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File 143044063675.png - (7.09KB , 573x432 , P1.png )
637140 No. 637140 ID: 791d63

You are sitting on a hill, probably. You have no idea how you got here or even care really. Honestly you were just content doing nothing until now.

What will you do?
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No. 637816 ID: 791d63
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No. 637817 ID: 791d63
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No. 637818 ID: 791d63
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No. 637819 ID: 791d63
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No. 637820 ID: 791d63
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The illusion is broken.
No. 637821 ID: 330ce5

Take back the amulet, also take his hat and any other valuables.
No. 637822 ID: e114bc

Fucking gnomes. Retrieve amulet, and steal its hat to boot.
No. 637835 ID: 791d63
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The gnome has no valuables but you take his hat and the amulet. The amulet lets out a sigh. "thanks."
No. 637844 ID: a9753c

Interrogate Gnome.
No. 637845 ID: 791d63
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The gnome is currently unconscious.
No. 637847 ID: bd8b82

shove gnome into river. cross
No. 637854 ID: 791d63
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You boot the gnome into the river.
No. 637855 ID: 791d63
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After you cross the river you hear screaming in the upper path, like someone getting attacked.
No. 637858 ID: e114bc

Upwards, to rescue!
No. 637863 ID: 791d63
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You come onto the scene. Three mermaids are being kidnapped by a pair of trolls.
No. 637864 ID: e114bc

Hey. Stop that or I'll fucking kill you.
No. 637865 ID: bd8b82

brandish sword, demand they free the mermaids.
No. 637866 ID: 3009b4

Why does one of the troll have to carry two mermaids while the other one just carries one? Are one of you much weaker or just a lazy jerk?
No. 637871 ID: a9753c

Wait, how do you plan to return them to the river? Could the girls die if you mishandle carrying them?

First, ask the guys WHY they are kidnapping. If they don't give a satisfying answer, attack.
No. 638052 ID: e114bc

Well, you warned them. Stab the one with the single mermaid first since the one carrying two will have to put them down before he can join in the fight. You don't have to stab anywhere vital, because of the poison on your sword.
No. 638054 ID: 791d63
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You brandish your sword.
"Hey. Stop that or I'll fucking kill you."
The trolls stop. The bigger one speaks up, he doesn't look that impressed. "Hm? look, we're in a hurry and this is the second time I've been stopped, so fuck off."
No. 638055 ID: bd8b82

perform leaping face kick to troll carrying two mermaids. he can't defend himself. and with him down the other one will be easier.
No. 638056 ID: 791d63
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a stab at the troll. He blocks your attack with his free arm.
No. 638057 ID: a9753c

Wait, who stopped you two? Maybe they know which way M and B went.

Attack the other one, be careful of his feet. And weight.
No. 638065 ID: e114bc

Back off and say "You are already dead."
No. 638068 ID: 791d63
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Thee affect of the poison isn't immediate.
No. 638069 ID: 791d63
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wBut before long it seems almost like his arm is melting off.
No. 638071 ID: e114bc

Now. You're gonna let those mermaids go, and you're gonna answer some questions. Who's your boss? Who stopped you the first time? Have you seen any other humans in the forest?
No. 638073 ID: bd8b82

"so, other troll, you want some too?"
No. 638076 ID: 791d63
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>"let those mermaids go"
The bigger one is too busy slowly dying to put the mermaid he was carrying back. The other one puts the two he was carrying back into the river, but is too afraid to go near you to put the other one back.
>Who's your boss?
"The Wizard of the mountain. He needed the mermaids for something."
> Who stopped you the first time?
These two humans, they forced us to take them to the wizard."
No. 638077 ID: bd8b82

give the sword to your buddy and help the third mermaid back into the water. then tell the still alive troll to take you there too. then he may leave. oh and get sword back.
No. 638078 ID: e114bc

Alright, guide us there.

No need to put the mermaid back on your own, have the smaller troll do it.
No. 638080 ID: 791d63
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After putting the last mermaid in the lake you force the smaller troll to lead you to the wizard. After a bit of trekking you reach the mountain.
No. 638081 ID: bd8b82

check body.
No. 638083 ID: 791d63
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You go over to check the body. It's a human body, male, and it seems to be relatively new. Both of his eyes are carved out.
No. 638084 ID: 57d76a

Fashion eyepatch from amulet.
No. 638089 ID: e114bc

Ask if this is one of the missing folks.
No. 638211 ID: 791d63
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When Harry walks over to look, and just stands there quiet for a while.

He doesn't say anything but you'll take his crying as a yes.
No. 638216 ID: bd8b82

hugs time
No. 638226 ID: 791d63
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You two hug it out. He seems to appreciate the gesture.
No. 638228 ID: 330ce5

We need to rip this wizard a new one, to the castle!
No. 638229 ID: e114bc

I don't suppose he's willing to go through his brother's stuff to see if there's anything we can use?
No. 638232 ID: 791d63
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You brace yourselves and go up to the entrance.
No. 638235 ID: 791d63
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You're in.
No. 638236 ID: 948b76

No. 638237 ID: e114bc

Let's see what's behind door number 2.
No. 638240 ID: 791d63
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It seems to be the servants quarters, it's quite shabby and small. Harry is keeping an eye on the door.
No. 638249 ID: 57d76a

Retrieve book from leg.
No. 638251 ID: 791d63
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The book is retrieved. It looks like a journal.
No. 638252 ID: e114bc

Read up.
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