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700573 No. 700573 ID: b531f6

Last quest: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/686590.html

Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Phillip_Dollarfield_Doesn%27t_Care_About_Saving_The_Princess


Previously, on Phillip Dollarfield Doesn’t Care About Saving The Princess….

>You are Dale Pennymeadow, a social outcast and unlicensed vampire hunter in a village with no name.
>You received a letter from the King requesting that you convince the famous Phillip Dollarfield, your old hunting partner, to save the princess from those who have captured her.
>You, however, are convinced that Phillip Dollarfield is a vampire now, and set out to murder him.
>Along the way, you join forces with the village psychopath Janet, her best friend and vampire enthusiast Suzy, and a musician from the nearby town of Snickersberg named Ryan.
>Together, you fought drunk hunters, got into mysterious party sacks, met weird clowns, actually killed one vampire, and did other various miscellaneous quests in order to grind cool points in the inevitable battle against Phillip Dollarfield
>Now you and your crew of miscreants are following a Druid friend of yours to the village of Coastberg to stop a woman from giving people hallucinogenic hand jobs.
42 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 704567 ID: 99a64d

let's head on inn
No. 704588 ID: 15a025

Yeah, let's head on "inn" and check the temple in the after a good rest.
No. 704599 ID: 2ccbb3

Loot the empty town guard for supplies.
No. 704756 ID: d0a615
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It's time to get some real shuteye. You and the group head into the Inn shack, which to your surprise seems much larger on the inside than it does on the outside. You don't question it for now, and wait for the crusty old man at the front desk to attend to you all.

"Mmrrfrffmmm," mumbles the old men, as he looks around your party, and doesn't appear very comfortable until he notices Ryan.

"Mmrrfrffmmm, these weirdos with you, youngster?"
"These dudes? Yeah, they're with me, they're like, my band and stuff."
"Even the druid?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Mmrrfrffmm, you and that druid working with the lady?"
"Lady? What do you mean, bro?"
"You know, the lady with the green hair. If you're with her, I'll just lend you a room for free. Gotta help the community, after all."
"...yeah, sure. We're with her. We get a free room, right?"
"Mmrrfrffmmm, yep. Here are the keys."

You are all led to very sandy room. As in you're pretty sure this room is straight up made of sand. The beds are nice though.


You are now dreaming?

Do you ever want to leave this country?
No. 704757 ID: 2ccbb3

Yes. You've had enough political red tape to last three lifetimes, and there's vampires to slay.
No. 705089 ID: d13074
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You've been in this country fighting for a vampire hunting license for too long. One day, you'll get out of this place, and be able to hunt some real nasty blood suckers. But for now, this place is your home.


You wake up, feeling a little more sandy than you remember. Janet is jumping on the bed.

"You're finally awake that's good everyone else is awake and getting ready to go to the temple we're going to listen to songs and prayers and we're gonna learn how to be good little boys and girls just don't let the clerics touch you they're all pedophiles that's what my mom says anyway."

If that's where you're gonna go, that's where you're gonna go.


After a brief walk up the hill, you and the party find themselves in a very impressive temple of the Sensational Soul Spirits. A small group of worshipers pray in the pews as a priest testifies at the pulpit. To the left, a group of nuns seem to be surrounding a cauldron of some kind. To the right, a cleric soldier and his apprentices seem to be whispering to each other.

"I wonder if they have one of those organ pianos in here" says Ryan.
"My mom tried to enroll me in a Soul Spirits Youth Group one time after seeing some of my OCs" says Suzy.
No. 705090 ID: 2ccbb3

You aren't exactly the religious type, but there's information here.

Try to learn some new abilities from people in the clergy; sunlight beams, protective bulwarks, etc.
No. 705156 ID: 99a64d

Ask about the green haired lady, attend a sermon. If it comes up, say that you've never been very religious but that this religion seems to line up with your ideologies quite nicely. Priests fucking love potential converts.
No. 705394 ID: ef3998
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You decide that if you're going to get information from anyone, it's going to be from the priest. You and the group take some seats in the pews, and listen the sermon.

"And I say onto you, faithful followers of the Spirits, when a man steps on your new shoes, do not react with violence and uppity anger, but instead discuss the situation. For most men who step upon your show do not know the shoe has beens stepped upon. Can I get an amen?"


You approach the priest as the worshippers disperse.

"Ah! You are some new faces in our happy little community. I am Priest Percy, how can I assist you fine folks today?"

You ask the priest if he knows anything about a green haired girl.

"You're talking about Cindy, aren't ya? Poor woman, she never did find her place in our happy little community. I tried offering her a job in our church, I really did, but she said it was not making her cool enough. Ah, pity pity pity. She disappeared one day, and then out of the blue she's back, except now she's be studying unnatural druidic spells and offering unsavory favors. Ah, pity pity pity. She's somewhere higher up in the hills, I'm sure, talking to trees and spreading her nasty drugs."

Don holds himself back from reacting to Priest Percy's bashing of the druids. You thank the priest for the information, but out of curiosity, you ask him if he could teach some of you holy spells.

"Oh my friends, I most certainly can teach ya arts of the Souls Spirits. But I must warn ya, it comes at a price. You see, as cool as performing these miracles may be, the path to use them is one of humbleness. You must take the coolness you have earned in life and sacrifice it for a greater cause."

You believe what he's trying to say is that it costs cool points to learn holy magic.
No. 705398 ID: 2ccbb3

That works. You get to learn spells that your coolness bans you from AND exchange your cool points for badass spells!

