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480829 No. 480829 ID: 5b52f7

Old Thread:

90 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 505359 ID: 3e3a8c

I like how sinister Nejita looks. Maybe it's the expression of quiet disdain for his station, or the suspiciously wide forehead and balding. Or maybe the goatee. You know what? It's probrably the goatee.

Does this remind anyone of TheSwain's Mastermind? No? Just me?
>"Ah, yes, back to business. I like you. I'm glad I didn't kill you off arbitrarily."

Aetan: It's been a bad day and I imagine he's not in a mood to play games right now. Nejita looks presumably just as irritable and intelligent, so maybe they'll cut to the chase at first opportunity?
No. 505490 ID: 2a8a2a

It does not look like Nejita will succeed at having a very pleasant day at all. Like one long awkward family moment except with villains.

Definitely the goatee.
No. 508951 ID: 5b52f7
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<Nejita>: Áetan.

<Aetan>: Ahh. You pronounce it, correctly.

<Nejita>: Well. It's in my interest to get on your good side, isn't it?

<Aetan>: Yes, yes. Quite political. You have gotten better, at the role. But still lacking, yes?
No. 508952 ID: 5b52f7
File 136782870052.jpg - (98.69KB , 650x293 , 0541.jpg )

> Maybe they'll cut to the chase at first opportunity?

<Nejita>: T'ch. I heard you visited the latest crash site, already. Rumor is, there was an accident. Tell me something: Is there a real salvage team coming? Or do the Nationals even know there's been another crash?

<Aetan>: Ahh. Perceptive. Some do. Yes. Few. But none shall come, this time. Nor ever again, I pray.

<Nejita>: Then I take it you're here on... personal business, rather than as a Legislater?
No. 508953 ID: 5b52f7
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<Aetan>: My laws will be quite real. But now, I represent only myself.

<Nejita>: I didn't take you for the cryptic type, Áetan.

<Aetan>: Gyse, gyse. I am quite wealthy. After so many years. Why do you think the Confederacy hired me?

<Nejita>: For the same reason the Merans hired me, I had assumed.
No. 508954 ID: 5b52f7
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<Aetan>: Ha ha! Yes. That, as well. Let me be clear, for you: Few know I am here, in Mera. Only the most corrupt - the wealthiest, now - know. It took almost all of my money to do the trick. And only one other knows why.

<Nejita>: And am I to be privy to your grand machinations? If not, there is a function I must -

<Aetan>: Eventually. But for now, I wish a question. Gyse.

<Nejita>: (sighing) Very well. And it is?
No. 508955 ID: 5b52f7
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<Aetan>: Counting myself, there are now four Langáræcan, popularly known.

<Nejita>: Well. That's a new way of describing us.

<Aetan>: Now, I suspect, of the Langáræcan, there to be six.

<Nejita>: Six? You mean five? Or are you counting your friend downstairs?
No. 508956 ID: 5b52f7
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<Aetan>: He is neither Langáræcan, nor friend. So you are aware of the fifth, then? The girl?

<Nejita>: ...I said nothing of the sort.

<Aetan>: Ha ha! But you did. Outmanuevered. By words. This is why you have always failed at -
No. 508957 ID: 5b52f7
File 136782875904.jpg - (109.51KB , 650x293 , 0546.jpg )

<Nejita>: Yes. Yes! So I've heard. From everyone that can still wear a tie in this damned country. Now what the hell do you want, already? Out with it!

<Aetan>: Ahh! Such words, I trust. Good man. Ic áwréon. It is her. And you, of course, my big-headed friend.
No. 508991 ID: be474e

>T'ch. I heard you visited the latest crash site, already. Rumor is, there was an accident. Tell me something: Is there a real salvage team coming? Or do the Nationals even know there's been another crash?

Woahwait. Did I just miss the implications that the little ethic purging and lootery what just occurred wasn't even on the govt paycheck? That's news.

>Now, I suspect, of the Langáræcan, there to be six.

