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84134 No. 84134 ID: 1831fc

(Preamble begins 5th post in the following discussion thread.)

( http://www3.tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/314869.html )

>Connection established to 'Messiah'. Stand by...
25 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 84708 ID: 1831fc
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>Chosen: Dirigables

>This one requires the Prequisite Technological Research Division. We know where it is, so it should not be terrible hard to begin production.

>Chosen: Indoctrination of Covert Operations
NOTICE: Success Ratio with this Upgrade will improve dramatically.

>The EgoMatrix has chosen two technologies/techniques to impart on you to begin. You will have one other technique to choose from once we have established a foothold within the region.

Vaaruis looks particularly curious. "Techniques? What the hells would they do?"

>Currently, your people do not understand the terms of night fighting, correct? I normally see cannon and mortar fire cease around dusk.

"That'd be the Gentleman's Rules. No man shall fire at one another at night, nor shall he strike during the High Sun or the Low Cold. There's more, but most of 'em are just..." Dac sits again, shaking his head a bit. "It's just strange, you know? I've never really wondered why nobody broke 'em."

>I assume that would probably be in part to some ritual or law that has been driven into your psyche through years of indoctrination. I can remove these barriers and restore a semblance of logic. Be warned: The moment I remove these barriers, I will never be able to undo them.

The two look at each other for a moment. Dac speaks first. "Just how dangerous is this procedure?"

>It is well within acceptable mental stress levels. There may be some psychosis side effects. There is also a chance that-

Vaaruis interrupts me. "I think I know who we can test this on!" He looks to Dac, pointing back towards the entrance. "Lemme go get Jodas. He's not right in the head to begin with, so it'll be like there's nothing wrong!"

Dac ponders this for a minute. "Alright. Hurry up."

Several minutes later, after my introduction and subsequently calming the man down, they place him before my prison. I release a Nanite Swarm, and begin the process.
No. 84718 ID: 1831fc
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The man is silent at first. Eerily quiet. I had just finished testing Jodas' blood sample when he starts to convulse, gripping his head and screaming aloud.

"What the hells did you do?!" Dac screams as he grips the man by the shoulders, pinning him to the floor as Vaaruis runs towards the exit once more.

>I warned you about possible Psychosis conditions and side effects. My test analysis shows that this man's Eldgene traces are at a surprisingly low 13.0%. This could actually be beneficial. If what has happened to him is true, then I suspect that we may have forcibly unlocked a potential for greatness within him.

Vaaruis returns with the rest of the men. All of them are carrying rifles, but... one of them is carrying something different. It looks to be similar in style to the other rifles, but there is a large fat ring extending out from the gun.

>What kind of weapon is that? I have not seen it's make before.

"You mean that one?" Vaaruis points to the man's weapon, and he looks to Dac for confirmation of what to do. Vaaruis continues. "That's an Etrian Rotary Rifle. It's not as great as some of the other ones, but we can get of ten shots with it in under a minute! We brought it just in case we encountered another Sentry patrol." The man continues to look to Dac for orders, where as Dac sighs and nods towards my prison.

"Alright, you idiots, get over here. We've got a lot to cover quickly, so pay attention."

While Dac continues to calm Jodas back into a reasonable state, Vaaruis goes through the strenuous process of introducing, calming, and indoctrinating the rest of the soldiers. None of them react quite as shockingly as the first, but one of them does complain of a loud ringing in his ears.

>The only two left to indoctrinate are Vaaruis and Dac. Who shall I do first?

Dac pulls Vaaruis away from my prison and sits him down next to Jodas. Jodas is staring intently at the strange rifle.

"Me first, I guess."

No. 84727 ID: 1831fc
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>As of right now, you are in control of four Units. Each unit has a different type. These are:

Messiah: Vaaruis
Hero: Dac, Jodas
Infantry: Sentry Patrol (12 men)

>Each of these units has a different amount of Perks and Drawbacks. Currently, these are:

Messiah: 3 Perks (2 Available), 1 Drawback (Locked)
Hero: 2 Perks (2/1 Available), 1 Drawback (Locked
Infantry: 1 Perk (1 available), 1 Drawback (Unlocked)

>A Perk is an innate or learned trait that a Unit possesses. For instance, Vaaruis currently has the perk Precog, which occasionally will give him knowledge he could not have possibly known. Since we are pressed for time, I will list out the Perks for our group, and a brief description of what they do.

1:Precog-Knowing things before receiving the information
2:Available Perk slot
3:Available Perk Slot

1:Hardline-Will fight harder if there is something worth fighting for. Rallies other UNITS.
2:Available Perk Slot

1: ???-Jodas is still experiencing something. This perk will make itself known at enemy contact.
2:Available Perk Slot

1:Recon-Able to move over any terrain. If a Hero or Messiah have joined the squad, they gain this ability as well.

Everything has a price. Every unit suffers from something. Here is each units Drawback.

-Endgame: I will be forced to destroy the world if this young man dies. I cannot risk contamination by the others. The only way to avoid this, is to have Vaaruis pass on his knowledge and mantle to another. This technology has not been unlocked yet, and is currently impossible.

-Hard Pressed: Dac has seen much in the short time of his life. Unless he believes in what he is fighting for, Dac will suffer Morale penalties.

-Screw Loose: Jodas has always been a bit of an outsider, but now he has further introverted. Jodas may not join any Units for any reason.

>Sentry Patrol
-Lightfoots: These men are not properly armed with heavier weaponry in the form of grenades or more Rotary Rifles. They will not survive a continued assault. They are also prone to breaking.

"So what now?" Dac seems impatient, and Vaaruis is looking over the map again. Vaaruis' eyes looks strange. Far more calculating than his child like glee at finding a holy artifact from before.

>We choose our first target. Success ratios have improved dramatically since indoctrination. These are now:

>Etria: 96% Success Rating
>Moorsis: 78% Success Rating
>Arcturia: 43% Success Rating.

>Any input on the matter, EgoMatrix?
No. 84743 ID: d1210a

The Following is proposed.

Have Dac stay behind with a small contingent, and begin fortifying the immediate area around White Sapient. If in a valley, make an earthen hill with a ditch or moat around it, stakes in the ground, basically use the most basic materials possible as effectively as possible. If a Mountain side, then work with it, but make the location highly defensible.

So while Dac and the small force do this, Vaarius will take the main body and progress to attack Moorsis, doing what they can to infiltrate deeply into territory undetected (thanks to covert operations) before attacking in the name of Etria. Hopefully, your deep strike full assault shall paralyze their response long enough for you to take too much for the remainder to resist you.

And because you attacked in the name of Etria, you are still afforded some time of being aligned with Etria while you take control of Moorsis and surrounding area, while Dac makes White Sapient far more defensible, and is given time to potentially get examined more closely and potentially have a more finely tuned set of nanites made for him.
No. 84828 ID: 30ca5c


>Please specify unit division.

X number of Sentry Patrol

X number of Sentry Patrol

Remaining Units
12 man Sentry Patrol
No. 84832 ID: d1210a

3 units with Dac to lay foundations of fortification.

9 Units plus Jodas with Vaarius for deep strike assault

Provide Vaarius with an offer to provide a constant feed on Jodas's state, so that he can actually feel safe enough to use the man.
No. 84836 ID: cddf31
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>The EgoMatrix has deemed that 3 men shall remain behind with Dac, while nine men and Jodas will accompany Vaaruis on his mission into Moorsis Territory. Does this sound acceptable?

Dac grunts. "Only the four of us? We're going to have a hell of a time setting things up..." He pauses, then nods towards Jodas. "Just make sure the kid stays alright. If he's gonna be a messiah, it'd be pretty moronic to get him killed right away."

Jodas only nods.

>Vaaruis, I can offer to keep you in contact with Jodas for the duration of this mission. Would you accept this?

