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719505 No. 719505 ID: 8455b0

This little creature awakes in the darkness of a temple. She doesn't know why she's here and neither her name.
So she try to remember her name,despite a big headache.
142 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 757879 ID: 91ee5f

No. 793406 ID: daa1d4
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>Get closer to try and identify the sound.
>Eat it.

Nila, tries approaching the strange object. The more she gets close to it, the more she can ear a strange noise, more like water dropping sounds.
She then pokes it a little with her nose, but since the object wasn't moving in any way, she eventually sinks her teeth into it. And again, the crystal was static.
N: “Anyway, at least it tastes good...”
No. 793408 ID: daa1d4
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The crystal starts radiating a pure white light, so strong, that the poor little eyes of the critter are now 2 light bulbs.
N: “Oh shh***t”
No. 793409 ID: daa1d4
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The object starts raising up and a high pitched crack came from it.
Nila can't remove her teeth from the crystal, she's trapped and disoriented
No. 793410 ID: daa1d4
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Finally the crystal broke and the crocodile is thrown away against the rocks.
Something was inside that thing.
N :“Here I am again, flying into a wall, with an imminent boss to fight... I just hope I didn't interrupt his beauty sleep”
No. 793411 ID: daa1d4
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The awakened creature is standing over her. She can't see his face. The light of pureness altered her vision. All she can see is shapes of colors.
N : “Please, just don't eat me...do whatever you want but spare my life.” she shivers
No. 793418 ID: 225aa6

Spit the chunk of crystal you have in your mouth at his face then flee in a panic.
No. 793420 ID: ba506f

quick, roll out of the way and book it!
No. 793423 ID: 398fe1

Don't antagonize it, at least. Try to let go of the crystal in your mouth (can you shove it with your tail?) and back away from the creature.
No. 793425 ID: 91ee5f

Don't talk with your mouth full like that! At least finish chewing and/or swallowing what's in your mouth!
No. 793429 ID: 70983e

Push yourself out of the way with your tail.
No. 793438 ID: d79f26

hope it's friendly.
No. 793440 ID: 0d1514

Take your robes off
No. 793443 ID: 143250

You just released it from its crystal prison. It might want to thank you.

Just in case though, run away!
No. 793454 ID: 3abd97

Mercy, please! I'm like half blind now. Owwwwwww. My poor eyes.
No. 793466 ID: a363ac

Bow down to your new God
No. 793476 ID: 74608f

Eat it
No. 793520 ID: 79a07e

Back off carefully. See what happens.
No. 794711 ID: 6deec4
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>Spit the chunk of crystal you have in your mouth at his face then flee in a panic.
The little thing tries to scare his opponent by spitting the chunk of crystal into his face.
Unfortunately, she can get up easily, having her hands bounded by a straight jacket makes her escape impossible.
No. 794712 ID: 6deec4
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>hope it's friendly.
The guy didn't move a muscle, even when hit by the crystal's piece.
All she can hear is his breath sound.
No. 794713 ID: 6deec4
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>Bow down to your new God
>Take your robes off
“Please don't hurt me! I have a husband and children, even if I don't know the meaning of these words. Please spare my life! I'll do everything you want but just let me live!” Nila grabbed her robe as she started trembling and crying like a baby.
The creature seemed surprised by her reaction.
No. 794715 ID: 398fe1

Shove against the ground with your tail in an effort to get up.

If you really can't, and the creature doesn't take any action against you, maybe you can ask for help? Ask if it can talk? Introduce yourself maybe?
No. 794716 ID: 0b99d7

oh great now it's all awkward and probably didn't mean you harm but geez you've had a stressful day and it's not even been that long.
No. 794717 ID: 3abd97

Well I guess wait to see if it does anything now. You already started panicking, nowhere to really go from there.
No. 794719 ID: d79f26

well, seems to not be immediately hostile. try to calm down.
No. 794723 ID: affd99

Why didn't you tell use earlier you were wearing a straight jacket?

Let go of your cloak, It doesn't look interested in what you're offering.
No. 794724 ID: d9599b

Present yourself
No. 794733 ID: 91ee5f

>Why didn't you tell use earlier you were wearing a straight jacket?
Because we already knew she was wearing a straight jacket earlier. It was first shown right here: >>736005 .
No. 794742 ID: fe7355

Um... If you could bend forward far enough to grab the hem of your robes, you could have just sat up and then tipped over to the side onto your belly. From there you could get your feet under yourself with the aid of your tail and stand. How 'bout you try doing that, starting with putting your robe back down so you don't make even more of a embarrassment of yourself exposing your nethers to this creature. If you have trouble getting up, then you can try asking it for help to stand.
No. 794796 ID: e12db1

Tell him that you are ready.
Surely this would cause him to expose his weak points.
No. 803834 ID: f09f13

Sings whichever songs you remember, whether that's twinkle little star of [C C G G A~ A~ F F E E D D C~] or the praises of his head, sing with all of your silly voice~
No. 803912 ID: cd9c79

Ask if it can help get this straightjacket off.
You don't need it, cause you're not crazy.
Take it with you, in case you need it later
No. 890499 ID: 608140
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>Tell him that you are ready.
Surely this would cause him to expose his weak points.

>Well I guess wait to see if it does anything now. You already started panicking, nowhere to really go from there.

>well, seems to not be immediately hostile. Try to calm down.

Nila makes eye contact with the stranger. She wants him to look at her. Maybe he'll show mercy.
No. 890500 ID: 608140
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The stranger seems really confused
No. 890501 ID: 608140
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Nila waits, she can hear her heartbeat pounding through her chest.
No. 890502 ID: 608140
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She can sense the evil presence of the silent stranger. His breath is on her neck. She knows what that beast wants, and she's scared. Also, excited, but scared.
No. 890503 ID: 608140
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She can't feel the ground under her tiny feet. It's time.
No. 890504 ID: 608140
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Now she can. But that was a little too rude...
No. 890505 ID: 608140
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Now we are talking.

Those "pat pat" are the closest things to kindness that she ever received.
No. 890509 ID: ad51b8

cool, I think you confused him into non-hostility... now how do we get out of here?
No. 890513 ID: b1b4f3

Um okay, let's start over. Introduce yourself. Ask who they are.
No. 890520 ID: 4f1cbc

Hug them! Hug them despite your lack of free arms!
No. 890521 ID: 094652

Preen the loose skin from your face.
No. 890525 ID: ff0134

Maybe headpats mean it’s taken you as it’s slave? Hope it treats you well.
No. 890526 ID: f3fe9b

cling to it's leg the best you can without arms. Try not to ugly cry.
No. 890529 ID: 05ff2f

Oh, hey, maybe the stranger would be kind enough to remove your straightjacket! Now, how to go about pointing that out to ask he/she/it/them to do that?

Use your mouth and tail to hike your poncho up to shoulder height so your whole straightjacket is visible. Then do a full turn around so the stranger can see it, face them and obviously struggle against the straightjacket with your arms, followed by pointing at its buckle with your tail tip. Hopefully they'll get the message. And if there's a lock on the straightjacket, then fish the key out of your bag with your tail tip and hold it next to the lock.
No. 890530 ID: 33cbe7

Cling to your savior's leg. Though I guess you saved him first from that crystal so that makes you even now?
No. 890562 ID: 8df643

Kick his leg! How dare he reject you after all you've put yourself through!

Lift your cape and show him your straightjacket while looking at him angrily.
No. 890568 ID: b151ce

Wag tail.
No. 890570 ID: a363ac

become the inhouse lap crocodile of this cool patter, rub head on legs to mark it as your own.
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