Seriously, why don't druids and priests work together? Probably because it breaks literary canon.
No. 705403 ID: 99a64d

Let's learn us some holiness! None for Ryan though, we need him around to make us vaguely socially acceptable.
No. 706259 ID: 0058bb
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You tell the priest that you are willing to lose some coolness in order to learn.

"Very well, my child, let me get out our teaching scroll."

Priest Percy pulls out a small scroll from his side, and opens it. It reads...

Basic Spiritual Spells for Dummies

Followed by a list of spells.

>Soul Spark: A basic holy attack, works best against spooks: costs 10 CP
>Blessing: Temporarily infuses your weapon with holy damage: costs 20 CP
>Holy Light: Temporarily Blinds multiple targets: costs 30 CP
>Convert: Temporally turns an enemy towards you sire: costs 40 CP
No. 706275 ID: c66656

Convert is by far the best spell there, I can't see any of the others being all that useful. Let's have both us and Suzy get it.
No. 706355 ID: 2ccbb3

Ryan should get Convert, it will help when convincing crowds by converting a few random individuals.

Suzy gets Blessing for her bow. (Also, I think it's official by now; Suzy's the archer in this party. Give her a few extra arrows.)

Dale, get Convert because it's a strong power and you're adept with druid magic and should learn while you still can.

Janet gets holy light. She doesn't have any ranged spells, so this will help her close the gap against archers.

Also, is there a way to sacrifice cool points for stat increases?
No. 706361 ID: 99a64d

-1 to anything that uses up Ryan's cool points.
No. 707588 ID: 15a025

I'm "cool" with this as well.
No. 707913 ID: e0e3fe
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Mulling over the spells for some time, you decide that you and Suzy should just go all out and learn how to convert people to your side. Sure it will cost you some coolness, but the price is worth it.

Sorry for such a long absence.

"Uh, are you sure?" says Suzy, "I'll do it but...I want people to think I'm cool, you know?"

"Oh don't you worry, my child," says Priest Percy, "your coolness will be going into something much greater. The life of a social outcast isn't so bad, and it won't last for long if you follow the guidance of the spirits, amen!"


After many hours of religious chanting and holy blessings, you and Suzy have learned convert.

However, it has come at a price. Both you and Suzy have lost 40 CP, all the Cool Points you have. You and Suzy are now Complete Outcasts

You've lived many years as an outcast, so it doesn't matter too much to you, but Suzy is taking this a little hard.

Well, what should you do now? Keep spending cool points for holy magic for your other companions? Maybe head outside and try learning a few tricks from Don? Or just heading up to the hills to find Cindy and figure out just what's going on?
No. 707918 ID: 3641d4

Let's have don teach us some more spells.
No. 707919 ID: 5c3ff1

Y'know what's cooler than being cool Suzy? Ruthless effeciency.
No. 707920 ID: 5c3ff1

Gib druid spells pl0x.
No. 708010 ID: 2ccbb3

Janet, learn Soul Spark and Blessing while Dale and Suzy are busy. Ryan, learn Soul Spark for self defense.
No. 708357 ID: e0e3fe
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You thank Priest Percy for his time, but bid him farewell for now. It's time to make use of Don's druidic skills, and your new status as a Complete Outcast, to get some more sweet druid powers!

You and the group head outside of the temple, and right away you ask Don if he can teach you some more druidic skills. Don squints his eyes.

"I can, but I think you may not understand how druidic magic is different than spirit magic or wizard magic. I can't just pull out a list of spells for you to shop from. Druid magic takes time to learn, I teach you the basics and slowly but surely you learn the stronger stuff. It also takes a dedication to being uncool. Your spells are naturally stronger the lower your coolness is. If you want though, I could give you an advanced version of your vine whip, have it covered in bark and all that. Or maybe you just want me to teach Suzy something like druidic healing or the basic vine whip."
No. 708358 ID: 2ccbb3

I think Suzy should learn healing.
No. 708361 ID: 99a64d

More healing is good, especially at the rate we seem to be getting injured.
No. 709300 ID: 7b65b9

It's best if more people on your team are able to heal themselves or others in case you and don can't reach them.
No. 709442 ID: d8b4d3
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You tell Don that Suzy could use some druidic healing of her own, and Suzy, believing that having some extra skills might make up for her loss of cool, agrees.

"Got it. We should get somewhere more private though. We don't want to get called savages here for practicing druid arts in public. Let's go to the hills, there are some nice trees to hide in."

You all head past the temple and higher up in the hills, where the woods are thick.


It is now the late afternoon, approaching sunset, and after hours of awkward hand touching and rubbing, Suzy have learned the spell druidic healing.

"I guess this makes losing all my coolness a little better," says Suzy, "n-not that the convert spell is bad or anything."

Don sighs.

"Suzy what are you complaining about you've got to do a bunch of magic all day but me and Ryan have been sitting on our butts doing nothing I thought we were going to do cool stuff but we didn't and now I'm bored someone do something fun please please please!" moans Janet.

And almost as if to answer Janet's cries for entertainment, you soon see a nun from the temple approaching the group. Don gives you a worried look.

"E-Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to be friends with that Cindy girl, would you?" asks the nun, "d-do you have any of that s-sap she has?"
No. 709455 ID: b6d927

Why do you ask?
(This might be a trick)
No. 709895 ID: a3c98d
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You better be safe around this girl. You ask her why she's asking.

"I s-saw you were all doing d-druid stuff out here, and I know Cindy is one of those now. S-she's been giving sap to everyone who h-hangs out with her, but she won't give any to me because I'm not c-cool enough."

Don grunts.

"No druid would serve the cool exclusively. Cindy is spitting on the druid arts."

