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674568 No. 674568 ID: 90f3c0

Becoming a merchant sounded like such a good idea at the time. The classes only lasted three weeks, and with all the gold those fatcat merchants in town rake in, you'd be able to pay back the loan in no time. Unfortunately you've been having more trouble than you expected finding employment. Apparently honest hardworking gnolls can't be trusted to watch a shop. Racist shitbag merchants. They had no problem giving you the loan, but now that you've graduated you're not "shopkeeper material."

You have 20 days left to pay back the loan, or you will be forced to work for the guild until the debt is repaid. With the pay they give their workers, you could be at it for decades. The assholes might even try to sell you off to some labor camp.

With no chance of making that kind of money in town, you bought some basic adventuring supplies and set off for Slime Caves, a low level dungeon in a relatively safe area. Even at the low level dungeons, items can sell for far more than they would in town. If you're lucky you might even be able to buy some treasure from adventurers that are too lazy to carry it back to town themselves for a fraction of its value.

Even in the safer areas there's always a chance of running into bandits or monsters on the road, you should be ready to defend yourself. You are by no means a fighter, and are unusually weak and scrawny for your race, but you have been trained in the basics.

What weapon are you proficient in?
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No. 686619 ID: 90f3c0
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Galvin: “Get back, Grekk!”

Galvin jumps forward and unleashes a Crescent Slash, finishing off the lead rat and severely damaging the others.

Galvin” “Ha! Take that!”
No. 686622 ID: 90f3c0
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The remaining rats scurry forward and bite into Grekk and Galvin's legs, causing minor damage.

Grekk: “Annoying pests!”
No. 686623 ID: 90f3c0
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Grekk kneels down and strikes both of the rats at his feet, finishing them off. Izzy and Galvin dispatch the other two with little trouble.

Enemies defeated!

“OK, gather up the loot.”

You obtain: # Item Value Weight 4 Healing herbs 7G .1 5 rat teeth 5G .1 15 gold
Alek uses Skinning and obtains: 5 Rat tails 8G .5

“They didn't seem too tough.”

Alek: “We're not in the actual dungeon yet, there are much more dangerous animals ahead.”

“Do you think we have to worry about those bites, they could be diseased?”

Alek: “I don't think so, just treat the bites like any other wound.”
No. 686628 ID: 90f3c0
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Further down the path, you come to the arch that marks the entrance to the dungeon.

Izzy: “There's a trail of blood leading off to the left, Boss. Should we check it out?”
No. 686629 ID: 2ccbb3

Follow the blood, but try to be covert. Wounds usually leave living entities less than full-minded.
No. 686643 ID: 5ad4a7

If there's someone injured you can help, they will be in your debt. Check out the blood.
No. 686787 ID: 90f3c0
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“Follow the trail. Be careful.”

You sneak through the forest as quietly as you can. You see pools of blood and other signs of battle. After a while you come into a small clearing. You see two mangled bodies, they look like they've been torn apart by wild animals. Beyond the bodies you see a man leaning against the tree. He has a few scratches, but appears to be mostly uninjured.

“Shit, what happened here?”

Man: “W-werewolf. It just torn them apart, I couldn't do anything...”

“Are you okay?”

Man: “I-I drank healing potion... T-the cuts aren't too bad.”

Alek: “If those are werewolf scratches, a healing potion isn't going to help. He's already infected.”

Man: “Shit! C-can you help me, is there anything you can do? I don't want to be a monster.”

Izzy: “Why not? You could have won this fight if you were a werewolf. Sound pretty useful to me, instant badass adventurer. If only kobolds weren't immune...”

Grekk: “I like that idea, Cel. Finally, a solution to your runtyness problem.”

“Knock it off guys, this is a serious business opportunity. Alek, can you make a cure?”

Alek: “Yes, but we have to be fast. It's only effective for a few hours after infection. There might be a suitable alchemy lab at that merchant camp, but we will need a few ingredients. A small amount of silver, a couple of healing herbs, a bit of holy water, and... a sample of flesh from the werewolf that infected him.”

Man: “Please, I can pay you. I have 300 gold on me, and you can have whatever my companions were carrying too.”

Grekk: “Or we could just take it, he's hardly in a position to stop us. A lot less hassle.”
No. 686792 ID: 5ad4a7

Merchants aren't bandits. We have a reputation to uphold!
No. 686793 ID: 2ccbb3

You don't want to kill him but you also don't want a rampaging werewolf on the loose. Bury him head-upright, and take the money to purchase supplies for the cure.

