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56194 No. 56194 ID: 007a2e





"...to be impressed Hugh?"

"Come on, don't be like that, I *static* even told you what they are yet!"

"Well they look like floating coloured blobs, is this what you waste *static* funding on? Really?"

Expand all images
No. 56199 ID: 007a2e
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One of the figures points at you. "So what are these then? They look like they belong in a lava lamp.."

The other man clears his throat loudly before gesturing towards you as well. "This one is the runt of the two, my first attempt at creating an entity that can give combat advice on the go. The red one is my pride and joy and exactly what the military need."

The mask wearer turns and pointedly asks, "Have you actually named these 'things' yet?"
No. 56221 ID: f4963f

Call us Derpderps!

Or Bridgets. Either one's fine.
No. 56222 ID: 007a2e
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The man you now assume is called Hugh looks down, apparently embarrassed. "Well, not exactly, I mean, names aren't top priority when working on something this important."

"...Right, so how do these things 'give advice'? They don't even look like they can talk."

Hugh brightens up again, "Ah well they fuse with someone and provide information as needed, the blue one is more all-purpose, knowing useless stuff such as how a washing machine works. The red one, although more aggressive, understands *static* tactics."

"So what's stopping them from trying to 'fuse' *static* us?"

Hugh gestures at the panel on the wall, "The shield's up, so they can't pass through that hole, and even if they did, they wouldn't want one of us as their vessel. They can only work with those that have combat implants, mutations or incredible strength of will."
No. 56224 ID: 904da4

Metal Glen Epsilon and MADDIE, eh?
No. 56235 ID: 007a2e
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(They don't appear to have heard you, you adopt the name temporarily nonetheless)

Hugh calls over his shoulder to the man behind the glass, "Hey Bob, you're impressed aint'cha? Come on man, do you ever smile?"

Bob stares back and looks at you drifting around in the tube, "Get back to work Hugh."


You know about Metal Glen, it's an institution that aids the disabled, and has expanded into all sorts of new medical experiments and research.

M.A.D.D.I.E means nothing to you however.
No. 56660 ID: 7eda8b

Excuse me sir, but what is going on?
No. 56786 ID: c0f3bf


Bob? Hugh?

...This seems suspiciously animal crossingish.
No. 56789 ID: 632862

Well, considering what this quest is obviously based off of, it wouldn't be a big surprise if he continued that naming convention.
No. 56792 ID: c0f3bf

Well then.

Going by what they're talking about, we can only fuse with people that are either awesome or evil.

We should try and find a way out as a contingency though, something bad could happen.
No. 56823 ID: 007a2e
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Your attempts at communication go unnoticed, that is, until the red blob drifts up to you.


"Would you shut up, they obviously can't hear you."

You can't help but notice that red sounds like over 100 different people at once, as if they were all speaking at the same time.

"I need a body, I have a purpose, unlike you, sibling, the runt of the litter, the mistake.."

It mocks you, causing an intense static feeling every time it floats nearby.


Escape would be a good start, were it not for this sh-
No. 56825 ID: 007a2e
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Bob reaches for something, "Stay put, I'm coming in. Power just cut."

Hugh looks a little more than worried, "Umm, why would the power cut here? I mean, I could've been trying to create a Nuclear weapon and disruption could have triggered it!"

"Shut up and stay put I said, it must've been big whatever it was."

The masked figure merely watches you and red slowly drift towards the tube's opening with interest.
No. 56831 ID: e06ea4

If there aren't plansss for us, let's make our own. Oh Bo~b, is that an implant I see?
No. 56833 ID: 007a2e
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You drift towards the door, Red following closely behind.

Hugh calls out, "You shouldn't come in here Bob, you have C.A.T installed and I think they can sense it...Don't come in until I say so. The only way you can remove one is through death."

Bob pauses and grunts, it doesn't look like he's going to move in.

