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441184 No. 441184 ID: 27fd94

You are this lovely young cat named Jane.

You are also kind of horny.

What will you do?
34 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 442175 ID: 2201a6

Do you remember why you're there? And most importantly HOW you got there?
No. 442177 ID: 2201a6

No. 442179 ID: bf54a8

check camera for PICTURES that could be CLUES. or maybe PHONE for RECENT CALLS.
No. 442180 ID: 2201a6

How long until this turns triple lovecraftian?
No. 442230 ID: 6a1ec2


If my hypothesis is corret, somewhere around the time we suggest to schlick furiously.
No. 442645 ID: 27fd94
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First you become unhorny my masturbating.
If theres one thing that gets you off, it's having pictures being taken of you while you are having sex.

No. 442646 ID: 27fd94
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You go through a mental checklist of checking shit.

1: It is a vent. There is warm air coming out of it. Right behind the grate there is a fan.

2: It is another vent. It is probably an intake.

3: The door is locked. You do not even try to use the key, because it is for the COMMODORE.

4: You equip the bedsheet as temporary clothing.

5: There are no pictures on the camera other than the sexy ones you just took.
There are no contacts on the phone. There are some handy features though. They are:


According to your driver's license Your last name is INGRAM. You were born on 1991/08/09. The license was issued one 2012/13/3. You have a CLASS E LICENSE, which means you can drive cars, light trucks, vans, and scooters.
No. 442656 ID: 6808dd

Check your map so we can get our bearings!
No. 442682 ID: bbee3d

Ooh! I think I know how this goes!

Look under and behind all the furniture. Use the phone's FLASHLIGHT function to look inside both of the vents, unless the phone's battery is low, in which case save it.

What is the COMMODORE? For that matter, what is that light blue thing on the wall above vent #2?
No. 442684 ID: 27fd94
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You check the MAP. The phone generates a very local map. This is the maximum range.
No. 442685 ID: 6a1ec2

Look out the window.
No. 442686 ID: 6a1ec2


I'll give you a clue, it comes appended with the number 64, even though there were not 63 models before it.
No. 442709 ID: 27fd94
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You look under and behind all the furniture. Under the bed you find:

Behind the cabinet you find:

No. 442710 ID: 27fd94
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You look out the window. You see a COMMODORE, but you have no way of telling if it is your one, since every single one is the same color.
No. 442714 ID: b85f8c

Oh hey, panties. Wear them so if you lose the bedsheet you will have at least half of your dignity intact.

Is the gun loaded? Can you reach that smaller room that's to the left of the door? It kindof looks like there's an opening.
No. 442715 ID: d6c330

If the panties are of acceptable cleanliness, and yours, equip them.

Check if the gun is loaded.
No. 442719 ID: 6808dd

I also think it's important to know whether or not you know how to operate a gun. Take it even if you don't, though, just in case.
No. 442720 ID: 72d49b

Give the panties a sniff test to make sure they're clean, and assuming everything checks out go ahead and put them on.
No. 442723 ID: 6a1ec2

Equip panties

On your head.
No. 442784 ID: 48d0d6

Wear panties. Look behind the picture on the wall and at the back of the picture, in fact inspect the picture for clues.

Can you unlock the door from this side and peek out?
No. 443894 ID: 27fd94
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You equip the panties. This earns you one INVENTORY SLOT.
You examine the painting. It is a piece of corrugated cardboard with a picture of a dune with a tree in the middle.
No. 443895 ID: 27fd94
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You examine the back of the "painting".
No. 443896 ID: 27fd94
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You cannot open the door from the inside. However, you can look out the little window on it.
There is a LENOVO X230 parked outside.
No. 443897 ID: 27fd94
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What now?
No. 443899 ID: d6c330

That appears to be the color combination for the lock on the cabinet. You don't know which way is up though, so it might take two tries to get right.

