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File 131736771319.png - (466.56KB , 640x535 , map.png )
354201 No. 354201 ID: f138b3

Long ago, Princess Seraphine watched over the world. She ruled with wisdom and kindness over the creatures of the Sea, the candies of the Land of Desserts, the Faeries of the forest, the flowers of Tranquil Meadows, and all of the colors of the rainbow. But one day, the Princess made an announcement. Dark magic threatened the world, and Seraphine was the only one with magic powerful enough to counteract it. Afraid that the battle between herself and the evil would destroy the world, Seraphine decided that she would live in the sky, to keep her fight far away from her subjects. Before leaving, she appointed five successors. Princess Lollipop would rule over the candies. The Faerie Forest would be the domain of Princess Glitterdust. Princess Spectra would rule over the Castle of Color and its nearby lands. The Tranquil Meadows would go to Princess Blossom. And finally, surrounding all of them would be Princess Marianna's domain, the Sea.

From then on, each land had its own Princess, and all was well again.

Yesterday, the five Princesses had their weekly tea party. The sun was shining, and the refreshments Princess Lollipop served were delicious, but there was one problem; Princess Blossom was missing! All of the Princesses left very worried about their good friend, and they agreed to each send a representative to check on the missing Princess to make sure she was well.

Choose your name and which Princess you serve. You should probably be something resembling a human, but this makes you special. Most of the creatures you encounter will be sentient, animated marshmallows and such.
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No. 354379 ID: 779d92

it should make us look taller... that said, I imagine Appo as a short, nerdy dude inside a power armor made out of rock candy armor, powered by maple syrup and controlled by tootsie pop levers.
No. 354388 ID: f138b3

Right, but you'll only have enough time to actually construct enough of the suit to have one of those features useable by the time you get to the garden. Also, the lollipop is from your backpack.

No. 354563 ID: f138b3
File 131750263776.png - (1.80KB , 63x63 , powerfeet.png )

No votes for what specific armor to make+"it should make us look taller"=powerfeet.

You continue on your journey, craft one boot, put on that boot, continue further on your journey, now hopping, and craft a second boot.

Lady Gossamer spots the flowers first. She floats a few feet up into the air and squints at the horizon. "There, look!" She's right. The flowers line the path and sway back and forth, and as you approach, you can hear them humming a tune together. "Welcome to Tranquil Meadows, home of Princess Dewdrop!" the closest one exclaims.
No. 354567 ID: 81f32a

Fuck yeah, POWER FEET!
We gonna stomp some bitches.

Ask where Dewdrop is, perhaps she knows something about Blossom.
No. 354569 ID: f138b3

"Princess Dewdrop is in her garden at the center of Tranquil Meadows, of course! Just follow the road!"

Lord Octo mutters something under his breath angrily. Lady Gossamer looks concerned, but says nothing.
No. 354570 ID: 81f32a

Ask Octo and Gossamer what bothers them.

If nothing important follow the road.
No. 354573 ID: f138b3

"It's preposterous!" Lord Octo pauses to wave his tentacles in frustration. "Everyone knows that each land needs exactly one Princess, no more and no less!" Lady Gossamer nods in agreement. "I have met... Lady Dewdrop." She puts particular emphasis on the word "Lady," and her voice has an extremely forced calmness about it. "Something bad has happened."
No. 354574 ID: 81f32a

nevertheless, lets meet her
No. 354577 ID: f138b3

Your group leaves the flowers behind and travels down the road. It leads directly to a house, which is made of giant flowers that have politely bent down and tangled together, with smaller ones interwoven to fill the gaps. Despite this, it manages to have simple but functional doors, windows, and a chimney.

Working in the garden is a young, exceptionally pretty woman wearing a sparkling gold crown covered in silver vines. She carries a satchel full of seeds slung over one shoulder, and a watering can in her hand. You watch as a seed she plants and waters turns into a tiny flower that bursts from the earth, stretches its petals, and blinks in confusion.

