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349666 No. 349666 ID: b4adaa


How could this happen?
I have 3 days to live… and then…


It’s not enough time.
What do I do?
What can I do?
9 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 349695 ID: b4adaa
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This stuff here?
Most of it belongs to my father - well… the goblin that raised me. He’s not my real father, and he disappeared several months ago. That picture on the wall is of his mother.
I believe the small chest contains a bit of money, but I’m not completely sure, I’d have to check it.
The skull has been here for as long as I can remember. My foster father got it from… somewhere. I think it was his father’s. I don’t recognize the shape as belonging to a certain species. Maybe it’s valuable because of its rareness.
Most of these books are ones that I have written. It’s how I earn my living. Of course, I publish anonymously. I did not want to take the risk of who I am keeping me from getting published.
I’m not sure what this potion is, but there does seem to be quite of it, huh?
Hmmm…. Maybe some kind of test is in order to see what it is.
No. 349699 ID: e8cd4a

check the chest. if it's not money, just drink the potion. whatever, right ?
No. 349703 ID: 1854db

Sniff the potion.
No. 349974 ID: 630919
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I checked the chest. Yes, it does contain several gold pieces. I believe all of them were my foster father’s. Why did he not take that gold with him? Unless… Maybe his disappearance wasn’t as simple as him just leaving. Hmm…

As for this potion, it has a fairly foul smell. I would assume this is not safe to drink. I’ll take it with me, anyway. Why not?
I’m sure this was my foster father’s, but why would he have a dangerous potion?
The money and the potion… I’m only just now noticing these strange things.
No. 349981 ID: e8cd4a

be sure to write about these days as they unfold. it can be your last book. maybe you can have it actually published to your name this time
No. 349991 ID: 1854db

Perhaps your dad was involved in risky business? Whose picture is that on the bookcase anyway?
No. 350114 ID: 6ee82a
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This picture? Holn, my foster father, knew this woman. He talked about her sometimes, said that they used to be very close. I remember once he said that this picture was his most valuable possession.
Again, I don’t know why Holn didn’t take it with him. What the hell happened to him? If she came back into his life, I can’t imagine him just leaving even the simplest of possessions behind.
No. 350115 ID: 6ee82a
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Anyway, I really like this idea. Unfortunately, I have no paper to write anything on. I’ll have to go to a store to get some. I have this map of town here. I circled my house and drew an arrow pointing to the store where I can buy paper. And um… yeah.
I would label some other things on this map, but it looks like I’ve run out of ink, too. I’ll have to buy some of that, as well.
Since I can’t label anything, I guess you’ll just have to ask me anything about town you want to know.
No. 358058 ID: b4adaa
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Alright, after that very, very quick reference to the map, I have decided to head to the store to get some of that paper and ink. I’ve brought with me that potion and a sufficient amount of money.

So now that I am here, I will-

Uh oh…

Oh, dammit. That’s her, on the left. It’s the witch that gave me this curse, the reason why I’m going to die...
She’s just standing there. Why is she even here, and why now?

Do I… do I confront her?
No. 358059 ID: c7b6c2

Rip and tear!

No, wait, actually. Don't. Go ahead and confront her. Say something profound, too, for added drama.
No. 358078 ID: 1854db

Go beg her to remove it.
No. 362198 ID: bce00c
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[will (hopefully) be getting more serious about updating this quest. Also, beginning of cutscene]

Very well, I will attempt to employ both of these. In some way, I’ll let her know that she MUST remove this curse, but I will show her no kind words in doing so.

She said she’d go ahead and finish me off on the spot if she ever saw me again, but something tells me she won’t do it in public. It wouldn’t surprise me if she did, but it’s worth a shot.
I just need a few seconds to muster up some courage, here. A few deep breaths go a long way.
No. 362201 ID: c7b6c2

Maybe you can down some liquid courage to supplement your existing courage.
No. 362203 ID: bce00c
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I walk up to her, a force seeming to try to push me back. Is it her doing or my reluctant feelings?
She spins around.
>“Well, well, look wh-“
“Shut up! I’m having the first words here, dammit! The first and the last. I’m going to tell you something, and I’m confident in your capacity to keep your mouth shut for the few short seconds this will take. Don’t prove me wrong.”

>“Go on, then! Beg for you useless life like I know you’re going to do!”

