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File 136977130028.png - (11.48KB , 800x600 , The Dark ch2.png )
513119 No. 513119 ID: 161ed6

Current Inventory
1-Knife (E)
1-Cold Metal Ring (E)

Quests and Objectives
-Return The Light
-Don't Die

2 Rooms Explored
(Previous Thread http://tgchan.org/wiki/The_Dark)
194 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 519872 ID: 87fb1c
File 137237185468.png - (135.47KB , 800x600 , vision 2o.png )

but it's just so...pretty...So...very...
No. 519876 ID: 87fb1c
File 137237283193.png - (37.80KB , 800x600 , vision 2p.png )

No. 519881 ID: 87fb1c
File 137237383298.png - (157.00KB , 800x600 , vision 2q.png )

Oh hey, I think I made it mad...
No. 519883 ID: d1d627

Ok, are you in front of the toothy maw, or more inside it?
If infront? STAB DAT BELLY!
No. 519884 ID: 87fb1c
File 137237616908.png - (144.32KB , 800x600 , vision 2r.png )

My knife seems to be stuck in its eye and...

No. 519885 ID: 87fb1c
File 137237622145.png - (116.77KB , 800x600 , vision 2s.png )

It's just frozen up...It's not moving anymore. Maybe it's dead?
No. 519890 ID: 19b3c3

>Maybe it's dead?
...I'm willing to bet it's not. And just stunned.

Time to start looking for a way out of here. You got in by trying to do your vision thing to the computer, how'd Luis get here?

Oh, and remember to thank him for the help.
No. 519892 ID: d1d627

Yellow dude hit the weakness in the top!
Quick, get ye knife and either slash the eye more or start pounding on the underbelly!
No. 519894 ID: 87fb1c
File 137237778198.png - (87.62KB , 800x600 , vision 2t.png )

Ok, Got my knife, and STAB!

Ok...I think it's dead now...Blech...

"Uh...thanks for the help Luis"
"Yeah, no problem er...seer.."
"Mary, My name's Mary. You don't happen to know if there are any sinks around? maybe a shower? waterfall? Large pool of water?"
"No...it's usually just uh uniform blackness. No defining features you know how it is, The void..."
"yeah...so how'd you get in here?"
"I could ask the same question of you. Are you another subject?"
No. 519895 ID: d1d627

Subject? I don't know yet. I'm new to this thing, but the last time I ended up in here, it was by a friendly one of those who sent me back or something? Not sure what's up or down here.
No. 519898 ID: f2c20c

Tell him you wound up in here when you tried to use your powers to look into the AI computer's past.
No. 519905 ID: 87fb1c
File 137238003956.png - (87.48KB , 800x600 , vision 2u.png )

"I'm not sure what you mean by subject. This is all pretty new to me. I think I've been here before. Last time there was a creature as well, but it was kind of nice and sent me back
"How'd you get here then?"
"I was trying to use my powers on a computer, and suddenly I'm here"
"Ah I see. Well I work for this company as a sort of test subject. As I understand it, they were doing some research on some new mode of transportation and they found this place, The Void. Not sure how, but they figured out it was linked to people like you and me, people with special abilities. The way they explained it, exposure to it sort of enhances our abilities. And it really does. I used to be able to move small things with my mind, like pencil shavings, a paperclip at most. They showed me the void a couple times and now I can toss around forklifts. Though I have to admit, they've never sent me this far into the void or for this long. Mostly it's just little glimpses...I'm not sure how to get back...

"hey don't look at me, I just did what you told me too"
"every organ in his body is failing! And you sitting at the controls! What happened?"
"I don't know, there was this surge, like there were suddenly two of him or something, the buffers couldn't take it, they sent the energy right back"
"Damnit, get him to the lab, drop him in The Tank, he's too valuable to lose now!"
"yes sir"

No. 519906 ID: bf54a8

i think we should try to leave, sounds like we ae killing him.
No. 519916 ID: 87fb1c
File 137238176187.png - (81.13KB , 800x600 , vision 2v.png )

"We should get moving, try to find a way out of here."
"Yeah probably"
"are you ok?"
"yeah, just a bit of a headache that's all, it's nothing..."
No. 519918 ID: d1d627

We overloaded his thingy. His organs are failing, and he maybe dying if not dead. Apologize for that, sounds like we kinda screwed him over just by our presence.
No. 519938 ID: 87fb1c
File 137238447377.png - (81.86KB , 800x600 , vision 2w.png )

Oh yes, that sounds like a great idea. Tell the man who can throw forklifts with his mind, that he may have just died and it's all my fault but it's ok cause I'm sorry. That seems like a really great thing to say in a situation like this.
"You said you've walked around here before, do you think you know any way out?"
"No, I just got sent back last time I was here, didn't really get much time to wander. Not sure what good it would have done anyways"
"Hmm, that's no good then, Maybe you can use your seer powers to find a path then?"
"Yeah maybe, I just want to get away from this monster first, It's giving me the creeps"
"Heh, good idea let's go"

