Mauve Calling Bubbles
You come home to find the front door still open. Did you leave in that much of a hurry when you got the call? Probably. You're a little absent minded lol.
You call out to him in the sweetest voice you can muster:ignoring the fact that he hates the whole pomp and circumstance of lovey dovey baby cutesy names. It's just not his deal.
What's that sound from behind AH it's Dimitr Dozmorov. He's got CHAINS on his HANDS and now they're on your NECK! A BEAR trap! You shimmy away, barely alive, blood oozing from your stump leg.
Disclaimer, Dimitr's not a bear. He's more of what they call a otter but like if the otter had no hair.
(current panel) He drags you out to the garden, you begging, pleading with him.
You can already tell you're in for a stern, quasi-fatherly lecture.
>Love is two parts fun to twenty parts toil.
He takes the time to remind you that relationships don't just happen. They take work and participation from everyone involved. He implies, however gently, you are not meeting him halfway then reminds you that you had like five mothers and they all got along fine and do you know why Alexi it's because they all worked at it five moms and six daughters and you, Alexi, do you think they had issues like this yes every relationship does but you work on them. He then takes a moment to segue this topic into how this is supposed to be both your days off to work out your weird inherited biologies together.
This conversation is getting uncomfortably intimate for you and you feel and intense need to strange it up. You distract him.