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File 147909174103.png - (18.05KB , 450x320 , Stockton.png )
758334 No. 758334 ID: 3913b2

Welcome aboard, agent. Your name is Stockton and you've been assigned the duty of protecting our glorious president-elect until January 20.

The nation's a mess right now. The big businesses and the corporate liberal media have been severely shaken, and they're out for blood. Liberals across the nation riot in the streets and attack supporters of our beloved leader. You can expect to have to clash with every manner of liberal delinquent and corrupt shill as you work to carry out your mission. Don't worry though, there's a number of fellow agents whose assistance you can call upon, and when all else fails you still have your trusty stock pistol and martial arts background to fall back on.

Good luck, guy. Keep him safe, and help make America great again!!
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No. 758521 ID: 84482b

Red flag. Cuff her to her own cart and quickly roll it away before Ivanka opens the door and exposes herself to danger.
No. 758544 ID: 18bc00
File 147914890585.png - (377.43KB , 800x800 , (((JEANNE))) UNCOVERED.png )

You wipe at your brow with one sleeve while keeping a bead on the suspect. Given the wrong context this situation might seem a bit lewd.....

WAIT A SECOND, THOUGH! Did she just say--?!

You tear away her sexy maid uniform to reveal the truth!!!

>>"You.... You're a SHILL-SASSIN!!"

>"Oy vey, I've been found out!"

You hear movement past the door! You can't let a panic start this early in the day, you've got to act fast! You quickly pull out a pair of stock cuffs and chain the seedy-looking bitch to her cart. A stock gag stops her corrupt tongue, for good measure!
No. 758546 ID: 18bc00
File 147914911243.png - (18.66KB , 310x310 , Ivanka.png )

You give the cart a shove and send the shill-sassin tumbling down the hallway just as the door begins to open! Ivanka Trump, gorgeous daughter of the fearsome president-elect, peeks out at you!

>"Hey.... You're the new agent they gave my father, aren't you? Is something wrong, I heard some noises out here..."

>You begin to sweat profusely...!!
No. 758564 ID: db0da2

Hide the pistol behind your back. "Everything is doing just fiiiiine."
No. 758568 ID: 595d54

Grab her right by the pussy.
No. 758569 ID: 9f3729

Play up heroics.
"There was an intrusion attempt, the situation was... handled."
Flex for emphasis.
No. 758570 ID: 51da63

"Everything is either doing great or being made great again, just like our country."
Then repeatedly combat roll down the hallway and out of sight.
No. 758588 ID: 9876c4

There's been a security breach, and we need to check her perimeter for explosions.

We mean explosives.
No. 758649 ID: ee4f52
File 147918307617.png - (891.83KB , 1024x768 , Stockton sweats.png )

You slip your stock pistol behind your back and wipe your face furiously with your stock towel. You quickly suppress fantasies of grabbing her by the pussy, this is one of your charges and a member of the insurmountable president-elect's family...

>>"Everything's fine miss, just uh, just making my rounds," you say as you struggle to dry yourself. "There was an intrusion attempt, but the situation's been, uh...handled."

You flex a bicep for emphasis. Ivanka looks calmed by the display of secret agent manliness.

>"Oh, I see.... If everything's alright I'll head back to bed now. Thank you, agent."

>>"Th-thank you, ma'am! Everything is either doing great or being made great again, just like our country!!"

>She looks a bit confused. "What?"

You combat roll away for emphasis. You're sure Ivanka was stunned.
No. 758651 ID: ee4f52
File 147918327910.png - (48.93KB , 507x338 , Jeanne detained.png )

>Your intense tactical rolling leads you back down the hall until you come across the trapped shill-sassin. It looks like she banged her head during the tumble, and she's unconscious at the moment. You consider what should be done about her, you can't just leave this mess in the middle of the hallway....
No. 758655 ID: 9876c4

Stuff her down the incinerator chute.

"Nothing personnel... kid."
No. 758754 ID: c2a237
File 147924084825.png - (80.46KB , 1300x1063 , Jeanne's loot.png )

You act quickly. After unchaining her and retrieving your stock cuffs and gag, you grab the incapacitated kike and drag her to the incinerator. It's a bit of a struggle, but you eventually manage to jam her in.