When she notices you, she waves. "Welcome to my garden, travelers!"

This must be... Dewdrop, whatever her title is. You glance over at Lady Gossamer and she nods, as if she sensed your question.
No. 354580 ID: 81f32a

Greet her, tell her who you are and ask her if she has heard anything about Blosssom.
No. 354584 ID: 70a300

let someone else address her first to avoid having to choose which title best fits her.
No. 354987 ID: f138b3

rolled 1 = 1

No. 354989 ID: f138b3

"Very pleased to meet you, Appolos. I am Princess Dewdrop, ruler of this land." She pets the newly created flower, and it stretches upward, growing and becoming more brightly colored.

At the words "Princess Blossom," Dewdrop looks upset, but she recovers in a moment. "Lady Blossom is... indisposed, for now. I ask that you not bother her until she is ready for visitors."

Lord Octo and Lady Gossamer stand slightly behind you, whispering back and forth. You make out the words "...unheard of..." "...how can she be able..." "...Blossom's crown..." and "...safe?" If Dewdrop hears, she isn't letting on.
No. 355035 ID: c85a16

ask her why she's wearing Blossom's crown, why she declares herself as the ruler of the meadows when it's Blossom who actually owns the place, and why Blossom is indisposed.

don't give a crap if anything you say upsets her.
No. 355037 ID: 81f32a


No. 355044 ID: a1d7ad

Let's ask nicely why she has Princess Blossom's crown. And if she won't answer let's pull a candy cane sword out of our backpack and ask again.
No. 355075 ID: f138b3

"I'm obviously the real Princess. How else could I control the magic of Tranquil Meadows? So, this is my crown, and my land, and no one else's.

Blossom didn't agree, so we had a contest to see who could make the prettiest flower. Using so much of her magic wore her out, and now she's resting. It wouldn't be nice to wake her until she's done."

When asked where Blossom is, Dewdrop looks concerned. "Why do you want to disturb Lady Blossom! She really does need her rest!"

I don't know if this is a satisfactory response, so if your plan is to shank her you're going to have to vote to do it again.
No. 355089 ID: 35e1a0

"how good simply looking at someone disturb their rest?"
No. 355094 ID: f138b3

She fidgets back and forth, looks at the ground, and then can't hold her words in any longer. "...well fine! But you all have to be absolutely silent! Come on!" She leads you into the house, up a seemingly impossible flight of stairs, and along a hallway that ends with a door. Dewdrop opens it as carefully as possible, glances back at you with a frustrated look, and then gestures for you to look inside. You, Lord Octo, Lady Gossamer, and the seven droplets each poke your head around the corner.

Blossom is lying on a bed, her eyes closed. Her hands are folded on her chest, and her hair is arranged neatly around her. She is breathing, and unhurt.

Princess Dewdrop closes the door. She's careful to not catch anyone in it, but the look on her face makes it clear that she's allowed this to go on as long as she intends to.
No. 355334 ID: 36b100

ask her why Blossom has not been waken up for the meeting of the princesses. then demans she is waken up because everyone is worried about her.
No. 356036 ID: f138b3
File 131778458497.png - (37.55KB , 630x630 , map1.png )

"You have no right to make demands of me in my own home!" Dewdrop is losing her temper, and has given up on any attempts to keep the volume low while Blossom sleeps. "Please come back later when you're willing to behave yourself!"

Lord Octo, who has barely been holding himself back, explodes. "Rights! You speak of rights? You, a usurper holding the rightful Princess hostage, would criticize anyone?"

Dewdrop scrunches up her face and stamps her foot. Just then, the door to the bedroom opens, and Blossom stumbles out, looking confused. She runs her hand over her head, and steadies herself on the wall of vines and flowers. "My crown... my magic..." She turns to Dewdrop, rubbing her eyes. "You did this to me!"

