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366509 No. 366509 ID: 61fa90

Chp1 >>272766
Chp2 >>293007
Chp3 >>nprgrss
Dscss >>352632
216 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 486587 ID: cea452
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The aquatic is quite shocked by Marisa's sudden appearance. The runic electric attack sapped his strength and causes him to spasm uncontrollably. As Marisa approaches him, the aquatic only has enough control over his own body to raise a single twitching arm in defense. Marisa brushes the aquatic's weakened arm aside with her right hand and in the same motion, with her left fist decks him square in the face.
No. 486602 ID: b6edd6

Make sure he is unconscious, then listen for anyone else coming and peek into the room north of here.
No. 486682 ID: cd630c

For some reason i thought that since we were a runepucher all our 'spells' would be touch based, this opens up a lot of cool possibilities.

Make sure no one is coming, then tie up and gag the aquatic before sneaking to the east.
No. 488455 ID: cea452
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While Marisa is not restricted to touch magic, she is still not as proficient in Runic magic as she could be, having spent much of her time at the Academy when she should have been attending classes and studying Runes instead doing calisthenics and participating in illegal boxing matches in the city.
Marisa ensures her assault had the result she was intending. The aquatic groans softly and occasionally shifts his head from side to side, but he seems otherwise incapacitated. Marisa waits and listens intently for anyone who may have overheard the action. She thought she incapacitated the aquatic as quietly as one could when using magic lightning and iron gauntlets to punch someone out, but it would not hurt to be cautious.
Marisa hears nothing except for the rain outside. She supposes she is undetected still. She gets the rope from her bag and uses it to tie up the aquatic to the best of her ability.
Marisa is not particularly proficient in tying people up, but what she's done here will simply have to do. She is actually not certain if this will even hold the aquatic, but it seems like the trauma from the assault will keep him incapacitated for a while on its own. Marisa does not have anything on hand that looks like it would make a particularly effective gag, so she must leave the aquatic un-gagged for now. She quickly drags him behind the waterlogged desk in the corner of the room, where he is hidden quite surprising well from view.
Marisa goes to peek into the statue room to the north when she steps in a puddle, causing a small splash, and Marisa recoils. The rain is flowing in and pooling on the cave floor. There is not much water in here yet, but that may change if the rain continues to fall as fiercely as it is falling now.
No. 488456 ID: cea452
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Marisa gathers up her bag and cloak and peeks into the statue room, keeping out of sight by staying in the passage tunnel. Adela the Blue is still here and has not moved, but perhaps more pressing is the commotion that Marisa hears emanating from the storage chamber to the west. There are a few panicked shouts and a series of loud crashes. Two avians run into the statue room from the west, breathing heavily. One of them, the captain of the patrol, shouts in frustration.
"What. Was. That! And what is this!" The captain notices first Adela the Blue, who is standing almost as still as the statutes lining the chamber that he notices after her. "The stranger!"
"What are these statues, Tyfon?" the other patroller says.
"I don't know! Stranger, you, tell me what is this! How did you bring these things here! What was that back there!?" he shouts at Adela the Blue, pointing back into the storage chamber.
Adela is ignoring the two avians. Whether she is ignoring them on purpose or because she is in a trance, Marisa cannot quite tell.
No. 488464 ID: f2c20c

Jump 'em! Since apparently that's what we're doing.
No. 488507 ID: b6edd6

I don't think we should ambush them yet, because the that means less people behind the petrifier and us. If they try to harm Adela we should definitely intervene though.

We need to come up with some long-term plan on how to deal with the patrol. I would rather not go as far as killing them, but it is going to be tough to keep them from pursuing some sort of legal action against us if they see us and leave here alive. Maybe we can tell some story about coming here to attempt to convince our eccentric friend (Adela) to leave before she gets herself killed?
No. 488576 ID: f4f33e

Marisa is an adventurer thus by definition she is bad at long-term planning, live in the now! Worry about the future later.