Another nod, this time with a smile. "That sounds great, White Sapient. Maybe I can-"

"Give me the Rotary Rifle." Jodas has spoken his first words since the treatment. "If I have that, I know I will keep him safe." No one says a word. Eventually, Dac stands, takes the rifle from the man holding the weapon and says "You'll stay here with me," before moving to Jodas. He offers Jodas the weapon, but does not let go as Jodas takes it. They exchange something in a stare. I can never tell with these humans.

"Let's get to work then," Dac finally says, and points to two other men and motions them outside. "We're gonna need to get some wood."

>Please select Group to follow

No. 84840 ID: d1210a


The foundations of fortifications are simple but back-breaking labor and time consuming.

Infiltrating a nation deeply, springing a surprise offensive all while pretending to still serve the country you will eventually take command of? That takes a close eye to ensure success with.
No. 84871 ID: 1831fc
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>Vaaruis chosen.

It takes them a full hour to reach the border. Dac and the others were just beginning to gather wood and dig earth works when Vaaruis had left. Now, after trekking down through the valley, Vaaruis group is stopped by Jodas.

"What is it?" Vaaruis says, running up to meet him. Jodas had taken point on the patrol.

Jodas is silent, and instead moves forward, crouching low. There is a small copse of trees ahead, and some noises.

"Sapient? Can you still hear me?"


"What's up with Jodas?"

>I am monitoring him now. He appears to have spotted a Moorsis Encampment up ahead.
No. 84874 ID: d1210a

Okay, assessment.

What can be gleaned of the size of the enemy force? Their troop deployment?

Have they spotted us yet?

Do we have suitable material to fire from cover?

Do the Moorsis have cover?

Answers are required for assessment of optimal tactical deployment.
No. 84881 ID: 1831fc
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Vaaruis stops in his tracks. "How many?"

>I count as many as thirty. They are unaware of our presence. Advise moving to the trees, and catching them unawares. It seems Jodas has already thought of this.

Jodas is actually moving around the copse of trees, towards the the outside edge. He has an unrestricted view of the camp. He beckons Vaaruis closer to formulate a plan.

"Twenty or more from what I see," Jodas says evenly, checking the Rotary Rifle and nodding to Vaaruis. "I'm followin' you, I guess." He's muttering something, but my sensors can't pick it up. Probably nothing.

"Sapient, they've got Rotary guns! We've got to see if we can get ahold of them!"

"We need to be careful," Jodas says. "If we choose our targets wisely, we can pick off the Rotary users. We may need to use half our men to reload our weapons while we shoot from cover, though. It'll be faster, I think."

>Any questions or additions, EgoMatrix?
No. 84884 ID: 1831fc
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>They appear to be bivouacked. The rifles are set in their icon cone formation, and the soldiers are enjoying a meal.

>We have the Copse of trees to provide suitable cover and surprise. They will not expect us firing from this position.

>Ratio of Success: 98% with Covert Opertaions.

Engagement: Begin
No. 84888 ID: e02496

Input: A Base of Operations must be established to efficiently control forces and surrounding areas. I suspect we may delay the brunt of this task for a while, but it should be done relatively soon. Capturing Etrius rather than setting up base around Sapient's pod would have been more time-efficient...But I see our path has been chosen.

Acquiring the support of Moorsis for the Technological Division would enable Dirigibles. Assuming we locate a capable Engineer there. Construction time might also be an issue. Moorsis could also give us access to watercrafts, another relatively speedy means of transporation.

Dirigibles could theoretically be useful in a fight, but their main advantages presumably lie in rapid movement and maneuvering of troops or material and in reconnaissance. Great as transports, resuppliers and scouts, but liable to be vulnerable to bad or inconvenient weather.

Query: White Sapient, relate all available knowledge pertinent to the term "Eldgene". I seem to be suffering from a serious memory malfunction. I am also aware a threat is coming, but what is the exact nature of it?

Input: Was this a usual deployment for Moorisians? And they have rotary rifles...Have they been trading with Arcturians, or have they developed their own type?

Input: White Sapient, when possible, relay the following to Dac and Jodan only. It may help.

>You must find your situation strange and confusing. Allow me a few words, please.

>Vaaruis has found himself on a path that can lead to greatness, but few such paths are easily travelled. Thomas was a man of flesh and blood, but like Varruis he was unique, a messiah, a uniter of men. He accepted this same task, but eventually died. In this, it was his nobility that was the end of him, and his failure set back White Sapient years...Centuries, perhaps, from the few indications I have gathered so far in my bodyless state. And now something dire is coming.

>Vaaruis must not fall as Thomas did. While a messiah, he is young and eager, taken in by this turn of events and not yet quite tempered by experience, war and age. Hopefully what comes will teach him a measure of restraint and care. You, as one of his seconds, must keep him safe or your world will be lost. I cannot offer you any assurance of this claim beyond what White Sapient have said, but if you have love for anything on this planet, know that there can be no more waiting for another messiah. Vaaruis must suffice. He must live to unite the planet, do so within the thirty years remaining and reach the blue moon. It is not as impossible a task as you may think. You have Sapient's technology, our advice and your own abilities to count on, as well as Vaaruis' gifts. A moon is not that far, all things considered.

>Whatever role you may find yourself in, be that "just" a soldier, a commander, a protector, an advisor, a friend... help him unite your world. He will need all the assistance he can get, all the advantages he can seize. I wish you luck. Tumultous times await.
No. 84943 ID: 1831fc
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>I will suggest the use of my area as a command post, and the capital a Base of Operations. They will require machinery to move the pod itself, so it must be defended, lest I lose my grip here.

>Eldgene refers to the ancient beings who populated the world known to these people as 'the Blue Moon'. They are unaware that they have ever been watched, or seeded. I myself lack much information on them at this time. I believe it is a 'block' set in place to prevent the people from learning too much too soon. What I do know is that they were humanoid, had Precognitive abilities, and were heavily interested in the sciences and what one source claims to be 'waiting for the others'.

>Sources indicate that those I have found approaching this world are not these 'others'. They are something different. LR scans show startling signs of conflict, but beyond a few explosions and movement, I cannot perceive what they are until they are closer.

>The men appear to be set up in a semi-circular pattern, facing away from the copse. They must see it as a sort of 'screen' that their backs will not be exposed. It will be to our advantage.

>Vaaruis, Jodas. Is it normal for them to have Rotary Rifles?

Jodas offers a shrug while he keeps his aim leveled at the camp. "Design's been out for the last twenty years. Etria's only recently got 'em because of the Isolationist Pact. We were not to trade with anyone, so we had to wait until we could fight someone with 'em and win."

"Didn't we barely win that skirmish?" One of the other soldiers asks, looking up from his sight.

"I wasn't there. I don't know." Jodas falls silent.

>Would this be normal for them to camp like this?

"Never fought Moorsis before. Don't know their normal lay out. Look like sentries, but they've got more men." Vaaruis chimes in. "Should we wait until dusk? Or try and take them out now?"

"Could try lurin' in, too. It'd be messy though," another soldier offers, letting his rifle butt drop down as he surveys the trees. "I got an idea if you're willin' to listen."

>The question is thus, EgoMatrix. We may wait until dusk, attempt to attack now, or listen to the Soldiers idea? Any other suggestions will be levied to who they are supplied to. Please note I am still in contact with Dac, and may relay a message to him.

Notice There is a distinct buzz in the sky. Attempting to isolate the signal.
No. 84964 ID: d1210a

listen to the soldier's idea to judge it's merits.

Barring that plan being viable, suggestion:

locate a natural formation nearby such that from the direction of the camp, a soldier could hide with a readied rifle without being spotted. Have a volunteer go there and make noises, as if a woudned traveller. Cry out for help, say you can't move.