"I'm s-sorry to hear that," says the nun, "...seriously though do you have any sap?"
No. 709901 ID: e2ef74

do we have any? it's up to Don's discretion.
No. 710820 ID: 5fad96
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You look over at down, and give him a shrug. For all you know, maybe he does have some sap on him.

"I don't have any sap for you, nun," says Don, "because the sap that Cindy is giving out is from rave tree seeds that she stole from me. And don't expect us to try helping you get any."

"L-look," says the nun, "I know we f-follow different beliefs, but I'm n-not like the other Soul Spirit followers who's scared of druidic arts. Druid magic and nature magic could g-go really well together. I could h-help you get those s-seeds back if you promised to get me some sap."

Janet whispers in your ear, "let's just say we'll get her sap so she'll help us and then when she's not looking we'll hit her over the head with a rock and then steal her clothes and then sneak into the temple and just steal all the food they have there it would be hilarious."

"Dude," says Ryan, "let's give the little lady a chance. She's just looking to chill with the sap stuff. It's a pretty crazy ride."

"Uh...I don't know," says Suzy, "we don't know her that well."
No. 710826 ID: 99a64d

("That's a fantastic idea Janet, but we should probably not antagonize the church until we know we've learned all the magic we want to from them.")
It's fine, we can just kill her if she tries anything, and she seems helpful enough.
No. 710860 ID: e47e93

I'll have nun of this!
No. 711889 ID: 6dfb83
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You mull it over for awhile before deciding that this nun's probably not going to be that much of an issue if she tries tricking or betraying you, and if she can help, why not use that? You tell the nun, much to the dismay of Don and Suzy, that you would be happy to get her some sap if she helps you out.

"G-good!" she says, "now listen. Cindy and her friends are in a little wooden fort higher up the mountain. They won't let you into the fort unless you say the secret words. I th-think the secret words are 'Cindy is the coolest person ever' and once you say that, they'll let you in. Then you can take your s-seeds, get me some s-sap, and we'll all be happy. I should g-go now, come find me later!"


After some walking, you find yourselves at the fort, much larger than you thought it would be. Old wood and new wood seem to be melded together, making a once small fort into something pretty formidable.

"No doubt Cindy's druid magic is at work here" says Don.

You knock on the front gate.

"Uuuuuuuuhhhh...like uh...what was I supposed to do here...oh right, password please," says a voice on the other side, in a slurred tongue.
No. 711902 ID: 99a64d

say yon password, if that doesn't work, convert
No. 712282 ID: 15a025

Screw passwords! Let's just bust down these petty door!
No. 713497 ID: e0e3fe
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"Cindy is the coolest person ever", you say.

"Uuuuuuuuhhhh...heheh, alright, let me let you in."

The doors swing wide open, revealing countless trees inside the fort. It's like a self contained forest in here! You look over at the man who opened the door for you, and he is completely drugged out of their mind. You can tell they've been hitting the sap.

"These trees are new," says Don, "they may look normal to you, but their shape, their size, it's all just a little bit off. Cindy has been busy."

"Hey you big delicious meat boy we're looking for a girl named Cindy and we want to beat her up and steal some seeds because an old man told us to, do you know where she is?" asks Janet.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuhh...yeah, just walk by the talking tree then take a left."

You at first assume that the man is hallucinating the talking tree, but you turn around to notice a small group of men and women are bowing to a tree that does seem to look like it has a face of some kind. Perhaps it's some sort of collective hallucination?
No. 713503 ID: 76c187

It can't be a hallucination or you wouldn't be able to see it. Ask Don if it's some sort of tree magic and then maybe go over.
No. 713524 ID: 1cebc8

Knock out everyone you come across and bind them completely. If Cindy sounds the alarm all her addicts will come to fight.
No. 713643 ID: 99a64d

Ugh. Whatever. Ignore the grovelers, head left.
No. 714243 ID: be0de6
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Bah! You don't need to investigate all these druggies! You're here for seeds and possibly kicking some ass, not to talk to trees. Making sure your party (excluding Don) is secured on your body, as your party ought to do, you head left.


After opening a set of great wooden doors, which seem to have been grown rather than made, you enter a room adorned with all kinds of frilly plants. In the center of the room lies a throne "grown" of wood, and behind it a strange looking tree with glowing leafs and roots. Sitting in the throne is the girl you've been looking for.

"Like...shit," she says.
No. 714253 ID: 1cebc8

No stalling

Pelt her with arrows!

Ryan, Kick-Ass Song!
No. 714478 ID: 7b65b9

You don't want to do anything brash. She may have stolen some seeds, but from what you know, she never hurt anyone. Try reasoning with her, and fight only if things get out of hand.
No. 714479 ID: 309fc9

Not cool, Cindy. Not cool. Tell her off.
No. 714496 ID: 99a64d

"You know why we're here"

Be ready for anything, but try not to throw the first punch.
No. 715826 ID: 54089a
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You firmly demand that Cindy give you the seeds back, and that she stop...well, whatever it is that she's doing. You're not exactly sure what is going on here but you know you don't like it. Cindy gets out of her throne to respond.

"Like, come on guys, do I have to? I mean like, I know stealing is wrong and stuff, but like, it's not like I'm hurting anyone. I'm just like, becoming cool, you know?"

Don steps towards Cindy imposingly, causing her to flinch and step back.

"That's the problem, Cindy, being cool and being a druid at the same time cannot work! You've only been mixing coolness with druidic magic for a short time and look at yourself. You have drugged worshippers, a fort full of uneven trees, I even think there might have been a talking tree, not to mention you've already grown a Rave Tree right behind you! You are going to help me calm down this growth and set things right, along with giving us whatever seeds you have left."

Cindy steps back more.

