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367551 No. 367551 ID: 9f54d0

You are Jake R. Klybek

After waking up and finding yourself in an intensive care unit for what has apparently been years. You find out your battle with 6 didn't go as planned, in fact, he apparently handed your ass to you inside of the crosslinked pocket dimensions. And your arm. Actually your legs too, according to the medical report.

After being stitched back together by the ICU team at the Inter-Galatic Enforcers station, you have been informed that you and your posse (Rori, Nikita, J.D., Azhar and approximately twenty other members of the same group) have bounties that are exceedingly high and have been labeled as highly dangerous to any living organism and there has been a reccommended distance of 3 planets for optimum safety placed on all of your records.

Not to mention they've been ordered to kill all of you.

On sight.

However, since you, Subject 7, and Subject 6, now known across every planet and solar system by his true alias "Glow Worm" apparently destroyed "Five Galaxies in a massive solar blast that was a side effect of your powers both colliding at the same time as a bomb going off." (Which probably crosslinked the pocket dimensions in the first place), You are now the top two most wanted fugatives in any solar system.


However, they seem to realize that your skills for tracking him down are uncanny, as your previous encounters were numerous and just as destructive. They strike a deal with you and force you to investigate any leads that may lead to him, who has apparently become the unholy and unrelenting "God of Space".

You inquire about the whereabouts of the rest of the members but all that can be dug up is incredibly vague information that only leads to the dead void of space where you and Glow Worm last battled and Gate Way Medical.

There easn't shit there. Not even stars or any debris. Everything was just fucking gone.

It was the same for Gate Way, all files and traces of them disappeared with you and a fourth of the population of the known universe.

Eventually, with deep regret and much objection, you are sent to a occupied world against your will entirely where there has been apparent sightings of Glow Worm.

The planet looks peaceful enough, but as you land and step out into a crumbled city with ravaging flames and destroyed buildings and corpses everywhere, you start to reconsider your options.

Only to turn back and see the craft is gone entirely.

While this level of destruction isn't surprising, considering the shit he's pulled in the past, it seems excessive, even for him.

All signs point to shit not going well, but you're stuck here now.

What will you do first?


>Investigate damage

>Look for signs of life

>Optional (Alternate Suggestions)
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No. 367761 ID: 5eea01

It's a shotgun that fires nuclear warheads. I'd have thought it was obvious.
No. 367764 ID: 0d7a83

Thank you Captain Obvious, but I was actually expressing confusion over someone wanting to improve a nuclear handheld weapon that destroys mountains.
No. 367766 ID: 9f54d0
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The level of tech here seems primitive at best, perhaps even earth level. Man those earthlings sure are dumb! So behind the times! As for SPD, as tempting as crashing into every wall and/or anything in general sounds right now, OMI sounds like a good choice. You never know when you are going to need to infiltrate a base and break security measures via hacking or completely fuck up somebody's neural/cognitive functions.

You are going to need all the help you can get to fight Glow Worm, should he show his ugly ass face again. His ability to suddenly teleport is very troubling and has you more alert than usual. As for the [NUKE SHOTGUN], it has already been downgraded once from 7 cores due to it's highest level, [UNGODLY MASS CONVERTER], creating a black hole in the middle of a planet once. Needless to say, you're pretty much not allowed there anymore.


As of now, it has 6 cores. You can remove and replace cores as freely as you feel. Each core contains both upgrade data and a high enough power source to transform one type of matter into another. If you salvage Cores from one weapon, it will transmit some of the weapon type data to another weapon.

>This is called Secondary Upgrading

If you were to take a core from the [NUKE SHOTGUN] and place it into [CORY/FUCKSHIT AVENUE], it would give it ranged capabilities. However, what kind is usually random at best. Would you like to try anyway?

(Side note: If you choose to remove any Core after Secondary Upgrading has occurred, it will lose all data and be a normal Core with no data stored on it until IM is upgraded to the next level.)

>Current [CORY] cores [1/7]

>ATP added to OMI [1/7]
No. 367767 ID: 55f0cc

Improve to Destroyer of Continents, maybe even to Planet Buster! Depending on the technology available, upgrade to Star Buster! Why, we can go for Black Hole Generator if the guys here have some fancy shit! What? Kid has some freaking awesome power! The little fellow can interact with anything (like navigation systems, Nyarlathotep and that Green-Skinned Space Babe Empress of Sector-Q) creat anything (like a Big-Bang Bazooka or a Big Crunch Shotgun) and create and maintain a pocket universe (and put innocents, loot and ammo, like planets and stars)! And you guys want to go with "You're too slow!"?