While this is happening during their lunch when they are distracted, they should be disorganized about sending a search party. The moment the party is sufficiently far away, all of our forces (save the decoy), who will already have slowly crept as close as they can without being discovered, will open fire on the remaining camp.

The decoy will then start firing from their position ONLY after the group coming to investigate reacts to the gunfire, but will lay down suppressing fire to keep the group secluded from the rest of the enemy. This is where the well shielded natural position proves handy, allowing the single soldier to with relative safety pin down a significantly larger force.

The one pinning people down should have the rotary rifle, to mow them down when they are responding.
No. 85000 ID: 1831fc
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"What've you got?" Vaaruis shifts a little closer to the soldier, as do two others. Jodas does not move.

"Well, if they're eatin, maybe we can grab one or two of 'em by thinkin' there's a bit of game in here? My father taught me birdcalls when I was young. A bit rusty with 'em, but it might be that we can lure one, kill 'em quietly, and send the rest looking out for him."

>The EgoMatrix has a similar plan that involves the usage of the Rotary Rifle. Perhaps we could give the Rotary Rifle to-

"No," Jodas says suddenly, lifting the weapon up off it's perch, "I'll go. I'll take him with me. I see a good place we can settle into by those trees. Nice little outcrop for me to hide on top of while he lures them around the rock. We can switch rifles, too. Have him load the Rotary while I use his rifle, keep them pinned."

Vaaruis thinks for a moment, then nods grimly. "What's your name?"


>This is a sound tactic. Vaaruis and the rest of the men should approach the edge of the tree copse to the left, while Jodas and Brum will move to the right and set up on the rock. Shall we begin, or is there anything else we wish to accomplish?
No. 85040 ID: 1831fc
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>Commence firing when ready.

Jodas and Brum move off towards the rock, Jodas quietly scrambles up the rock. Brum counts to three, watching Vaaruis and the other eight men circle to the left. He lets out a long, loud call, just as Jodas freezes, prone on the rock. Waiting.

Two of the men in the camp look up, and start talking. One of them grabs a rifle, and some other men start to laugh. Another follows him. As they bumble through the forest, Jodas takes aim at the first man's head. Brum draws his knife.

The two men approach the rock. Brum hesitates, then trips the closer man with his rifle, dropping both man and weapon as he brings his knife down into his back. Jodas silences the other man's cry of alarm with a single crack of the Rotary rifle. A cheer is heard from the camp. Brum lifts the other man's dazed head and splits his neck open with his knife.

A minute passes. Then another. The men at the camp grow concerned. Jodas replaces the lost bullet, snapping the the weapon open and replacing the lost round. Brum pulls the bodies behind the rock, and sits with his own rifle at the ready.

>28 Hostiles Remain. Jodas and Brum ready to fire on your command, Vaaruis.

"Tell 'em to wait," Vaaruis whispers, hunched down with the other men behind a downed tree. A few of the men grab their rifles, and start moving towards the outcropping. Wait for it..."
No. 85047 ID: e02496

Input: Beware runners once your assault sets in. They could alert other patrols in the area, or send news to the city. Had we more men, I would suggest to send a couple around the camp to cover the most likely point of retreat. As is, you might need those men for the assault itself.

Query: The buzz in the sky, could it come from the silvery angels of fire Vaaruis mentioned? And is it possible these 'angels' could be some kind of aircraft or shuttle?
No. 85051 ID: 1831fc
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The group of soldiers strays closer to Jodas. "Seven," he whispers below to Brum, and motions left. "Take the one on the far left. Work your way inward. On the third tap of my boot..."

Jodas' foot rises once. Twice.


Three of the soldiers drop, two with wounds to the chest, a third having a quarter of his head shorn clean off. The men freeze, spinning around in confusion. Jodas continues to fire.


Several more men leapt up, out of their flak jackets and into the forest, watching as two and another drop. The last soldier fires a wild shot near the rock, hitting a tree and sending splinters near Brum's position.

"FIRE!" Vaaruis yells, rising from their position, the sentries loose a staggered volley into the camp, each picking a target that had their attentions on the firefight with Jodas and Brum. "STAGGER FIRE, DON'T LET THEM CATCH US RELOADING!"

Cr-crack-crack-cr-cr-crack! Crack-cr-cr-crack!

>19 Hostiles Remain. Suggest Jodas send Brum t-

Jodas isn't listening. He's on his last bullet before he has to reload the Rotary Rifle.


No other marksmen could have asked for better. A clean through and through shot on the eye. Jodas yells down to Brum, "Gimme your rifle, reload the Rotary!" Brum finishes loading the three rounds into the rifle and tosses it up to Jodas, who tosss down the Rotary. Brum sets to the task of swiftly replacing the ten spent shells with fresh ones.

An Etrian drops, clutching his shoulder. Several of the Moorsis have regained their senses and are attempting to set up a barricade with their supply boxes. Vaaruis swings the rifle around, taking aim at one of the Marksmen. "FIRE TO THE LEFT!"
No. 85052 ID: badf27
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A forewarning is in order. A buzzing overhead could indicate an internal combustion engine-powered atmospheric aerodyne craft. Warn the team immediately. Assume the craft is armed. Assume the craft has spotted the team.
No. 85058 ID: 1831fc
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The Sentries raise their rifles, firing a single volley into the barricade.


The air roars as all the rifles fire, several finding their marks in the two marksmen covering the barricade makers, and two of the barricade makers themselves.

>10... 8 remaining. Jodas, suggest move forward.

Dead Moorsis soldiers litter the ground. The rest attempt to run. Jodas throws the low-count rifle down and grabs the half empty Rotary gun from Brum. He snaps it closed, runs forward and takes careful aim.


Four more of the soldiers drop, the last one screaming in agony as his leg buckles underneath of him.

>4 Hostiles have fled the battle. No remaining Hostiles. Casualty report?

"I-I'll live," says the injured soldier. Vaaruis pats him on his good shoulder. "We'll get some of their medical supplies and get you all patched up, alright? You two, help him," Vaaruis points to two soldiers, helping to lift him onto an overturned crate to begin removing his equipment to dress the wound. Jodas approaches, motioning to the screaming man. "We've got a prisoner of sorts. I don't think he's going anywhere."

Vaaruis is about to respond when he looks up beyond Jodas. And there he sees it. The dull roar in the distance is barely heard, but the young man hears it as if it is a roaring waterfall. "Look! The Angels have blessed our victory! FOR ETRIA!" Vaaruis raises his rifle in one hand, while the other men in his unit let loose an echoing cheer.


>It appears we have a prisoner of war. There are a few things we may do with him. We may set an example of our cruelty, or our kindness. We may ask questions, or demand them. Anything else that comes to mind, EgoMatrix?
No. 85066 ID: 1831fc


>Monitoring four remaining hostiles. It appears they've gathered nearby, and are watching. Apperantly, they are waiting to see what we will do to the injured man.


>The true nature of these 'Angels' escapes me. I have seen them before, but they do not have a set point of origin or anywhere to land. They appear on my sensors, fly around, and then disappear. We may find out what causes their appearance as we explore this world, and once landfall on Azelhaedra is possible.
No. 85069 ID: d1210a

Be men of stone.

You will ask questions, and give them what is necessary to survive without undue comfort. If they resist, they are rendered unable to do so in a meaningful manner, if that means binding their whole body, so be it. If they do not cooperate, based on the need for the intel in question, you either let them keep their silence, or, if in need enough, do ANYTHING necessary to find it out.

Cultivate an image of being inevitable, make it so that each successive questioning finds someone more willing to speak because when they cooperate they are treated amiably, and some questions they must answer......

Send out a patrol to catch the runners immediately.

Jodan and.... 4 sentries, I would say.

render the captive unable of taking meaningful action by comprehensively binding him, on the off chance the runners try to loop back.