"Like, come on! There's nothing wrong with like, being cool and having nature, like, everyone's happy with it, what's the big deal? And like, why are you getting so close to me, stop it, you're like, making me feel really uncomfortable!"

Don reaches his hand towards her, and Cindy yelps out in fear. Before you can do anything, she throws her hands out in fear, and a brief green burst of light emits from them. You hear a loud rumbling all around you, and the ground shakes violently for a few minutes before settling down.

"Like, shit," says Cindy.
"Cindy, what did you just do?" asks Don.
"Like, nothing, probably, let me check."

Cindy points her hands to the ground, and a massive tree begins to grow from under her. The tree soon becomes high enough to look out from over the fort and, presumably, down onto the town.

"Like, this isn't good," you hear Cindy say from above.
"What did you do!?" Don yells.
"Like, nothing, there's no problem, I have to go to town now for no reason, don't follow me, bye!"

Cindy leaps from the tree, rolls onto the ground, and makes a break for it!
No. 715827 ID: 1cebc8

Set it all on FIRE before the overgrowth chokes out all animal life!
No. 715835 ID: c66656

Janet, I choose you! Use tackle!
No. 716217 ID: 7b65b9

same as ^, but have Ryan play his speedy song.
No. 716278 ID: 15a025

Speedy song but have him play it really fast.
No. 717849 ID: c43ea4
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You command Ryan to start playing speedy song as fast as he can, and he does so, sliding his fingers on the guitar like it's nobody's business. You all feel just the right amount of energy you need to hold Janet in your arms, and throw her like a weapon at Suzy.

Janet screams out a battle cry as she latches onto Suzy's head.

"Like, get her off of me!" cries Suzy. Large roots emerge from the ground, and pry Janet off of Suzy. Suzy then slams her hands on the ground, and the wooden floor below her opens up to reveal a secret passage. Suzy runs into this passage before the wood around it closes up again.

"I'm not letting her get away!" Don yells, and he sprints away from the rest of the party, using his druidic magic to open up the passage again. He runs into it, and the wood closes up again, leaving you and the rest of the party alone in this throne room...kind of a dick move.

Just then, five of Suzy's dirty, drug taking followers, lead by a larger, stronger looking head hippie, enter the scene.

"Hey, like, surrender now, dude, or uh...we'll kick your asses! No one makes Suzy upset and gets away with it!"


>Attack [weapons: stake, stake hammer, crappy sword, bow (10 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: druidic healing, vine whip, convert]
>Items [rock]

>Attack [weapons: bone, shiny dagger, bow (9 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: werewolf howl]
>Items [none]

>Attack [weapons: fake vampire teeth, bow (5 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: convert, druidic healing]
>Items [none]

>Attack [weapons: guitar]
>Magic [spells: kick ass song, endurance song, speedy song, sexy song, awful familiar]
>Items [none]

>Hippie 1
>Hippie 2
>Hippie 3
>Hippie 4
>Hippie 5
>Head Hippie
No. 717852 ID: 1cebc8

Dale and Suzy, Convert the mooks!

Janet, Werewolf Howl!

Ryan, Awful Familiar at the Head Hippie!
No. 717955 ID: 99a64d

this, but convert the head hippie instead and use the awful familiar on a mook.
No. 720330 ID: e0e3fe

The battle begins!

Dale's hands glows a bright yellow before casting convert towards the head hippie. The head hippie recoils, and through sheer determination is able to repel Dale's attempt to convert him! It seems this spell works best on weaker willed foes.

Janet sucks in the air around her and releases a terrifying werewolf howl! It sends shivers down all the hippies spines!

Suzy waves her hands around, preparing her convert spell. Seeing that your attempt to control the head hippie failed, she casts the beam of light at one of the lesser hippies. His eyes glow a bright light, before running over to your side. Hippie 1 is temporarily on your side.

Ryan prepares to form his awful familiar. The creature is starting to form, but it will take a turn for it to fully be created and ready for action.

The hippie under your control runs towards another hippie, and begins pummeling his face with furious fists. In response, this hippie fights pack, bruising up your hippie's head.

The third hippie and forth hippie both rush over to you, and begin a furious beatdown of punches and kicks, each one taking turns dolling out the pain.

The fifth hippie, succumbing to the fear induced by the howling, misses his turn.

The head hippie stands still, not seeming to attack. His hands a growing green. Is he preparing a spell?

DALE (heavily bruised)
>Attack [weapons: stake, stake hammer, crappy sword, bow (10 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: druidic healing, vine whip, convert]
>Items [rock]

>Attack [weapons: bone, shiny dagger, bow (9 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: werewolf howl]
>Items [none]

>Attack [weapons: fake vampire teeth, bow (5 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: convert, druidic healing]
>Items [none]

RYAN (preparing awful familiar)
>Attack [weapons: guitar]
>Magic [spells: kick ass song, endurance song, speedy song, sexy song, awful familiar]
>Items [none]

>Hippie 1 (bruised)

>Hippie 2 (bruised, scared)
>Hippie 3 (scared)
>Hippie 4 (scared)
>Hippie 5 (scared)
>Head Hippie (scared, preparing spell)
No. 720331 ID: 1cebc8

At what point did this seem like a good idea?!

These hippies have been trained under a druid adept so they might have a counter to Vine Whip.

Dale, convert the fourth hippie!

Suzy, throw the bone at the third hippie to stagger and follow up with a knife takedown!

Suzy, pelt the head hippie!

Ryan, finish up your casting and follow up with Speedy Song if possible!

