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693648 No. 693648 ID: f5f4c3

nookie is good
fuck saving the world
6 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 694520 ID: 28d9e2
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"So uh..."
"Do you still want to..."
"Maybe? I feel like something good will come from it."
No. 694524 ID: 007e78

Make out for a week.
No. 694527 ID: 923da3

go ahead! Umm, anyone else we can swap to if you want yer privacy?
No. 694528 ID: 28d9e2
File 145299757042.png - (10.81KB , 800x600 , 4.png )

How about... Inez? ... Uh...

No. 694603 ID: 2ccbb3

Is your defense grid operational? Please check before you get to the good stuff.
No. 694637 ID: 4e5add

lets give these two the space they want before one of them gives us the "move along" hand signal.

Why don't we check in on Oliver and see if he woke up yet.
No. 694652 ID: 28d9e2
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hmm... mmm... ah...
No. 694654 ID: 28d9e2
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My bleeding head hurts.
No. 694655 ID: 28d9e2

No. 694659 ID: 28d9e2
File 145300995135.png - (10.11KB , 800x600 , 7.png )

Ah. Didn't get too far off before getting knocked out. My favorite confectionary is not too far off what the fuck is that, what the fuck is that, head-voices please help
No. 694660 ID: f6442a

Your head's not bleeding, you're just ginger.
No. 694670 ID: 4e5add

Don't worry Oliver, Its just one of Biv's "Inklings." They are just there to keep an eye out for you same as us, but without speaking to you inside your head.
No. 694679 ID: 2ccbb3

Oh, him. Possibly one of the "inklings". Most of them are on your side, but a few are backstabbing assholes. Same as any soldier really.

Call out and get him to tag along with you.
No. 696652 ID: 12ebed

Stay calm, just keep going to the confectionary and act like you didn't see the "inkling" while keeping it in your peripheral.
No. 700461 ID: fb9051
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I dont have time for this shit.
No. 700462 ID: fb9051
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What was I expecting? Closed. Marj isn't even baking. Can't smell her delicious orange merengue cakes...
No. 700463 ID: 2ccbb3

I don't think she's made a fresh batch-


Or the money.

No. 703623 ID: 18f5a1
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I'm... Not... No. Just no.
All the tables are in the back of the sweetshop. I call out Marj's name, only to get silence back. I'm not exactly scared shitless anymore. What can I do? It's the apocalypse, and I'm apparently the only one left in all of England, hell, all of the United Kingdom left. There's the clerk desk and back room and kitchen area, so it seems fair to check it out. But... something feels different, like if you played Zelda or something and a clue chime goes off.
No. 705419 ID: 6a84d9

What do you mean by that? Because I suck at puzzles... I guess we start with pushing things randomly and see what happens?
No. 721587 ID: 69f709

I haven't given up on stupidquest, Color Quest or A Journey of Hatred. Because of a major operation to my spine, I've been rendered unable to do much besides stare at my own ceiling. If you want updates, go to my Tumblr... Sorry... torakosama.tumblr.com
No. 739982 ID: 650554
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>What do you mean by that? Because I suck at puzzles... I guess we start with pushing things randomly and see what happens?

No, no. I suppose it's hard to explain, but one of these tables has a secret.
No. 740000 ID: b2d501

You mean the one in front of you on the left?
No. 740016 ID: 650554
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It's getting unusually warm in here, like i'm being hugged under a blanket... with a naked body...
No. 740017 ID: 650554
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and their body is getting hotter as they pull me closer. This sensation of something being strange is getting weirder and it's getting hotter! But... even if I feel this heat, I'm not hot.
No. 740019 ID: 650554
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Something is missing. What is it that is missing from me?
No. 740021 ID: 650554
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No. 740028 ID: 650554
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"Your name is Ruby and your mother is missing."
No. 740097 ID: e4c7c6

Inspect those little things on the middle of the room. Are they arguing? Also, check inventory if any.
No. 740120 ID: 398fe1

How long has she been missing?
No. 740201 ID: 74bbb5
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"You don't see any creatures. But you do hear a ping. It's Oliver's ping. Oliver's got a warm sounding ping."
"Mom's been gone for a week and she hasn't brought my medicine back. You have terror visions when mom isn't here."
"oi red, you alright m8"
What do I say?
>Mom is gone.
>I wanna kill myself and end my misery.
No. 740202 ID: 398fe1

>Mom is gone.