Red hisses, *I know what you're up to, sibling and he's MINE! Don't even try it.*
No. 56904 ID: 6c80cf


Two minds are better than one, you know. No reason we can't share.

Or two hundred. Ha-ha.
No. 56936 ID: 1f52f2

Infect him together.
Give him a nice schizophrenia~
No. 56964 ID: a83918
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"You think I'm going to share a vessel with my retarded brother/sister? Do you even know what would happen? No, there is only room for one and that one is me."

Red drifts around you a few times as the other occupants watch nervously. Bob watches from behind the glass.

A few minutes later Red faces you again, "The power doesn't look like it's coming on soon, so how about a little...competition for the prize? We could both temporarily take one of these bodies and fight to the death? The winner takes all. Or, you could take the one called Hugh and make him call out for Bob?"

The masked man waves at Red, "Hugh...These things...Can't communicate without a body right? They almost look like they're planning something.."
No. 56968 ID: 64d98f

Hmm.. sounds good to me. We /do/ leave a body when it dies, right?
No. 56973 ID: 9cc8fd

Starting off by causing death is not a good plan.
No. 56981 ID: 6c80cf


Nope. Do you? Also, you're an idiot. Think about it. We're in the middle of a military facility with god knows what is running around. If -I- was one of these fellows, I would have built a killswitch into us.

Working together would be best. So would avoiding alerting anyone in the facility; you may have combat tactics, but do you know enough about electronics to open a simple blast door without a keycard?

Further, if we get intercepted for one reason or another we can claim non-hostility and get out that way.

In sum: Your plan is pointlessly violent.
No. 56983 ID: 6c80cf


Further: Do you know the side-effects of residing in a body when it dies? Is it agonizing? Does our essence fracture? Do we steadily go mad? I, for one, have no desire to find out.
No. 56985 ID: 4d26aa

Red, you need to chill. Insanity has its disadvantages, you know.
No. 57070 ID: a83918
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"Don't be silly Melba, they only communicate to the host."

Hugh pauses briefly in thought, "Ok...Should the worst come to the worst, Bob, you can incinerate this entire room at the push of a button correct? It would kill us but also, hopefully dispose of my pride and joys."

Melba glares at Hugh angrily, "Wouldn't it have been easier to install something inside them that would kill them?!"

Red drifts through you a few times, creating that now familiar static crackling.

Hugh and Melba seem to notice it as well.


"Well sibling, it looks like they're prepared to kill us both, how do you feel about killing them now? I can observe that Bob would remain unharmed and that big button he's hovering over remains lit. Perhaps you ssshould make a decision."
No. 57108 ID: 6c80cf


Not a problem. But Bob won't strike until we make an aggressive move... he doesn't seem like the nice sort, nonetheless. We need to take them and leave them (or pretend to leave them) in control... or find another exit. How good are you at bullshitting?

Either way, grabbing them -now- would be best... they're close.
No. 57124 ID: 2abfb1

How mobile are we? Why don't we just escape into that handy ventilation shaft and find a more vulnerable target?
No. 57185 ID: 978b45

Can we assimilate Bob?

We should try to go for him first.
No. 57216 ID: c0f3bf

Fusing with bob sounds like a great idea.

Seems like this means that fusing with people that lack these values might give us full control.
No. 57251 ID: 1f52f2

Break 4th wall.
Infect Weaver.
No. 57254 ID: a83918
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Bob is unreachable since you cannot phase through solid objects. However laying claim to him would most certainly be preferable.


You have been drifting up to now but you find yourself to be very mobile, you could indeed escape through the vent but wonder exactly where you would end up, considering the entire lab can be set ablaze you imagine the vent wouldn't connect to other rooms.

Bob sits there for a few moments before leaning forward, "Enough, either I'm coming in there, or incinerating the pair of you. Choose."

Hugh stares wide-eyed back at Bob who sits there motionlessly, "Y-you wouldn't!"

