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File 145010810860.png - (324.06KB , 2000x2000 , Dan the man.png )
688675 No. 688675 ID: 3155f9

You are DANIEL. Sprawled over the couch, staring at the TV.
...ecent trend of property destruction is assumed to be related to...
Nothing good on.

That must be Marty.
120 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 689114 ID: 3155f9
File 145027159378.png - (197.92KB , 1400x1400 , Real heroism.png )

Rang: Well, Dan and Marty, what's with the snarky tone? Where's the heroic spirit? Where are your costumes? Boy, you two must be new to the business, somebody oughtta show you the ropes!

This wacko's talking big for someone who's probably only had his powers for less than a week.

Add Rang to party: Y/N?
No. 689115 ID: 3bc92d


"Ha ha, whatever dude, see you later or probably never, we're just going to fuck around with portals and shit"
No. 689117 ID: 60ee49

Tell him that he's probably breaching some copyright law with a name like that.
No. 689119 ID: d9d503

Ask him if he noticed how that one wasn't actually attacking anyone and just stood there screaming. What if it was a person that got transformed or something?
No. 689152 ID: f2461f

Nah we're good for now. But hey we were about to go eat some Chinese food, want to join us?
No. 689153 ID: a22f87

costumes cost money and are kind of pain in the ass. You either spend a lot of money to get one made or you spend a lot of time to make one. Plus we're only out for a food run.

Also is there a trash can around here somewhere or a dumpster? If so you could open a portal beneath the dead monster and just dump it into that. Cleans the streets and you don't have to look at it any more.
No. 689159 ID: 2a7417

Do I feckin' know you, mate?
No. 689161 ID: 3663d3

can't combo our powers too well until our portals have better range.
No. 689199 ID: 86cfc3


Open a portal under his feet, 'port him to the top of a building or something.
No. 689207 ID: 39f669

Hah, N.
Make him kick himself in the dick with portals. That's what you get for being a thoughtless killer, dick.
No. 689215 ID: ad936f

Maybe if he ends up getting more aggressive, no need to pick fights.
No. 689314 ID: 3155f9
File 145036980756.png - (256.79KB , 1400x1400 , Rang will remember this.png )

You supress the urge to make him kick himself in the dick. You don't want to pick a fight.
Dan: We'll pass. Besides, what kind of hero goes for the kill when nobody's in immediate danger?
Rang: Ah... Alright. Suit yourselves.
Rang has not joined your party.
No. 689315 ID: 3155f9
File 145036986910.png - (172.48KB , 1400x1400 , RIP.png )

Rang helped you drag the corpse off the street, then went back the way he came from.
Marty: Is there a dumpster somewhere around here?
Dan: No, man. No.
Marty: Well there's got to be one within walking dist-
Dan: That's not what I meant. It feels wrong to just dump it. It'd be... Disrespectful.
Marty: Are you going hippie on me?
Dan: I'm just saying that it's not the same as the one before. This one was timid. It deserves a bit of respect. I don't fucking know, man, just don't fucking dump it with the rest of the trash, it's not right.
Marty: Alright, you're the boss, man. Guess we'll just leave it here and get going?
Dan: Yeah.
No. 689317 ID: 3155f9
File 145036992846.png - (137.51KB , 1400x1400 , Do you feel like a hero yet.png )

You head off towards the Chinese food joint.
What you did was different than Rang. That one was directly threatening the life of an innocent. Praise is nice and all, but you don't need to prove yourself to anyone. You're just doing what good you reasonably can.

Marty: Dude, look at this!
No. 689318 ID: 3155f9
File 145036995191.png - (173.47KB , 1400x1400 , Marty's fresh moves.png )

Marty's floating above the ground.
Marty: If I repulse towards the ground, I can sit in midair! Look, no hands!
No. 689319 ID: 3155f9
File 145036999165.png - (138.67KB , 1400x1400 , Art creep intensfying.png )

After a bit of walking (and floating), you hear commotion around the corner.
Girl: Oh y... you two have powers. Oh thank God. You have t... The police won't be here fast enough, you have to go fight that thing.
She continued running before you could ask her anything.
No. 689320 ID: 3155f9
File 145037008814.png - (157.37KB , 1400x1400 , Decisions, decisions.png )

Dan: Chineeeeese.
Marty: Well she did look sorta Asian, but what does that have to do with anything?
Dan: You know what I meeeeean.
Marty: Are you serious right now?
Dan: Marty, we're not the only suckers with powers in Downtown City, I'm starving, and we've barely even gotten our powers. If it's anything serious we'll get our asses handed to us on a silver platter. Come ooooon.
Marty: We have to at least take a look.
What will you do?
No. 689322 ID: 2ccbb3

Punch girl in the face.

Knock her unconscious in case this is a trick, and then deal with the monster.
No. 689323 ID: 5ea852

Tell her to show you the way and describe what you'll be up against.