Sneak up on the patrol captain and get him in a chokehold or an wristlock and tell the other avian to stay back. Then shout and ask Garland if she is alright in the west chamber.
No. 488583 ID: 2f4b71

As far as the patrol knows, we've just walked in from outside. Even better, we can just blame the Sansaloj for running inside and having to follow it in.
No. 490172 ID: cea452
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Marisa slips off her cloak and bag. She takes her rune book from her bag and chains it back onto her hip in preparation for confrontation, but she stays back in the tunnel. A small part of her hopes to avoid violent conflict with the patrol, but then she remembers that she has literally just shocked and punched out the aquatic in the entrance room, and immediately all her thoughts turn back to observing the patrollers for the optimal time to strike at them.
"You! Answer me, or I'll beat it out of you!" the captain shouts, losing his temper, as he takes a step toward Adela the Blue.
The other patroller disengages her focus from the statues and turns back to the captain.
"Tyfon, we need to worry about the cat, what if it catches Briese? Wagh!"
The patroller's cry causes the captain to turn to look at what she sees, which is Marisa, who has snuck halfway toward the captain. At this point Marisa aborts her attempt at a silent takedown and launches herself at the captain, to close the difference between them before he is able to put up a defense.
Marisa uses her superior body mass to bowl the captain over. He lands on his back, with her on top of him. The captain tries to speak, but with a paralyzed diaphragm he is only able to stare, silently, up at Marisa, surprise washing over his face in waves upon realizing he has been attacked and then upon finding himself on his back and then upon recognizing his attacker.
Marisa uses one hand to keep the captain pinned to the ground as he struggles for breath, and waves her other hand, shrouded in runic fire, at the other patroller, yelling at her to stay back.
No. 490173 ID: cea452
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"Kra! Sangsaaaaaaaa!"
Quite suddenly the screeching sangsaloj bursts into the chamber from the western passage, brandishing a bow in one hand and in the other a blade.
The sangsaloj rushes at the patroller, who rather uselessly puts up her wings in defense. The patroller tries to run, but the sangsaloj slashes her wing.
No. 490174 ID: cea452
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The patroller cries out in pain, trips and crashes to the ground. The sangsaloj stands over her and laughs. It is a haunting, shrill laugh born of an insatiable bloodlust. Its facial expression is completely neutral throughout. Then the sansaloj hungrily licks the the flat of the blade, soaked in blood, up from the hilt and stopping just before the tip upon noticing Marisa in the corner of her vision.
No. 490177 ID: 78c6ea

It's gone mad!
No. 490184 ID: f2c20c

Either that is her true fighting style- she's a Berserker- or she's been possessed somehow.

Be ready with a blinding spell. Luckily you have metal gauntlets so you can block her blade. Don't make any moves unless she does.

Ask her if she has gone mad.
No. 490185 ID: b6edd6

Is this the reason sangsaloji are infamous, or some unrelated condition? Whatever it is this is worryingly different from whatever makes the statues, which would therefore be unaccounted for.

Prepare to cast some lightning if she starts coming towards you.
No. 490196 ID: f2c20c

Oh, and I would like to caution against disregarding the captain as a threat right now. He could try something while you're distracted.

I think our main priority would be trying to keep anyone from dying. You, her, Adela, the patrolmen.
No. 490229 ID: 1bcd66

The patrol captain is avian and thus pretty light right? Throw him at the sangsaloj then rush in there and zap or kick her into submission. Keeping yourself safe is the priority here.
No. 490928 ID: 2f4b71

Don't go punching the Sansaloj straight off the bat; she may or may not be in complete control of her actions.
No. 494109 ID: cea452
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Marisa recognizes now that the sangsaloj is a Berserker, a member of the Bloodlust tribes.
information on the Bloodlust: >>67624

Marisa remains calm. She secures her grip on the captain; she will not allow him to exploit any openings due to confusion in this situation. She also tucks her hand behind her back and charges a blinding spell.

>Ask her if she has gone mad.
The sangsaloj turns to face Marisa. Its whole body trembles, and it grins impossibly wide.

"Ssssssaa! WHAT NO, I'm alive! It's my FIRST fubia. AhaHaHaHAHA ha!"The sangsaloj laughs quietly as it breaths in and out.
"Sssangsa! MARY, we got 'em! Hey, hey aren't you going to beat him up?" The sangsaloj gestures with its sword at the captain pinned under Marisa and shouts with a trembling voice, "We were FIGHTING I THOUGHT!"