Celdat and Izzy, go buy the necessary ingredients (Celdat has a gun, he's more effective against mortals than beasts). Alek, Galvin, and Grekk, head into the woods and kick some werewolf ass. Be sure to grab the WHOLE werewolf in case you get infected and need up to four cures.
No. 686818 ID: cf91e4

I'd say it'd be worth it to go after the werewolf to stop any more of this/to get a cure for anyone else attacked today even if we can't save the guy. Split up and see if you can get a take in the merchant camp kill the werewolf while the other group hunts after it. Also, get the equipment now, leave the gold with him. Anything enchanted gets scanned and passed to attack team if it's useful.

Digging a hole to bury someone takes forever, but I'm not sure how else to stop him. We have all day though.
No. 686828 ID: c8d677

Making a lot of cure and not solving the problem seems like a sure-fire way of generating profit. Any survivors of the werewolf attacks can go to the convenient merchant to keep from going lycanthrope.
No. 686857 ID: 90f3c0
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You briefly consider letting the werewolf roam free, so you can profit off massed produced cure potions. You look at the two bodies on the ground and discard the idea, if you wanted to kill for profit you'd have become a bandit rather than a merchant.

“We're merchants Grekk, not bandits. We have a reputation to uphold.”

Grekk: “Heh, I'm no merchant.”

“No one would want to deal with a bounty hunter who kills potential customers either. Reputation is important in any job.”

Grekk: “Whatever. Are we doing this or not?”

“Yes.” you turn to the infected man. “Give me the money first, and we'll get you the potion. Everyone, strip the gear from those bodies.”

The man hands you the 300 gold. You acquire:

# Item Value Weight 2 small healing potion 50 0.25 2 small stamina potion 30 0.25 1 unremarkable ax30 3 2 unremarkable daggers 15 0.5 1 leather kobold jerkin 40 3 1 leather helmet 25 1 5 healing herbs 7 0.1 1 wolf pelt 50 1

Digging a hole to contain the man would take too long, but you do still have the short rope on you. Hopefully it will be strong enough to hold the man if he transforms.

“We don't know how long it will be before you become dangerous. We will have to bind your hands until we can make the cure.”

Man: “F-fine. Just do what you need to make that potion.”

“We should split up. One team will buy the ingredients at the camp, the other will pursue the werewolf.”

Alek: “I need to go to the camp. I'll need the equipment there to make the cure. Luckily, the werewolf flesh is the last ingredients, I should be able to add it to the prepared potion without traveling back to the camp.”

You should go to purchase ingredients, you may be able to get a better deal from the merchants, you also have doubt about the effectiveness of normal bullets on a werewolf.

You and Alek will go to the camp to prepare the potion, while Grekk, Galvin, and Izzy track down the werewolf.

Is there anything else you should do before setting off? And who should lead the team tracking the werewolf?
No. 686860 ID: 2ccbb3

Galvin, you have the most adventuring experience, so you lead. The werewolf will be able to track down your varying scents easily, so be extremely conspicuous and let him come to you; dig holes and mark trees with extremely large arrows and signs that say where you are going and whatever you find out. Alek and Celdat will want to regroup with you as fast as possible.

Oh, and try to take the werewolf alive. Having a werewolf to breed should get you a nice puppy one day.
No. 686947 ID: 5ad4a7

Making the werewolf find the party rather than the other way around increases the risk that someone else will get infected. That should be avoided, so we don't need a second or third cure.
No. 686999 ID: cf91e4

Grekk leads, Izzy sneaks a bit away from the group.(since he has a skill for it) He notices anything or gets attacked, he gets their help. Nothing else here I can think to do. (unless Izzy wants to take the kobold armor, but it might impede his skills)
No. 687371 ID: 90f3c0
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“Izzy, some light armor wouldn't impede your ability to sneak would it?”

Izzy: “No, it looks easy enough to move in, but... We just stripped that off a dead guy, Boss.”

“The armor looks practically new, and he wasn't dead for long. It's better than going up against a werewolf unarmored, isn't it?”

Izzy: “Fine, I'll take it.”

You hand the kolbold armor to Izzy.”

“Galvin, you're the most experience with adventuring, so I'm putting you in charge of the hunting party.”

Grekk: “Hey, I'm the most experienced with killing things!”

You ignore Grekk and continue “Leave markings on trees as you go so I can catch up to you later. Here, I thinks you will have more use for these than I will.”

You hand 2x small healing potions, 2x small stamina potions, 1 bear trap, and 1 fire trap to Galvin.

