance is tends to vary. They’ve been the guiding voice behind basically every great hero of Grey Magic, though for every one person they lead to greatness, they lead two off a cliff. It makes sense, considering that Kadath is supposedly a realm of whimsy, chaos, and by some accounts, insanity.
No. 844961 ID: c0641d
File 151063812616.png - (1.08MB , 2048x1536 , Mom Intro 3.png )

Ah, damn.

EUGENE: “Er, don’t cry! I still have four whole spells left to learn, and I’ll be fine as long as I’m careful.”

But really, the gods do like the occasional joke. Receiving a grimoire of Grey Magic was already a bad sign for my prospects at becoming a hero like my father before me, and of all the mythically rare spells I could have obtained to start my legend, this is considered to be by far the most annoying.

MARIA: “*sniff* Okay, sweety…”
No. 844962 ID: c0641d
File 151063818512.png - (920.31KB , 2048x1536 , Mom Dialogue.png )

MARIA: “Right! Anywho, you’re one of the last people to really finish. Why don’t we go home, before your special dinner gets cold?”

WILLIAM: “Going so soon? After keeping your dear cousin waiting?”

Ugh. William Fry is not someone I feel in the mood for speaking to, but I must if I wish to be polite. Then again, a plausible diversion just appeared; one of my friends just came out of the ritual trance herself. Or I could just ignore them both outright; mother doesn’t seem to have noticed either.
No. 844965 ID: 3ce125

>by far the most annoying

By penance, you must endure speaking to your cousin.
No. 844966 ID: 3abd97

>though for every one person they lead to greatness, they lead two off a cliff
Have you considered they are lead to ruin by the council's constant frustration with rudeness and lack of appreciation.

Go check in with your friend.
No. 844967 ID: 4324ce

If there's one thing I hate seeing, it's a lady crying. We're a bit nutty, sure, but...gah, I dunno if I'll be able to get that look out of my non-existent head.

Also go speak to your cousin. A friend is known to be friendly, but someone that could be an adversary? We need to figure out exactly HOW they're adversarial.
No. 844974 ID: 094652

>Kadath is supposedly a realm of whimsy, chaos, and by some accounts, insanity.
You're... scratching the surface here.

See, Kadath (call it terra) is under the rule of The Great Game, a world-spanning war between networks of spies and diplomats, with the ultimate goal of attaining total control over subjects rather than personal fame or glory. With legions of puppet rulers spewing out nonsensical, borderline-moronic orders, a few of us have caught on and side with personal freedoms rather than obey the state willingly. Unfortunately, technology has also advanced just as insanely, and most of us have given up hope of a better tomorrow when our every hint of rebellion can be cataloged by super-scrying devices that can be tinier than your hand, and countered with thumbnail-sized metal bolts that can shatter skulls and are so fast they literally reach their destination before you can hear the 'crossbow' trigger click.

I think the final nail in the coffin for our insanity was the mass-production of doomsday weapons. Do you have any idea what it's like to learn that you were born into a world whose empires have literal mountains of city-destroying, blight-spreading explosions that simultaneously have disturbing implications about the quantum mechanics of the universe and the LACK of angelic OR demonic spirituality within?

Many have learned not to care at all and are quite calm and rational, the few of us who do poke around other universes are somewhat unhinged.

So what's YOUR empire like?

>What do
Talk to your friend, maybe you'll feel better if he has less pages.
No. 844999 ID: 67d5dc

I'll have you know that they walked off those cliffs in compete defiance of our advice! They we often very rude too, always telling people to shut up or keep quiet, even when there isn't anyone there!

Totally bonkers the whole time we knew them. I'm sure it will go much better this time.
No. 845054 ID: 0c324b

The success of the advice greatly relies on the goal of the person that summons us. We do our best to advise all, but when there are more...entertaining goals the attention of the more sane amongst us is drawn to them instead. After all, who in their right mind would follow someone with no hopes or dreams when you could follow an adventurer or a *hero*! Let's hope this is a mutually beneficial arrangement, alright?
No. 845130 ID: 49e9e5

Bite the bullet. Speak to your cousin.
No. 846114 ID: c0641d
File 151110700215.png - (1.10MB , 2048x1536 , Will, Pre-Murder 0.png )

Alright, I’ll bite. Better to get this out of the way now.

EUGENE: “What is it, Will?”