“Oh, I assure you, this is no plea! You’ve given me three days, and that’s plenty of time to make you wish you hadn’t even given me one second! Trust me. You can either remove this curse and let me move on with my life, or I’ll show you just how much of a force I can be to reckon with! Of course, you could end me now, but I’d advise against doing that in a public setting. I’m sure the only reason you’re still alive at this point is because nobody has caught on to you, yet. It would not be hard to find someone that could go for a good witch hunt.”

I don’t know why, but threatening her is the only thing I can think to do. Maybe it’s because threatening her is the only thing I WANT to do.
Also, I can feel this man behind me coming closer.

>“I’m glad you want to make a sport of this. It should provide plenty of enjoyment for me. I’ll tell you what: killing me will break your curse, and I’ll let you go and try to do whatever you think you’re going to do.”
No. 362204 ID: bce00c
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The man that now stands behind me speaks.
>“What’s going on here?”
That voice! It’s…
No. 362206 ID: d49627

Inspector Javert!?
No. 362213 ID: bce00c
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Actually, it’s my father Holn.
“Fathe- wait, how do you know his name?!”
It was the witch that said that!
No. 362216 ID: bce00c
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Oh shit… the witch…
It’s… the lady from the picture, isn’t it?
Why is all of this happening at once?!
>“I’ve got you both in one place, now! Forget what I just said!"
Holn speaks.
>“Okay, Elden, we’re leaving.”
No. 362223 ID: e55966

youre still in a demanding mood right ? demand explanations !!
No. 362231 ID: 78b9fc

Demand hugs!
No. 362329 ID: b21645
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“I dema- OH FUCK!!”
No. 362330 ID: b21645
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Holn yanks me away, causing me to drop the potion I was holding.
It looks like I should be glad that I didn’t drink it.
It probably won’t kill her, though.
No. 362333 ID: e55966

you cant throw water or something can you ? hehe
No. 362334 ID: b21645
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Holn practically drags me out of town as fast as he can move. We are pretty far away, now, and our pace has slowed. He still continues to lead me onward, though.
What should I say to him?

[end of cutscene - time for suggestions]
No. 362337 ID: e55966

thank him i guess ! tell him about your numbered days and of course ask about how he knows her and why either of you are doing this
No. 362341 ID: 1854db

Thank him and ask where you're going.
No. 362362 ID: b21645
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He stops and lets out a sigh.
“Uh, well… thanks for saving me, first of all.”
>“No, thank you. Elena would have annihilated us if it wasn’t for that potion.”
So that’s her name, huh?
“Dropping it was an accident, though.”
>”Then I guess we should thank fate.”
“I guess… Did you hear any of what we said?”
“She’s cursed me. I only have three days to live.”
Holn lets out another sigh.
“What’s going on, anyway? What’s all of this about?
>”It’s a very long story, Elden, and one that will be very hard for me to say. We probably won’t be welcome back in that town after potentially burning the shop down, so when we find a place to sleep tonight, I promise I’ll tell you, then.”
“What? Why can’t you tell me now?”
>”I said it will hard for me to say. I just can’t deal with telling you right now.”
“Where are we even going?”
>”Away from there. Listen, Elden, I know she said that killing her will break your curse, but I really don’t think we have to do that. Elena has been practicing some kind of dark sorcery and it looks to have corrupted her. If we can find somebody with the ability to purify her, remove that corruption, then she might return to normal and remove your curse. However, I have no idea where to start.”

Well, we definitely need to come up with a plan for what to do next. His idea is a sound one, but it might be tricky to find such an individual that will cooperate. Is there anything I should ask him to help us figure out a good plan?
No. 362368 ID: e55966

dont discard the possibility of investing your days in planning her murder.

how about asking if he knows about the potion, where did it come from / who was responsible for making or trading it ?
No. 362511 ID: 65dd44
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Oh, don’t worry. I definitely want her dead. I can tell that this woman is important to Holn, so maybe he can convince me that her life is worth saving.
Regardless, if I’m to go with Holn, then I should probably also humor any plans at “purifying” Elena that we can come up with. Of course, they might fall through. If so, I need to be prepared for an attempt at just ending her life.