Open cabinet, check if the gun's loaded.
No. 443903 ID: b85f8c

Use that combination.
No. 443926 ID: 6a1ec2

Change phone settings to vibrate. Store phone in INVENTORY SLOT
No. 444118 ID: 54fb5c

Try to open the cabinet with that combination and put the picture frame back when you're done. Let's see what's in there.
No. 447673 ID: eba327
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You use the code on the lock. It turns out to be right to left, which is green-orange-purple.
Inside there is a hole with a ladder sticking out of it, and some weights to keep the cabinet on the floor.
About the gun. You have no idea about guns and you are not sure how to check the ammo or anything.
No. 447676 ID: d6c330

>You have no idea about guns and you are not sure how to check the ammo or anything.
Okay, this may sound silly, but that means you're probably better off not carrying the gun around at all.

That cabinet and hole seem a little small. Is it actually possible to climb the ladder?
No. 447712 ID: b85f8c

Descend. We're done in this room.
No. 447721 ID: 54c7e5

Take the weights out of the cabinet, move cabinet so you can fit down the hole. Leave your stuff up here where it's safe, in case you find a key, or your clothes, or a bunch of valuables or whatever.
Seconding not messing with the gun in the slightest.
No. 447774 ID: 6a1ec2

You found an exit! But first, pump iron to become beefy.
No. 448131 ID: eba327
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You equip the phone and set it to vibrate.
You remove the weights from the cabinet move the cabinet over. You climb down the ladder

There is a TOSHIBA SATELLITE parked in the room.
No. 448136 ID: b85f8c

Peek in it.
No. 448137 ID: bbee3d

Is there a door you can open in here? If not, are the walls thin enough that you could use the TOSHIBA SATELLITE to make one?
No. 448142 ID: d6c330

Wait, I thought a TOSHIBA SATELLITE was a shitty laptop, not a shitty car. I had one at one point!

Is the car unlocked? Is there anything useful inside the car, in the seat pockets, in the trunk, etc? Are their keys for it?

Is there a garage door, large enough to get the car in and out of the room?

Is that door over on the ride hand side of the room unlocked?
No. 448167 ID: 6a1ec2

How did a car get in here? Is this a garage or something?
No. 448610 ID: eba327
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The car is locked. You look inside. the owner seems like a huge tool.
The walls are made of concrete. There is no way the car is going to go through them. There does not seem to be any logical way the car got in here.
The door on the right is also locked.
No. 448611 ID: d6c330

Huh. I suppose we could break a window to get in if we really wanted to, but I don't see a point. Doesn't look like there's anything in there, and we can't drive it out. I suppose there could be something in a seat pocket or the glove compartment?

Is there anything hidden under the car? Or attacked to the underside with a magnet? The keys, perhaps?
No. 448620 ID: b85f8c

Ha. Yeah, check under the car.
No. 448621 ID: 6a1ec2

There is always a logical explanation. Obviously the car was assembled here from parts brought in through that door in the back of the room.
No. 448690 ID: 7459d5

oh lord. is that a purple interior or is it filled up to the window level with grape juice?
No. 450218 ID: 8ccd00

Try the car keys and the remote fob.
No. 450223 ID: 180ec2

Everything looks like it's named after computers. Is your town just obsessed with computers or is this some weird metaphorical town?

Er, philosophy aside, let's try the keys on the car. If it doesn't work, look out the window and see what car is flashing.
No. 450543 ID: eba327
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Yeah, its a purple interior. The key and fob works with the car. Inside you find some porn magazines.
No. 450544 ID: eba327
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However, you can't open the truck because there is a deadlock fitted to it.
No. 450545 ID: 6a1ec2

Cut the blue wire!
No. 450598 ID: 6a1ec2


Seriously though those wires are cool looking. Take a closer look at them. Also you forgot to stealcollect the swag.
No. 450693 ID: 7459d5

Look around near the steering wheel. There's usually a lever, tab, or something that'll pop the trunk on most cars, but they're usually a bit hard to see and out of the way so they aren't hit accidentaly-
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