“We'll get the cure and meet up with you as soon as we can. Good luck.”

Galvin: “Don't worry, that werewolf is as good as dead!”

You take Alek and the infected man with you and head back toward the camp.
No. 687372 ID: 90f3c0
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You haven't felt this excited in ages. Leading a party through a dangerous forest, to take down a fearsome beast who has been preying on hapless adventurers! This is what you got into adventuring for! You're done with grinding low level dungeons with those cowardly losers. Running into that cute merchant is the best thing that's happened to you in years.

You look around the small clearing and see a clear trail of blood leading deeper into the forest. The werewolf has left a very obvious trail of blood and broken branches in its path. It must not care about being found.

“Izzy, you scout ahead, look out for possible ambush points. Grekk and I will follow at a distance.”

Izzy: “On it, boss.”

You move along as quietly as you can, while keeping as much distance as you can without losing track of Izzy. You periodically mark you progress on the bark of trees you pass. After a while Izzy stops behind a bush. He gestures for you to come forward to him.
No. 687373 ID: 90f3c0
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You sneak up to the bush and crouch beside Izzy. Past the bushes you can see a small cave. There are piles of bones scattered around the entrance. This has to be the werewolf's lair.
No. 687377 ID: d9d503

Have Izzy sneak around next to the cave entrance for an ambush, then you try to lure it out by making noise.
No. 687378 ID: 2ccbb3

Check up on Grekk, make sure he isn't doing anything stupid. If that werewolf is in a pack then you'll want to hit fast, hit smart, and kill / incapacitate every one of these @#$%ers in case any of you get bitten.

Slowly approach the den. Shed some fur and oil around the site, make the area smell like a teabag convention to confuse the werewolves. Ready your axe to parry the first attack and perform a crescent slash the moment you see more than one werewolf.

Izzy, position yourself on top of the den and prepare to stab from the eyes and straight down the muzzle, but be on alert in case one of them decides to stalk you from behind the den.

Grekk, make sure you punch them in the dick. If those fists go into their mouths you could get infected by multiple strains in a span of ten seconds, which might make the cure process near-impossible. And your brother will probably shoot you if you do this intentionally.
No. 687746 ID: 90f3c0
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You look back at Grekk, he's waiting impatiently in the trees behind you. You motion for him to join you.

“Izzy, sneak around the side of the cave, be ready to attack the werewolf when we draw it out.”

Izzy: “Grekk, you should avoid hitting it in the face. We don't need you getting bitten and infected. Especially if there's more than one werewolf in there, the cure could get complicated with multiple infections.”

Grekk: “I'm not and idiot, shrimp.”

"Good. Let's get 'em!"

You and Grekk approach the entrance of the cave, while Izzy sneaks around the side of the cave. The werewolf will likely be able to pick up on Izzy scent, but won't be able to pinpoint his exact location before exiting the cave. You think about leaving false scent trails to confuse the werewolf, but you can already see its shadow looming in the entrance. The creature is massive, larger than expected, but you're still confident you can take it in a fight.

The werewolf speaks in a low growling voice that is barely intelligible as words.

Werewolf: “You smell like human hunters. They come to kill 'monsters', kill family. I protect forest home, all human who enter must die. You with them? I kill you too.”

Shit, you were expecting a completely feral werewolf. The intelligent kind don't typically hang out in the forest killing random adventurers. It likely fights more tactically than feral werewolves, which tend to just leap on the nearest target and rip it apart. Given its hatred for hunters, you believe you should be able to taunt it into attacking you fairly easily, if you want to stick with the plan.
No. 687778 ID: 2ccbb3

Galvin.set_mood("Internal Screaming");

He has your scents.

Galvin, explain to the werewolf that you are enemies, but that neither of you has to die today. A small piece of flesh from each of the werewolves that bit a human today (a talisman to prevent them from turning feral and attacking other werewolves in blind revenge), and you will swear to refrain from letting anyone bring harm to a werewolf on this day. You will even let the werewolves tag along to ensure you don't kill any more of their friends, as you cut away some of the toxic plants that are invading the forest, with the intent to poison other humans (and gnolls, kobolds, beastmen, elves, goblins, and anyone else really). If he attacks anyway, use the end if your axe to keep him at a distance.

Izzy, climb. Get the drop on him if he attacks.