And order the first hippie to defend the party! Because seriously, his attacks suck.
No. 723685 ID: e0e3fe

To make up for his error in judgement, Dale prepares another convert spell, this time aiming for a more controllable target. Perhaps one of the hippies beating him right now. Dale casts the spell, and the light blinds the fourth hippie's eyes! But soon, it's easy to tell he's switched sides. Hippie 4 is temporarily on your side.

Janet quickly acts to come to Dale's aid, by casting her bone! It flies high into the air, and slams the third hippie in the back of the head, cracking in two on impact!


Getting his attention, Janet quickly acts again by pouncing on him, and stabbing him furiously! Hippie 3 is dead for sure!

"That's what happens when you break my bone I did nothing to deserve that you were over the line!"

It's Suzy's turn to bat, and she's not going to let the head hippie finish whatever spell he's preparing. She fires off an arrow right into the head hippie's chest! A nasty blow, but the head hippie won't go down that easily! He casts a spell, but it seems clear that the spell is not nearly as strong as he wanted it to be. A thick wooden log fires out from the head hippie's hand, and clonks Suzy's forehead. Suzy falls to the ground.

"uuhhhh that's gonna...give me a concussion..."

She's being dramatic, the bruise on her head isn't that bad.

Finally, Ryan unleashes the Awful Familiar! The floating mouth forms in the air.


The annoying familiar floats over to the terrified fifth hippie, and violently bites into his nose!

The first hippie under your control, along with the other converted hippie, moves away from his target and gets towards Dale. The converted hippies will defend the group with their lives!

The second hippie is not done fighting though, and rushes in for a firm smash to the first hippie's head!

The fifth hippie is too distracted fighting off the annoying familiar to act.

The head hippie appears to be preparing another spell, despite the arrow lodged in him!

DALE (heavily bruised)
>Attack [weapons: stake, stake hammer, crappy sword, bow (10 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: druidic healing, vine whip, convert]
>Items [rock]

>Attack [weapons: shiny dagger, bow (9 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: werewolf howl]
>Items [none]

SUZY (woozy)
>Attack [weapons: fake vampire teeth, bow (4 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: convert, druidic healing]
>Items [none]

>Attack [weapons: guitar]
>Magic [spells: kick ass song, endurance song, speedy song, sexy song, awful familiar]
>Items [none]

>Hippie 1 (heavily bruised)
>Hippie 4

>Hippie 2 (bruised, scared)
>Hippie 5 (face bit, scared)
>Head Hippie (scared, pierced with arrow, preparing spell)
No. 723692 ID: 094652

Dale, use Hippie 4 as a meatshield and close the distance! Instruct Hippie 4 to catch the arrows and run into the Head Hippie.

Janet, take down Hippie 2 while he's distracted by Hippie 1!

Suzy, knock out Hippie 5! Knock him down first.

Ryan, Speedy Song! All of the above needs to be done FASTER!
No. 723714 ID: 3641d4

Ryan speed up the speedy song. Suzy, bite the head hippie with the vampire teeth.
No. 726972 ID: e0e3fe

It's time to move fast and bring an end to this fight, it's been going on long enough!

Ryan jams out on his guitar, playing out a Speedy Song! Hopefully it will be enough to move things along and make sure these hippies don't get the upper hand.

Dale grabs the converted Hippie 4 by his shoulders, and using him as a meat shield, runs directly into the Head Hippie. Their combined weight is enough to knock over the Head Hippie, and while it's not the most damaging dog pile out there, it certainly doesn't feel good on his arrow wound.

Janet, continuing her lycanthropic, blood filled rampage, leaps onto the back of Hippie 2 while he's distracted with the converted Hippie 1, and breaks into a horrifying stabbing spree. Hippie 2 falls to the ground, dead, Janet once again living up to the village psychopath name.

"Hahahahahahahhahahahaha I have horrible issues."

While Hippie 5 is distracted by the familiar flying around his face, Suzy wobbles over to him and attempts to push him over. Unfortunately for her, it comes off more as a light tap. Her wooziness, combined with her lack of physical strength or an effective weapon, make her attempt pretty weak, even with the familiar distracting the hippie.


The familiar chomps down on the 5th Hippie's nose, drawing blood. The hippie is visibly terrified.

Hippie 1 shakes his head, and looks around, confused, before turning aggressively towards the party. Hippie 1 is no longer converted!

Hippie 4, trapped between the Head Hippie and Dale, is unable to do much other than lightly smack the Head Hippie under him.

The Head Hippie, however, is able to free his hand from under the dog pile, and slam a fist into the ground. Vines emerge from under him, and they begin to slash at Dale and Hippie 4. Hippie 4 is only lightly scratched by these vines, but on Dale's bruises the pain is EXTREME. Dale falls off of the pile.

Hippie 5, in a fit of terror, shakes his arms about. One stray elbow later, and Suzy has been knocked out!

DALE (heavily bruised, EXTREME PAIN)
>Attack [weapons: stake, stake hammer, crappy sword, bow (10 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: druidic healing, vine whip, convert]
>Items [rock]

>Attack [weapons: shiny dagger, bow (9 arrows)]
>Magic [spells: werewolf howl]
>Items [none]

SUZY (knocked out)

>Attack [weapons: guitar]
>Magic [spells: kick ass song, endurance song, speedy song, sexy song, awful familiar]
>Items [none]

>Hippie 4

>Hippie 1 (heavily bruised)
>Hippie 5 (face bit, bleeding, TERRIFIED)
>Head Hippie (pierced with arrow, tackled)
No. 726973 ID: 15a025

Dale, take a break and heal your-self. Janet go crazy with that dagger and slice up a hippie. Ryan, play the kick ass song.
No. 727089 ID: 7b65b9

You know, I just realized making a young kid who had mental issues to begin with brutally murder people might not be the best thing for her, and I wonder if we should have given her the dagger in the first place.
Have Janet put hippie 5 out of his misery while Don heals himself, Ryan plays a speedy song, Phillip rush to Hippie 1 before he can cast his spell, and have hippie 4 distract hippie 1.
No. 727093 ID: 7b65b9

Sorry, have Phillip rush to Head Hippie before he casts his spell.
No. 727126 ID: 094652



Thank you.

