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File 131945662579.png - (11.27KB , 1024x576 , PF03-001.png )
360617 No. 360617 ID: cd94c7

Hello there, Tetha-Gamma-Chi housemaster.

We've set up a new connection for your place; your previous system's tubes were clogged beyond repair, so to speak. You should now have all sites and feeds avaliable to you; as long as they're in the network's Broadcast range, they're all as far away as a point and click. A log of system changes after upgrades will be avaliable from now on.

I also hooked you up to the Washington Library, free of charge. That should breath a little genuine Academia in your sisterhood. ;)

And just to be sure, I reiterated the SEND queue. Get ready for a full inbox!

-- Carlos K., Janitorial Staff
26 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 362294 ID: 35e1a0

yes, good point, can you make the pack excavate? just grab a scoop out of an area or is it all or nothing all the time?
could also try to make a ladder out of this wood and climb down.
No. 362327 ID: fccc4f

This was mentioned before on the channel, packs can't excavate like that. The best they do is to collect any dirt or rock she loosens with a shovel, which is what she's been doing do far.
No. 362398 ID: 252e1b


Use part of your suit for bow string. It's stronger than pretty much anything else you'll find.

As for fuel for flaming arrows... animal fat?
No. 362692 ID: fccc4f
File 132008355954.png - (423.29KB , 1024x576 , PF03-010.png )

Let's see... what I used on that fence wasnt string, it was wire. Mostly copper wire, from the pod. It wouldn't make good string, it retains shape...

.. nor would my clothes. The fiber itself is solid, but I'd need to rip and unweave to make string out of it...

Maybe a bow is a bad idea right now, we should think of another delivery system for the flaming arrows.

But yes. I'm going to need to hunt, armed with a stone axe. There's no game around here, so which direction should I go?

And if I'm not mistaken, I'm at the red square. The nearby dotted lines should be waterfalls...

I think we're lucky that map has the crash site at all!
No. 362693 ID: ca358a

An atl atl is a really simple thing to make that will let you throw a spear pretty far. I think a sling would be a better idea if you have literally anything you can cut. You'll need to practice with either one, but the sling is a lot less work and you don't have to make projectiles.
No. 362695 ID: 0ef5d9
File 132008454384.jpg - (10.35KB , 360x264 , atlatl_branch3.jpg )

Well if a bow is going to prove too difficult, an atlatl should work. All you really need is a sturdy and reasonably straight stick with a branch forking off near the base. Just cleanly break off the smaller fork near the base, and ensure your arrows can rest solidly against your notch. Its a simple lever to increase your arm's throwing speed, but it may take a little practice to get the hang of. It won't be capable of imparting the same speeds as a proper bow, but can and should use larger ammunition, somewhere between an arrow and a spear, so the kinetic energy transfer can be comparable.
No. 362698 ID: 35e1a0

let's try northwest.
No. 362720 ID: 6af537

Wait wait wait.
First of all: what's that gray thing directly to your south?

Second: can you see anything unusual in that direction? According to the satscan, there's... something big there, showing up on the image as big circular area. Two of them, actually, concentric circles. If you can't see anything obvious, I propose we don't go there yet. If you can, then please describe.
No. 362724 ID: 6af537

Btw, that gray thing coincides with a blank area on the satscan. Peculiar, isn't it?
No. 362757 ID: 4b1095

No. 362766 ID: 1854db

Wait, you can see our images? That should come in handy.

Who says you can't make a bow with wire? The wood provides most of the tension anyway... the main issue would be the wire deforming or breaking. Metal is not known for its elasticity, so... yeah, I guess it wouldn't work very well in the long run.

I still want to check out those dotted lines on the ground down to the south of you, but an alternative would be going around behind the cliff that has the waterfall. That's closer unexplored territory.
No. 362897 ID: 13ed99

look, if you're not expanding your base (frankly you really need a comfy bed and a door right now), you should be exploring for new materials and animals.
No. 363399 ID: fccc4f
File 132032880283.png - (512.81KB , 1024x576 , PF03-011.png )

Northwest it is.. or not, because that'll only lead me back to the crash site. So I go north, around the west side of the mountain.

... quite a valley here. And still no visible wildlife...

The 'grey thing' is the rock I set up earlier for grinding wheat. If there's a blank there... I don't know, you think its important?