>our main priority would be trying to keep anyone from dying. You, her, Adela, the patrolmen.
"AWWWWWW! This is not enough BLOOD for fubia!" The sangsaloj laughs under its breath for a moment. "WAIT one more, is there! SHE'S maybe still IN here! HEY I can go look for--"

The patrollwoman attacked by the sangsaloj stirs. The sangsaloj turns back around and bends down to shove its face in her face.
"Sssangsa! Seu AVIARA!" it exclaims, voice trembling, laugh-breathing heavily into the patroller's face. The patroller stares back into the sangsaloj's eyes and opens her beak, but only a quiet, strangled cry escapes her throat. A tear rolls down her face. The sangsaloj looks back at Marisa. It has an expression on its face as though it has just witnessed a puppy trip and fall.
"Aaaawww!" it exclaims, its voice trembling.
No. 494113 ID: cea452
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The sangsaloj whips its whole body back around and takes a step toward Marisa. The bow in its left hand slips from its fingers.
"Hey, hey can I have his BLOOD?" it asks, and sucks up a bit of saliva that was dribbling down the corner of its mouth.
The captain thrashes under Marisa, but she keeps him pinned. The blinding spell swells with energy behind her back.
"What the FUCK!" he shouts. He does not even try to keep the panic from his voice. He grabs Marisa's arms. Marisa first believes he is trying ineffectually to remove her, but a glance down at his face reveals the pleading in his eyes. All traces of his earlier aggressiveness and irritability have vanished.
"Keep the sangsaloj AWAY from me!"
The sangsaloj's ears prick up at the utterance of the word.

It is now that Marisa realizes that while she has referred to the sangsaloj as a sangsaloj repeatedly in her own thoughts, she has never actually uttered the slur out loud for the sangsaloj to hear.
No. 494114 ID: 78c6ea

Use the blinding spell on yourself. Nobody should have to see what's going to happen in the next few minutes.
No. 494116 ID: f2c20c

Punch his face in. Tell Marisa to calm the fuck down, nobody needs to die today. The fighting is over. Maybe punch him a couple more times while you speak, to satisfy her. Also point out that she hasn't cleaned her sword quite yet. There's more blood on it. And herself.

If she makes any aggressive moves towards you, blind her then tackle her and make your best effort to knock her out or at least get that sword away from her. See if you can catch her AND your captive with the flash, in fact.
No. 494204 ID: eaf2f5

Slap that avian in the face and tell it that we wont tolerate him badmouthing our friend. Or if friend is a little too much say teammate or Garland.

Then tell Garland to calm her tits, no one needs to be murdered today. Hopefully we wont need to resort to blinding and tackling the sangsaloj Garland.

And where is the fourth member of the patrol?
No. 494209 ID: f2c20c

Fuck, I mean, tell Garland to calm down. What's wrong with me, forgetting names so fast.
No. 494277 ID: 67bfa9

get Garland to calm down, also start calling her by name in your head, lest you accidentally say the slur out load and she rips out your spine
No. 495711 ID: cea452
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Marisa lifts her hand from his chest for a moment to deliver a swift slap the avian's face and tells him not to speak to her-- she pauses for just a moment, having to make herself say the word-- friend, in such a way. She then asks Garland to calm down, hoping that her scolding of the avian had appeased the savage sang-- appeased her by some amount.

The sang-- Garland's every muscle tenses and its-- her face is painfully twisted with rage and fresh scars. The sa-- Garland's voice wavers and trembles as she shrieks:

"I-I-I-I-I'm AN-- i'm A-- AM an SA-sa-SA-SA--!"

The-- Garland is not calming down. She looks as though she is on the brink of bursting into a shower of insane rage. Marisa reckons now to be the moment to strike. She whips her casting hand out from behind her back, the blinding spell nearly bursting itself, charged with so much energy; Marisa takes less than a second to aim--
No. 495712 ID: cea452
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i'm grooooooossssss."

Marisa refrains from discharging the spell.