Also tell him you need your medicine.
No. 740247 ID: 20e501
File 147019066926.png - (45.77KB , 800x600 , 0208162.png )

Please talk
I know you haven't been feeling well

My mom has been gone for a week. And I need my medicine, but she has it. The pharmacy won't give it...

Kindle seems to be holding something, which is weird because Kindle is a bunny.

>Take it from Kindle.
>Continue talking to Oliver.
No. 740249 ID: 398fe1

I know what that is Kindle has. You don't need it. (it's the knife we hid in the plushie)

Keep talking to Oliver. Don't pay attention to the hallucinations.
No. 740605 ID: 725ca7
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>I know what that is Kindle has. You don't need it.
>You should always be wary of the rabbit however.
You concur. You suppose...?
"Oliver, what do I do? I need my medicine..."
dont panic okay
remember to hug Kindle okay?
pretend Kindle is me and that im there

No. 740609 ID: 725ca7
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"Kindle loves you!"
"Hahaha! Kindle."
>Find medicine.
>Talk to Oliver about hallucinations.
No. 740895 ID: b83bd6

Keep talking with Oliver.
No. 740907 ID: f8b29a
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You think maybe the police know where mom is? I'll call them and tell them what's happening...
okay, red
youre hugging Kindle right

Yeah. I feel a lot better. I think I'll be able to find mom... Or some information about mom.
good. remember what I always say to you when you're feeling down.
We are apart, but that doesn't mean we aren't still close. You're one of the people I love the most.
love you red
I love you too Oliver.
No. 740910 ID: f8b29a
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Right. Something strange. There's nothing missing. It's all in my head. I have to fight, I have to fight... Ruby needs me!
No. 740911 ID: f8b29a
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i have never fought a day in my life what do
No. 740914 ID: 69cd69

Do the Chuck Norris and ROUNDHOUSE KICK THE @#$%ER
No. 740924 ID: 398fe1

Stomp the shit out of it.
No. 741018 ID: 5f5579

Try to see whatever it is that you are fighting, if you can get the jump on it good, but try to not charge blindly into battle.
No. 741051 ID: c6dd9a
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>Try to see whatever it is that you are fighting, if you can get the jump on it good, but try to not charge blindly into battle.
I think it's a ... monster made of ink? Paint? It smells like a mixture of paint thinner and oil. But it gives off body heat.
No. 741053 ID: c6dd9a
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>Stomp the shit out of it.
I... I think my foot would go through this thing.
>Do the Chuck Norris and ROUNDHOUSE KICK THE @#$%ER
I'm... I don't know how to do that.

From what I can tell, I can't attack this thing face first. Any part of my body may get stuck in it. Plus, I would smell horrendous and stain my clothes.
No. 741055 ID: 86db5a

We've still got matches right? Cover your mouth, light that shit up and try not to breath the fumes
No. 741056 ID: c6dd9a
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No. 741061 ID: 69cd69

You're going to need liquid to dilute this inkling.

No. 741072 ID: 398fe1

Pick up a stool and use it as a weapon!
No. 741079 ID: c6dd9a
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>We've still got matches right? Cover your mouth, light that shit up and try not to breath the fumes
No. 741080 ID: c6dd9a
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No. 741081 ID: c6dd9a
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No. 741082 ID: c6dd9a
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No. 741083 ID: c6dd9a
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No. 741084 ID: c6dd9a
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No. 741088 ID: 398fe1

Whoa what the fuck? Are Imps like, super mega flammable? Time to make some firebombs, and go loot a lighter or something so you won't just run out of matches.
No. 741091 ID: 69cd69

I hope you have an apology ready for Marj.
No. 741095 ID: cea69d

Well shit. Bigger than expected but at least you haven't been eviscerated by paint thinner, right? Anyways, someone important needs you. GO to them.
No. 741115 ID: 209171
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>I hope you have an apology ready for Marj.
Pretty fire. I mean, yes.
>Whoa what the fuck? Are Imps like, super mega flammable?
It's called an Imp? I suppose so.
>Well shit. Bigger than expected but at least you haven't been eviscerated by paint thinner, right?
I guess it was made of oil paint and flammable things. Fun, if not a bit dangerous.

