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File 12574613285.png - (587.43KB , 500x400 , TitleScreen.png )
72794 No. 72794 ID: 35cea2

Two newborn gods have come to claim control of this planet. In due time civilizations will war over the planet in the name of their patron gods, demigods will clash in duels that will tear the landscape asunder, and the gods will alter reality itself in a bid to control this planet.

For now, the world has only recently formed water, and the first bacterial life has just been created. The gods currently only have access to basic godly energy and don't have any stored, but can subtly change the planet over the course of millions of years. First, the planet and two gods need a name. What shall they be called?
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No. 73567 ID: c3db73

Humans smelt and work metal without the use of divine fire, though. It shouldn't be necessary barring a severe shortage of flammable material.
No. 73572 ID: c3db73
File 125762233877.png - (210.97KB , 632x429 , YES.png )

Oh. Okay.
No. 73727 ID: cf407a

yes like I said regular fire needs to be fed material resources for it to keep going like coal or wood.

Magical fire needs only worship and and maybe occasional sacrifices. Therefore it requires simpler logistics to set up.

Back in the early 20th century coal powered warships designed for long distance voyages had to be made big enough to accommodate enough coal and small enough to be fuel efficient. By using magical fire to power our eventual invented steam engines we can avoid this logistical and engineering nightmare entirely.
No. 73729 ID: af3e6d

So wait. Belief-powered vehicles? I support this.
No. 73732 ID: 35cea2
File 125763523488.png - (0.98MB , 640x400 , Blue Swamp.png )

>You can't teach anyone something that your people haven't already discovered, though can direct them towards certain fields of science.

>You could also use energy to enchant existing entities, like making the members of the tribe fireproof or making their staffs shoots fireballs.

It is now 500 SI, 500 years after the last update. Orville given his tribe five statue like servants that become animate when heated and return to their inanimate state when cooled, and Blue has give his tribe five totems that surround the user in a 'body' of water allowing him or her to manipulate liquids to a degree. Orville has also placed deposits of metals underneath major tribes. Additionally both gods have made it so that commune with their god given the proper rituals.

The Aracharchons have discoved basic agriculture, simple pictograms, numbers and simple hovels consisting of a pit in the ground lined with rocks and a roof of silk. The tribe has grown to fifty two members and has established a small field of vegetables.

The Szidrols have discovered basic medicine, simple rafts, have tamed the beetlesquids and improved their spears and techniques for using them. Their tribe has grown to sixty one members and has eighteen beetlesquids which they use as 'watchdogs' and to assist hunting.

Orvilles Energy:
Generic: 2 (+2 next turn)
Fire: 1 (+1 next turn)
Earth: 1 (+1 next turn)

Blue's Energy:
Generic: 2 (+2 next turn)
Water: 1 (+1 next turn)
Air: 2 (+1 next turn)
No. 73734 ID: 43d730

"You! You were least fervent in mid-morning prayer! INTO THE CLEANSING FIRE WITH YOU!"

...Do they make lava-proof commissar hats?
No. 73735 ID: af3e6d

Would making the tribe fireproof count for every member, forever, including new generations?
No. 73760 ID: 35cea2


Only for the current members, if you want a fireproof "gene" you will have to give it to significantly fewer members maybe two or three at this point.
No. 74191 ID: 7eda8b

Orville: Bestow an inheritable gift to some of your chosen spiders allowing them to breathe fire.
No. 74195 ID: 43d730

Can we grant certain members of the tribe an enhanced potential for channeling divine power, or is that a feedback loop problem?
Also, can we use the Generic energy to branch out into other domains, or is that a gradual thing?
In any case, direct the people of Blue to start scheduling their rituals on a lunar basis, to better match (and allow them to predict) the tides. (They do get tides, right?)
No. 74251 ID: 007648

Since the orvilles will get divine fire as power source I sugest that we start to modify the blues to discharge bioelectricity or get some algea to do it
No. 74259 ID: 007648

Do the raptors have any ressources on their island other than
No. 74297 ID: 35cea2


No, divine energy cannot be made more efficient, only more of it can be gotten through religion and important events in the god's territory ,like a meteor impact, or the invention of the atomic bomb.