"Yeah, you're a filthy sangsaloj! Wriggle back to the mud pit you were born in!"
The captain has regained his bad temper, though Marisa still has him securely pinned.
"Now you get off of me, bitch-- I-I just mean, get off!"
No. 495715 ID: 6dc5a6

Dislocate a joint then ask him what he's doing here.
No. 495720 ID: 67bfa9

punch birdy again in the face, keep doing it until he apologises

promise garland that you'll get her cleaned up once you get to a safe place
No. 495740 ID: eaf2f5

Do you have anymore rope to tie up the patrol captain? And gag him.

We cant really leave anyone in this room unsupervised, and there still is one avian patrol member on the loose.

Call out that if the last patrol member wants his friends to stay in one piece he better get over here unarmed.
No. 495770 ID: f2c20c

Discharge your spell in his face instead. Either that or discharge it against a wall. It's about to explode by itself, don't get blinded by your own spell!
No. 495771 ID: 78c6ea

That's... a really effective insult. What the hell is wrong with sangsalojs anyway?
No. 500568 ID: 39b7b6
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>That's... a really effective insult. What the hell is wrong with sangsalojs anyway?

Everything. Absolutely everything is wrong with sangsaloji. They are filthy, duplicitous, mangy, untrustworthy, underhanded, impure abominations, among many other things. Marisa recalls from her childhood, an incident, growing up in her home in the southern mountains of Chatze. There was one man, intelligent and well-read, who was well-respected and beloved by the people of the village for managing to negotiate repeatedly advantageous deals for the village for aid from the local Governor Lord. Once, at a public celebration where this beloved negotiator was hosted as a special guest, one of his coverings was caught on a table edge and pulled off, revealing a patch of grey on his torso; the party ended prematurely, a fact Marisa remembers that as a child upset her at the time. Marisa does not recall seeing the negotiator again; she never heard words spoken of him again, in fact. Though she does remember whispers between adults of how recent deals with the Governor Lord were unnecessary and wasteful.
Though that story is a digression. Marisa redirects her attention back to the here and the now.

>Do you have anymore rope to tie up the patrol captain? And gag him.

Marisa already used all the rope she had to bind up the aquatic in the entrance chamber. She does not have anything to gag anyone with, either. Though, she has another method of disabling people.

>Discharge your spell in his face

Marisa releases the blinding spell directly into the patrol captain's face, and he clutches at his face and cries out appropriately. Marisa unpins him and goes over to console the s-- Garland.

>promise garland that you'll get her cleaned up once you get to a safe place

The s-- Garland is non-responsive for a moment. She sniffles and whispers, "okay," and stares ahead, looking very sad.
The patrol captain shouts about his eyes and shifts himself onto his knees.

>Dislocate a joint then ask him what he's doing here.

Marisa goes back over the the captain, grabs his wing, and twists it.
"AAAAAH! What the OW!"
She asks what he's doing here.
"What do you think!?"
She twists it a little further.
"Following you!"
She asks why.
"Why else, because I saw you sneaking in here! And you said you were just 'hikers,' yeah, I can't believe I let Bries--!"
Marisa lets go of the captain's arm and stops listening to him; she is not too interested in what he is saying. She does not think that it will be too necessary to physically bind his arms and legs. The blinding spell Marisa used works by amplifying the target's eyes' sensitivity to light, and judging by how much of her energy she charged into the blinding spell, she suspects the captain will be dealing not just with blindness but also with a substantial headache for a while, which should keep him from being dangerous. As if to prove Marisa's supposition, the captain tries grasping around himself blindly before quickly sitting down cross-legged, grasping his head and staying very still, while shouting quite irritably about his headache.
"Captain Tyfon, I'm here…" The patroller that Garland assaulted in her rage has dragged herself with her good wing over to the captain, while staring at the sang-- Garland confusedly. She looks up at Marisa; by her expression, she looks very lost.
"Are, are we prisoners?"
No. 500569 ID: 39b7b6
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>Call out that if the last patrol member wants his friends to stay in one piece he better get over here unarmed.