Okay, I'm going to assume this means the 'immortals/uplifted/cursed.' Under this assumption means we know of at least three, the Jael, the Ram, and Smiler here. He indicated that they know/have another being similar to them but who isn't counted among the six properly (neither friend nor Langáræcan, thus likely a prisoner.)
No. 509015 ID: d300d2

I don't know enough about you to know your game. What the hell?
No. 509023 ID: 2a8a2a

So, what does Aetan want from Nejita about someone he is most likely already unsuccessfully attempting to track down?

>He indicated that they know/have another being similar to them but who isn't counted among the six properly
Actually, I think he is referring to the prosapients, for their superhuman abilities without the same supernatural origins. Aetan being in charge of the prosapient while having contempt for him fits with his insistence of the other not being a friend, which would be obvious in the case of a prisoner.
With the possible additions of Nejita (notice the 'describing us') and maybe John, that would bring us up to having seen five.
No. 509061 ID: 3e3a8c

In so far as I can count, Aetan was, before arriving at the site, already aware of four Amortals:
> Aetan himself, John, the newly introduced Nejita, and the brother we haven't met yet.\
Nejita probably knew of Jael's presence. Aetan suspects it, though he has yet to spot her directly.
The sixth Aetan suspects is probably Ram. He's already taken a bit of a shine to the boy, so I guess he sees potential use in a freshly minted Amortal.
No. 509062 ID: 3e3a8c

> Nejita probably knew of Jael's presence. Aetan suspects it, though he has yet to spot her directly.
Er, I meant that Aetan's aware of Jael *now*.

(Also, I think this new style is pretty good, considering the reduction in time investment. Will we still see the old, detailed style for important scenes or possible visual cues?)
No. 514124 ID: 589ad4

Do not keep the good senator in the dark forever... After all, the darkness always grows thicker when perceived from a point of illumination...
No. 514444 ID: 5b52f7
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<Nejita>: What... What do you want from -

<Aetan>: You know of her. Where is she?

<Nejita>: You know as much as I do. Apparently. We're barely certain she even exists. Whenever "The Law" shows up, there're sometimes sightings of her. She's slipped up a couple times. Flipped a car off a kid during the Red Monday riot. Broke a Raptor's neck when it got a hold of a bricker, a couple months ago. Possibly a minority race. ...As far as where she is now? Word of the next crash was leaked... by someone... a week ago. You wouldn't...?
No. 514445 ID: 5b52f7
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<Aetan>: Ha ha! Of course not. Yes. More, more.

<Nejita>: Yes. Well. The only road out of the valley is always under watch, although obviously we keep most of the guard by the woodlands. Someone reported seeing what looked like a woman coming up out of the river. Got up on the road. Took off as fast as a vehicle, before he could line up a shot. That's all. I didn't give it much thought.

<Aetan>: And this is all? A shame, shame.

<Nejita>: Perhaps you'd inform me how you came upon this much? Especially since you're not even here, officially?
No. 514446 ID: 5b52f7
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<Aetan>: Heee... yes. My plan. Very old. Much is already in place.

<Nejita>: That's... surprisingly creepy... So what do you want with me?

<Aetan>: To go to your party. Raise your funds. That is all.

<Nejita>: Wha... Then why the hell did you even want to see me? Just want to creep me out? Straighten my tie?
No. 514447 ID: 5b52f7
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<Aetan>: I only wished to see you. And to straighten your tie.

> The sixth Aetan suspects is probably Ram.

<Nejita>: How cute. Maybe if you can stop entertaining yourself for a moment, then you can tell me something. You mentioned six... whatever you called them. Me, my brother. You, "the Law," the young girl. ...Who is the sixth?

<Aetan>: Ha ha ha! Soon, soon. Yes. Soon, I hope.
No. 514448 ID: 5b52f7
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<Nejita>: Damn your... Hold on! I can tolerate your spying, the evasive playing, but your intimidation is -

<Aetan>: It has not even begun! Nejita. I do not like politicians. Wealthy, manipulative, corporate swine. The people that drove mine, from our land, long ago. The person you want to be. And you aren't even good at it.
No. 514449 ID: 5b52f7
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<Aetan>: I bring war, to this land. Bloody, vengeful. Holy. Yes. And I will see you lost in it. What you are, will die here. And no one will remain, to cry for you. That is why I visit you. Before I begin killing you, slowly, you may look in my eyes. And see, a reflection, of what you could have been. And remember it. In your final breath.
No. 514592 ID: e3aff6