You can, however, make or upgrade existing energies to have their own repertoires of divine energy by having a total of twenty energy invested in them, essentially making them a demigod. The amount of energy they gather is dependent on the amount of worship they receive and their efficiency is dependent on how much energy is invested in them, becoming as efficient as the gods at a hundred.

You can use generic energy to do things any other energy can, but they will be doubly to triply inefficient at it.


Of coarse, both gods have at least some amount of every necessary resource, but they both have a few noteworthy ones in particular.

Blue has plenty of peat, many plants and animals have medicinal or poisonous properties, plenty of fossil fuel deep below the surface, and obviously lots of trees.

Orville, on the other hand, mostly has deposits of metal, fertile volcanic soil, and a relatively large amount of gemstone (most notably diamonds).
No. 74301 ID: a7ef8c
File 125769927625.gif - (141.20KB , 266x267 , Hermitcrab.gif )

the blues need to domesticate any giant crabs so that they can make seige crabs and later on crab tanks.
No. 74309 ID: 007648

peat, plant, trees, fossil fuel vs. Fire and metal?
No. 74314 ID: c3db73

Peat, plant, trees, fossil fuel and water.

>Orville, on the other hand, mostly has deposits of metal, fertile volcanic soil, and a relatively large amount of gemstone (most notably diamonds).


Instruct the disciples of Orville to research metallurgy, and those of Blue to look into shipbuilding and astronomical navigation. Also, what is the population of each tribe?
No. 74334 ID: 35cea2


Those were just the resources they have in particularly large amounts, Blue still has metals and Orville still has medicinal plants etc. Don't underestimate fossil fuel either, especially when steam or oil power comes around Orville will have to fight for fossil fuel deposits or use up valuable divine energy while Blue can just get there supply from right in their homeland.


Key word is 'relatively.' Diamond mechs are still a huge waste of diamonds. Also the population was mentioned in the update that had the picture of a beetlesquid attached.
No. 74337 ID: cf407a

I agree Orville should focus on metallurgy.

They also need to keep focusing on agriculture and maybe try their hands on crafting simple tools, like chisels and spears and go hunting like proper arachnids!
No. 74382 ID: c3db73
File 125771942157.png - (222.70KB , 640x640 , whatever happens we have the diamond gun and they .png )

>Diamond mechs are still a huge waste of diamonds.
I'm not saying they need them right now. Say, in the future colonial era.
No. 74967 ID: 8e5181


This. Blue uses energy to help Svinzor breed giant crabs.
No. 74969 ID: 7eda8b

This picture is now the long-term goal of the quest as far as I'm concerned.

No. 75040 ID: 777147

with shell hard as diamond and pincers that can rip'n'tear through anything
No. 75136 ID: 6248cb

Just as a note, since I missed this in the beginning, we CAN has 3x Oxygen content without 60% of the atmosphere being combustion fuel.

We just need a denser atmosphere :) It would make flying much easier too in the future :D

Well, too bad its a bit late for this choice, unless theres a way to dense up the atmosphere at this point.
No. 75149 ID: 35cea2
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It is now year 1000 SI. Orville has gifted the chieftain of the main tribe with a fire-breathing-gene, those who have it acquire the ability to spit fire through special holes in chelicerae. Blue has created modified strain of skin-algae that grants electrical powers to those who have it. There are 3112 Ararcharchons carrying the gene and 205 who can spit fire, and 5101 Szidrols who have the algae and 241 who have in it quantities that is actually useful. Blue has can now use divine electrical energy.

The Ararcharchon tribe now has a 133 members. They have very recently started using copper equipment, and set up a trade depot in the center of the village where they primarily import copper ore from the mountain tribes and sell copper equipment. They have, from another tribe, acquired 34 isopods, which they raise as cattle.

The Szidrol tribe now has 124 members. They have domesticated the beetlesquid and tamed the giant blue crab which they use as mounts, beasts of burden, and to guard against predatory dinosaurs. They have learned to make sails and primitive boats. They're animal population consists of 43 beetlesquids and 7 giant crabs. They have timed their rituals with the tide, increasing Blue's supply of water energy.