Ryan, play a Sexy Song to stun the enemies!

Janet, tear open Hippie 2's neck and werewolf howl with your moustache full of blood.
No. 731419 ID: e0e3fe

My God, it feels like this fight has been going on for months! Suzy's knocked out, Dale's in pain, it's time to finish this off for real this time!

Ryan pulls out his guitar and starts playing a Kick Ass Song! The energy to crush enemies fills the party's bones!

Dale realizes he needs to put an end to this head hippie once and for all, and will fight through the pain to get the job done (though that may be due to the Kick Ass song's influence). He lifts his stake in the air, his arm trembling from the EXTREME PAIN, and sends it straight down onto the Head Hippie's face. Let's spare you the details and just say it isn't a pretty sight, but the Head Hippie is dead, and after that surge of energy, Dale crashes hard. He passes out right as Hippie 4, the mind controlled hippie, slides out of the dog pile.

Janet howls loudly, clearly ready to take another life. Instead of taking the weaker kill of Hippie 5, however, she leaps over to Hippie 1, swinging away. Though he is bruised, the hippie is able to grab Janet mid leap, and throw her to the ground. It is enough of a distraction to allow Hippie 4 to attack him from behind. With the combined punches of Hippie 4 and the stabs of Janet, Hippie 1 is defeated.

Hippie 5, realizing there is no way he can survive if he keeps fighting, surrenders.

"Like, hey dudes, spare me! Peace and love, right!?"


>Hippie 1: KILLED, 8 cool points.
>Hippie 2: KILLED, 8 cool points.
>Hippie 3: KILLED, 8 cool points.
>Hippie 4: CONVERTED, 6 cool points.
>Hippie 5: SURRENDER: 6 cool points.
>Head Hippie: DEAD, 12 cool points.

>DALE: 0, JANET: 30, SUZY: 0, RYAN: 55
No. 731440 ID: b2d501

So we really do get less cool points for nonlethal takedowns. Hm.

Hippie 4, find some rope and tie up Hippie 5. Janet and Ryan, tie up Hippie 4. Then wait until Dale and/or Suzy wake up and go for a round of heals. If the trees start closing in with magic, take Dale and Suzy and run.

Keep the familiar summoned, Janet's a loudmouth either way.
No. 731468 ID: 15a025

Give our Suzy all the CP.
No. 731600 ID: b2d501

Downvoting this. Sorry man, but remember that Cool Points decrease the effectiveness of Druid abilities, which includes healing. She's going to use that very often very soon.

Try something that doesn't allocate most cool points to a single character.
No. 731605 ID: 15a025

Whops, forgot about that. Maybe we should just split them evenly between Janet and Ryan then?
No. 731638 ID: 7b65b9

I think we should allocate one person to be the cool one who uses sweet wizard magic and helps us persuade people with their coolness.
I vote Janet because she could use some better offense, and a werewolf wizard just sounds badass, so I vote all points go to Janet.
If not that, then i'd say they should go to Ryan since he could also learn magic, and he doesn't have many ways to attack, but I think he works great as support, so I still vote all points go to Janet.
No. 734475 ID: e0e3fe
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>DALE: 0, JANET: 78, SUZY: 0, RYAN: 55
>Janet went from...Freakin' Weirdo...to Likable Friend!

"Oooooooooo my goodness I can't believe it I'm like so cool aren't I my beard may be covered in blood but now everyone's going to love me forever isn't that so cool everyone?"

You look over the bloodshed. Dead bodies everywhere, Suzy only now getting up, wobbly and disoriented, and the hypnotized hippie standing menacingly over the cowering hippie, and yet the only thing that draws your attention...is how cool Janet is. This is coolness you haven't seen in a good long time.

"Janet," says Ryan, "you are like, the coolest little werewolf kid I've ever seen!"

"Don't uh...forget about me...now that you're cool..." sputters out Suzy.

The hippie that gave up calls your attention.

"L-look, I'm sure we can work something out. Hey, it's a long walk back into town. I could do a spell to get these trees to move you right down to where Cindy ought to be, brothers and sisters. You gotta catch up with your druid friend anyway, right? And you can just leave the rest of us alone, right?"

"Wait," says Ryan, "before we go dudes, we should get some sap from the rave tree for that nun. She did help us get into here."

"Well hold on..." said Suzy, "I don't trust this guy, we should just walk out the way we came."

"I have an idea let's burn this entire place to the ground trees are for nerds anyway and I'm so cool I don't care about nerd anymore do you think you can eat a tree?" says Janet.
No. 734481 ID: b2d501

I think he's too stoned to do advanced subterfuge, but at the same time would be willing to walk into a trap just to crush you all before you screw him over.

You need to ask for something out of left field or he might add some corrupt code in the spell, telling the trees to crush anything with wolf hair or spew vine spikes with vibration detectors. Tell the hippie to construct a complex climbing tool, like a vineshot or a folding ladder, in the next two minutes. Otherwise, you're going to torture him and then order Hippie 4 to keep torturing him after you leave.