Marisa ignores her and takes a deep breath, preparing to shout a threat to the remaining member of the patrol hiding somewhere in the caverns. But Marisa is halted when she notices the injured patrol lady looking at something behind Marisa; she glances behind herself to see the last patrol member standing in the mouth of the southern tunnel. She appears to have gone through Marisa's things without her noticing.
"Hey, you want to make a deal?"
No. 500572 ID: fb528f

Wait for this one to keep talking. Take up a position that will let you keep an eye on the wounded patrol member and the newcomer.
No. 500574 ID: 78c6ea

There's nothing wrong with being filthy, duplicitous, mangy, untrustworthy, underhanded, impure or abominable. Lord knows you fit at least three of those examples right now! Unsatisfied with what a brief encounter with a sangsaloji you find yourself remembering the true horrors sangsaloji commit, and just what the hell a fubia is.
No. 500575 ID: f2c20c

What's the deal?
No. 500664 ID: eaf2f5

Tell her that it better be a pretty amazing deal because there is nothing stopping us from beating her up like we did to her friends.
No. 501496 ID: cea452
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>Unsatisfied with what a brief encounter with a sangsaloji you find yourself remembering the true horrors sangsaloji commit, and just what the hell a fubia is.

Marisa finds herself recalling specific examples of the horrors that sangsaloji commit.

Marisa has never actually herself played witness to a sangsaloj mongrel committing a horrific act of depravity until just now. Though in the past she has heard extensively of sangsaloji being depraved; Marisa recalls once, when she attended the Academy, she overheard two students discussing a rumor about a sangsaloji student. The rumor was that the sangsaloj had cheated on a calligraphy exam, something Marisa was quite justly mortified at the time to learn.
Marisa also wonders what a fubia is. She believes that she has already heard of fubia, which to her knowledge is a word used by Bloodlust Berserkers to mean 'a berserk rage.' Apparently the Bloodlust have their own language; of course, it is most certainly a very primitive language, being as it is that the Bloodlust are a bunch of filthy sangsaloji mongrels.

>There's nothing wrong with being filthy, duplicitous, mangy, untrustworthy, underhanded, impure or abominable.

This is a clearly false statement; there is everything wrong with being those things. An argument proving the statement's falsity:
One: Filthiness, duplicity, manginess, untrustworthiness, underhandedness, impurity and the quality of being abominable are all morally negative and reprehensible qualities.
Two: Because they are reprehensible qualities, filthiness, duplicity, manginess, etc. are all bad things to be.
Three: It is wrong to be bad.
Four: Consequently, there would be much, perhaps even everything, wrong with being one of those bad things or possessing one of those qualities. So it has been demonstrated!
No. 501497 ID: cea452
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>Lord knows you fit at least three of those examples right now!

False, that is false. No. I do not. I am none of those things. Of those qualities, there are none which apply to me; I exemplify exactly zero of those qualities. Are you saying that I'm filthy? I am not. I bathe quite regularly. And you will find, if you thoroughly examine the surface area of my entire body, that it is purely snow-colored, and that not one fraction of a square inch is colored differently. I am not impure; I am pure. Allow me to repeat that statement, as unnecessary as such a repetition should be: I am pure.
No. 501498 ID: cea452
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Marisa realizes that she has been standing silently staring at the patroller and thinking to herself for approximately thirty seconds, perhaps longer. It seems, though, that the patroller thinks Marisa was just taking a while to carefully formulate her response; Marisa is still in the clear as far as she is concerned with not seeming extremely odd and awkward. Marisa repositions herself so both of the incapacitated patrollers remain in her sightline as she speaks to the newcomer.

>Tell her that it better be a pretty amazing deal because there is nothing stopping us from beating her up like we did to her friends.