Grekk, flank the enemies that Galvin attacks and punch them with intent to stun. You can then use your mercenary training and torture any downed enemies until the remainder curl up on the ground while sob-howling.
No. 687883 ID: cf91e4

>kill family
Does he consider all monsters his family? If so, then this is very complicated. Adventurers hunt monsters. It's what we do. What does he do to eat? Does he kill off some of his "family" each time he is hungry? (question only applies if he sees things that way)
If it's only a certain subset, then we can avoid killing them so long as we have the means to do so; we might even be able to convince others.

>all human who enter must die.
>They come to kill 'monsters', kill family.
He treats them the same as they are treated, he has no moral high-ground.
No. 687888 ID: 151d2d

Ask who they mean by family. We had not heard that there were intelligent beings living here.
No. 687889 ID: 5ad4a7

Tell him you didn't know about this situation before, but you want to honor the deal you made. You only need a sample of his tissue to make the cure. He does not need to die this day. It would be a shame for his family to lose its guardian.
No. 687985 ID: 90f3c0
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Izzy climbs to the top of the entrance, and positions himself to jump on the werewolf if it exits.

“What do you mean family? All monsters, or only werewolves?”

Werewolf: ”The wolves and werewolves, we are family.”

“Did you attack the group of adventureers today? We need a sample of flesh from the werewolf that did it to make a cure for the surviving member.”

Werewolf: ”Why would I 'cure' hunter? He came here to kill family. He will join family instead.”

“He will almost certainly turn feral and attack innocent people who have done nothing to harm you.”

Werewolf: “Other humans send hunters here. They are not innocent.”

“We promised to cure the man, but we expected to fight a feral beast, not an intelligent being. I intend to keep that promise, but there is no need for you to die. Who will protect your home, your family, if you are killed here today? Give us a sample of your flesh and we will leave, we will not harm you our your family.”

Werewolf: ”Yes, I will not die today. Come and take your sample.”

You don't like the look in the werewolf's eyes.
No. 687992 ID: 2ccbb3

Ask him to slowly crawl into the light. You need him to bite off a piece of his own flesh and spit it out.

Grekk, advance. Ready your fists.
No. 687998 ID: 151d2d

We should lure them out of the cave instead of fighting in the dark. Say that they should come out and fight us or we will jut have to find another werewolf (not letting on the specific werewolf rule).
No. 688006 ID: 5ad4a7

No. Tell him he doesn't understand. He will give you a sample, you're not going in there to take it.
No. 688046 ID: 433720

Tell him that you wont be duped into falling for such a simple trap.
And that's he's dumb for thinking it would work.
Then remark on how dumb all werewolfs must be.
No. 689025 ID: 90f3c0
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It's much too dangerous to enter the dark cave with the werewolf. You decide to taunt the werewolf and draw it out of the cave.

“You think I'd fall for such an obvious trap? You must be really dumb, are all werewolves as dumb as you? Come out here into the light and give me the sample, slowly. Or should we go track down another werewolf? Maybe your family would be more useful.”

Werewolf: ”Oh, I will come out...

The werewolf suddenly sudden sprints out of the cave and takes a swipe at you! You manage to raise your ax in time to block the initial blow.
No. 689034 ID: 2ccbb3

Parry his attacks for a few seconds. Keep him focused on you, start nonchalantly rambling about how you're going to breed his children like rabbits and sell their diseased half-dead bodies to the local butt-lover.

Who likes to rub his ass over other animals' asses. And does not know how to bury his poop in the ground but sure knows how to mark his territory.

Izzy, stab his eyes out. Use two daggers if necessary. Then try to stab his neck, if the skin isn't too tough.

Grekk, WAIT FOR THE WEREWOLF TO SCREAM-HOWL IN COMPLETE RAGE. When Galvin has insulted him to the breaking point, punch his lower body and try to disarm his legs. If you can prevent him from moving, that will make the fight all too easy.
No. 689041 ID: cf91e4

>breed his children like rabbits and sell their diseased half-dead bodies
Jesus Kome!

Keep taunting him; back up slowly(act like you're losing ground) to make it a farther distance to retreat back to his cave, stop before you get to the treeline.(don't want to trip in the roots there) Your goal is to hold your own til your friends kick in. Focus on defense. (It's ok to get hit, just do your best)

Grekk, wait a second or two(it's actually a long time in a close quarters fight with someone that can make quick short attacks) to make sure he's engaged then try to flank him on the side.