>Nejita: Try to remember where Aetan stands in the Prosapient's authority hierarchy relative to yourself. If this is unfavorable, it might be time to contact your brother once Aetan has left.
No. 514602 ID: 601855


"Really? You're trying to kill MORE people? Haven't we done enough of that?"
No. 514607 ID: c23ab0

The only people who drove anyone from your land were the same sort of scum as you. Not politicians. Warmongers. Know your enemy or you'll become what you hate the most.
No. 528120 ID: 45217c


First, if you want an explanation for where I've been:


But enough of that crap. On to the comic.
No. 528121 ID: 45217c
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<Nejita>: I know exactly what I am. I'm the same as you. And you'd best remember it. I may not have your years of experience, but I'm still a god, compared to these people. My brother, as well. If you want some sort of war -

<Aetan>: It comes out, at last.

> "Really? You're trying to kill MORE people? Haven't we done enough of that?"

<Nejita>: Disparaging as it is, it's my burden to protect them.

<Aetan>: As a god.

> Nejita: Try to remember where Aetan stands in the Prosapient's authority hierarchy relative to yourself.

<Nejita>: And you don't think of yourself in the same way? While you wield the official authority of a god? Legislaters have complete authority in the colonies. Well above any power I have. When on official business, at least. You may have bought out your own people, but what will ours think? A rogue Legislater, trying to buy their own country, under the table?
No. 528122 ID: 45217c
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<Aetan>: They will think nothing. You will not tell them.

<Nejita>: Oh?

<Aetan>: You are a terrible politician, Nejita. This position is yours. Because you are a "god." Yes? They hate you. You will never be more than this. If you told them, would they believe you? Perhaps even use it against you? But this government - what if it fell? Many paths open. The chance to change. For your people. And their god?

<Nejita>: ...So it seems. Much good it does us to be enemies then, wouldn't you say? Let me help you. What's your plan? There's no reason for us to fight!

<Aetan>: That is the reason.
No. 528123 ID: 45217c
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> The only people who drove anyone from your land were the same sort of scum as you. Not politicians. Warmongers. Know your enemy or you'll become what you hate the most.

<Nejita>: You...! Why? They always said you were unstable! Have you finally gone mad?

<Aetan>: Ha ha! Yes.

<Nejita>: It doesn't matter what happens. To me. These people. If you start some sort of conspiracy here... you'll be remembered, forever, as a villain. By the Merans. The Confederacy. History, itself. And you won't survive it.
No. 528124 ID: 45217c
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<Aetan>: Yes.
No. 528125 ID: 45217c
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<Nejita>: ...Missy.

<Missy [intercom]>: Yes, Mister Nejita?

<Nejita>: See the Legislater out, would you? And give him the proper courtesy.

<Missy [intercom]>: Yes, sir.
No. 528126 ID: 45217c
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Nejita>: And when you back... try to get a hold of my idiot brother, Nayda.

<Nayda>: Ugh. It's so hot today. I'm so glad I wore my biking shorts.
No. 528142 ID: c23ab0

No. 528147 ID: 5869f6

No. 528152 ID: e213ca


>realize that those two men behind you are staring at your incredibly tight ass
No. 529022 ID: 9b0336


This will only end in hilarity. And manliness.

(hehe he bald)
No. 530282 ID: 68ab3a

>Do the kind of stupid "manly" stuff you are known for.
>Everyone else: Feels embarrassed for being associated with him.
No. 530294 ID: 01531c
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><Nayda>: Ugh. It's so hot today. I'm so glad I wore my biking shorts.
No. 539384 ID: 45217c
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<National Soldier>: Sir, we have things under control here. If you'd just -

<Nayda>: It's weird how people wear clothes. Right? We should make a law. Naked law. But not fat or old people. We'll put tablecloths over them. Maybe on the animals with really big genitals, too. Like horses?