The patroller smiles like she's suppressing a chuckle.
"I… really doubt you could beat me but I think it's a pretty amazing deal. We'll see if you're smart enough to appreciate it. You see this crest thing here? I found it in this lockbox, which I found in your bag. Oh yeah, I went through your stuff, hope you don't mind. Anyway, you see this crest, right?" the patroller points at the crest in the open lockbox in her arms, "And you see the door behind you?" the patroller points toward something behind Marisa, who doesn't turn to look but can guess that the patroller is pointing to the big door in the center of the wall behind Marisa. The avian continues.
"No? Well, if you look back there you'll see that the door has a a specifically shaped indentation in it. This is a specifically shaped crest. Valuable things are usually behind elaborately lock doors. You're smart enough to see where I'm leading you, right?"
"Bries, what are you talking about, rescue us!" the captain snaps. Bries does not appear to even notice him and remains staring condescendingly at Marisa.
No. 501502 ID: 2a8a2a

The fact that it is a key is rather obvious. What is in question is what exactly you propose as your side this deal.
No. 501506 ID: f2c20c

I think she's implying she's holding the key hostage, and that we have to agree to split the loot or something.

Ask her why she doesn't just take the key and unlock the door on her own. Why's she making a deal with us? What IS the deal, anyway?
No. 501525 ID: eaf2f5

Remember what happened the last time we trusted a stranger in a dungeon, and this chick seems sleazy since she doesn't care about her allies.

Also "I really doubt you could beat me" sounds like a challenge to me!
Start advancing towards her and tell her that if she is so confident she can beat us, why did she bother with negotiating with us at all? Why not just take us out and use the key yourself?
No. 501535 ID: 2f4b71

Use an obvious magical item in a room full of people turned into living statues? That doesn't seem like a good deal at all.
No. 501644 ID: fb528f


Don't point this out, make her operate the door while we watch her die horribly from a distance. Make sure to get Garland on her feet before doing this.
No. 501740 ID: 78c6ea

Well, it never helps to argue with a neurosis. Yes, you're pure as driven snow! You can't imagine why you ever considered differently!
No. 502363 ID: cea452
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>Yes, you're pure as driven snow! You can't imagine why you ever considered differently!

Yes, Marisa is quite pure. (And as the driven snow? How poetic that sounds!) As the driven snow, even; it is utterly, wholly and so entirely baffling to wonder how any one reasonable sentient being could think otherwise.

>The fact that it is a key is rather obvious. What is in question is what exactly you propose as your side this deal.

>What IS the deal, anyway?

"Well isn't what I'm proposing pretty obvious? So obvious, in fact, that I shouldn't even have to say it? We open up the vault, swipe what's inside and pawn it off, splitting the spoils! … If you weren't smart enough to figure that out on your own, I'm not too sure I want to make this deal with you," the patroller says with what Marisa can perceive to be the traces of a humored smile.

>Start advancing towards her and tell her that if she is so confident she can beat us, why did she bother with negotiating with us at all? Why not just take us out and use the key yourself?

Marisa takes a step toward the patroller, who stops leaning against the wall, perhaps in reaction.
"Well I was hoping to avoid conflict… but if you want to get embarrassed, you can fight me? Or you could cooperate with me and end up with a lot more money than not!" The patroller outstretches her wing with which she is holding the lockbox with the crest in it and shakes it. She arches an eyebrow. "Well? I'm motioning for you to come take it, in case you're not smart enough to figure that out, either?"
"Bries, for your sake I hope this is just an elaborate ruse to rescue us!" the captain shouts with his head thrown back as he clutches it. He sounds exceedingly irritated. Bries does not take her eyes off of Marisa, except to cooly glance to Garland occasionally, who remains sitting off to the side staring ahead of herself.

>Use an obvious magical item in a room full of people turned into living statues? That doesn't seem like a good deal at all.

>Don't point this out, make her operate the door while we watch her die horribly from a distance. Make sure to get Garland on her feet before doing this.

Marisa wishes to answer the treacherous patroller in a way that would convince her to go and operate the door herself, but must first formulate such a response.
No. 502372 ID: 2a8a2a

Say that the captain has a point, and you have no guarantee that the lot of them won't attack you once you turn your back on them to open the door. Propose that she goes over to fetch her share of the loot while you stay to the side where you can keep an eye on them.
No. 502444 ID: eaf2f5

Walk over next to Garland and gesture at the door.
Tell her that since she is sure she can beat us we aren't turning our back on her.

I wonder if she is just bluffing, or maybe she also knows magic.
Also is there some chatze language you can use to talk to Garland without them understanding you two?
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