With a coldness only known to agents of your stature you move to close the door and neutralize the threat for good.... But not before one last witty remark.

>>"Heh.... nothing personnel, kid!"

Phew, crisis averted. You go back to rummage through the shill-sassin's stuff.

>There's not much of use in her sexy costume, but you find something alarming in the very bottom of her cart! A walkie-talkie?! What does this mean?
No. 758765 ID: 9876c4

can't believe that worked

This indicates a vast left-wing conspiracy to engage in talkies, possibly while walking!
No. 758772 ID: db0da2

Turn it on and say "The goyim know."
No. 758779 ID: 595d54

No. 758786 ID: aa94bd

She wasn't alone! Search everywhere for walkie-talkies and arrest anyone found with one.
No. 758794 ID: 9876c4

Check to see if it's tuned to the agency frequency, or another one.

Was she tapping your comms, or talking to her handlers?
No. 758809 ID: bf2b0d
File 147924884233.png - (40.11KB , 800x532 , Stockton makes contact.png )

This is very suspicious, but you have to be sure....

You turn the talkie on.

>"*kshhhh*Oy vey, she's taking so long.... Come in shiksa, how goes the mission?

Jesus H Christ, you were right.

This is serious. The shill-sassin wasn't alone. If she made it to the top floor, who knows how severely compromised the entire tower has become?

>"Did you get to the enemy's daughter? Will she fight for us??"

You can't let yourself panic. You're not going to let your first real day of work on this mission fall apart, no matter what. And you decide to let (((them))) know it.

>>You slowly raise the talkie to your mouth and click the transmitter. "The goyim know," you whisper.

>"What--!! Oy gevalt, you--"

You shut it off and lean against the wall. (((They))) know that you're on your toes, now. That may not have been the smartest move, but it's too late to go back now.

>You check your watch.... Only 0626. The venerable president-elect and his family are still safe for now. You're unsure what other threats may be hiding on this floor. You should probably alert your guys about what's happened at some point, as well.
No. 758852 ID: db0da2

>You should probably alert your guys about what's happened at some point, as well.
No time like the present. You should probably tighten up security considering there was just an assassination attempt.
No. 758856 ID: 9876c4

Call it in, you were Johnny-onthespot this morning.
No. 758883 ID: d74ca6
File 147925993044.png - (18.75KB , 852x480 , Stockton with fone.png )

Patrolling the floor for more contacts can wait for a moment, you're in over your head. You've gotta call this in.

You pull out your stock cell phone and dial up one of your most trustworthy guys, the agent in charge of the security team, Baker.

>He picks up quickly. "Stockton, talk to me."

>>"Baker, we got a problem--"

>"Shill-sassins? I've noticed. Just dropped one on the second floor, myself."

>>"What do we do, boss?!"

>"We do our damn jobs kid, don't panic. (((They))) are numerous but (((they))) go down easy enough. We're gonna keep our charges safe through the whole day, preferably without them having to find out anything's going wrong.

>"We're stretched pretty thin covering the lower floors, but I'm thinking about sending one of our guys up there to help you out. You good with that, or do you think you can manage on your own?"
No. 758886 ID: 9876c4

As Ivanka falls, so falls America.

Yes to help.
We're not angling for a promotion, we're saving a country.
No. 758889 ID: db0da2

Yeah, the buddy system is good. Be sure to verify who they're sending though, don't want (((them))) to sneak into our operation.
No. 758972 ID: 595d54

Set up a passphrase or sign.
No. 759044 ID: d74ca6
File 147930889365.png - (115.61KB , 957x1300 , Stockton in the hall.png )

>>You're not trying to be a hero with the exalted president-elect and his family's lives in your hands. "Yeah, a partner would be great."

>"Alright, I'm gonna send Jane your way. Expect her by 0700."

>>"Should we use some sort of passcode? Don't want (((them))) slipping into our operation...."

>"Heh, you're starting to sound like me, kid. When you see her, ask her what her favorite chips are. If it's Doritos, she's the real deal. If not...."

>>"I'll handle it."

>"Alright, I'm getting another call. If I were you I'd go check in on the kids' rooms, make sure everything's kosher in there."