Generic: 3 (+2 next turn)
Fire: 1 (+1 next turn)
Earth: 2 (+1 next turn)

Generic: 2 (+2 next turn)
Water: 2 (+2 next turn)
Air: 3 (+1 next turn)
Electric: 0 (0 next turn)

>Note: Turns are now only 250 years each.

>Warning! Close inspection of the climate reveals there will be a worldwide cataclysm in 430 years. Specifics will be revealed next turn.
No. 75150 ID: 43d730

Get the Blues started on underwater shelters, using moonpools as entrances and exits. Algae banks should solve the air refreshing problem. I'm seeing something like a beaver dam, only deeper and completely submerged.
Caves and volcanoes seem to be a bad idea... Is there perhaps a sufficient extinct caldera close to the Tribe of Orville?

As for miracles... Can we make legendary items and gift them to the tribes? A hook for pulling the tides, a knife of unsurpassed sharpness, a spear that holds dominion over storms, a stone that cries out before disaster...
No. 75151 ID: 35cea2


Yes, divine energy can be used for almost anything sufficiently related to it's power, with the exception of using it to gain more divine energy or other game breakers.
No. 75152 ID: 5d5878

Blue's branching off into new elements, AND the Szidrol are making more water energy? Yeah, the Aracharchons need to step it up. Probably do something related to volcanoes, though I can't for the life of me think of a new energy type to look into.
No. 75254 ID: 43d730

Well, might as well start the science early.
A ritual, requiring the willing sacrifice of no less than three participants, that causes a volcano to become active, or erupt if it's already active. Later improvements should reduce the number of participants.
On the other hand, they've also got a better industry going already; It's not like the Blues are going to make use of the wheel, for instance.

I've got it. Sports. Some kind of brutal, semi-ritualistic game with a weighted ball and full-on body-checks for the Orvilles, and triathlic (that makes sense, right?) competitions of swimming, spearwork, and a partially arboreal footrace.
No. 75332 ID: c160bf

have the spiders divide themselves into castes, you know the basics( hunters- fast, aggressive, warriors- strong aggressive, leaders- smarter,ect.)
No. 75386 ID: 5d5878

Aracharchon Fire Warriors? That totally works. Recruit some from the firebreathers.
No. 75387 ID: cf407a

Okay guess this is a good time to concentrate on engineering and architecture, preferable building designs that resist earthquakes and underground mining.

Later, locate a active volcano farthest away from the Archarchon population centers and near the shoreline, set up a temple dorf style to Orville near at the base (use a fire energy to lava proof the temple construction area). Time mass rituals with the volcano eruptions.

Receive fire energy and obsidian when the lava cools with the water.

Use Obsidian to make and trade better tools!

Also, they better research mathematics specifically geometry, and chemistry specifically alchemy and try to make gunpowder.
No. 75567 ID: 954b24

Have blue create some kind of electricity/energy storing crystal (that can discharge the energy at once or act as a battery depending the will of a szidrol). Have the Szidrols build an underwater temple that contains the orb and some crystal. Have them research the basic use of electricity such as heating and lighting (or make those part of the crystals functions). Start metallurgy and written language/numbers also. Use the boats to explore the islands and forge alliance with other tribes and spread the faith!  

Btw what kind of political systems do Archons and szidrols have
No. 75754 ID: 35cea2
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>Currently both have a basic monarchy.

Blue has created several divine batteries which stores electricity it comes in contact with and discharges it at the command of whomever holds it. Orville has made it so that the Aracharchons can make a volcano active or cause it erupt upon the sacrifice of of sentient beings, currently requiring about five people to cause an active volcano to erupt.

The Szidrols have dug large underwater shelters in preparation of the coming storm. The main tribe has assimilated several surrounding tribes and has become the first nation. They have discovered a rudimentary electromagnet and longships. The nation has 601 members, 223 of which are in the capitol.

The Aracharchon main tribe has relocated to the caldera of an extinct volcano. They have built a temple of stone where they have a rituals whenever a nearby volcano erupts, and have increased the fire energy gathering in doing so. They have divided themselves into castes, denoted first by the presence of godly abilities (currently only firebreath) then by lineage. The main tribe has also assimilated several smaller tribes and has become a nation, being the second do so. Their nations population is 610, 151 of which are in the main tribe.

What shall each civilization be called?