WILLIAM: “Oh, it’s nothing. Just that-”
No. 846115 ID: c0641d
File 151110704352.png - (1.23MB , 2048x1536 , Will, Pre-Murder 2.png )

MARIA: “Ooh, it’s little Willy! How’s your mother doing?”

Will is clearly about to say something, but getting addressed like that gives him pause.

WILLIAM: “… Don’t… I’m not little anymore.”

EUGENE: “Er… You can go home ahead of me. He’s right; we are adults now.”

MARIA: “Aaaaalrighty!”

And there she goes. If Will was lucky enough to get a grimoire like I did, then there’s a good chance that Prudence - his mother, my aunt - is here too, so mother is probably going to be able to talk to her sister before heading home.
No. 846117 ID: c0641d
File 151110720477.png - (1.16MB , 2048x1536 , Will, Pre-Murder 3.png )

WILLIAM: “… As I was saying…”

EUGENE: (Don’t miss a beat, do you?)

WILLIAM: *ahem!* “Before we were… interrupted… I was just about to ask how many spells you had coming to you. I am to have three, myself, and I’m told there’s a good chance that I’ll be inheriting mother’s defining spell. Impressive, no?”
No. 846121 ID: 0c324b

Five total, but the first is Guiding Court of Kadath, so kind of a mixed bag. What's his first? Also, what spell is his mom's defining spell?
Ignore his final question.
No. 846146 ID: c88e6d


Don't bother telling him which spells you got. Just let him stew. Also, do not judge the Court too harshly. Dreaming Kadath is DREADFULLY dull. Living vicariously through you is the high point of our day.
No. 846154 ID: 49e9e5

Ask him first which spells he's got. Then we'll decide whether to tell him how many we're getting.
No. 846875 ID: f945ad
File 151131065273.png - (325.90KB , 1024x768 , will, pre-murder 0 (r).png )

Will’s mother, Mrs. Prudence Fry, is the town’s sanctioned revivalist. Using the Blue Revivalist spell Sanguine Transference, one may transfer some of their own “life-blood” into a person, reviving them from death, no matter how severe the damage. Revivalist spells do drain their casters of some of their natural lifespan, however, so they often charge an arm and a leg for their services. It’s why my cousin can afford such nice things, like

EUGENE: “Five.”

No. 846876 ID: f945ad
File 151131069411.png - (357.39KB , 1024x768 , will, pre-murder 2 (r).png )

EUGENE: “I said I have five.”

WILLIAM: “What!”

EUGENE: “What is your first spell, anyways?”

WILLIAM: “Yours first! I have to know!”

EUGENE: (I guess I have no choice now.)
No. 846877 ID: f945ad
File 151131073892.png - (325.90KB , 1024x768 , will, pre-murder 0 (r).png )

EUGENE: “It’s The Guiding Court of Kadath.”


EUGENE: “It’s… It is a… divine? Divine chorus that advises me at all waking hours. Even now they speak to me.”


EUGENE: “It’s sited as one of the most bothersome ‘spells’ in existence. Here, you can take a look for yourself.”

I show him the page for the spell.
No. 846879 ID: f945ad
File 151131081672.png - (423.27KB , 1024x768 , codex; guiding court of kadath (r).png )

> Summary: The Guiding Court of Kadath is an ongoing passive spell of the School of Grey. It manifests in the form of a chorus of voices that only the user can hear, which are meant to guide them to the ideal outcome of their goals and intents. However, the actual usefulness of the chorus depends on the fickle whims of the individual entities comprising it, so any and all advice coming from them should be taken with a grain of salt.

> Usage: Unlike most passive ongoing spells, The Guiding Court of Kadath remains in active use by default, and it actually takes more mana to suppress it than it does to let it persist. If one wished to do so, then practicing the mantra “do-re-mi-koro” will help in learning to control the coming and going of the voices. Using the mantra “Ulu-et-Kadath, bessemer-mi-getname” and materials in the form of one genuine crystal ball, one may make it possible for everyone in the vicinity to hear the same voices, though the actual use for this beyond that of a parlor trick is debatable. This secondary extension may only remain in effect for as long as the caster maintains direct contact with the crystal ball.

> Identification and Technicalities: If the owner of this spell is not actively suppressing the voices, then one armed with a mana sensing spell will notice a grey aura around the owner, which flickers and pulses irregularly in time with their talking. If a crystal ball is in use, then the light of that aura will be focused there until the connection is broken. One other technicality of note is an exception to the default active status of the spell, in which the voices are only passively active while the owner is conscious.
No. 846880 ID: f945ad
File 151131086164.png - (334.34KB , 1024x768 , will, pre-murder 1 (r).png )

WILLIAM: “… I see.”

