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File 134579245705.png - (17.23KB , 400x600 , ArcanaQuest Cover.png )
446862 No. 446862 ID: 927258

Hello, tgchan. I am feeling particularly inspired to make another thing, but this time I wish for it to be an open-ended story of (partially) your creation. Your influence, at the very least.

So, first, please choose your protagonist's arcana. Only the major arcana will be considered.
1.) The Magician.
2.) The High Priestess.
3.) The Empress.
4.) The Emperor.
5.) The Hierophant.
6.) The Lovers.
7.) The Chariot.
8.) Justice.
9.) The Hermit.
10.) Wheel of Fortune.
11.) Strength.
12.) The Hanged Man.
13.) Death.
14.) Temperance.
15.) The Devil.
16.) The Tower.
17.) The Star.
18.) The Moon.
19.) The Sun.
20.) Judgement.
21.) The World.

Now, on top of that, I'd also like you to choose any two of the following... or just one, if you'd like!
- Horror.
- Post-apocalyptic.
- Takes place on an alien planet.
- Monster collection. (Think Pokemon, etc.)
- A dating sim.
- 'Escape the room'.
- A mystery of some sort.

The things with the most votes will win out, in the end, and the appearance of your protagonist will be decided by the setting and arcana that is selected. Er, go!

DISCUSSION THREAD: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/59141.html#i59141
84 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 447960 ID: 886a4d

Lets check the door closest to you.
No. 447975 ID: 54c7e5

I don't trust that light. Pull that cord down to you.

But yeah, closest door first.
No. 448044 ID: fa9f7e

Also, can you use wind to make fresh air, or just move the air we have around?

In short, is WIND wind creation or wind manipulation?
No. 448337 ID: 927258

Wind creation, but the amount of wind is finite and will increase as you level. You also cannot PENETRATE with your wind, which would be things like creating air one floor above you or inside of a human body.
No. 448343 ID: fa9f7e

I realize this sounds pedantic, but how do you define inside? For example, could we use our wind to, say, play a clarinet/flute/whatever to pass a puzzle, since they have openings, or blow wind into someone's open mouth to prevent them from talking?
No. 448398 ID: 927258
File 134609406478.png - (23.62KB , 400x600 , The Door.png )

You pull open the door closest to you. (The one to the far right was supposed to be the one you had just come through... so aside from the left exit, there's only one unexplored door here.)

The smell is strongest here.
No. 448399 ID: 54c7e5

Do you see anything, or just an empty room?
No. 448401 ID: 927258
File 134609421922.png - (49.36KB , 600x600 , The Neck Swing.png )

That is Matt. He's been looking after you since you can remember, and probably before then, too. He brings you lukewarm meals and has taught you to conjure and use your AIR.
He's taught you everything you know.

... but why is he on a neck swing?
No. 448402 ID: fa9f7e

He got tired of living and so he killed himself, quite some while ago, from the smell.

Or someone killed him. What kind of guy did he seem like?

Also, it's a shame to waste food. Eat him so you will never be alone.
No. 448408 ID: b85f8c

Set up the ladder and get him down. He doesn't deserve to rot up there.

We'll have to find some way to give him a proper burial, later.
No. 448424 ID: 927258
File 134609843540.png - (96.73KB , 400x600 , STATS SHEET.png )

Regardless of which of those two is true, you wish he would have waited a bit allowed you to kill him yourself, so you could show him how much you've improved.
Maybe he'd be proud.

Alegretta does not know how to cook, nor how to fillet, and doesn't know what a burial is.
You leave the body be, for now.

Now that Matt is dead, however, you're going to need to sustain yourself. Maybe, if there are rooms outside of your home with Horace, there are other places too.
You'll need to prepare.

You have near unlimited weapon slots, and a book. LOTW. Is this enough to survive?
No. 448425 ID: 927258

waited a bit and allowed*
No. 448428 ID: b85f8c

Um, I guess? What would we do if it wasn't? We could try searching the body to see if he's got anything of use, but aside from that I suppose we should just move on to the next door.
No. 448453 ID: 927258
File 134610395120.png - (65.45KB , 600x600 , A Bedroom.png )

Sure. Alegretta sets the ladder up and climbs to the top, but there seems to be nothing on him but clothing and feces.

You leave the room, and exit the hallway through the only remaining door.

Huh. You recognize very few of the things in this room.
No. 448456 ID: 886a4d

Take the pouch full of shiny round things, check under those paintings and the rug... I'm not sure what that thing is to the right is either... so check it out too.
No. 448457 ID: b85f8c

Get dat CASH MONEY, yo. Then look behind/under everything.
No. 448458 ID: 927258
File 134610463195.png - (98.75KB , 400x600 , Discs Obtained.png )

Alegretta, for some reason, feels compelled to pick up the discs on the floor. She gathers them into the bag of other, differently coloured discs, and places it in the pockets inside her dress.
DAT MAD CASH obtained.

