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418997 No. 418997 ID: c460ad

A new quest begins. Please pick race and gender.

Races available:

Conasi (Canines): Come from the grasslands to the west. Are renowned hunters, due to their speed and strength, but hate and fear magic. Nor are they very good with it.

Enos (Lizards): Hail from the deserts to the east. Are known for their strength and magical ability, but lack any speed to speak of.

Anhata (Birds): Live self-sufficiently in the mountains, rarely interacting with other races. They’re renowned for their magical ability, but are no match for the Rohic. However, they make up for this with their relative agility. They possess little in the way of strength.

Rakit (Rats): They live anywhere other races do, picking off of their scraps, and stealing when they can. They’re extremely agile, but possess almost no physical strength or magical ability.

Waturo (Bears): Living in the forests of the south, they possess massive physical strength, but have a weakness to magic, and are rather slow.

Rohic (Foxes): Also hailing from the forests in the south, they’re masters of magic, but do not possess much physical strength, and are more clumsy than their non-uplifted counterparts.
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No. 421723 ID: c460ad
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>Give her your robes
Fine. I've got some... clothes under them.

Zarthis is the Enos god of mercy. I can't say much else about it; haven't studied eastern religion much.

Phira: "Wh-who do y-"
Ellire: "Who do you work for, mercenary.

Lizardknight:"I... I dunno. Some Rohic in a fox mask snuck up on me in town. Guy slipped me my normal rate, told me to expect double if I got'im some staff. Told me I'd hear from one of "his associates" and get paid once I got it. Looked shady, but I like money. ...Can I have some clothes now?"
No. 421725 ID: 132b99

okay. let's get back to the master quickly. holding on to this staff will invite loads more trouble.
No. 421763 ID: b85f8c

Hmm. We'll probably run into those associates if we hold onto the staff. The trip back will likely be dangerous- what do you think? Is the extra credit on your exam worth it?

Also please do give her the robes so Phira can talk properly.
No. 421778 ID: e3aff6

How did she know we had the staff? Did the guy actually have a description of Phira and Ellie, or did he provide the location of the ruin?
No. 421795 ID: f387a1

She knew you were here. What else does she know about you two and this place?
No. 421842 ID: c460ad
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We start walking back.

*sigh* We've been walking for hours and nobody's said anything and this is taking FOREVER! We're going to be on the road for three DAYS. I'm so bored!

>Hmm. We'll probably run into those associates if we hold onto the staff. The trip back will likely be dangerous- what do you think? Is the extra credit on your exam worth it?

The associates... you're probably right, but the headmaster might be mad if we left a super-powerful ancient artifact out in the open for any bad guy to just pick up and do bad stuff with!

Phira: "Wait! Uh, Lizard girl! How did you know we were in those ruins."
Lizardknight: "...I didn't... Boss. I saw you go in... so I thought maybe you'd come out with the staff. Maybe save me a lotta work. Did me a lotta good, huh?"

No. 421846 ID: fa9f7e

Well, she does owe you her life. Got any teleportation/moving faster spells you forgot about? Or maybe lizardknight does somehow?
No. 421847 ID: 132b99

she swore to you, you are the boss now.
No. 421850 ID: b85f8c

Ask if the Enos can do any magic.

Oh, and ask what her name is. We can't just keep calling her lizardknight.
No. 421872 ID: f387a1

"Lizard girl"? You didn't ask her name?

Good time as any to talk a little about yourself with the person who swore eternal fidelity. Break the ice, she can call you by your name. You can even risk saying that you prefer she staying with you if she really wants that, not because of the "Cosmic Mandate of Zarthis". However, for her own safety it's better if she accompany you to the university, since those associates may go after her too.
No. 421903 ID: e894c0

are those things on her nose scars, or is it an Enos skin mark thing?
No. 423550 ID: c460ad
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>are those things on her nose scars, or is it an Enos skin mark thing?
Looks like it's just her scale pattern!