EUGENE: (Glad to see you’re back to your usual smug self, Will.) “Alright, now it’s your turn. What spell did you start with?”

WILLIAM: “… Hmm…”

EUGENE: “Will…”
No. 846881 ID: f945ad
File 151131091719.png - (325.90KB , 1024x768 , will, pre-murder 0 (r).png )

WILLIAM: “Oh, I’m sorry, is the suspense positively slaying you, dearest cousin? Why, whatever could have caused that?

Gods be damned, he’s having another “difficult” episode. Sometimes if he realizes that he has something someone wants, he’ll simply decide to withhold it for no good reason. At that point, one may find better use of their time repeatedly dashing their head upon a stone slab until he gets bored of the routine. I think it’s hogwash, but some people say that he was possessed by a fae at birth. That is, it’s hogwash on the grounds that he would have shown some physical signs by now if he was.

Do I spend the time trying to drag this out of him, or do I give up and talk to someone else? I have about enough time to talk to two others before I risk mother’s food going cold by the time I get back. My friend is on her way out of the plaza, while my other friend, Alfendi, is just finishing up; and is it just me, or did the color of his circle seem to fluctuate? But then- Oh! It’s her. The beauty of the town, they call her. Needless to say that I am not alone in having eyes for her. She must have finished before me. Decisions, decisions...
No. 846883 ID: 6178bc

Meh. Don't give him the satisfaction. He's expecting you to react for some reason. Just go talk to your friends and ignore him until he tells you just for the sake of his own ego.
No. 846884 ID: 3ce125

Talk to Alfendi. Completely ignore Will from here on.
No. 846889 ID: 7152b7

Tell this guy to shove his pipe up his ass.
No. 846892 ID: 094652

Tell Will how ridiculously two-dimensional he is right now.

Can we get a look at the map? The faster we plan a route the faster you getawayfromWill
No. 846894 ID: c88e6d

He's just an attention whore. Ditch him and go get icecream.
No. 847023 ID: c0641d
File 151136504458.png - (357.39KB , 1024x768 , will, pre-murder 2 (r).png )

> Ditch him and go get ice cream.
Though iced cream dishes are something that can be obtained in this area, it’s extremely expensive! Just another thing Will lords over the rest of us. And he wonders why he only has “friends” within his extended family.

EUGENE: “I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll have to step aside to think about it.”

WILLIAM: “H-hey! That’s not how it was supposed to go! Come back!”

With that, I move across the pavilion to welcome Alfendi Ripetti out of his ritual trance. What should I say to him?
No. 847045 ID: 7f4144

Oh dear these image filenames... Eugene, there's going to be a murder soon.

Tell him yo man what up
No. 847050 ID: c0641d

(... Oh. Crap, you can read those? I’ll fix that in the future. Doesn’t matter because I was going to reveal the culprit of the first case ahead of time, but I’ll have Eugene ignore you on that front for now.)
No. 847075 ID: 0c324b

Yeah. I figured if this was anything like Pheonix wright though there would be a murder and trial at some point, so not that spoilery really.

Ask him how he's been doing.
No. 847345 ID: 094652

Find someone who can cast ice magic. Shave an ice block. Add fruit juice, sugar, and whatever passes for dessert. Serve. When Will demands one, throw it in his face like a blueberry pie.
No. 847781 ID: 3abd97

>Sometimes if he realizes that he has something someone wants, he’ll simply decide to withhold it for no good reason
Hey, if you think you have it bad when he stretches things out for you, we have to wait subjective days to get the information. Time is kinda funny in the court.

>Alfendi Ripetti out of his ritual trance. What should I say to him?
He's your friend too, right? Say hello, see how he did with the ritual, etc.

Haha, I thought the filenames were reflecting our protagonist's current frustration with his jerk friend.
No. 847851 ID: c0641d
File 151157213593.png - (427.06KB , 1024x768 , alfendi intro 0 (r).png )

EUGENE: “Alfendi.”

ALFENDI: “*yawn* Hm? Oh hey, Euge! Haven’t seen you since the festival.”