Dewdrop manages to respond "No! Get back..." before Lord Octo screams, charges, and attempts to punch her with all eight of his tentacles at once.

Lady Gossamer glances around, looking shocked, and vanishes. leaving a faint cloud of sparkles behind. The droplets whine fearfully and lose their shape, sinking through the floor and escaping as a group.

Your marshmallow guards, who have been waiting downstairs, bustle about nervously. They're right to be nervous. Nothing in all of the five lands can hope to match a Princess in her own land in magical power. Still, they look to you for guidance... if only because the correct course of action is hardly clear.

You have entered BATTLEMODE. To participate in BATTLEMODE, pick a character under your command (currently yourself and the marshmallows), identify that character by name and location, then command that character to move and perform an action (either attacking or something else) and roll dice as appropriate. ONE MOVE PER POST, and no posting double unless someone else has had a turn.

Power is the number of d6s you roll when attacking, with success on a 3+ and 6s ignoring defense. Each success does one damage. HP is HP. Defense is subtracted from damage.

Some stats:
Power: 2 (wrench or powerfeet, melee)
Defense: 1
HP: 3
Movement: 3 squares
Special: Backpack - 3d6

Power: 1 (melee)
Defense: 0
HP: 1
Movement: 3 squares

By the way, the light green area that you're standing on is the upstairs. The dark green area to the right is the ground floor. The 2x4 rectangle is the stairs connecting them. So, to maximize safety, characters not wearing powerfeet should probably enter/exit from the proper areas to avoid falling.

No. 356037 ID: f138b3

Properly formatted move example.

>Marshmallow B9
>Down/right, down, down
No. 356132 ID: 86f168

uh. I dunno if left and right is my left and right or the marshmallows', so... marshmallow H9: SW, W, W.
No. 356221 ID: f138b3

Yeah, it's from your point of view. N/S/E/W is fine too, but I figured a map of the inside of a house doesn't really fit with those.
No. 356318 ID: d49627

Do we move all of them each turn?
No. 356346 ID: f138b3

Yeah, plus deciding what you want to do. Is five going to be too slow? I can retcon the honor guard's size if people think so.
No. 356348 ID: 3fd4fb

You might just want to let people issue orders for everyone, or at least for all of a given class of mooks. Moving around one character per post is kind of slow, and simply making there be less characters is a cop-out solution.
No. 356350 ID: d49627

(Does it work to give orders like this?)
B9- Move to E6
C9- Move to F6
F9- Move to G6
G9- Move to H6
H9- Move to I6
Appolos- Move to H1, say "Let Blossom leave, present your case to the other princesses, and this might still be resolved peacefully.
No. 356702 ID: f138b3
File 131806102864.png - (40.07KB , 630x630 , map2.png )

You attempt to defuse the situation.

Blossom, sobbing like a baby, gives up on her magic for a moment and throws her shoe at Dewdrop. The shoe sails over Lord Octo, who is still shouting about decency and proper behavior as he attempts to pummel her. The shoe strikes Dewdrop in the side of the head with a thud, making her scrunch up her face and close her eyes for a moment in shock. A moment later, when she recovers, her crown is askew.

Dewdrop clenches her fists and grits her teeth. "You... you were never a very good Princess! And the crown looks better on me!" With a wave of her hand, the vines that make up the floor come alive and begin to thrash about. Several larger ones spiral out of the floor and come into bloom around you, Blossom, and Lord Octo. "You're all going to ruin everything! I just wanted to make everything pretty!"

Maybe it was your tone of voice.

I gave B9 marshmallow move to the first person to post, but the rest followed EveryZig. From now on, just move all of them if you want to. I think I'll do some kind of officer system (where you command Appollos and about two officer units, each of which gets their own set of underlings, so each round is three posts long no matter how many dudes are involved). Can't really implement that one halfway through, though.

Oh, reminder: H4-I7, the different colored bit, is a staircase, the entrances to which are H/I4 and H/I7. The light part is the ground floor, and the dark part is the upper floor.