Oh! I feel like such an airhead!

Phira:"Hey... Uh, what's your name, anyway? Mine's Phira, and she's Ellie-

Ellire: "Ellire."

Tai:"Name's Tai."

Phira:"Uh, anyway, Tai? You should stay with me because because you want to, not cause' of some dumb cosmic mandate or whatever!"

Tai:"You don't get it. And it's not dumb. It doesn't matter if I want to serve you. Zarthis' Mandate says I have to serve you now. You gave me the ultimate gift, so I'm bound to you as a servant. Whether you like it or not, the sacred law is that the only way out of my duties as a devotee is death."


Phira: “Uh so anyway, do you know any magic?”
Tai: “...Nope. I was never one for spells. Like to get in close and really put steel to flesh. Never any good at it anyway. I have a light spell. It goes out sometimes.”
No. 423559 ID: 6a5a08

Ask if she's any good in hand-to-hand, until we can get a sword to replace the one we melted.
No. 423560 ID: 132b99

well, guess we don't have much choice. only other way to break it that she would accept is if she saves your life. but for now don't worry about it. anyway, explain that it was simple lack of preparation that undid her, she failed to assume the worst possible scenario could of happened.
No. 423563 ID: 771d02

well, there's another way out. switch to another religion- or to none.
No. 423586 ID: f387a1

> It doesn't matter if I want to serve you.
This is really sad. Maybe the Headmaster can help you with this. Anyway, even if Tai and you can't choose to be together or not, you two can still choose how to treat each other. What she needs and what she doesn't like, Tai can be sincere about these things. Hey, maybe this is a not-so-good beginning of a good friendship, or even something more!
No. 423590 ID: b85f8c

Well that sucks. I think you should at least make it clear you won't be taking advantage of the situation. Hey, maybe we can teach her how to be better at magic?
No. 423612 ID: e3aff6

If she were casual enough about religion to change it for practicality's sake she wouldn't be in this situation.
No. 423631 ID: c460ad
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Tai:"Been in a brawl or two, but one the swords come out, I'm outmatched."

We walk for a few more hours. Ellie says we should be nearing the town of Ustifale soon! I can't wait! We could get a nice comfy room at the inn, a hot meal, maybe even a bath! She said that we'll be there soon, once we cross the-
No. 423632 ID: c460ad
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No. 423633 ID: c460ad
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No. 423636 ID: 771d02


fuck being logical.

go to the next bridge.
No. 423637 ID: b85f8c

Can you drink that magic-boosting potion and use the levitation and telekinesis to fly across and carry your buddies across? Or use the rock shaping spell to make a bridge, even temporarily? With or without the potion?
No. 423638 ID: b85f8c

Or maybe it's time we took out those scrolls to see what they have on them.
No. 423643 ID: f387a1

It's an ambush. They will be an easy target if they do that. There must be another way.
No. 423648 ID: b85f8c

If it's an ambush, wouldn't they be targeting us like, RIGHT NOW?
No. 423657 ID: f387a1

You want to try your luck? Go on.
No. 423676 ID: e3aff6

We can make it harder to ambush us by going off to through the woods along the river and doing whatever somewhere that isn't the bridge's normal location.
No. 423731 ID: 6a5a08

Is it evening or is that red light in the sky not natural?
No. 424381 ID: 197830

WARNING! DANGER! Be very careful, it's probably an ambush of some sort - get off the road and be quick about it!
No. 424400 ID: 71d68e

Why this sudden concern over an ambush?
No. 424406 ID: 197830

Someone has already sent a sellsword after us, and what was a perfectly serviceable bridge not long ago is now mysteriously gone with its ropes appearing to have been cut.

If it's not an ambush, we'll end up looking silly with no other ill effects. If it is an ambush and we ignore it, we're in serious trouble.
No. 424477 ID: 71d68e

Alright, you make a good point. A bit of excessive paranoia is better than insufficient caution in this situation.
No. 424485 ID: e3aff6

The good old paranoid's wager.
No. 424631 ID: 927efa

Get off the road. If there is someone in your way, fight for your life, because you can be sure someone else is on the other side behind you.
No. 451611 ID: c460ad

Just bumping this thread to the top to buy time.