EUGENE: “Indeed. How have you been doing since then? I never found out if you even got a grimoire until just now.”
No. 847852 ID: c0641d
File 151157217694.png - (453.12KB , 1024x768 , alfendi intro 1 (r).png )

ALFENDI: “Oh… You mean this old thing?”

He holds up… his grimoire. That is…

EUGENE: “That’s…!”

ALFENDI: “Get a good look. Are you jealous already?”

EUGENE: “… But of course…”

That… is a White grimoire. Said to contain one spell from each school of magic; Red, Brown, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, and Grey - seven in total. Most people who receive a White grimoire go on to become heroes of downright legend. To say that I’m jealous is an understatement.
No. 847853 ID: c0641d
File 151157221206.png - (397.69KB , 1024x768 , alfendi intro 2.png )

ALFENDI: “… Ah! No, wait, I didn’t mean to really make you feel bad! Are we still friends?”
No. 847854 ID: deec6e

Kid, you hardly need us to tell you what’s the right thing to say here, do you?
No. 847856 ID: b1b4f3

Tell him you'll be fine if he promises to take you on his adventures sometime.
No. 847857 ID: 3abd97

>Are we still friends?
Over the top sarcasm:

No, we've become mortal enemies out of my jealousy for your good fortune. This is the moment in your heroic backstory where you earned you worst and most persistent enemy.
No. 847865 ID: 4324ce

Some things should still come from your own mind. ARE you still friends?

If not, I don't think you were ACTUALLY good friends in the first place.
No. 847866 ID: c9c091


On to more important matters: talking to random orphans until one of them decides to join up, because everyone knows that little orphans who join up with adventurers are either (A) killed quickly or (B) given hero-surpassing superpowers by the gods for the sake of PR so that the commoner plight of starvation and barriers to higher standards are not mentioned as frequently in the fables as child soldiers with laser eyes.
No. 847964 ID: c0641d
File 151163182508.png - (397.69KB , 1024x768 , alfendi intro 2.png )



ALFENDI: “Ex-squeeze me?”

EUGENE: “We’ve become mortal enemies out of my jealousy for your good fortune. This is the moment in your heroic backstory where you earned you worst and most persistent enemy. Mark this day, and my words, Alfendi; I will end you.”

No. 847965 ID: c0641d
File 151163185547.png - (423.25KB , 1024x768 , alfendi intro 3.png )


EUGENE: “That is, unless you intend to take me along with you.”

ALFENDI: “Pfft! Of course! Why wouldn’t I wanna take you with? Even if you didn’t have any magic, the answer would still be hells yes!”
No. 847967 ID: c0641d
File 151163188634.png - (357.39KB , 1024x768 , will, pre-murder 2 (r).png )

It was then that I noticed that my cousin had been following me.

WILLIAM: “Muh- Muh… Wha… Buh? Guh!”

He was transfixed on the grimoire of White.
No. 847969 ID: b1b4f3

Cool, huh?
No. 848033 ID: deec6e


If he keeps waving that thing above his head he'll drop burning tobacco in his hair.
No. 848106 ID: 593796

Give your cousin a leading question like 'you want to congratulate him too?' Give him a chance to be nice; either he'll take it, or it'll fly in his face.
No. 848107 ID: 094652

I wonder if Will is stupid enough to try and steal someone else's book just because theirs has an extra two pages.

Not like these two wannabe heroes are going to murder each other over some stupid spells. You can always learn more over a few decades... right?
No. 848124 ID: 3abd97

You got something stuck in your throat, buddy?

Give him a whack on the back to "help" before he can explain that's not it.
No. 848217 ID: 9b80a5

ummm hopefully that joke you just made doesn't apply to your cousin vs your bud over here in a horribly cliche and funny turn of events

also show him your grimoire
No. 848253 ID: c0641d
File 151180203919.png - (357.39KB , 1024x768 , will, pre-murder 2.png )

Unfortunately, no. Your grimoire receives a set number of pages, and that’s it. Sure, there are spells out there that you can cast even if it’s not in your grimoire, for an extra cost, but you don’t even need to have a grimoire to do that.

Now, William Fry may be something of an ungrateful priss - after all, only about one in twenty of those of us coming of age each year has the fortune to have received a grimoire at all - not even he would be so stupid as to think that taking someone else’s grimoire would ever work; our grimoires only serve us, and none other, even in death. Nothing short of a complex web of rare magics (yes, plural) could ever transfer the ownership of a grimoire.

EUGENE: “Impressive, isn’t it? Do you also wish to congratulate him?”

