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444722 No. 444722 ID: 98a065

The City is home to 40 Million reploids and humans, it's a metroplis located inside a massive space station, the station is in orbit around a planet, and the planet has a moon that's roughly 1/4th the mass of it's planet. You can observe these facts from any camera feed of the outside. The planet might as well be another universe.

No one leaves the City, the Master of Ceremonies makes certain of that. From the fortress that is Command and Control the Master of Ceremonies rules over the city. No one remembers how MoC took control, or at least no one who will do anything. But deep in the heart of the station lives Dr. Kreig, a visionary, an Idealist, a man who believes that all people deserve to live and to choose their path in life. These are ideas banned in The City.

From deep in the forgotten Maintanence sections of the City Dr. Krieg lives and works with a small group of humans and reploids. Here he converts reploids for combat and shelters the few humans who escape the clutches of MoC's harvester Corps.
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No. 444879 ID: 886a4d

We do owe him our life... agree, ask for a map of the area, turn on your stealth systems and lets go.
No. 444890 ID: 98a065

"Command and Control deleted the maps to the station years ago. Even they don't know what begins where and what ends where." The Grey reploid shrugs and places his arm on your shoulder, there's a brief moment where his systems connect wirelessly with yours and then you know as much about this part of The City as he does. "Name's Moby by the way. I pulled your designation out of your system while I was patching up your Core, there was some damage there so don't be surprised if your memory is spotty. Sorry, did all I could." You assure him that you're grateful for his efforts to keep you allive and then you examine the map.

The north door leads to what is known as "The Foundry" which apparently is some sort of factory for weapons and parts.

The Southern door leads to "the vats" which is a distant branch of the system that clones organic food of The City's human population.

Which door would you like to take?
No. 444906 ID: 886a4d

Lets go through the vats. Something about a butchery appeals to Azure.
No. 444925 ID: b6edd6

Sure. The factory sounds like it would have useful things, but that means it would be much more heavily guarded.
No. 444942 ID: 98a065

rolled 97, 44 = 141

maybe I'm misinterpreting things here but it seems we have a vote for the vats and a vote for the factory.

First roll will be for the vats, second roll for the factory. I'll wait ten minutes, if Zig says he was voting for the vats I'll go with vats, if not we take the roll.
No. 444945 ID: 98a065

well regardless of what zig voted the board clearly rolled in favor of vats.
No. 444950 ID: 98a065

You head south towards the vats, your stealth systems are running at peak efficiency, clealy Moby knows how to do his job. It takes you about fifteen minutes but eventually you hit a motorised cart on a rail, eschewing the cart for strealth purposes you spend something like an hour continuing down the transit tunnel that the cart is intended to traverse. Eventually you find the vats, thankfully in between your climbing capabilities and your stealth systems you're able to avoid the guards. (Faceless reploids in yellow armor. They bear a mild resemblance to Moby but they only have two optic lenses and they don't have jet packs, also Moby looks like he's been shot to pieces and patched back together at least two or three times. these guys look brand new.)

The vats really are a butchery. This place doesn't produce food anymore, it produces bionic parts. They clone human flesh in vats and genetically modifie it so that it's usefull for dozens of functions,
No. 444952 ID: 886a4d

Well since we're only doing this to exit the place lets do a quick look through for any hunters. Keep an eye out for any security terminals... and perhaps we can conjure up some ID that will let Moby pass through without getting the workers after us.
No. 444954 ID: 98a065

They also use this place to capture humans who oppose the Master of Ceremonies' rule, and by oppose I mean anyone caught out after curfew, speaking out against the regime, smoking, drinking alchohol, or doing anything else the MoC finds objectionable. Thankfully the facility is empty of "Customers" at the moment,

You spend a few minutes searching and eventually you find a map.

The control room is to the north, the armory to the south, the route back to the safehouse to the east (you took a turn or two) and the main processing facilities are to the west.

Where would you like to go?
No. 444956 ID: 98a065

you can do all of that from the control room, though a cursory look shows that ther're only guard reploids in this place. One of the things about MoC's regime is that he hates people who defie their alotted job description, so if you manage to forge an ID for Moby that looks official they likely won't ask any questions.
No. 444957 ID: 886a4d

Lets check out the armory first, just to see if there is anything we can 'liberate.' It might also have uniforms \ official armor that can allow us to bullshit our way through.
No. 444969 ID: 98a065

You check the armory, it's fairly standard for an armory in The City. It has parts that can be used to repair broken weapons, parts that can be used to repair broken armor, back up parts for busted reactors and cores as well as paint and epoxy and other useful substances for making a Reploid look good as new.