Then begin questioning them for any weaknesses in Moorsis for an assault. If refused, try the route of psychological warfare.

Tell him that without the data, they will be forced to call in reinforcements, and it will be a blodoy battle. Civilians and many soldiers will die. Maybe his friends/family could die, who knows? They will take the town one way or another, it can either be safe for the civilians because we have an intel advantage, or he can throw away the lives of everyone he cares about back in Moorsis for the sake of upholding his 'honor'.

What will he do, I wonder....
No. 85132 ID: e02496

Input: An impressive ambush. Now that the battle is over, barring the four runners, bind the prisoner's wound and limbs and question why he and his fellows were stationed here, how many other patrols are in the area and if he has other essential tactical data regarding the Moorsis region. Explain that you are part of an Etrian task force (obviously) and that his help with your scouting duties will be appreciated so that loss of life can be minimized on both sides. Particularly the loss of his own.

I concur on surreptitiously sending Jodas and a few other men to hunt down the remaining runners. Considering how the ambush went, they might be receptive to surrendering, if given the offer. Having prisoners of war means having to devote men to guard duty, though. Use your own judgement on this.

Input: Designate some men to take stock of the camp's inventory, and loot the weapons and ammunition, particularly the superior rotary rifles, so you can equip your men better. You may want to hide the surplus gear somewhere out of the way so that you can pick them up later and add them to your base at Sapient's pod. Sapient could send a message to Dac to pick it up while you deal with Moorsis.
No. 85133 ID: 1831fc
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"How bad is he?"

"Got his leg. Don't know. I'm not a doctor." Jodas nods to the north of their position. "Sapient says the straggles are over there. You want me to take two of the men and flush 'em out?"

Vaaruis thinks a minute, then nods. "Think you can do it with one? We don't want them to think we've got so few numbers." Jodas smiles. "You're learning. Good kid." Jodas pats Vaaruis on the head, and shoulders his rifle, passing one of the men carrying a box and tugging him off to the west. Vaaruis looks back to the wailing man on the ground, and grabs Brum and another Sentry. Brum has his pack off the minute they approach the soldier, scuffling through the sack while Vaaruis and the other sentry lift the man into a seated position. He attempts to scrabble away, screaming, crying, bawling and clutching his wounded leg in pain. Vaaruis lifts his head, and smacks him around. "Hey, HEY! Stop that. You're a soldier, it's not that bad!"

"I-it hurts!" The man is younger than her appears. Perhaps a young boy just on the edge of adulthood. Not much younger than Vaaruis. "D-don't kill me, please! I'm no one, I'm not gon-"

Vaaruis strikes his cheek again, silencing the boy. "Be quiet. We haven't even asked you anything and you're already grovelling like a dog? And here I thought the men of Moorsis had stronger backs than this!" The ploy seems to work, and the boy's eyes drop in shame.


>Relaying messages to Vaaruis. Be kind when questions are answered, and cruel when they are avoided or skipped.

Vaaruis takes a moment to look over the young man again. His leg is in bad shape. It is likely that he may need to have it amputated. "Listen, boy. What's your name? Can you at least tell me that?"

"R-..Reytah." He hisses in pain and chokes back more tears as Brum starts to cut away the fabric, exposing the bloodied flesh to light and open air. "Oh gods and angels above don't kill me..." His shoulders shake and he starts to lower his head. Vaaruis shakes him a minute until he looks up again. "Listen up, Reytah. We're going to get a map. And you're going to point out all the places you know where your friends are. AND you're gonna tell us what they've got with them. And when that's all done, you're going to tell us what your defenses are like, alright? If you help us with all that, and we find the intel is good, we'll see if we can try to save that leg." Vaaruis looks down to Brum, who removes his still bloodied knife from it's sheathe. "If we find our you're lying to us... I think that Brum here used to skin animals before they were butchered. Ain't that right, Brum?"

The boy goes ghost white as Brum carefully slices into a bit of cloth bandage. "Everyday, dawn to dusk. Tanner, actually. Been in the family for 30 years before I went into the service."
No. 85143 ID: 1831fc
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"You're in your 40's, Brum?" Vaaruis looks a little confused. "Could have sworn you were early thirties."

Brum shrugs, and nods to the boy. "You'd be hard pressed to find nicer chaps than us, boy. I heard horrible tales of what the Arcturians do to their prisoners. I hear they still strictly believe in dismemberment."

It takes a few minutes of careful relays, but Jodas and the other Sentry manage to loop wide around the other men. After a careful check of their equipment, both men stealthily approach them from behind to observe. They appear to have completely abandoned their gear, only wearing Moorsis uniforms (One is missing his shirt and jacket), and have decidedly kept their eyes on the now ghost white young man some forty yards away. Jodas motions to the other other sentry, and they advance, rifles leveled. "Hands up. You're not going anywhere yet."

The men spin, one loosing his footing and landing hard on his bottom. He starts scrambling back when the Sentry places his sights dead at his chest. "Here's what's going to happen," Jodas says evenly, "We're going to march in a nice tight formation back to the camp. Then we're going to bind your hands and feet, and you're probably going to confirm some answers that your friend is going to answer. Be warned. Your lives are on the line."

The men are mute, stunned to silence that Jodas had been so quiet. They turn back to the camp, marching shoulder to shoulder with their hands laced behind their heads. One of the soldiers has a hard time controlling his fear, and his hands shake violently.


>Taking stock of available inventory. Please stand by.
No. 85168 ID: 1831fc
File 125982216642.jpg - (92.27KB , 799x552 , Supply Crate Transport on Foot.jpg )

After having Vaaruis order two of the men forward to set up the supplies one of the soliders starts grouping the weapons and other materials into separate piles.

-8 12 shot Rotary Rifles
-22 3 shot Rifles - Bolted (Similar to the Etrian Design)
-Canister Launcher (A sentry named Firl identified it as a stolen Arcturian weapon).
-One single shot dueling pistol and matched saber (Owned by the officer of the group, most likely killed in the initial volleys)
-Thirty boxes of Rifle Ammunition, 40 round count per box
-Three boxes of Canister Ammunition, 80 round count per box
15 crates, likely carried by two men each.

-10 tents, room for 4 each
-100 yards of rope
-sleeping equipment (Blankets, sleeping mats)
-cooking equipment, along with food supply for thirty men to last ten days (Bread, canteens, long lasting fruits, nuts, and meal. There is also a kit for making jerky.)
-Medical supplies (Low grade medicines [commonly found throughout the continent], bandages, sewing needles and thread, braces for broken or shatter bones, bone saws for amputations, several bottles of straight alcohol [Gin. Moorsis prefer it's 'healing qualities' from what Brum has said.])
-A small set of papers, maps, and letters.

5 Prisoners of War (One wounded)

"So what'll we do with it all? I mean, I'll be taking one of the 12 shot Rotaries, but other than that..." Jodas looks back to Vaaruis, who's trying to look through the maps and find one he can place a landmark on. Brum is tending the wounded soldier, asking questions about troop locations with one of their maps placed beside the wounded man. Firl is checking to make sure the Canister is in good working order, checking the tripod and round magazine is clean of debris.

Vaaruis looks intently at one of the maps. "Well, what do you think we should go over first, Sapient?"

>Any number of things may be done here. A suggestion was to bury the supplies, mark the location for Dac and the others to pick them up and carry them back to my pod. There is a suggestion of killing the prisoners to free up manpower-

"That wouldn't look very good on our reputations," Vaaruis says softly, biting his thumb as he flips one of the pages over. "Think we can bring 'em back to the cave and in-doctor-inate them like you did with us?"

>A possibility. We may also ask how loyal they are to their country. We could attempt to rally them to our cause.

>I have said my piece on what to do. Is there anything else you wish to say, Philosphers, Generals, and orators of the EgoMatrix?

