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507982 No. 507982 ID: cea452

I was inspired to share this experience with you. I'm hoping to use you to complete myself. That will entail attempting to complete you.

Let's see what I can do here.
75 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 508980 ID: cea452
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>Sortof shift the debris out of the way.
Lily pushes the glass and metal shards up against the wall and discovers a NOTE among the debris.
Dom inquires as to what Lily has discovered there.
No. 508981 ID: 76b151

Inform him you've found a peice of a page, you found one upstairs as well. For some reason it had been ripped up.

As for what to do we can try the buttons... but I don't think thats wise until we know what they do.

However we might be able to free that guy and get over there ourselves. Industrial equipemnt is built very tough... so drop the saw down the shaft if you can't carry it down.

Or we can try to mallet the camera \ panel that was in the locker.
No. 508982 ID: d6ef5d

We found another torn note, it seems to connect to the last one. An incomplete story of some kind? It doesn't mean much to us as it is.

Hmm. Not sure there's much to do except try pushing a button. Maybe the red one? It's blinking.
No. 508986 ID: 001618

found a peace of paper that looks to be part of a dairy or something.
No. 508993 ID: eaf2f5

Be insensitive to Dom and hand over the NOTE and tell him to READ it if he is interested. We also have another NOTE that we found and he can READ it too if he wants.
No. 509196 ID: cea452
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>Industrial equipemnt is built very tough... so drop the saw down the shaft if you can't carry it down.
Apparently the strength of the SAW's resistance to destruction and deformation was not exactly industrial-level, as Lily finds out when she climbs back down the shaft. Dom warns Lily to watch her step, for, whilst she was absent, he heard a great crash originating from the corner Lily is coming down. The HEAVY-DUTY INDUSTRIAL-STRENGTH (sic) CIRCULAR SAW's internal battery has popped out of the casing and won't stay in, so Lily is unable to use the SAW unless she can repair the saw so the battery will stay inside. On the bright side, Lily has acquired a HEAVY-DUTY BATTERY.

>We found another torn note, it seems to connect to the last one. An incomplete story of some kind?
Dom's interest has been piqued! He professes a love for art in all of its forms.
No. 509197 ID: cea452
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>Be insensitive to Dom and hand over the NOTE and tell him to READ it if he is interested. We also have another NOTE that we found and he can READ it too if he wants.
You're right, doing that would be EXTREMELY insensitive to Dom.
Dom graciously accepts the NOTE through an opening in the fence and assures Lily that he will waste no time in READING it. He holds it up against his face and stares at it. He pushes it back through the fence, admitting that his myopia is actually so severe that he is incapable of READING anything. He tells Lily that she can keep both NOTES for now and give them to him later if she discovers his CORRECTIVE LENSES lying somewhere about the place.

Lily can't help but feel just a little dissapointed.
No. 509198 ID: cea452
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>Hmm. Not sure there's much to do except try pushing a button. Maybe the red one? It's blinking.
Darkness engulfs the room. Dom exclaims that he can't see!
No. 509211 ID: f2c20c

Well yeah. Push the red button again. I'm guessing all the buttons do the same thing as before, so try pushing the purple button again.
No. 509212 ID: f2c20c

Hrm. I wonder what the green button does...? We could test it in the box you woke up in, first.
No. 509224 ID: d6ef5d

Well, that was the light switch. Try pushing it again.
No. 509228 ID: 76b151

Hmm, theres a light under the opening there. Shove a peice of pipe under there before you turn the light back on.
No. 509232 ID: 76b151

best idea. Maybe poke it with something so it can't effect you directly.
No. 510566 ID: 39b7b6
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>Push the red button again.
The room is once again bathed in a sterile white light that casts no shadows. Dom is able to assure Lily that he has recovered his vision and thanks her for restoring the lights.
>try pushing the purple button
The shutter slides impossibly up into the wall, scraping against the inside and stopping with a loud clunk. Dom inquires as to what that disturbance was just now, and Lily tells him it was a shutter opening.