And yes, I can receive Bit-Tone visual. How else could I get schematics from you? I never liked the blues though, I have my HUD set for red-maroon.

I didn't see anything out of ordinary towards... southeast, right? Maybe they're just cartography marks?
No. 363401 ID: 35e1a0

oh yeah, on left there is some exposed black splotches, looks like coal. don't need some now but when it comes time to burn things it's nice to know. and it looks like another pond is around that small mound back there. maybe this one will have some little fishes or something?
No. 363406 ID: 210977


have we made any tools yet? because i think its high time we made some tools.

let's fashion a pickaxe out of stone and wood.
No. 363416 ID: 1854db

We don't really have any workable stone yet. Turns out it's hard to make anything out of stone when the hardest material you have is wood! A task for the near future would be to find some stone approaching the right shape and use that. Or break some stone somehow. Perhaps by dropping it from a great height?

But yeah, let's check out that black substance.
No. 363418 ID: f78d49


orange HUD is where it's at, sister.

check out them nearby stones on the left. afterwards the wheat. where there's food, there may be life. if not, hey, free wheat.
No. 363425 ID: a2fa74

Weasel, we're burning resources here working on a few escape plans. We don't want to get your hopes up, but we have some promising ideas.

[Acquire a number of plankpacks with large apertures; begin researching methods of connecting two plankpacks to the same subspace pocket. Use related Imperial Beijing FTL technology for reference.]
No. 363806 ID: fccc4f
File 132051649009.png - (250.93KB , 1024x576 , PF03-012.png )

[Time: Day 4, Noon]

The only stone tool I have is that axe from the tree, since the other one's not going to last much longer... with falling the trees and such.

I appreciate the dedication, Operators...

This is some peculiar thing, its like a bunch of rocks glued together with molasses. Impermeable molasses, might I add.

... wait a sec. Black, molassey glue on rocks? Did I just find asphalt?
No. 363807 ID: 4bdd79

Smell it. If you did find asphalt, then holy shit do you realize how insanely useful this is.
No. 363808 ID: b6edd6

A bit of research on asphalt: Despite its association with roads, asphalt can be naturally occurring, such as in tar pits. (Though it does become suspicious if it is regularly shaped or near other possible rubble.)
Low tech uses for it include waterproofing and use as an adhesive.
No. 363809 ID: 1854db

How is asphalt useful? ...I suppose if we found a source of heat to melt it down we could reshape it into whatever tool we wanted. I wonder what that red stuff is?

Regardless of WHAT this black rock is, this is really really weird. How can this be a natural deposit? I think this planet was artificially created, somehow.

Also at this point I think all the dark areas on our map are simply interference. Our contact did say the Ionosphere was really frickin' thick.

Hmm. Weasel, do you think you could make a pickaxe out of any of the metal from the pod?
No. 363810 ID: a2fa74

It makes absolutely no sense to find asphalt there. So yes, you probably did find asphalt.

[Bribe a hacker to add a beacon and an planetary escape kit to the authorized package send list, with the target coordinates set to Weasel's location.]

[Research why the fleet keeps moving instead of finding acceptable planets and establishing colonies or semi-permanent mining operations for fleet growth.]
No. 363814 ID: 1854db

No. 363816 ID: 453e62

important thing is will it burn? if so then we got some great shit for fire.
anyway, can you wiggle some of the exposed bits out? could test it before we try seriously getting a lot.
No. 363825 ID: db5063

Make stone pickaxe
You are going to need it before you start any major mining plans.
No. 363826 ID: 4bdd79

The author said it's okay as long as it's within reason. We're on a college campus, there's bound to be a few script kiddies around here who'd know how to pull it off.

Asphalt is perfectly common in nature. It can be used as pitch, and pitch has a whole bunch of uses.
No. 363849 ID: 1854db

Chat excerpt:
<Farmer> I see Planetfall is going to be one short quest >.>; Whatever.
<Farmer> Seven is starting to try crazy plans to rescue weasel and I'm low on patience.

So yeah I'd like to actually do things in the quest rather than speedrunning to a "good" ending and miss all the fun. Optimally we would arrange some sort of proof to alert Weasel's superiors so that they can put in place the original plan of however she was supposed to get off the planet later. Or just get SUPPLIES.