>The call ends. You put your stock cell phone away and think about who to check on first. You're thinking Ivanka first, but you're a little biased....
No. 759052 ID: 5f2b81

Holy shit, did he just say "kosher?" Is he one of (((them)))?
No. 759053 ID: 665ed8

Well he is a shill-sassin, guess we have to go kill him
No. 759054 ID: 595d54

Call him again. "Are you a centipede?"
No. 759055 ID: 9876c4

No, it's cool. It's just local lingo, like 'schlonged'.
Can't begrudge the old man a little irony.
No. 759124 ID: 1a83b6
File 147933878579.png - (69.49KB , 940x545 , Lil Barron.png )

You hesitate. ""Kosher??"" He couldn't be....

No, now you're getting too paranoid. Baker's your guy, the grand president-elect's guy, everybody's guy. There may be a few shills littered throughout the members of this operation, but he is not one of them.

You've gotta focus on your assignment. The kids he said, you'd better go and--!

Movement near the entrance to the stairwell catches your eye. What's this? You notice a little boy peeking out at you.

>>"H-hey! Who's there?"


>The door snaps shut and you hear footsteps start going down the stairs! Was that--?!!
No. 759128 ID: 595d54

Hurry and catch Barron before he can fall into shill-sassin hands.
No. 759132 ID: 9876c4

Stockton is great with kids. He's kinda like a kid himself. Sometimes he calls people kid in normal conversation.

Save that tow-haired scamp, whydontcha.
No. 759233 ID: d0607a
File 147936030181.png - (410.17KB , 1500x1383 , BARRON PACKING.png )

Fuck that was Barron!! You can't let him leave this floor unguarded! You bolt through the door and into the stairwell--

And right in front of the barrel of a stock SMG!!

>>You stop in your tracks! "Holy--!!! Put that thing down lil guy, it's dangerous--"

>"Haven't seen you before."

You try inching closer but Barron cocks the weapon and shakes his head.

>>"Uhhhhh, I'm the new agent? My name's Stockton."

>"You another kike?"
No. 759236 ID: 595d54

"Fuck no, I'm a centipede. MAGA. I think Baker might be, though, he said 'kosher' earlier."
No. 759237 ID: 9876c4

Pull out your uncircumcised tube steak

Tell him that your wages are adequate, and you can't wait to have a bacon cheeseburger for lunch.
No. 759320 ID: 1a83b6
File 147940318615.png - (222.76KB , 326x458 , Barron smirk.png )

>>"Fuck no," you say! "I'm a nimble navigator, high energy and highly venomous!"

>The kid smirks a little and lowers the gun. "A centipede.... Thank kek. Thought you guys were all shills too...."

>>You're reminded of Baker again, but you dismiss the thought. "What're you doing out of your room this early, with that?"

>The grin vanishes behind the iconic blank Barron stare. "Running.... If they knew what I know they would be too...."
No. 759417 ID: 9876c4
File 147942455858.png - (300.17KB , 300x443 , magamanga.png )

It's just like one of my japanese animes!

We should hear him out.
No. 759776 ID: 1e8103
File 147949042386.png - (31.50KB , 330x400 , Barron Explains.png )

>>"What're you talking about?"

>"The tower's fucked. There's a bomb...."


>"My sources say it's in the basement. Nuclear. I've gotta get out of here...."

>>There's no way this is happening! "But what about the rest of the Trumps? And the esteemed president-elect himself?!"

>"It's hopeless. I've worked so long to keep them alive, but this may be checkmate...."

>>"We can't just give up, who'll make America great again if they all die?!"

>"I don't know! And after I put so much time in on this campaign....

>"You're the bodyguard, right? Maybe you can think of a plan...."

>This situation is macabre, it sounds like something out of one of your japanese animes! How can you turn this around?!
No. 759786 ID: 233e5f

You can at least save the president, his personal hang glider will carry him to safety. Call up 'ol GWB, he knows all about destroying towers. Worse comes to worst you can fight your way down to the bomb and deactivate it personally.
No. 759789 ID: 9876c4

obviously we need to get the bomb out of the tower, and into (((their))) hands. Maybe we could dress it up like something valuable.
No. 759796 ID: 2169b1

Glue some shekels to it!
No. 759801 ID: 9876c4

Huh, actually, if we can spray paint it gold and paint some titties on it. a bunch of bangers will probably loot the damn thing.
No. 760363 ID: 6c9de1
File 147965539795.png - (54.40KB , 600x400 , Bush answers.png )

>>"We have to get the bomb out of the tower, somehow," you declare.