Generic: 4 (+2)
Fire: 1 (+2)
Earth: 2 (+1)

Generic: 2 (+2)
Water: 4 (+2)
Air: 4 (+1)
Electric: 0 (+2)

>Further inspection of the climate reveals that that the atmospheric change will cause an exponential increase the amount of lightening and the conditions it can be found in.

>At this point both sides have discovered at least the basic form of almost everything (astronomy, math, medicine etc) and only major advances, like the invention of the Archimedes' screw, will be mentioned.
No. 75755 ID: 881fc1

Aracharchon: Arachadia
No. 75758 ID: 43d730

Grant additional godly lineage to Orville's people, keeping them separate from the firebreathers- A bubble of protection from temperature extremes. The effect should weaken with distance, but anything in ten feet should be nondamaging, and five feet should be downright comfortable.
A set of... let's say ten to start with... that allow the direction of lava flows, but only when in close proximity. Not advised for use by any without the preceding ability. (Throw in knowledge of how to create with additional energy investiture?)

Grant a lineage that allows the collection and storage of electrical energy- possibly a set of monastic teachings? The capacity would have to be fairly limited, but just directing power would be less energy-intensive. In any case, include a Perfect Ground ability.
Grant knowledge of how to craft Guardian Totems, whereby the willing spirits are granted semi-sovereignty over an area of wetlands, becoming a sort of genius loci. The spirit must be strong-willed, limiting participants, and appeased with offerings of remembrance and food.
Possibly grant first dibs to any heroic souls that have died recently.
No. 75760 ID: 43d730

>Orville items
Rods, orbs, accordions? Dunno. Maybe bracers.
No. 76031 ID: 8e5181

Blue: The Sundered Bluerays
No. 76037 ID: cf407a



Harness the geothermal energy of the dormant volcano via gas pump powered wheels.

Use spider silk and divine fire from firebreather archarchons or normal fire to build hot air balloon vehicles.

Build giant metal lightning rods on the side of the volcano and harness electrical energy from the lightning storms, store the energy in gem crafted crystal batteries.
No. 76352 ID: b9cac3

>Build giant metal lightning rods on the side of the volcano and harness electrical energy from the lightning storms, store the energy in gem crafted crystal batteries.

what? trying to copy Blue? that what the Szidrols should be doing. have a question doh, how will the lightnings affect Szidrols?

also start the development of Szidrols' psionic powers
No. 76412 ID: e2020c


Put crystals in their brain! :D :D:D
No. 76429 ID: 1443c0

Have the Aracharchons build a massive tower in the center of the village, dwarfing all the other buildings. The have a massive solid copper cylinder run down the center of the structure, deep into the earth. Use the tower for religious purposes, for it shall protect our mighty race from the impending thunderstorms.
No. 76433 ID: 1443c0

hur dur im retarded and cant sentences properly
No. 76449 ID: cf407a

This raises a interesting question. Can we convert one form of divine energy into another?

What is divine electrical energy but more refined divine fire energy?
No. 76484 ID: b9cac3


Indeed, this is an interesting question, but you have to remember that not every heat an light producing things are fire: lighting is an example of plasma, which is an ionized gas therefore part of the air element.
No. 76740 ID: 35cea2

>Electric and Fire is quite different functionally. While you can use lightening to start fires just creating fires directly is more efficient. Also, you cannot use fire to turn on a flashlight or power a computer.

It is now 1,430 SI. Planet wide lightening storms are starting.

Orville has created a gene that provides an area of protection against damage resulting from high temperatures. He has additionally created 10 Accordions that have the power to manipulate lava, located in various volcano tribes.

Blue has created a battery gene, functioning much like the earlier created divine battery. He has additionally made it so that with the proper rituals and a willing dead spirit one can create a guardian spirit. The spirit can manipulate water and air and is invincible, but is bound to a specific location and totem. If the totem is destroyed or moved from area the spirit is destroyed.

The Aracharchon nation, now known as Arachadia, has expanded to a population of 1204 of which 601 are in the in the capitol. They have invented the Archimedes screw make gathering water from the rivers below easier. Many aracharchons have migrated to the Arachadia capitol in hopes of divine protection. Those not fortunate enough to be able to make the journey have sought refuge underground.