No. 363852 ID: 3bd8ec

My honest suggestion for the author: If you're running out of patience with someone, just ignore their posts rather than hurting the quest for everyone else. :V
No. 363853 ID: b6edd6

What are you doing with crackpot physics theories? FTL does not work like that.

I also agree that we should not '[solve all our problems through non-author-introduced things]'.
I think it is legitimate to '[query information we could plausibly acquire]', but '[get equipment from made up source]' is just cheating.

No. 363854 ID: 266a7a

To be honest, Seven has never been that smart when it comes to quest suggestions. I dont know them personally, so Im just wroking off what Ive seen from them, but the only thing I can tell you is to ignore everything they say.
No. 363857 ID: 4bdd79

The problem isn't trying to [do things], it's trying to [do things] that we don't actually have the resources to accomplish (for example, getting our hands on an emergency beacon or finding a skilled hacker). But this is getting off topic and we should really take it to the discussion.
No. 363859 ID: a3e2a0

Can I join in with all this spoilering, guys?

If you did find asphalt, it would presumably make it easier to build. Of course, a lot of the things you've found so far have worked a bit differently to how both you and us have expected. If you can, take some with you. Expose it to fire sometime to see if it is flammable or if it just becomes less viscous.
No. 363939 ID: 9c8d4f

remember this location. you'll be coming back here after you've made yourself a pickaxe.
No. 365214 ID: bce451
File 132110572510.png - (528.50KB , 1024x576 , PF03-013.png )

Hey, hey. I think its time we focused, we're wasting time here.

I just arrived, so I could spend some time [surveying whats available]. Something better than the usual casual observations. No promises on finding anything though.

The asphalt... is asphalt. But I can't dig any of it with wooden tools without taking a day and a night doing it. And lots more of chisels. So no, ain't gonna happen without stone tools. Now, I can always [dig some rock] and hope I'm lucky; just tell me where. The stone around here is weak enough for my wooden chisel. Just.. not so much when there's something doing the binding.

I'd like to note I don't have anything to bind any toolhead I make to a branch. I can stick it into a tree like I did with the axe, but then the tool won't be ready until tomorrow maybe. The asphalt could be pretty handy for this... only if I could melt it.

And well, we're hunting. Or trying to find any fauna. We could always [move out], just give me a bearing and I'll be on my way.
No. 365220 ID: 453e62

okay yeah, just grab those wheats by the pond and head in one direction. you still have that tree in your pack right? if not then you need that, just get over an animal and drop a tree on it.

anyway, you just need to walk straight away from where the pod landed if any animals are around they would be that way.
No. 365229 ID: 9c8d4f

you can make rope out of straw by splitting it into its fibers and braiding it together. it'll take some time though.

or if you see some dead trees around, rip its bark off and split its innermost bark into fibers and spin that.
No. 365256 ID: 1854db

Survey. We still haven't identified that red stuff.
No. 365302 ID: 78b9fc

Dig some rock. Make 1 square shelter. Block entrance with magically reconstructed rock. Survive night full of monsters. If find coal, make shelter bigger and add torch.
No. 365431 ID: 453e62

are you new here? we did days ago.
No. 365566 ID: 210977


damnit weasel, we need proper tools here! at least sharpen a stray piece of metal into an edge and wrap the handle with cloth.
No. 365595 ID: 1854db

Sharpen with what? Also we don't have any spare cloth.
No. 365596 ID: 1854db

...you know I don't think you guys are aware of the previous threads. Here:

No. 365804 ID: 7a7217
File 132139088114.png - (3.37KB , 1024x576 , PF03-999.png )

Saved as: Persson-5/003-failedstart.rec

Being without internet for this long, and having these many technical problems made me realize something. This quest is not worth it.

I do not care for it, painting these is too much work given how little I get from it. I'm not having fun.

Take your complaints to /questdis/. I'm done here.

No. 365805 ID: ce981f

No. 365807 ID: 4a4aa1

No. 365869 ID: e79d6a


No. 365895 ID: 42e7cd

No. 366154 ID: 84b916

Ah well, it was an interesting experience. Thanks for running it! I enjoyed your artistic style.
Take care, and I hope your internet problems are less of an issue in the future.
No. 366188 ID: bd7cc2


Seconded. Thanks for this!
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