I don't think there are any rules against this, and I don't want to give up on this quest just yet.
No. 466939 ID: c460ad
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We start off the pa-


Masked Rohic: "Why, hello hello hello. How much did they offer you to betray me, peasant? No matter. I get it. No honor and all that. Just give me the staff and pretend you've never seen it, and I won't kill every last one of you."

AAAAAHHHH! All I wanted was to get the stupid ball and take a stupid bath!
No. 466942 ID: bf54a8

hold up the staff, jerks like this are one of the few acceptable targets. "oh? you mean this staff? i wonder what would happen if i used it right now"
No. 466957 ID: b6edd6

This guys sounds like the sort to rant revealingly if given half a chance, and will likely be a long-term problem one way or another. We should see what information we can get out of him before the fight starts. Tell him how it is funny how he talks about honor in the same breath as literally attempting highway robbery.

Would your mold-rocks-like-wet-clay spell also work on actual clay (assuming I am right in thinking that is a clay golem)?
No. 466979 ID: f2c20c

We may have to use the blue potion here. Either on you or your friend, depending on if we want to fight, or turn invisible and run away.
No. 466983 ID: 6a1ec2

>> it is funny how he talks about honor in the same breath as literally attempting highway robbery.
No. 466985 ID: 1948a0

"This staff...it's magic must be very great, or you wouldn't want it so badly."
No. 467074 ID: c460ad
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>Would your mold-rocks-like-wet-clay spell also work on actual clay (assuming I am right in thinking that is a clay golem)?
...I think so.

Phira:"You're really funny, talking about honor and robbing us. You have n-no honor! And if you want this so bad it must be really powerful! I wonder wh-what would happen if I used it on you right now! I'll... I'll do it!"

Masked Rohic: "Ha! Cute. Your turncoat friend over there broke her contract, and that's the only law that really matters. And no you won't. That staff could make me explode for all you know. You're not a killer. I can hear it in your voice."

Tai: "I am, and I would! Just say the word Boss, and I'll tear that arrogant prick and his toy to shreds!"

Masked Rohic: "And what do you think you're going to do, you filthy Enos oathbreaker. Give me a black eye? Just give me the staff and make this easier on yourselves."
No. 467075 ID: 886a4d

Melt the golem and let her loose on him.
No. 467111 ID: 2f4b71

If you have the fine control, meld the golem's joints. If she knows it's out of action, she may try something desperate, but if she has a false sense of security you can get the drop on her.
No. 467140 ID: b6edd6

If you feel up to it, point the staff at her and say that actually you know perfectly well that it is a transfiguration staff*, and as such is highly unlikely to be lethal. If you are till uncomfortable with pointing the staff at her, say that you will just cast it at her expensive-looking golem instead.

Depending on how the stone-molding spell works, we might have to touch the golem to use it, so that plan is still viable but should be kept as plan B.

And Phira, for future reference you shouldn't explain an insult for the same reason you shouldn't explain a joke.

*Red glow, remember?
No. 467161 ID: f2c20c

You're not a killer, so use the staff on the golem instead.

Tai needs a weapon. We gave that shiny dagger to Ellie, but does she have an extra now?
No. 467192 ID: bf54a8

"the staff came with a name and that is hint enough about what it does, it will not kill you, but i doubt you would like the result"
No. 467200 ID: f2c20c

Oh, that's right, it's a transfiguration magic staff. It must be a harmful magic though in order for this guy to not want us to use it on him.

So do it! Let's find out what it does!
No. 467210 ID: 6a1ec2

She broke her oath to stop from breaking another more important oath! She had no choice! You're just getting us riled up while your partner sneaks up from behind, aren't you!
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