One of the best ways to get caught bythe Harvestors is to look nonstandard, so it would probably be intelligent to grab some supplies from this place and use them to make yourself and your new partner as bland as possible. (there's even spare parts for building a face if you're uncomfortable with a faceless medic) Any changes made for the sake of disguise are purely cosmetic and can be switched out later. There's a stack of duffel bags nearby ready to carry any loot you feel the need to take with you. There are no "pick up and use" weapons since it's easier to oppress humans if you don't have compatable weapons lying around for their use.
No. 444974 ID: 886a4d

Taking in consideration what you need to give both yourself and Moby up to spec. Also grab some of the core and reactor parts. Perhaps we can make use of them. Put everything grabbed into duffel bags then stash them near the exit to the safe house.

Afterwords lets head to control. We still need an ID.
No. 444983 ID: 98a065

You pack one duffel bag with core and reactor parts, carefully making certain there's enough padding to keep the delicate devices from being harmed by their trip.

The other paclkage is full of duraplast, ceramic plating, and basic steel plating (something like 3-6 centimenters in width), along with epoxy, paint, wleding supplies and the numerous spare parts one needs to make a standard reploid chassis. You stash these near the eastern exit and make your way to the Command Center.

There's a single command unit Reploid here. He doesn't have any apparent intention of leaving and so far he hasn't noticed you.

going inside the control center will require a stealth check, howver you could probably hack the system without noticing you physically, provided he doesn't notice you digitally. What would you like to do?
No. 444984 ID: 886a4d

rolled 6, 4, 4, 1 = 15

Alright lets go in and try hacking.

Stealth Check first.
No. 444986 ID: 886a4d

rolled 1, 6 = 7

now for hack attempt
No. 444993 ID: 98a065

You manage to make your way in without the commander noticing. (he looks like his troops, only where as they're normal human height, he's 7 feet tall and appears to have a gatling gun mounted on his shoulder.) Thankfully while you failed to attain system access you do manage to keep your digital foot print nil. As long as you don't fail too badly at gaining system access you should be able to keep this up until you do gain access.

Would you like to try gaining access again?
No. 444994 ID: 886a4d

Maybe someonelse should roll. I have a baaad feeling about my next one.
No. 444997 ID: 4a328b

rolled [6] [5]

Alright then!
No. 444998 ID: 98a065

what could possibly go wrong?
No. 445005 ID: 98a065

You manage to break into the system, first you cancel the security alert that has Harvestors looking for you, Moby, and presumably his comrades. Then you generate IDs that mesh with your Core Statistics (The Digital Identification paremeters all Reploids have) You're able to download the map's that are in this system.

Obviously you leave once your work is done. Is there anything you'd like to do before returning to moby?
No. 445008 ID: 886a4d

Nope, no need to take any further risks. That was a well=done stealth mission with maximum rewards.
No. 445009 ID: b6edd6

Can we check for what permissions the system we just hacked has? It would be fun if we can revoke some legitimate minions' ids or such.
No. 445010 ID: 98a065

You could do that, but it would take a hack check to do something like what you just mentioned, not being a jerk I'll allow you to retroactively fiddle with the system if you desire.

The system you jacked is the Head Security chief's station, as such he gets to decuide who goes where, and who has permission to do what. High command occasionally automatically updates his system with security clearances for travelers so people suddenly gaining and losing access isn't unusual.

Screwing around too much with the system WILL alert them that something is up.

Seeing as how redaeth's plan was to generate IDs and and say "Hi we're passing through." alerting the security chief to that fact that his system is being fucked with seems like a bad idea to me, but whatever.
No. 445012 ID: b6edd6

Eh, I guess we will just leave it at getting IDs then.
No. 445017 ID: 98a065

Alright, you leave the command center and stealth your way back to the Vats Facility Exit. From there it's a simple hop skip and a long fucking walk back to the safe-house you woke up in. You find Moby back where he was last time. He glances in your direction once you open the door and stands up, placing the chair back underneath the table once you've entered the room. "Ah good, Azure, I was worried about you. Are you okay? What did you find?" You briefly tell him about the vat's facility and how you generated access codes. "Nice, very well done. But we need to move fast. If they run a systems check they'll figure out that the systems update was local and didn't come down from high command. Here lie down, I'll make this quick." Moby's true to his word. WIthin 15 minutes he has a standard menial Reploid's chassis on you, and it's impossible to tell you apart from one of millions of female reploids out there. He forges a wireless link with you and carefully instructs you on building a chassis for his body.
No. 445021 ID: 98a065

He winds up looking much like the guards that were at the vat's facilit, eventually you come to his head. 5 optical sensors are decidely nonstandard (but effective at picking out stealthed enemies) Moby just wants to build a visor for his hlmet and hide the lenses behind polarised transperisteel but you did bring the parts required to make a face. You could try and convince him to make the upgrade and become more human looking, or you could just give him a polarised visor.

