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684467 No. 684467 ID: 260951

To my brother, Sir Levias Solis. I have written to inform you of recent events concerning myself, and my state of being. As you know, I was recently posted near the front lines, with the task of regrouping with a much larger unit to the East. It is my duty to report to you that a fierce ambush of guerrilla demons routed our group, and I barely escaped with my own life, separated from the group. I managed to capture one of these demons alive, and am about to venture out in search of the rest of my party, despite receiving a broken arm in the battle. I will continue to keep you up to date on events concerning my well being, and the state of the front.

Your brother, Sir Derek Solis The Second.
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No. 685534 ID: ad936f

Do some interrogating before you GTFO. Ask her how long she's been practicing heretical magics. Ask her why she was hiding her identity. Ask if she's tried this sort of stunt before. Ask her name (save this one for last). Don't act so flustered, it's unbecoming for one of your station, and it seems to be encouraging her.
No. 685563 ID: 260951
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Very well..

"That's.. uh.. anyway.. How long have you been practicing magic?"

She looks surprised, "Huh..? Oh. Umm... My mom started teaching me when I was little. So.. a really long time I guess? I'm really good at it now! I know a lot of spells that would probably be great during se-"

"Why were you hiding your identity though? Have you tried to do this.. kind of thing before?"

Again, she looks surprised, as though she's not used to being asked questions. "Well.. You know. What if you tried to get the town to.. like.. burn me, or something!.. I don't think you would though!.. As for trying this before.. Not.. really? I mean- I've thought about it a lot.. a WHOLE lot... But this is the first time I've tried it.. Are you.. okay? You're acting a lot different than usual.."

"..Can you.. tell me your name? So I can actually know you?"

She looks away now, "Alyssa.. Alyssa Burbrand.. You seem really different than when you're in town, Thomas. A lot.. I don't know, more skittish.. cuter than usual.."

>Are you or aren't you a witch-dog.

"What? A witch.. dog? I never really.. considered that form before.. but I could do that, if that's what you're into. If that'd make you fu-"


"Alyssa.. You confuse lust for love.. You need to rethink your life.." I turn and begin to walk away, through the woods once more.

"T-Thomas! Wait! I just wanna have sex! What's the big deal!!"
No. 685564 ID: 260951
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I dress in the woods and continue in my previous direction down the path. Wherever Thomas was heading surely lays somewhere along it..

>How heretical is this witchcraft on a scale of 1 to 10.

Well, if we're including me being trapped in this boy's body, presumably sometime in the past, I would say an eight.. In any case I must return to my own body and time at once.. I have many things I need to do in the near future, and being stuck here, I am unaware of the state of my real body..

>Is this the same witch? Have we seen her do magic.

Well, the only magic I saw were... the brief appearance of canine features on her when I.. accused her of being a dog. I'd say it's not currently clear whether it's the same witch or not, considering I didn't get a chance to see the first witch in it's true form.

>Tell her you'll have sex with her if she tells you how to return to your real body.

I will not have sex with her!! That is.. Intolerable! I refuse!

>If this is time shenanigans...

If I truly have been sent back in time somehow.. I wish I knew what fate befell Thomas Haywright... Something is up ahead.. Perhaps Thomas' intended destination?
No. 685565 ID: 260951
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It is a large farm.. Strange. I am aware of the farms surrounding the town back in my own body.. But I don't recall this one ever being mentioned.. A barn and field stand to my left, and a small home to my right. There are lights inside. Looks like somebody is home.
No. 685568 ID: 0fc976

Maybe Thomas - that's you - burned this one to the ground! Light a torch and expedite the process.
No. 685573 ID: 5ad4a7

Maybe it's his house, and the reason he's the victim of abuse is because his family are ALL pariahs?

Go knock.
No. 685575 ID: ad936f

>What if you tried to get the town to.. like.. burn me, or something!.. I don't think you would though!
(you totally would)

Well, go up to the house I guess. Ask who they are and who you are, claim amnesia. Try to get an idea of the general situation in the area, and maybe a place to sleep.
No. 685576 ID: 2ccbb3

Most people don't care about encryption keys after they've gone stale

You do

Use your knowledge of future events (and declassified intel) to unlock secrets in the local town. Maybe you'll find something important in this simulation of the past that applies to the future. Secrets, mostly.
No. 685582 ID: d5c774

kome, please never stop being you
No. 685664 ID: d57162

Go and knock on the door. Try to act naturally when someone opens.

>I will not have sex with her!! That is.. Intolerable! I refuse!

I understand your apprehension since she is a witch and a terrible person in general, but are you even allowed to lie in the same bad with a woman as a soldier of God?

