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367824 No. 367824 ID: 64b5b0

(Before I start this, I'd like to apologize if the drawings are crap, it's my first time doing a quest)

You wake slowly, fumbling around in the cold, lonely dark.
As your eyes adjust to the near complete darkness of your present location, a shiver runs down your back, there's a draft coming from somewhere above.

You spy a sliver of weak light somewhere above you.

It's hard to move.

You contemplate possible actions.
120 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 368101 ID: de7eea

Wave at him.
No. 368102 ID: 64b5b0
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You are ready to bolt, you've had enough scary stuff happen already.

You do, timidly, wave at him, testingly.

You are now the ARMED GNOLL.
You've never really seen this kind of creature before, but you raise your hand in greeting for a moment, reflexively mimicking her.
You introduce yourself as..?
No. 368103 ID: c7b6c2

Coxswain Beautte, intrepid gnoll adventurer.
No. 368107 ID: 25d956

Jeremy Franswain, professional gnoll alcoholic. This is probably another of your drunken hallucinations.
No. 368131 ID: 0d7a83

Coxfranswain Beautte, professional alcoholic gnoll adventurer.
Friends call you Fran.
No. 368141 ID: cdb8cb


Fred Rogers
No. 368168 ID: da696f

That would explain the sweater
No. 368172 ID: f3c121

Franny, you should offer the nice hallucination something to drink.
No. 368238 ID: d858bc

Second this.
While you're at it, compliment her on her fine choice of knitwear.
No. 368297 ID: 64b5b0
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>Introduction is in order
You are a gnoll, therefore, simpleminded.
From the jumbled mess of your thoughts, you glean that you are
While you do not entirely know what a gentleman is, your mother made it out to be a nice thing.
And you want to come across as nice.
You introduce yourself as such.

You complimment her on her fine choice of knitwear, which makes her smile a little, even if she seems nervous, and assure her you would offer a drink if this TAVERN wasn't such a RUIN.

You offer to shake hands just to make sure she isn't a hallucination.
She shakes back awkwardly with both hands.

She seems to attempt to communicate, but you're unable to understand much of the chirrupy, hissy noises. Except what seems to be a name. Ashley? You can see why.
You think?

You are not sure, but you now know you see no hallucinations, that's sure a load off your simple mind.
No. 368317 ID: f3c121

Now that you know that the hallucination is real, Franny, you should attempt to help the poor mute girl with whatever she needs, This likely including directions and telling her stuff about the town and its folk.
No. 368318 ID: c7b6c2

Okay, cool. I think she can understand us, but she just can't talk. Maybe you can find the nice lizardthinglady some writing implements?

Also, I will be very disappointed in you if it turns out that it was you who turned this fine inn into a ruin.
No. 368320 ID: 64b5b0
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You did indeed make a few holes here and there.
But it was already a RUINED DRINKING HALL, as far as you can tell.

>You are now Ash again.

You listen intently as the gentleman(?) adventurer explains that it is not safe here and you'd both best be going soon, but it's not like you'll get anywhere.
He tells you that he also assumes you are new to this area, and that ever since the storms started, noone's really been able to travel further than perhaps a day or so in each direction before returning to the town's door... gatestep?

Swain also mentions something about metal men and marionettes stalking the streets. and asks if you have any means of defending yourself.
No. 368323 ID: c7b6c2

Growl at him. Bare your teeth.

When that fails, maybe do something magic-y and fire related.
No. 368326 ID: de7eea

Can we defend ourself? Teeth won't do that much against metal or other inorganics, and we don't know all that much magic.
No. 368327 ID: 64b5b0
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Your teeth do seem scary, but not all that bitey.
Your claws haven't really become rending tools yet.

You settle for b. And show him your meager control of fire.
Meager, albeit you just started learning from your MINITOME.

You alternatively offer him some KIWAPPLES to throw. He eats one right out of your hand, he thanks you, but doubts they are good weapons.
No. 368328 ID: c7b6c2

Such a gentleman.

...idea. Let's set one of the Kiwapples on fire... and then throw it at something.
No. 368352 ID: de7eea

No. 368370 ID: cdb8cb


And waste a delicious kiwapple? D: Madness!
No. 368371 ID: cdb8cb

Also the tried and true method for the inexperienced fire mage: set your friends' arrows on fire so they can shoot the bad guys with fire. Though only heating a metal arrowhead in fire would do any real damage against metal men.
No. 368395 ID: df5ee9

If you don't have any adequate weapons with you, you may as well try to find some. There should be something in the tavern that can be used as a makeshift weapon.
No. 368403 ID: 0d7a83

Have your friend Frany break off a chair leg for an improvised club.
No. 368411 ID: 64b5b0
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>Such a gentleman.

>>...idea. Let's set one of the Kiwapples on fire... and then throw it at something.

And waste a delicious kiwapple? D: Madness!
They are far too delicous to burn and toss.
Though you wonder if you could roast them and eat them.... You make a mental note to try this out later.

>Have your friend Franny break off a chair leg for an improvised club.
You ask Swain if he could at least make you a club. He agrees. But he also reminds you only to directly confront marionettes if you ever have to fight. The metal men are far too sturdy, Even his gentlemanly wailing at foes does not harm those giants.

Marionettes are easy enough, just don't let them spew smoke on you, it burns in the eyes something fierce.

You offer thanks for the advice. In the form of a happy squeak.

