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55284 No. 55284 ID: 45afb1

Hello All. For those who do not know me, my name is Rowan, creator of Darkness Quest. I come to you now to tell you something. October is my favorite month. The colors, the smells, the upcoming holidays. But most importantly, Halloween. A night of horror and suspense, and for some, skimpy outfits. But this year I wanted to do something special. This year I am going to tell tgchan stories from beyond the realm of reality, and give sneek peeks to the darkest corner of our world. And together these stories shall be dubbed...
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No. 55290 ID: b94893

Another one? Toss it out before it starts telling you to do stupid things. The last few people to have one of those have started hearing voices, not healthy.
No. 55291 ID: 9e9b47


No. 55294 ID: 034a30

Shake shake shake!
No. 55304 ID: 45afb1
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Ah but you see this isn't just any ordinary orb. This orb is cursed. For those who have participated in quests before, you know that wielding one of these orbs makes the character an indirect player character. But you see, this orb makes the wielder a DIRECT player character. Thus putting them in my control. And that means I can send them to places of pure horror. This is your gift tgchan. and I already know our first victim.
No. 55305 ID: 45afb1
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Stare into my fire tgchan, and let my fire reveal our first victim...
No. 55307 ID: 45afb1
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And so it begins...
No. 55312 ID: 9891a9

Hell yes.
No. 55318 ID: b8687a

Wait what? :V

Alright, I'm intrigued.
No. 55367 ID: 45afb1
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*whistling* time to get my costume *whistling* time to get my costume


what was that?

Rowan: Hey tgchan, can you hear me? Good. Gnome can't hear me but here's the deal, I'm gonna be sending him to get his halloween costume, but what he doesn't know is that his mask is going to be more then just something to cover that little mug of his. Anyway the plan is to get him to the mask store, and I think you can work it out from there. Feel free to give your own orders as we go along, we might as well humiliate him while we still have the chance eh? kekekeke. Lets get started.
No. 55370 ID: f4963f

Gnome! Ruffle up your hair and do the disco! It's halloween, and disco is the deadest dance of them all!
No. 55372 ID: 5696d4

>Gnome in a Cutebold Mask

No. 55373 ID: a7ef8c

go in full gimp regalia!
No. 55375 ID: f4963f

Mask-wise, I'm rooting for something like... hm.

Cutebold mask, with a bow on it. Yesss.
No. 55389 ID: 45afb1
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Rowan: And head to the mask shop, its time we get started on your costume.

Gnome: K.


Gnome: K.
No. 55412 ID: e06ea4

Skip lively Gnome, you need to reach the store.
No. 55413 ID: 7eda8b

Princess Peach costume.
No. 55416 ID: 45afb1
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Rowan: ... I think he just skip disco'd his way to the mask store... best way to move ever.
No. 55421 ID: f4963f

Woo! I almost feel sorry for you, Gnome.

Break into the shop and introduce yourself as the Queen of Disco. Find a girl cutebold mask for your halloween costume. :3c
No. 55424 ID: 1689ab

Remember to find a nice frilly dress and some lacey pink panties to go with that mask
No. 55470 ID: 45afb1
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Gnome enters the mask shop proclaiming in his soft girly voice his authority as "Queen of Disco". The shopkeeper just barely reacts to your outburst and goes back to staring at the accumulated dust on the desk. As far as Gnome can see, there is only one costume left, but a... relatively okay amount of masks upon the back back wall.

Rowan: Ok tgchan, it looks like gnome has only one choice when it comes to costumes (which is unsurprising seeing as this is a mask shop) but quite a few choices of mask. I'll give you a moment to decide, something tells me the outcome will be the same none the less.
No. 55474 ID: f4963f

Female. Cutebold.
No. 55475 ID: e06ea4

Yeah, dress and cutebold, the only logical choice.
No. 55476 ID: 7eda8b

Buy: Dress, Hood, Beak mask

Become Girl Ace.
No. 55481 ID: 1689ab

Girly ace gets my vote. Buy a female cutebold mask to wear under ace mask. Freak people out with it.
No. 55490 ID: 632862

No. 55657 ID: 45afb1
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(sorry for the delay, had to sleep)

Gnome decides to get three masks and the dress. The storekeeper issues a warning, but gnome is to ignorant and busy whistling to pay attention to an old and crusty storekeep like that.

Rowan: Excellent, now head home Gnome, its about time we tried on this costume don't you think?
No. 55672 ID: ed8d8a

Wait, THAT one was the cutebold? I thought it was a sadface dawblin. What is the one on the top right then?
No. 55688 ID: 45afb1
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(thats the gobo mask silly)

Well Gnome is home and he is wearing his new costume... adorable. He has a kobold mask and a makeshift ace mask. He can easily wear one or the other, though hes not sure if ha can wear both. What should he do?

Rowan: He's doomed to meet his fate either way. Go ahead and make his choice tgchan.
No. 55697 ID: 4553b2

Ace face.
No. 55698 ID: 4553b2

Ace face.
No. 55700 ID: 6756f8

Ace mask and hood.
No. 55701 ID: 6756f8

Rowan, if this is some transformation fetish shit, I am going to intentionally your vital organs.
No. 55705 ID: 45afb1
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(I swear to Cthulu, it's not.)

Gnome puts on the makeshift Ace mask. He can easily see through the white film that covers the eye holes in the mask, though there are some more visible strings that hold the film together... there is a weird glow coming from the window. Should he look?
No. 55709 ID: 6756f8

Look through the window.
No. 55722 ID: 0797ee

is that red stuff on the far left of the mask view the glow from the window, or something else to generally be worried about?
No. 55730 ID: 45afb1
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Something tells me we should be worried.
No. 55731 ID: 45afb1
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Rowan: Yoink!
No. 55741 ID: fc854e

What fun! I presume we now observe?
No. 55747 ID: 45afb1
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Gnome: Hey! What the fuck is going on! What the hell is this! Get this thing off me! Its stuck! HELP! HELP! GET ME OUT OF HERE!

Rowan: As fire, ash, smoke, and blood fill the room, Gnome's screams go unheard, for only he lives in the world of truth, where no secrets are held. But as we can see, some people keep more then skeletons in their closet, if you know what I mean. But who could have predicted how much destruction was hidden behind the veil of lies, the veil only the mask of truth can breach.
No. 55748 ID: 6756f8

No. 55755 ID: 45afb1
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Rowan: Sort of a quick end don't you think? A trap set by fate... and me that takes a good amount of time to set up but has little output in the end. Sort of anti-climactic don't you think? But don't worry. That was only the first story in our little library. I hope you enjoyed this little story none the less. Until next time.
No. 55759 ID: 45afb1
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No. 55856 ID: 1d375b

So nonsensical crypt keeper end then. That works.
No. 55908 ID: 45afb1
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Rowan: Hey guys, I'm not gonna lie, that last one was rushed. I wanted to end it before the end of the day so I could get started on part 2 by tonight. So well here we are. To make sure I can get these "mini-quests" done night for night, I'm gonna try and finish this one up before bed. So to see if I can actually accomplish that, I picked out a classic and easy story.
No. 55909 ID: 45afb1
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So lets look into the fire again and see who the victim is this time...
No. 55933 ID: 7eda8b

Don't recognize that guy.
No. 55938 ID: 1689ab

Target error.
No. 56030 ID: 0797ee

Is this supposed to be the rage quest fellow?
No. 56065 ID: 41f1b5

the joke is: it's me (the CREATOR of rage quest)
No. 56069 ID: 43d730

I think tea party.
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