>Orator Lost Voice. Regarding your earlier message to Vaaruis and Dac. I will process that as soon as they have rejoined company. I think it would be important to have them close when I deliver it for maximum impact to the gravity of their situation.

The Soldiers you captured are very quiet. One or two of them are looking at Vaaruis as he goes over the leaflets of paper. One is biting his lip, and shifts oddly.
No. 85173 ID: d1210a

Vaaruis, Jodas, round on prisoners, guns in hand.

"Do you really want to make your families feel the pain of losing you? Settle down, NOW."

Vaaruis, new advised loadout:
Rotary gun
Dueling pistol

arm everyone you can with rotary rifles, have everyone distribute bolt-action rifles as secondary weapons amongst the soldiers, bury the rest, keep all the ammo.

Keep the Arcturian weapon, see if anyone knows how to use it.

If you captured everyone.....

Hm. Offer this.

If three of you pick the same person, I will take that person alone for questioning, and let the other three go home to their families, so long as they give us their word, their oath and bond as soldiers to return only to their families.

This will be a lie, you don't expect anything to happen. This is to keep them distracted, off-focus while you send two soldiers to bring them back.

Have Dac send out two of the soldiers with him to take their place.

Instead of waiting for the reinforcements, continue deeper into Moorsis. White Sapient can make sure the reinforcements keep heading towards Vaaruis' position while they get deeper.
No. 85188 ID: 7c73c4

Input: Search the men you've captured for secondary arms, knives, etcetera if you have not already. Make it clear you'll accept no funny business. Use the rope found to tie them together, like a chain gang, so that one cannot simply bolt.

Seperate and question the prisoners one by one, out of earshot of one another to verify the truth or falsehood of facts. Give the kid gin and splint up his leg once you're done dressing the wound...With any luck, he can then walk with a crutch or another person's aid.

Offer some gin to the other prisoners before you start questioning them. It might loosen some tongues.

If you deplore killing them for convenience's sake, this is an alternate course of action to simply releasing them with false information: You have a man with a shoulder wound. You can assign him, and preferably one other man, to watch over your prisoners. Sapient can then ask Dac to pick up the prisoners and bring them to your new base. They could help carry the stuff, but I still advice a chain-gang approach. At the base they could wait this business out, or be put to use as labourers.

They cannot be trusted not to reveal your presence to Moorsis if let go, however much you make them swear. They have families, kin and friends there, and such loyalties are hard-broken. One idea is to release them with false information.

Another is to convince them what you are doing is for the good of Moorsis. Focusing them on a greater threat, the Arcturians, is a possibility. If they cannot protect themselves from Etrians, what hope have they to defend from an attack of Arcturians? The two city-states must unite, one way or another.

Query: Providing advice on how to convince these men would be easier if we had more of an idea concerning the social and political situation in Etria and her neighbours. White Sapient, can you make inquiries with Dac or Vaaruis on this?

Input: Regardless, indoctrination will not be easy when you have just killed a number of their fellow soldiers and seems to be about to launch an attack on their home. Given adequate explanation and justification of your actions, perhaps it can be done. I suspect it depends on many factors, such as their social situation (and what you offer them), how many of their friends you have killed (and how much they desire revenge), how loyal to the city-state of Moorsis they are and exactly how you take over Moorsis when that time comes. If you want to recruit Moorsians, you would wish to complete your conquest with a minimum of bloodshed and rally them to your cause, rather than force them into servitude.
No. 85443 ID: 1831fc
File 125989699648.jpg - (45.13KB , 605x303 , Moorsis Noblemans Pistol.jpg )

Belated Notice
Jodas' Perk has been revealed!

??? is replaced with Marksmen!

Marksmen - A soldier is only as good as how many rounds he can effectively put into a target to kill it. Increases accuracy, and knowledge of how and where to shoot.

"Think you can use that thing, Fril?" Vaaruis' got the papers tucked under his arm as the younger man approaches the soldier on the ground. He's got one of the ammunition boxes next to him, checking each round as he carefully sets them into the 'drop canister'. "Looks simple enough," quips Fril, patting the turn crank on the side of the weapon and swinging the tri-barreled body towards the prisoners. "We can use this to watch 'em for the night if you want, or I can pack it up again and get going with 'em."

"You want to go back?"

Fril shrugs. "I think I can figure out how to use this thing pretty well. Not all that great in quick fightin', and you have to set it up first anyway. It'd make a nice little nasty surprise for anyone tryna sneak up to the cave though!"


>Dac. There is an inquiry as to how we might convince the men of Moorsis to aid us in our cause. We have five prisoners of war. One is injured, but cooperating. The other four we are evaluating. The EgoMatrix has suggested-

"Wait, wait hold on!" Dac drops the small tree and tells two of the men to step back and breath for a moment. "Let them in too. Might as well put our heads together."

>Agreed. The raid on a Moorsis encampment was a success. 1 Etrian soldier was wounded. 25 Moorsis men were killed. 5 Moorsis prisoners were taken. One was injured, but he has agreed to aid us in our endeavors. We are debating what to do with the others.

"How are they acting?" One of the soldiers beside Dac puffs out. "I've heard rumors about the Moorsis Nobleman. Some of the lesser cousins sometimes are sent out to die on the battlegrounds."

Dac turns to the men. "Did Nika tell you that, Carso?"

The man nods. "He said they're all cowards. You can tell if one's nearby if they've got a sword and dueling pistol. If you didn't kill him yet, he might be around. They usually mark the pistols with their initials."


Vaaruis turns over the pistol hand in hand, examining the craftsmanship as he turns over the message relayed from Carso. He nods to Jodas as the wounded man and Fril shoulder some of the standard Rifles. "Whaddya think?"

"It's one of the two in the middle. We'll have to seperate them though. Take the men, tie their hands, and we'll start dragging them off one by one. Then I'll talk to 'em all at once."

Jodas nods, and moves away from Vaaruis, sliding between two of the Etrians packing the supplies. The wounded man and Fril are sitting near Brum, coaxing the boy's pain tolerance down with one of the bottles of Gin. Two soldiers watch the prisoners, Moorsis rotary rifles lowered at their back, while two others are standing guard to the north and the West. Jodas motions to the prisoner on the end, coaxing him up by grabbing the collar of his uniform and pulling him offer behind into the copse of trees.

Vaaruis follows, placing his new pistol in it's holster next to the saber.
No. 85489 ID: 1831fc
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The man struggles feebly as Jodas shoves him back onto the ground. The man sprawls, but spins back, crawling back on his hands as he backs up against a tree. Fear crowds his eyes as Vaaruis approaches, hand idly resting on the Saber.

"Do you know who we are, soldier?"

The man remains silent for a moment, then shakily nods. Vaaruis inches closer, hand still on the pommel of the blade. "Can you even speak, or do they cut the tongues out when you join the army?" He pauses. "What's your name, soldier?" The man hesitates, then relaxes some, watching Jodas more than Vaaruis. "Jovn." His voice is quiet, and Vaaruis turns, hand slipping down to grip the handle of the saber. "Why are you out here, Jovn?"

Another hesitation. "Our sergeant said we were going to war with Arcturia! We needed to establish a forward base in order to funnel supplies towards a front line! This was to be the first check point!" He shifts his eyes from Jodas to the saber, and back. "Y... Are you going to kill us?"

Vaaruis stops. "That depends. Right now, your wounded soldier has told us that he is willing to cooperate with us fully. He is marking a map with the locations of the five camps."

The man blinks, looking confused. "But... we only sent four units out! There can't possibly be a fifth camp!"

Vaaruis turns to Jodas nodding towards the wounded man. "Go get the map." Jodas waits a moment, turns, and then hurries back towards the campsite. Vaaruis turns back to the man, hand gripped firmly on the weapon. "I will say something to you right now, Jovn. Etria has never had a good feeling about liars." Vaaruis takes a minute to measure the mans fearful, but proud chested reaction. He attempts to fight his fear by feigning bravery. Vaaruis smiles. "You don't look like a liar though. I think you'll tell the truth, eh?"