>Poke green button in locker
Lily mounts the ladder when Dom implores her to wait, and inquires as to where she is going. She tells him that she's going back up to investigate something. Dom implores Lily to wait and come now to him for but a moment.
No. 510568 ID: f2c20c

Alright, sure bro, whatcha need?
No. 510587 ID: d6ef5d

Alright, go see Dom.

After that, you might want to check behind the shutter before we go upstairs to check the button.
No. 510604 ID: eaf2f5

Fine go to Dom.
Just inform him that you two are being watched by a camera.
No. 511297 ID: 39b7b6
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>Alright, sure bro, whatcha need?
Dom doesn't answer. He stares at Lily, silently.

>Just inform him that you two are being watched by a camera.
Is that so, Dom muses.

No. 511298 ID: 39b7b6
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. . .

Dom wants Lily to know. Dom wants her to understand him, and he wants to be understood by her. He wants to help her and her to help him. Dom wants her to know that he does not feel right. Dom feels feelings he feels he should not feel.
Dom feels a little wrong, and he feels a little wrong and he flls a bllllgggg thpbbpbppbpbt maaaaaaaah.

Dom's speech devolves into mouth-sounds, and then he remains completely silent. He keeps staring at Lily.
No. 511299 ID: 39b7b6
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>After that, you might want to check behind the shutter before we go upstairs to check the button.
Lily gets on all fours and crawls halfway through the shutter with a rather suggestive series of movements. She would feel embarrassed if she knew that a boy could see her, but apparently Dom cannot see her, so she doesn't feel embarrassed. Dom asks what Lily is doing.
No. 511300 ID: f2c20c

Checking behind the shutter, and you're about to break another glass pane back here.

What's that on the keyboard for that console? I see 1: 2: 3: 4: but I can't make out the rest.
No. 511324 ID: 76b151

that thing above the emergency glass seems suspiciously like a closed eye.

ALso I think green is death. Don't touch it.

Things to do here. Check the locker, the crevices, the emergency glass, the console and its buttons, and the sofa.
No. 511327 ID: d6ef5d

>Dom feels wrong
Aw, poor Dom is sick!

These two pretty much cover what to do.
No. 511328 ID: 2baea8

Light, Death, Water, Door appears to be the button pattern.
No. 511333 ID: eaf2f5

Tell Dom that we are "Haaaaaaam tbthbthtbthtbtht gllllllbbbbbbsts"

Then start banging on the locker and tell anyone inside that its time to wake up.
No. 512132 ID: 39b7b6
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>Checking behind the shutter, and you're about to break another glass pane back here.
Dom has nothing to say, even in response to the crash of shattered glass.

>What's that on the keyboard for that console?
There are ten keys on the board, numbered zero through nine. Each key corresponds to three letters of the alphabet, just like on a phone… or even like the upstairs console! And just like with the upstairs console, this screen is blank and doesn't respond to input. Maybe it's lacking power.

>check the crevices
There is nothing worth anything noticeable in the crevices.

>Check the sofa
The sofa is interesting if only for how bad it is at being furniture. The back is jutting forward in a way that would make sitting in the sofa very uncomfortable. It doesn't even have distinct cushions for crumbs and change to fall into the cracks of.

>Tell Dom that we are "Haaaaaaam tbthbthtbthtbtht gllllllbbbbbbsts"
Wouldn't that be really insensitive to Dom?
Dom responds by inquiring as to what Lily just said, for regrettably, he was unable to hear it.

>Then start banging on the locker and tell anyone inside that its time to wake up.
If anyone is inside, they're not waking up! From the other room, Dom inquires as to whether Lily is alright, as he hears concerning noises.
The locker is shut and locked, with no way to open it apparent from outside. Lily tries to peek in through the ventilation slats, but they are angled upward and are too high up for her to see through, and her admirably girlish short stature defeats her.
No. 512133 ID: 76b151

examine the wires. Time to solve a puzzle!
No. 512136 ID: 2baea8

Let Dom know you were just knocking on a box to see if anyone as inside.

Then examine the wire puzzle more closely.
No. 512148 ID: f2c20c

Say there's a locker in here and you were knocking on it to see if someone was inside.
No. 512196 ID: 39b7b6
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>examine the wires.
The glass pane hid a tangle of wires, each one connected to an array of nodes.