Ow...this headache is getting worse...I hope I haven't overextended myself...
No. 519941 ID: f2c20c

Try to turn off your seer sense entirely so that you can't see. He can guide you around, I guess.
No. 519945 ID: 87fb1c
File 137238681359.png - (11.94KB , 800x600 , vision 2x.png )

I turn off my sight as much as I can...The pain is still growing, but much slower now. Maybe it's because I'm in a vision?
"Hey Luis..."
"No go on using my sight to guide us. I think I've overused it, It's starting to hurt"
"It was a longshot anyways, I suppose we are just going to have to look the old fashioned way"
"Oh...and uh Luis...you are going to have to guide me, without my sight...I'm blind"
"Woah, that's heavy, don't worry Mary I've got your back. Here take my hand."
"...Thanks Luis"
No. 519947 ID: f2c20c

Still growing? Well, it's not proximity to the monster and it's not because you're still using seer sight, so... yeah, it must be a passive buildup from an extended vision, and you can't get out.

Looks like you should probably use it one final time to find out where the exit is.
No. 519959 ID: c23ab0

It's because you zapped Louis's body with your seer powers unintentionally, and whatever was protecting it failed so now he's hurt bad! You gave him like, astral radiation poisoning. You need to separate from Louis so the buffers can something something, asap! Then you can try to find the exit... that corresponds to your body... wherever that is...
No. 519965 ID: 87fb1c
File 137240474911.png - (42.97KB , 800x600 , vision 2z.png )

Time seems to have no meaning in the void. But every moment we walked, my headache seemed to worsen. We walked for what seemed like an eternity. We had no point of reference, we wandered in the endless dark. We chatted from time to time, about inconsequential things, but most of our journey was shrouded in impermeable silence. Until...

"I hear voices...voices all around us...Mary can you hear them?"
"Yes...erk...I'm going...to use my sight...I have to...hsss...see, something's...there"
"Are you sure? I mean, you don't look so good...
"I'll be fine...just...a moment"

"I see it...a...rift...Straight ahead...a little...to the left...voices..."
No. 519966 ID: 87fb1c
File 137240547065.png - (29.83KB , 800x600 , vision 2!.png )

"Alright, Let's get going then, this could be the way back"
"Mary? come on Mary?"
"I...can't...pain...so much..."
"Mary you have to, it's only a little further, like you said, it's right ahead of us Mary come on"
No. 519967 ID: c23ab0

Hey Luis. How's your throwing arm?
No. 519968 ID: 87fb1c
File 137240591979.png - (34.05KB , 800x600 , vision 2!!.png )

"Mary...come on, you can do this, I know you can!"
It's like every cell in my body is being pulled in a different direction...my head...everything hurts!
No. 519969 ID: c23ab0

Neither of you seem to be this "Professor Charles Travis" that they're talking about. Wouldn't you need the rift that leads to, well, you?? Pull yourself together, Mary!
No. 519970 ID: 87fb1c
File 137240624017.png - (47.77KB , 800x600 , vision 2!!!.png )

"I refuse to allow this!"
No. 519972 ID: 87fb1c
File 137240672154.png - (48.32KB , 800x600 , vision 2!!!!.png )

"GAH...You weren't kidding...The...pain...Ergh..."
No. 519973 ID: 87fb1c
File 137240729144.png - (38.28KB , 800x600 , vision 2!!!!!.png )

No. 519974 ID: 87fb1c
File 137240754037.png - (30.89KB , 800x600 , vision 2!!!!!!.png )

"I think...I think I...did it..."
No. 519975 ID: 87fb1c
File 137240762375.png - (1.38KB , 800x600 , vision 2!!!!!!!.png )

No. 519977 ID: 87fb1c
File 137240872458.jpg - (39.38KB , 800x600 , vision 3.jpg )

No. 520025 ID: c23ab0

Well great, you killed Luis with your bitchfest. I bet his psychic whatever couldn't maintain when his body got pulped or something. Might as well see what the explorers of Dr. Charles Travis's office are up to.

I am so perceptivey.
No. 520061 ID: 87fb1c
File 137245183422.png - (63.41KB , 800x600 , vision 3a.png )

The pain...it's all gone. Luis took it all away and then...Oh this is all my fault...I can't believe he's actually gone.

But the rift is here...maybe he made it through...That's possible right? He could still be alive...