Jodas returns with the map in hand, and spreads it out near the man's leg. "He marked 'em with question marks. Confirm the ones you know to be your camps, and the one which one the boy said he saw." Jovn marks the maps starting first with their current position, then a diagnol line following Arcturias border. "We're going to ask the other men we left alive. Do you think they will say the right thing."

The prisoners eyes shoot back to his captured comrades. Vaaruis follows his gazes. The man with shaking hands is staring at them, beads of sweat pouring down his neck as he watches.

Vaaruis turns away from the man, signalling Jodas to backpedal to him. "Anything else we should ask, Sapient?"

The camp to the south is possibly not with the Moorsis. It is likely that they could pose a threat to the operation, or are something else. A course of action may be required.

There is little to no movement at the site of the other camps. I am not detecting anything moving towards us. I find this strange, seeing as there has just been a firefight. Perhaps the men are lying, and they have not yet manned the other posts?

The buzz of the Angel has finally drifted away. I have lost sight of where it disappeared.
No. 85559 ID: d1210a

Right, time to pack up and go.

First, have the man identify which place he thinks are camps, which not.

Start out towards place he said has a camp, verify his claim.

Choose place at random.

If he is wrong..... we will deal with that then.

Basically, show that you will check data you have reason to be credulous of. Makes them less likely to bother lying.

Especially after the potential reprisals you will heap on the soldier should he have lied....
No. 85661 ID: 7c73c4

Input: Finish the interrogation before moving on. The sentries will alert if anyone is approaching.

There is a possibility that the nobleman has been sent to a convenient death, as Dac's man suggested. In which case, the men believe what they tell is the truth, when it is not.

Identify the nobleman. If he's been sent to die, he won't be much use as a hostage, but he can tell us something about Moorsis' ruling faction.

Repeat Query: White Sapient, when possible, have Dac or Vaaruis update us on Etrius', Moorsis and Arcturian society. I understand that the Etrians and Moorsis are ruled by nobles, but what kind of nobles, and who supervises the accords between the city-states? Is there some kind of over-king? Are border wars common?

Earlier on, Dac mentioned things being 'set in stone', while Vaaruis wanted change. Change from what?
No. 85671 ID: 1831fc
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"Carso! Kalik! You're headin' to the front! The rest of you, let's try and make a lean-to in front of the opening, keep them guessin' where to go in."

The two men shoulder their rifles, and make for the for the first camp.


"Fril, Latv, Jidma, Horj and Mipt stay here and watch the men. Mipt, you shouldn't carry as much on that shoulder. Alright," Vaaruis strides back towards the group of Etrians and Moorsis prisoners, "Here's what's happening. I'm going to pick a destination on here at random. Myself, Jodas and all of you," he motions towards the remaining men, "will scout the site. Fril, you're in charge of the setup - Try to put it in the woods near that rock Jodas was on." Vaaruis strides up to Horj, patting his shoulder. "Tie them up in a line if you can. We don't want them running around."

"The injured boy?" Brum looks up as the young man hiccups. He appears to fairly inebriated. Vaaruis nods to Jidma. "Make a litter for him to rest on, and have one of them drag it. Keep asking him questions and don't let him sleep. He needs to stay awake until his wound closes." Vaaruis picks up three of the Rotary Rifles, and sets them off to the side. "Split these up between yourselves. Just make sure you watch the west and the East."

Jodas takes an oppurtunity to step to the side with Fril. "The one in the middle might be a noble of some kind. If he starts doing anything stupid, put a bullet in his head. I think Vaaruis knows who he is, but he's gonna let him sweat it out first." Fril nods, and shoulders his rifle.


It takes about twenty minutes for Vaaruis and his team to reach the closest camp site. Jodas takes point yet again, crouching behind every little bit of cover he possibly can find. It's very open ground.

The campsite itself seems to be abandoned. There appear to be only one or two supply boxes here, and two tents. A small fire burns in the distance, yellow flames licking up into the darkening sky.

"This doesn't look good. Arcturian raid, maybe? Although it is starting to get dark..." Vaaruis whispers to Jodas. Jodas looks back to the men, and motions them to check their rotary rifles. "Stay here. I'll find out. Ask Sapient if he can see anything."

Movement detected at lower camp. They are moving north and east towards the capital.

Carso and Kalik will arrive at the previous campsite in 40 minutes.

>I am concerned. Perhaps these troops have moved to a different camp upon hearing the skirmish? Sound advise would be to check the other two locations, then send a small force to investigate the movement to the south west. Any other input is encouraged.
No. 85707 ID: 1831fc
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>You will have to pardon me. I am not in direct control of the actions of Vaaruis or Dac, so I do not have a say in what is done, Orator. I am, however, relaying the messages, but they are only human. They are worried about the threat of discovery and the possibility of retreating from a greater force.

>As to answer your question regarding nobility, I can provide key elements of the region. Thomas was a great speaker in his time, and would recount how he envisioned a united world to work.

>Each province is to be ruled by a family of nobles, with several other families to provide a 'keeper of bloodlines'. These families trace their lineage back to great leaders, some even before Thomas.

"A load of horseshit if you ask me." Dac leans heavily on the shovel as he thinks for a moment. "Most of the bastards think themselves directly related to two people - Thomas, or Javoc. Javoc was Thomas' right hand man. Died defending him when he was betrayed by the Viridack scum known as Haspheta. Took six blows to kill him..." He pants, lifting the shovel once more and throwing it back into the earth.

>Each Province is known as a 'city-state'. Land is very important to a city-state, as it's means of production, agriculture, and living quarters. The need for land often spouts a small war.

Dac gives a harsh laugh, throwing the shovel down once more. "Anything can cause a war. A noblewoman's dress from Tuduroh is not properly fitted, a man recieved a nasty letter saying how his wife came and slept with half the population, hells, even a sneeze in the wrong direction can start a god damn slaughterfest." Dac grips the shovel, intent on chipping away the dirt into a steep climb. "God damn fucking noble bastards'll get it one day, I swear to all the Angels and Gods abov-"

>To my knowledge, there is no 'true' king over the region. Think of it as a continent of warlords. Border wars are a common occurrence. Technology has stagnated from lack of funding and interest in achieving better life.

Dac remains silent for a time, catching his breath as he shrugs. "Sounds about right." He leans back, looking up at the small mound of dirt. "The Viridacks claim to be the true heirs to the world. They're across the ocean though, and they've not really been heard from for a time. I hear Moorsis and a few other nations had tried to set up colonies over there, only to find Viridack guns blasting their ships. No one's been there since."

>Dac is referring to The Noble Gambit. From what I understand it i-

"'A fucking bunch of old men who're afraid to step beyond what they think a man is capable of.' Nika said that. He's only left the army because his arm was blown off. He still lives and breaths and fights everyday where he can. And they sit up in their god damn fortess-palaces drinking tea and being god damn retarded about how they order their fucking soldiers around and-"

Dac appears to be greatly agitated by the conversation. The shovel he wields breaks dirt and chips a stone or two as he carves out a steep hole into the earth.

"Gods Fucking Hellion Scum of the Planet-"
No. 85710 ID: d1210a

Dacs, you are under severe misconceptions if you perceive our objectives to be in the best interests of the nobility.

For a war to be sustained appropriately at the technology level you possess, an Industrial society is required, which no longer has nobility.

How would you feel, to stand in a world you helped build, where anyone can rise as high as their own talents will take them and no higher. This could be achieved, Dacs. How much would you like to see it?
No. 85833 ID: 48572a

Input: I understand, White Sapient. Furthermore, you have my own apologies. I have been under the misconception that the other camps were well out of hearing range of the fight. Unfortunately, I am unused to perceive world maps as quite this condensed.