“Where did that potion come from, anyway?”
>”I just wanted to have something powerful around in case I needed it.”
“I asked where it came from.”
>“Okay… I got if from Sulmn Town. It’s the best place to get illegal stuff like that.”
“So is it safe to assume that Sulmn is a pretty dirty town?
“Should we make that our destination anytime we need to find something illegal, then?
>”Probably. Although, I can’t think of anything we would need that would be illegal enough to make a trip necessary.”

It looks like Holn really has no idea what to do, here. I’ll have to do most of the planning, I guess. At least I have him here to give me the information that I need about the area.
This is actually the first time I’ve left my hometown, in case I’ve never said it before…

Anyway, an important point is coming up, here. Do I go ahead and go with Holn or go my own way? He’ll be a valuable resource for information and is definitely stronger than I am. However, I’ll need to go along with his “purification” plan (once we come up with one) if I fallow him. Again, I can still formulate a “purification by death” plan while fallowing him, but it might be hard to do so behind his back. What do I do?
No. 362520 ID: 1854db

Ask where he's been for the past several months. Does it have something to do with the way he's dressed?
No. 362529 ID: e55966

the idea is to trace back to the potion-maker or someone who knows its workings. we want to know why it has an effect on corrupt persons, though we dont know if what had happened at the store was solely because it was a powerful effect for -anyone-, corrupt or not. still its worth a try; it might be somebody's illegal trade to illegally purify illegal problems of others or their own.
No. 362855 ID: b4adaa
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“I really want to know more about this potion. Do you think the effect it had on Elena had anything to do with her being corrupt?”
>”Hmm… now that you mention it… I bought the potion from a man named Akor. It is supposed to have a stunning effect when used on somebody, and he tested it out to show me. However, nothing caught fire like that.
“Does he make his potions?”
>”I’m pretty sure he does not, but he does work closely with the person that does.”
“I think that if this person can make a potion that has a specific effect on corrupted individuals, then one can be made that would benefit us.”
>”You think so?”
“Any better ideas?”
No. 362860 ID: e55966

business / calling card of any sort ? ask how he managed travel to sulum town and any accommodations / bewares that might apply. considering he survived it you should be ok unless he points out something that is a specific problem, so head there immediately in the meantime
No. 364393 ID: b4adaa
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”I think we should see this Akor guy and his potion maker. Hopefully, we can at least walk away with some useful information.”
>“He’s in Solmn Town, though. I really don’t want to go there.”
“Come up with a better idea, then.”
>“Okay, fine.”

When we ran from town, we headed north. Thankfully, Sulmn Town is also north. Better yet, Holn apparently knows this Akor guy personally and knows where to find him.
Morning is reaching its end; Holn says we will reach Sulmn in the afternoon. He says it’s not the worst place if you have been there before. Well… I’ve never been, obviously, so I should be very thankful that Holn showed up to help me with this. Speaking of which…

“Where were you for all those months, anyway?”
>”Looking for her.”

Wow, I remember now that the witch didn’t show up until after Holn left. It must have taken him this long to figure out that she had already found where he was. I’m really awaiting his story on this whole matter. Actually, if it’s going to be hard for him to tell me, it’s probably going to be hard for me to hear…
No. 364402 ID: b4adaa
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It looks like we have arrived at Sulmn Town.
No. 364406 ID: e55966

ugh is it going to be a problem finding Elena again ? Curious she numbers your days then almost annihilates you in person, seems redundant for effectively disappearing and leaving no clues to whereabouts for either of you. If she plans on attacking you instead of playing mouse, could that mean purifying / killing her is independent of meeting again in person ? There are many possibilities; hires is the obvious, most realistic one. It might be good to keep more outlandish ones like horcruxes in the path of investigation.
No. 364407 ID: e55966

information / inn ?
No. 364418 ID: 78b9fc


Something about killing the two of you together is more important than just killing you, or Holn. She gave you three days out of pity most likely, but had a more important reason to kill you and Holn together.
No. 364454 ID: b4adaa
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“What can you tell me about this town?”
>”It’s confusing.”
“…well that helps.”
>”I haven’t been here in years. Only parts of this town are familiar. We’re close to the center, now, I believe. If Akor is here, he will be in the south part of town. The better parts of town where good shops and inns can be found will be further north.”
“Wait… do you even know if Akor is still here?”
>“He does a lot of business in Sulmn. I can’t imagine him leaving his success.”
“I hope you’re right.”