I move to slap him on the back, but he cuts me off first.

WILLIAM: “That’s… That’s not fair! That should be mine!”

EUGENE: “Will-”
No. 848255 ID: c0641d
File 151180206709.png - (263.83KB , 1024x768 , ritual plaza (r).png )

WILLIAM: “It’s not FAIR!!!”

He ran off… Will is being more childish than I remember. I might have to get mother to talk to Mrs. Fry about that.
No. 848256 ID: c0641d
File 151180210061.png - (453.12KB , 1024x768 , alfendi intro 1.png )

ALFENDI: “Well… that was a thing.”

EUGENE: “Indeed…”

ALFENDI: “But eh, whatever! What spell did you start out with? I got the Burning Cross of St. Matthew! Pretty awe-inspiring, huh?”

I don’t say anything when I show him the entry for the Guiding Court of Kadath.

ALFENDI: “Fun! I guess with a grimoire of Grey, you’ll be killing monsters with mostly your wits anyway; you’ll need all the help you can get there, then!”
No. 848257 ID: c0641d
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ALFENDI: “Not that you aren’t already beating me in brains by like a kilometer, though!”

We both have a mild chuckle at that, though my heart isn’t in it. It’s true, isn’t it? If I am to be of any help beyond just flinging a sword or crossbow around, it will be with strategy and… such. It’s not exactly the image of a hero I envisioned myself becoming.

But regardless, is there anything I should talk to Alfendi about before moving on? William is off moping in what passes for the corner here, and my other friend has redirected her course to her, as in, the town beauty. Having my friend present could give me the confidence to properly talk to her. But then, it seems my mother has taken her leave, and it wouldn’t do to keep her waiting too long. Perhaps just a passing greeting to the two would do?
No. 848258 ID: 3d2d5f

>doesn't put us down at all like some ingrates
Your friend has our unbridled support.

>If I am to be of any help beyond just flinging a sword or crossbow around, it will be with strategy and… such. It’s not exactly the image of a hero I envisioned myself becoming.
To be fair, great plans and strategies can have more impact on the world than the swing of a sword. There's a lot of ways to do far reaching good in the world more complicated than stabbing evil.

>what do
Go ahead, stay and talk with your peers a little longer. You don't graduate every day.
No. 848275 ID: ab961f

Talk to the pretty girl.
No. 848286 ID: 9b80a5

and besides even the best teams of heroes have someone who gets the spotlight most of the time like the one who gets the final blow on the big bad or plants their flag over a captured lair or other cliche things like that but they would likely would never have done so without their their teams to back them up and help
people like strategists and medics are usually left out of the spotlight even though they usually have the most defining role in the success of a quest
so don't be annoyed that you aren't going to be put on the spotlight for best hero or anything because most people would kinda take you for granted like food or clothes, incredibly helpful but not truly noticed till they are gone
either way we will most likely help you with whatever you do, though expect some nagging or lewd comments from some... no, a lot of us
where was i going with this?
eh whatever advice rant thing over
No. 848289 ID: 0c324b

Buck up; wars are won with strategists. You have better luck of taking down a building by knowing just where to hit than you do by smacking every wall.

Go for the girl; not too many more chances to see her.
No. 848309 ID: 9b80a5

also are there any conflicts going on in your world currently? also what is your world like currently at the moment? also look at a map next time you can, we see through your eyes (like we see everything *wink* *wink* *nudge*)
No. 848875 ID: c0641d
File 151207088187.png - (381.26KB , 1024x768 , Bella Intro 0 (R).png )

… Thank you. I’m mostly pessimistic considering the legacy I ought to be living up to. My father’s vice may have been lust, and he left fatherless kittens all over the kingdom, but that does not change the fact that he defeated the great dragon Palbir, and the goblin army incursion under the great general Borflex, both single handedly. Supposedly, I was and am one of those kittens.

Alright… There she is. Bella Duvall, known as the town beauty our generation. Would that I could woo her, yet would that anybody could, so instead, I could settle to be her friend.

BELLA: “Ah. Hello Eugene.”

EUGENE: “… Hello… Bella.”

She gave me a smile!
No. 848876 ID: c0641d
File 151207090135.png - (400.19KB , 1024x768 , Delaney Intro 0 (R).png )

DELANEY: “Oh hey, Eugene! Didn’t see you there! I think? How’re, uh, things? And stuff?”