>Time to make some firebombs, and go loot a lighter or something so you won't just run out of matches.
But won't I run out of fuel eventually? But more ways to make fire is nice. What exactly would I make them out of. Obviously, things like oil and alcohol and the like would go in it, but how would I make a fuse?
>Anyways, someone important needs you. GO to them
How do I get to Ruby? Oh yeah, I gotta get my phone! She needs someone. Huh. Deja vu. It's been a while since I had to console her. I just feel it in my soul.
No. 741116 ID: 209171
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Huh. My inventory is undamaged. I'm completely unscathed. You know what, a demon ink paint monster just attacked me, I don't think it's quite the time to question this.
Bloodied_Coronet is online!
please tell me youre ok
No. 741978 ID: 41344d
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i'm fine
Are you hallucinating?
but you're not feeling shitty
ruby is there something you arent telling me
kindle keeps picking up scrap metal
well, kindle has magnets in his hands so thats why.
no, kindle is moving
I know that your hallucinations seem real rubes, but kindle is a plush rabbit. he can't talk or move.
oliver, this isn't part of the hallucination. kindle is moving on his own. kindle can move.
i can make him move, but i can't tell you how

No. 741979 ID: 41344d
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Ruby, we've been friends for a very long time now, since about 08
are you telling me that you don't trust me enough to explain EXACTLY what it is that is wrong?
i can't tell you oliver
bad things will happen
I was attacked by a thing. like, a thing
i dont even know what to call it
it was made of like
oh no.
dont do the thing you did to make it come near you

what in the absolute FUCK are you talking about ruby?!
i didn't do anything
i dont know, my body got hot or something in the bakery where i was jumped
but i dont
you are hiding something arent you?
then TELL ME
Ruby is starting to piss me off now. I just got jumped and I'm all alone, and her idea of me not getting attacked again is to "not do a thing." What?! What thing?!
No. 741980 ID: 41344d
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you have powers
we all do
but we cant use them
inez cheated and used hers
she's drawing attention to us and we arent ready yet
you and me and lonnie and vinz and bailey and garrett
we cant handle the power yet

are you telling me
that i have magic powers
in a post apocalypse setting
where an INK MONSTER almost KILLED ME?
you exploded it right and you survived the explosion
you should have thought, maybe im superhuman

it could have been luck!!
i mean
i dont know???
that isnt the point ruby
something WEIRD, something EXTRAORDINARY in nature is happening
and you are telling me that I cant use the gift given to me
because why????!!!!
do you WANT to die?!
we are human beings with magical powers
who DONt know what these powers even mean
all of us
all 7 of us
we are somethiing
we will leave a legacy
and it all begins with a single step.
but what is this step?
we cant hop in without understanding
or gathering strength and knowledge

but you ARE NOT telling me. NOBODY is telling me
not even the fuckign magical ghosty head voices that have been guiding me!!
oh yeah the channel of advisors. they're nice. they know not to make you search deep down and find your inner powers.
No. 741981 ID: 41344d
File 147111018337.png - (20.50KB , 800x600 , 1308164.png )

I love you
youre like me long lost sister
but right now
fuck off
if another magical monster comes after me, if the advisor channel wants to tell me to use my magic
of which I have no CLUE of
then i'm using my goddamn magic
be an idiot
you stinky pair of dog balls

Well, you mystical, magical arseholes? What can I do? Huh? You gonna tell me or do I have to act like a complete jacka-- my head is literally on fire. Okay! Anyone wanna explain? Since the only person who has an inkling of a clue of what is happening won't say anything?!
No. 741983 ID: cb4760

Hrrm. Basically?
You can learn to do things like ignite your hair wenever you're upset, and get jumped by monsters now, before you can properly fight...Or you can wait, take your time, and by the time the monsters come you can properly face and fight them off even before drawing on your powers, which is the point where the flaming sword that shoots fireballs comes out or however your power actually works.
Incidentally? Calm down, Because I'm fairly sure you getting mad is what got your powers to light your head on fire, and you did say you dunno really how to fight to begin with so drawing attention from the bad guys is probably not a good idea.
No. 741990 ID: b2d501

Long story short, your magic overheats. Use a little at a time because I think that ONE MORE SPELL AND YOU EXPLODE. Not to mention the energy signatures that's giving off.

