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452468 No. 452468 ID: a450e0

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No. 452834 ID: 6a1ec2

Yes eat his beef hot dog WAIT WHAT
No. 452836 ID: 6a5a08

Consume his heart to increase your power level.
No. 452840 ID: 4c7bc9
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But I am a vegetarian!

In the drawer there is a lighter, some, um, porn, and a bottle labeled INSTANT STEROIDS.

I put on the jacket that was on the back of the chair because it's got pockets and also I want to have clothes again.
No. 452841 ID: 4c7bc9
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In the rest of the room there are:
Some papers, a knife by the fish, two barrels FULL of oranges, and a funny little window with a nice view of the - OH GOSH I'M ON A SHIP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEan but oh I guess that's what happens when you get kidnapped by sea monsters. Ummm, this might make escaping more difficult.

I now have these things:

I can't carry anything else unless I get creative.

I take a look outside the door.
No. 452844 ID: d6c330

>Vegetarian, onna bote
Take an orange and eat it then. Keep your energy up, avoid scurvy.
No. 452846 ID: 6a5a08

Get All. We can save the INSTANT STEROIDS for an emergency, cause they'll probably shrink your junk or something. Things like that tend to have unpleasant side-effects. Eat some oranges to regain your strength before you go, you look scrawny.
>I am a vegetarian
That explains the scrawny part.

Can you use the porn book to make a shiv? I don't expect you to be able to, but may as well ask.
No. 452898 ID: 6a1ec2

Oranges go bad on the sea. You want to find yourself some succulents to suck on, like aloe or cactus.
No. 453322 ID: 2b9066

disregard everything and run headfirst into the kitchen throwing oranges at whatever you find in there
No. 453324 ID: bf54a8

you need beans and rice. soy beans if you can. that combo gives you almost everything meat can.
No. 453544 ID: 69f736
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This… is a really bad shiv. I don't think anybody is going to be afraid of this. At least I have the little fish knife, I guess.

> Eat oranges
Ok, I grab a couple. These are pretty good!

> Kitchen
"Vhat is cow doing out of cage?!"
No. 453545 ID: 69f736
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> Throw oranges at everything

"...Ruin stew with orange?? You in trouble now, cow! I coming to kill you!"
No. 453550 ID: 6a1ec2

No. 453556 ID: bf54a8

run back and reset trip trap.
No. 453559 ID: f2c20c

Tell him that if he takes it out immediately it won't affect the flavor.

While running away. Consider downing the instant steroids so you can fight this guy.
No. 453590 ID: 3aa036

Running from your problems only works so long.
Charge the cook like linebacker and knock him on his ass.
No. 454804 ID: 2b9066

you mess with the bull you get the horns
No. 455480 ID: c9428a
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Yeah! I gotta stand up for myself and kick his butt! CHAAAARGE!!


"Now put HOLE in cleanest shirt? You making Chef have very bad day. GRRRAAGH!"
No. 455481 ID: c9428a
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> Consider downing the instant steroids
I've got the bottle ready- but it seems that I can run a lot faster than him.

But- not fast enough to reset the trap in time! I keep going.
No. 455482 ID: c9428a
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"In here, boy." calls a voice as I pass the door marked 'SILENT JIM'.
No. 455488 ID: b6edd6

Sounds legit.
No. 455510 ID: f2c20c

Well it's either that or continue running blindly around.
No. 455563 ID: 3aa036

Go inside, just be sure to roll as you enter the room so that you can't be knocked out by someone standing next to the door.
No. 456544 ID: e5c62e
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"You're just ruining everything, aren't you, boy." The man sighs. "Can't be helped now, I suppose. They call me Silent Jim 'round here."

"I'm -er, Quigley."

"Well come here Quigley, I've got something to show you." Silent Jim closes the door after the chef lumbers past. He turns and reveals a big hairy monkey tail before quickly hiding it back in his pants. He's a Simian??

Silent Jim tells me he's been disguised as a human ever since escaping from captivity. He intended to leave the ship forever once they stopped at the Taurean Isles, but there was some idiot - well, I guess that's me - just playing on the beach, they so grabbed me and left before he could escape.
No. 456545 ID: e5c62e
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"But that's alright, now I have bigger plans." Silent Jim glances around then leans toward me. "Mutiny." he whispers. "It requires you NOT to escape, though. See, there are some other beastfolk fighting in the arena. If you can befriend them and all escape, we'd actually have enough heads to man this ship without the humans. Any questions, Quigley?"

"But- I might die! I just want to go back home!" I say.

Silent Jim scowls. "How? Are you going to swim back? We've almost reached the Human continent. I suppose if you're feeling suicidal I can show you the life boats. But you really should consider my plan."
No. 456592 ID: f2c20c

Alright, but won't they have a lot of security at the arena to prevent exactly this thing?
No. 456785 ID: 5cd436

Agree to his plan but since it never hurts to have a backup plan ask him to show us the life boats so if things get hairy we know the fastest way to them.
No. 458611 ID: e56aa5

Ask if he knows anything about those instant steroids you picked up, while you're at it.
No. 466177 ID: a35122
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It feels like a long time has passed since I let myself get captured again…

Jim's plan still sounds suicidal to me, but something in the back of my head is convincing me to go through with it. At least if I succeed I'll save everyone else trapped in the arena!

