Sun Basket
"Why would there be hard feelings?" 38-4 asks. His voice is all synthesized digitally; his mouth doesn't move when he speaks.
"about the whole... well, how are you feeling?"
"Do you feel uncomfortable because you killed me?"
"a little."
38-4 shakes his head. "73-6. If it hadn't been you, it would have been a million other things. And every one of those things, including you, led to the same thing, which is the thing all things must lead to. And then they change. You see? We're proof of it. Nothing ever lasts, but nothing is ever lost, because nothing can ever be lost. Consciousness is the universe trying to understand itself in billions of different ways, until it decides to become something else. There was a piece of the world that decided to call itself 38-3 for a while. And when it died it might have turned itself into ashes, or dirt, or food, and there would be eggs laid in it to hatch more little consciousnesses. Like data points in an ineffable program. With a meaning they don't know, and don't need to. But instead now there is a piece that thinks of itself as 38-4."
He puts a hand on 73-6's shoulder. "And it needs a weapon if it's going to help."
>What kind of gun is 38-4 going to have?