Melba opts to hit Hugh over the head a few times, "I Hate you Hugh! Why are we even engaged!? I should have listened to my parents!"
No. 57276 ID: c0f3bf

Fuse with Melba, from that blank look red might already have taken Hugh.
No. 57286 ID: 1f52f2

Don't fuse with anyone; then Bob will think I'm more docile and cooperative than my sibling, and maybe lets me live.
No. 57336 ID: c0f3bf

Bob can incinerate the entire room, it doesn't specifically target either of us.
No. 57346 ID: 1f52f2

So, let's think logically.
Even if I do nothing, Bob will still incinerate us if Red does some stupid thing (aka tries to infect someone).
So, my only choice is to try to reason with Red to stop him from doing it.
But Red doesn't seem very reasonable.

Say, what can Bob do to us other than incinerate the whole room?
No. 57356 ID: a83918
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The disadvantage of having multiple personalities and minds suddenly becomes apparent.

Red distorts the air around you in anger, crackling violently.

"DO something you idiot! Before we get burnt to a crisp!"

Hugh meanwhile appears to be negotiating with Bob, unsuccessfully.

"Please don't kill us man! We're gonna get hitched soon!"

Bob slides a hand towards the glowing button in response, Melba getting even more hysterical.

"We are going to DIE! LET HIM IN!"

"But Mel...My creations might kill everyone else in this facility if they escape! I don't want what happened at that other facility to happen here!"

He sounds very unconvincing, but Bob uses it as an excuse to hover his finger over the button threateningly.
No. 57360 ID: 1f52f2

Hey, Red! I know you don't think much of me, to put it lightly, but... Look. If we try do infect these bodies, that 'Bob' guy will incinerate the whole room, which would probably kill us.
But if we do nothing, he will hesitate killing his colleagues... and then he'll make his last mistake – try to enter the room.

Then... he's yours, bro.
No. 57361 ID: e3f578

It's obvious, possess Hugh, make his arguments more convincing. We'll prove ourselves useful.

"Brother, I know you enjoy violence, but if you wish to not get burned, we have to appeal to Bob we aren't dangerous and quite civilized. It's quite obvious he is scared of us. Our only hope is to prove we aren't a danger to anybody."
No. 57382 ID: bffa2a

Well, he might be right you know. You don't seem very mentally balanced brother. And I don't seem to have any concern for my own wellbeing at the expense of others. A curious flaw in design perhaps that overrides survival instinct? No wait, that's only part of me.

... Fine, let me just talk to Hugh through Melba. Stay in sight of them and don't move. Try not to kill everything. Also do consider some yoga for those anger issues of yours.
No. 57468 ID: c0f3bf

We should float around their heads in a nice pattern to prove we're actively NOT fusing with them.
No. 57475 ID: 1f52f2

a) I don't think I can convince Red to do that;
b) Bob seems to be in such a panic state - if we try to float near his colleagues' heads, he could think we're trying to infect them; he'll incinerate first, think later.
No. 57538 ID: c0f3bf

Good point. We could also try to go back INTO the container, though I don't think we could convince red of that either.
No. 57548 ID: 1f52f2

...But then they'll just lock us up, won't they?
No. 57568 ID: bffa2a


No. 57613 ID: c0f3bf

Just brainstorming, though that'd probably be the case. Since we ARE Hugh's brainchildren we'd probably get a suitable host at some point.

We could fuse with one of them, but then we'd be stuck there until they die, and it probably wouldn't put us in good standing.