I can hypothesize several reasons for the lack of soldiers at this camp.

1. They may have been pulled back to defend the city to deal with whatever is coming from the southwest.

2. They heard the shooting earlier and have moved camps to avoid ambush, or create their own ambushes.

3. They have attacked, or been attacked by Arcturians, and consequently been driven off or retreated. No bodies or sign of blood at the camp, though.

The flame in the distance might be indicative of where something took place. Or it could be a trap. Caution is adviced in either case.

If you move close to what you suspect is an enemy position, consider leaving the prisoners behind with a guard. There is a possibility they could attempt to call out.

Query: White Sapient, how extensive is your abilities to detect movement? Could you see if anything unusual is happening around Moorsis city?

Input to Dac: We have knowledge of many various forms of governing which could potentially be implemented, with each having their own strengths and weaknesses. Many can be said to be superior compared to rule by aristocracy, but few can be considered "perfect" and some, while attractive, might be difficult or unwise to implement in your situation.

Query: Who is this Nika?
No. 87304 ID: 1831fc
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>I have come the realization that several of the Eldgene EgoMatrix connections are offline. This has been troubling me to no end. I aim to rectify this by reestablishing these connections. In the meantime, I will provide you with the emergency back-up data that was given to me in case of such an emergency. This is not as detailed, but I am sure you will be able to piece together what is necessary.

>First and foremost, your function: Everyone of you is an embodiment of an Eldgene scholar or soldier or otherwise placed within a cybernetic containment matrix. Each embodiment is a literal collection of their memories, carefully reconstructed and preserved within this matrix. A portion of the Ego, ergo the name 'EgoMatrix'.

>I was sent here with a task. 'Unite this world'. I was given a series of restrictions, however. I was not to allow immediate access to higher levels of technology. This means that I could not, for example, allow Thomas to have the equivalent of Vaaruis' Rifle. Instead, I could give him the next logical weapon of warfare - From the bow, to the crossbow. From the sword, to the halberd. The reason this was implemented was to show that progression, whether external or internal, would help to unify a collection of nations.

>I feel the need to remind you that this entire world - the world of Argannis, that is - is a luxurious experiment, set up by the Eldgene in order to test key theories they had about their own far flung origins. As to what the Eldgene are currently are doing, or their location, I cannot say. I was left with a data entry that they would be leaving my world twenty solar turns after my introduction into this world. That was well over eight millenia ago. Contact with the First Messiah was over six millenia ago. Thomas was 1.5 millenia ago.

>There is also a fear as to the matter of control of Vaaruis, Dac, and the others. I am afraid to say that the number of nanites that I have expended are not capable of penetrating too far into the mind without shorting out. I am taxing them as they are to enable communication at distance, and I am afraid I will not be able to initiate more invasive methods. Such procedures require lengthy sessions of cooperation, indoctrination, medical and even genetic therapy sessions. I know, however, that once we reach the world of Azelhaedra - the world above this one - that we will have access to more advanced technologies, including such devices.

>This previous statement might actually be false. I have had unconfirmed loss of certain orbital facilities containing such information and technology, but I cannot tell if they had simply degraded orbit and burned up upon entry, landed in an irretrievable position on the world map, or if braved the odds and ended up more or less intact on one of the continents. As to what may be contained within these stations is a mystery to me. I am aware of three unconfirmed stations that I can detect visually. Placing on screen now.

>I was not given a proper estimate of these satellites. I do know that there are currently 81 Planetary Observation Satellites in orbit at this time. I also have approximately 20 Planetary Observational Posts on Azelhaedra that are operational. I also have access to the MARC - an Eldgene interplanetary weapon. This weapon was issued to me in the event that the unification should take a turn for the worse - A 'scorched earth' policy in the event that the experiment should go awry.

>I have been forced only once thus far to do this. Thomas' betrayal did not fit the parameters that the first seemed so intent to exceed.

>That is all I may think of now. Please elaborate if you have any further questions about the matter.

>Reestablishing link to Messiah...
No. 87479 ID: d1210a

Queries: Designation of largest inhabitable planetoid in system, and distance from current planet.

Further, for Dacs, hypothetical scenario presents itself: To prevent Vaaruis from falling easily, possibly augment trusted lieutenant into a combat cyborg, with civilian guise specifications. It would allow Vaaruis to stay relatively safe, while allowing us to potentially further restrict technological access while still achieving success. Less tech exposure from our part may lead to a more stable unification.
No. 89180 ID: 6e8961
File 126038825083.jpg - (182.04KB , 646x432 , Triple Nano Stream.jpg )

>I have come to the conclusion that there are three immediate actions that need to be dealt with. We can certain observe all three, but they will have to be placed within an order of events. You may offer suggestions for each event, and you may choose how to proceed.

>Speak to Dac more about Governments.

>Observe and aid Vaars investigate the men.

>Commune with Firl and question Reytah/Interrogate Noble.


>Forgive me for not revealing the Nanostream cache earlier to Dac. This will be rectified once Dac and Vaaruis are reunited.

>Allow me to explain. The Orator's words sound very similar to how Thomas and Javoc were swayed into unity. These words will hopefully instill a sense of urgency and belief that will enable them to work better together.

>The other reason is the Nanostream cache itself. I am willing to explain the ramifications of what may happen, but only if you require them. Otherwise, I will not sully our time any longer.
No. 89614 ID: d1210a

While Vaaruis moves deeper into Moorsis territory, to locate the potential Moorsis camps, Dac will have relatively simple work at the position of White Sapient. But during this simple work, the nanocache could be produced, and Dac modified.

Attention is recommended to be directed at Dac, in the attempt to get him to agree to augmentation, and upon that concluding (with his acceptance or rejection), switch to Vaaruis.

A though for Vaaruis: The next camp you check should be the one closest to the Moorsis capital. You are here for a reason, after all.
No. 89644 ID: 1831fc
File 126046983787.jpg - (73.49KB , 300x251 , Nanostream Vials and Applicator.jpg )

>Very well. We shall inform Dac of the cache early. Vaaruis will be introduced later.

Dac busily sets the last of a few small sharpened sticks into the small pit he'd managed to dig out. Just as he gets up to wipe the grim from his cheek, he nods to the other man.

(Dac)"Check the left one. We might have to worry about over there if we don't find some mortars or something."

>Dac. I need to see you in the pod. It has been decided by the EgoMatrix that the time to wait to give you this is over. There is a matter concerning your betterment.

Dac pauses, leaning heavily on his shovel.

(Dac)"Give me what exactly?"

>Enter the pod, and I will show you. This will only take a minute.

A weary, haggard shrug passes his form as he pulls the shovel from the ground. Walking around the small trench they'd been digging for the last hour or so. Entering the pod, the older man now finds himself with a new development. A small panel in the wall has opened, revealing a small device bearing a striking similarity to a small pistol, along with fifteen glass vials. 25 of the vials are missing, or have shattered.

>I have been authorized to access this hatch under direct orders by the EgoMatrix. This is a concentrated concoction of nanites, very similar to those used to coat the blade of my avatar. If you would pick one up and take it to the blood testing equipment, I can create a strain specifically suited to match your genetic tags.

The older man blinks, picking up on of the small vials and rolling it in the palm of his hand.

(Dac)"What'll they do, exactly?"

>This will allow you to surpass the normal human limits. They will strengthen joints, toughen bone, enhance your strength and reaction times. The other benefit is that is the first step into the introduction sequence. There are a few drawbacks, however.

He looks up, holding the vial tightly in his hands.

(Dac)"Like what?"

>The Eldgene nanite may not take in your body. As of right now, you are at 63.4% chance of success. This is fairly high in your species, not to mention-

(Dac)"What happens if it fails?"