Also, now that Janet and Ryan are sufficiently Cool, you should probably use their coolness to earn money via charisma-score jobs. At the same time, you'll need to build Dale and Suzy's charisma scores over time to prevent Janet and Ryan from leaving you due to the fame distance going to their heads.
No. 734482 ID: 7b65b9

I think you should consult Don first, maybe he can just do that anyway. If Don can't, I'd say use convert on the hippie, then order him to do that spell so he won't screw you over, and he'll be safe once he snaps out of it.
Also, I believe Janet won't leave us just because she's cool, so have faith in her. She is our "Likable Friend" after all. Just make sure her title never goes to anything like "Bigheaded Hotshot."
No. 734503 ID: b2d501

Don's not here right now, he went after Cindy.
No. 734534 ID: 7b65b9

oh yeah, I forgot. I guess try convert then?
No. 734563 ID: db0da2

No Janet! Arson is only for dynamic exits, we still have business here. We can use convert on the hippie to make sure he isn't tricking us.
No. 739448 ID: e0e3fe
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It's always a good idea to play these sort of things safe. Your hand glows as you convert the hippie prisoner to your cause, and tell him to send you and your group to the village.

"As you command," the hippie says, in a monotone voice.

The hippie motions you all to stand in a circle together while him and the other converted hippie stand back. After some spell work, a stump forms under everyone, and grows like an elevator into the air.

"Make sure to stay close dudes," says Ryan, "don't wanna fall of this thing!"

"I'm actually s-scared of heights!" cries Suzy.

Janet says nothing, but instead whimpers, and clings onto your head for safety.


The tree brings you to the center of Coastberg's beach, to see a very strange site. A massive, curling tree has grown out the sand, and its spiraling limbs have gotten into everything! The churches, the markets, and houses, all have roots and branches piercing through the walls. You can see fish men spooks dead, curled up in the wood by the ocean.

Don the Druid stands by the base of the colossus tree, shouting up at Cindy, who can be just barely bee seen at the very top of the tree, hiding in the leaves. The growing stump drops you all off by Don, and retracts all the way back into the mountain.

"Get down from there!" yells Don.
"I can fix this!" cries Cindy.
"You've done enough damage!"
"Shut up I can fix this!"
No. 739500 ID: 15a025

Tell Cindy to get down here so she can start cleaning up here awful mess.
No. 739510 ID: b2d501

No. 739640 ID: db0da2

Coax Cindy down from there, tell here that it's alright and that she doesn't have to worry because we don't blame her for this but that hasty solutions to problems tend to only compound them and that she should leave this in our capable hands. Then >>739510, because arson is always the answer (also something something balance of nature something something controlled burn).
No. 740479 ID: e0e3fe
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Cindy's not a bad kid, really...I mean she kinda is, but regardless, some compassion might be needed to get her to surrender.

You tell your crew to help you ease Cindy down, and get cracking at it.


It's a long job.
A real long job.

You bargain, you forgive, you threaten, you get passive aggressive, you compliment, you even tell a few knock knock jokes. Your friends all do the same.

"Like c'mon babe," says Ryan, "I'll write a song just for you if you get down."

"Coolness is fleeting anyway," says Suzy, "I should know."

"Jump and do a flip!" yells Janet.

Even the towns people of Coastberg join in, because what else are you going to do when a giant tree smashes through the whole town?

And through this combined effort, Cindy gives in.

"Like, okay, okay, I'll come down."

A vine from the tree lowers Cindy to the ground. Some people embrace her, others look at her with sneers.

You then tell everyone to burn the tree.

Cindy and Don are shocked, but the townspeople are totally up for it. It's not long before a suitable blaze is made around the base of the tree...only for a massive tree branch to slam out the fire. Attempts after that to burn the tree cause the branch to not only put out the fire, but smack whoever started it. This giant tree appears to be sentient!

"This isn't good," says Don, "I'm gonna need some time to figure this whole tree out. You should all head back to the inn, I gotta work on this."

It is pretty late, and you folks are tired. If you wanted though, you could go back to the temple, or go to the empty town guard building. Or maybe head out of town and just enjoy a cool night walk.
No. 740483 ID: b2d501

Cindy: You're a drug lord with unstable magic, thralls and civilians are dead because of your drugs and magic. Jail.

Don: Remember, druids reject Coolness to achieve balance. That sentient water-hog? Super cool, super unhinged. We've killed people for less.

Townsfolk: Dealing with this tree is going to be an uphill battle, but with your help we intend to make your beach tree-free before it evolves into a mangrove and drains the sea and your property values. So please, take your time to gather your belongings, and build a new town using your current legislative powers to transfer ownership of this part of the beach to another part of the beach. We may be forced to destroy the city to save the beach that gave you these fortunes. Please be sure to assist any fishmen you find, you cannot handle two enemy factions at once.

Percy: Guide your people, make sure they don't panic while your leaders plan out a new city and defenses. This is what your church was meant to do.

Fishmen: We will try to contain the plant before it destroys the beach. Work with Coasterberg civilians, they can give you the weapons and technology you need to enforce your beaches, but only if you give them the assistance they need to survive.

Janet, scout out the homes and mark areas which haven't been heavily infested. Grab some treasure before the tree destroys it, and tell us which locations need evacuation. We'll give most of it back for a finder's fee.

Suzy, go with Coasterberg's civilians and subtly convert anyone who loses their mind for the strain, then talk them down and bribe them to stop panicking. Yell if you need help with conversions.

Ryan, buff Don while he analyzes the tree. If he gets tired, get him to safety.