>”This town is so confusing to me, now. I don’t know where I’m going”
No. 364461 ID: e55966

south !
No. 364584 ID: b4adaa
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The further south we go, the more and more run-down this town starts to look.

>”I’m afraid I really have forgotten where to find Akor.”
“Then how do you suggest we find him?”
No. 364589 ID: e55966

oh boy ! talk to stoop kid on the stoop
No. 364790 ID: b4adaa
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“Let’s just ask this guy.”

We walk up to him.

>”Excuse us, sir. We are looking for a man named Akor.”

This guy doesn't seem very friendly.
>”He’s dead.”

No. 364792 ID: c7b6c2

Twenty bucks says he isn't.
No. 364797 ID: b4adaa
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He probably is. I think Holn knows it, too.

>”I think you’re lying.”
>”I’ll show ya his grave if ya don’t believe me.”
No. 364799 ID: e55966

Agree. Ransacking fun times !
No. 364815 ID: 1854db

Alright, why not.
No. 364881 ID: b4adaa
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Wait… I think I’ve confused myself… I meant to say that he probably is lying, not that Akor probably is dead, which is what it sounded like. Hmm… hopefully this is just a simple misunderstanding.

So, should we still follow this guy like you said?
No. 364887 ID: 1854db

Oh. Better not follow a liar around to an unspecified location, then.
No. 364948 ID: b4adaa
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I think Holn already has the right idea
>“I know better than to fallow a stranger in this town.”

The man gets up
>”I don’t like ’avin’ my time wasted.”

Holn gets in front of me when the man’s hostility rises.
>”I don’t like having mine wasted either.”
No. 364960 ID: 1854db

Go "Are you two really going to fight over a minute of conversation?"
No. 364962 ID: c7b6c2

No. 364967 ID: b4adaa
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“Are you two really going to fight over a minute of conversation?”

Holn speaks.
>”I don’t intend on fighting, but I’m unsure if the same can be said of this man.”

>”It can’t”
He pulls a knife. We’re in trouble!
No. 364969 ID: c7b6c2

AW SHIT. Let's make like a tree!
No. 364972 ID: b4adaa
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I’m with you!
“Holn, let’s get out of here!”
I turn around and begin running.

I don’t get far before I realize that Holn isn’t coming…
No. 364973 ID: b4adaa
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Why isn't he-
No. 364978 ID: 1854db

Probably because he's gonna kick that guy's ass. He's wearing a black robe like the woman you're trying to uncorrupt, isn't he? Why do you think that is, hmm?
No. 364980 ID: 78b9fc

...makes him more easily identifiable as a character?
No. 364982 ID: b4adaa
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No. 364987 ID: e55966

No. 364995 ID: 1854db

Go over and find out what your dad did to the guy.
No. 365124 ID: 78b9fc

No no no. Obviously the guy just tripped and fell on his own knife. Right? Right??
No. 365128 ID: c7b6c2

...mayyyybe it's best if you, uh, don't go up to him right away.

Say something to the effect of "WHAT THE HE'LL WAS THAT?"
No. 365974 ID: b4adaa
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“I… wh…”
I can’t seem to get any words out. All I can do is stare with a shocked expression.
Holn turns around and looks at me. It’s the same face as before, but I can’t look at it the same.
What the hell is this man? You can’t simply kill like that! It’s just not possible. I don’t understand.
Some very strange and disturbing thoughts shoot through my head as I wear a worried expression. When Holn see’s my face, his becomes depressed.
No. 365976 ID: b4adaa
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I finally manage some choice words.
>”I’m sorry, Elden. I really hoped you would never have to see me do something like that, but he attacked us. I had to.”
“Had to… ugh.”
I guess he’s right about that.
“How did you do it so quickly? That took mere seconds.”
“I have a lot of experience.”
A lot of experience? What the hell?!

>”Hey, did you jus’ kill that guy?”
A kind sounding woman’s voice interrupts.
No. 365987 ID: e55966

try not to kill her
No. 365995 ID: b4adaa
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It’s a young looking goblin woman. She seems awfully… cheery for being only a few feet away from a corpse.
Holn answers her question.
>”Please understand that it was only self-defense, miss.”