Swain hands you the BROKEN STOOLPIECE, now dubbed CLUB
No. 368412 ID: 0f3fa3

Get outta there!
No. 368427 ID: 6eb07a

Ah, marionettes! That is a good deal more potentious than metal men in general. All you have to do to defeat them is defeat the puppet master, or else cut their strings. You are now armed with clubtorch. Exeunt!
No. 368480 ID: 681ac1

Before you leave the building, you should try to find out about what's behind the brick wall sealing room 13.
Ask Swain if he has spotted a fireplace, so you can finally get some charcoal. Or, failing this, ask him to break the wall down.
No. 368482 ID: b6edd6

By which we mean gesture for him to go up, point at the 13 door/wall, and make a gesture of a magic symbol; because I think we still can't speak.
No. 368885 ID: 64b5b0
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By some miracle you manage to gesticulate that you want to check something upstairs.
Swain was going to do that anyway, he tells you.

But first, you crab some old CHARCOAL off the firepit that once might have warmed this RUINED DRINKING HALL.
No. 368886 ID: 64b5b0
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>Try to break the wall

It seems to cave in.
No. 368889 ID: 64b5b0
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Well, this reveals a whole lot of nothing but a DARK STAIRCASE descending downwards.
The entrance is mighty small, Swain remarks. He'd have a bit of trouble getting through there himself, but he could manage... the problem is that a few of the bricks still seem to be in the way.
No. 368890 ID: 64b5b0

You however, are an easier fit.
No. 368892 ID: 1854db

Nice. Spend a little time moving the bricks for easier movement through the door before we go down...

Also summon up some fire for a light.
No. 368900 ID: 64b5b0
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You proceed making space for Swain and his equipment, mainly his shield. Gnolls love their shields.
He has no explanation for it. Must be the pretty colors.

You steel yourself or more EXPLODNG MAGICAL MISHAPS when...
Oh, nothing happens.
You provide light.

Like a boss.
The tunnel you seem to be heading down into is fairly long. And quickly goes from brick, to wood, to natural rock and dirt wall.
No. 368910 ID: 1854db

Well, we don't have much else to do. Onwards!
No. 368920 ID: 64b5b0
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You arrive at the ALCHEMY LAB.
It's dusty, but in good condition.

Swain promptly sates his hunger with a PIECE OF BREAD from the LOAF OF BREAD that he carries a POUCH nailed to the back of his SHIELD.
He also takes a swig of water.

You light up the blue coloured RESIN TORCH on the nearby wall.
No. 368924 ID: c7b6c2

Examine SHELF.
No. 368925 ID: 1854db

What's that, a scroll?
No. 368935 ID: 64b5b0
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Oh dear god, not another scroll.
No. 368936 ID: c7b6c2

Lick it
Determine volatility of SCROLL.
No. 368942 ID: 64b5b0
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The scroll seems safe, but it's sealed, so that's a pretty sketchy assessment, you figure.

There's also a MINI MARIONETTE, a MORTAR & PESTLE, a bowl of CANDIZED APPLEKIWS, relative fruit of the KIWAPPLES you carry and a small box of TOOLS. One is a SMALL HAMMER, a CHISEL and a FOLDING KNIFE. There's also a a GLOVE in here that seems like it could protect against heated surfaces.
No. 368947 ID: b6edd6

Methinks this is the workshop of the creator of the metal men.
Take the scroll and the knife, and show Swain the marionette, to see if he thinks it looks like the ones outside.
No. 368967 ID: ad8acc

Examine the workbench. See if it gives a clue as to the previous occupant's last project.
No. 369078 ID: e2d21e

this and
No. 370070 ID: 64b5b0

I'll hopefully update tomorrow, been unable to conjure a post on account of being rather busy lately.
No. 370079 ID: 0d7a83

Equip glove. Maybe it'll make it easier to cast flame spells without fearing backfires.
No. 371733 ID: 64b5b0
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You take the SCROLL and KNIFE. Though the knife seems the least useful out of all the tools in here, barely able to spread butter on bread.
The GLOVE seems like a bad idea since your experience with the BOX exploding, the fireballs come -from- you, NOT -near- you.

You decide to bring the GLOVE and everything else over to the table however, it looks like it's meant for whatever workshop this is. And the ALCHEMY TABLE does have some bubbling things on it.

SWAIN says the MARIONETTE doesn't look anything like the other ones, this one doesn't move magically.
It has 'hair' and looks to be made out of METAL, not WOOD.
No. 371735 ID: ad8acc


Inspect the bubbling things on the table. It may be of use to us.

As for the seal on the scroll, is it physical or magical? Is it possible for us to break it, as to read the scroll's contents.
No. 371736 ID: 64b5b0
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Examining the table, you try to convey what you want Swain to focus on, it takes a little while but you kinda manage to tell him few things, using your MINITOME.

You both find out there are lots of MIXTURES on the right side of the table.
The middle has CARVINGS, and the STONE BACKING has a sort of ALCHEMIC MANUAL. Reading the manual (as you don't read this particular language) Swain tells you that seems to be some sort of POISON in one end and a VIGOR potion in another setup. and a third collection, MIXed of the two. He has a bit of trouble understanding the rest as he's no alchemist.

On the left side of the table, however. You ask about those MARIONETTES
Swain notes they are EXACTLY like the DAYTIME marionettes.

He knows the NIGHTTIME ones are different. But not how.
No. 371766 ID: 1854db

Hmm... so what can we do here? Are the potions already mixed, or is that something we can *make*? If it's already mixed then let's grab the potions we identified.

As for the marionettes, what do they do when moving magically? Just dance around?

Are there any other exits from the room?
No. 372130 ID: 9c7c3b

Take the potions. Is it safe outside?
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