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File 134629632470.jpg - (326.73KB , 1000x889 , TheChaserGame.jpg )
449400 No. 449400 ID: 0521d2

You Are The Chaser

Posses your victim and KILL as much people as possible in a short time.
The clock starts ticking on your first kill.
Take out targets to earn extra points.
And most of all have fun!!
26 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 451634 ID: 886a4d

Well we got her so we might as well use her...

No. 451636 ID: fa9f7e

Yeah, might as well figure out how to use her.
No. 451639 ID: 3b3043

I could use a laugh. Let's go with Harley Quinn.
No. 451649 ID: 0521d2
File 134677760960.jpg - (205.98KB , 800x600 , in the class room two girls talking.jpg )

[Yūko]-*Sigh* Boring boring boring~

[Mio]-You should try reading the texts for class, maybe you'd get better grades.

[Yūko]-Beh! Mio, I'm trying to relieve my boredom not increase it.

[Mio]-Well you should study anyways. Quizzes could be any day now.
No. 451661 ID: fa9f7e

Take a book and slam it repeatedly over her head, whichever one of you we are.
No. 451663 ID: 886a4d

We have yet to choose our host... lets look around.
No. 451664 ID: bf54a8

No. 451665 ID: 0521d2
File 134678304151.jpg - (115.75KB , 800x600 , Yūko thinking about stuff.jpg )

[Yūko]-I don't even need any of this material for my future carrier. Why would I even study?

[Mio]-And what would that be?

[Yūko]-I'm gonna be a frill necked lizard.

No. 451666 ID: 886a4d

Misato Tachibana.... she who pulls guns out of no where. . . . he he hehahehahahaha HAHAHAHAHA
No. 451667 ID: 0521d2
File 134678312173.jpg - (129.74KB , 800x600 , Mai reading.jpg )

[Yūko]-Hey Mai, what are you up to?

[Mai]-Reading for the quiz...

[Yūko]-Wouldn't you rather be doing something fun?



[Mai]-I am...

[Yūko]-Pfff... Everyone's boring.
No. 451671 ID: e3814c

Lets look for the teacher.
No. 451687 ID: 37aa84

Lets do this the same as last time and possess the person who appears bored out of their mind, whoever this Yuko kid is lets help them have a little fun.
No. 451728 ID: dc4a44

Let's get gun girl. seems an easy win
No. 451735 ID: 0521d2
File 134680319398.jpg - (114.71KB , 800x600 , izumy has a game.jpg )

[Yūko]-Sakurai, I'm bored. Wanna play during our break?

[Izumi]-You should study.

[Yūko]-No need, I've got it in the bag.

[Izumi]-Okay, how about a little guessing game?

[Yūko]-That could be fun~

Last round was mono-railed to a certain point. This round and from here on out, the training wheels are off. It takes a level of cooperation to maneuver the virus, you can choose who you want, but can't go very far. It takes at least 2 to choose your victim.
No. 451736 ID: fa9f7e

Let's be Izumy and ask her how long she thinks she can hold her breath underwater. Then dunk her and hold her there. If she was right, let her live. If she was wrong, she dies. How's that?
No. 451779 ID: d94e2c

Since we got the Joker, I want the cheerful one.
No. 451781 ID: bf54a8

what water? we are in the middle of a room.
No. 451783 ID: fa9f7e

We could... go somewhere else? The clock only starts ticking when we actually kill her.

Go to the bathroom or something and give her a really long Swirly or something to near-drown her.
No. 451889 ID: 6a13b9

No. 451965 ID: c9b053

Izumi, she's to shy and adorable to do anything, we'll have the element of surprise. Grab a yeard stick, even with 2 strenght you can kill someone. Just swing hard.
No. 451987 ID: 54fb5c

I'd say Izumi. She's a teacher, right? That means some amount of authority and access.
No. 452032 ID: 0521d2
File 134689077888.jpg - (147.35KB , 800x600 , Izumi is infected.jpg )

You are the Chaser

Teehee~ Let's play

[Izumi]-So Yūko, how long do you thin you can hold your breath?

[Yūko]-Eum... Probably a minute, why?

[Izumi]-Let's have fun seeing how long we can hold our breath under water!

[Yūko]-really, aren't we in class?

[Izumi]-We'll do it in the bathroom sinks, come on it'll be fun!

[Yūko]-Okay let's go~
No. 452057 ID: 0521d2
File 134689505363.jpg - (147.29KB , 800x600 , getting ready to hold her breath.jpg )

>Yūko and Izumi dash off to the woman's rest room and run a sink full of water.