It's not a trick. there's another terrified person in the background.
No. 689325 ID: d62963

she's already run off though, how bout making a portal view port?
No. 689326 ID: ca183f

Ugh, fiiiiiiiiiine.
No. 689327 ID: 434eed

She asked us to help, we should probably help out.
No. 689328 ID: 2a7417

Look around the corner with portals.
No. 689332 ID: 818eff

Portal view the thing, ask what that girl got, powerwise, and if it is big or has thick limbs, we aid evacuating citizens until we get bored/ someone else helps out.
No. 689334 ID: 740428

Port peek.
No. 689337 ID: 88960e

At least take a look.

Use portal to spy around corner.
No. 689338 ID: 3155f9
File 145037925133.png - (89.10KB , 900x900 , Always a bigger fish.png )

Using a portal, you look around the corner.

Oh boy.
No. 689343 ID: e7cd8b

welp looks like someone(thing?) rose from the dead, kickass time again?
No. 689344 ID: 2ccbb3

Just sever the legs. Easy.
No. 689346 ID: 818eff

Oooh, that guy looks like bad news.
But yanno what would be great? Eye poke! Portal eye poke that guy. Even better if Marty can repel like a stick or something into that eye. Like a Video game!
No. 689348 ID: a22f87

can you just pull the portal infinite loop thing and then just remove the bottom portal once it gets going to full speed. I know we just bitch about that guy killing the other one but I'm getting hungry damnit.
No. 689350 ID: 5ea852

Oh lordy, that guy killed her baby...
No. 689351 ID: 2a7417

Portal its foot into its face.
No. 689353 ID: 3663d3

two of the same kind? that makes me less inclined to think these are 'random monsters'
No. 689364 ID: 3155f9
File 145038997945.png - (163.56KB , 900x900 , Thinking through portals.png )

Marty: This looks like grade A major trouble.
Dan: No shit, huh.
Marty: So what's the plan?
Dan: I can drop a portal in front of its eye, then you repulsor punch it.
Marty: I like the idea of cutting its limbs off more.
No. 689365 ID: 3155f9
File 145039000189.png - (180.87KB , 900x900 , You know where this is going.png )

Dan: You do realise that means you have to knock me out, wake me back up, six times, without getting torn in half by a monster who can get to you as long as it has more than one limb?
Marty: Optimistic.
Dan: I don't want to fucking die.
No. 689366 ID: 3155f9
File 145039004017.png - (185.88KB , 900x900 , Hide the children.png )

Marty: Okay, you could drop portals under its feet and lock it in place.
Dan: If you had been paying any kind of attention you would know that I can't keep more than two open. Even then, it has four arms. It can improvise.
Marty: So cut them off!
Dan: Marty, you're a dumbass.
Marty: I know.
Dan: At this rate I'm just gonna make it kick itself in the dick.
Marty: Come on Dan, it doesn't even have a dick. Look.
No. 689367 ID: 3155f9
File 145039005953.png - (172.79KB , 900x900 , Make it stop.png )

No. 689368 ID: 3155f9
File 145039007114.png - (76.30KB , 900x900 , What.png )

No. 689369 ID: 3155f9
File 145039012171.png - (231.01KB , 900x900 , Monster wrangler.png )

Marty: Hey Dan, real talk. I wouldn't mind being that monster.
Dan: What?
Marty: Getting wrapped up by a broad like that is kinda hot.
Dan: I don't see how.
Marty: That's because you're a plebeian.
Marty: It's the truth.
Dan: Whatever.

She seems confident enough to stand on that monster for a smoke break. Do you walk over to her (+Marty mood) or head for the Chinese food joint (-Dan nagging)?
No. 689371 ID: a22f87

let's grab some food first. Shit's kinda moving fast so it might be nice to actually plan on what the hell we should actually be trying to do other then grab some breakfast without having to fight a monster ever other block.
No. 689372 ID: 88960e

Go talk to her.
No. 689373 ID: e7cd8b

we could always split up right?
No. 689376 ID: 2ccbb3

Chinese food > Death by suffocation
No. 689377 ID: f2461f

Let's go eat already, she seems to have this under control.
No. 689380 ID: 3663d3

talk/hit on
No. 689382 ID: f308d8

Approach, but stay out of the monster's reach.

Hey, if you put a portal under each foot, your foot could stand on your other foot. and you could lift both portals up to fly!
No. 689402 ID: 86cfc3

No. 689404 ID: 5ea852

Approach her, introduce yourselves as fellow empowered and thank her for incapacitating the creature for you.

If she's amiable enough, provided that Marty promises to keep his Internet-tier input to a minimum, invite her for some Chinese after you dispose of the monster.
No. 689514 ID: d9d287

We should ask her if there's a lot more of these things around or if we have time to go get some Chinese food. I mean seriously, we know jack shit about how bad the situation is besides that we're running into a lot of superpowered folks around here. If things are decent we invite her to join us and talk about it.
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