>”No, no, I actually was gonna thank you for dealing with that asshole.”
…what a special place this is.
No. 365996 ID: 453e62

maybe it's just goblins?
No. 365998 ID: e55966

elaborate. what kind of points have we earned / lost with this stunt ?
No. 366003 ID: cdb8cb


He actually can kill like that. I don't know about you. Are those horn thingies sharp enough to poke someone to death? You got kind of a baby face.


No. 366014 ID: b4adaa
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>horn thingies
My ears?

>”Thank me? What has this man done to you?”
>”Oh, all kindsa stuff. Well, mostly not to me, but to everybody, ya know? A big jerk that guy was. He attacked ya, right?
>”See? Just a big jerk. He deserved it.”
>”Well um… you’re welcome, I suppose.”
No. 366020 ID: 1854db

Well we could ask this more friendly person where the guy we're looking for is.
No. 366022 ID: cdb8cb


It's not a secret anyway. He must have just picked up murderous ninja priest skills from travelling all around searching for that witch lady. And I still say the guy fell on his own knife. At any rate ask her if she knows where to find Akor.
No. 368162 ID: be1879
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Good idea!
I walk forward to ask her.
“Excuse me, miss, but we came to this town looking for a man named Akor. He does a lot of business around here. Do you know where we can find him, by chance?”

>”Um, is that his shop?”
No. 368164 ID: be1879
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Of course...
How did we not see that before?
>”Oh yeah, now I remember.”
Ugh. At least we found him.

“Thank you, miss.”
>”Oh, it’s the least I can do!”
No. 368212 ID: 1854db

Why did that guy say he was dead then? How pointless.

Let's go on in, then.
No. 368276 ID: be1879
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Well, to be fair, Akor doesn’t necessarily have to be alive for that shop to still have his name on it. That guy was a moron, though. Nobody seems to be concerned with his body lying where it is, so neither will I.

We bid the goblin farewell and head into the shop.
It looks like Akor is dealing with a customer.

>“Sorry, but this gem don’t like it’s worth as much as ya say it does.”
>“What? Listen ‘ere, Akor, this gem’s been in ma best friend’s family for years, but he up and disappeared and left it behind. It’s worth lots, ya know. His great grandfather found this gem at the peak of Greg’s Mountain, and ya know nobody goes up there, these days. A rare find I got 'ere.”
>“I understand that you don’t have much money, but if ya didn’t always try and rip me off when ya come in here, I might be willin’ to pay what ya asked for.”
>“I don’t ever try to rip ya off! Everything I bring in ‘ere is always top o’ the line, but ya never believe me. Why do ya ‘ave it out for me?”
>“Either take what I offered or get out. I have other customers.”
>“Alright, jus’ take the damn thing and give me the money!”

After an exchange, the disgruntled customer stomps his way out of the shop.
Akor speaks to us once he is gone.
>“Hey there, what can I-”
No. 368277 ID: be1879
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>"Hah! I'll be damned! If it aint my old friend Holn!"
No. 368282 ID: cdb8cb


wait never mind this isn't partiularly astonishing at all.

Ask him who makes that stunning potion!
No. 368330 ID: be1879
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>“Hello Akor, it’s been a while.”
>“Indeed, it has! Is that Elden there?”
>“Yes, it is.”
“Hm? How do you know me?”
Akor lets out a friendly chuckle.
>“I saw ya when you were just a baby. It was when I first met yer dad here. Looks like ya did a good job of raisin’ him, Holn.”
>“I did what I could for him. Thank you.”
Hmm, I didn’t know that I had been outside my hometown before. Holn told me I was abandoned on his doorstep as an infant. Although, I guess anything could’ve happened during my infancy.

>“So what brings the two of ya into this mess of a town?”
Ah, yes. Time to get down to business.
>“Holn bought a stunning potion from you a long time ago and now we have questions about it. Do you know who made the potion?”
>“A stunning potion?” I don’t sell those.”
As he says this, he walks over and closes the shop door.
>“Okay, sorry. Incase ya didn’t know, Elden, It’s illegal to sell potions that have anythin’ but restorative properties. The court appoints inspectors to label legal potions and check anythin’ unlabeled. They only show up every once and while, but if somebody heard about my illegal potions, they could rat me out and I’d get locked up. I only do illegal business with those I trust so this won’t happen. Anyway, my long-time potion maker’s here somewhere, I’m sure. I’ll get her for ya.”
“Thank you.”