What would like to do?
No. 445024 ID: 886a4d

No need to change him. Every reploid should be able to choose what they want to look like. Give him the visor.
No. 445026 ID: 98a065

You ask him why he doesn't want a face like most reploids have, because when it comes down to it just about every reploid you can think of has an expressive face, even if they do look like anthropromorphic animals. "Father built me like this. This is the face he gave me, I see no reason to change it." You install the Polarised lense after cutting it out of a sheet of transparisteel. Now he looks just like the guards at the vat, only he seems to prefer his visor being down at all times. With that done you're both ready as ready as you'll ever be to pass yourself off as loyal servants of the Master of Ceremonies.

Then Moby notices the bags of core and reactor parts. "What're those?" he asks as he unzips the duffel bag. You tell him and his Voice box emits an impressed whistle. "You did good here. Now we REALLY need to hustle. Once the the boys down at the Vats notice they're missing these we're gonna have no chance to slip through the net." He carefully but quickly stocks the parts in one of the lockers.
No. 445029 ID: 886a4d

Since we need to hurry and we do have ID lets take the cart over. Time to bullshit and charm our way through.
No. 445030 ID: 98a065

He doesn't bother to put away the chassis parts though. Instead he hustles you out of the room and to the transportation cart. (think of a roofless subway car.) "Core parts and Reactor parts are rare, they don't get produced very often even though The City has the means to do so. It's easier to oppress reploids if you have all the spare parts. You just earned yourself brownie points with the resistance missy." He gives you a friendly punch on the arm and the transportation cart starts up. You have 15 minutes before you reach the vat.

would you like to ask Moby anything? Or just ski[p ahead to arrival?
No. 445032 ID: 886a4d

Only thing I can think of asking him is why he bothered saving us? We aren't part of the resistence (yet) and he risked a lot doing so.
No. 445039 ID: 98a065

"Papa Krieg's kids follow his teachings to the Letter. Protect the Innocent, regardless of whether they're human or reploid. Fight The Master of Ceremonies and take back The City so that we can all live in peace." He spends a brief moment looking out into the distance. " That means putting your neck on the line, even for a perfect stranger. As a result there aren't many of Papa Krieg's original units lying around. The Resistance is mostly non-standard Reploids who have to join us by default. Once the MoC decides you need to die there aren't many other options." he shrugs and you get the sens he's smiling sheepishly. "So basically I did it because you're in danger. My Job is to repair reploids who've been busted. I did it, if you feel graitude you can repay me by getting me back home."

I'll wait ten minutes, if no one else has a suggestion I'll skip ahead to the vats
No. 445044 ID: 98a065

You arrive at the Vats Transport station. You both look over your IDs. Moby's is a basic guard ID, and Azure's shows that she's some sort of high ranking inspector. Either of your could approach the guards and speak to them without incurring suspicion. Who do you want to approach the guards? Should Moby do it? (he has a 2d6 charm roll.) or should you do it? (you have a 2d6 charm roll as well.)
No. 445058 ID: 886a4d

We really have no need to speak to the gaurds, we are simply moving through after inspecting the Factory. Moby should ask if there has been any incident reports as a Harvester Alert did just end.

Azure should act like they are all beneath her.
No. 445073 ID: 98a065

The two of you approach the guards. Azure plays up her role as inspector whilst moby confers with the guards.

"MRR-551 Reporting in, are there any incident reports I need to know about?" Sayd Moby in his best Sturmtruppen impression.

"MMR-01, Alias "Moby" was sighted with a non-standard Reploid recently. The Harvestors we're searching for them as well as a group of Mavericks but the hunt was called off." responds one of the guards. He gestures at Azure. "Who is that?"

"MIU-552, we've recently inspected the factor, and as per usual the place was up to specs." States Moby in his best Parade ground snap.

"Not surprising. God have mercy on the Manager who lets the Master of Ceremonies' facilities run slipshod, 'cause the MoC sure won't." The Guard gives Moby a freindly shoulder Jostle. Moby doesn't return it. Instead he does his best to maintain the impression of hyper competant guard.
No. 445075 ID: 98a065

"We require Clearance to pass through your Facility to reach our destination. Please grant us clearance to pass through your facility." Moby's voice is dead, utterly without emotion, his eyes are locked ahead and he's converted his arm into a standard looking machine pistol, it's been like that ever since he stepped into the transport cart.