No. 356743 ID: fa2f8d

appo: wrench her in the crown.

the lower three marshmallows should help attack and the upper two should jump down to protect princess dewdrop.
No. 356744 ID: d49627

Can you attack diagonally or just move diagonally?
No. 356838 ID: f138b3

rolled 6, 5 = 11

Rolling for your attack, potential scatter distance, potential scatter location, and marshmallow attacks.
No. 356839 ID: f138b3

rolled 6, 1, 4, 5 = 16

Oh, that isn't possible. How about this!
No. 356847 ID: f138b3
File 131811510889.png - (39.92KB , 630x630 , map3.png )

rolled 4, 1, 4, 1, 6, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 = 25

You club Dewdrop in the head with your wrench. Even though the floor itself is struggling to impede your movements, the blow connects solidly, knocking her off balance and sending the crown of Tranquil Meadows high into the air. It strikes the ground and rolls in gradually shrinking circles, making a very distracting noise. Your marshmallows also attack, but only get as far as the outer layers of Dewdrop's dress.

And that is why you determine as many things as possible by dice rolling. Holy shit.

It is the NPCs turn to go. Rolling for Octo, Dewdrop, and the flowers.

No. 356854 ID: f138b3
File 131811635381.png - (41.88KB , 630x630 , map4.png )

Blossom's eyes immediately lock onto the crown, and she makes a dive for it, arriving long before anyone else and pulling it down over her head with both hands.

Dewdrop, who just got hit in the head, is slightly slower. "No! That's mine!" she shouts, and a cone shaped blast issues from her hand, covering Blossom and knocking her back against the wall.

Lord Octo shouts "Protect the Princess! She must be kept safe!" He picks up two flowers and smashes them together over his head, causing petals to fly everywhere. The flowers sink into the floor, becoming indistinguishable from the material already there.

The remaining flowers attempt to tackle Blossom and you. They do not succeed.

Ok, I'm embarrassed to admit this, but you are UPSTAIRS and the F8 marshmallow is DOWNSTAIRS. I did my best with the moves, though it's my fault that things didn't work as specified.

Oh, and attacking diagonally is fine. The only thing that's really forbidden is moving through enemy squares without a good explanation.

No. 356860 ID: de7eea

Appolos: Attack G1 flower
H3: Move to G2 and attack flower (unless it is dead, in which case attack Dewdrop).
I3: Move to I1, attack Dewdrop
I5: Move to I3, attack Dewdrop
H6: Move to H3, attack Dewdrop
F8: Move to H5
No. 356879 ID: f138b3

rolled 3, 3, 3, 5, 2, 3 = 19

Rolling in order
No. 356917 ID: f138b3
File 131812670180.png - (38.12KB , 630x630 , map5.png )

rolled 4, 4, 1, 5, 4, 3, 5 = 26

You quickly crush the flower under your powerfoot. It slithers into the floor. When you lift your powerfoot, it is nowhere to be found.

The marshmallows bounce up and down next to Dewdrop, occasionally getting enough height to bounce off of her arm or torso.

NPC turn! Rolling for Lord Octo, the flower, and Dewdrop.
No. 356921 ID: f138b3
File 131812853642.png - (39.91KB , 630x630 , map6.png )

"Get away from her, you scoundrel!" Lord Octo punches the remaining flower, sending it flying backwards, where it is reabsorbed into the wall.

Blossom, holding her crown on her head with one hand, tries to use her magic again, extending her hand to no effect.