<National Soldier>: Sir. The protestors are pretty thin. Law wasn't even here. If you'd move to the perime-

<Nayda>: They'd look like ghosts, though. Old, fat ghosts. Ghost horses. A scary, sexy future.
No. 539385 ID: 45217c
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> realize that those two men behind you are staring at your incredibly tight ass

<Nayda>: Hm? Oh, feel free to stare, men. Don't act like you're not impressed.

<Soldier>: (choking): Oh god.

<Nayda>: I might qualify for tablecloth shorts.

<John>: That's a skirt.
No. 539386 ID: 45217c
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<Nayda>: What!?

<John>: You could pull off that look, Nayda. You might like the breeze.

<Nationalist Soldier>: God damn it.
No. 539387 ID: 45217c
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<Nationalist Soldier>: Just my fucking luck. Get Bravo down here!

<Nayda>: John "Fuck the Law" Aedan. It's been a while. ...And I love standing on my back porch after a shower.

<Soldier>: Sir, we're going to need you to fall back. The crowd is already -
No. 539388 ID: 45217c
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<John>: This here's a nice and legal protest, of you assholes taking our god damned money! I'm gonna need you to fuck right on off, if you'd be so kind.

<Nayda>: Hey! You know, I've been here three hours waiting on you, John. I'm not in the mood to dance and flirt. This heat's got me worked up, already. Let's dispense with the foreplay.
No. 539389 ID: 45217c
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<Nayda>: Let's you and me fight.
No. 539390 ID: 45217c
File 137828411835.jpg - (75.25KB , 650x293 , 0565.jpg )

<John>: Them's fightin' words.
No. 539391 ID: 45217c
File 137828413139.jpg - (141.59KB , 650x293 , 0566.jpg )

The air explodes!
No. 539392 ID: 45217c
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And the crowd erupts with excitement.
No. 539633 ID: c23ab0

A moment of silence for National Soldier's dearly departed patience, please.
No. 539668 ID: 8bfdba

Someone needs to throw a bucket of water on them. Then distract them with a declaration of wet t-shirt contest.
No. 539779 ID: bd48c5

National Soldier: Make a note to request a pay raise and some counseling for dealing with this shit.

John & Nayda: Continue your pointless, entirely ineffectual fighting.

Other National Soldiers: Hold your ground, try and stop the protest from getting violent.

Jael: Figure out precisely how John has fucked up this time.
No. 539798 ID: 3c29ee

Soldier: set up a new perimeter. A BIG one. Those two are going to lay waste to each other and anything that gets between them.

Alternatively, Set the firehoses on them. This is a riot, so you guys have firehoses right?
No. 544386 ID: b07bca

>National Soldier: Lose focus on containing the soon-to-be riot due to the disturbing mental images brought on by the banter of these homoerotic manly-men, who are currently punching this city into swiss-cheese.
No. 546583 ID: 45217c
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>A moment of silence for National Soldier's dearly departed patience, please.

<Soldier>: Sergeant, we -

<Sergeant>: ...!...
No. 546584 ID: 45217c
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>John & Nayda: Continue your pointless, entirely ineffectual fighting.

<Nayda>: Ha ha! Yeah! Finally an excuse to smash through walls!

<John>: You've never needed an excuse, asshole!
No. 546585 ID: 45217c
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>Soldier: set up a new perimeter. A BIG one.

<Sergeant>: All right, everyone. Let's not have any repeats of last time. I know everyone's excited, but let's form a nice orderly, corpse-free perimeter. Sir. Sir! Please move away from the explodable truck, sir.

<Soldier>: Sir, the fires have started earlier than normal.

<Sergeant>: Oh, damn it! Is that semi pulling fuel tankers?
No. 546586 ID: 45217c
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<Ram>: Trying pulling up your shirt! It really helps with the bugs in your mouth thing!

<Jael>: I'll pass.

<Ram>: So we can run fast and we're super strong, right? What else can we do? Can we fly?

<Jael>: No.
No. 546587 ID: 45217c
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>Jael: Figure out precisely how John has fucked up this time.

<Ram>: How fast is this anyway!? Can we go faster? Hey! I can see something! What's -

<Jael>: Oh, god. Not again. Yes! Faster! Please. God damn it, John.
No. 546588 ID: 45217c
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<Nayda>: Hey, let's hit each other with these propane tanks!