I'm not sure if it was you or Thomas who proclaimed to be waiting for true love as there might be some merging of personalities - I doubt a man of your caliber would panic like a limp prick in front of a woman in any circumstance.
No. 685668 ID: 3663d3

well see, you would already be back in your own body, thomas would be the one having the sex.
No. 685677 ID: d57162

Are you certain?
The report was on SUPPOSED romance - not CONFIRMED romance. There's a chance this is going exactly the way it happened.
No. 685683 ID: cab7d6

New plan: Whatever the circumstances of Thomas' case were before, since we appear to have free will in this flashback we can manipulate the witch into committing a definite crime and then have irrefutable evidence of their wrongdoing! We could even turn them in while in Thomas' body and make him a local hero in the process.
No. 685817 ID: 260951
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>Maybe Thomas burned it to the ground! Burn it to the ground.

I... I feel like that might be jumping to conclusions a bit.

>Are you even allowed to lie in the same bed with a woman?

Of course. But duty comes first! And my duty to God may outlast my.. seeking of a woman..

>I doubt a man of your caliber would panic like a limp prick in front of a woman in any circumstance.

Certainly not!!... Anyone would become a bit.. unnerved, taken by surprise like that.. but this body is also.. FULL OF HORMONES! It's incredibly irritating! I've put up with this nonsense already!

>Go and knock on the door. Act natural.

I do so.. A moment passes before someone finally arrives.
No. 685818 ID: 260951
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"What in the world... Oh.. Thomas!" SHHHH- M-MASSIVE! Why!? Such..TIGHT garments!

" Where have you been? Mother has been worried SICK! I hope for your sake, you have a darn good explanation for this!"
No. 685845 ID: b8ceae

Easy explanation: You woke up in a stream beat to heck and were accosted by a witch. You have no idea how you got there.
No. 685846 ID: f56624

maybe not bring up the witch
No. 685848 ID: fbc59e

I think we should...well it's like if we don't the focus could turn to whatever it was Thomas SHOULD have been doing... Which we don't actually know. Plus it does explain why it took us so long.
No. 685850 ID: ad936f

Agreed. We should mention the witch, because the more people that know about her the more likely she is to be brought to justice for her heretical transgressions.

Again I'll ask you to try to keep your composure. I understand that a sudden influx of hormones like this can be confusing, but a crusader must be able to work under any circumstances. Use your poker face, imagine this is a high profile interrogation. Also, that girl is most likely your sister.
No. 685851 ID: 1cebc8

Remember: You are NOT Thomas, but you're using his identity.

If you seem interested in this girl, why not get to know her by playing the part of her brother, and then meet her in person after this simulation ends?
No. 685852 ID: 5869f6

Stay focused! Can you call yourself a crusader if you give in to base acts? Just say that you'd gotten quite lost and decided to come home.
No. 685858 ID: 30cec5

You took your time washing up in the river.
No. 685860 ID: ad936f

No. 685863 ID: 1cebc8

What did I do?

I mean, my plan is that Levias does not make any romantic or perverted decisions, but asks her questions about her likes and dislikes and other such things, and when this simulation ends he chooses if he wants to introduce himself to her in person and try dating her. If not, or if she says no, then he leaves, no fuss.
No. 685864 ID: ad936f

We have no idea how real this is, he really doesn't need to be thinking about this now. Plus, she's way too young for him. Levias needs a mature woman.
No. 685865 ID: 73f4d6

Well acting like you dont know your own sister is pretty suspicious, and if people already know about this witch that can change her appearance, it could put us in a tricky situation.
No. 685866 ID: 3663d3

pull up shirt to show huge bruise.
No. 685868 ID: 6e773d

This isn't a dating simulator, this is a crusade. There's really no time to date the sister of some guy we've only heard about.
No. 685901 ID: 9fbfa2

Tell her that "you" got beat up...again. And that a crazy witch person harassed you while you were trying to wash up from all the blood.

That's not true. How can a thirty-something hag give birth to healthy heirs? Plus, unmarried mature women are too opinionated. You're not thinking straight.

But those are considerations for when the war is won.
No. 685912 ID: ad936f

>How can a thirty-something hag give birth to healthy heirs?
Fairly easily? Assuming she isn't diseased thirty-something is a fine age to have children at. Besides, having someone he could reliably have an intelligent discussion with would be a positive, no?
Love can bloom, even on a battlefield, but that isn't the sort of thing that a noble and valiant crusader should be thinking of at a time like this.
No. 685942 ID: 5c8d9e

>Fairly easily? Assuming she isn't diseased thirty-something is a fine age to have children at.
What foolishness you spout. A woman past her early twenties is past her reproductive prime and you would doom this bloodline with weakling successors?

>Besides, having someone he could reliably have an intelligent discussion with would be a positive, no?
If she couldn't have found herself a husband before she turned thirty, I doubt she'd have enough intelligence to lead a meaningful conversation.

>Love can bloom, even on a battlefield, but that isn't the sort of thing that a noble and valiant crusader should be thinking of at a time like this.
Hence why I said that these are thoughts for after the war. By God in Heavens, has wax clogged up your ears?