Dewdrop, obviously still enraged over the loss of her crown, sends out another blast. It tears straight through the marshmallow in its path, aiming for Blossom and Lord Octo. Lord Octo swats away the petals with a snarl, but the already dizzy Blossom absorbs the remainder of the blast. She faints, falling to the ground with a little twirl.
No. 357062 ID: b6edd6

H3: Move to G3, attack dewdrop
H6: Move to H3, attack dewdrop
Everyone else: attack dewdrop until she is unconscious
No. 357071 ID: f138b3

rolled 5, 2, 6, 2, 2, 1 = 18

Appolos, G3, H3, I1, I3.
No. 357079 ID: f138b3
File 131819907601.png - (36.56KB , 630x630 , map7.png )

You swing your wrench with all of your might. Near the end of your swing, you find yourself wondering how you got here. Is this really where you want to be? Hitting a Princess with a wrench? Something has gone horribly wrong. Too late, you realize that your reaction is part of Dewdrop's magic, and your swing falters.

By the time you regain control, Dewdrop is out of reach. She swats away a marshmallow leaping towards her, only to be struck in the back of the head when a second marshmallow bounces off of a third to get the required height. She stumbles a little bit. The fourth marshmallow bites her dress, and manages to cling for a moment before being thrown off.

NPC turn. 1 die for Dewdrop, 3 for Octo, and 4 for lolspoilers.
No. 357080 ID: f138b3

rolled 6, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 4, 1 = 30

No. 357106 ID: f138b3
File 131820228390.png - (37.61KB , 630x630 , map8.png )

Dewdrop hurries over to Blossom and retrieves the crown, placing it on her head and adjusting it with a satisfied smile. Then she waves her hands, and more flowers burst from the walls.

"The Usurpress' magic is too powerful! The true Princess must escape!" Lord Octo shouts. Grabbing the unconscious Blossom, he takes parting shots at the two flowers adjacent(the ones that got summoned in F1 and G1 but are getting tentaclepunched to death before actually appearing on the map), causing them to explode, leaving behind petals that flutter gently to the ground. His parting shot at Dewdrop is less effective. Then he leaps over the nearby marshmallow and heads down the stairs.

The two remaining flowers slap at the Marshmallows with their petals. One is struck particularly hard, and tumbles down the stairs, where it strikes the ground with a squishing noise.

Lord Octo might be onto something. Dewdrop has proven to be remarkably resilient.

Player turn.
No. 357167 ID: 197a62

well okay, let the wuss run if he wants to. I say we stay and fight.

candy for the candy god. kick her in the face.
No. 357206 ID: b6edd6

At this point she can summon flowers about as fast as we can kill them, and she has evasion, damage resistance, and sometimes counterattacks against the marshmallows.

I say we have all of the marshmallows attack the nearest flowers (starting with G3 on H2), then retreat. Appolos should attack the remaining flower (if there is one), or kick Dewdrop one last time if there is not one, then follow the marshmallows in retreating.
No. 358389 ID: f138b3

rolled 3, 3, 3, 4, 6 = 19

No. 358390 ID: f138b3
File 131871815936.png - (36.28KB , 630x630 , map9.png )

rolled 3, 2, 4 = 9

The marshmallows swarm over the remaining flowers, trampling them into the floor on their way to bounce down the stairs.

You use your powerfeet-derived increased height and jumping ability to give Dewdrop a powerfoot to the face. She is knocked off balance for a moment, which is all the time you need to make your exit.

NPC turn, rolling for Dewdrop.
No. 358395 ID: f138b3
File 131871927835.png - (38.58KB , 630x630 , map10.png )

Dewdrop's blast of petals tears through the slowest marshmallow and strikes Lord Octo, but if he cares, he isn't letting anybody know.

Dewdrop, realizing that Blossom will escape, screams in frustration.

Lord Octo isn't built for land travel, but even so you have difficulty keeping up with him. He rotates his head around slightly to shout back to you "The Princess will be safe once I reach the ocean! You will be welcome in the land of Marianna if you wish!"

Combat OVER! If you want. Since Dewdrop is still pretty close to you, pretty much anything other than picking a safe location and running there will leave you fighting Dewdrop, though.
No. 358398 ID: b6edd6

Hmm... we should either go with Octo or report back to Lollipop.
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