Aqua Sandy Chips
You make a few subtle shifts inside your body. Metallic skeleton. More room for muscles in your legs that way. Enough lighter materials in your chest to even out the weight. Pivots in your legs subtly reorganized to make better use of your superior strength.
"Ready," you say.
"Ready," Ivet repeats.
"Ladies, give us a countdown, three two one go," Gregor says.
Winning the race should be easy.
If anything, you should only have to worry about not getting too far ahead, you wouldn't want to lose sight of them.
You crouch down a bit to give your powerful legs some room to spring.
Ivet pulls herself low against you.
Your bear down and fling yourself forward, practically tearing the air apart in front of you. But, despite all your physical rearranging, Gregor is running neck-and-neck with you! You break through the trees and see the first landmark ahead. You know you're supposed to cross the river here and turn left. The river winds, wide and lazy, through a bridge to the right. to the left, it narrows considerably and flows through the roots of a large tree. The wide part is too wide to jump in one go, and the space under the tree is too low to allow you to jump over it there. You'll have to go for the bridge, unless you have a better idea.