Glitter Wish
"Excuse me.."
"Oh, hello! Wow, you're not part of the facility. It's been a while since I've seen anyone from the outside. You're visiting, is that it? Yes, of course. You must be someone important if you're here. A friend of Esper or Amp, maybe. Is there any way I could help you?"
He seems a little scatterbrained.
"Could you briefly explain the layout of the building?"
"Of course, yes, I'm sorry. The building is pretty simple, if you find a map, but, um, I suppose that won't help, since all the maps are stupid and don't have the name of the different labs and stuff on them. I work in Civilian Applications, right here. It's a series of labs designed to rework some of the less dangerous technologies into stuff people like you can use outside. It's a yellow place, hence my robe. Yellow is all about the nonviolent or experimental sciences, which I like.
Blue covers the military and security labs, and we all sleep in these giant rooms in the blue part of the facility. I'd show you them, they're giant and huge and impressive, but I can't even go into that section in the daytime unless I transfer to blue, and blue is all stodgy and dumb, so that's never gonna happen. If you can, though, you should definitely see the bunk rooms, they're crazy.
The purple lab is some secret project of Fidio's. You probably saw it on the way in; nobody but the Purples and Reds know what it is, but we're all guessing. Personally, I think it's some giant cake-maker or something, because everybody knows Esper thinks it's a waste of time and space, and Fidio always is a little kooky. Smart guy, though. I bet the cake-maker will be a good one.
Red is the super-secret top-quality area of the building. Nobody knows what happens there, but it's probably where all the crazy experimental stuff goes on. Don't bother talking to a Red except for Amp, because they're hard to find and very quiet. Amp's a cool guy. He's the Red leader, and even though he never says anything about the red stuff, he'll talk about anything otherwise! I think that's it.. Oh, duh, names! My name's Ote, what's yours?"
"I, uh.."