>Say there's a locker in here and you were knocking on it to see if someone was inside.
Dom says that sounds to be rather rude. What there is an individual existing in the physical space inside of the locker? The loud and frightening noise of hands repeatedly striking against the thing would be very frightening and disruptive.
No. 512226 ID: 2baea8

Oh. Yeah, you never thought of that, you just thought they might be trapped like you were.
Ask the locker if anyone is in there.

Only thing I can tell is that Blue is currently connected to the second node down, and Orange is connected to the bottom node. I think Purple is connected to the top node, and Green to the third one.
No idea what any of that means. Maybe we hook up the correct wire with the little colored bits on the nodes?
Ask Dom if he has any rubber gloves.
No. 512238 ID: f2c20c

Let's see... From top to bottom, the wires connect to:

I don't know what we're supposed to do with this information. Move the wires on the right to match their colors?
No. 516694 ID: 39b7b6
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>Ask the locker if anyone is in there.
If anyone is in there, they're not answering.

>Maybe we hook up the correct wire with the little colored bits on the nodes?
The ends of the wires are welded to the nodes and are apparently not meant to be reconnected.

>Ask Dom if he has any rubber gloves.
Rubber gloves, Dom repeats. Rubber gloves, rubber gloves, rubber gloves rubber glubber blubber loves. Dom calls for Lily to come to him. There exists a question he has formulated in his mind that he yearns to pose to her. Dom says that it's something he simply must inquire to her in face-to-face. He says to kindly abandon that which Lily is currently occupying herself with and come to him.
No. 516700 ID: f2c20c

Well I guess there's not much we can do here right now anyway.
No. 516703 ID: 19b3c3

Ooookay? You guess puzzles can wait.
No. 516708 ID: 7e8516

Huh. He's starting to sound a little crazy. Might as well head over, though, anyway.
No. 516710 ID: 01531c

Get back to him. He is probably dying, or worse.
No. 517026 ID: 39b7b6
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>Get back to him. He is probably dying, or worse.
Dom does nothing to acknowledge Lily's arrival at first.
No. 517028 ID: 39b7b6
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But then he comes right up to the fence and sticks his arms through.

Dom looks Lily right in the eye. He stares at her for a while, completely silent. Dom tells Lily that she absolutely must answer this question, she can't with out an answer, that much is non-negotiable. It is absolutely critical that he learn an answer to this crucial inquiry, and Dom gestures wildly with his outstretched arms to emphasize this. It is crucial to his wellbeing.

Dom pleads with Lily to come close to him for that is the only how he must pose to her this significant question.
No. 517030 ID: f2c20c

Yeah. Okay.

If he attacks you, just push the green button.
No. 517048 ID: c23ab0

"No it doesn't make you look fat."
No. 517224 ID: 39b7b6
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>Yeah. Okay.
Lily takes a step forward. Dom grabs her shoulders through the wires. He expresses his utmost gratitude to Lily for letting him do this. It shall do very well for his mental wellbeing. And so, without further ado, Dom will pose his significant question.

>"No it doesn't make you look fat."
Dom stares at Lily.
No. 517225 ID: 39b7b6
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He realizes she must mean his scarf. He expresses pleasant surprise at the revelation that his accessory does not unflatter him. Dom goes back to staring at the wall.
No. 517226 ID: f2c20c

Ask him if that's really what he wanted to ask?

Maybe we should push that there purple button.
No. 517323 ID: c23ab0

Nailed it.
No. 517344 ID: 19b3c3

...was that all?
No. 517513 ID: 39b7b6
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>Ask him
Dom cuts in and explains that he requires silence for now, for he has just now become possessed with the desire to pose Lily a significant question, and he must require significant silence to ponder the best manner in which he may convey this thought.
No. 517514 ID: 39b7b6
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>Maybe we should push that there purple button.
The shutter clangs down. Dom inquires as to what that was just now.
No. 531375 ID: a01b62


Push it again. Have we pushed all the other buttons yet?
No. 531377 ID: b5df96

>Dom inquires as to what that was just now.
Shutter closed.

Lily, you should really just get in the habit of telling Dom what happens so he doesn't continually have to ask. Provide a little narration as you act, it's not hard.
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