Akor walks off into a back room.
No. 368333 ID: be1879
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Akor returns shortly.
>“Wait, didn’t ya say that ya had questions for her?”
“I did.”
>“Uh, well… That actually might be kind of a problem. Rolia doesn’t talk anymore.”
“Oh. She is mute?”
>‘Not exactly. At least I don’t think so. Hey, where is she?
Akor calls her name and footsteps can be heard

The woman I can assume is Rolia the potion maker walks into the doorway of the backroom.
She seems to be wearing… some kind of mask?
No. 368349 ID: 1854db

Explain the situation; even if she won't speak surely she can nod or shake her head when we ask her if she can make some sort of cure.
No. 368355 ID: be1879
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I’ll try.
“Rolia, can you hear me?”
She walks over to us, but doesn’t answer.
“Can you hear me?”
She stands there a bit but eventually nods her head slowly.

>“I don’t think yer gonna have any luck. It seems like she just can’t comprehend anythin’ complex anymore. She… It’s kinda hard to explain. She started practicin’ dark magic at some point a long time ago, and it has… kinda taken her over. It corrupted her, ya could say.”

Oh no.
Holn and I both give disturbed looks that seem to throw off Akor.

>“Uh… She won’t hurt ya or anything… She can’t do much anymore. The only thing I can get her to do are menial tasks and things that she knows well, like making potions. Other than that, though…”

I… is this really a bad thing?
Having someone corrupt...

What do I say?
No. 368360 ID: 1854db

I see blood under that mask. What's going on?
No. 368361 ID: 453e62

think the mask needs to come off, be ready for a shock though.
No. 368368 ID: cdb8cb

Don't disturb the poor lady. Ask if you can watch her make the potions. Whatever she's doing, it's connected to the witch, which is connected to your curse, so if you can find out, you might be able to break it!
No. 368369 ID: cdb8cb

Or you might get your soul sucked out by the dark corruption. Good times.
No. 370447 ID: b4adaa
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I see the blood.
“Should we uh… take her mask off? It looks like she’s bleeding.”
>“What? Oh, um… It’s fine. The mask doesn’t need to come off.”
“Yes it does! You need to help her!”
Akor lets out a worried sigh.
“Okay, yer right. Ya might not want to look, though.”
Akor walks over to Rolia to remover her mask.
No. 370448 ID: b4adaa
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Oh my…
I… Is it starring at me?!
No. 370457 ID: cdb8cb

Visene, stat!!

No seriously what did you expect. Now put the mask back on and let the lady do her work. I wonder how she got that way...
No. 370472 ID: 1854db

Oh jeez. Can a healing potion or something fix that?

At the very least first aid should be used to keep the wounds from being infected.
No. 370482 ID: b4adaa
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Why was she staring at me?

Akor retrieves a wet cloth.
“Is she going to be alright? Should we get a healing potion or something?”
>“A potion won’t do anything. She’ll be alright, for now.”
Akor cleans Rolia’s face and puts the mask back on.
“How did she get this way?”
>“It’s all because of the dark magic, every bit of it.”
Holn speaks with a nervous voice.
>“This will happen to Elena.”
>“What did ya say?”
>“I don’t think we’ve told you yet, but we’re here because we are also dealing with a corrupt person.”
>“Really? Elena?
>“I’m so sorry.”

“Listen, I’m kind of in the dark here about this dark magic business. Would somebody explain something, please?”
>“Okay, but I don’t know much. Ya see, Rolia has only been making the noticeable changes recently. It was only until then that she couldn’t keep her practice of dark magic a secret from me. Basically, dark magic like necromancy is illegal for a reason. The stuff is dangerous. Ya let it into yer soul and it starts to devour ya. It takes over the mind, making ya a bitter person, then it takes the body and warps it in unimaginable ways. This magic is very hard to learn, so the process of corruption takes a long time. I imagine it’s taken Rolia several years to get this far. I’m just glad I caught her when I did.”
“I guess that helps a little bit, thanks. So the stun potions she makes, are they supposed to set things on fire?”
>“They can catch clothing on fire.”
No. 370485 ID: 453e62

what about light magic? these things come in pairs, very powerful light magic may be able to help.
No. 370492 ID: 1854db