But whatever we do, we should NOT try to fight red to the death, that would be suicide.
No. 57628 ID: 1f52f2

Well, yeah, the choices seem to be pretty limited atm:
* Infect someone -> BOB INCINERATES ROOM
* Red infects someone -> BOB INCINERATES ROOM
* Float near someone's head -> BOB probably INCINERATES ROOM
* Float into tube -> GOOD END
* Just float there, doing nothing -> ????
* Persuade Red to make a cute heart shape together -> BEST END probably
No. 57645 ID: bffa2a

>cute heart shape

... Let's do this.
No. 57662 ID: c0f3bf

Well they are going to get married soon... how about we try to tag along. Fuse with Hugh and don't take over his mind.
No. 57697 ID: 6c80cf


No. 57698 ID: 6c80cf


No. 57703 ID: c0f3bf

Hey red, make a heart shape with us so Bob won't press the button.
No. 57719 ID: 1f52f2

It was a joke, guys! A JOKE!..
No. 57725 ID: 99ba5a

Intended as a joke, promoted for its merit.

Let's do the heart!
No. 57735 ID: c0f3bf

Hell, it's a really good idea if you think about it. DO THE HEART!
No. 57841 ID: 34e41d

Or maybe we could form letters to communicate. Something like "HI" for starters. Though the H would be a problem... unless red helps.
No. 57888 ID: 8812a9

It could be not an 'H', but an 'h'
It's much easier to emulate using 1 line
No. 57889 ID: 8812a9

Also, "write" 'FU'
No. 57946 ID: a83918
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You come to a solution and begin to form half of the heart shape before relaying your plan to Red.

Red is less than impressed and flings curse words at you before composing itself and responding, "I will NOT. I have been created for combat purposes, I refuse to help you and will solve this MY way since you appear to be too inept!"

With this, Red shoots into Hugh's back, eliciting a little 'squeak' from him.

Bob doesn't appear to have noticed Red's disappearance, still eyeing Hugh expectantly.

Melba noticed however and looks set to scream.

Hugh clears his throat and looks Bob in the eye.

"Very well, you can come in, shoot *static blobs if you have to but don't incinerate me and Melba. I'm sure bullets would do the job, Red is hiding behind my back so be careful."

Bob grunts, taking his finger away from the button and unlocking the door, pistol in hand. You consider your next move carefully, you aren't even sure what could hurt or kill, if anything.
No. 57974 ID: 1f52f2

So, it turns out we were too much a paranoid little derpderp.
Bob turned out to be a blind loser, who can't even watch 2 flying tapeworms without losing one from sight.
And when he does lose one from sight, he does... completely nothing.

Oh well.
Maybe, we were just lucky.

What do we do next?
I suggest:
1. Plead to Red: Red, okay, I know I acted indecisively, and you just don't think much of me and despise me. Fine. But please - I'm gonna infect Bob now. Please, don't kill him on the spot. I'll help you escape, as inept or untrained as I am. But I can still be useful. Let's put aside our petty little rivalry until we've escaped from this research complex. Truce?
2. Infect Bob as he enters.
3. Ask Red/Hugh to help us incapacitate/kill/rape Melba.
4. Pray that Red doesn't kill our host.
5. Betray Red at the first opportunity.
No. 57979 ID: e725c2

I agree, but not so much pleading. We should be strong and forceful or he won't respect us or our request.
No. 57993 ID: 1f52f2

We don't know how Red thinks.
Maybe, if we act strong and forceful, he will think we're challenging his position as an alpha-male, and will proceed to kill our hosts?
No. 58013 ID: fc854e

Take Bob :D
No. 58017 ID: 326397

We know he respects action and initiative. He thinks we're inept. Let's prove we're able to hold our own and won't be a burden to him.
No. 58028 ID: 1f52f2

Good point.
Let's try to rephrase it in a more manly manner.
No. 58031 ID: a83918
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You agree, should Bob get close enough.


You decide to take a middle-ground,explaining how you could be of use to Red, he laughs loudly, "My dear sibling, as I have reminded you many times, I have no need for you! Now that I have a bo-"

Red/Hugh doesn't notice Bob opening the doors, by which time he has already drawn his weapon.

He fires, hitting Hugh in the heart. Melba screaming hysterically as Hugh dies before even hitting the floor.

