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395817 No. 395817 ID: 1fcf1d

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No. 398892 ID: a80db9
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Oh damn oh damn are you joking no one outruns an avalanche I have like ten seconds!


Ok. Ok that is a good plan I will do that.

It can't sweep me off the edge when I'm already off hahahaha!


No. 398893 ID: 1e4c81
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No. 398894 ID: 9dc0f4
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... Alright. I think it's over now.

I'm cold, but alive. Shouldn't have to deal with this stuff, snow is for those northern brutes.

And they can keep all the bloody stuff.

That rock was kind of weird, I normally am not so clumsy. And if I had known it was that easy to start an avalanche... Anyway.

Looks like I got away again. I should get some kind of prize for surviving all ugh horrible doom.

I do not want think how uncomfortable walking back through all that ice is going to be for my poor feet...
No. 398895 ID: b85f8c

Maybe you're cursed.

Do you think you can climb down?
No. 398913 ID: 369d34

Or the amulet is cursed. Make a mental note to find an appraiser who can check for that once you get back to civilization. Right now climb back up and trudge to the village. Hopefully the avalanche didn't wipe it out.
No. 399004 ID: a80db9
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Yeah no, I'm going to have to veto the climbing down idea. If I really am cursed I would rather not give the cliffside a chance to 'accidentally' break, that is like a thirty foot drop to hard roc-

Woah. I feel kinda weird. Different.

...I probably just imagined it.

Well, off to the village then. I'm sure you would rather not hear me whine about my cold feet the whole way, so tell me what supplies I should try and work for when I get there.
No. 399013 ID: ce4a4d

>so tell me what supplies I should try and work for when I get there
Keep your no-pants on. We don't know what they're selling, how much it costs, or how much money you'll be able to earn, if any, or how fast.

Get to the village and make sure it isn't full of zombies or bandits or something.
No. 399016 ID: a80db9
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Finally! It's almost evening but I managed to trudge my way back to the village, which appears to be free from both zombies and bandits!

I can hear the water caller. They have only one well in their lumber town, and I guess all the working males are coming home thirsty.

I can probably look for something to clean or lift, but I suspect they have chopping wood covered.

Or I can look around for my stuff first.
No. 399019 ID: b85f8c

Oh yeah, your stuff. Better retrieve that first.
No. 399098 ID: 369d34

Look for your stuff first, that way you can find out what you'll have to do to get it back. Check the general store, or the pawnbroker if they have one.
No. 399216 ID: 03ee4e

How are your poor feet? Can you still walk okay? Maybe you should see a doctor first.
No. 399414 ID: ec2e47

Maybe you should get some shoes the next time you have money. Adventurers walk through all sorts of unpleasant things.

For now, I agree that it is best to get your stuff before looking for work.
No. 399523 ID: 03ee4e

We can't really wear shoes, but Footwraps will work too.
No. 399565 ID: 42163d
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My feet are fine, thank you. Let's not get carried away. Also, what is a doctor?

Anyway, got it. I will try and find my stuff again. But instead of going around asking random people,let me give you a few likely sources for information.

I can ask the water cart owner, since he probably knows everyone, though he looks a bit busy right now.

I could also talk to the map maker, since he also seemed familiar with the area. Maybe convince him to give me a partial refund in return for the map? He is kinda scary though...

Or I can ask the village leader. I do not know much about him. I only know where he lives because I was told earlier.
No. 399570 ID: b85f8c

Ask the water cart owner. He might be busy, but you can wait, surely.
No. 399707 ID: 03ee4e

Lets ask the map maker, he seems sounds interesting.
No. 399777 ID: b6edd6

You might consider selling the map maker to location of the other cave entrance you found (the one you came out of), but that depends on whether or not people would kill the kobolds presumably living in there.
No. 399870 ID: 369d34

The map maker sounds like the one to head to right now. You can talk to the water cart owner later, when he isn't busy.

When you do meet the map maker, don't ask for a partial refund right away. See if you can sell your knowledge about the layout of the tunnels and how they changed, as well as the cave exit. It'll likely be a pittance, but at least it'll be something since he almost certainly does not give refunds.
No. 400060 ID: 8aff52
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Map maker it is, then. He makes me nervous, but I do rather need money.

As for the kobolds, well... I only saw one, and he could take care of himself.

A lot of the villagers stare at me as I pass. I think they are surprised to see me alive.