And that would be Delaney Kappa interrupting us. I’ll be honest; I forgot she was here with Bella. Ever since child’s school, Delaney, Alfendi, and I had been inseparable. Honestly, more often than not, it felt like they were both protecting me from the big, bad, physical world. Meanwhile, Delaney and I often bailed out Alfendi whenever he got stumped mentally. Alfendi and I had a better way with words than Delaney, however, and she often got herself into avoidable trouble because of it. We cover each other’s weaknesses, through thick and thin.

DELANEY: “Uh… Eugene? Poke poke?”
No. 848877 ID: 094652

>Single handed
Sounds like propaganda. Not many worlds have champions with that level of power. The ones that do are basket cases that make us look sane.

Something about her seems... off. How many times has Will proposed to her?

Huh. Let me try something.

Poke her in the chest.
No. 848889 ID: 9b80a5

yeah we have been with a few heroes that were that powerful, usually that type of power would drive most people mad, though we usually try to keep them from ruining everything and or keep them grounded in reality, key word, usually some of us are jerks
No. 848896 ID: 3ce125

Tell them about your book!
No. 848908 ID: 49e9e5

Strike up a conversation! Let's see what kinds of books everyone's got.

(Also make a mental note to sneak a peek at William's first spell if you get a chance...)
No. 848910 ID: c88e6d

Ask Bella if she's doing well. Has she too attained a Grimoire?

Delaney seems like she's in a good mood. Ask her what school of magic she has! You have Grey, Alfendi has a White Grimoire, does she perhaps have a Black Grimoire?
No. 848921 ID: 4324ce

It's not even normal loopdeloo mad, either, it's usually just 'wait, no, that actually makes NO sense no WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP' kinda madness. Fun in small spurts, but it surprisingly gets old, quick.
No. 848923 ID: 4324ce

Poke her back, strike up a conversation with the gals.
No. 849344 ID: 3abd97

Bella's not holding a tome. Is she here supporting someone instead of participating? Or is it just hidden?
No. 860208 ID: c0641d
File 151657656550.png - (390.23KB , 1024x768 , Delaney Intro 1 (R).png )

> Delaney’s color of Grimoire.

She appears to have a Grimoire of Brown. Those tend to focus on mastery over the element of earth, and spells that temper the body.

> Poke Delaney in the chest.

I give a playful poke.

DELANEY: “Wha- Eugene! Bed the gods, don’t surprise me like that! Agh, jeez.”

EUGENE: (Harsher than you intended that to come out, as always. I pity the man that tries to actually romance you.)

DELANEY: “I mean- Damn… I guess it’s fine, but, er… Isn’t that sort of touching considered kind of straight up not publically acceptable or some shite to mammals? Don’t- I hope it’s nada habit yer picking up or somethink?”

EUGENE: “I assure you, ‘twas a mere jest between friends. Don’t think too hard about it.” (Though I’m normally not the one to be playing jokes such as this, out of the three of us. Thank the voices for that, I suppose.)

> Unrealistic stories that shouldn’t be ending this well.

It is true that entities with that much raw power as to best these sorts of great threats with such alone are few and far in between in this world, and most did not end up being considered ‘friendly,’ as far as history would state after the fact. Yet, while I can plausibly see some embellishment happening on the behalf of my supposed father, he was also said to wield a remarkable dexterity with weapons and an alarmingly sharp wit, not even counting how impressive the spells he wielded were, even by the standards that came with his Grimoire being of White.

But enough of that. I need to live in the here and now, and we can speak of such matters once things have quieted down some, and I have some time alone to properly adjust to you lot.
No. 860209 ID: c0641d
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> Bella’s Grimoire.

Bella does have a Grimoire. Normally, we receive our Grimoires first, then we have carrying bags or cases custom made afterwards, but Bella brought an adjustable case with her beforehand - that’s the bag she’s wearing over her shoulder. As she takes it out, I can see that her Grimoire is Red; one which holds dominion over fire and emotions.

> Exchange Grimoire info.

I show them. If Delaney had anything to say about it, she kept it to herself, so it’s safe to say she didn’t have anything to say about it.

BELLA: “Ah, I do feel sorry. I suppose things will never again be quiet in your life, then. An exciting shame, that.”

EUGENE: (Erm… Was that supposed to be pity or sarcasm…?)