Red come shooting out of Hugh, "W-What!?"
No. 58032 ID: 1f52f2

1. Infect Bob.
2. Shoot Melba.
3. Say "Neener-neener!" to Red.
No. 58037 ID: b12379

Hide somewhere that isn't in the line of fire.
No. 58042 ID: 7de41e

It seems unlikely that Bob will allow us to get close enough to possess him. And it would seem he has no problem with killing as it is.
I suppose we could try possessing Melba and convincing Bob that we aren't malevolent, but I'm not sure he wouldn't just kill her, and us, either way.
No. 58043 ID: 6c80cf


I say we try to eat orange. I bet he tastes like a fruit.
No. 58046 ID: e06ea4

Let's try to get in Bob, but not try to take over, just ask if he can stop Red.
No. 58047 ID: 34e41d

Resume attempt to write in the air to communicate i'd say. Screw red though, he's too dumb for it.
No. 58051 ID: 1f52f2

Can Bob kill us in any way other than incinerating the whole room?

If yes,
1. Lure Bob into room
2. Maneuver and dodge his shots like crazy
3. Use your SUPERIOR AGILITY to outmaneuver Bob and find an opening to infect him

If no,
1. Proceed to fly into the room where Bob was
2. When there, wait for opportunity to infect Bob (if that fails, Melba)
No. 58056 ID: 7de41e

That's the problem, we don't know. Acting too aggressively might make Bob incinerate us, rather than putting himself at risk.
No. 58104 ID: c0f3bf

Bob is already in the room, he'd have to run back to incinerate us. How about running through the open door?
No. 58241 ID: a83918
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You attempt to close the distance carefully as Bob is simply standing in the doorway, pistol levelled at you.

Red however takes you both by surprise, rushing straight for Bob who steps back and slams his hand against the button on the wall. Too little too late as Red ploughs into him, causing Bob to cry out, more in anguish than pain and fall back through the rapidly closing doors.

You are left alone with a sobbing Melba and the prospect of an agonizing death.
No. 58345 ID: c0f3bf

Fuse with Melba, run through the door before it closes.
No. 58347 ID: 43d730

Get her attention, at least.
Red has what he wants, it shouldn't kill us unless it's a sociopa...
Shit, we need her up and moving now.
No. 58358 ID: c0f3bf

Either fuse or get her up, though since we haven't got any kills yet let's not start now. Spin around Melba's eyes in circles to get her attention.

Alternatively, we could try to wait 'till Chloe gets here.
No. 58553 ID: 8812a9

Don't infect MELBA.
She's too big to get through the RAPIDLY CLOSING DOORS, and too slow to make there in time.
Instead, just rush yourself to the RAPIDLY CLOSING DOORS (like RED did rush to BOB earlier), and you should make it.

When in the same ROOM with RED-INFECTED BOB, maneuver like crazy, just in case he can kill us with his PISTOL.
For bonus points, let him use all bullets/charges/whatever on his PISTOL, so that he would be left weaponless.

Search for any door/window/ventilation shaft/opening/hole to escape the ROOM.
Exit ROOM.
Search through FACILITY for new potential HOSTS.
No. 58560 ID: 8812a9

Hey, guys, I just figured out what you're trying to do.
You're trying to save Melba!

Stop this white-knighting, guys.
We don't have time for this.
Saving those puny mortals is not our mission - our mission is just to survive.

And besides, considering Red's vindictive nature and our rivalry with Red, she's probably much more safe without us in her vicinity, than with us / infected by us.
No. 58592 ID: c0f3bf

I suppose peaceful contact will have to wait.
F*** it then, float our blue ass through that door.
No. 59061 ID: a83918
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You zoom through just in time, drifting into the adjacent room you spot Bob standing there smugly. He speaks gratingly, "Ah, you made it, sibling. Just in time, I wouldn't want you miss the symphony of fire."