If you die from spell overload, we lose. It's that simple.
No. 742000 ID: 398fe1

Okay since you asked here's the gist. Evil ink demon wiped out the earth except for like seven kids who were given powers that could potentially beat the demon.

At this stage you're supposed to be training on your own, because the demon can't get a fix on you while you're apart. Once you guys, the "rainbow warriors" I think you're called, are together, then the demon will know where you are and show up to fight. Ruby thinks you're not ready to start training, but if you can manifest your powers and they're as effective as we saw, you might be strong enough to take on a few imps after all. Also we've been outright told to guide people to start killing imps, so I dunno why Ruby thinks we're supposed to be keeping you guys from using your powers.

Looks like you can amplify and create fire.
No. 742094 ID: 0bb200
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>Hrrm. Basically? You can learn to do things like ignite your hair wenever you're upset, and get jumped by monsters now, before you can properly fight...Or you can wait, take your time, and by the time the monsters come you can properly face and fight them off even before drawing on your powers, which is the point where the flaming sword that shoots fireballs comes out or however your power actually works.
But that's just it. I don't know what is considered drawing on my power. I apparently have done it and caused the ink monster to appear. It's ... I'm terrified alright? I'm not actually strong phisically! So... to have a power to defend myself? That's nice, especially in a scenario like this. I'm in this world right now, alone! Why not use my magic? Unless, you can't tell me how to use my magic.
>Incidentally? Calm down, Because I'm fairly sure you getting mad is what got your powers to light your head on fire, and you did say you dunno really how to fight to begin with so drawing attention from the bad guys is probably not a good idea.
Yeah... you... you're right.

>Long story short, your magic overheats. Use a little at a time because I think that ONE MORE SPELL AND YOU EXPLODE. Not to mention the energy signatures that's giving off. If you die from spell overload, we lose. It's that simple.
That's one way to put it. I doubt I'll explode... right? Yeah, the beacon of magic that draws monsters that can kill me isn't a good-sounding thing.

>Okay since you asked here's the gist. Evil ink demon wiped out the earth except for like seven kids who were given powers that could potentially beat the demon. At this stage you're supposed to be training on your own, because the demon can't get a fix on you while you're apart.
That's interesting. How exactly would I do this?

>Once you guys, the "rainbow warriors" I think you're called, are together, then the demon will know where you are and show up to fight. Ruby thinks you're not ready to start training, but if you can manifest your powers and they're as effective as we saw, you might be strong enough to take on a few imps after all. Also we've been outright told to guide people to start killing imps, so I dunno why Ruby thinks we're supposed to be keeping you guys from using your powers. Looks like you can amplify and create fire.
That doesn't seem to make much sense. Now that I've calmed down, I don't think Ruby was saying I'm not ready to start training, but rather that it's too soon to use my powers in fights. Or at least not in ways that aren't ... maybe obvious to them.

>amplify fire
Hum. That's an interesting take. So maybe if I use man-made objects like matches and lighters and use my powers with it, my magic won't be as present I suppose.


Sounds like Lonnie...

Well, I'm presenting these options.
1) We talk to Lonnie
2) You lot focus on Ruby
3) I try to learn how to use my powers despite Ruby's warning
No. 742104 ID: b2d501

Key Word: Miniaturization.

Whatever magic you perform, it's based on heat entropy. Try to do that one thing from that one urban fantasy series and turn your fire spells into LASER SHOTGUNS. Or something efficient.

FIRIN' MAH LAZER > Pyromania

I say we talk to Ruby before she goes off the deep end. You tell Lonnie what you need to and we'll talk to her later.
No. 742114 ID: 398fe1

Oh okay in that case avoid using your powers until you're more physically capable. Since you survived that explosion unscathed I can only assume you have latent physical awesomeness that you just have to work to unlock. GO LIFT SHIT.