Wait... Kid, you're far too androgynous. Gender and age, you punk! Now!
No. 367770 ID: 55f0cc

Green-Skinned Space Babe Empress of Sector-Q! Guess I'm too slow, huh!?

Anyway, you need IM Lv.2 to make Lv.2 weapons? That and MS of the same Lv. to safely store them?
No. 367777 ID: 9f54d0
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OMI unlocks Weapons Interfacing and Secondary Upgrading. The former lets you integrate with weapons on a cognitive and neural basis up to 5%, currently. When interfaced with a weapon, it will show it's statistics on screen and you will attain an additional 5% buff to the weapon on a whole (accuracy, weapon damage, reload rate, rate of fire and so on) as well as freely move cores from one weapon to another when used with IM.

OMI also dictates how many cores you can place on a weapon and how powerful. All weapons by default have a core level of 1 from being created and Item Modification allows you to create weapons of any strength but they will all have a core level of 1 regardless until level 7, then you are given full reign over all weapon attributes and customization as well as weapon type.

MS is required for high powered weapons upwards of core level 3-7, but currently you can store them in the palm of your hand with Quick Switch Arsenal. It is a passive trait, however and can only hold weapons with core levels up to 2. That is why you cannot immediately add [NUKE SHOTGUN] to the queue unless you remove more, lowering it's tier level. Once a core is removed, the weapon is knocked down a tier so if you find a high powered weapon or any item in the field, you are always given the option to salvage more cores, upgrade them, or store them for later.

You are the only person in the known universe aside from Glow Worm with these types of abilities, however his are varied more to biological traits instead of technological like yours.

Passive Traits currently unlocked:

>Secondary Upgrading
>Weapon Interfacing
>Quick Switch Arsenal

As for your gender and age.. Um.. You think you're a boy.. Those have penises, right??
And.. You think.. 18? It's a bit foggy.
No. 367781 ID: 303ced

lucky sevens baby! Let's dig into that hospital thing that looks horribly designed for safety and find those screammmsss.
No. 367784 ID: de7eea

Gentlevoices. As our enemy can teleport, explosive based weapons are fairly ineffective when they have a minimum range he can teleport inside.
I propose than when our enemy can be everywhere, we should set everywhere on fire. For this purpose we should build a flamethrower-type weapon, with the upgrades focused less on massive area of effect and more on making the flames powerful enough to actually pose some threat to 6.
No. 367799 ID: 9f54d0
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Scythe upgraded from [CORY] to [CORY FUCKS SHIT AVENUE]

You certainly do have a flair about the way you make weapons.. They look as impractical as they do powerful. As for flame related weaponry as a solution to Glow Worm, this seems like a fairly practical idea. Hopefully there will be something that is capable of starting fires that we can modify inside. ..Hopefully.

No. 367800 ID: 303ced


Now let's do this shit and get in there.
No. 367809 ID: 55f0cc

Long-term effect area attack to reduce the places where he can teleport, you mean? Don't know if fire is the best option. Our kid can take nuclear heat, after all. That and maybe the monkey-ass can develop resistence/imunity to fire.

Two nuclear weapons together? Any guess on what this baby can do, guys? It's safe to assume that, according to the nature of your powers, Worm is somewhat affected by radiation and you by electromagnetism?

Anyway, greetings made and explanations given, it would be interesting to know why the hell he's on a planet so small and technologically backwards. It's possible that you're not the only one that got seriously hurt from that last battle, Lucky Seven. That or this insignificant place holds some secrets.
No. 367827 ID: 742d20

No. 367832 ID: 55c4cf

cry a single tear for red-green colourblind people
No. 367835 ID: f3c121

No. 367845 ID: e75a2f

Make something explode.
No. 368285 ID: 9f54d0
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Not only did you make shit explode with your new weapon, but you sliced the facility in half and took out several sky-scrapers in the background as well as severely lacerated the ground!


Well, let's hope that you didn't just kill the person screaming or any survivors that may have taken shelter in the facility.