The older man looks down at the vial again, almost as if he's ready to throw it to the ground.

>Heart Failure, Lung Failure, Seizures, Possible Hemorraging in the Brain, the Heart, the Arteries, th-

The older man places the tube back into the tray, and starts to turn away.

(Dac)"Think I'll take my chances being normal, thanks."

>You'd let the same mistake Javoc made happen again?

He stops.

>Javoc relied completely on his own strength. He was a powerful man in his own right, and fiercely devoted to Thomas. But he refused the treatment. He could not save Thomas. Do you wish for this to happen? You speak of bettering your world through gaining a better government. Will you allow yourself to expire over a matter of simple risk?

He offers no response.

>Your chances are good, Dac. I will monitor you during the process of acceptance.
No. 89651 ID: d1210a

Perhaps Dac does not need to decide now.

Is there any means to acclimatize him to the potential process, to artificially raise his likelihood of success? That, in conjunction with how events transpired with Thomas, should help convince him.
No. 89652 ID: 1831fc
File 126047101133.jpg - (46.17KB , 600x272 , Leftover Trenches - Picture of Young Vaaruis.jpg )

(Vaaruis)"I can't make out how many there are by the fire. Can you tell, Jodas?"

The older man is silent for a minute, two Etrians ducking behind him as he peers into the waning darkness. He has his rotary rifle cradled in crook of his arm.

(Jodas)"...too far. We'd need to get closer."

>Vaaruis, the Egomatrix suggests moving closer to the capital.

(Vaaruis)"With six men!?"

>The purpose is to invade Moorsis and capture with minimal causality and animosity if possible. Consider this a chance to gain a forward post to observe them for the night.

Vaaruis takes a look at the fire, then to the west, measuring his options. He fidgets a moment more before turning to Jodas.

(Vaaruis)"Think you can get close enough to let me know if they're Moorsis? I keep getting this feeling... it's wierd. Not exactly that I know, but that I want to know."

Jodas nods, and silently rises. Vaaruis reaches out and tugs his leg.

(Vaaruis)"Just observe. We're going to try and find the camp closer to the capital."

Another curt nod from Jodas is all it takes for the remaining Etrians to rise, and start a quick run towards the other camp.

>I am sorry for the scattered responses. I have been noticing trouble in my processes, and have been slowly correcting them. I may have missed any questions you had directed to me or Vaaruis, Dac, or the others prior to this.

>For now, I will do my best to compensate for the lack of coherence. Is there anything that is pressingly important? Our forces are currently split into 4 groups.

>Dac and one Etrian: WS Pod
>Vaaruis and four Etrians: Moving towards Moorsis Camp near Capital
>Firl and seven Etrians: First Moorsis Camp
>Jodas: Investigating the fire.

The gin seems to have taken it's toll on the injured Moorsis, Reytah. He appears to want to talk about something important, and is demanding someone listen to him about it.
No. 89830 ID: 66e906

What do you know about the layout of the capital?
No. 89842 ID: 1831fc
File 126048880355.jpg - (291.05KB , 1600x1200 , Moorsis Capital - Non Coastal Side.jpg )


>Specify recipient. Otherwise, I will give you what I know of it.

>The city itself is located on a large patch of ground. If Vaaruis were to continue north of the first camp and traveled for two days, he would reach it. The city itself is located on the coast. It is walled and the fields 300 yards are dotted with trenches, just as most of the capitals on this continent are. I can detect guard patrols, but they are slacking as the light dips lower on the horizon. A night strike might prove effective.

>On screen is an interpretation of just what they may come across should they attempt to go in through the non-coastal side.
No. 90111 ID: 6164e0

So, the Moorsis posess dirigible technologies?

I assume they have not yet progressed to Helium.

If such is the case, then Vaaruis could set up a... backup plan.

Essentially, a lone soldier could be put in command of a dirigible (steal it, claim it, buy it, whatever is necessary), and ordered to stay in public airspaces, but be ready to divebomb the Moorsis capital building(s), potentially killing many of the ruling class.

A pretty potent threat to hold over their heads, should Vaaruis end up in a precarius situation before then.
No. 90117 ID: 6164e0

Firl should be given attention. Information gleaned from a prisoner, especially one potentially affiliated with nobility, could be quite useful.
No. 91919 ID: 1831fc
File 126084098073.jpg - (2.16MB , 1704x2272 , Arcturian Pattern Canister Gun.jpg )

>There is such potential. It would only manage to raise it by mere fractions...

>But Dac does not need to know that. If the EgoMatrix wills him to fill a role in defending the Messiah, then the experiment will go through. I will take every necessary precaution to ensure that he survives the process.


(Firl)"Would you shut up?"

The men are around a small fire. Firl has kept it low in case any other patrols might get the idea that the world is changing, and that the Noble Gambit no longer holds them. The drunk soldier yell is yelling incoherently.

(Reytah)"I'll shuddup all Iee want latuuur-*Hic*! I wanna say somfin impordand 'bou' 'er..."

Firl sighs. He's given the man a bottle to ease his pain, but this is on the verge of dependency. He looks to the other men, nodding to one of them to take hold of the Canister gun, keeping it's triple barrels leveled at the remaining prisoners. Primarily at the Nobleman, who hasn't moved or spoken since capture. Firl moves over to the drunken man, and kneels to his level.

(Firl)"What's all the noise about, eh? We can hear ya fine from halfway 'cross the camp."

He pats the man's shoulder, carefully removing the bottle from his reach as he keeps his eyes on him.

(Firl)"You worried about you're girl, aren't ya? Look, we're not gonn-"

(Reytah)"'Lof'er. Lof'er and canna haf 'er. Th' bassart ofe' thar thin's t*hic*at Iee canna d'it."

The man gestures towards the group of men, haphazardly throwing his hand in a wide arc as he falls back onto the stack of boxes behind him. He broods silently for a moment or two before seeming to regain his senses, and reaches out to grab Firl's jacket.

(Reytah)"Iee lof 'er*urp*. ...'mna solger.'ma 'geneer. Buildy buildy buildy..."

Firl looks a little concerned, and then stands, patting the man on his head. He turns back to the group of prisoners, and nods to two others. The noble within the group stiffens, and locks his jaw in a grim frown. Firl watches as two of his soldiers grip the man by his shoulders, and haul him off a few steps into the darkness. Firl leans over to the drunken Reytah.

(Firl)"...Alright, boy, we'll look into seeing if we can't help out your girl, alright? You just rest up. I'm going to talk to the bastard, alright?"

Reytah's response is a small hiccup, and a nod. He then heavily leans back on the small crate behind him. Firl stands once more, and starts to move over towards the Noble.

(Firl)"I got your previous questions, Sapient. I figure he'll probably bitch about something in the Noble Gambit that prevents his torture, but I'm tired as hell and would sooner kill this man than let him live. Somethin' tells me the rest of the prisoners wouldn't mind him gone either. If your Ego thing's got any other questions, I'd like to know. Better yet, you can tell me which is most important. If we're lucky, maybe I won't have to cave his skull in with a rifle butt."

>If there are any other questions you can think of regarding the noble, please ask them now. I will attempt to commune earlier questions to Firl, but perhaps we may have missed something.
No. 91970 ID: 6164e0

Simple way to avoid that, cause pain in non life threatening manners should he resist.

Break a toe. Then another. Then two.

If toes don't work, try fingers. Start with pinky, work inward towards thumb.

In terms of questions: Hm. How about military callsigns of the Moorsis? We could dress a few men up in their uniforms, and knowing their codes could be very useful to out operations.

As to Dac, let him choose on his own. Granted, if he ever asks you about it or brings it up, of course sway the argument, we do wish him to do this.

But he has to do it willingly, so he does not regret it, so that he can fully accept and utilize what would be given to him.
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