I guess we can talk to Ruby a bit more and try to keep her from killing herself with her weird hallucination-powers.
No. 742170 ID: cb4760

Also a thing-find a garbage can, use it's lid as a shield. I dunno if I said that before but I figure some sort of armor might be a way to go for you. Trouble is you're not strong physically right? Walking around under it's weight and getting used to that encumberance should help on the physical strength front while the armor should be useful if another imp finds you, maybe.
No. 743142 ID: cc2dbb
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>Whatever magic you perform, it's based on heat entropy. Try to do that one thing from that one urban fantasy series and turn your fire spells into LASER SHOTGUNS. Or something efficient.
Uh. No. I don't think that's even humanly possible for me.

>Also a thing-find a garbage can, use it's lid as a shield. I dunno if I said that before but I figure some sort of armor might be a way to go for you. Trouble is you're not strong physically right? Walking around under it's weight and getting used to that encumbrance should help on the physical strength front while the armor should be useful if another imp finds you, maybe.
>avoid using your powers until you're more physically capable. Since you survived that explosion unscathed I can only assume you have latent physical awesomeness that you just have to work to unlock. GO LIFT SHIT.
Yeah, that backpack is kinda heavy, so I'll carry it more instead of keeping it nearby and dragging it like I've been doing. I don't know how good thin aluminum armor will be, but it certainly will protect against a good punch.

>Talk to Ruby
Maybe when I'm not angry for feeling betrayed.

>You tell Lonnie what you need to and we'll talk to her later.
i can fly![/color]

Oh, shit.
No. 743144 ID: 398fe1

Tell her to stop using her powers! It attracts monsters and she needs to learn to fight without using her powers so that when everyone starts using powers they'll be strong enough to handle the bigger monsters. Get some physical training in. Also tell her to spread the word to the others. Prioritize physical training before magical training.
No. 743148 ID: cc2dbb
File 147157924553.png - (7.78KB , 800x600 , 1808162.png )

this is absolutely crazy
don't do that
why in the hell not? this is amazing!
it'll give me a one up on the enemy! won't it?

that's the problem
ruby just flipped out on me for using MY powers
also, I have powers
thats AMAZING!!
i accidentally apparently used my powers and it
summoned an imp? thats what the headvoice people called it.
one came a little after I accidentally
broke cars with my mind

you can just manipulate things? like, telekinesis?
well, i suppose
the feeling is hard to describe
i don't move it with my mind like "hey car go up"
it's more like using air to move around.
also using this power to ascend
i wouldnt do it super fast
it's like going down on a steep rollercoaster, but up

No. 743150 ID: cc2dbb
File 147157950524.png - (5.31KB , 800x600 , 1808163.png )

i will keep that in mind
but seriously get down.
this awesome!
but i understand

long story short, we need education and serius training
No. 743151 ID: cc2dbb
File 147157973336.png - (5.74KB , 800x600 , 1808164.png )

i'm trying to talk to you and wear a garbage can
garbage can?
why a garbage can?

its hevyt made of metal and i can have some defensive properties when/if imps come
oh. well descending quickly... also hurts my stomach
you are like super rich or something right

didn't yor parents sign you up for defense classes
i took some basic self-defense classes
i dont think knowing how to disarm a guy with a pistol will help me

dont say that
you dont know what will be usdlahisdhf

Okay, I can't text and arm myself. I'll be busy for a while. You mentioned Ruby earlier. Do you want to hop to her or to Lonnie? Or anyone else really.
No. 743153 ID: 398fe1

Maybe see if you can find a crowbar or lead pipe or baseball bat or something to bludgeon and-or poke imps with.

Sure let's talk to Ruby. We can swap to uh someone else afterwards.
No. 743561 ID: bb5adf
File 147175101333.png - (8.85KB , 800x600 , 2008161.png )

>Maybe see if you can find a crowbar or lead pipe or baseball bat or something to bludgeon and-or poke imps with.
Oliver has a baseball bat in his inventory. Or is it a billy club? This heads-up display is terrible.