You take a moment to be thankful that you're not being hit by this overpowered as fuck weapon. Or any of your weapons for that matter and then quickly enter the facility to hide before you attract anymore unwanted attention from massive and gratuitous amounts of destruction.
No. 368286 ID: 476456

oh god what have you done?
No. 368287 ID: 55f0cc

Resume the job already, Seven! Why the hell Six is on this planet! Investigate! Put your OMI to work!
No. 368329 ID: 9f54d0
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Inside, you find an injured light infantryman from IGE, the guys who shipped you to this hellish planet in the first place. You panic and seriously hope you didn't just kill somebody, especially from IGE since you already have ENOUGH SHIT to worry about without them trying to kill you too.

You use IMO on their suit and integrate with it's systems to check on their vitals and, fortunately for you, they are in fact, alive.

You decided interlink with them through the suit's vital monitoring systems and download their info and memories into your own brain.

It appears he was guarding this elevator for the Squad Captain of his unit, who is apparently the second highest in command at IGE. It seems their mission was apparently to exterminate any and all living being on this planet and retrieve a particular artifact then destroy the planet afterward.

Shit, they're trying to commit fucking genocide!

Suddenly, a loud blaring and ear-splitting noise comes from the comm system built into his suit.

>Crimmy! Crimmy, pick up! It's IGE Second in Command Offical, Azhar! I'm detecting an intrusion in both the building and your suit and your vitals have dropped! What are you doing!? Did you get attacked! Please respond! God dammit, CRIMMY!!

Oh, SHIT! Azhar, your former captain is on the line and apparently in league with IGE, now. This seems like what could be the best opprotunity to gather any and all info you possibly can on the situation, IGE's involvement, why they are trying to destroy the planet and what the fuck Glow Worm is up to.

>Will you respond to Azhar's comm link?
No. 368336 ID: de7eea

I don't see why they are going through all that trouble when they already know you and 6 are on the planet :V
No. 368337 ID: e55966

send a smiley
No. 368348 ID: 55c4cf

Take some of his practical clothing so you are well armoured. Also cut your hair, long spiky hair is awful in a fight. Short hair is harder to grab and increases your chances of survival. (Same goes with the pants and hoodie) Let's be practical!!!
No. 368351 ID: de7eea

You know what? Lets take his armor, then use some cores from the explosive-gun to make our-self some power armor. Like a boss.
No. 368357 ID: 9f54d0
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You swallow your pride and cut off your beautiful locks while crying profusely and then you proceed to take the armor off of Crimmy and move another core from the [SAWED-OFF SCUD-LAUNCHER], downgrading it to [HIGH EXPLOSIVE SHOTGUN] and adding the core to Crimmy's armor, creating your very own [HIGH CAPACITY LIGHT POWER ARMOR].

(As a result of the armor's specialty, an Attribute Point is automatically added to MS and your life points have gone up by 2. As long as you have this armor equipped, you will automatically gain a +1 Attribute Point bonus to Mobile Storage.)

You then answer Azhar's call with a smiley face, much to his dismay and irritation.

>Wh, what is this, some kind of joke?!

"Azhar, it's me, Jake! It's been a while, how are you? Can you tell me why you're with IGE and you're all trying to blow this planet the fuck up? And just WHAT the fuck is Glow Worm of all people doing here?!"

There are moments of silence followed by what sounds like a deep sigh of regret and a face palm.

>Shit.. Okay, look Jake. You're the last thing I need to deal with right now. Though to be fair, I need all the help I can get right now, so I suppose it's a good thing you showed up when you did.

"What do you mean? That sounds kind of insulting, honestly.."

>Well, Jake, you never were good at tactics and discretion. In fact, I am pretty sure that more than half our missions in the past would have gone smoother if you had stayed with the plan.

You find yourself annoyed and just try to get him to get to the point.

"Azhar, I know you hate me, but I was dumped here by IGE and I'm getting kind of pissed off that I don't know anything that is goddamn going on!"

There are another few moments of silence before Azhar speaks once again.

>Alright, Jake look. I'll tell you. I was sent here with a main infiltration unit of IGE to track down disturbances on this planet but it all turned out to be a setup by the organization. They gave us additional orders to kill everyone after securing an artifact left over from the Grey Line Cascade.

"Grey Line Cascade?.."

>Yes, the Grey Line was the aftermath of your powers colliding with Glow Worm's. You both created such a massive wave of energy when you hit each other as the bomb went off that a wavelength of grey light went throughout the universe at faster than light speeds and sliced through galaxies, destroying them in an instant.

"Holy shit! What happened after that?!"

