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737891 No. 737891 ID: d1227c

I wonder what this stone is for.

478 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 879953 ID: 2124f4

suddenly realize you're missing your hair tuft
No. 879967 ID: 121391

Stay quiet and listen to that tent, can you hear her snoring or making any noise?

Wait a second, is she even in the tent? She didn't left, did she? If you have a lantern light the tent ant try to see her silhouette. If you can't be sure she is there then first put your hand inside and see if there's a reaction. If not, take a peek.
No. 880018 ID: d2132f
File 152443288762.png - (47.87KB , 1000x1000 , SamQuest_135.png )

My hair is still here?

Now that you mention, I don't hear anything. I call out for her only to receive no response.

Peeking won't hurt, right?
No. 880019 ID: d2132f
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Oh this ain't good.
No. 880021 ID: ae133a

Whelp, back to Kar
No. 880022 ID: ae133a

Also keep in mind the medipack is still here. If she went out to save the girl by herself, she most likely would of brought that with her.
No. 880048 ID: d2132f
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The papers contain nothing but medical notes, I don't know what any of these mean. Nothing looks like it could be useful anyway.
No. 880049 ID: d2132f
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Alright, maybe bothering Kar again now is a good idea.

Sam:"Kar! Lizzie is missing!"


Sam:"She's not in her tent!"

Without a word Kar gets up and runs into the woods more or less in the direction of Lizzie's tent.


Sam:"Kar what about Tos and I? What do we..."

He's gone...
No. 880051 ID: ae9b99

He is strong. He can fend for himself. Best for you to go back to Tos.
No. 880081 ID: 121391

Better off staying in camp. He can fend himself and it looks like he knows where he's going. Pester Tos because you're still too anxious. Check if he's coping well, maybe ask for a bit more info about this conflict if these questions don't upset him.

I don't think telling Kar was a good idea. Because her stuff was there, she was planning to go back soon, maybe before he even noticed her absence. Now, whether he finds her or not, he will feel his fears vindicated and will be even more intransigent than before. Also more quarreling with her at earliest opportunity.
No. 880085 ID: d626da

If you plan to stay in the camp I suggest you find a weapon just in case, would Toa have any idea of where one might be in the camp?
No. 880572 ID: d2132f
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Yeah, Kar will probably be fine out there.

Weapon is a good idea. I rush over to Tos.

Sam:"Tos! Is there anything here that's... weapony?"
No. 880573 ID: d2132f
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Tos:"Well... I left a cleaver by the fire..?"

Tos:"Is something... wrong? Where's Kar?"
No. 880577 ID: d2132f
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Sam:"I uh..."

Crap, I don't wanna worry him.
No. 880581 ID: 10c408

Turn around man, the cleaver was just taken.
No. 880582 ID: 91ee5f

Turn around! The cleaver is gone! Someone else took it!
No. 880594 ID: caf1de

tell tos to run while he still can save himself
No. 880754 ID: d2132f
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No. 880755 ID: d2132f
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Telling Tos to run is an awful idea! What if he gets lost and something happens to him?

The camp is completely silent. The bad kind of silence. Something isn't right at all.

No. 880772 ID: 3804c3

Don't worry Sam it's just a little bit of grisly death, we'll be right here for you to absorb you soul do that you can still go on adventures with us, and shit and if we can't actually do that then it was nice knowing you Sam.

OK seriously now don't panic there's a good chance nothing sinister is actually happening and that we're just making you paranoid.
Calmly assess the situation. check around camp for anything suspicious. Also check that the clever didn't just fall to the floor. Check the other tents for weapons.
No. 880773 ID: b1b4f3

It's possible Kar or Liz took the cleaver. Call out to see if they're around.
No. 880780 ID: 33cbe7

We didn't say it was a great idea, we just said run!
No. 880781 ID: caf1de

bad ideas but ideas non the less
No. 880839 ID: 86564f

If you have seen any weapons or anything, its time to grab them. Overwatch with your back to his, so you can't be ambushed from behind. Also, get in some cover or something.
No. 880945 ID: d2132f
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If there's someone out here I am not going to check SHIT.

Wait. Wait! Running might be a good idea, I think I got it. I go over to Tos.

Sam:"Tos. If you had to leave here in a hurry, do you know how to get out of the forest?

Tos:"I- I go out a lot sometimes for food, but it's during the daytime? I think I can. Sam what's wrong?"