>Sure let's talk to Ruby. We can swap to uh someone else afterwards.
Nyoooom. I've always wondered what'd be like to be a train driver.
>Now you'll want to transfer over to the yellow line. I'm sure that leads to Virginia.
Okay. You sound different. But OKAY!
Hmm. I hope I know what I'm doing. It's been a while since I've used the metrorail.
No. 743581 ID: 398fe1

Ruby just an FYI but we haven't been speaking to you for a while. The "different" voice is... something else. It's black. Maybe an inkling? Or part of your powers?

Where are you going? Let me double check... it looks like the yellow line might indeed head to Virginia depending on which direction you're going on it. Honestly it'd be better if you had a map to refer to.
No. 743584 ID: b2d501

Uh, Ruby, we didn't say that! Someone's hijacking our signal! YELLOW LINE = BAD!

Hey asshole, mod THIS!

Along the shore the cloud waves break, The twin suns sink behind the lake, The shadows lengthen In Carcosa;~ Strange is the night where black stars rise, And strange moons circle through the skies, But stranger still is Lost Carcosa;~ Songs that the Hyades shall sing, Where flap the tatters of the King, Must die unheard in Dim Carcosa;~ Song of my soul, my voice is dead, Die though, unsung, as tears unshed Shall dry and die in Lost Carcosa;~ Carcosa Carcosa Carcosa Carcosa Carco5a Carcosa Carcosa C8rcos8 Carcosa Carcosa BITCH

(Cassilda's Song in "The King in Yellow" Act 1, Scene 2, by Robert W. Chambers. I added the last sentence for enhanced madness. Of both kinds.)
No. 743625 ID: 117129
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I live in Maryland. Here's where I've been traveling. You guys (?) have been telling me to go this way. Maryland is in the Northeast and Virginia is in the Southwest (if my geography is right). I'm in the big transfer station in DC, L'Enfant Plaza. I only know how to work the subway trains, but I could try to work the big, bullet train looking trains. The choo-choos. I dunno what they're actually called, but they're the Amtrak, Virginia Railway Express (VRE) and Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) trains. Obviously, the VRE and MARC go to Virginia and Maryland but Amtrak goes all over the country.
No. 743649 ID: 398fe1

The subway is probably fine. While you're driving let's check in on someone else, and let them know they're not supposed to use magic.
No. 745510 ID: ad985f
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>...While you're driving let's check in on someone else, and let them know they're not supposed to use magic.
You've left Ruby to her own devices, I see. You've taken an interesting path.
No. 745511 ID: 094652

Screw you, less-amusing Princess Tutu.

No mind games. What do we need to know, Indigo?
No. 745516 ID: 398fe1

Interesting? She's just on a subway, what trouble could she get in?

Anyway quit usin' yer magic, you doofus. You're gonna spawn too many mobs.
No. 746722 ID: 34936b
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>Screw you, less-amusing Princess Tutu. No mind games. What do we need to know, Indigo?

I can see the past up to one second ago. My powers manipulate life and the living. I can bring back the dead.

>Interesting? She's just on a subway, what trouble could she get in?
I mentioned that I can see the past, right? Well, I can also see what could have been. Ruby had multiple options but the one she chose is what I find interesting because she would have probably... well... let's not be grim.

>Anyway quit usin' yer magic, you doofus. You're gonna spawn too many mobs.
Mobs of ink creatures? I've been handling them well with my companion, Alejandro.


Isn't he cute!

And besides, I've been defeating them with my magic. There haven't been any repercussions.
No. 746723 ID: 34936b
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No. 746781 ID: 094652

Please stop using magic haphazardly. The heat/toxic/entropic buildup will cause spells to deal lethal damage if you overcast while on cooldown, and high buildup sends out beacon signals that invite enemy hordes to eat you while you're constrained.
No. 746783 ID: 398fe1

I don't think that's the problem with overuse.

There is obviously SOME problem with overuse though. I mean puking up blood does seem bad to me. Maybe physical training is necessary for you just to compensate for the toll magic takes on your body. Really the problem is what's going to happen to THE OTHERS. Your overuse of magic is going to attract imps to everyone, if I'm understanding this correctly. Think of it as a global hazard rating.