She may have been staring at you because she can see the curse on you. We could mention that...
No. 370522 ID: cdb8cb


What did you do when you discovered what she was doing?
No. 370555 ID: b4adaa
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>“What? Why didn’t you tell me that before?”
>“What, h-“
>“When I bought this potion, you didn’t tell anything about setting clothes on fire!”
>“ Well I-“
>“This was the only thing he had to go on, and now we’re back where we started!”
>“I’m truly sor-“
He grabs and pulls Akor down to him
>“You son of a bitch, Akor, I can’t believe I thought I could trust you!“
“That’s enough! What’s wrong with you?!”
Holn snaps out of it and lets go. Akor takes a few steps back.
>“I’m sorry. This is all just very frustrating. I apologize, Akor.”
>“Yeah, uh, it’s alright. I understand.”
No. 370560 ID: b4adaa
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“Let’s just get back on track. What about light magic? Couldn’t we use that to our advantage?
>“Hmm, we might be able to, but ya’d be hard pressed to find somebody that skilled in magic that don’t look at corrupted people as abominations that need to die. Also, there’s nobody like that around here. There might be in other towns, but not in Sulmn.”

“By the way, did anybody else notice Rolia staring at me?”
Holn responds
>“I kind of noticed that. I didn’t really think anything of it, though.”
“Perhaps it’s because of my curse.”
Akor looks confused, so we clarify. I think we’ve told him everything, now.
“>If ya got cursed, then it’s possible she can tell. I'm really not sure.”

“What did you do when you discovered what she was doing?”
>“Well, it was only a short while ago, so I haven’t done anything yet except give her that mask. I’ve been planning on leaving town to try and find somebody who’ll help. There are a few places I’ve been looking at, but I haven’t decided on where I’ll go.”
No. 370563 ID: 1854db

I think your dad's been practicing dark magic too. Black robe, strong enough to kill that guy without apparent effort, this irrational reaction...

Not much we can do about it. Ask what places he was thinking of going to.
No. 370605 ID: cdb8cb


Ask if you can help him. Both you and Holn can assuredly devote your total efforts to it. For the next 2 1/2 days at least. Remember if you and Holm die then Elena is surely doomed to such a fate.
No. 372105 ID: b6f754
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I really hope you are wrong about this.

About helping Akor, yeah, I think that’s a really good idea. Holn agrees and Akor seems to be perfectly fine with it. We decide that we are going to travel to one of the areas he’s been looking at to try and find somebody that can help us with our dark magic problems. We also decide that we should leave as soon as we can.

He pulls out a map of the continent. There are three cities Akor is considering.

>“Number 1 on the map is Delnr’s Foot, obviously at the foot of Delnr’s Mountain. I wasn’t looking too far into that place before, but time is of the essence now, and the place is close; we’d reach it in the evening. There are rumors of people living isolated in the mountains, some of them devoting their time to the study of dark magic. Most of them probably go mad living there, but ya can imagine the advantage of finding somebody cooperative that knows a lot. The town itself might be a passage to finding somebody like that in those mountains.
>Number 2 is Fersevel. We’d probably get there sometime after nightfall. The area is known for strong mages that might be able to help us. Like I said before, though, ya’d be hard pressed to find one that’d welcome a corrupt person or anything related to dark magic in general. It could be dangerous if we tell somebody about Rolia’s condition and they aren’t happy about it.
>Number 3 is Netfir. It’s home to a well-known college for mages. Of course, they wouldn’t study dark magic, but ya know at least ONE person has to be studying it in secret. Finding somebody who knows light magic and is interested and learned in dark magic would be invaluable. Though, they don’t just let ya walk right in to the college, so there might be a challenge in that regard. The same dangers for spilling Rolia’s condition apply here, too. Now that I think about it, I guess they apply everywhere. Netfir would probably be the best place to go, but it’s pretty far away. We’d be lucky to reach it before tomorrow morning.”

Hmm… We definitely have a choice to make, here. Akor will be trying to help Rolia while we are at our destination, but we need to think of where we can go where our problems with Elena can be handled, or at least helped, as well. (Remember, if necessary, I can try to find a way to get rid of Elena on my own if nothing seems to be working. I really don’t care anything about her like Holn does.)

So, where to?
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