BELLA: “… Hm.”
No. 860211 ID: c0641d
File 151657669820.png - (384.36KB , 1024x768 , Dahlia’s Passage of Pyre Codex (R).png )

BELLA: “Well anywho, I suppose I should return the favor. Here. The first of my three spells, I suppose.”


> Summary: Dahlia’s Passage of Pyre is a reactive manipulation spell from the school of Red. When used, it allows the user to disappear and emerge in an eruption of magical fire in the nearest cleared space outside of ten meters, or to another source of flame magically linked to the one used (SEE: Dahlia’s Highway Hearth). Consumes a moderate amount of mana.

> Usage: To cast Dahlia’s Passage of Pyre, the only thing one needs are a source of flame, and a Grimoire with the spell keyed to them and within 1 meter of their person. To cast, one must cross their arms over their chest before being bathed in fire, whether it be by throwing oneself into fire or being set alight.

> Identification and Technicalities: Using an aura sensing spell, one may identify a residual trace of red mana at both the start and end position of the spellcasting.

DELANEY: “Heh, those both look pretty incredible…”
No. 860212 ID: c0641d
File 151657682642.png - (416.51KB , 1024x768 , Delaney Intro 2 (R).png )

DELANEY: “… But I am afraid… that I win. No contest.”

BELLA: “And why is that?”

DELANEY: “Observe it. FELAX!”

EUGENE: (Whoa!)

Delaney flexed her right bicep, and it expanded in a quick burst. The rest of her body became more toned as well, though it wasn’t nearly as dramatic of a growth as with the arm.

DELANEY: “It’s called Titan’s Temperance!”

EUGENE: “Ah, one of the original spells of brown, then. It looks like it converts mana into physical strength and endurance?”

DELANEY: “Ayep! With enough of the stuff, I could be invincible!”

BELLA: “Best not get ahead of yourself, now. You might break something in your excitement.”

EUGENE: (Truly remarkable. For both Delaney and me to receive one of the original spells of our respective schools, and on top of Alfendi receiving a Grimoire of White; our fortune was nothing short of incredible!)

I was about to ask to see the page itself, when I noticed that Will seems to have returned from his sulk. What is he…?
No. 860213 ID: c0641d
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WILL: “Ah, indeed, the supple flowers of youth. But alas, who could compete for renown in such beauty, such grace…”

EUGENE: (Oh… dear.)

> Has Will proposed?

As mere children, none of us could propose anything that could be considered religiously binding, even if some have been making premature preparations for a good while. That is, until today, considering we have now come of age. Even though Will was not the sort of person who would “jump the gun” so to speak, I could tell he’s been chomping at the bit to take his first true opportunity. Bella, meanwhile, seems resigned to hearing out what she knows is only the first of many suitors. Should I step in? My cousin is clearly about to embarrass himself.
No. 860270 ID: 094652

You're not planning to court Bella this decade, right?

Just hug her! And don't stop until Will's short patience runs out and he leaves to gloat about his new spellbook.
No. 860271 ID: 3ce125

Honestly you should probably be supportive of Will.
No. 860303 ID: 6c2cf5

If will want’s to make himself look like an idiot then you should do the considerate thing and allow him to do so.
No. 860486 ID: c0641d
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I don’t go straight in for the hug, but I do take a defensive step forward to place myself at Bella’s side. I’m honestly doubtful that Will really cares about how I feel, but this should at least inform him that this is not a welcome development.

WILLIAM: “… such beautiful and brilliant countenance, like the setting sun just after a volcanic eruption. Such and more have taken hold of my senses, dominating them, and I can have no relief except which to fulfil them, and wed the object of my beholdence! Therefore, I ask of her…”

Except… Oh. It would appear I am mistaken…
No. 860487 ID: c0641d
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He wasn’t looking at Bella.

WILLIAM: “… Delaney Kappa, will you marry me?”


BELLA: “…!”

EUGENE: (Oh no.)
No. 860518 ID: 3ce125

Oh no? I would've expected this to be a welcome surprise. Is she taken too?

Ask how long he's felt this way. You had no idea!
No. 860534 ID: d887c0

"...Really? I mean-- Really?"
No. 860542 ID: 3ce125

Oh, you should probably wait for her answer before saying anything.
No. 861141 ID: 3abd97

Yeah. Butting in before she can answer is not the thing to do at all.
No. 861146 ID: 094652

You will always be below him. Therefore, be a fart.

Laugh in his face. Repeatedly. Ruin his moment, as he has already oathsworn to ruin five of yours.
No. 861476 ID: c88e6d

"Huh." Shrug.