Alright. Here is the mapmakers home. He left some kind of yellow ribbon on his doorknob, but I can hear faint giggling inside, so he must be in.
No. 400065 ID: 03ee4e

Knock on the door to get his attention. Or call out to him if he can't hear knocking.
No. 400068 ID: 83821f
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"... Hello?" Well, guess no one is h-

"What?! I'm busy,can't you see the &#@% ribbon?! No no, not you, little morsel. Shhh. Daddy will be back to tell you more about his spear after he kicks someones-"

Maybe I should leave.
No. 400087 ID: b6edd6

Leave before he sees who it is, so he hopefully won't know it was you when you come back later.
No. 400119 ID: b85f8c

No. 400143 ID: 369d34

Quickly close door, and run away along the wall so he can't see you through the view slot. Go talk to the water cart owner instead.

Man, what kind of guy doesn't lock his door in this situation? He's got at least two locks on that thing! Sheesh!
No. 400158 ID: 03ee4e

Lets go talk to the village leader.
No. 400189 ID: e42a0c
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Both excellent ideas! I will do them immedi-


"Oh no, you're not messing up my evening and slinking away. Get in here!"
No. 400190 ID: ed57e8

wait until he let's go then use sneakatude.
No. 400192 ID: 2c59b3
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"Now who the he- oh, it's you again. Congratulations, not only did you manage to survive a cave-in, but also to interrupt my evening - which by the way, you're not going to mention to anyone, got it? Now tell me what was so important you couldn't wait, so I can decide how many bones I need to break."


He's a lot scarier this time! What do I say?
No. 400193 ID: c4a1fc

Stab him repeatedly. It's that or try to run away from a titanic rapists who likes to break bones.
No. 400195 ID: 369d34

Say that you came back to sell information about a second entrance to the ruins and how they connect in. Exclaim that you had no idea that a ribbon on the door meant he was having a "special encounter" with his girlfriend. Point out that the door was unlocked and ask why he didn't set any of his three door locks like a sensible person would.
No. 400197 ID: 03ee4e

Compliment him on his mane, then explain you have information to sell.
No. 400208 ID: b85f8c

After this let's go talk to the elder.
No. 400337 ID: 06f13f
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"Uhm, your mane is very pretty sir, and I am sorry for interrupting your date but-"

"Hey faggot, remember about five seconds ago when I said not to mention that, ever. I meant it. Also, completely not interested. Now get out."
No. 400338 ID: 83c12a
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"But, wait, I have some information to sell yo- waugh!"

"Out! Come back tomorrow if it's that important!"
No. 400339 ID: a80db9
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"And keep your mouth shut!"


Sooo... Town leader, then?
No. 400365 ID: ed57e8

yea i guess.
No. 400376 ID: 369d34

Swing by the water cart and see if the owner is still busy before going to meet the village leader.
No. 400390 ID: 03ee4e

What a jerk. >.V.< Hopefully the Village leader will be nicer!
No. 400534 ID: b85f8c

Ok, look. That guy may have been molesting his daughter.

We need to tell the town leader about his behavior. Don't actually accuse him, mind you, but describe the incident and how you were told not to say anything.
No. 400537 ID: 03ee4e

(gasps!) You could be right! Lets tell the village leader about what he may be hiding!
No. 400565 ID: a985f9
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Woah there, hold it. I'm pretty sure he was being silly when he called himself daddy.

I should explain something here. As far as I know, this guy lives alone about a fourth of a mile outside of the actual village. I think that, being the only northerner in a southern village, he keeps his distance and privacy.

It's more likely he is just trying to avoid a scandal. I heard her giggling, so I doubt she is being forced.

And the local drama is not my problem... Right?
No. 400583 ID: b85f8c

Oh, in that case let's talk to the water guy.
No. 400613 ID: 369d34

Right, it's not your problem... Unless you can sell that juicy gossip for a couple coins right before skipping town.

Check if the water merchant is willing to talk before heading to the village elder.
No. 400639 ID: 03ee4e

Oh. Well off to the Village leader then! ^.V.^
No. 444334 ID: 42163d

Is this dead?
No. 445542 ID: 0916f6

I hate get people's hopes up by making this a recent post, but for now, I think it is. >.V.< Sorry friend.
No. 466443 ID: 48459c
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Phew! There's the water dealer. Man, maybe the map maker is farther away than I thought - that felt like it took months!

I think the water cart guy used to do something else. But something made him lose his left arm, and then he couldn't work anymore like the other people here.

When I walk up to him, he greets me with intense enthusiasm.

"Oh. It's you again. You want some water, or to just waste more of my time?"

I admit I am a little thirsty after so much near death, but being out of money, there is not much I can do but barter or beg.

I can also ask him about my missing rope and things.

Or maybe mention my Juicy Gossip about the northerner. I mean... there is water here. It just seems like a natural place to exchange rumors somehow.
No. 466700 ID: e3aff6

Ask him about your stuff.
No. 468677 ID: 7d4632

Ask him why everyone seems to be so rude.
No. 468680 ID: 7d4632

(grrr! Stupid thing put my email in!)
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