>"How? It's so far, shills everywhere.... And you have to guard my dad, too."

>>"I don't know yet, but I know who would."

You pull out your stock cell phone and dial the politician most experienced on the subject tower destruction.

>"Speak on it."

>>"Bush. It's me, Stockton."

>"Stockton? Been a while boy, what's the occasion?"
No. 760393 ID: 9876c4

Go right for the gut punch. There's rumors GWB's gone soft, painting awful pictures of dogs.
No. 760508 ID: 6c9de1
File 147974992434.png - (58.40KB , 620x430 , george triggered.png )

>>"Nothing much, I was just calling about some...rumors that I heard."


>>"They uh, they say you've gone soft, Bush. Painting a bunch of bad pictures of dogs, or something? When did that happen??"

>Oh, that got him going. "Now you wait one goddamn minute, first of all my paintings are of great quality and secondly like hell am I soft! I could orchestrate the dropping of three diifferent towers around the world at the blink of an eye if I wanted to, boy!

>"It is 6:40 in the fucking morning, I should be at my easel right now. You'd best not tell me you only called me to shit on the craftsmanship of my paintings, that's not like you, Stockton. The hell do really you want?"
No. 760515 ID: 9f3729

"There's a bomb in trump tower, I need your expertise to find and remove it from the premises. If you do, I'll take back my slander against your artwork."
No. 760558 ID: 9876c4

If you were going to knock down a tower in NYC, what WOULDN'T you do?
No. 761232 ID: 6c9de1
File 148004352728.jpg - (386.02KB , 1024x683 , George ponders.jpg )

>>"Look.... If you were gonna knock down a tower in NYC, what would you *not* do?"

>"Stockton you're no politician, you're really shit at beating around the bush. Pun intended. What do you want?!"

>>Looks like you have to get right to the point. "Look, there's a bomb in Trump Tower, and I need your knowledge to help find it and get it out of here before it blows. Do that and I'll take back the shit I said about your paintings, alright?"

>"So that's what this is about? (((They're))) making their move today, huh....

>".....Fine. But you'd better apologize, my paintings are fuckin' quality."

>>"Thank you so much, Bush!"

>"What type of assets are we working with? And I'm only talking bona-fide centipedes, here."

>>"Uh, there's me, and the president-elect's son Barron. My boss is sending another agent up to help out, too."

>"Hmmmm, so two operatives and a child, huh.... Well not just any child, Barron Trump, which should count for something.... And how big's that tower again, like 50-something floors? Doesn't look good. The only line of action I'm thinking is have those two watch Trump while you go down to find it yourself."

>>It's not as in-depth of a strategy as you'd hoped to hear but it's something, at least. "After she gets up here I'll see about making that happen. Thanks, Bush."

>"Yeah, sure. Oh, and Stockton?"


>"When you're splitting up, make sure that Barron knows to keep on his toes with this other agent. I wouldn't trust anybody your """boss""" sends farther than I could throw them, personally."

>>You glance at Barron and nod. "I'll make sure to tell him. Thanks again, I'll call you back when there's progress."
No. 761233 ID: 6c9de1
File 148004399988.jpg - (155.53KB , 1024x610 , Stockton trips.jpg )

>"What'd he say?"

>>"He wanted me to warn you about the other agent, make sure you--!!!"

A huge explosion rocks the building!!! You and Barron are knocked off your feet by the tremors!

>>"Holy fuck!!! That was from the lower floors, was that--?!!"

>"Couldn't be, if that was (((it))) we'd be vaporized...!"

>>"Oh, right. Then what--shit!!"

>A smaller tremor shakes the tower as your stock cell phone starts blowing up!! There are calls from Bush, Baker and Jane all coming through!
No. 762287 ID: 9876c4

Answer Jane.
"Jane you ignorant slut."
Hang up, answer Bush.
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