<John>: Okay!

<Sergeant>: Not in the lumber mill!
No. 546589 ID: 1f8505

Jael: Hurry to the lumber mill to prevent further collateral damage.
No. 546594 ID: bd48c5

Well. John became... different since becoming immortal. Alright, well, Sergeant, work on evacuating the civilians from the blast radius from the imminent saw-dust explosion.

John, please remember that you USED to be a disciplined, relatively sane human being and take care not to level the area you're "liberating".
No. 550351 ID: 45217c
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<Sergeant>: This is just what I needed today! Getting spat on by Nayda's fool of a brother; that disaster on the fringe - once that hits the general public, we're toast.

> Sergeant, work on evacuating the civilians from the blast radius from the imminent saw-dust explosion.

<Soldier>: Everyone's been moved back. We confiscated a couple cameras. Amazed anyone was rich enough to own one. These shows of theirs have been -

<Sergeant>: I know! I know.
No. 550352 ID: 45217c
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<Sergeant>: We could confiscate their eyeballs and there'd be no saving us this time. The hell's gotten into them?

<Soldier>: Nayda just doesn't care. Law probably thinks the publicity will do him good, for some reason.

<Sergeant>: Might have something to do with that Legislater... Fuck it, no time to worry about that! Go make sure we've got a clear path for the trucks to get through! Maybe we won't lose any historical monuments this time.
No. 550353 ID: 45217c
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<Nayda>: You're in a good mood today! Too bad I'm here to piss you off!

<John>: No, you... ugh... dumbass...!
No. 550354 ID: 45217c
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<John>: I'm always pissed off!
No. 550355 ID: 45217c
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> Hurry to the lumber mill to prevent further collateral damage.

<Jael>: Damn it... The hell is John thinking this time... Stay hidden. It was hard enough ducking the patrols.

<Ram>: Isn't that the guy you're friends with? John?

<Jael>: He might say that...
No. 550356 ID: 45217c
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<Ram>: Whoa, he's in a lot of trouble!

<Jael>: Isn't he always.

<Ram>: Let's get down there and help!

<Jael>: No, let's not - h-hey! Hey!
No. 550381 ID: d7b500

Ok. Sooo Jael, you know what's going on, the two idiots are at it again.
Ram is about to be an idiot and get caught in the center of that.
Now...You COULD try and prevent that. But chances are, that's not going to work, and you'll just get dragged into things...
Hey, those soldiery guys and the civilians, maybe try and help keep them back and away from this instead.
No. 550404 ID: cf49fc

Fuck it. Jael, help those poor innocent Nationalist Deathtroopers minimize collateral damage by moving explosive fuel tanks out of the Zone of Total Destruction.
No. 550406 ID: c23ab0

Get out of there Jael before you catch the contagious excitement too!
No. 550608 ID: 3c2f03

Tackle that little shit at soon as possible.
No. 558220 ID: 45217c
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> Tackle that little shit at soon as possible.

<Ram>: Yeah! Ha ha!

<Jael>: Come back here, you idiot!
No. 558221 ID: 45217c
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No. 558222 ID: 45217c
File 139007256899.jpg - (84.11KB , 650x292 , 0582.jpg )

<Soldier>: Hey, is somebody still in there!?

> Get out of there Jael before you catch the contagious excitement too!

> Chances are, that's not going to work, and you'll just get dragged into things...

> Fuck it.

<Jael>: Shit... Too late for them... Time to blend in with the scenery.
No. 558223 ID: 45217c
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<John>: This is going to really make the headlines tomorrow, you know!

<Nayda>: You want everybody to see the fun we've been having lately, huh!?

<John>: Looks like your last braincell finally changed gears.

<Nayda>: I'm not that dumb! I just don't give a shit!
No. 558224 ID: 45217c
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<Ram>: Hey!
No. 558225 ID: 45217c
File 139007260791.jpg - (89.17KB , 650x292 , 0585.jpg )

<Ram>: Which one of you is John!?

<John>: Right here.

<Nayda>: Get out of here, kid! Being on fire sucks! Besides, this is a two man dance!
No. 558226 ID: 45217c
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<Ram>: No way, bald guy!