You search the room, looking under paintings and the large bed (?), as well as the rug and drapes along the walls, but there are no traps, treasures or secret doors here.
No. 448459 ID: 927258
File 134610486243.png - (16.65KB , 600x600 , Strange Door.png )

... well, except for the door you just came from, which clicks into place when you close it. It's virtually unnoticeable from this side, and there seems to be no doorknob.
No. 448460 ID: 886a4d

Take a blanket with you, better then sleeping on bare ground should there be no civlization with you. And then lets proceed through that last door.
No. 448461 ID: b6edd6

Onwards then.
No. 448462 ID: 927258
File 134610558704.png - (62.86KB , 600x600 , Blanket Obtained.png )

Alegretta sees no blankets, so she tears a drape down from the wall and drags it along behind her. She'll need to find somewhere to put this.
No. 448466 ID: 927258
File 134610576511.png - (60.31KB , 600x600 , Magical Money Gone.png )

The magical respawning money poofs away in a puff of embarrassed smoke.
No. 448471 ID: b85f8c

Examine the paintings a little closer before we go.
No. 448486 ID: 927258
File 134610770634.png - (63.09KB , 400x600 , Rough Painting.png )

A robed man in a strange stance, with something roiling behind him.
No. 448488 ID: 927258
File 134610774085.png - (16.85KB , 600x400 , Horace Painting.png )

This painting is of Horace. You'd recognize those teeth anywhere.
No. 448540 ID: 927258
File 134610884418.png - (42.26KB , 600x600 , Room With Things.png )

There are a lot of things on the floor in this room.
There are three exits; north, east and west. Two have no doors.
No. 448558 ID: 886a4d

No. 448559 ID: 927258
File 134611066997.png - (109.95KB , 600x600 , The Items Found.png )

Items include: lots of dried meat, an empty sack, clothes that smell like mint, extra arrows, and a pillow.
No. 448560 ID: 886a4d

Dust off the meat, and store everything in the pack. Lets go left.
No. 448562 ID: b6edd6

Get ye loot and make ye exit.
No. 448564 ID: 927258
File 134611366238.png - (27.30KB , 400x600 , The Disposal.png )

You wrap the arrows with the blanket and put them inside the backpack, fold the clothes and put them inside and then just stuff the rest of the things in carelessly.
Then, you check what's beyond the doorway to the left.
This room is unfamiliar to you, too.
No. 448578 ID: 886a4d

Check behind the curtain, in the sink, in the toilet, both tank and bowl... then pick up that water bottle. If its empty try turning on the tap in the sink. Taste the water to make sure its not off then fill the bottle up.
No. 448579 ID: b6edd6

If these objects are unfamiliar, than the obvious thing to do is to pull all the levers.
No. 448580 ID: fa9f7e

No. 449231 ID: 927258
File 134626841405.png - (44.65KB , 600x400 , In The Tub.png )


No murderers, though this rectangular bowl seems to be filled with still-frozen fish.
There is still some ice, and the smell is not at all pungent.

Matt fed some of these to Horace.
No. 449241 ID: 54c7e5

Well, too bad we haven't figured out how to get back to Horace yet. These might be the key for making friends with him!

Nothing interesting in this room, back to the hub, then straight.
No. 449261 ID: 927258
File 134627175425.png - (106.76KB , 400x600 , After House Inventory.png )

After much experimentation, Alegretta sees that the cylindrical objects make the spout produce water when turned. She collects the water with the bottle and tries it.
Tastes identical to the liquid she's been drinking her whole life.

WATER obtained.
No. 449265 ID: 927258
File 134627386092.png - (119.41KB , 600x600 , Scorching.png )

Alegretta returns to 'THE HUB' and opens the Northern door. A sticky breeze finds its way in through the crack and when she steps outside, she is met by a landscape of predominantly beige.

She has never felt this much heat on her skin before. The air tastes sweet and light and, all at once, satisfying.
No. 449266 ID: 886a4d

Before heading into the wild blue yonder lets check that last room.
No. 449313 ID: 54c7e5

Use some wind to cool down. See if you can bring some of this air inside with you.
No. 453437 ID: 927258
File 134732630219.png - (21.32KB , 600x600 , There Was Some Blood There.png )

Alegretta cannot manipulate the outside wind. She can create her own puffs of air, but to trifle with the stuff outside is a bit too complicated for her right now. It seems the outside wants its air to stay as it is.
As such, she can blow air into things like flutes, but not into places that are closed off completely. Think of it as a really powerful blow from her lungs, except it can be anywhere wind would normally be able to reach. This depends heavily on where Alegretta is standing at the time.

The last room is painted with a splatter of red. Nothing else is here.
No. 453444 ID: f2c20c

Alright. Now, check out that nearby building. Is it a house?
No. 455626 ID: 927258
File 134791013985.png - (84.13KB , 600x600 , Outside Triumphs.png )

Alegretta assumes that thing in the foreground to be a 'house', yes. Across the hot desert floor appears to be a larger building, with a city encompassed by a barbed border.

Please suggest a course of action.
No. 455638 ID: 4a328b

Try the door. If it's locked, throw a rock at the window
No. 455644 ID: 927258
File 134791304203.png - (40.54KB , 600x600 , The Door To Where.png )

This door is not locked, she confirms, twisting the doorknob fully in both directions.
No. 455651 ID: 4a328b

Barge right in, like a true adventurer!
No. 455663 ID: 927258
File 134791548108.png - (59.48KB , 600x600 , Skeletons.png )

Alegretta decides to FUCK KNOCKING, for she is a rogue, and rogues need no introductions or pleasantries.

It smells like minty freshness in this room; it is highly sterile.
No. 455664 ID: 4a328b

Do you see that rug? That is your new cape until you find an even cooler one. Read the podiums, too
No. 455665 ID: f196ee

this a milion times, also check those bones
No. 455672 ID: b6edd6

Signs are like more permanent forms of NOTES, and thus are to be read.
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