Are you going to be okay?
No. 746786 ID: cb4760

So...Your magic makes you puke blood.
Also-hey missy, thought for you: You noticed how 'easily' you've been fighting off the opposition? Maybe it's because the others are also getting some of the bad guys being thrown your way and thus less for you to fight...Oooonly they don't fully understand their powers yet unlike you and could use a bit of time to learn how to wield them.
In other words, you're drawing the enemy's ire but you're not the only target...
Aaand something tells me your powers aren't actually supposed to be used that way, unless you were like terminally ill BEFORE all this went down.
No. 756391 ID: b04c2d
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>...Maybe physical training is necessary for you just to compensate for the toll magic takes on your body. Really the problem is what's going to happen to THE OTHERS. Your overuse of magic is going to attract imps to everyone, if I'm understanding this correctly. Think of it as a global hazard rating.
>...hey missy, thought for you: You noticed how 'easily' you've been fighting off the opposition? Maybe it's because the others are also getting some of the bad guys being thrown your way and thus less for you to fight...Oooonly they don't fully understand their powers yet unlike you and could use a bit of time to learn how to wield them.
In other words, you're drawing the enemy's ire but you're not the only target...
Oh, god, you're right. How could I have been so stupid? Ay...

>Are you going to be okay?
I feel nauseous. Hopefully that's gonna go away. So my bzzzt -- is not gonna work until later.

>something tells me your powers aren't actually supposed to be used that way, unless you were like terminally ill BEFORE all this went down.
Well, I figured out that my powers include time manipulation, phytokinesis and ... necromancy? I have no clue what this floaty guy is.
No. 756403 ID: 398fe1

There's a purple guy in the woods behind you. Someone you know?
No. 756405 ID: 642808

Alejandro acts as a decoy while you sneak behind the purple blob.

Show us how deeply you can HURT THEM.
No. 756684 ID: ecdd92

Taking into account that your powers do sound really OP, I would guess that there is a cost to everything you do, aside from drawing enemies close. That's probably why you ended up throwing up...

you seem to have a spectator... I would suggest to hide, since it seems that the environment in which you are is perfect for you to hide in. Or you can try to talk with them, that may work too.
No. 756824 ID: 21d67e

...Might this floaty guy be a ghost? You might have gotten stuck with the whole 'sending on the dead' but I dunno. Along with the others, I must say, purple dude behind the tree!
No. 758982 ID: 9d9095
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>taking into account that your powers do sound really OP, I would guess that there is a cost to everything you do, aside from drawing enemies close. That's probably why you ended up throwing up...
A sort of magical endurance that hasn't been built up, I suppose. I'm curious though. Let's say these strange, magical creatures are faced with another creature more powerful than itself. Perhaps it wouldn't attack if the potential prey were more powerful than it. You know how in some RPGs, enemies run from you if you are more powerful than they? I wonder if these monsters are attacking me because I am slightly weaker or equal in strength to them. It is clear that I am not in danger of encountering something more powerful than imps. We are still on Earth and not in the magical realm where they reside.
>Take care of purple guy in back

Oh no, you brought attention to me! Do we Inklings have to wear a collar of sorts? Or an identifying mark? Do you want me to be killed by a gothy, punky, necromancer?! You will kill me with worry!

"Is someone there?"

No. 758984 ID: 9d9095
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>Might this floaty guy --
>-- be a ghost?
Yes and no.
No. 758985 ID: 9d9095
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He is a reincarnation of my miscarried child.
No. 759020 ID: 6d3d3d

> Shut the fuck up and stop insulting my baby boy. He's the ghost of my miscarried son.
... Holy. Fuck.

I'd like to apologize for every insult tgchan has said about your unborn baby. I can't actually do this, seeing as how I don't have any jurisdiction over any of them, but I'll apologize nonetheless.

You don't have to talk about this now, but we want more information later. His remaining existence might be in danger and we can help.
No. 759021 ID: 398fe1

Who's the father?
No. 762279 ID: 5a8de1

... Do you want to talk about it?
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