>Artifacts from the galaxies were launched in space in all directions and landed on several planets. This planet, Ranefel, currently has one lodged in it's core and the only way to get to it is to destroy the planet. According to reports, this artifact has more power than you and Glow Worm combined and IGE wants it for themselves.

"God dammit, it's just like fucking Gate Way all over again! What are they going to do with it?!"

>I honestly have no idea, but if this carnage isn't any indication, it's more then likely something really fucked up. But back to why it's a good thing you're actually here; there is a force field surrounding the planet that has been pit in place by IGE that is blocking reinforcements I was able to contact.

"Reinforcements? Who? Were they part of the old team?"

>I was able to contact Nikita and made a plan with him. We are going to salvage that artifact from the core before IGE can do anything drastic. However, I need you to destroy the force field before anything can be done about that. I am sending a Satelite Map of Ranefal to your suit's memory along with the coordinates where the power generators are located. Be careful, Jake. If we screw this up the entire universe will pay for it.

"Man, you're still a downer. Thanks for the info but seriously, try not to be so depressing sometime. It might help out!"

Azhar says nothing and closes the comm link.

Oops, you made him mad.
No. 368358 ID: 55c4cf

Find a hole and jump in it.
No. 368359 ID: 1854db

He didn't say how he was going to get the artifact without killing everyone on the planet. Better not destroy the forcefield until you can get assurance that this is the case.
No. 368362 ID: 55c4cf

get in touch with one of your less gay friends, it might help.
No. 368363 ID: e55966

No. 368373 ID: e75a2f

Talk to the big naked robot. He always knows what to do.
No. 368375 ID: 50eda6

By all that is good and holy why did he have to show up again after so many years. Perhaps he can gives us just the right edge to pull this off. Or fuck everything up.

God. I really hope that 'five galaxies' thing is a gross exaggeration.
No. 368391 ID: bad633

What the hell, why am I even here? What's going on? This is *not* wormwood island dammit! Well anyway, your priority should always be to serve and protect, try to find survivors and make your old commissioner agree to help evacuate them to safety, because this place clearly is the opposite of safe.
No. 368402 ID: 55f0cc

Enough! Time to assume control of this shit! Your main objective now is to get this artifact for yourself! Get it or destroy it!

However, it's better to have IGE as allies for now. Destroy the force field.
No. 368439 ID: e75a2f

Arm the Nuke shotgun. It's high armored IGE guards in mechs season.
No. 368440 ID: e55966

are we equipped for taking out snipers or their roosts ? get the mechs to chase you around behind cover or outside of their snipers range

go fast gotta
No. 368442 ID: 55c4cf

Have crimmy cover you, and GOTTA GO FAST around and harvest some grain because scythes are shitty weapons.
No. 368444 ID: 9f54d0
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After you get off the line with Azhar, you contemplate taking the artifact for yourself on account of being kind of skeptical of this whole situation. You open up the maps and coordinates that were sent to the suit, along with additional info:

Planet: Ranefel
Casualties: 3 million
Global Population: 10 billion
Current Location: Opius
Race: Plytus

In the middle of your contemplating, you realize Crimmy is awake and giving you the angriest naked bunny stare possible through your visor. He speaks with the utmost haste and informs you that you could have simply asked for a spare suit instead of stripping him naked. You reply and suddenly you are taken through a lenghty conversation where you learn both him and Azhar have been keeping gaurd of the facility and helping any all all survivors they can to the launch base. Apparently the force field is keeping anyone from entering or leaving the planet and to help them escape, you need to destroy the force field generators and to do so, you both have to work together, much to your dismay.

(Crimmy added to party.)

You both leave the Hospital with incredible haste and trek 2 miles in what seems like 30 seconds, heading to the rough coordinates of the first genera-Oh holy shit. How did you not see this when you touched down?

Crimmy pulls out a sniper rifle and uses it to zoom in and reveals some good news. Actually, it's terrible news. There are high armored IGE gaurds in mechs out front of the entrance up ahead and several snipers in position on a cross building scaffolding to take out anything that comes close. There are corpses of other infantry members and civilians strewn about. Even with this armor, if you get pegged in the face with a sniper round or attacked by a mech, it's game over.