"Uh one second, running your IDs..." There's a tense moment when it seems the IDs won't pass muster, but eventually they do. As you and Moby pas sthrough the gate Moby establish's a wireless connection and ties you into his sensory devices.

"Jeez, how much you wanna bet he licks the inspector's boots clean?" This is followed by a sharp smacking sound.
"You idiot! He's an MRR! Mobile Repair and Recon! He can hear a pin drop from a mile off!" clearly the other guard doesn't like the notion of an MMR unit hearing jokes about being too uptight.
No. 445079 ID: 98a065

In between the memories and perceptions shared over the wirelss link and you forged clearance getting through the Vats is quite easy.

Soon enough you find yourself in some access corridors and brings you deep into the maintanence portions of The City. Soon enough you're lost in a maze of access tunnels and chugging machinery and only Moby seems to know the way. You travel for days but you eventually come upon another Safehouse. The safehouse in question is a large garage that is clearly meant to service transportation carts. Judging from the fact that the rails are no longer magnetized and that pillboxes have been contructed on the rails, machine guns tend not to be focused on active transportation tracks.

There are humans and reploids here, roughly fifty in number. Moby makes it clear that this is a pretty small group for the resistance. "First things first," he says. "You got us parts, and that will get you a reward, but to do that you have to share those memories with the quartermaster."
No. 445081 ID: 886a4d

I`m interested, where is this quartermaster?
No. 445082 ID: 98a065

"I'll grant you I've been a bit link happy but that's only because I had to link with your core and see how much corrupted data I could slavage. In case you can't remember reploids don't do that sort of thing often. Are you uncomfortable with that?"

Well are you uncomfotable with trading memories with the Quarter master?
No. 445083 ID: 886a4d

I see no reason to not share the memories
No. 445089 ID: 98a065

sorry for the redundancy, I posted that and then it was, oh wait they already want to do this. whoops.

Moby escorts you to the quarter master's office, a large cargo container takes up much of the room in the small part of the tunnels he's been given, The qyartermaster is an enormous reploid with a bright red colouration. He'd look obese if he weren't so obviously mechanical. "Brought in anuvver stray 'ave ya Moebee?" He says after examining Azure with a critical eye.

"You didn't seem to mind so much when I hauled in your half destroyed chassis." Says Moby, by now he's long since begun applying small doodles to his leg plating to differentiate himself from the MoC's reploids.

"Hah! back then I didn't 'ave to supply soldiers and 'umies! Now I 'ave moths to feed. you'd better have good news for me Moebee." Moby's voice has the tone of a smirk, he may not have a mouth but his command of language and tone is such that he doesn't need one.

"As a matter of fact I do."
No. 445092 ID: 98a065

The link between you and the Quarter master. Is established quickly and painlessly and you can hear the Large Reploid counting off the list of parts you retrieved before the memory even plays out entirely.

"Huh, somewun who pulls their weight around 'ear! Keep this up and I might start to like yous." He has Moby follow him and he brings you into the cargo container. "Fix her up. You know 'ow much she's earned. Cheat me and I'll chop ya up. Make this quick. I might wind up with more customers later."

You've earned 4 Reactor points, and may choose up to 3 modules from the customization list (I.E. the parts for generating a character.) As well as 4 Core points, you may invest those points in skills or in programs that make you more effective in combat.

Note that weapons count as customization modules...
No. 445093 ID: b6edd6

Would a power fist's attack stack with hand-held melee weapons?
No. 445096 ID: 98a065

Lemme just check the chart- oh I forgot to list the reactor points I am an Idort.

It costs two reactor points to buy a power fist.

and if you spend 2 more reactor points the power fist's kinetic amplification field will extend to whatever you're holding, oh and attack would be 2d4. So if you had a powerfist and a plasma saber you could automatically add the powerfists attack to the plasma saber.

make any sense?
No. 445105 ID: b6edd6

(Upgrading may take a while, and I will ask further questions about it in the Questdis thread.)
No. 445106 ID: 886a4d

Does this count as a level up or should we branch out a bit?
No. 445109 ID: 98a065

[well you have 4 reactor points, no reason you couldn't spend all of them on an upgraded powerfist, hell with that you could just stack the powerfists damage with the vibroclaws, course you could always just upgrade the vuibro claws direct. Le shrug ]
No. 445114 ID: 98a065

It's a level up during/after this we'll build a new character (you made one redaeth, it's someone else's turn, no offense.) and introduce them. Once we have that one level up we'll intrdoduce a third one and the 3 PCs with a helpful NPC formula will be complete.
No. 445164 ID: 98a065

going to sleep, will reconvene this on monday, will pop into discussion thread from time to time tommorrow.
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