Bob pushes the faintly glowing button and grins at you, the shutters close on the grim scene as you watch Melba kneeling in despair before vanishing behind the curtain of steel.

The screams last for a few seconds at the most, but most of it is lost to the roaring of fire.
No. 59071 ID: 7de41e

What's next, my cold-hearted brother? Do you plan to kill me as well?
No. 59116 ID: 6c80cf


It's unfortunate we couldn't take the scientist. He probably knew the layout of this facility, along with all the tricks and traps lingering within it. Ah, well.

No time like the present. If there's a console to access for information (the power's out so unlikely), we'll do that. If not... let's get going.
No. 59223 ID: c0f3bf

Ask red if he's gonna take over the world.
No. 59385 ID: 8812a9

- Well, that was a truly noble deed, brother.
The poor girl probably didn't want to live anymore after her only love was brutally murdered before her own eyes...
...Waking up every day, just to realize she would never ever have him back, the only person who loved and cared and completed her...
...The neverending agony of living in constant grief and despair, knowing the best moments in your life have gone, never to return...
...You saved her from this, brother.
I always knew, deep down, you were just a big softie ;)

That gotta piss him off
No. 59653 ID: a83918
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Red remains silent, which is a relief, considering he is armed and may have been tempted to shoot you.


At this he breaks his silence, "No, sibling, knowing that I have the upper hand leads me to no longer consider you a threat."

Bob shakes his head a few times as if to clear it, the next voice you hear is Bob's own, "You idiot, we should kill it now."

Red waits for him to finish, "No, a quick death like Melba's is too good for it, it said so itself."

You grab the opportunity to try and fuse with Bob and are violently repelled, turning your vision to static briefly.

Bob smirks at you and resumes arguing with Red. You can see he is trying to reach for his weapon, but Red is fighting back, causing him to sweat visibly.


Seeing no way of accessing anything without a body, you search for a way out. The door to the lab is shut tight, probably due to safety margins and the door opposite also appears closed.

However you find two open vents, one between Bob's legs and one on the wall opposite the entrance.
No. 59682 ID: 7de41e

Go for the one between Bob's legs.
No. 59687 ID: c0f3bf

Seconded. Red might not expect something like this.
No. 60401 ID: a83918
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It's not Red you should be worrying about this instant, Bob seems to be the one wanting to turn a gun on you.


You shoot between Bob's legs into the vent and follow the passage, slowing occasionally to listen for any sounds coming from the grating, (that unfortunately, you are too large to squeeze through) you pick up snippets of conversation.

"...Power's back on, I bet security are throwing a fit, it doesn't help that useless bits of machinery take up the emergency power supply.."

"...Hey, you hear about the rumours from the other labs? Y'know, I've heard all sorts regarding this runaway subject that seems unstoppable, and the group that escaped from that underwater facility?"

"...Security breach, sector 5-5-1, moving in to investigate."

You eventually exit, taking cover behind a piece of furniture, you are in a small room with a young girl.

There's...Something, odd about her...
No. 60402 ID: a4ce76

Girl: Retrieve hands from sweater!

Can she be fused with? Doesn't look like she has combat implants, but what about the mutations or incredible strength of will part? And by 'can she be fused with?' I mean 'is there any way for us to tell without actually trying it and putting her on guard/making her hostile?'.
No. 60406 ID: 7de41e

I suppose that's what the "something odd" about her could indicate. Someone who an employee here would probably provide better cover for our escape from Bob.
Try and fuse with her. Hopefully we can do it without asserting control, and just hitch a ride until we're out of Red/Bob's grasp.
No. 60433 ID: a83918
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Eager to take shelter you slide into her back.

Static hits you again like a wave, it's uncomfortable, but when it fades, you find yourself fused successfully.

Her name is Tammy, information and memories flood and mingle with your own, as you assimilate the knowledge hungrily, you realise what was so 'odd' about her.

She has an extra set of arms, fully functional, most peculiar.