[Yūko]-Hehee It's not every day I get to goof off like this with my teacher

[Izumi]-I know right? So! You hold your breath and I'll count


>Yūko breaths in deep and plunges her head under the cold water.
No. 452058 ID: 886a4d

The instant she starts to raise her her head from the water keep her there. Once shes been limp for a while put her into a stall, tuck her legs up, lock the door then slide out from the bottom.
No. 452059 ID: bf54a8

no no, don't just put her legs up, put her in a humiliating pose for whoever eventually finds her.
No. 452061 ID: e3f578

Good... goooood
Now when she gets up to take a big breath, take her head, push it into your butt, and fart.
Or when she gets up to breath, push her down immediately to make her gulp down water. But that would be the expected thing to do.
No. 452063 ID: fa9f7e

Aww, no, she only dies if she guessed wrong. If she was right, she gets half a second to breathe before the next minute. Clock starts ticking on the first kill, let's see how long we can draw it out.

Although someone might catch us and spoil our fun if we take too long. Let's hope she guessed wrong.
No. 452066 ID: 2b5f70

Holding it for over a minute would technically be guessing wrong, too....
We can MAKE her guess wrong~
No. 452068 ID: fa9f7e

No. 452077 ID: a15eb2

The moment she comes up for air, kiss her deeply in the mouth.
No. 452091 ID: 08005b

I shall vote for that.
No. 452092 ID: d63263

Be sure to really work your tongue to show her you care.
No. 452093 ID: 886a4d

if we`re going to do it that way remember to pinch her nose so she can`t breath through it.
No. 452186 ID: 37aa84

If we kiss her in order to suffocate her then NO TONGUE she could bite it and that could startle us enough for her to get away. Also when she first dunks her head in quickly lock the door to reduce the chance of us being caught.
No. 452255 ID: a15eb2

METAPHORICALLY drown her in love and kisses.
No. 452292 ID: 92c81e

Don't forget to breath in, and steal her breath away :3
No. 452393 ID: 0c2247

Remember: If she guessed correctly, then she lives. The timer starts with the first kill, so you want to rack up as many style points as possible.
No. 452439 ID: 37aa84

I just thought of something take a quick look around and see if you can sense any designated targets. It could be possible they don't show up until our last kill but it couldn't hurt to try confirming it.
No. 452449 ID: 7e16ce

After we're done kissing Yūko, let's leave the school and start a life of crime fighting- murdering drug dealers and mafiosos!
No. 469809 ID: 8d2649
File 135242544063.jpg - (179.16KB , 800x600 , I\'m back bitches.jpg )

rolled 26 = 26

>Yūko breaths in deep and plunges her head under the cold water. As soon as she starts to pull up for air, Izumi grabs her hair and pushes her down into the water counting the remaining time...

Yūkotries to hold her breath:
1-39 she's startled and drowns
40-60 she manages to not drown
No. 469820 ID: 4ec8b3

Aww man, you didn't like the kiss-suffocating idea?
No. 469840 ID: 37aa84

Put the body in one of the stalls get in with it, close and lock the stall then go over or under the door, hopefully no one will find the body so our next victim or two will remain unsuspecting.
No. 469855 ID: 8d2649
File 135243170154.jpg - (198.22KB , 800x600 , 20.jpg )

>Yūko's drowned body falls limp to the ground, water drooling from her mouth.

[Izumi]-Woops I though I'd kiss her if she made it, Teehee oh well! We'll get our chance.

>Izumi hears a noise from behind her as she bends over to pick up the corps...

_ _ _
No. 469858 ID: 997ce7

Kiss her and bite out her tongue. Keeps her from screaming and lets her drown in her own blood or bleed out, whichever happens first.

Plus, makes for a good snack.
No. 469862 ID: d10f72

No. 469868 ID: 92c81e

Somehow, I don't think it's going to be quite that easy to get a hold of her tongue if she's panicking.

It may be better just to approach her seductively, or something to put her off guard, and smash her into the toilet bowl.
No. 469870 ID: 997ce7

She doesn't look panicky. More like "wat?"

And I doubt "Hey, some chick is kissing me" will cause her to panic either.

Although if you think we need a distraction, let's ask her about her opinion on the Chicago Bears vs. the Green Bay Packers.
No. 469882 ID: 2fd111

This is Japan (right?), I doubt she would know of both teams ,if either, let alone of their rivalry. But I like the way you think. I don't know what, but ask her something completly out of the blue that she won't know how to answer ... on second thought, that would actually make that question perfect. Ask away!

Also, panicing would be very out of charcter for her, so I doubt that will be a problem.
No. 469891 ID: 2fd111

Hold on, everytime someone (even if it's unreasonable that they would know how) did some crazy wrestling/grapling move in the show, it works flawlessly. I take back my last suggestion and say we try a german suplex on her, but to turn it into a lethal impact, quickly slip behind her and perform it so her head makes contact with the toilet bowl. This works on three levels, one kill her (duh), two this may break the bowl. Now why is that a good thing you ask? Water. With water gushing everywhere it will wash away the blood. And third and most importantly because of the water everywhere, someone will need to turn off the water the bathroom, making it the perfect dumping ground for the bodies.
No. 471138 ID: c9b053

kill her quietly. We want to make a scene and horrify everyone, but not now. We still need that edge
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