The Szidrol nation, now known as The Sundered Bluerays, has expanded to a population of 1033 of which 241 are in the capitol. They have, through experimentation of electromagnetism, discovered the compass. Those who have not dug underground shelters have moved inland to escape the brunt of any storm, and the vast majority have summoned the guardian spirit of a renown ancestor for aid and advice.

Generic: 2 (+2)
Fire: 2 (+2)
Earth: 1 (+1)

Generic: 2 (+2)
Water: 3 (+2)
Air: 3 (+1)
Electric: 2 (+1)

>Man, I need to stop procrastinating. Every day I was like, "Oh, I should update my quest, right after I finish this." Then when I finish and finally start to work my update my bro is like:

>Ed Pastry: "Hey, bro, go to bed. It's late."

>Every time. Not to mention that I spend up to an hour to draw each picture, because I'm slow like that.
No. 76741 ID: 35cea2
File 12582655498.png - (6.89KB , 451x232 , I need to update faster.png )

>Electric and Fire is quite different functionally. While you can use lightening to start fires just creating fires directly is more efficient. Also, you cannot use fire to turn on a flashlight or power a computer.

It is now 1,430 SI. Planet wide lightening storms are starting.

Orville has created a gene that provides an area of protection against damage resulting from high temperatures. He has additionally created 10 Accordions that have the power to manipulate lava, located in various volcano tribes.

Blue has created a battery gene, functioning much like the earlier created divine battery. He has additionally made it so that with the proper rituals and a willing dead spirit one can create a guardian spirit. The spirit can manipulate water and air and is invincible, but is bound to a specific location and totem. If the totem is destroyed or moved from area the spirit is destroyed.

The Aracharchon nation, now known as Arachadia, has expanded to a population of 1204 of which 601 are in the in the capitol. They have invented the Archimedes screw make gathering water from the rivers below easier. Many aracharchons have migrated to the Arachadia capitol in hopes of divine protection. Those not fortunate enough to be able to make the journey have sought refuge underground.

The Szidrol nation, now known as The Sundered Bluerays, has expanded to a population of 1033 of which 241 are in the capitol. They have, through experimentation of electromagnetism, discovered the compass. Those who have not dug underground shelters have moved inland to escape the brunt of any storm, and the vast majority have summoned the guardian spirit of a renown ancestor for aid and advice.

Generic: 2 (+2)
Fire: 2 (+2)
Earth: 1 (+1)

Generic: 2 (+2)
Water: 3 (+2)
Air: 3 (+1)
Electric: 2 (+1)

>Man, I need to stop procrastinating. Every day I was like, "Oh, I should update my quest, right after I finish this." Then when I finish and finally start to work my update my bro is like:

>Ed Pastry: "Hey, bro, go to bed. It's late."

>Every time. Not to mention that I spend up to an hour to draw each picture, because I'm slow like that.
No. 76745 ID: a7ef8c

the blues must make a requinto guitar with the power to move mountains and raise seas, however its location is hidden and its location can only be reveiled when the szidrols are near extinction.
or is that crossing the boundaries of a game winning device.
No. 76805 ID: cf407a


Time worship with the occurrence of earthquakes, they seriously need to catch up generating divine energy god damn.

Build a really high alters, place sacrificial people on the, time worship with lightning striking said sacrificial people all simultaneously.

Grant them the knowledge to create soul fire, a magical fire created from Aracharchon sacrificed ashes, only worthy Aracharchon from the sacrificed one's lineage is able to manipulate it and use it.

The property of the soul fire depends on the past experiences of the ones sacrificed. You can't entangle different ashes together. (Warrior Aracharchon's soul fire burns harder then normal fire, while medicine practicioner's soul fire can cleanse the body of diseases and bodily afflictions.

If the Aracharchon is completely dedicated to Orville throughout all of his/her life, then his or her soul fire becomes a fire spirit, embodied in lava and obsidian, they are the guardians of the Major aracharchonian house families.
No. 76806 ID: cf407a


No. 76842 ID: 35cea2


No, but it would require MUCH more energy than the gods currently have, if the effect is global making the device would cost a hundred generic energy, enough to make a very powerful demigod. It does get a significant energy discount for the extremely limited conditions it can be used in.
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