What's the School of Blue do again? For that matter, surely the School of Grey has SOMETHING useful in it besides us.
No. 871983 ID: c0641d
File 152037019364.png - (390.23KB , 1024x768 , Delaney Intro 1 (R).png )

EUGENE: “Huh.”

> What’s the School of Blue do again? For that matter, surely the School of Grey has SOMETHING useful in it besides us.
The School of Blue mostly has dominion over the element of water, its compounds, and on a more abstract level, controlling and monitoring the “flow” of all things. Meanwhile, you are just one spell. The School of Grey overall focuses on raw mana, and a mastery over information and analysis. It is a School favored by scholars and strategists.

DELANEY: “I-I mean…”
No. 871984 ID: c0641d
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DELANEY: “… Bella?”

BELLA: “…”
No. 871985 ID: c0641d
File 152037024324.png - (356.33KB , 1024x768 , Bella Intro 3 (R).png )

BELLA: “Pfhahahahahahahaha oh lord! Seriously?! I mean… really?”
No. 871986 ID: c0641d
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BELLA: “You know, there’s a certain something to be said about the sexuality of a mammal that’s into birds.”

WILL: “That- So what if there’s… erm… a masculine charm to her?! That- That’s not why I love her!”
No. 871987 ID: c0641d
File 152037032560.png - (390.23KB , 1024x768 , Delaney Intro 1 (R).png )

WILL: “She has a beauty of personality that none can match!”

EUGENE: (I’m sorry; what?)

> Is she taken?

Not that I know of!

DELANEY: “How… How long have you felt this way?”

WILL: “Since the day we met, of course! But it was only just now that I might legally profess my desire to wed you!”

DELANEY: “Um, okay…”
No. 871988 ID: c0641d
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DELANEY: “Don’t take this the wrong way, but… I hardly know you, and… I’m kind of straight? I think? So… if you were an avian guy, or even a mammal lady- wait, no, that’s still kinda awkward.”

Oh dear. Should I stop them? This is hard to watch.
No. 871994 ID: b1b4f3

So female birds are into feminine guys. Ask Will how far he's willing to go. Will he start dressing up like a girl to woo her?
Regardless, suggest that she at least make some effort to get to know him.
No. 871996 ID: 555f33

Honestly, that definition of "straight" aside, right now she just needs to say if she likes him or not, in any sense of the word. And if she could see him by her side for her whole life. Which is clearly no, so prompt her to admit that. Don't worry about butting in, Will made this public and your friend needs help.
No. 872013 ID: deec6e


My, William is certainly acting odd. Look around - is anyone observering this going down with special interest? Also, is there anyone nearby that has aura-sensing abilities that you could discreetly ask to do a quick check-up? I'm wondering if an emotion-based Red love spell was cast... or something. Perhaps it's just some other manner of hijinks.

That aside, if you really want to disarm the situation you could suggest that it's perhaps a little early to start proposing, however lovely we find one another, and that if dear cousin Will has really wanted to woo Delaney for years, then shouldn't he have taken the opportunity to better get to know her - and her him - long before springing this surprise? That's sound advice for anyone seeking love and happiness in another's arms, so sayeth the Guiding Court... but what do we know, eh?

(Also: this is a motherly reminder that you have dinner waiting for you at home. Special dinner. That you shouldn't let grow cold.)
No. 872070 ID: d887c0

This is a glorious disaster. It would be a crime to interrupt.
No. 872072 ID: b1b4f3

Actually wait how does Will know Delaney so well, when Delaney doesn't know him?
No. 872075 ID: 555f33

If he's not one of those "romantic" types that's really just a stalker I'll eat my ghost hat.
No. 872151 ID: 094652

You're going to want to defuse this before Delaney winds up a roasted pheasant.

Metaphorically... cooking.
No. 872384 ID: 3abd97

It seems like Will jumped the gun. If he wants a chance with Delaney, he'd have to actually get her to know and like him first, not just propose out of the blue. (Nevermind the whole business of mammalian and avian gender roles, the unfamiliarity and expectation that he could just propose with no front-end is a much bigger barrier). I think your friend might have been mislead as to how things work from stories or something.

Still not really sure there's much you can do to interfere. Will's going to need some support very soon, though, he got shut down and and publicly. So he's hurting and embarrassed.
No. 872397 ID: f38731

Delaney is his friend. She needs his support.
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