I look at the hastily scribbled note Jim gave me, which lists the days that The Queen Rose will be in port, aka my chances to escape across the ocean. The first window of opportunity… is in two weeks. I look at the paper and gulp. The next one after that isn't for three months! I've got to be ready.

At least they didn't try to take away the jacket so I still have all the things I found. To be honest, I think… they're actually afraid of me!

Despite all the jostling as they pull my cage around, I find myself drifting off to sleep.
No. 466181 ID: a35122
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Female avian: Wake up, you silly!

Quigley: Whuzgoinon?

Female avian: Wow, they must have drugged you good. Gotta shake that fuzz out ya brain! Your TRIAL MATCH is starting! My name is Paulie, and I get to help you not die! *giggle*
No. 466194 ID: 6a1ec2

Consume her body to regain your strength.
No. 466198 ID: bf54a8

slap your face a little
No. 466392 ID: 9d7671

Hit the snooze button and sleep a while longer
No. 468217 ID: 313665
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> slap your face a little

Paulie: Oh! Let me help!

Quigley: He-OW

Paulie: There we go, all wakey-waked up.

The darkness around us disappears as a black curtain drops, revealing... something.

Paulie: Ah it's an obstacle course today! And that fellow over there must be your competition. OH and there's usually a weapon at the end so you'd better get there first!

Before I have a chance to think the man bolts past the huge axe blade as it swings away. Crud! Should I try to dash through after him or wait for the blade to pass again - losing a few seconds?
No. 468263 ID: d4ad1a

Man, this sucks. Didn't give you much prep time. Alright, wait for the axe to swing back, then go. You can catch up to him later, but only if you're in one piece.
No. 468291 ID: 9d7671

Waiting is the smart thing to do since we can see how he dodges the traps in front of us. And i don't think we need a weapon that bad since we have already killed a man without one.
No. 469033 ID: c9428a
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Ok, so I'm just going to worry about getting there in one piece rather than getting there first.

Paulie: Gotta stay in the safe zones so the arrows don't fire!

The floor in front of me's got some weird panels with circles that get farther apart as it goes on. The walls have some scary-looking holes in them! My competitor is hopping between circles and he's about in the middle. I could either start jumping after him, or I could try something tricky...
No. 469068 ID: d4ad1a

What's your inventory? Throw something heavy onto the non-circlebound ground near your competitor, if you have anything. And then hop to it!
No. 469069 ID: d4ad1a

Even if you do manage to hit him with arrows, you're gonna wanna keep moving forward.
No. 469088 ID: 9d7671

Lets not try something tricky. We might get hit by an arrow ourselves and it would make it clear to our competitor that we are trying to kill him.
This way if he gets to the end first we can act like we don't want to hurt him and that is why we didn't try to kill him with the traps. And then when his guard is down we give him a taste of our DEATH HORNS!
No. 475689 ID: 00f5eb
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Ok, I don't try anything tricky so maybe the other guy will trust me later. By now he's so far ahead of me I can't see him any more.

I have reached THE TUNNELS OF FIRE.

Let's see. Circle... triangle... circle... square... OH GOSH.

many updates promised this weekend to make up for extended periods of not being here
No. 475760 ID: c33f8f

Take your time and learn the pattern of the fire tunnels. If it stays the same:

Circle... triangle... circle... square..

and repeats, then triangle would be the right route?
No. 475785 ID: 00f5eb
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Ah, it is a pattern! Two are always on fire at once, and the safe ones go:


Hmm. Well, it doesn't go 2 in a row, so the next is either circle or square...

Paulie: *yelling, indistinguishable over roar of flames*
No. 475806 ID: f2c20c

Circle. This thing alternates between two sequences. It's going to go CS next.
No. 475843 ID: 00f5eb
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Ooh I hope you're right!

Paulie's still yelling something. 'She's baiting at the end of the funnel?' That can't be right. But I should be able to hear her better once I get to the end of the - wait.

Hah! He left a trap made from parts of this dangerous-looking HALL OF SPIKES. Good thing I was paying too much attention to run into them!
No. 475846 ID: bf54a8

jump to your right.
No. 475847 ID: f2c20c

He is also about to cut you with a sword. Endeavor not to be cut, then snatch up one of those spikes to use as a weapon.
No. 475848 ID: 70c0f2

>She's baiting at the end of the funnel?
He's waiting at end of the tunnel.

Parse the correct warning, and react before he can slice you.
No. 475870 ID: c33f8f

While avoiding being cut to pieces try screaming talking calmly to him. Tell him that we didn't kill him with the traps because we know a way for us both to get out of this unharmed (lie).
Lets hope he stops to hear us out.
No. 476141 ID: dcf346
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He- OH. I jump to my right and barely avoid a sword to the face!

Quigley: Whycantwejustgetalong- hey, stop! Stop a second,

He swings again.

Quigley: Ack! Hey! I- I COULD have killed you by setting off the arrows earlier, but I didn't because I know a way out!

He hesitates, but he's holding the sword in preparation to swing again. I've got to say something that can really convince him!

lost my tablet pen. and by lost i mean it's in this apartment somewhere. so here's a touchpad rehash of the last pic :(
No. 476157 ID: c33f8f

Ok he stopped that's good, but i can't think of any lie convincing enough for him to believe.
I guess we could tell him about the mutiny? Though can others hear us talking?

Let's try buying time, ask him his name and what the hell is he doing in the arena since he seems to be a human. I though only beasfolk were send here to fight.
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