>How will you handle this situation?
No. 368449 ID: 55f0cc

Getting your hands on a high armor and mechs is really tempting, but you don't have time for this shit. They're already getting on your nerves! A cloaking device. Ask your partner for one and improve the paraphernalia. Make it invisible to any and all shit they can pull out.
No. 368465 ID: 9f54d0
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You inquire about an invisibility cloak to which Crimmy simply responds with a look then simply says.

"You might want to run."

After which, he snipes a guard upon the scaffolding, much to the dismay of the second and third guard on the tower. You decide to utilize your speed skill for a more practical cause this time and run with both your current weapons run, out maneuvering the other mechs and making them crash into each other.

You are cut off from the door way by the mech unit leader who is making the angriest face you've seen so far.

"You've been a real pain in the ass, Subject 7 but I'll make sure we rip you to shreds before we leave this planet for dead and retrieve the Greyline."

>What will you do against the mech squad leader?
No. 368466 ID: 55c4cf

dickslap it with your weapon.

modify into a war scythe soon
No. 368473 ID: b6edd6

His mech is covered with missile racks, and your weapon can shoot super-flames.
It is mathematically proven that flames + (other people's explosives) = fun times.
No. 368474 ID: e75a2f

Do what you do best, sir.

Cut a bitch.
No. 368488 ID: 9f54d0
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No sooner do you get close enough to attack the mech than he turns around and points one of the barrels right in your face.

Oh god, oh god what will you do, what are you going to do!?

Suddenly, the comm link opens up and you hear Crimmy make the most sexist, racist and meanest remark about the squad captains mother. Your face is bright red.

He is so enraged by this that he turns to Crimmy's position and fires off a volley of rockets, much to Crimmy's dismay. He quickly ducks behind a rock while you use this valuable distraction to attack this mech with both of your weapons, creating a massive dual colored nuclear explosion and destroying the entrance to the power generator, along with the rest of the snipers up top and anything else that was probably alive in the area.

Good job!

..You guess?
No. 368490 ID: 55c4cf


Never introduce Crimmy to your mom.
No. 368493 ID: e75a2f

Introduce Crimmy to your mom.
No. 368533 ID: 343d75

If we run into more mechs in the future you should use your crazy arm thing to absorb them, or at least the biggest gun they carry.

Anyway if the power generator is still intact, well, it's time to make like a miner and dig your way to that mofo ain't it?

Then, you know, trash it, but you can handle that part, you seem to be great at trashing anything in your vicinity.
No. 368962 ID: 86699d

you better not have looked at that explosion.

Now Charge in while dragging your scythe on the ground.
No. 370417 ID: 9f54d0
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Just as you contemplate how ethical introducing the irate bunny to my mother would be and right before you can run at the generator full speed and destroy it, you notice the smoke, dust and debris settle as a familiar figure appears, standing in the rubble of the former wall. It begins to move slowly, walking as if many muscles and tendons in it's lower extremities no longer function properly.

As the figure nears, it becomes quite clear who it is as they cackle at you maniacally. It's motherfucking Glow Worm and he is holding (what looks like) the partially intact skull of the mech unit leader. He opens his mouth, letting out a screeching hiss, setting you on your guard and then cackles insanely at your scared reaction. As suddenly as the laughing begins, it ends as he begins to speak.

>Ah, Jake.. As stupid and entertaining as ever, running around and playing your little games and breaking all my toys. Look, you even broke my favorite one of all and his poor sweet face, marred and all flush with fresh radiation. well, since you are here, I'm going to assume that you just love being dragged into the deepest depths of hell. I'm deeply sorry to inform you that you're not going to break that generator, and you're not leaving this place alive. In fact, I'll probably fuck you up even worse than before! It'll be fun, just like old times!!

Well, it appears that Glow Worm is EXTREMELY hostile. You are definitely going to need to think outside the box for this and you've got enough skills unlocked to be truly creative with your attacks.

So, what will you do?
No. 370419 ID: e55966

run. glow wont expect that !!!!
No. 370420 ID: a30b71

Find a bossy figure of androgenic persuasion that is better than you in every mental faculty.

Wait, you're talking about surviving? Glow Motherfucking Worm doesn't look like the brightest humanoid abomination. Unfortunately, you don't find yourself in a better situation. I warned you to enter without being noticed. I told you bro. Anyway, good thing you're using this armor, dreadfully out of fashion, and your attack is flashy as fuck. Time to fake your death. I'm not going to hold your hand this time, however. Figure it out yourself.
No. 370425 ID: b6edd6

Charge in his general direction, but run past him instead of directly at him.
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