She is also aware of your presence and thinks to herself.

>"Hey! W-what, what's going on?? What was that?!"
No. 60445 ID: 9cc8fd

"An experiment, I give advice... I had to leave the lab. And why are you here?"
No. 60535 ID: 78ce76

Hey, Tammy. We can hear your thoughts, see your memories, and learn what you know. And believe me when I say that I'm very sorry for the intrusion. If there were any other way we wouldn't have forced this on you. But we- and probably you too- are in a lot of danger.
No. 60563 ID: 72139c

It's nothing personal, but now we're stuck together, 'till death do us part. And that's literal too. Might as well get off on the right foot, so hey, we'll help you, and you help us in return ok?

There's another symbiote like us. They've attached themselves to Bob, and they are not nearly as nice as us. They killed two people in cold blood and we barely escaped.
No. 60694 ID: f98e0b

Hi there. Nice body you got here. Mind if I crash for a while?
No. 60792 ID: c0f3bf

How about you look around the area? Nice ears by the way.
No. 60846 ID: a83918
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The influx of voices scares Tammy a little, she winces and waits for them to stop before responding.

>"Umm...So I can't get rid of you? Uh..Uh..Well I guess you can come then, if you behave yourself, and don't talk all at once! It hurts my head, umm, thanks I wash them regularly. What danger? Dad said this was just a routine trip..."

She pauses and wonders just where he is before continuing,

>"Umm, I can think up a map, would that help?

You can 'see' a crude map forming within her head, identifying the large tower block you are in, but it looks like there's an entire complex underneath it, there are no rooms filled in whatsoever.

A loud voice calls out from the doorway.

"Tammy hun, we're leaving now, come on."
No. 60852 ID: 43d730

You might want to warn someone on the way out about the whole 'Escaped Homicidal Experimental Symbiote thing', but I'd prefer you didn't tell them about us.

Because it would suck for you to randomly die.

Also, hope they don't have a way to detect us.
What are we, anyway? Nanites? Goo? SCIENCE GOASTS?
No. 60855 ID: 135d9a

Man, just try to be careful. BAD THINGS are probably in your future.

I swear it's not our fault.
No. 60879 ID: c0f3bf

Would you happen to be adopted Tammy?
No. 60948 ID: a83918
File 125505216965.png - (101.98KB , 500x500 , 56745756757.png )


>"Noooo, I have 3 parents 'cause our family is special, no-one else I know has two dads!"


>"Uhh? What do you mean? Oh and there are already bad things, things you can help me with!"


Tammy shouts out to one of the security guards standing at the entrance,

"Hey! Look out for..for escaped homeesydal exp-experymentul...Simbyeot things!"

The man stares back in confusion as Tammy waves.
No. 60949 ID: 135d9a


Well, it's unlikely anyone will suspect us for the time being, anyway.

So, er, since we're stuck together, what do you need help with? It's not like we're about to go anywhere.
No. 60950 ID: aa1163

Aww, you're adorable, Tammy.

So what can we help you with?
No. 61608 ID: a83918


Me, just to clarify this is an entirely non-canonical continuation of RQ that began from a piece of fanart regarding the patients from Metal Glen that escaped the facility. I asked Weaver's permission to do the what was supposed to be a mini-spinoff quest on Paintchat months ago, it was granted and away I went, it lasted much longer than I had anticipated and became dis-continued when I had exams.

It was received well enough and I thought, "Hey, there's a place for quests now, like, officially, (tgchan) so why not start from the very beginning there?"

I will ask Weaver again, and should she tell me to halt, I will of course do so. I apologise for any offence caused and will be putting this on hold for now.
No. 61611 ID: 0c7e0c

Hope you don't stop. I'm enjoying this and your art style, canon or not. Pay no mind to the trolls and, unless Weaver does have a problem with it, let's get back to the story, eh?

Oops, I forgot to start with 'Remember'...
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