<Nayda>: What!? Bald!? I - ! Oh wait, yeah. Yeah, I forgot.

<Ram>: John, I'm here to help you... to save the world!
No. 558227 ID: 45217c
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<John and Nayda>: Pfft! Ha ha ha!
No. 558228 ID: a87e3a

Convince them with punches.
No. 558271 ID: c480f4

Ram: Sooo what's so funny?

John: start explaining-
Nayda: punch him away, start explaining your side-
Back and forth until Ram get's fed up and punches them.
Cue more laughter from John and Nayda because punching doesn't work.
No. 560368 ID: 8f1a39

This. This seems so natural for all parties involved.
No. 565110 ID: 742700

Headbutt one and punch the other. Prove yourself to be RAM!
No. 567277 ID: 399835

Cue Youthful Indignation, signifying a future Signpost Of Personal Growth!
No. 575966 ID: 45217c
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> Sooo what's so funny?

<John and Nayda>: Ha ha ha!

<Ram>: Qualius must have made me funnier, too. I didn't even think I told a joke...
No. 575967 ID: 45217c
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<Ram>: Wait! No, that wasn't funny! What's the deal, Hamchunks!? Old man!?

<John>: Well, kid, ya see -

<Nayda>: Ha ha!
No. 575968 ID: 45217c
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<John>: You ass! I'll punch you in the balls for that!

<Nayda>: Ha ha! Try it! They're tougher than you'd think! ...Kind of worries me sometimes, actually!

<Ram>: Don't worry, old man! I'll save you! Hrr!
No. 575969 ID: 45217c
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> Convince them

<John>: I told you, mother fucker! I told you!

<Nayda>: I barely feel it! Ha ha! I - !

<Ram>: Haa!
No. 575970 ID: 45217c
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<John and Nayda>: ...!...
No. 575971 ID: 45217c
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<Ram>: Take that, Beefman!
No. 575972 ID: 45217c
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No. 575973 ID: 45217c
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No. 575974 ID: 45217c
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Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch!
No. 575975 ID: 45217c
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Punch! Punch! Punch!

<Jael>: I'm so tired.

Punch! Punch!
No. 575976 ID: 5b596d

I just got here and I really don't know whats going on but I feel a severe lack of punches in this thread.

Talk less, punch more, make sure everyone knows your name
No. 576018 ID: b6178d

So... I'm just gonna say that this is probably not how it's supposed to go and maybe, just maybe, you will have to think a little non-laterally if you want to get a conversation in with these beefbrains.

So... punch them in morse code, maybe? Bet them that you're faster than either of them and run them up a mountain, chit-chatting on the way? You really need to get the tights guy distracted or away from John if you want to have a talk with him. That, and get John to stop hitting you.

Jael: I recommend catharsis.

National Sergeant: Oh, hey, a chair, a drink and some apparently equally miserable and fed-up female company. Commiserate while watching the spectacle of John, Nayla and whoever-the-fuck this new guy is.
No. 576024 ID: e3aff6

Do you know of anything John likes as much as repeatedly punching that you could bring up to get his attention?
No. 576037 ID: 2bfcdf

So Jael, you've seen this happen before. About when does it stop? Maybe you could find a firetruck and hose them down?
No. 576297 ID: 091837

Jael, they are like children, thus use things children like (such as Ice Cream) to distract them (temporarily). Eventually they'll forget and just leave or get an ice cream headache.
No. 576380 ID: b07bca

If this riot hasn't gotten serious attention from the government, it will now.
Look who's arrived! High-level riot control and other nationalist troops. Time for big brother to put on his stomping boots to snuff these flames.
Jael: Might be a good time to scram. You should try to at least grab the attention of John or Ram, or just haul ass outta there yourself.
No. 582095 ID: 586037


And then everyone had an orgy.
No. 582152 ID: a7868d

Cheer up Jael, this is a good thing. No way they can cover this up, so now everyone is gonna know about you and John and Nadya. It's gonna shake things up.

While we are talking to you, do you know a guy who called himself Burns? Like you, only found out about it after meeting you though? Military guy.
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