The rift...
No. 520062 ID: 87fb1c
File 137245193133.png - (260.91KB , 800x600 , vision 3b.png )

I'm falling...Voices, I hear voices, louder...
No. 520069 ID: c23ab0

Land on the doctor's head!
No. 520080 ID: 87fb1c
File 137245569879.png - (167.30KB , 800x600 , TDR5 10.png )

Suddenly, everything stood still...
No. 520177 ID: 87fb1c
File 137249317878.png - (173.90KB , 800x600 , TDR5 11.png )

"Huh, what happened..."
"Mary? Is that you? Are you awake?"
"Yaay Mary's awake! We were so worried!"
"Oh, hey Miranda"
looks like I'm back...?
No. 520206 ID: d1d627

Wait a second. 'We'? what's that all about? Did she meet someone?
Ask her where she went.
No. 520214 ID: bf54a8

the turbine seems to be spinning now.
No. 520235 ID: 87fb1c
File 137253205575.png - (177.88KB , 800x600 , TDR5 13.png )

"Wait, Miranda...you said we, did you meet someone?"
"Yeah! the fancy computer man, OH and Mister Winds. They are so nice!"
"Alright? What happened, where did you go?"
"Weeelll, After you didn't come back for a while I got worried and I went looking for you. You didn't answer me when I called so I got scared. And then I found you in here, all lying on the floor...you didn't have that splotch thing though, what is that stuff anyways? But yeah, the computer man told me you fell asleep. I was surprised to hear him talk but it was cool 'cause he was super nice."
"Miranda...why is the generator on?"
"You mean the big spinny thing? Oh, Computer Man said he was almost out of power and needed the big spinny thing spinning so he wouldn't run out. I didn't know what to do but I said I would help anyways because mommy always says you have to help your friends! I wasn't sure where to start so he said to look around some of the other rooms. I found this weird pipe thing, and Mr. Winds was inside it but he couldn't get out cause it was locked. So then I went into the vents and there were wires and switches and it was all puzzly. But I did it 'cause I'm a smart girl and I fixed all the tubes and things and Mr. Winds could get out. He looked a bit weird and he talks funny but I like him. He said he could turn the big spinny thing and he did! And now everyone is happy!"
No. 520236 ID: f2c20c

Mr. Winds sounds like maybe Luis.
No. 520239 ID: d1d627

Waiiiit a second...Why is Mr.Windy, Mr. Windy?
Computer man makes sense, but I'm wondering if Mr.Windy is the 'purple' thing from before...
As for answering her question about that stuff on your shirt...Say it's from paint you spilled on yourself.
No. 520245 ID: 87fb1c
File 137253668731.png - (192.32KB , 800x600 , TDR5 14.png )

"Oh this stuff on my shirt, don't worry, It's just some paint, I spilled on myself"
"While you were asleep?"
"Yes...that happens...sometimes...Who is Mister Winds?"
"We are Many Winds"
"Hahaha, for a second there I almost thought the generator was talking to me, isn't that silly Miranda, I must have hit my head!"
"The generator, we are not. We are Many Winds"
No. 520249 ID: d1d627

The Many Winds? Are you...Like, the concept of winds? Or are you more like me, a human with the ability to turn into winds?
No. 520376 ID: 670c71
File 137257085023.png - (197.12KB , 800x600 , TDR5 15.png )

"so...are you the concept of winds? Or are you human, and able to turn into winds?"
"we are many winds, once we flew. We flew far and wide, not knowing not caring. Night, Day, Earth, Flowers, Sun, we saw these things but did not know them. Then there were the tubes, the pipes and the pull. Forever, strong, relentless. We were carried away from the light and the flowers. We were carried deep into the earth. It was not our earth. We knew it now. We knew all we had seen. We did not want to know. So chained were we. We wish only for the freedom of the sky."
No. 521310 ID: c1ddbf
File 137295197034.png - (178.13KB , 800x600 , TDR5 16.png )

"So...do you have a name then?"
"We are Many Winds, but some have called us, subject 3"
No. 521313 ID: 76b151

I think calling him Many Winds is a good idea. Subject 3 is such a dehumanizing (dewinding?) nomikar.

Ask Many Winds if he knows anything about this facility that could help free us all.
No. 521316 ID: c1ddbf
File 137295331838.png - (184.30KB , 800x600 , TDR5 17.png )

"You sound like you have been here for a long time. Do you maybe know a way out"
"We know the path. A door in the wall, a hallway beyond. A platform to lift us to the sky. Freedom for the imprisoned, if only we held the key"
No. 521359 ID: bf54a8

well, as long as this turbine is spinning some more doors should of been unlocked.
No. 521386 ID: c1ddbf
File 137297369871.png - (184.20KB , 800x600 , TDR5 18.png )

well then, where should we go first?

There were those three rooms in that pipe area.

There was that big door thing in the console room.

There seems to be a door in here but I haven't checked it yet.
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