Izzy; stealth up opposite of Grekk. Engage once Grekk either hits or is discovered. If you are noticed, back away and try to circle him/get in a blind spot. He can't focus on 3 people all around him at once and if you're the one he thinks is the least threatening(small kobold) he'll probably slip up enough you can get in his guard. Duel slash when you're sure you can get a good hit.
No. 689046 ID: d9d503

Well, time for murderhobos to murderhobo. Stay on the defensive until your allies can get close enough to join the fight. You don't need to taunt further, as that is as likely to distract you as your enemy.
No. 689088 ID: 433720

Try to knock him out, a live specimen is better than a sample.
You might get a better reward!
No. 689241 ID: 90f3c0
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You parry the werewolf's slashes as best you can while falling back. The werewolf is too fast to effectively block with your ax. A few attacks make it past your guard, but most glance harmlessly off your armor. You take minor damage.

“Is that all you got?”

While you keep he distracted, Grekk approaches and punches the werewolf in the stomach. The werewolf resists the shock effect.

Grekk: "Damn, this guy's tough!"
No. 689242 ID: 90f3c0
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The werewolf lashes out with its superior speed and grabs Grekk by the arm.
No. 689243 ID: 90f3c0
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The werewolf slashes Grekk's throat, dealing him critical damage! At the same time, Izzy leaps at the werewolf's back and strikes him from behind.
No. 689260 ID: d9d503

Looks like time to use your Taunt ability again, while the others use dps abilities.
No. 689278 ID: cf91e4

Galvin, taunt and chop the arm holding Grekk. Either he backs off to avoid most of it or you get a damn good hit and possibly dis-arm him. An attack like that should help to make him focus on you.

Grekk, berserk and try to keep his *other* arm still to minimize his damage so long as he keeps hold of your right arm. If he backs off then take a step back/out of range to elemental boost/let Galvin take the heat. We'll get you patched up as soon as we're done here.

Izzy, keep stabbing unless/until the werewolf lets go. Back off at that point, a solid hit like that will take you out.

He's at what looks like 2/3rds health. We aren't doing as much damage as I'd hoped. I just pray he doesn't get any bloodied effects.
No. 689712 ID: 90f3c0
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You use Taunt and draw the werewolf's attention back to yourself.

“Over here, idiot!”

You strike the werewolf left arm hard with your ax! The werewolf's arm is crippled, Grekk slips free of its grasp.

Izzy uses Dual Slash, striking the were wolf in the legs twice.
No. 689713 ID: 90f3c0
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Grekk uses elemental strike and boosts the electric effect of his weapon. Grekk punches the werewolf hard in the gut. The werewolf's low health makes him more susceptible to status effect. The werewolf is stunned, leaving it open to attacks!

You could finish this with a single blow...
No. 689717 ID: 5ad4a7

Tell him to surrender or die!
No. 689718 ID: 2ccbb3

Grekk: Kiss werewolf while using your electric knuckles at full voltage on his eyeballs. Vegetate him.

Izzy, get on his neck and prepare to slice his neck.

Galvin, look around for any other werewolves. Charge up an attack just in case.
No. 689804 ID: 740428

Honestly I don't see this in ending any way other than the death of the werewolf. They have already said they are willing to cause the death of random humans who are not even in the forest; I don't think there is any deal we could realistically make that would satisfy them.
No. 691962 ID: 90f3c0
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“Give up now, and we'll let you live!”

Grekk grabs the werewolf by the neck and threatens him with his knuckles.

Grekk: ”No, we can't just let him go! Left alone he will continue to attack adventurers and spread the infection, we should finish this now.”

“Werewolf, will you leave the humans alone if we let you go?”

Werewolf: ”I will not let humans hunt family.”
No. 691963 ID: 90f3c0
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Izzy: “Boss, I hear something coming!”

Werewolf: “I did not want family involved. But they have come. You should not have hesitated. “

Two wolves slink out of the darkness of the cave, and two more approach from behind.

Werewolf: ”You leave now, maybe they will let you live.”
No. 691984 ID: 2ccbb3

The enemy intends to fight to the death, and you can't let him go or the infected will feralize. Assess the situation and decide if you can take on the wolves. If you can, then brutalize the execution of the werewolf in hopes that the other wolves will back off. You can attempt to knock him and the others out, but I don't think you have the skill to do this without Celdat's firearms.

Grekk, prepare a healing potion. Galvin, prepare to use all your Stamina. Izzy, get to high ground and jump on the wolves' backs from above.
No. 691987 ID: 5ad4a7

These are just normal wolves, aren't they? "Family" my ass.

Toss food at them. Then execute the werewolf, take the sample, and get gone.
No. 692000 ID: cf91e4

They're just wolves. Each of you should be able to take on one and win no problem. Finish him off, then ROAR in the wolves direction! Try to make it seem like fighting big strong you is a bad idea.
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