(Dale will stay in town and co-ordinate all teams.)
No. 740513 ID: 7b65b9

I don't know if you nabbed any sap from the rave tree like Ryan mentioned, but if you did you should bring it back to the nun at the temple who helped you out. Maybe ask her if she has any good ideas on what to do about the tree?
No. 740514 ID: 15a025

Let's get some of that sap.
No. 742024 ID: e0e3fe
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Your mind rushes with plans on attack. Something about this whole experience has really awoken the tactician into you. You just want to get everybody to look at you and hear your expert plan to handle this crisis. But as you see town guards taking Cindy away, towns people returning to their homes, and your companions yawning, that no one is going to be up for any big plans tonight. You're not ready to fall asleep yet though, so what ever will you do? That's when it hits you. You suggest going back up the mountain to get that sap for the nun.

"Dude, I told you we should have got some before we left!" whines Ryan.

Suzy and Janet don't seem to mind going back to the rave tree, however, probably because they can take naps while clinging to your body. With that, you set off up the mountain trail, leaving Don to his work on the tree.


On your way up the mountain, you cross the temple of the Sensational Soul Spirits, with Priest Percy standing outside its doors.

"Ah, you there, faithful children, come here for a minute. I need some help, I really do. During all this druid madness, that giant tree in town and all, one of my nuns got into a frenzy! She started going on and on about the evils of the druids, and how they needed to storm the fort while everyone was distracted! Ah, pity pity pity! I told her it was too dangerous, but she wouldn't listen, and she got a couple of my own to go with her up the mountain! Dark hate has blinded her, I tell you, you must bring her and the others back to me!"
No. 742026 ID: b2d501

See if we can get Percy as a guest squad member. He might be the only one who can talk the crack nun down.
No. 742034 ID: 7b65b9

Ask if he and the the rest of the nuns can all go with you, that way if they resort to violence you still have the numbers advantage.
No. 742487 ID: e0e3fe
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You ask Priest Percy if he or any of the other holy folk at the church would be willing to tag along with you. Percy shakes his head.

"I'm sorry child, but I'm afraid that just won't do. Lotta people got their homes destroyed by that big ol' tree in town, and we gotta take care of those who don't have no where else to go. Dreadful stuff, but we need everyone we can to stay at the temple. Plus, if something tragic were to happen, like a battle, I couldn't bear to fight against our own. Ah pity pity pity."
No. 742507 ID: 7b65b9

Okay, well I guess you'll have to run up there yourselves. Once you get there, maybe if you force fed them sap from the rave tree, they'll realize how wonderful it can be and give up, and if not, they'll be so out of it they probably won't be that dangerous and then you could contain them.
No. 742521 ID: b2d501

Ask him for any weapons or adventuring supplies that were donated to the church. If they're not going to fight, now's the time for logistics.
No. 743128 ID: e0e3fe
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You shrug, and ask if the priest can at least offer some supplies for the potential battle. Priest Percy looks to his left, and then to his right, before reaching into his pocket and handing you a small emerald.

"If you really think this needs to end in a fight, use this. A Spirit Stone. All you gotta do is throw it down, and it'll summon one of the spirits to help you. It's a one time use thing, my boy, so don't use it lightly. Good luck."

With that, you march off into the woods.


It is hard to find your way through these woods, and the amount of times you trip is increased. It's like the roots of all the trees have gotten fatter. There's no time to focus on that, because you hear the voice of a familiar nun in the distance, along with two other voices.

"We need to storm the fort now, cut faster!"
"Sister, if I do it too fast, the wood will come alive again. And please be quiet, you'll wake the druids."
"Brother is right, sister, we can't save the town by being reckless."
"I don't care! We need to get that sap!"
"Y-Yes! The sap! So we can destroy it!"
No. 743129 ID: 15a025

Approach them and pretend like you're here to help.
No. 743130 ID: b2d501

Suzy, pelt the crack nun. Heal her after she's tied up.
No. 743133 ID: 7b65b9

See if you can pretend to be on their side, then strike at the most opportune time.
No. 746779 ID: 112936
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It's time to bluff. You approach the group, with a smile on your face and your arms wide open. Hopefully you look more friendly than creepy. The cleric slowly but surely cuts at the reinforced wooden doors of the fort, while one unfamiliar nun looks around vigilantly, and the other, more familiar one twitches about, her eyes darting around the woods before landing on you. Before she can speak, you take the time to introduce yourself and say you're here to help the holy mission.

"You are?" asks the cleric, "excellent, we could use more manpower to get through this door."
"Just be quiet," says the vigilant nun, "and do be careful."

The crazed nun walks up to you and pulls at your arm, taking you farther away from the others, and whispers "w-what type of game is this? You don't get me s-sap, and now you're trying to help me? I-If you try anything, I swear, I will s-scream."
No. 746780 ID: 094652

Hammer to the face. Knock her out.
No. 746907 ID: e4b397

"This is for your own good!" Denounce her sap sipping ways and fight it out.
No. 747996 ID: af9c35
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It only takes one good smack to send the nun down. She's out cold, and her companions have noticed. The vigilant nun stands back while the cleric lifts his sword and approaches the group. It glows with spiritual energy.

"Just what is this meaning of this!?"
No. 748001 ID: 988b32

"She was working for Cindy. That sap is worth a small fortune, why do you think she wanted you to storm into a spook-infested forest when you could easily burn it down?"
No. 748065 ID: 37f049

Tell him the sister's sad and sordid story of sap sucking. Ask he be kind to her as she recovers from this terrible tree juice addiction.
No. 749125 ID: 7b65b9

Rat her out for being a sap addict.
No. 768603 ID: 054643

Just try to talk your way out of it. Say that she was lying about the tree just to get sap from it. Get Janet to do the talking, since they will be more likely to trust an innocent kid.
If that doesn't work, take the crazy nun as hostage. If they care about her at all you can negotiate.
If they don't care about the crazy nun, quickly bring her back to Percy and interrogate her on a way to stop the rest of them.
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