Before anyone gets mad, I'm just being medieval about this. I'm aware that we, through technology, can achieve lots of things in reproductive sense what our ancestors couldn't.
No. 685959 ID: ad936f

>If she couldn't have found herself a husband before she turned thirty, I doubt she'd have enough intelligence to lead a meaningful conversation.
There are plenty of perfectly good reasons that this hypothetical woman could be unmarried, perhaps she is a widow, or one of those amazonian warrior women.

>Hence why I said that these are thoughts for after the war. By God in Heavens, has wax clogged up your ears?
It's called agreeing. It's what reasonable people do when they've reached the same conclusion.

No worries m8, we'll just have to see how the author chooses to play it. I may be a bit biased, my mom had children in her fifties, and I'm basically the Übermensch
No. 686051 ID: 260951
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"Well-" I start..

>Maybe after you're out of this situation you can start a relationship with her.

>No! She's too young for you! You should look for an older woman.

>What?! How can some hag give birth to healthy heirs!!

>Even an older woman can give birth to healthy heirs, you FOOL! LOVE CAN BLOOM ON THE BATTLEFIELD!!



>I understand that a sudden influx of hormones like this can be confusing, but a crusader must be able to work under any circumstances.

You're not making it easy..! I don't even know if this girl is alive still! To have children with her would.. uh..

"Uh.. Thomas? Are you alright? You look red. Do you have a fever?"
No. 686052 ID: 260951
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>Show bruise, Got beat up again.

"Well.. I uh.. got beat up.. again. I woke up somewhere near the stream.. and was washing the blood off when..."

"Oh my goodness!" She rushes me inside.
No. 686053 ID: 260951
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"Oh, Thomas! You've got to stop getting into fights! I told you to try to avoid those boys!!.. Now what happened at the stream?"

"Well.. there was this witch there and she.. harassed me, I guess."

"A witch?! Thomas! You met the witch?! Are-Are you okay?! What did she do to you?! She could have casted a.. a hex on you! Or something! What did she do, Thomas! Tell me everything she did, IN DETAIL!"
No. 686054 ID: 1cebc8

"I don't know either. I'm going to bed, what's for breakfast?"

If you aren't going to talk to the girl (BTW you're not sure if she is his sister, his wife, the local maid, a random cultist, "spy melons", etc.), proceed to barricade yourself in Thomas' room and inspect everything. Then bash yourself unconscious.
No. 686069 ID: 150194

she mostly just tried to get in my pants, she was kind of awful
No. 686070 ID: 7f917c

She was fairly harmless and I managed to resolve the situation through diplomacy and by tossing her in the river.
No. 686087 ID: 24f724

"I know this will sound very strange, but...for some reason, she wanted me to...copulate with her. And she constantly twisted my words into perverted allusions. I managed to resist her advances and threw her into the stream. Then I came here.

Fortunately, it was nothing remarkable."
No. 686120 ID: 0fc976

She had a hat and made lots of strange requests. I told her to go soak her head, and then helped her do that.
No. 686131 ID: ad936f

Imply that she put an amnesia curse on you.
No. 687759 ID: 260951
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>For some reason, she wanted me to copulate with her/Get in my pants. I managed to resist her advances and threw her into the stream, then I came here.

"She-She what!? She wanted to.. do THAT with you?? Why on earth would she want to do that??!" She catches herself, "-I mean- Not that you aren't attractive, Thomas. I didn't mean it like that, but it's just so... Weird!... did you ever meet that guy in town anyway? What'd he say?"

>Imply the witch put an amnesia curse on you.

"Uhhhh.." I look away, quizzically, "I.. can't seem to remember.. After I met that witch, uh, things.. I've been having trouble remembering anything."

She looks concerned now, but.. almost excited. "You can't remember anything?? That witch DID do something to you!! Thomas!" She leans in close to me now, I lean away accordingly, "Who am I, Thomas. You remember ME at least, don't you? After all you came here."
No. 687761 ID: fbc59e

"You...Are...My sister? But...I don't remember your name..."
No. 687762 ID: fa8f9d

No. 687776 ID: 2ccbb3

"... How DARE you seduce a captain of the Crusades! I'll have you arrested for this!

... Is what I would say if I weren't polymorphed into your brother. Seriously, what @#$%ed-up magic does that novice mage wannabe half-remember, anyway... Ser Levias Solis, how do you do?"

No. 687808 ID: 0fc976

O-of course, being around you always jogs my- *glance down* mammary. -Er, m-memory!
No. 687834 ID: 5869f6

Sister? No? Wait no yeah i'm pretty sure you're my sister and PLEASE BACK THE FUCK UP.
No. 688491 ID: 60ee49

Wait, who were you supposed to meet?

Tell her that you don't remember anything from before being beaten. You're not sure you even remember being beaten.

Since she mentioned a mother and you both have blonde hair and impressive assets, assume that she's supposed to be your sister.
No. 688500 ID: ad936f

this, but...

No. 694020 ID: 4e5add

Stay vague, we know very little of what actually happened to Thomas Haywright at this point, so all info is viable info. Even If we need to act like we have partial amnesia to get it.
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