Sam:"There's.. someone here and they have the cleaver.
Worry forms in his face and I can tell now he's just as scared as I am.

Are we doing this?
No. 880951 ID: 4f55b8

Do we have a choice? Better to do it than live with the fear of it...
No. 880983 ID: 121391

>If there's someone out here I am not going to check SHIT.
Yes you will, drag Tos with you if you have to, don't be a pussy.

>Are we doing this?
Are you sure running through the forest in panic is better than staying where you are? I thinks you are better off looking for anything threatening using your campfire as a light source. Can you really see or hear anything suspect? Are you sure you are not freaking out for nothing?
No. 881200 ID: d2132f
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Okay okay, maybe I am just being paran
No. 881201 ID: d2132f
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No. 881202 ID: d2132f
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No. 881210 ID: cb585b

You are only paranoid if there's nothing there.
No. 881219 ID: b1b4f3

Ask them who they are, and what they want.
No. 881225 ID: ae9b99

Nope! looks like a scary jester.

Hide back in the tent. Don't call out to it. we don't know if it is friend or foe. If it comes towards the tent, escape towards the back.
No. 881239 ID: 5245b2

That there seems like a nice tall glass of NOPE
No. 881330 ID: bf24eb

>Scary clown jester in the shadows.



Time to get out of there Sam, even if running will not save us it’s always better to try.
No. 881454 ID: 9b80a5

run and climb a tree
No. 881601 ID: 610315
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Sam:"Tos. There is someone out there, we need to run."

Tos:"What! Who is it?!"

Sam:"I've no idea, but we have to get the hell out of here!"

Tos"What about Kar and Lizzie?"

No. 881814 ID: 86564f

Try to run away without being noticed, because if you get noticed you may get cleaved in the back. Also, we here can't triangulate a position where you could run off, turn a specific amount of degrees, and follow the route due to the lack of a end position and one length.

In more simple terms, we may be able to work something out with more information, but otherwise run.
No. 881891 ID: ae9b99

Just tell him what is going on, Liz wasn't in her tetn, and Kar went to look for her. You're confident that Kar is strong enough to fend for himself, but you too have got to sneak out.

Good friends shouldn't keep secrets, right? otherwise it will bite ya in the ass later.
No. 883740 ID: 6a07c9
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Sam:"Lizzie wasn't in her tent, Kar went to look for her."

Tos:"Where'd they go?!"

Sam:"I don't know but if this person is here then they're probably safe! We need to go!"

I peek out, still silent, nobody on this side, looks like now's the chance!

...Where do we go once we're actually out?
No. 883771 ID: ae9b99

Somewhere close to the camp in case Kar comes back, but far enough away to not be seen. Can you guys climb a tree, or hide in those bushes?
No. 883818 ID: 121391

Write something in a note or in the dirt, something Liz/Kar could see. A short message like "Invaded. We fled".

As for where to go, any landmark near? Any place where you can sleep? The city is the safest place because of the guards. Just flee towards a path and ask Tos on the way, its faster.
No. 884493 ID: 544084
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Good idea. I grab a stick from the floor and hastefully spell out a message in the dirt, hopefully it stays there.
No. 884495 ID: 544084
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I signal Tos to start running towards the edge of the forest and I follow.
No. 884496 ID: 544084
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After a while, we exit the forest and soon enough we're back at the town entrance, but this time nobody's here. Shit.
No. 884500 ID: df39fa

At the very least, we are out of the forest. There are no plantlife to conceal any bandits. And if a person who means harm doea come, you can scream for help. Those chimneys have smoke coming out, so they can hear your cries for help if it comes to that.

In the meantime, take a breather. Look towards the forest to see if anyone followed you both.
No. 884532 ID: 544084
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The forest is so far away I can't even see it anymore, I think we're definetely in the clear.
No. 884533 ID: 544084
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I walk up to the big door and knock; an unfamiliar voice responds.

???:"Noone is allowed in until the next morning."

Sam:"Please! We got an emergency here!"

???:"Sorry, come back tomorrow."
No. 884550 ID: b1b4f3

Ask if they can let a guard OUT to protect you from some spooky guy who stole your only weapon.
No. 884703 ID: ae9b99

Sounds fair. If not, maybe you two will have to sleep here? if that is the case, we'll keep watch while you guys snooze. we'll yell if something suspicious comes up.

Though I'm hoping they let a guard out so we don't have to do that...
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